03/04/1999-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1999 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -January 28, 1999 3. Conduct Public Hearing on Replat on Property Legally Described as Lots 1-R to 3-R, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition. Property is located on the comer of Kathryn and -·: ·· Bucklew. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Replat on Property Legally Described as Lots 1-R to 3-R, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition. Property is located on the comer of Kathryn and Bucklew. S. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjournment. D!at and Time Posted MINUTES: PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Planning and Zoning January 28, 1999 Charles Fenoglio, Polly Dwyer, Mary Belle Sims, Joe Falls, Rick Carter, Joe Higgs City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Gary Hammet, Glenn Shaw 1. Charles Fenoglio called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: November 12, 1998 November 17, 1998 January 19, 1999 Rick Carter moved to approve all three (3) sets of minutes. Mary Belle Sims seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Sanger Facilities, LTD 3.607 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Gary Hammet presented revised plats indicating the utility easements for water and sewer. Discussion on easement. Mr. Hammet indicated there is a 6" existing water and an 8" sanitary sewer in the easements and they are about six feet apart. He indicated the water line goes all the way to Nickerson's Farms. Discussed if the property was all in the city limits. Polly Dwyer asked if there were any plans to sell the rest of the property or to put a street through there. Glenn Shaw indicated that was not possible because the property in the back was all in the flood plain and is useless. Glenn Shaw indicated they never intend to put a street. Discussion. Polly Dwyer addressed set back requirements. Discussion. Polly Dwyer asked some questions in regards to construction plans and addressed some concerns in regards to the flood plain. Discussion. Joe Higgs indicated this was just one plat out of the whole tract. Gary Hammet addressed what the developer would be required to do if the flood plain area was developed. Discussion. Polly Dwyer addressed drainage. Discussion. Glenn Shaw indicated there was about a four foot fall in the drop behind his property. Joe Higgs addressed the water and sewer lines and how deep they are. Discussed the drainage flow of water and the depth of the water line. Polly Dwyer asked if it was okay that they did not have a plat of the whole subdivision. Jack Smith indicated he had spoke to the City Engineer and he indicated he had everything he needed. Mr. Smith indicated they were doing the same thing they did on the Sanger Industrial Park, subdividing the property one lot at a time with a final plat, the difference is on the Industrial park they have a preliminary plat, Sable has not submitted a preliminary and they need to get that from him. Mr. Smith addressed the landscape ordinances. Glenn Shaw indicated he will comply with the landscape ordinance and the building ordinance. Discussion regarding getting a preliminary plat on the entire subdivision from Mr. Sable. Rick Carter moved to.consider the Preliminary/Final Plat for Sanger Facilities, LTD., 3.607 Acres in.the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Seconded by Joe Falls. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Fab-12-99 09:54A Hunter Assoc. Texas. Ltd 214-696-3795 r·-l -JI .,··-1 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS LTD. '\\ _ • ' } ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS ' '•I'\ }'" /"' '""'''"'-Ml• Nll 1.AM'•t.lNt GI.ENI Mr• .• :AlflklO(,,nAl.lA:, ., ... , )f.;,:n-...r..o-, • ..-.. .. ,,. ••AJI :, .................. . \ .•. ..{ ,..., t,'lAWfONt-•l>.•lk ••Of •AUr.T..,, •kXAS 7t>, .. ,,,.,.,_, •t••:t•t• t'1• • fl\A Gt2/U414.l:t February 1 :!, 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of San~cr 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Te, .. as 76266 RE: Util:ty Site Plan and Final Plat Buckelew-Freese Addition Lot~ 1 R -JR, Block A Sanaer. Texas Dear Ms .. Cl,avez: As rct1ucsted, we have reviewed the above referenced development. We have rcl:cived a revised 1-'inal Plat fnd Utility Site Plan, prepared by Hammett & Nash, Inc., dated January 27. 11,)(J. Reference is made to our correspondence dated September I 6, 1 998, October 12, 1998 and Decemher 4, 1998. It appears d1at all concerns presented have been addressed lo our satisfaction. The Developer should provide ten (10) sets of the Utility Site Plan to Hunter Associates for an approval stllmp. The Final Plat should be tiled with the City in accordance with City rct1uircments. If there are ;my questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, HUNTER -6.SSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. /)/}-{j;> ;ID,,--~ ~~ ri.~I. P.E. Vice Prcsidunt MOH/le cc: Hammett & Na.~h, Inc. P.02 December 4, 1998 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 8140WALNUT HILL LANE•ONE GLEN LAKES •SUITE 500•0ALLAS. TEXAS 75231·4350•214/369-9171 •FAX 21"'696-3795 1106 CLAYTON LANE• SUITE '10E •AUSTIN. TEXAS 78723·1033 • 512I'5••8718 • FAX 512,.5 .. 