06/11/1998-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1998 7:00 P.M. CITY STAFF ROOM 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 42, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Specific Use Permit for Sign Construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 42, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to 1-1 on property legally described as Abstract 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 0.300, and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 28, Acres 4.573. Property is located on Cowling Road. 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve a Zoning Request Change from Agricultural to 1-1 on property legally described as Abstract 71A, Burleson Tract 1, Acres 0.300, and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 28, Acres 4.573. Property is located on Cowling Road. 7. Any Other Such Matters. 8. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Secreta li-4-98 LbO ~ Date and Time Posted MINUTES: Planning and Zoning Commission April 30, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Mary Belle Sims, Richard Derryberry, Rick Carter, Roy Lemons ABSENT: Joe Falls OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, James Clay, Judy & Don Jost, Mike Scott, Jan Morris, Clayton Harden 1. Chairperson Fenoglio Called the Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion was made by Mary Belle Sims to Approve Minutes. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract S6, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Opened. James Clay from Impact Outdoor Advertising addressed the Board on the billboard located at Miguelitos Mexican Restaurant which is property owned by John Porter. Mr. Porter has been approached by a major fast food business which wants to buy that particular property and locate there contingent upon that billboard being moved. They would like to accommodate Mr. Porter and the City of Sanger by moving the billboard at their expense to the new location. The new location will be 1,650' south of the billboard located at Hilz Snider McNatt. Mr. Clay indicated they will also need to obtain a City and State Permit also and it will be in compliance with State and City Ordinance Codes. The billboard will be moved 7S0' north, which is undeveloped land. There was discussion about how far north they would move the billboard. In the letter which was sent to the property owners by the City Secretary it indicated 3S0' Jan Morris with her father Clayton Hardin expressed their concern on how far it would be moved. P&Z MINUTES 04/30/98 Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Closed. PAGE2 4. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Specific Use Permit to move location of an existing sign structure at property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 56, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. Motion was made by Richard Derryberry to Approve Specific Use Permit. Roy Lemons indicated he was personally against approving this request. Mr. Lemons indicated they have an opportunity to get rid of an "eye sore", and any billboard on the Interstate is an "eye sore", and he indicated the request should be turned down. Mr. Clay indicated if the request was denied then they would leave the sign where it is. Mr. Lemons also indicated he is personally against anything Mr. Porter owns in this town He has the biggest "eye sore" in Sanger, Texas. The property across from GNB is a disgrace. He has old trucks, equipment, and he thinks that they should not approve anything Mr. Porter requests until he cleans his "mess" up. Lengthy discussion followed in regards to the property that needs to be cleaned up. Jan Morris -representing her father Clayton Hardin, again expressed their concern on how many feet it would be moved. The letter sent by the City Secretary indicated 350', and they are requesting 750'. How will they be assured that they will not change it again. The City Secretary clarified that the 350' came directly in conversation with Mr. Clay from East Texas Sign Co. and the City Secretary's secretary. Discussion continued and Mr. Clay indicated that possibly it was 350'. Mr. Clay stated they will be the party to lose if they have to move the sign, and their intention is to accommodate the property owner. Mr. Lemons continued to express his opposition in regards to this issue and indicated there was possibly a "hidden agenda". Discussion followed between Mr. Clay and Mr. Lemons. Richard Derryberry indicted that billboards are more beneficial than being an "eye sore". Rick Carter also expressed that Roy Lemons brought out good points on billboards. P&ZMINUTES 04/30/98 requests were tied together. Roy Lemons expressed his concern in regards to billboard signs in Sanger. Lengthy discussion followed. