07/30/1998-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JULY 30,1998 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2 . Approve Minutes . 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Replat of a Portion of Tract 52 and Tract 56, Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, now known as Kwik Kar Addition. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Replat of a Portion of Tract 52 and Tract 56, Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, now known as Kwik Kar Addition. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat, Phase 1, Sable Development. 6. Any Other Such Matters. 7. Adjourn. •\\\1-'''1'•1•,JIIJ///: ~\\\ C: s " ,~~ ~ Qr ,,A, ~ ~ 4 ·········'VG ~ ~~1i'···· ···•.~.,<'\~ §r1. • • -y ~ ij V •• •• ~ :i : •• -a = : : 5 = : : = ~ \ : s ~ .. ... ~ ~ ..• .. ~ ~ •• ••• § ~ ••··•····•• ~ , rex~S~# 'l11,11111111 m,\\\\\\\~ 1 ✓)4-0,~ Date and Time Posted MINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission July 16, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Mary Belle Sims, Roy Lemons, Joe Falls, Ricky Carter MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Derryberry OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Charles Holland, and Dennis Wozniak -Jack In The Box 1. Chairperson Fenoglio Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. -June 11, 1998 Motion was made by Rick Carter to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Mary Belle Sims. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Replat of Part of Tract 52 an Part of Tract 56, Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, also known as Foodmaker Addition. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Opened. Dennis Wozniak addressed Council in regards to the Replat process. Mr. Wozniak addressed the issues as they appear. In regards to Mark Hill's letter of concern indicating certain issues. 1) All fees should be paid in accordance with the various city ordinances and/or policies. Mr. Wozniak indicated that all fees in recording of the plat is all they have to do. Mr. Wozniak indicated if any fees are due, with exception of the Building Permit, that already has been paid, they will be more than happy to pay them. 2) Comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. Mark Hill, City Consulting Engineer, indicated that this refers to comments in regard to the Plat itself. 3) The property is located on the north of F .M. 455 on the west service road of I.H. 35. 4) All replats require a Public Hearing. PZMINUTES JULY 16, 1998 PAGE2 S) The replat must be filed with the Denton County Clerk. A copy of the filed replat should be sent to the City of Sanger. They indicated they will be glad to file the replat and hand carry it back to the city to insure legality. 6) The 30' access & utility ea.~ement shown should be made a part of this replat or provided as a separate document prior to acceptance of this replat. They are not purchasing the 30' access & utility easement. Mr. Wozniak indicated when they purchased the property it was to improve the wrap road, and it was the intent of the seller to use that road as a wrap road around the back for further development. Mark Hill indicated this was in the platting process, and part of the platting process is to determine access, utilities, and drainage. In this case there is a 