01/16/1997-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1997 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider ETJ Preliminary/Final Plat of Fallmeadow Phase I, Lots 1-8, being part of the R.euben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, 17.62 acres more or less being located on Union Hill R.oad. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding ETJ Preliminary/Final Plat of Fallmeadow Phase I, Lots 1-8, being part of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, 17.62 acres more or less being located on Union Hill Road. 5 Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjournment. 11~;,'.•,mtlllfflll//////~ ~~ of SA~~~ ~L..J... ••••--••••• Q~ § ~,w·· ....... ,, ~ ~,~ .. • ·-.~ ~ ;:: ...,,., . ~ :: : ~ -a ~ : ~ : a ~: : // : = -. . ... a \ z : ~ ~ ... . ... ~ ~ ... .•.. ~ ~ ·••···•·· ~ ~~~ .,.EX~$ ~~ 'lli111,,1mn1\'-'''''~ 1-13 ,9 7 4·.l(b~ Date and Time Posted MINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission January 2, 1997 PRESENT: Glenn Shaw, Mike James, Mary Bell Sims, Betty Jenkins, Roy Lemmons ABSENT: Peggy Haskins OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Chairperson Shaw Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to Approves Minutes. Seconded by Mike James. Motion Carried unanimously. There was a concern that a set of minutes needed to be approved. Chairperson Shaw indicated they were the minutes prior to the Grant request. City Secretary indicated she would get those to them for the next Planning & Zoning meeting. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to Business-2 (B-2) on property legally described as Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract 112, 26.577 Acres, located on Acker Street. Chairperson Shaw declared Public Hearing opened. Discussion in regard to what the SISD was to build at the side. Chairperson Shaw declared Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to Business-2 (B-2) on property legally described as Abstract 1241A Tierwester, Tract 112, 26.577 Acres, located on Acker Street. Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to Approve the Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to Business 2 (B-2). Seconded by Mike James. Motion Carried unanimously. S. Any Other Such Matters. City Secretary presented members with new Planning and Zoning Maps. P&ZMINUTES January 2, 1997 6. Adjournment. Motion was made by Mary Bell Sims to Adjourn. Seconded by Mike James. Motion Carried unanimously. PAGE2 MINUTES: Planning & Zoning Commisslon November 5, 1996 PRESENT: Glenn Shaw, Charles Fenoglio, Mike James, Peggy Haskins, Mary Bell Sims, Betty Jenkins ABSENT: Roy Lemons OTHERS PRESENT: City ~dministrator Larry Keesler, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Chairperson Shaw Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Charles Fenoglio to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Betty Jenkins. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from 1-1 (Industrial 1) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 4, Lots 1 thru 4, located in the 100 block of Cherry Street. Chairperson Shaw Declared Public Hearing Opened. No one spoke for or against. City Secretary did advise the Board that tbis request was to build a house on these 3 existing lots. The dimensions of the property is 75' x 110' which is adequate to build tbis 1,100 sq. ft. home with a single car garage. Chairperson Shaw Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from 1-1 (Industrial 1) to SF-4A (Single Family 4A) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 4, Lots 1 thru 4, located in the 100 block of Cherry Street. Motion was made by Betty Jenkins to approve the zoning request change from 1-1 to SF-4A on Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 4 of Original Town. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. PZMINUTES NOVEMBER S, 1996 None 6. Adjourn. PAGE2 Motion was made by Mike James to Adjourn. Seconded by Peggy Baskins. Motion Carried unanimously. • .. If i II.I /1£. 1.a. RIGGS '""""•ntol I II I, ,. 11 I " Pl . . t1~ ' :, II I I• J--,, cl lj -•l n· i' ff l I II ' I ,I -r, ,. p! . :1 ii ,h .fl :, = .. WAt(R: Prwole eo1et ... OA NP IOI• SMITAA'Y KWP: Priwote focilil5ee to N __ ., .... -... ~-.,. ........... _ (l(CIIIICIIV: -~ -~-..... 3501 , .... 2111. -• fa., 7120I (117) 430-IIH f(l(-: Conlet ,_, f>.O . ... 171, Ooc-. r. .. 71234 --~ ......... _ -.t;t.,:,. 100 0 100 200 I I I I I SCAU:: 1· -200' -I.AU.DI (-..nlD) (817) 127-lOM =-~----------LU ____ / _f.M. __ HWY No. ~-✓ --,,,~-----·--1IC __ DAY t1f -------I" • ----·-- -· -. •-..... ..,. ,,, nest ,._, ..... _ .. _____ ,.........,...1 .. ........... ,,.....,.,~ .................... . 0-..CM,lllr.t .......................... ~ .... ,.,..__ .. "'"' ,....._.,_., ............. -~ ---- PRELIMINARY /FINAL PLAT FALLMEADOW PHASE I RUEBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABST. No 29 DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS Owner & Developer B.R. HIGGS RT 2 BOX 2520 SANGER. TEXAS 76266 (817) 458-7639 Prepared tty· J.E. SMITH, LANO SURVEYOR 1050 HWY 377 SO. AUBREY. TEXAS 7622".' JN«J/,R't 10, 1ff7 PLANNING & ZONING Thursday -7:00 P.M. JANUARY 2, 1996 If you are unable to attend, please call Cheryl at 458-7930 so that a quorum can be present