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Closed. PAGE4 6. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Specific Use Pennit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. Motion was made by Ricky Carter to Disapprove Request for Specific Use Pennit. Seconded by Mary Belle Sims. Motion Carried unanimously. 7 Any Other Such Matters. None. 8. Adjournment. P&Z MINUTES 04/30/98 PAGE3 Mary Belle Sims expressed that the possibility of this new business moving here in pending on the billboard being moved. Chairperson Fenoglio again asked for the second to the motion. Mary Belle Sims Seconded the Motion. Voting For: Richard Derryberry Mary Belle Sims Voting Against: Charles Fenoglio Roy Lemons Rick Carter Motion failed 3-2. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Granting a Specific Use Permit to construct a new billboard structure on property legally described as Abstract 1241 Tierwester, Tract 108, also known as 1104 Pecan. Chairperson Fenoglio Declared Public Hearing Opened. Mr. Clay addressed this item. This location is earmarked for permanent location and will be located between the Jost property and Mr. Veanueva's. Mr. V eanueva is willing to lease part of his property for the location of the billboard. The billboard will be used by the school district for the first 12 months. Mr. Rosenburg stated they are trying to enhance the image of the school district and increase revenues. The SISD will use the billboard for 12 months, possibly 24 months. Their possible return of investment might be within 5 or 6 years. The location was discussed by the board as being crowded. Rick Carter indicated it would be in a "cluttered" location. Judy Jost addressed the board and advised that they live next to the property where they want to put the proposed billboard. This billboard sign would be in their bedroom window, and both she and Don opposed the location due to this fact. Mike Scott, representing the Dairy Queen also opposed the billboard sign. Mr. Scott's concern was the location of the area is too close to businesses in the area. He indicated any billboard sign needs to be outside of the City limits. He indicated he felt the two June 1, 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit -Jack in the Box ============================================= RC:ck The following Boards and Commission will hold public hearings to consider a Specific Use Permit request made by Jack in the Box for the construction of their on-site signs. The property is legally described as Abstract 1241, Track 52, also known as 903 N. Stemrnons. BOARD AND COMMISSION Planning and Zoning City Council DATE I TIME Thursday. June 11 Monday. June 15 PLACE 201 Bolivar 201 Bolivar Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, June 11, and/or Monday, June 15. I am also enclosing a self-stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. sos BOLIVAR STRUT P.o.aoxn• SANGER, TEXAS 76S66 940•4S8•79SO 940•4S8-4S80 IP.AX P&Z 06/11/98 cc 06/15/98 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Property is located at 903 N. Stemmons, and is legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 52. If you disapprove this Specific Use Permit request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name I approve of the Specific Use Permit ~equest I disapprove of the Specific Use Permit Request DATE May 11, 1998 City of Sanger Texas Planning & Zoning Commission 201 Bolivar PO. Box578 Sanger, TX 76266 Re: Jack In The Box Request for Signage Variance N of NW Corner FM. 455 @ IH 35 Dear Commissioners: w(g@[gOW[g ~ MAY f 4 1r:iq -\ .,, J. A Division of Foodmaker, Inc. 7700 Bent Branch Drive Suite 130 Irving, TX 75063 972/409-2980 FAX: 972/409-2983 Jack In The Box is proposing to construct a restaurant at the subject location that currently has an existing Mexican Restaurant on it. We are working with the current property owner to purchase a parcel that is approximately 35, 835 Sq. Ft. to the North of Horizon Chevron. The proposed location will be approximately 2421 Sq. Ft. and seat 50 patrons. Approximately 44 parking spaces will be provided. The restaurant will have a drive thru facility with stacking for 6 vehicles and will be amply landscaped. Although it is believed that the community will support the proposed facility it is necessary and critical that adequate freeway signage be provided to attract traffic off of the freeway from both the Northbound and Southbound headed traffic. Without the availability of the 100' sign the economics necessary to approve this project do not work for Jack In The Box. On Wednesday, May 5, 1998 Jack In The Box representatives along with our local sign company performed a ''flagging" of the site. The flagging consisted of