2•33 RE: Utility Site Plan and Final Plat Bucklew-Freese Addition (Church Addition) Lots lR -3R, Block A Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: As requested, we have reviewed the above referenced development. We have received a Utility Site Plan dated August 11, 1998 with a cover letter dated November 16, 1998 and a revised Final Plat dated November 12, 1998 prepared by Hammett & Nash, Inc .. These were submitted in response to item 2 of our letter dated October 12, 1998 Our comments are as follows: 1. The proposed 611 water line should be located within the utility easement. 2. A 611 gate valve and plug should be located at the end of the 611 water line. 3. All valves, fittings, etc. should be shown and identified on the utility plan. 4. The proposed 611 sanitary sewer line should be located within the utility easement. The water and sewer lines should have a separation distance of9 foot minimum. 5. Upon discussion with City staff it appears that the existing sanitary sewer line may be too shallow for the connection as shown. The elevations and slope of the proposed line must be shown by labeling or a profile drawing. Consideration may be given to locating the sanitary sewer line in an easement on the north side of the properties to allow for a shorter distance to the existing sanitary sewer line. The Plat would have to be modified to reflect any additional easements. 6. The location of water and sewer service connections should be identified on the utility plan. Ms. Rosalie Chavez Utility Site Plan & Final Plat -Buckelew-Freese Addition (Church Addition) December 4, 1998 Page2 7. The cover letter addresses the drainage of the property stating that minimal increase in run off will be expected and the existing curb and gutter will accommodate the storm run off. The information provided has been sealed by a Licensed Engineer, W.S. Nash #14312. 8. It is still unclear as to the location of electrical service to these three (3) lots. If service is to be provided from the existing line located north of Lot 2R, easements may be required to locate connections for Lot 1 Rand Lot JR. This should be verified by the Electrical Department. 9. The third paragraph of the metes and bounds on the Final Plat references the "Hillcrest West Church of Christ". Based upon the drawing, this reference should be the "Sanger Church of Christ". Also, it appears that the word "feet" was omitted after "150. 00". These should be corrected prior to filing. This concludes our review of this development. If you have any questions, please call me at our Frisco office at (972)712-6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President MDH/kh cc: Ronny Beard, Sanger Church of Christ Hammett & Nash, Inc. C:\f\Sanger\ChurchAdd.utility.2. wpd HAMMETT & NASH, INC. PO BOX 1552 223 W. HICKORY ST. DENTON, TEXAS 76201 November 16, 1998 Mark Hill Hunter Associates Texas, LTD. 3149 Walnut Hill Lane -One Glen Lakes -Ste 500 Dallas, TX 75231-4350 RE: Sanger Church of Christ Replat Dear Mr. Hill: As per our conversation on Tuesday, November 10, 1998, I am writing in regards to the drainage study. We would like to request a waiver from the drainage study for the following reasons: • There is existing curb and gutter to handle the current water drainage • There will be little if any increase in the water run-off • The plat consists of 3 lots which equal less than 2 acres We appreciate your time and consideration for this project. Should you need any additional information please call at (940) 387-0506. &.1ham S. Nash, P.E. Hammett & Nash, Inc. l\l.~uu~~ ~~~-~~!.~.1-~ 11,~. ~ .. •· *'•~d' V't * .. · ··. * ~:. •: ·.;, ·;_ •.•••••.•...•............. ~~ W.S. NASH /: -~···~:.-~!f 431~·:;:ii ·•~Qt~~~-~111, ~···· ••• -:.._a,'f/' _ll~ PHONE: (940) 387-0506 FAX; (940) 565-0436 METRO: (940) 243-0266 E-MAIL: hamlnash@airmal.net ./ l{~J )' ,v / . October 12, 1998 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger P.O. Box578 Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Utility Site Plan HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 81«1 WALNUT Hill l.ANE • ONE GLEN I.AKES • SUITE 500 • OAl.lAS. TEXAS 7$231 •"350 • 214/389-9171 • FAX ZUlll!Nl-3795 1106 CV.YTON I.ANE • SUITE '10E •AUSTIN.TEXAS 78723-1033 • 512/~8718 • FAX 512/<M-2- Bucklew-Freese Addition (Church Addition) Lots IR -3R, Block A Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: As requested, we have reviewed the above referenced development. We have received a Utility Site Plan prepared by Hammett & Nash, Inc. dated August 11, 1998. Our comments are as follows: 1. The subdivision name and lot layout does not match the Final Plat previously submitted. A correct Final Plat and Utility Plan should be submitted for review prior to acceptance by the Planning & Zoning Commission. 2. The water plan should show the location of the proposed water lines, valves, fire hydrants, services, etc. The sanitary sewer plan ( and profile) should show the location of the proposed sanitary sewer line, manholes, clean outs, services, etc. Due to the small size of this development, this information can be provided on the Utility Site Plan providing that ALL information is provided. 