30' utility easement in the plat -Foodmaker Addition, and the easement has not been filed at the county. The problem is that easement could disappear tomorrow if not filed. The easement will be utilized for the sanitary sewer and the easement needs to be filed. It can be incorporated in the plat or filed as a separate document in Denton County and is dedicated to the City of Sanger and must be done before the plat is approved. Mr. Wozniak responded by indicating that the easement was filed as part of the sale of the property, and they can provide that information to the city. Mr. Hill indicated that the filing data should be on the plat, volume, page, and when it was filed. Mr. Wozniak agreed to comply with that infonnation as requested. 7) Water, Sewer and Drainage plans for the property should be submitted for review and approval by the City. Water, Sewer, and Drainage plans were submitted to Chuck Tucker, However they have not been submitted to the engineer. Mr. Wozniak agreed to overnight all the information to Mr. Hill for his review and comments. 8) "City Engineer" should be changed to read "Consulting Engineer". 9) The signature statement for the City Secretary should be revised to read" ••• hereby certifies the forgoing replat of the "FOODMAKER ADDITION" ••• " Mr. Wozniak did agree that the signature statement for the City Secretary should be PZ MINUTES JULY 16, 1998 PAGE3 revised to read" ••• hereby certifies the forgoing replat of the "FOOD MAKER ADDITION" ••• " Mr. Lemons asked the City Secretary a question in regard to the sewer line on Chapman Drive. His concern was the sewer, as result of the car wash, used to back up into buildings. He asked, "Can this line handle the additional grease from Jack in the Box?" Mr. Wozniak indicated they will use a 1,000 gallon grease interceptor (grease trap) which they will have serviced on a quarterly basis as part of the Food & Safety Program they comply with the State of Texas. They also put inspection holes on the downstream side so at anytime, if the city thinks there is evidence of grease being released they can come and do an inspection. Roy Lemons indicated that he was not worried about Jack in the Box complying, he concern was whether the line could handle it. Mr. Hill addressed the question and indicated that last week, Eddie Branum and Mike Peoples, Engineer -Sanitary System, Jack in the Box Engineer, and himself had figured a way to get the sewer to run. The capacity of line should be sufficient. Mark Hill discussed the size and capacity of line tying into a 6" line that eventually ties into an 18" line. Roy Lemons inquired as to the expected date to be open for business. Mr. Wozniak indicated that they hoped to be opened Sunday, September 28. Chairperson Fenogtio Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Regarding Replat of Part of Tract 52 and Part of Tract 56, Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, now known as Foodmaker Addition. Mark Hill did confirm that the construction plans did not include the changes in the sewer plans. Mark Hill indicated that he would need it prior to Monday for his recommendations. Discussion again about the 30' easement and the sewer line capacity. Mr. Wozniak indicated that since they visited with the Water Superintendent the plans PZMINUTES JULY 16, 1998 PAGE4 for the water and