utilization of a crane capable of reaching a height of 120'. Having established a proposed location for the proposed pylon sign, and realizing that the property owner has determined that the existing freeway oriented billboard will be relocated to another location on his property, off of the proposed land to be purchased, we raised the crane to heights of 80' and 100' and drove the freeway in both Northbound and Southbound directions to determine the visibility at both heights. Page two. At 80' and 100' the crane was visible prior to reaching the existing off ramp from North to South. But from South to North, the crane was only visible when at a height of 100' thus enabling Northbound traffic to identify the proposed pylon sign prior to reaching the FM. 455 off ramp. It was determined that two reasons contributed to the blocked view heading North on IH 35. 1) The tum of the freeway coming from South to North, and 2) the pedestrian overpass located to the South of the FM. 455 off ramp across IH 35. Additionally, Jack In The Box proposes to construct a wrap road access on the West side of the existing Horizon Chevron that will provide adequate circulation for traffic ingressing and egressing the site. At this location we would request that a Pylon sign with a advertising Marquis be allowed to facilitate local traffic on F. M. 455 heading both East and West. In summary, Jack In The Box is respectfully submitting our request for the following free standing sign package for the proposed site: 1. A 20' x 20' double faced pylon sign at a height of 100' on the IH 35 frontage to attract traffic from both directions on I -35. ( see attachment). 2. A 6' x 6' double faced pylon sign at a height of 30' with a 3' x 8' interchangeable copy marquis board at a height of 19' to the bottom on FM. 455 to support Eastbound and Westbound traffic. ( see attachment ). Any additional questions, comments or information that the Commission feels essential to making a decision regarding this variance request can either be presented at the public hearing or prior to the public hearing as is deemed necessary. Your consideration regarding this request would be greatly appreciated. se ..... w ti Iii II .......... 6 •----cp ., ___ _ +------20•-o-.__--+ r a•-o 1/4-t ' .. ·• -INTERNALLY ILWMINATED CABINET PAINT JITB RED. FLEX FACE WITH BACKGROUND JITB RED. COPY: WHITE WITH BLACK OUTLINE. ----SUPPORT AS REQUIRED PAINT JITB BLACK INTERNALLY ILWMINATED ALUMINUM CABINET AND RETAINERS. PAINT JITB BLACK. WHITE ACRYLIC BKGD. WITH (4) FOUR LINES OF &•BLACK CHANGE COPY JACK IN THE BOX 20' x 20' PYLON WITH 3' x 8' READER BOARD :p i i; la -0 .. ...... .... l'I,) Q! c,) c,) .... h l'I,) l ~ q .... ELEVATION VIEW -INTERNALLY ILWMINATED AWMINUM CABINET AND RETAINERS. PAINT JIB RED • ..... -FORMED POLYCARBONATE FACE. BACKGROUND JITB RED. COPY: WHITE WITH BLACK OUTLINE. \_ INTERIIAU.Y IU.UMINATED AWMINUM CABINET AND RETAINERS. PAINT JITB BLACK. WHITE ACRYLIC BKGD. WITH (4) FOUR LINES OF &-BLACK CHANGE COPY -----SUPPORT AS REQUIRED PAINT JITB BLACK JACK IN THE BOX 61 161 PYLON WITH 3' x 81 READER BOARD ICME: Ill". 1·~ SIDE VIEW \,_...:.......:,. ______________________ _ ..... l l -········---··------·· . • .. -i • -.. . .., • •Q • ·--.,. • 0 z ·'j --------·----··--·--·····•···-·•------ ,. ,. ,.t• . ~,· ~·· •• , .,. 11• I -- I ~ ~.:;:t ' •~7.aj .,,.,, t •211.llt! '. CH,• S. OU"• .... t.••·,· .. ,· "~-I ~1 l'a 0 ,....... r . ~1,·.. . -... . "' ,.: " •v ~- : I !' 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' June 1, 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Change Request Agricultural to 1-1 ============================================= RC:ck The following Boards and Commission will hold public hearings to consider a zoning change request from property owners Nim Ashley and Dwayne Waters for property legally described as Abstract 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 0.300 and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 28, Acres 4.573. This property is located on Cowling Road. They have requested this zoning change in order to construct a storage building facility. BOARD AND COMMISSION Planning and Zoning City Council DATE/ TIME Thursday, June 11 Monday, June 15 PLACE 201 Bolivar 201 Bolivar Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearing on Thursday, June 11, and/or June 15. I am also enclosing a self-stamped envelope for your reply form. Thanks very much for your immediate attention to this request. 