08/12/1999-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1999 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -May 27, 1999 3 • Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Sanger Industrial Park Lot 1, Block 8. Property is located on the North Bound side of 1-35, North of Spur 138. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary and Final Plat for Fleetwood Home Centers of Texas, a 4.000 Acre Commercial Tract, a Part of the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. Property is located on the North Bound Side of 1-35, North of Spur 138. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Southwest Estates, Being a 9.20 Acre Tract in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. 6. Any Other Such Matters. 7. Adjournment. &,f-1f s·iop!Vl Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. ) Memo To: From: Subject: Date: Planning and Zoning Board Rose Chavez, City Secretary Scheduled meeting for Thursday August 9, 1999 Our City Engineer has made several recommendations that have not been addressed; however, Jack felt that we needed to go ahead and schedule the meeting. If these items on both Sanger Industrial and Southwest Estates have not been addressed we will call to cancel the scheduled meeting. In the past, we normally do not schedule the meeting until all the comments have been addressed by their engineers and corrections have been made to the plats. "' -.. i I ., , •• •· I UI I 0 ~ I I I f I I I . I h1 ·• I • 'I I I i1 1 ! 2 1• i I ij •• I .. I I ,, i ~ -~ I ·· - · · - · U. , .. - ·- · · - · · - ., , . , . , . _ , • I I .. . _ _ _ __ _ .~ , .. . . . . -- - ,l l ' O O l l . " ' " 4 0 0 1 I I If I I f { fl f ! I 11 I 111 1 ii ii 11 fl J f l 11 1 1 1 n, , 1 i i ,1 1 1 11 1 , ·1 1 t 11 11 11 tm mi d J Ii J i hi Ji f i l l l jl In f 1H j 1. q • 1 1f I li 1 ' 1,· 1u 11 1 11 u ,1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 · 1 1 1, I' I • i 1t 1 f I tr ' I r .. I I! ,1 1 { J Ii i Ii 1, · 1 r 1 i ,' I ,, : n ! ll • . ! I "' . "t ., J" r I• • • l l' I J' r l ,· 1 1, .i i .I il i J I I li ,1 1 1 1 11 1 1 r 1. 1 1 1 !r , • I August 9. 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS auo WAI.NUT HILL LANE• ONE OLEN I.AKES• SUITE sm • OAlt.AS TEXAS 7S23U3SO • 21~1171 • FAX 21~3795 U42 MAIN STAUT • SUITE 10$ • FIIISCO. TE AAS 750IJ4 • 172/1•2-6400 • l'AI( 97lJ71UNO 110& CLATION LANE• SUITE ••oe • AUSTIN, T£AAS 78?z3-•033 •S•V.,...7'1 • l'AX 51~2433 Sanger. Texas 76266-0~78 RE: Sanger Industrial Park. Preliminary Plat 108.49 Acres Sanger. Texas Dear Ms Chavez· We have received a Cl'PY of a Preliminary Plat prepared by Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc. of the above referenced development dated June 16. 1999. Our comments are as follows: I . This development was previously reviewed in our letter dated November I J. 1998 Changes appear to be located in the northwest corner of the property Several of these previous comments are still applicable to this new Preliminary Plat. 2. Eagle Or should show a cul-de-sac. It should be noted that a street with a cul-de-sac can be no longer than 1,000 feet. J. A Final Plat of Lot IA. Block A has been submitted previously for review. This platted area, if filed, should be shown on this Preliminary Plat 4. The 100' Drainage Easement in Block B should be changed to a Drainage and Utility Easement to allow for a future sanitary sewer line. 5 The sanitary sewer plan should be modified to reflect this new sanitary sewer line in Block B This revi$ion should be shown on the Final Plat This concludes our review of the dara submitted on the above referenced project Should you have any questions. or require additional information. please feel free to contact us Sincerely. HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD ~j},?_;p~ Mark D. Hill. P.E Sr. Vice President August 9, 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS auo WM.NUT""'~ LANE• ON£ GL£N U11(£$ • SUIT£ 600 • DAU.AS. T[XAS 75231•d50 • 214/3et·9171 • FN( 2, ....... 31115 et.a MAINSTAUl • SUit£ 10S• l'AISCO. TEIUIS 750,la• 971/712,leOD• PN( 9721712"'80 IIOICLAVTONLANE •SUITE •tOE• AUSTIN. TEXAS 7t723-t033•5121'54-11tl•PAX51~2•33 Sanger. Texas 76266-0578 RE: Sanger Industrial Park. Final Plat Lot I. Block 8 4.00 Acres Sanger. Texas Dear Ms Chavez We have r~eived a copy of a Final Plat prepared by Kern Surveying. Inc. of the above referenced development dat.ed July 19. 1999 and a Preliminary and Final Plat prepared by Underwood Drafting & Surveying (no date) Our comments pertain to both submissions and are as follows All fees shall he paid in accordance with all City rules. ordinances and policies. 2. Additional comments may be received from Public Works. Code Enforcement and the fire Department. 3. The project is located on the northbound service road oflnterstatc Highway 35 in the Sanger Industrial Park development. 4. Neither submission shows any utility improvements, as required. 5. Drainage calculations have not been provided. The drainage appears to be flowing towards the east onto the adjacent property towards a 100 year flood line. This flood plain is not shown on the Sanger Industrial Park Preliminary Plat. An e,cisting 6" wa1er line appears 10 be locared within the propeny This line will need 10 be relocated. c.lr a minimum IS' waterline easement be granted. 7. The Preliminary Plat for Sanger Industrial Park shows North Park Dr. to be located along the south propeny line and Industrial Ave. along the east property line .. These do not appear on the Final Plat Who is going to build these roads? North Park Dr. is shown as pan of Phase I of Sanger Industrial Park in the Preliminary Plat. Ms Rosalie Chavez Sanger Industrial Park. Final Plal. Lot I. Block B August 9, 1999 Page2 8. A permit will be required from TxOOT for any access from the service road. This concludes our review of the above referenced development Once utility plans and calculations are provided. a complete review can be conducted. Only 011e Final Plat should he provided. If there are any questions. please contact me at (972) 712•6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS. L TO. Mark D. Hill. P. E. Sr. Vice Pre.~ident Memo To: From: Subject: Date: Planning and Zoning Board Rose Chavez, City Secretary Item #3 & #4 August 9, 1999 Attached is the letter of recommendation from our City Engineer concerning the Preliminary and Final Plat for Sanger Industrial Park Lot I, Block B. Memo To: From: Subject: Date: Planning and Zoning Board Rose Chavez, City Secretary Item #5 August 9, 1999 Attached is the letter of recommendation from our City Engineer concerning the Preliminary Plat for Southwest Estates. August 9. 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS et• Wl'LIIM' MILL~-• O,.C GI.EN IM(S • Sl>lll SGO • O.a.1.AS. TOA$ 75231-4350 • U~t171 • l'All Z1~318a ..Z ~IN S'l'IUT • SUITf. 105 • AAISCO, rElCA$ ~ • 172/112~ • FA1. tn/712·.0 1108 CLAYTON 1.#E • SUITE •10( • ,l(JSTIN. TfUS 18723-11133 •! t21•~-t716 • l'AJI $1~24' Sanger. Texas 76266•0578 RE: Southwest Estates. Phase I. Preliminary Plat 30 lots Sanger. Texas Dear Ms. Chavez We have received a copy ofa Preliminary Plat prepared by Greg Edwards Engineering Services, .Inc of the above referenced development dated July 14, 1999 Our comments are as follows: I. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules. ordinances and policies. 2. Additional comments may be received from Public Works. Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 3. The project is located south of Duck Creek Rd and west of Keaton Rd. 4 An alley variance has been requested. S. A drainage ea.~ment is being provided between lots 14 and 15 of Block 8. This appears to drain towards the adjacent propeny. No drainage calculations or drainage area map have been provided. (,. The waterline along Mesa Drive should he located within the righr-of•way. If not, a waterline ea~t should be shown on the Plat. 7 A porti<'n of Meas Drive is located within a 40' right-of-way with the remaining 10 feet to be dedicated by the adjacent propeny owner (David E. Arnold. et ux ) We would r.ecommend relocation of Mesa Drive to allow for the full SO' right•ot~way or dedication of the additional IO feet of right-<'f-way. 8 The curb line shl,uld be monolithic with the pavement section. This is unclear on the detail. Ms Rosalie Chavez Southwest Estates. Pha$e I , Preliminary Plat August 9, 1999 Page 2 9. Lots 7 & 8. Block A and Lots 9 & 10, Block 8 are shown to incorporate the existing 60' Brazos Electric easement. Consideralion should be given to dedicating the 60' easement to the City. for possibly a future greenbelt, trail system. etc This option would require City maintenance of the area This concludes our review of the above referenced development. lfthere are any questions. please contact me at (972) 712•6400. Sincerely. HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ~J)~ Mark D. Hill. P E Sr. Vice President SOUTHWEST ESTATES DEED RESTRICTIONS 1. 1300 sq. ft. MINIMUM LIVING AREA · 2. TWO CAR GARAGE 3. 80% BRICK EXTERIOR . 4. 8 & 12 PITCH ROOF ·.• . ' . ' 5. 25 YEAR SHINGLE OR BETTER 6. BRICK MAILBOX WITH ADDRESS 7. ZONING IS SF-3 ·I •