sewer that had been submitted to the city had been revised and he assured the Board that those plans would be sent to Mr. Hill for review, and brought to the City Council Meeting to comply with the request. Joe Falls made the motion to approve the replat contingent upon the satisfactory answers of Hunter & Associate's submitted to City Council for their approval, subject to compliance with the contingency that were cast at this meeting. Rick Carter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. S. Any Other Such Matters. City Secretary reminded them that K wik Lube Plat & Miguelito's Plat on Phase I, Sable Development is scheduled for July 30th, and asked the Board Members to please attend. Brief Discussion on sewer system. Discussed on who polices the restaurants in regards to sewer. City Secretary indicated that Mike Cockrell used to make site inspections regularly to Miguelito's and believes he still does inspect the restaurants as needed. Sewer map was reviewed, and the size of line in K wik Lube. 6. Adjourn. Motion made by Roy Lemons to adjourn, seconded by Rick Carter. Motion carried unanimously. July IS, 1998 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger POBoxS78 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Kwik Kar Addition HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 0.331 Acres, Lot 1, Block A Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: We have received a copy of a Replat pepated by Peiser Surveying Co., Inc. of the abovo meaencod development dated July 6, 1998. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees should be paid in accordance with the various City ontinances and/or policies. 2. Comments may be received from Public Worb, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department 3. The property is located on the north side ofF.M. 4SS west oflH. JS. 4. All replats require a Public Hearing. S. The replat must be filed with the Denton County Clerk. A copy of the filed rep1at should be sent to the City of Sanger. 6. Building lines and easeme11as .tbould be shown. 7. Set iron rods should be noted on the drawing as well as the metes and bounds description. 8. Water, Sewer and Drainaae plans for the property should be submitted for review and approval by the City. This concludes our review of the data submitted on the above referenced project Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel he to con1act us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ~~://),,(! Mark D. Hill, P.E. Vtee President cc: John W. Porter, Owner Hush E. Peiser, Surveyor July 21.1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Replat =========================================== RC:ck The following Boards and Commissions will hold public hearings to consider a Replat of a portion of Tract 52 and Tract 56 out of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241. This property is located off FM 455 between Horizon and GNB. The request is being made on behalf of K wik Industries, who would like to open at this location. This will now be known as Lot l, Block A, K wik Kar Addition. BOARD AND COMMISSION Planning and Zoning City Council DATE July 30, 1998 August 3. 