3. A complete Grading and Drainage Plan should be provided for review. This should include all calculations, including any downstream structures, if any, and sufficient information to determine if adjacent landowners may be adversely affected. 4. The utility plans must be sealed by a registered Engineer or Architect. S. An easement for electrical should be provided and shown on the Final Plat. This includes any additional distribution lines that may be required to serve the three (3) lots. Ms. Rosalie Chavez Utility Site Plan -Buckelew-Freese Addition (Church Addition) October 12, 1998 Page2 This concludes our review of this development. If you have any questions, please call me at our Frisco office at (972)712-6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ~DJ/~"~ Mark D. Hill, P .E. Vice President MDH/kh cc: Ronny Beard, Sanger Church of Christ Hammett & Nash, Inc. C:\t\Sanger\ChurchAdd.utility. wpd .. ·' ., September 16, 1998 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger P.O.Box578 Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Final Plat Church Addition HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 11«1 WALNUT Hill LANE • ONE GLEN LAKES • SUITE 500 • DAUAS. TEXAS 75231.-• 2Uf.lllf.t171 • FAX 21-3795 1108 CLAYTON LANE• SUITE •10E •AUSTIN. TEXAS 78723-1033 •512/-18• FAX 512/.,._2_ Lot l, Block A of Bucklew-Freese Addition Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: As requested, we have reviewed the above referenced development. We have received a final plat prepared by Hammett & Nash, Inc. dated August 11, 1998. Our comments are as follows: l. All fees shall be paid in accordance with City Ordinances and policies. 2. Replats require public hearings. 3. The 15' utility easement along Kathryn Street is incorrectly identified as the "building line." 4. An existing l 5' utility easement is shown between Lot 28 and Lot 29 and ends at the north boundary line of the Church Addition. Did this easement continue to Bucklew Street on the original plat? Are utilities located within the easement? 5. The location of existing and/or proposed water and sanitary sewer facilities are unknown. Information regarding service to the lots should be provided for review and approval. 6. Construction plans for utility and/or drainage improvements should be submitted for review and approval. ·, Ms. Rosalie Chavez Final Plat -Church Addition September 16, 1998 Page2 This concludes our review of this development. If you have any questions, please call me at our Frisco office at (972)712-6400. Sincerely, RASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. _.lrTF-l) J/,£/4_ Mark D. Hill, P.E. Vice President MDH/kh LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers, 201 Bolivar, at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, March 4, 1999, to consider a Replat on property legally described as Lots 1-R to 3-R, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition (Church Addition) run this week LEGAL NOTICE Rosalie Chavez City Secretary The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers, 201 Bolivar, at 7:00 p.m., on Monday, March 15, 1999, to consider a Replat on property legally described as Lots 1-R to 3-R, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition (Church Addition) run this week Rosalie Chavez City Secretary February 22, 1999 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Replat Request =========================================== RC:sr The following Boards and Commissions will hold public hearings to consider a Replat of property legally described as Lots 1-R to 3-R, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition. BOARD AND COMMISSION Planning and Zoning City Council DATE March 4, 1999 March 15, 1999 TIME/PLACE 7:00 p.m. 201 Bolivar 7:00 p.m. 201 Bolivar Attached is a replat form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend these public hearings. z•• BOUV AJl STREET P.O.SOX57a SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940•458-7930 940•4S8-4•80 FAX PZ 03/14/99 cc 03/15/99 REPLAT REQUEST Property is located on on the comer of Freese Dr. and Bucklew St. and is legally described as Lots 1-R to 3-R, Block A, Bucklew-Freese Addition. If you disapprove of this Replat Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Replat Request I disapprove of the Replat Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name MARY BUCKLEW 205 KATHRYN ASNGER, TX 76266 ROYCE FAIN 117 KATHRYN SANGER, TX 76266 RALPH PATTERSON 202 KATHRYN SANGER, TX 76266 CHUCK TUCKER P.O. BOX 572 SANGER, TX 76266 REBECCA NETTICK 206 KATHRYN SANGER, TX 76266 JIMMY SEBASTIAN 100 HILLCREST SANGER, TX 76266 ROBERT CLACK 110 FREESE SANGER, TX 76266 WALTER MATTEUS 112 FREESE SANGER, TX 76266 JEFF BERRY 114 FREESE SANGER, TX 76266 GEORGE AIRMAN 116 FREESE SANGER, TX 76266 G.F. BURNS 118 FREESE SANGER, TX 76266 JAMES & SUSAN WAGGONER P.O. BOX 782 SANGER, TX 76266 JOHN BUCKLEW 124 FREESE SANGER, TX 76266 JERRY HOLLAND 112 FREESE SANGER, TX 76266 FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD P.O. BOX 66 SANGER, TX 76266 KAREN MARTI 1800 BUCKLEW ST. SANGER, TX 76266 RONDA BARNES 1802 BUCKLEW SANGER, TX 76266 JERRY RAINEY P.O. BOX 62 SANGER, TX 76266 N w+E s SANGER CHURCH OF CHRIST CC# 95-R000l 561 R.P.R. HILLCREST WEST CHURCH OF CHRIST Vol. 575 Pg. 7 D.R . ~ ~ N 89.44'25" E 300.00 ....... fNO 1/2' ~ IRON ROO 85.00 ~ ( ,--100.00 -----------------7 10' SANITARY SEW. BLOCK A I gl EASEMENT I g1 ~ 0 I~ a1 V) 0 ···. ·•:·· ··~ ... ~ . . .. ~ 0 <. 