20• BOLIVAR STREET P.O.BOXS78 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940•458-7930 940•458•4•80 FAX P&Z 06/11/98 cc 06/15/98 ZONING RBQUBST CHANGB ' Property is located on Cowling road and is legally described as Abstract 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 03.00, and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 2B, Acres 4.573. If you disapprove this Zoning Request Change, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Zoning Request I disapprove of the Zoning Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name A AND W PRODUCTIONS -ICOI 11• INC F--,.a.1- Fax : 940-4...~-5690 llf•lll-1315 TO; l.,..,ClyCcud PIIMfrllAZarq..,_, AE:ZIIW100Nnae Feb 26 '98 13:24 P.01 12-25-11 u,a ,.u Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A GF Number: 97101389 Effective Date: May 2, 1997 at 8: 00 am l. Policy or Policies to be issued: (a) OWNER POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE (Form T•l) Policy Amount S 35,000.00 (Not applicable for improved one•lo•four family residenlial real esrare) Proposed Insured: NIM ASHLEY and DWAYNE WATERS (b) TEXAS RESIDENTIAL OWNER POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ONE-TO.FOUR FAMILY RESIDENCES (Form T•IR) Proposed Insured: Policy Amounr S Cc) MORTGAGEE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Proposed Insured: Policy Amounr S 28,000.00 TO BB DBTBRMINBD Proposed Borrower: NIM ASHLBY and DWAYNE WATBRS Cd) MORTGAGEE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ON INTERIM CONSTRUCTION LOAN Binder Amount S (Form T-13) Proposed Insured: Proposed Borrower: 2. The interest in the land covered by this Commitment is: PBB SIMPLB 3. Record title to the land on the effective date appears to be vested in: BOGBNB MORROW, GBORGB LBS MORROW and MARGARBT HBLEN YATBS 4. Legal description of land: Being 4.873 acres out of the MR BURLBSON SURVBY ABSTRACT NO. 71 and the MCKINNBY Q WILLIAMS SORVBY ABSTRACT NO. 940 to the Town of Sanger, Danton County, Texas and being more particularly described on Exhibit •A• attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. Commitment to Insure For Use in the State of Texas This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions and Schedules A, B, C and D are attached. Revised January I, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A (Continued) GF Number: 97101389 CLOSING AGENT -TITLB RBSOURCBS Convnilment to Insure F0t Use in the State ofTexas This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions and Schedules A, B. C and O are attached. Revised January 1. 1993 ............. All that oertaln traot ot land .ttuat•d ln th• H.R. Rurleaon survey, Abetraot Number 71 and th• HoKlnney, W1ll1a11• survey, Abatract Humber 940 in th• Town ot Sanger, Denton county, Tex-• end b•ln9 • put ot th• called 8,448 aar• treat deaaribed in th• deed from Alma · l<athle•n arn'>k• to If, R, Metrrow et ux roar.rc1•'5 in Vo \\11111, 4 71, P19• 412, of th• DHd Reaord• of Denton county, T•x••I th• aubjeot traot being aor• particularly deaorib•d •• follow••· B!aIHHINO for th• Northeeat corn•r of th• treat beln9 d .. orib•d hneln at an iron rod found for th• tlorth•Ht corner of aald Morrow traot in the apparent North Un• of •ald McKinney, Williama survey, THIHCE louth 00 De9rH1 H Hinut.H 47 lleoond• WHt with th• la•t Un• •aid traot, v•n•rally alon9 a teno• a dl1t1nc• of 417,5l t••t to an iron rod found tor th• Southeaet aorner eaid Morrow traat1 TltlHCI North 89 De9rH1 00 Ninut•• 00 8eaond• WHt vl th th• south line thereof, 9enerally alon9 a f•no• a dl •tano• of t7l,11 f••t to an iron rod tound for th• louth•••t Corner of a oertain oall•d 1.00 aor• tr1ot1 THZNCI North 00 De9HH II Hinut .. U ••oond• IHt with th• !Ht Un• thereof, 9eneral1y along a feno• a diatanc• of 201.tt feet to an iron rod found for th• North•••t corner or oaid 1.00 acr••I· THINCI North II D19raH 41 Nlnut•• 4t 8eoond• "' It vlth the North lln• thereof a diatano• of aot,61 f••t to an iron rod found for th• Northveat corner •aid 1.00 aor•• ·t in th• W••t Un• of Hid I. 441 aoraa and th• apparent la•t line Of Old Hl9hvay No, 111 TlflN'ZI North 01 D19rH• 91 Hinutea 11 Seoonda 1 ... t vlth th• WHt Un• aaid Horrov traot aton9 ·•aid highway a dbtanc• of 39,U fHt to an iron rod found tor th• Southweat corner of a 1,021 aor• tract deecrlbed ln th• deed fro• Holli• Pearl Horrow to Olen Edwin Ol••• et ux recorded in Volume 27ft, Pa9• 3t7 of the A••l Property Record• of ••id oountyJ TllF.NC! South 19 OA9ree1 00 Hlnut11 00 Second• !a1t vlth • line p11rallal wlth th• North Un• ot Hid 1.448 aore • dhtanc• of tU. t4 !Ht to en iron rod .. t tor th• Northeaet corner of • certain 1, 56 acr• tract eurveyed by •• thle dat•I THP!tfCP! North 01 De9r••• 46 Hinut•• :n a·ooond• E••t • dhtan"• of 169,71 feet to an iron rod ••t tor th• Northeaat oorn•r of Hid 1.56 ftore• in th• Horth line of ••id•~••• aor••I TlllHCE South 19 D•9raH 00 HinutH 00 Second• !Ht with th• North Un• thereof, generally along a fence a di•tanc• of 217.41 feet to th• Place ot Beginning and •ncloaing 4,173 acre• ot l•nd, ,. ' .,,. , I , • ,··• 1') , . , . / . ,' / /.