04/30/1998-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1998 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. 7 Any Other Such Matters. 8. Adjournment. Date and Time Posted MINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commmion April 2, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Richard Derryberry, Mary Belle Sims, Rick Carter ABSENT: Peggy Haskins, Roy Lemons OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez 1. Call Meeting to Order. Chairperson Fenoglio Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Rick Carter to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Mary Belle Sims. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of Property legally described as Lot lR, Blk 4, J.R. Sullivan West being a Replat of Block 4. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Opened. No one was present to speak for or against. City Secretary advised that Gene and Betty Hughes were previously approved for zoning change from SF-4 to SF-4A, and were also approved on a variance for the lot size. They met required setbacks; however, ordinance required a 60 x 100 foot lot. City Secretary indicated this is the final stage for Mr. Hughes to begin construction. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Replat on property legally described as Lot lR, Blk 4, J.R. Sullivan West being a Replat of Block 4. Motion was made by Richard Derryberry to Approve Replat on property legally described as Lot lR, Blk 4, J.R. Sullivan West being a Replat of Block 4. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Any Other Such Matters. None. P&ZMINUTES 04/02/98 4. Adjournment. PAGE2 Motion was made by Mary Belle Sims to Adjourn. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried unanimously. J-s Clay 1917 Lake Bi.11 Lane Plano, 'lexas 75023 (972) 964-1998 City of Sanger ATftf: Sherryl PO BOX 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Sherryl, Please find enclosed check in the amount of $150.00 for the puq,ose of consideration by the appropriate governing bodies for a request for the following actions: 01) Move the existing sign structure which is located on the property of John Porter @ the old W W l'allily Restaurant site. we have been contacted by John Porter who requested that we aove the sign structure because there is a National fast-food restaurant wanting to build on the site. The purchaser will not purchase the property if the off-preaise sign structure remains since he feels that it will interfere with his on-premise signage. we are requesting to aove the sign structure North to adjacent property owned by John Porter. The new, proposed location will codoza with spacing requirements of the State of Texas. 02) Request approval to build a new sign structure on property owned by Barry Villanueva. The location is on IB-35 imnwtiately South of Sanger Bank, and on the West aide of the highway. The sise of the proposed new structure would be 10' x 40'. The proposed new sign structure will be of the same type and quality of existing ones that we operate in Sanger. Below is a sketch of the proposed new structure. ,..-· , , .. a Clay (972)964-1"8 (972)599-2191 fu FAX TO: CITY or SANGD AftN: CBUClt l'RON: JAMBS CLAY StJBJBCT: (1) Raqa.est to move existing sign structure located on property of John Porter to the Horth a few hundred feet. The reason for this request is that there is a potential sale of this property to a National l'aat rood Bestaurant who does not want the existing sign structure there. Therefore, I would like to request inclusion at the next P & z meeting to present this request. (2) Jtequeat to construct a new billboard structure on property owned by Barry Villenueva on IB-35 approximately 1300 feet South of the intersection of IB-35 & Ill 422 on the West sic:le of IB-35. Thank you for your consic:leration of my request. If I need to send a check for this purpose let me know and I will comply. April 23, 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Pennit ============================================= RC:ck The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar, to consider a specific use permit to move the location of an existing sign structure at properly legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 Stemmons. This request is being made on behalf of Jack In The Box, who is locating to Sanger. There is currently a sign structure in front of Miguelito's restaurant, which is the site of the new Jack In The Box. They are requesting this sign be moved north approximately 300' so it will not interfere with their own signage. Attached is a fonn for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, April 30. I am also enclosing a self-stamped envelope for your reply fonn. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. zos BOLIV All STREET P.O.BOXS78 SANGER, TEXAS 762M 940•4S8·7ft0 940•4S8•4S80 FAX 5 ~.D Ac / 3 '14.4 I I~ S4.3a I ' CE NT k f • L ® .. "· N ~ IZ3"2.Pt' ~- ' ' .