1998 TIME/PLACE 7:00 p.m. 201 Bolivar 7:00 p.m. 201 Bolivar Attached is a replat form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend these public hearings. I am also enclosing a self-stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. '~-~ I; I• I 11-·,. IACINITY MAP N. T.S. JOHN PORTF:11 AUTO $AUS. INC 07/0.J/69 IOL. 13.JO. PC. 277 26. 385 ACRES TRACT 56 Ji--·-· .. _, .. -- Scale 1• = 20' "I ,JOHN PORTER AUTO SALES. INC, 07/0.J/69 IQ. 588, PC. .J.J7 THIRD TRACT • 2 ACRES I I I I I /: T 1, BLOCK A 4,400 so. n. O..J.JI ACRES . 588. PC. .J.J7 TRACT • 2 ACRES I ____ FM. 4H ·--~---,,_,r ... -i (10.00 _, _,,-or-•1') TRACT 52 JOHN PORTER AUTO SALES. INC 07/0.1/69 IQ. 588. PC. .J.J7 THIRD TRACT • 2 ACRES I.IASC AGR«AICNT 8£Tft£CN JOHN PORTER AUTO SALES, INC. ~ BURTON OIL ca INC. !! • ,. .,,. .I:,\ 1ll #/ IY _I fl =?~-.:' ..... 'lffl"P'1af Alllft 6'{£A1W» ... I ,_ .. --........ X tJIUt1r.,.,,,., It £r•%,--=-·~~~T"--~ ""1.-t::,::::.-r _, .... :::~~-=~J..:':':.:t--r--'-:==:.,. ........ ,_,,.,.,_...,..,.., .... 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') iCRl1,,._ ~re ; ..CN fir l'H(S( Pfl(S(NFS· -• " -n. RCGISICll(CI -CS-l,IN() S1111\'fl°"-00 HC/llflr ·••f I P#ff.PAR(O IHS Pvll F-Ah ACTIML ANO ACCURAT£ SUIIKJ' OF THC • t11&f IHC IRON PIHS -fHERCON W£RC l'VICEO IJHO(R fir PfRSONAL .,_ •N Ac."CORIMNC£ _,TH TH( -"ES OF $AHCER. TCIIA$. ·-·---------------------·,.....CIT. RPL $ /14•9 ,> tlf.AIN SHOIIN H£RCON 1$ & -IICPRCSCNTATION OF l'HE Fl R. -. '"' -Rn ,s -ro er .,,,_ lflN£ • • •• ARCAS D£rr-o ro : IL'I) •lAH IIN(J S00 >CAR FLC>OO l't,tlH &$ -Ill F.I.R.11. - • """'' M.<fll/CR .. ,:1coo10 C. (IATCD-. 1. 1991. ,.,iCtFORAPPROvAI. · .,..i A<:CCPICO If $ SAN(;(II o-rr ----- , NNCO. ,..,: CIT't SCCRCfAil> or (Hf c,r, or SAMitR. TlllAS. Hlllt8Y .... , (H( 10/ll..O,WC ,_ ,.._., 0, i.01 I. SlOL A I. SA8L£ eus,rcss - STAil OF llllAS xx C0UNrY OF O(NfOH XX MCA(AS ,. D0NOLO (. s-a£. ,,.. 1IC -or A 2.000 ACR£ TIIACI or ~ l'IIIIG #ID IIDNG SIIUAlD) IN 11C ll£Ul£N Kl(( SUIMY. AIISIRACT ..,... 29, D(NJON COUNIY, ltllAS. ANO IIDNG PARI or A CAU.£0 JUN ACR£ IRACT ODCllaO IN A DUD TO POSl'IIIII AC-IOOI. CO.. INC .• IIECOIIO£O IN 110WUE 112J. PM;£ 4t0, 0((0 IIECOROS, O(NION COUNIY, ltllA$, #ID Al.SO IIDNG A PARI OF A TIIACT ot5CIIIIIO) IN A DUD TO OOIWO t. SA8ll. IIECOR0£1> UNO£R COUNIY Cl£III($ FU ..,... M- II0004tN, ~ PIIOfl£lnY IIECOIIOS. O£NION COUNIY, IEXAS, ANO atlNG -PAIIIICUINILY DtSC11aO AS FOU.OWS: IE-AT Alt -PIN F0UNO AT 11C -IMW[ST CQlltCR or s-a0 CAU.£0 JI __ ACRE 'IIIM:T, s-a0 PIN IIDNG ON IHt: EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY UNt or .. -35 (A v~ WIOIIII --OF-WAY); TICNCt SOI/Ill • O(GR££$ 22 -,JU 28 stCONOS EAST, -11C - UN( or s-a0 JI.Ml ACR£ IRACT -s-a0 RIGtff-oF-WAY A DISTNICE OF 30.29 FUT 10 A ll INCH -PIN stT -A 'r(W)W PIASllC CN> STAWm H. N 1149; TICNCt, CON1IIUIIC WIIH s-a0 RIGHT-OF-WAY, AIIOUNO A NONT-Qlll\ll TO 1Nf: RIGHT -A COfflW. ANCU or 17 0£GRaS 06 -,JU 2t stCONDS, A IIMIIUS OF 22UO rm. -MC l£NG1H OF 22U$ rm. #tO A CIIOIIO WHICII IIEMS -lJ O£GIIEES 06 IIIIUlt$ J2 SECONDS EAST, A IIISTNCt OF 21U2 FUT 10 A 16 INCH -PIN stT WIIH A Y£lLOW PIASTIC CN> STAW£0 H a N 1149: TICNCt, CON1IIUIIC WIIH s-a0 RIGHT-OF-WAY, AIIOUIIO A Qlll\ll TO llC WT -A CUfflW. ANCU OF It Dt0RUS 07 IIIIUlt$ JO S(CONOS, A IIM>ll/5 OF M-90 FUT, -MC WICIH OF I 1$, .. FttT, -A CHORO WHICII IIEMS NCMnH 12 0£GIIU$ Ge IIIIUltS oe S(CONIIS £AST. A DISTNIC( OF 115.11 FUT 10 A 16 INCH 111011 PIN stT W11H A YO.I.OW PIASllC CN> STAW£0 H .. N 1149; TICNCt SOU1M 01 0£GIIU 41 IIIIUlt$ •& S(CONOS WUT, A OIS1NIC£ or 417.IO FUT 10 A 16 INCH 1110N PIN stT WITH A 'l£UOW PIASllC CN> STAW£I) H a N 114t; TICNCt NCMnH U OEGIUS 22 -,iu 29 $(COHO$ WUT, • OISTANC£ or 2J2.0I FttT 10 A ll INCH 1110N PIN S(T WIik & 'l£UOW PIASllC CN' STAW£0 H a N 1149, s-a0 PIN IIDNG ON 1Ht: WUT UN[ OF s-a0 CAU.