-: . , Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE 8 EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE GF Number: 97101389 In addition 10 the Exclusions and Conditions and Stipulations, the Policy will not insure you against loss, costs, attorney's fees and expenses resulting from: I. Intentionally Deleted. 2. Any discrepancies conflicts, or shonages in area or boundary lines, or any encroachments, or protrusions or overlapping of improvements. 3. Homestead or community propeny or survivorship rights, if any, of any spouse of any insured (Owner Policy only). 4. Any titles or rights assened by anyone, including, but not limited to, persons, the public, corporations, governments or other entities, a. to tidelands, or lands comprising the shores or beds of navigable or perinnial rivers and streams, lakes, bays, gulfs or oceans, or b. to lands beyond the line of the harbor or bulkhead lines as established or changed by any government, or c. to filled-in lands, or anificial islands, or d. to statutory water rights, including riparian rights, or e. to the area extending from the line of mean low tide to the line of vegetation, or the rights of access to that area or easement along and across that area. (Exception 4 applies to the Owner Policy only.) S. Standby fees, taxes and assessments by any taxing authority for the year 1997 and subsequent years and subsequent taxes and assessments by any taxing authority for prior years due to change in land usage or ownership. 6. The terms and conditions of the documents creating your interest in the land. 7. Materials furnished or labor performed in connection with planned construction before signing and delivering 1he lien document described in SCHEDULE A if the land is part of the homestead of the owner. (Applies to Mongagee Title Policy Binder on Interim Construction Loan and may be deleted if satisfactory evidence is furnished to the Company before a binder is issued.) 8. Liens and leases that affect the title to the land, but that are subordinate to the lien of the insured mortgage. (Applies to Mortgagee Policy only.) 9. The following matters and all terms of the documents creating or offering evidence of the matters (We must insert matters or delete this exception): a. All visible and apparent easements or uses and all underground easements or uses, the existence of which may arise by unrecorded grant or by use. b. Rights of third parties, if any, with respect to any portion of the subject property which lies within the boundaries of a public or private road. (May be amended or deleted upon approval of current survey.) Commitment to Insure For Use ,n th11 State ot Texas This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions and Schedules A, B. C and D are attached. Revised January 1, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (Continued) GF Number: 97101389 c. Rights of parties in possession and rights of tenants in possession under any unrecorded leases or rental agreements. (May be amended or deleted upon execution of affidavit of parties in possession at closing.) Commitment to Insure For Use in the Slate of Texas This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions and Schedules A, B, C and O are attached. Revised Janua,y t, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE C GF Number: 97101389 Your policy will not cover you against loss, cos1s, attorneys fees, and expenses resulting from the following requirements that will appear as Exceptions in Schedule B of the Policy, unless you dispose of these matters to our satisfaction, before the date the Policy is issued. l . Documen1s creating your title or inrerest must be approved by us and must be signed, notarized and filed for record. 2. Satisfactory evidence must be provided that: no person occupying the land claims any interest in that land against the persons named in paragraph 3 of Schedule A, all standby fees, taxes assessments and charges against the propeny, have been paid, all improvements or repairs to the propeny are completed and accepted by the owner, and that all contractors, subcontractors, laborers and suppliers have been fully paid, and that no mechanic's, laborer's or materialmen's liens have attached to the propeny, there is legal right of access to and from the land, (on a Mongagee Policy only) restrictions have not been violated that affect the validity and priority of the insured mortgage. 3. You must pay the seller or borrower the agreed amount for your property or interest. 4. Any defect, lien or other matter that may affect title to the land or interest insured, that arises or is filed after the effective date of this Commitment. 5. Ascertain marital and homestead status of record owner. If homestead, require joinder of spouse. 6. With reapect to item 2 of Schedule C above, the Company will not except in any policies to be isaued pursuant to this commitment to •Lack of a right of access to and from the land.• Commitment to Insure For Use in the State or Texas This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions and Schedules A, B. C and D are attached. Revised January 1, 1993 Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation SCHEDULED GF Number: 97101389 Pursuant 10 the requirements of Rule P-21, Basic Manual of Rules, Rates and Forms for the writing of Title Insurance in the State of Texas, the following disclosures are made: You are entitled to receive advance disclosure of settlement charges in connection with the proposed transaction to which this Commitment relates. Upon your request, such disclosure will be made to you. Additionally, the name of any person, firm or corporation receiving any sum from the settlement of this transaction will be disclosed on the closing or settlement statement. You are funher advised that the estimated title premium• is: Owner Policy Mongagee Policy Endorsement Charges Total $ 485.00 $ 100.00 $ ------$ 585.00 Of this total amount: $103.84 will be paid to the policy issuing Tide Insurance Company: $473.85 will be retained by the issuing Title Insurance Agent; and the remainder of the estimated premium will be paid to other panics as follows: Amount To Whom Por Services $ ________ _ $ ________ _ $ ________ _ *The estimated premium is based upon information furnished to us as ·or the date of this Commitment for Title Insurance. Final determination of the amount of the premium will be made at closing in accordance with the Rules and Regulations adopted by the State Board of Insurance. The issuing Title Insurance Agent, Title Resources of Denton County, L.L.C., d/b/a Title Resources, is a company directly owned or controlled by Gary H. Kirchoff. The following individuals are directors and/or officers, as indicated, of Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lawyers Title Corporation: President and Chief Operating Officer: Janet A. Alpen: Secretary: John M. Carter: Senior Vice President, Treasurer, and Chief Financial Officer: G. William Evans Directors: Jamet A. Alpert, Kenneth Astheimer, James L. Boren, Jr., 0. William Evans, Charles H. Foster, Jr., William H. Goodwyn, Jr. Russell W. Jordan, III, Charles W. Keith, Eugene F. Lanuzza Commitment to Insure For Use ,n the State of Texas This Commitment valid only if Insuring Provisions and Schedules A, B, C and D are attached. Revised January 1. 1993 FEB-25-1998 11:32 FR0-1 DENTCJ-.1 APPRAISAL DISTRICT TO . ~' \~oSJL ', 1·~ . i i N: I l . ·\ : i: ii .. I 4584180 ~ : : i _ . .:..· --- P.01 _j . L·, < .,..______ ;~ -L-;._----------· "' ·. ! . 11;3 ' I j I. H. 3 5' i1 __;_'.~! ~_,.;_--i-f ~:.----·'· - I • . ; . ·. \ . ~ .:..o ~ N . I ,"J", I I l ___ ..., ~· l~l; ; I _,J--, : j :11----t -, •. ..,_.,.....,.-..-; l ' . t .. '' : : l d : ! ! i . l ....:Jr-..J ---, l ., b\ - .E) I • : . ..- . 6" ,~ .. ..,., C: ,_ I: ·l ~!""--..L~-· •1-. -------~---··~·-•-·•~ --~ ······•-· .. ·•·-· . ..,...;.~ .. ., ' 1 ;· . :I '. i . . . , . :- ' ·'· '!.' :"> i;. - I I I j I N ~· - TOTAL P.01 LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 11, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar, to consider a Zoning Change from Agricultural to 1-1 on property legally described as Abstract 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 0.300, and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 2B, Acres 4.573. Property located on Cowling Road. ============================================= LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, June 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar to consider a Zoning Change from Agricultural to 1-1 on property legally described as Abstract 71A Burleson, Tract 1, Acres 0.300, and Abstract 940A McKinney & Williams, Tract 2B, Acres 4.573. Property located on Cowling Road. ============================================= LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 11, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar, to consider a Specific Use Permit for sign construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 52, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. ============================================= LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, June 15, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., 201 Bolivar to consider a Specific Use Permit for sign construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 52, also known as 903 N. Stemmons. COURIER: PLEASE RUN EACH ONE ON 05/28/98 (ONE TIME ONLY). PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE FOUR SEPARATE NOTICES. THANKS! CHERYL