~ ,ii I I 8 "., w .... , 1-------_;.._ ____ ,.,, PART)~ ( I I P&Z 04/30/98 cc 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Signature Date Print Your Name Please LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS STEARMAN, W.C. JR. 4524 SOUTHERN A VE. DALLAS, TX 75205 ABST 1241, TR 47 HARTIN, HAZEL TR RR 1, BOX 1290 . KRUM, TX 76249 ABST 1241, TR 49 GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK P.O. BOX D GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 ABST 1241, TR 53 BURRUS SUPERMARKET 1200 MAIN PLACE SUITE 1600 GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 (JOHN PORTER -BOX 876) MARTIN, STEPHEN & GARY 2700 JAMES ST. DENTON, TX 76205 ABST 1241, TR 48 SWITZER, CHET TR BILLIE EARL SWITZER TR RT 6, BOX 379 GAINESVILLE, TX 76240 ABST 1241, TR 50 & 51 HARVE, BEN P.O. BOX 518 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 54 LYNCH FOOD MART P.O. BOX 357 SANGER, TX 76266 Someplace Special """'*--••lll!'!IJJl"•u• ; •• April 23, 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit ============================================= RC:ck The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar, to consider a specific use permit to construct a new biJJboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. The property owner is wanting to sell his lot which is zoned Business, and has given his permission to have a billboard constructed on the front of his lot. This request is being made on behalf of Jack in the Box, who is going to build a fast-food restaurant at the location of the Miguelitos restaurant. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, April 30. I am also enclosing a self-stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. zos BOLIVAR STREET P.O.BOXS78 SANGEII, TEXAS 76266 940•458-7930 940•4S8-4S80 FAX P&Z 04/30/98 cc 05/04/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property legally described as: Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: Signature Date Print Your Name Please V)I ., /)'.1 ' .. I "-, " ~ ...... tu :: t'f\. r.. ~ \c\ \) : ~ ~ '1 • ZIS' V' 't-t;.'f) ,< ~ 'f- f,~~ ~\\ q. t;f~ F /ltpo I I \ ~ ' / 2,~04Ac Ci;\ -~ sjr,1 I 4-9 ~-~' ~Z.l!o ® !~~~ -=~:::--. «! "' -3 lo I 15 ).o./<ol~; ,,~.2-1 _,/ Ac; .• @) .... ~ ... .... , " ~ ~ . I I B 8.34 1 • ®t . S~8vl Z.30 ~, l~ o-1A'"1Ac. i .:.111, ,( @ ~~(q_~· i v,(~ <{J I ~/,. '?- , I ___ __J £L1Yi Si, 24 OfP) '!bl ~ ii ~ ,, ~ ~: BOL\VAR. -~-=--'_, • ,z_ s 'Z,:, 4 I If) fY) z~o• @ I .... ... 102. ' L• ~ 0\ " Q\ ': "' 't,· ~ '1 t't\ ~ Nl :-'I ? 141 Ac .. ,. . '( .. ". 1 /@l@r~ ,1s.9•_Li~ I~ @ PE.GA,... 100• I 100• '? ~0 ~ {) (J. ,o ' ,r-r,--, ~ ~v r~:~ ,, 4 .. 1--------~ ®®@~ BDLIVIJR 156 s-r. --,.,~-=--. ·--· '·;<·~'? 9@) ~ (> '<' \ ~--~v ~<J ;. ~ OJ!i_l ' Q~~· ~ 818 ,oo' ,;.A• 1100' t~!@ l IQ ' I\J '---' I . 11 ! = '2.~ LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS BITTLE, CHARLES & BETTY 105 ACKER SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 104 JOST, DONALD & JUDY 405 N. STEMMONS SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 107 SPRINGER FAMILY RENTALS P.O. BOX 36 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 110 SANGER, CITY OF P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 115 & 116 JOHN PORTER AUTO SALES P.O. BOX 876 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 118 CARTER, JOHN W. 3403 W. ROCHELLE RD #1011 / 1104 PECAN IRVING, TX 75062 ABST 1241, TR 138 KM PROP PIS 119 RIDGECREST/ 1212 ELM ST DENTON, TX 76205 ABST 1241, TR 141 KELLER, WILLIAM & STEVEN 301 N. STEMMONS SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 105 BEA TTY, KEVIN & DENISE 1106 PECAN SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 109 SANGER I.S.D. P.O. BOX 188 SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 112 RICHARDSON, BURLE P.O. BOX 397 / 305 ACKET ST. SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 117 RICHESON, RESTAURANTS P.O. BOX 1299 GRAHAM, TX 76450 ABST 1241, TR 132 WESTERN OUTDOOR ADVER. P.O. BOX 65236 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78265 ABST 1241, TR 139 & 140 KIRBY ROASTED CHICKEN P.O. BOX 12 / 1301 BOLIVAR SANGER, TX 76266 ABST 1241, TR 143 LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, April 30, 1998, 7:00 p.m. at 201 Bolivar, to consider granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, April 30, 1998, 7:00 p.m. at 201, to consider granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, May 4, 1998, 7:00 p.m. at 201 Bolivar, to consider granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, May 4, 1998, 7:00 p.m. at 201 Bolivar, to consider granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary =================================================================== COURIER: Please run 1 time on 04/16/98