0 0 ~-. . . . . . . : : 0 0 ~ IO I~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~I r-0 0 0 0 ~ 1;1~ I{) in I{) I{) I-... ... ... ... ~,21 LOT lR LOT 2R LOT 3R 3: I ::> ~ ::::; ::> 0.396 ACRES 0.293 ACRES 0.344 ACRES <., • I • _J : I{) z I{) 0 ... 0 -... 0 z 0 0 ..J ~ t") I~ w 3: w 3: :> ;1 0 r-• • b 0 0 0 0 ci I p 0 p 0 I 0 I{) "') ;.., "') ;.., 0 N .... ... ... ... in z I b b b b I 0 0 0 0 I L (/) z 25' BUILDING LINE (/) z _J I ----------L ________ ,,,,-:r:_ 5' UTILITY EASEMENT ------______ _J 115.00 I I 85.00 I 100.00 s s9•44•2s" w 300.00 BUCKLEW STREET so· R.O W. ------ fNO 1/::• \ IRON ROO ' \ E,.., ~ ~ ~ 0 0 V) 0 IO 3: r-0 ~ a:: w 0 : ~ I{) 0 0 . t") ~ r-• ~ 0 0 (/) -) ~/ f'NO 1/2" _,,/ IRON ROO AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1999 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -November 12, 1998 November 17, 1998 January 19, 1998 3. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Sanger Facilities, LTD 3.607 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Su"ey Abstract 29 4. Any Other Such Matters. S. Adjournment. Rosalie Chavez, City Secrry 3:JoPM Date and Time Posted J MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Woodrow Barton, Mary Belle Sims, Ricky Carter, Joe Higgs, and Joe Falls. OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Burl Bourland, Jerry Jenkins, Rhonda Cockrell, James Gage, Michael Kem, David Arnold, C.G. McNeill, Dan Kress, Jerald Yensan, Fem Hutto, Doug Johnson, Jenny Hall, John Love, Toni Volz, Terry Volz, Shirlene Wright, J.L. Wright, Pie Beard, Rosene Sebastian, Mary Burdick, Kieth Burdick, Lynn Stucky D. V .M. 1. Charles Fenoglio Called Meeting To Order. 2. Approve Minutes -October 29, 1998. Woodrow Barton Indicated that Joe Higgs was present at the last meeting. Mary Belle Sims Moved to Approve Minutes with the exception of adding Joe Higgs. Seconded by Joe Higgs. Motion Carried Unanimously 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider A Zoning Request Change Form Industrial to MFl on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Block 14, of the J.R. Sullivan West Addition. Property is Located at 809 Plum St. Public Hearing Opened. Dan Kress, KM Properties, indicated he would like to build a six unit town house on the property. The unit would face 10th Street. He indicated the entry would be coming in from Plum Street. Mr. Barton asked if Mr. Kress intended to leave the existing house on the property and build the unit on the back of the lot. Mr. Kress indicated he did intend to. Discussed easement. Charles Fenoglio asked if Mr. Kress had discussed utilities, etc. with the City. Mr. Kress indicated he had not. Terry Lee Volz, 902 Plum, indicated he had been a resident of Sanger for fifteen years. He indicated he worked for Denton County Road and Bridge. He indicated that when you have a trailer park or apartment complex you get trash. He indicated this unit would lower the property value of the houses in that area. Rosene Sebastian indicated the major problem she had was the size of the lot, and the fact that he was not going to tear down the existing structure, she could not see how he could fit the unit there, and provide adequate parking. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Request Change From Industrial to MFl on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Block 14, of the J.R. Sullivan West Addition. Property is Located at 809 Plum Street. Mr. Barton indicated he was not in favor of spot re-zoning. Discussed sewer and drainage necessary for a six unit complex. Mr. Barton Moved to Disapprove Zoning Request Change. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried Unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Preliminary/Final Plat on Property Legally Described as Lot 6R-1 and Lot 6R-2 of Sanger Industrial Park, Being a Replat of Lot 6R of Sanger Industrial Park. Property is Located on 1-35. Public Hearing Opened. Gerald Venson, Landmark Surveyors, indicated he had prepared the plat for Dr. Stucky. He indicated Dr. Stucky's Lot will be the South Lot and the North Lot is still owned by Burrus Grocery Store. Discussed the Preliminary Plat. Discussed acreage. Mr. Barton indicated there was the Preliminary and the Final Plat, he asked if they were considering both of them. Mr. Venson indicated they were. Mr. Barton addressed drainage and indicated the Highway Department may need to get involved. Mr. Venson indicated the Plats had been submitted to the City, the City had submitted them to Mark Hill, the City's Engineer, and the drainage issue had been addressed and approved. Dr. Stucky addressed the Commission, he indicated in the past this property was divided into three or four lots, then was replatted into one large lot, and he was requesting for it to be divided into two lots because he couldn't afford the whole piece, and the owner did not want to sell the whole piece. Jenny Hall, 1004 Hunter's Ct., indicated she was not interested in having a large motel right next to a residential area, she indicated it would not have a positive impact on the property value.Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary/Final Plat on Property Legally Described as Lot 6R-1 and Lot 6R-2 of Sanger Industrial Park, Being a Replat of Lot 6R of Sanger Industrial Park. Property is Located on 1-3S. Joe Falls Moved to Approve the Replat. Seconded by Joe Higgs. Motion Carried Unanimously. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from B-1 to B-2 on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, S.929 Acres. This Property is Located at Spur 138 and 1-3S. Rhonda Cockrell, 1002 Hunter's Court., indicated she had the same feeling, she indicated there were a lot of kids in the area, and did not think it was a good idea. Public Hearing Closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from B-1 to B-2 on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, S.929 Acres. This Property is Located at Spur 138 and 1-3S. Joe Falls asked what the difference in B-1 and B-2 zoning was. City Administrator, Jack Smith, indicated there was a chart in their zoning ordinance, and there were a few thing that B-2 allowed that B-1 did not allow. Mr. Barton indicated he did not think a hotel was a good idea, he indicated there was a new school in the area, and children walk to and from school in that area. Joe Falls indicated there needed to be someone there to represent the request to tell them how it could benefit the community, otherwise he would oppose the request. Joe Higgs Moved to oppose the Zoning change. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Bourland Court Estates, Being a total of S.037 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located off of Keaton Road. Burl Bourland addressed the commission, he indicated he had met with all the City engineer's requirements. He had received his review and changed everything to be the way he had asked. Discussed Streets. Mr. Bourland indicated he had an eighty foot water retention at the end of the addition. Discussed Drainage. Mary Belle Sims indicated Mr. Bourland had contacted several property owners in that area concerning drainage. Charles Fenoglio indicated there was a question on the street being wide enough. Mr. Bourland indicated the zoning required a twenty six foot wide street, and his was thirty one foot with a fifty foot right of way. Discussed acreage within the addition. Discussed the number of lots in the addition. Mr. Barton indicated there should be only 17 .6 lots in the addition according to the acreage. Mr. Bourland indicated he had conformed to everything the City Engineer had required. Mr. Barton indicated he did not see sidewalks on the plans, he indicated there was no allowance for playgrounds. Mr. Bourland indicated there were not playgrounds in any of the developments in Sanger. Mr. Barton indicated he felt the addition should include a playground to enhance development. Mr. Barton indicated the ordinance required sidewalks and alleys, and there were none in his development. Mr. Barton indicated he was told the water line should be eight inches rather than six inches. He also addressed the sanitary system. Mark Hill, City Engineer, indicated this plat had gone through the city office several times. He indicated drainage was a key issue with him also, and they had made some modifications. He indicated the issue on water was not a problem. Mr. Hill indicated the density was an average, not a maximum, as far as being 3.5 units per acre. He indicated as far as that issue it did conform to the ordinance. Mr. Hill indicated sidewalks and alleys was not something he was sure of, he did not know where in the ordinance it was required, but he would check it in the future. Discussed drainage further. Discussed sidewalks and alleys. Mark Hill indicated these items could be waived as they have in most additions, he indicated the City Council could waive these requirements and would consider the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation. He indicated by submitting the plans without sidewalks or alleys, this was a request to waive these requirements. Discussed maintenance of easements on lots 10 and 11. Doug Johnson, 817 Vernon Court, indicated Mr. Bourland intended to put a sewer line on the west side of his property, he indicated Mr. Bourland showed to have a ten foot easement, but indicated there was only eight and a half foot from the next door neighbor's house to his property line. He indicated the easement was to large to fit on the property indicated. Discussed Sewer Line. Mark Hill indicated the ordinance stated the requirements for alley and sidewalks can be waived. Woodrow Barton moved to disapprove of the Preliminary/Final Plat until the plans are brought back with sidewalks and alleys to comply with the subdivision ordinance. Motion died due to lack of second. Joe Falls gave a brief statement. Motion was made by Joe Falls to approve the Preliminary/Final Plat. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion was tied 3 to 3. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 Retail Division, Being 0.800 of an Acre on Land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Dollar General Store Site. Property is Located on Spur 138 (Next to New Post Office). Mike Kem with Kem Surveying addressed the Board, he indicated he had prepared the plats for the Dollar General Store. Mr. Kem indicated John Porter's preliminary plat for the subdivision had not been submitted prior to this plat being submitted. Greg Edwards addressed the Board, and indicated they did have a plan for the development. Mr. Edwards indicated there was a grant that had been applied for, and it had fell through due to a business not punuing the purchase. Discussed drainage. Joe Falls expressed a concern about drainage. Mark hill indicated he was finishing up the Preliminary Plans, and that he did his review with the Preliminary Plans for the Industrial Park in hand. Woodrow Barton expressed concerns on alleys. Discussion on alleys. Motion was made by Joe Falls to deny this Preliminary/Final Plat as presented. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried. 11. Any Other Such Matten. None. 12. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING NOVEMBER 17, 1998 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Woodrow Barton, Rick Carter, Joe Falls, Joe Higgs, Mary Belle Sims, Polly Dwyer OTHERS PRESENT: Carroll McNeill, Michael Kem, John R. Porter, Greg Edwards, 1. Chairperson Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sanger Industrial Park a 41 Lot Subdivision, Being 108.49 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29 (John Porter's). Greg Edwards, Civil Engineer, 300 W. Carroll Blvd., Denton -addressed comments from Mark Hill, the City's engineer. He indicated there were two items they were not in agreement with. Item #6 stated there needed to be alleys, he indicated there was a provision in the Ordinance that allowed the alleys to be waived according to the size of the lots, he felt the lot size was sufficient, and alleys were not necessary. He addressed Item #8 of Mark Hill's letter, which indicated there needed to be a 500 foot radius curve on the street, they had a 300 foot radius curve, this was appropriate according to Denton, and would allow a 35 MPH speed limit. Woodrow Barton asked if the commission agreed with his analysis regarding the radius of the street, and the alleys would they be willing to conform with everything else in the Ordinance, for example, sidewalks. John Porter asked if the commission would allow the sidewalks to be put in as the lots are sold and developed. Discussion on sidewalks. Greg Edwards indicated as an engineer, he would not encourage pedestrians along the highway, he indicated the City of Denton had an approved pedestrian access plan, and indicated that could be a sidewalk or other type of approved access. Woodrow indicated he would like the Department Heads to put there comments in writing. Discussed Parking, and possibly restricting parking on the street. Joe Falls expressed concerns about drainage. Discussed drainage. Greg Edwards indicated he had looked at the drainage situation, they had a lot in that area reserved for a retention spot, he indicated Phase I was considerably less than one percent, and when you look at the methodology of calculating the flows the soil absorption is very low, there is only a twenty to thirty percent increase in flows, he indicated he would like the commission to approve Phase I, and allow them to develop the retention pond in Phase II as shown on the plat. Mr. Porter indicated they would like to possibly donate some land in the upper right area to the City of Sanger for a park or ball field. Discussed drainage flows, flow line, and bottom elevation of the ditch North of the property. Mr. Barton expressed concerns about drainage in future developments. Lengthy discussion concerning drainage off the property. Discussed slowing drainage off property. Discussed drainage calculations, the amount of water that will flow into the retention pond and the amount of water that will flow out of the culvert designed to regulate the flow. Mr. Porter indicated they should not be concerned with the water flowing from property that is not theirs, but only the water that will flow from his property. The commission agreed. More Discussion concerning drainage. Woodrow Barton wanted to know what Mr. Porter's thinking was concerning Lot 1 of this development. Mr. Porter indicated he was thinking a shopping center would be a good idea for that lot, and that the Dollar General Store could be a part of that. Discussed lot lines for lot 1. Greg Edwards indicated this was a Preliminary plat, and eventually they would get the infrastructure in place, there will be some adjusting that will need to be done as the land is sold and developed. The final plats will be filed as the lots are developed. The City Secretary explained the purpose of having a preliminary plat, and filing the final plats as the lots are developed. Greg Edwards indicated the Preliminary plat was basically to show the city how the development would be serviced. Discussed the width of the right of way. Michael Kem indicated the right of way was eighty feet. Woodrow Barton moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for Phase I, provided the items in Mark Hill's letter be conformed with, with the exception of item #6 and Item #8, and that there be a type of approved pedestrian access plan as each lot is developed. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried. Joe Falls opposed. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 Retail Division, Being 0.800 of an Acre on land Situated in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29, Dollar General Store Site. Property is Located on Spur 138 (Next to New Post Office). Brief Discussion concerning pipe embedments. Addressed building permit, and the fence. Motion made by Joe Higgs to accept the Preliminary/Final Plat as presented. Seconded by Rick Carter. Motion Carried. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. 5. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: PLANNING AND ZONING JANUARY 19, 1999 Woodrow Barton, Rick Carter, Joe Falls, Joe Higgs, Polly Dwyer Charles Fenoglio, Mary Belle Sims City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Secretary Samantha Renz, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, Glenn Ervin, Alice Madden, Tommy Kincaid, Ron Williamson, Fem Hutto, Ken Cornell, Jeff McNeill, Frank Ballard 1. Rick Carter Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Bridal Path Estates in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Located on Belz Road and Interstate 35 Service Road. City Administrator Jack Smith indicated he had talked to the City Engineer and the City Engineer would not be at the meeting, but had indicated Greg Edwards would be there to address the items on his review letter. Greg Edwards, 300 N. Carroll Blvd Suite D, indicated they were requesting a variance from the alley requirements on all lots and the sidewalk requirements on the residential lots. He indicated the commercial lots are large, and the residential lots are designed for luxury homes. There will be a trail around the area that would provide for pedestrian access and horse operations around the property. Rick Carter asked what the trail would be made of. Mr. Edwards indicated they would be grass or open space, it would be thirty foot wide. Ron Williamson, the developer, spoke against the alleys and sidewalks, he indicated they were trying to create an ambiance of a first rate residential development, a high level equine center. They wanted to take advantage of the present burns, and have the back yards butting up against the bridal paths. He felt this would be unique for this area. Mr. Williams indicated most of these residents would use the back yards more than the front yards, and with the bridal path, sidewalks would be too much. Discussed direction of garage entry, and privacy fences. Discussed alleys. Mr. Edwards indicated he lived in the South ridge area in Denton, with the width of the lots they have very little on street parking, and there is plenty of room for pedestrians since they have wider streets. Woodrow Barton indicated he had lived in upscale areas in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. and those areas had sidewalks and alleys. He also indicated there may be an Ordinance that prohibits animals inside the city limits. He wanted to know if they were supposed to be approving a development inside the city limits. or in Sanger's ETJ. and also if they were planning to annex this land at some point. Discussed what part of the land was currently in the city limits. Mr. Barton indicated it would be great as a county development. Joe Falls addressed annexing the property. he indicated it was his impression if this plat was approved the property would be annexed. Mr. Williamson indicated this was his intention. Discussed city utilities. Mr. Edwards addressed the issue of animals in the city limits. he indicated it was his understanding that the barns and horse operations would be a non conforming use and would be allowed to stay as that as long as the operation was maintained. this is what his research had indicated. Mr. Williams indicated it would not be difficult to bring people to Sanger. but he wanted to offer them a package. Mr. Barton expressed concern as to who would be responsible for maintaining the bridle path. and cleaning up after the horses. Mr. Williamson indicated the development will be responsible.and also indicated he will be on site. and will take care of maintenance. Joe Falls indicated there were areas in Ft. Worth with lots this size that allowed horses, but did not have bridle paths. he commended Mr. Williamson for his idea. Discussed the number of horses allowed per house. and the number of stalls that will be in the development. Joe Higgs addressed the curbs on the streets. and indicated he would prefer the driveways be feathered out. and not have curbs on them. The developer and his engineer agreed. Mr. Barton indicated the city had approved engineering studies for sewer lines in that area. Discussed size of sewer line, and what would be adequate to service the area. Mr. Barton expressed concerns about boring under the highway every time there is a new development. Mr. Edwards indicated a 12" sewer line would service more than what is proposed in their plan. Discussed