05/20/1999-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1999 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -April 15, 1999 3. Comider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat on Property Legally Described as Tangle T Addition , Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Being 0.44 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey Abstract 29. Property is located on the Comer of Cherry and Seventh Streets. 4. Any Other Such Matters. 5. Adjournment. ~{1' ·e Chavez, City f~ 5/;1/n 2:tJol'/JJ. I j Date and Time Posted MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APRIL IS, 1999 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Mary Belle Sims, Polly Dwyer, Rick Carter, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Joe Falls OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Ken Minnihet. 1. Chairperson Fenoglio Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -April 8, 1999 Mary Belle Sims moved to approve minutes. Polly Dwyer Seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific-Use Permit for sign construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, S.929 Acres. This property is located at Spur 183 & I-3S, Cattle Rustler's Steak House. Public Hearing opened. Kenneth Minhinnet addressed the Board, he indicated he wanted to construct a sign up to one hundred feet tall. Discussed location of sign on the property. Discussed construction and height of the sign. Mr. Minhinnet indicated he was requesting a 65 ft. tall sign so it could be seen from the interstate and over the overpass. Discussed square footage, Mr. Minhinnet indicated he would like the sign to be approximately 600 square feet. The purpose of the sign is for the business. Chairperson Fenoglio suggested they research sign ordinances of other cities. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Pcmible Action Regarding a Specific-Use Permit for sign construction on property legally described as Abstract 1241-A Tierwester, Tract 222, 5.929 Acres. This property is located at Spur 183 & 1-35, Cattle Rustler's Steak House. Discussion. Polly Dwyer indicated she did not have a problem with the height, but she was concerned about the size. Discussion. Discussed making sign smaller than 000 square feet. Board agreed they would like to see him try to make it smaller. Discussion concerning size. Motion was made by Charles Fenoglio to send to City Council the request for a sixty five foot sign, with the sign dimensions up to 000 square feet. Mary Belle Sims seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Discussion followed concerning sign ordinance. City Secretary indicated she would make sure all members received a copy of the sign ordinance. 6. Meeting Adjourned. May 11, 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 81.C, WALNUT Holl. LANt • ()NI, GI.EN I.AKES• $Ul1E 500 • DALI.AS, TEXAS 75231•4350 • 214/36$-9171 • ~AX 2141&111-371& N42 UA1N STflEET • SUITE tOS • l'AlSCO. 1'lUIS 7,o)e • 9f11Jt2-MQO • f4'll 97Z/fl2-..-0 1 t06 CLAYTON LANE • SUITE • 10! • ,'1,/STIN. TEXAS 71723-10)) • 1112145•~718 • FAX S 12145 .. 241 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 Re: Final Plat -Tangle T Addition 2 Lots, 0.44 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: As requested, we have reviewed a copy of the Final Plat for the above referenced development prepared by Kern Surveying. Inc. dated April 22. 1999. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees shall be paid in accordance with City Ordinances and/or policies. 2. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the fire dcpanment. 3. The propeny appears to be located within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger at the southwest corner of Cherry Street and Seventh Street and is zoned SF-3. 4. The side building line along Cherry Street should be twenty (20') feet. S A signature block for the City Engineer should be located on the final Plat. 6. A utility plan should be provided showing the location of existing and any proposed water. sanitary sewer and electrical utility locations and connections. Until this infomation is provided, a complete review can not be conducted. This concludes our review of the above referenced project. If there arc any questions. please call me at (972) 712-6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ~D.)/d/!t?< Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President ! IIE -:J _, E ' • • Ir ..,.r.:,•nn ----_.,., •.o.-• ~-DIJll,'DIUI,.. ----·- CHERRY STR££T \ I I ~& t\ ~ l\ ., ,,!1! ~•11~ 'l•·· ! 10 EASELEY AOO/TION ~1 it t VCX.IMI£ I, PAIE 141 Q O 81.0CIC O )1 • -=-= -=-..:=:.=--=-1-7 LOT I 0,25 AC BLOCK A \ \ \a f Cit 0 ,· ~ • .. ~1 r~ I \ I \ \ I ~~"· -I : ,% ,en\ ,-1 l~l 11'1\ ,-1 ~. I' ft 0\ ~{S () LOT 2 0.19 AC ,-\ 8 I tt=-r.lllC. r.O.IOKIII _,.,_ _,_ I I \ I \ I I \ I-\ L , 8 84•59'05• W 114,90' siM/CAP I \ ~. VCX.1/ME /ISO PA8E ;,z;, FfNAL PLAT TANGLE T ADDITION LOTS I & 2, BLOCK A BEING 0.44 ACRES IN THE REUBEN BES££ SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 29 IN TH£ --nu••----~ .......... ., .. .., .... ..., ...... .,.,......, .... --____ .. ., _____ _ .... ,...,. ........,......, .... -......n ........ ~,..,. ,....,,,.,.,...,,,,,, . ....,_,,,,._., .. ..., .... ., ...... ...... , .... ..,... ......................... ..... _,,, .. ..,.., ..... ., ...................... ,.. ... ,,,,...,...,...,,, _ _,...., .. ..,.,,,...., .... ... .... -.-,,... ............................. ..., .. ., .. ,...., ........ ,, ................... ,.., ... ..., ... ,.,..,,., .. ......,...,.,.,.,. .... =-:-..::-.=:=-.. ~=-:.=--=:-:-.::,-::::: :r:::--~::=.--: =:.--z::' =~: :::::::i.:.-:::' __ .,..,.. __ ,,... ...................... ..., ... ..., .. .,..,, ... ..., ......... ,.. .................... ,., ... ,,, .. .,..., ....,., .. .,.,...., ......... ., .. ..,,, ..... ............................................ ,.,. .. ., ......... .,_ ....... ...,,. .. ,..,., ...... ., ........ ., . _.,_ _____ ,, ____ , _____ _ ..:.:;:=:.:=.-=·:,T~~~=c::.:=...-::-.... ------,_,_ ... fllftli" ..... .,,_) ---........ ~.,,,,,,.,,..., . .,.., .. ,,...., ...... .::::., ==--==-.::.~---..... ---. -- ~-~;-~:::;;;:i ... ~-1:;;::==:=;---..... .., • ..,,,., ----------!.:;~,J ·•====-=-=-= :-.::.:..-;.:,.,-:, ::-..::.-c::::-.::,==.::.-:..~~~ ........ ....,...,..,... ......... ..,.. ... _..., ......... .... ..,,,,,,,,, ..... ,.,.....,. •-&-u.u.,_ .......... _,., ... ....., ..... ,......_. .... _ ,.,,...,,., ..... ,...., ........................ -.... -...... .. ___ ..,_ ._, ... _____ ,,... .............. _&J ---.....,,..11,W .... _ .,.,.,......,,... ------·-- MIS .... =.-::r-:i,-=:==::::::-::=:::-.,-:::.':':f .,...,,,,.,.,,,.-~---_____ _,,..,...,., ................ -.. -..... -----=---=:-.::--=::.-=:.-:::.-:.-::: ....... -.::... ........ ., ___ _ .,,_.,.,_ ' lf011t H ,_. OF Tl/II ,UT• TO-TWO ,or,, CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS