09/17/1998-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Final Replat of property legally described as Lot llR-1, and Lot llR-2. Block A., Lakecrest Meadows, Phase 1. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Replat of property legally described as Lot llR-1, and Lot llR-2. Block A., Lakecrest Meadows, Phase 1. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjournment. ~\\\\\\\\IIIHllll/1111, # OF S,t1 ~,#~ ~ ~-4. ••••••••••••• ':f G ~ ~r~·w···-~~ ~ v. • ~~ § l \ ~ = i i 5 a : : = ~ \ / § ~ . . ~ ~ ... ..· ~ ~ .. .. ~ ~ ·•·•····•·· ~ ~'" l't:xAs ~#' 'h11,,,,,,~m"t"\'~ Dite and Time Posted MINUTES: Planning and Zoning July 31, 1998 PRESENT: Mary Belle Sims, Richard Derryberry, Rick Carter, Jack Smith ABSENT: Roy Lemons, Joe Falls, Charles Fenoglio OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Sid Hollingsworth Kwik Industries, Eric Smith Kwik Industries, Dana Cruz, and Timothy Piatt. 1. Call Meeting to Order. Assistant Chairperson Rick Carter called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes. Motion made by Mary Belle Sims to approve minutes, seconded by Richard Derryberry. Motion Carried. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Replat of a Portion of Tract 52 and Tract 56, Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, now known as Kwik Kar Addition. City received recommendation from the City Engineer. Sid Hollingsworth, Kwik Industries -4725 Nile Rd, Dallas,TX, addressed comments from Hunter Associates, he indicated water, sewer and drainage plans for the property could be submitted for review and approval by the city prior to issuing of permits. They could correct the iron rods on the plat as well. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Replat of a Portion of Tract 52 and Tract 56, Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, now known as Kwik Kar Addition. Motion made by Richard Derryberry to Approve Replat, subject to Item #6, Building Line and Easements to be shown on the plat, Item #7 Set iron rods should be noted on drawing, and Item #8, contingent upon building permit. Seconded by Jack Smith. Motion Carried. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat, Phase 1, Sable Development. Timothy Piatt, 4829 Belz Rd, addressed a letter from City Engineer, Mark Hill, and indicated he was working with Gregg Edwards, an engineer who would comply with all of Mr. Hill's recommendations. Discussion about easement not shown on boardmember copies of plat. Mr. Piatt indicated they may file easement seperate from plat. Mr. Piatt explained design to the board members, and indicated the building would seat 166. Discussion about design and layout of building. Motion was made by Jack Smith to approve Final Plat, Phase 1, Sable Development contingent upon engineers working out final set of plans, and the plans being approves by City Engineer, and filing of easement. Seconded by Mary Bell Sims. Motion Carried. 6. Any Other Such Matters. No Comments. 7. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: P&Z MEETING AUGUST 13,1998 PRESENT: Mary Belle Sims, Richard Derryberry, Joe Falls, Charles Fenoglio, Rick Carter ABSENT: Roy Lemons OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Secretary Samantha Renz, Shirlene Wright, J.L. Wright, Burl Bourland, Carmen Bourland 1. Chairperson Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. There were no minutes to approve. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Public Hearing Opened. Shirlene Wright indicated that she had the impression that SF3 was three houses to an acre. She indicated that what Mr. Bourland wanted to put on this land was more than three houses to an acre. She indicated that she and her family lived next to the property in question, and that the type of houses Mr. Bourland wanted to put on the property were too small, too close together, would be a fire hazard, and cause property values to go down. Discussion on the restrictions for SF3 zoning. Discussion on if Mr. Bourland was requesting SF3 zoning. City Secretary, and Mr. Bourland indicated he was. City Secretary indicated his drawing was more than three units per acre, but they were with in the lot size restriction which was 60' XlOO' . Discussion on the restrictions, and whether the restriction was the size of the lot, or if they were restricted to 3 units per acre. City Secretary indicated the size of the lot was the required size, and that the home Mr. Bourland was planning to build on these lots was within all the requirements of the ordinance, and the lot would accommodate it with all the required setbacks etc. City Secretary indicated that staff had sent out twenty nine letters to property owners, ~nd out of the twenty nine, five had responded, and only one had disapproved. Mr. Bourland indicated there were not any homes in Sanger for sale, or any lots in town where a nice home could be built. He indicated that he was trying to provide homes for people who wanted to move into this area. Discussion about on-street parking in the already existing Bourland Addition. City Administrator indicated this hearing was for the purpose of Changing the zoning on this property from Agriculture to Single Family 3, the purpose was not to approve the plat, or approve more than three houses to an acre. He indicated this was solely for the purpose of allowing him to build houses, not necessarily as many houses as were presented in the drawing. Discussion on restrictions, and whether the restriction is three units per acre or 6000 sq ft. lots. Joe Falls asked if it was possible to have a 1200 sq ft. house with a two car garage on this size lot without making an exception in the requirements as far as setbacks. Mr. Bourland explained the house would be 1200 sq ft., with approximately 400 sq ft. for the garage, including the porch the total slab area would be approximately 1900 sq ft., it would exceed all requirements for SF3 zoning. Mary Belle Sims indicated once again, they were only there to approve the zoning change, and not the building plans. Rick Carter indicated to Mr. Bourland that before it comes before them to approve the final plat, he will need to change the plans and reduce the number of lots. City Secretary indicated before it comes before them for final plat, it could be sent to the City Engineer for his recommendation and approval, and he could advise on the restrictions and code concerning the lot size. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Joe Falls made motion to approve a Change in Zoning From (AG) Agriculture to (SF3) Single Family 3, on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241, Tract 215, Located on Keaton Rd. Seconded by Richard Derryberry. Motion Carried Unanimously. s. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. i ": .. ' ' I -4 ac . . th . . LEGAL NOTICE T'1e Sanger City Council will conduct a pub~ : lie he.ring, at 201 Bolivar St. at 7:00 p.g-t. on· ;~ ·Tuesday, September-15,1998 on the p~PQsed ·ji:: · ~udget_.for Fl~c~IYear 1998-1999. ·· :·:~./~~--· .. ·, i ~ = . , : . . .. Rosalie-Chavez . :. ... : ~ • ::it-~H_;, ~.:,t\.;.:;,.,., -··:~ · ;•• · ·.J'•1-:C1ty·Sect.etary.· .. ·, ~ ' . . . ,ii. '.. . ., . ;;t.. .:: ·.:. . ~ l!~ ~\\..~ffltc-"'; .! •. : ... -·~ ,._ ~ , . . .,. r! ·--:·~-· ~·-'"":.•,•: .. \ ... ,...:t ...... r.\t~...... . -~ ·':>:. .-.. ~.- . . · : • :(•,,.·•·.· · · .• ·· , r ... · :f-. · .l!.t·'· -LEGAL NOTICE ~ ..... •· fft,. · · • . -31r,,/ i;::, • ~·· . \ -. ··.:-r : · T._ "7 The Sanger Plann~og;and Z4?a,ln9 C.omi!'f: _-· .1(!~ will conduct a publlc-.h.earl.ng,:at_201 Bolivar s~_~t 7:~. p.m. oo Thursday, September 17, 1998 to consider a Final Replat on Lot ·11'R-1, and 11R-2,,8I'?Ck A, . : Lakecrest Meadows, Phase I. .j~--·t'\. 1 ti-.._ · ·. · ··Rosalie chavel';" · i'i~}m,e _:.; ' . .., City Seqreta~. 1 ·.: ,."'-'!i·a.iou, :r .. · .; . ·: . .. . ..._,.. ,,.,,,,.. . A ·• ,.,. 1 fii/1.:NI -·•-.. ~ ... .\ . . . I B' ,, ;· . ~'-.... : , . h ~ . . . . ~_j .. ~-~~a.«us .· 0w;::;;;:•5~:e·~~-~-~,.~~A. '"· · PROPERTY OWNER LETTERS TO: MORRELL, BILLY R. RT 2, BOX 1921 LAKECREST DR SANGER, TX 76266 HUBBARD, KEVIN A 3004 BROKEN BOW ST. DENTON, TX 76201 SNIDER, STEWART C. 2905 W FM 2449 PONDER, TX 76259 FORD, MARK D. 1901 LAKEVIEW CIR LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 WALDROP, TROY D. 437 SOUTHFORK DR STE 200 LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 BURNESS R. HIGGS RR 2 BOX 2520 SANGER, TX 76266 LAKECREST MEADOWS P.O. BOX 3428 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87190 August 18, 1998 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Final Replat -Lakecrest Meadows ============================================= The Sanger City Council and Planrnng and Zoning Cornrniuion will hold a public hearing, at 201 Bolivu St. on the following dates: Plunfna ad Zonlnc · Tbunday, Septelnber 17, 1998, 7:00 PM City Coundl-Monday, September 21, 1998, 7:00 PM to consider a Final Replat on Lot llR-1, and llR-2, Block A, Lakecrest Meadows, Phase I. Attached is a form for you to sign staring whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public bearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you very much for you, immediate attention to this request. RC:sr Enclosure P&Z 09/17/98 cc 09/21/98 REPLAT REQUEST Property is located off FM 455, and is legally described as Lot 1 lR-1, and Lot 1 lR-2, Block A, Lakecrest Meadows, Phase I. H you disapprove this Replat Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: ./ I approve of the Replat I disapprove of the Replat Comments: DATE ~ /Vloccrll Pl Print Your Name HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS ll«IWAI.NUT H1U LANE •ONE GI.EN LAKES •SUITE 500•DAUAS. TOA$ 75231-4350•21-t-t171 • FAX 21-3795 1109 CI.AYTON LANE • SUITE .,OE• AUSTIN. TEXAS 79723-1033 • s121-.e11e • FAX 512/.S.-2- August 19, 1998 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger POBox578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Final Replat Lot l lR-1 and l lR-2, Block A Lakecrest Meadows, Phase 1 Denton County, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: As requested, we have reviewed the Final Replat of the above referenced project prepared by Kem Surveying, Inc., dated August 10, 1998. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees should be paid in accordance with various City Ordinances and/or policies. 2. This area appears to be within the City of Sanger ETJ. 3. Replats require a public hearing. 4. A separate Certificate of Approval should be included for the signature of the City of Sanger Planning & Zoning Commission Chainnan. 5. There is a discrepancy between the Dedication (430.73') and the drawing (403.73') for the distance of the east property line. This concludes our review of the data submitted on the above referenced project. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. /JlZ,,,J, J1 )/~H Mark D. Hill, P.E. Vice President cc: Mr. Michael J. Kem, R.P.L.S. C:~•llrl•llr2.rvw.wpcl -- t - -· " " C t " ' - . ~ 0 .. . . .. .. . ., 4! ; "' i' : "' • ,~ ' ~ _, _ .. 2: w J J. ;! h ., e i 2 : I I T I ; o § .. . s~ , ._ • I t I ' I I I • 'I 1 I ' , .. II .. . u .. . d ii I• I .. . ,1 JI 11 I) .. 1, . JI ' II I ; Ui h i i IS 00 - $ 8 ' 3 7 ° WI 40 3 73 ' I -- - - ~ · ~ - - - - ·- - - = I . a : N • I .. . 0 .J r-• • Mi "' • • ; J. ., ~ .. . . . . . . -- .. . _ -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - .. . . . __ • I .. ~ ~ "' I~ . • c_ , . ~g - ~ !I ' 0 O• .. , o • S 11 1 >~ l z !i ! . 3 1 I Ii i .. .. uj = .. . 04 4 .. . . . . - .. ••··--·-------------------·· ---·-·•-·. 50' O' 50' 100' CAUZO $.00 Ae. n,. aoa. ••llUtn'OII r. l'IH/P, 471 .., 0 ~- ... 0. 2 C ,, ___ • 1.451- S 1741-W E S 1741' E ,, ___ • 1.$1$Acr99 s 1.•1•- ,1.-- 4 1~- 370.to JIS.07 \ \ \ i I I I -I 1741 C 141.71 ~t---..;::wirir--;::;-:-~_fl C 0 -z ,. -·---·----__ ,. ____ _ -----~---,_ ______ _ --·--.. ----.... --. .. ______ ., ___ 'fCO. .. _____ .,_, __ _., ____ _ .. --·----_MeJla _____ _ ,.._,.. _____ _ ----·-.. -_., ___ -·-___ .. _,... __ _ --·--·--· , ________ _ , ........ ________ _ ·---·, .... _____ _ _____ , ..... _,, ... ,1.--w ) ..... - S 1741 E 2 1.41)- S 8741'2"' E 1 1.722- Cl) < % JU.II~ I i t \ I I I • l,ZJ4Acr99 S 1741'2"' E 291.11 I ,-Ii ' ' I I I 10 1.w- 11 J~- U S 1741'2"' E JSl.44 o· ,1 __ ,. 12 1.12JAcr99 S 8741'2"' E Jll,J4 ·I : I I I -,I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I 1) 1.72•-,, __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ii I :: i :: t I I .., .. 'O I I i:: I II I "'I I ! i I "' !! :i: : S ll'Ol'JI E 14 1,71) Acre, -, 1 1· !! : L -wM.---.__ I' I LI I A.. I --------,ru.&.---..l . ,. M. 4 5 5 N 87'41'29" W 742.90 ~ - ~ "" ~ ~ ~ u, DIDlCATlOII ,-_..._ .. ~ .. ~·. ·:-I wu1•1 . . .. , ...... ~:..; ·.-. . IIIIIAIAS, LAICICRIST MIAD0II L. p;, a llaw NUlco Ll•lted Partner•hlp, 1• tha own•r of all that c•rt•in tract of land •ltuat•d in Ch• a. 81811 Survey Abatract llualbar 2; in Cha Cowlty of U~/SJIIGOH MU 3,._,: Denton, T•-•• and being • p•rt of cha called 19.761 acr• tr•ct de•crlbad in tha d •ed fU•d • lU •u~ NOtNJG und•r Clark•• rua llullbar H•00llOft of th• Re•l Prop•rty Record• of Denton County, T•-a•, ...... "' 9661 ra ,:io uo au, p.,.oa1 .&Of pa u-th• •ubj•ct cr•cc being •ore p•rtlcularly da•crlbad •• follow•, CAI.I.II> 100.11 Ac. ~- l>UIUI.$$ 111"$ ,. 411/P, "' -CII ... ,,, -.... u.ao.&. fL ...... -···- - --------__ ., ---·--· --------- IIGllMlllO for Che Soutllwe•t corner of cha tract being d •acrlbad h•reln. at tll• Soutllw••t corner of th• Hid '79. '761 acr• tract and tlla Souchee•t corner of • called 5.00 acre tract deacrlbad in th• deed to Rob•rt NCOui•con recorded ln Vol-l'7H, Page na of the •ald Real Prop•rty Record• on the IIOrtll rlgllt•of••ay of P.M. 4551 TNIIICI IIOrtll 01 Degre-• 34 Mlnuc•• 45 l •cond• la•t •ltll tlla lleat Un• of th• ''·'" •ere. tract a dl•tanca of 1,500.11 feet to a 1/2 lncll iron rod •et for th• IIOrcllwe•t corner of the herein da•crlbad tract, · TNIIIICI South 17 Degr••• •• Minute• 39 Second• la•t aero•• tll• '79.'761 acre tract a dlatance of US. '70 feet C:o a 1/2 Inell iron rod Ht for cha baglmlng of a curve having • r •dlu• of 60.00 fa•t, TNBHCI Southe••t •rly wltll the arc of tha Hid curve havlng an •re length of 111. '70 feet lcllord bearing South l'7 Degr•••.44 Minute• 4' s•cond• la•t a di•tanc• of 96.26 ffftl to a 1/2 incli iron rod ••c, • TNIIIICI South l'7 DegrH• 44 Minute• o l •cond• But aero•• th• 19. '768 acre tract a dl•tanc• of 2t5. 16 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod •et on th• la•t line th•raof and th• ll••t Un• of a tract of land de•cribad in tha d ••d to Burne•• Nigg• .recorded in Vol-412, Page 40 of the Dead R•cord• of Denton County, Texa•, · , .. _,. .. TNINCI South 00 Degree• 58 Minute• 3'7 s•cond• w••t with the lle•t Une of the Nigg• tract and the la•t line of th• '79.'761 acre tract a di•tanc• of 1,501.17 feet to a rock at a fence c:orner poet at the SouthH•t ~rner th•rao~ in th• North dgllt•of•way of r.M. 4551 TNINCI North n Degre-• u Minute• 29 Second• lle•t with the South Une of tha '7t. '761 acre tract and" the North rigllt•OC••ay of · P.M. 455 a di•tance of '7U.to fe•c to the PLACI or IIGlNlllllG •nd "encro•ing 25.)55 -· .. of l •nd. 11011. TNIRIPORI, IUIOII ALL NIii IY THISI PRISINTS1 THAT, KEVIN NURPIIY, Pre•ldent, Altura Real l •tat• co. lnc., a • General Partner for Lak•cr-•t Meadow Ll•it•d Partner•hip, a New Mexico Li•it•d Partner•hip, doe• h•reby adopt thla plat d ••ign•tlng the her•in d ••cribad prop•rty a• LAUCIIIST MIADOII, PIIASI l in Denton County, T•••• and do hereby dedicate to c11•·pu1111c u•• forever th• •tr••c rigllt••of••ay end pulllic -••-t •llown hereon. KEVIN tur eal l •tat• Co. , lnc. · · . > 4T'28(ccwA)1.r2-14~~ 1 ~ .355 Ac.+o pQa-l- ffATI 0, IIIW Mll'1CO IIPORI Ml, the und•r •lgn•d Notary·' Public in and for the State of New Hexic:o on tlli• day per•onelly appeared KEVIN NURPIIY, Preeid•nt, Altura Real l •t •t • Co., Inc., k-to• to Ila the per•on •llo•• -i • •ub•cdbad to the foregoing inatru••nt and ack-ledged to • that he/•he ex•cuted the •-for the purpoa• •nd conaid•racion th•rein •xprea•ed, and in the c•p•clty therein •tatad1 . GlVU U11D11t MY IIMIO AND SIAL 0, OPPlCI THIS "3, DAY ~ 4~ 1H6 • • omcw.eu&. BARBARA L AASK09 HOrAR'tl'UIIUO,tw10,,_ .... _,,.....,..._....,.,_ -.o...n._. u-1· t' -----__ ..,_ .. ___ _ -----·--_,_ .. _........., __ .._ __ _ .....,_, __________ ., .. .................................................. ----.. -------.... ~ ___ .. ,.. __ _ ...... .. .................... , .. ....,. LAKECREST MEADOW, PHASE I BEING 14 LOTS OH 25.355 ACR£S IN TH£ R. BEBEE SURVEY A-289 DENTON COUNTY TEXAS --