sewer lines, and the servicing the area surrounding the development. Discussed roads. Mr. Barton indicated that on the plans, Cobb Rd. showed 60 ft., and may need to show 80 ft. Mr. Edwards noted the correction. Mr. Barton again referred to alleys, and indicated alleys would be necessary for garbage pick up. He expressed concerns that the garbage would be set out on the curb. Mr. Barton indicated he for sees, and will encourage the City of Sanger to recycle everything, if that happens they will no longer need garbage trucks. Mr. Williamson indicated he would prefer they use the bridal path for garbage pick up instead of putting in paved alleys. Mr. Barton asked if the bridal paths would be unpaved. Mr. Williamson indicated they would not be paved. Polly Dwyer expressed concerns of large garbage trucks driving on non paved roads, and also the trash pick up for the houses on the interior lots. She indicated they could possibly put an alley between the back yards of those houses. Mr. Williams indicated he did not want alleys in this development. Joe Higgs moved to accept the plat, with variances, as is. Discussion. Motion died for lack of second. Mr. Williamson indicated he did not know why the board was apprehensive, and suggested the apprehensions were non founded. He felt if there were problems it would be to his benefit to take care of it, and do what is best for the development. Mr. Barton indicated this needed to be done right, and he would like something that was in compliance with the ordinances. Mr. Williamson indicated no development in Sanger had sidewalks. Mr. Barton indicated he wants sidewalks. Mr. Carter indicated he felt that issue was addressed with wider streets, and that would provide adequate pedestrian access. Mr. Falls indicated the only traffic will basically be the residents in the development. Joe Falls moved to approve the plan as drawn , variances given on sidewalks, to accept the bridal paths as alleys on the outer limits, and approve alley construction plans for lots 1 through 28 to have an alley at the back to accommodate requirements for alleys. Woodrow Barton seconded. Motion Carried 3 to 2. Voted For: Voted Against: Polly Dwyer Woodrow Barton Joe Falls Rick Carter Joe Higgs 3. Any Other Su~h Matters. None. 4. Meeting Adjourned. Janull)' 25, 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box S78 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS t1«1-.NUfMlll~•OMa1NIMIU•-.too•IMI.I.A$1'MS-•·-•IU,_Ntlt•FHtt-$l .. IIOtOIAYTQOol..lNl•lllttt•tGl•AllaflN.1tM8'8--•tt-•"lt•FaJltl--,.a Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Preliminary/Final Plat Sanger Facilities L.T.D. (MPA Addition) Lot I, Block 1, 3.607 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: As requested, we have reviewed the Preliminary/Final Plat of the above referenced project prepared by Hammett & Nash, Inc., dated January 18, 1999 and a Preliminary Drainage Study prepared by Greg Edwards Engineering Services dated January 18, 1999 and a letter dated January 2S, 1999 relating to proposed easements. Our comments are as follows: I . All fees should be paid in accordance with various City Ordinances and/or policies. 2. Comments may be received from Public Works. Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 3. The property appears to be within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger. 4. The property is located north of Belz Road and &onts Interstate 3S. S. The area is currently zoned 8-2 and FP. 6. The Final Plat designates a finished floor elevation of any structure within the propeny of 68S. S feet. This elevation should be two (2) feet above the 100 year flood elevation. It is stated within the above referenced letter dated January 18, 1999 that no construction will be conducted within the floodplain limits. 7. The City currently has a blanket easement for it's utilities that directly effects this propeny. We recommend that a defined easement be delineated on the Plat to be filed. The engineer bas stated in the above referenced letter dated January 25, 1999 that once the existins lines are more accurately determined in the field, easement boundaries can be created (See attached). 8. A front building line setback of25' is shown on the Plat and only a 20' setback is required. Ms. Rosalie Chavez Sanger Facilities L.T.D. (MPA Addition) January 2S, 1999 Page2 9. Access to the site is ftom the Interstate 3S service road. Any construction within the State ROW will require approval from TxDOT. A copy of this approval should be provided to the City for it's records. 10. If trucks are to be entering this site, we would recommend minimum 30' radii on the proposed driveway. 11. We recommend that the proposed driveway and parking areas be minimum 6 11 thick, 3,000 psi concrete. 12. The Developer should have approval from Public Works on water and sewer tap locations. This concludes our review of the data submitted on the above referenced project. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, IRJNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ~~~ Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President cc: Mr. Greg Edwards, P.E. PLANNING & ZONING COMMMISSION TUEsday, January 19, 1999 7:00 p.m.