£0 ll.UI ACRE 'IIIM:T, -PIN Al.SO atlNG ON llC EAST RIGHl-oF-WAY UN( OF .. -35; TICNCt NCMnH 01 0£GR££ •I -«MS 4& $(COHO$ EAST, •IH -WOT UIC --RIGHT-oF-WAY, A DISIAHCE OF 230.00 FttT 10 IHt: -or IE--CONT-IN AU. 2.000 ACllt or~- OWNCR·s CCRTlflCATE NOW THCRCFORC KNOW THESE NCH 8> THCSC PRCSCNf$ JHAT. ,. -0 C SABlC 00 HCIIC8Y AOOPT THIS P&.&1 on,.; ... ,IN(, 1'HC N(R(IN 0£SC1118£0 PIIOPCRTY A$ LOT I. SllXk I. ,}F SA8t£ 8UtSNfSS 1-'1<• ,., .... , TD l'HE c,r, OF $ANCCR, OCNTON CDUNl"r. TEXAS, ANO 00 HCRC8, OCDICATC ro '"' PuBv,: CJSC FORCV(R, l'HE S111(£1 RIGHT-OF-WAYS ANO £ASCM£NTS A$ -Ht/ICON $TATE OF TCXAS XX COI.WT't OF OCNTON .u 8£FORC MC. THC UNDfl/SICNCD NOFAIIY -,C IN ANO FOR SAIO CCl(JNTl Ml(I ~TAlt ,,, FHIS °"' PfltSONAI.LY A/'P£AR£0 -0 SA8U • A_,, ro ut· IC• 11C 1Hl P(RSON WHOSC NAIii£ 1$ SUSSC/118£0 ro THC FORCOOING INSFRwtNT. MIi.' AClll<OlllCDGCD ro U( THAT 1'HCY cxccurco l'HE SAM£ FOR THC PURPOSE ANO CONSIOCRATIONS THCRCIN £XPR£$$£0 ANO IN THC CAPACITl THCRCIN S1Al[0. GIVCN UNDCR flY HAND ANO $CAI. OF orncc THIS -----°"' or ---------------· '""-- (SCAI.I -NOTARY Pu81.IC. -STAI£ OF l[XAS - PRINTCO -I)( M)fAR> ----·- '" 0:-SIOH (XPIRCS ·•••-•· .•.• .,, 000,TION '" '"' .:,n or $ANCCR. TCXAS. ..s sueu,rrro ro n,c CITY COUNC-. FINAL PLAT ,;.,, oJr ____________ l'JN. ANO FHC COIJNQ.. r-. ACTION, l'HEN ANO .·,•prco l'HE O(OICA-OF STRUTS, AUM, ->. CASOl(HTS, -,c l'LtCCS . ,· ...0 SCWfR UHCS -ANO stT FORrN IN ANO uPtJN $AIO """T. ANO $NO · · "''H£R ...,,_no FOR .... OR 10 NOTl l'HE ACC£PTAIIC( l'HElltOF fir $ICNING _.,..,. •S H(RC-SUBSClll8f0 \II lf4/WO ffffS •••-•---°"·· (tF --•-•----•-•-•--A/)• ftN. .. ,,.,,, . ""-'R. rcus ?TT tk NAS]l INC. ;fN£ERS le SURVEYO,o 11CKORY, 0£NTON, r£XAS 76201 ,.,. t.o-sei-04J6 ~ --• •,..__. OF LOT 1. BLOCK 1, OJ•' SABLE BU/SNJ,;SS PARK PHA.'-I·.' CITY OP SANGER. VEN'l'ON COUNTY. TF.XAS. SHEC1 or I I 1 M _, :JOfi:!I, :~ " " .. , ., :r. .. -1: ·' .. -~ ,. :~~ ~:: ... ' ! I I I I I I ,~ > ;:- ~ .... 0 I cf_ /j t--,~ l: 0 ~ l: t-- 0 i w ..J ID ~ 0:: ~ lt) C") ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V) ~ e-...; ~ w z w~ I ;;/_ ti) u .• - :t ... 0 z REFERENCE LINE: BEARINGS ON PLAT ARE BASED ON THE WEST RIGHT or WAY LINE or THE ATCHISON-TOPEKA ANO SANTA rE RAILROAD S 03°04'32" E. A =19.07'30" R •346.60 L •115.69 CH •N 5T08'00" E 115. 16 A =5706'26" R •226.60 L •225.85 CH =N 33°08'32" E 216.62 DONALD E. SABLE CC# 96-R0004996RPR (CAI.U:O S 19'~3'39* El LOT 1 BLOCK 1 2.00 ACRES POSITIVE ACTION TOOL CO .• INC . VOL. I 123 PG. 460 OR. • en .. ~ ... :t ... 0 (I) ~---:":'~~------J/ N 88"22'29" W 232.08 _./ . CO·· 11-lC· SEI 1n• ~ 1C)()\.&601)11. lll<)N PIN ,o!.11Nt 11 ll l'G-.p. . Q; a. w Cl. ..J re ID OI <C OI Ill st 0 ·o Wo oo:: ..J I <( IO Z OI o,.. OU u / ~._;qt IIHOW. , ..... ((/:~' c..a~,1·•. sv~r•· r,-,c r rROt,1 • 9f ... co-•· JH( ,.,,,. C[RIII"" PHASt ON-· Tl4CR£ ANO,._. COVM.• MS/,-,/' c,,,1, c,rr "' 1----1------------------1t----1"'WN. MAL HAMMl ()Arf Rfl/lSIONS c_, CKD. BY: DAT( Oi/0.9/.98 hdr EN< .LJV 22J w q•l' • 381 O'.if'