10/14/1999-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1999 201BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -September 14, 1999 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat and a Final Plat for Sunset Lake Estates, Phase 1, Legally Described as Lot 1 & Lot 2, Block A, and Lots 3 -S, Block B, and Lot 6, Block C, Being 19.19 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Property is located off Huling Road, and is in our ETJ. 4. Any Other Such Matters. S. Adjournment. \.S ~# '1/ql/fl1111111\\\\\\\'i This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Polly Dwyer, Mark Bulger, Shelley Ruland, Ralph Cain, Joe Falls, Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Cbava., J.L Wright, Shirlene Wright 1. Chairperson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -August 19, 1999 Motion was made by Polly Dwyer to approve minutes. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary and a Final Plat for the Wright Addition, Legally Described as Lot 1 & Lot 2, Block A, 2.492 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on Duck Creek Road. Mr. Wright addressed the board concerning plat issues. He indicated it was a half acre lot, and a 1200 square foot house would be built on it. City Secretary addressed the drainage and indicated she bad discussed it with the City Engineer and be bad indicated the drainage plan was not a concern. He indicated Hammet and Nash would send a letter concerning this. The letter concerning the site was received, and their engineer found that development on the proposed site would not impact the drainage within the existing drainage basin. City Secretary reported aside from this issue all items in Mark Hill's letter bad been addressed by Hammet & Nash. Discuuion followed and concerns were addressed regarding drainage, the private drive, and property set back lines. The private driveway was a concern. Discussed was the possibility of the private drive becoming a public street in the future. The Wright's assured the board their intent is that it would remain as it is. Shelley Ruland indicated she did not see a problem as long as the Wright's undentood that leaving themselves such a small access to their property, would limit the possibility of them selling the back property in the future. Motion was made by Jack Richardson to approve the preliminary and final plat on the Wright Addition, legally described as Lot 1 & 2A, 2.492 acres. Joe Falls seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matten. None. 5. Meeting Adjourned. October 8, 1999 To: Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Subj: Final Plat on Sunset Lake Estates, Phase 1 I will have the final recommendations by Mark Hill by Tuesday, and they will be available for the meeting on Thursday. The Final Plat is enclosed. iLP" tO tNtOC• \'ICINITY MAP N.T.S. , - ~ , ... CIIAl'lilCCfUlf,Uf ~L .. ~ig~~ ! .... .I' .. ~,-Nf~-, .N.'-..a ... _ ,_.,_W; :::r,;:.~ :::~::: ~ ~. :::1:::: If~~~-~ ~-.'U""-tt.:llllC.i'P.L ti::~, .... -,~ ,, 1r ,~ A. ~1 4'.Jt !:," ~ GINIIIAL N01IS ~,u.,,...,.....,.. • ., t. WA11R IIINCE 10 • l'IIOWIID IY IICIUYM W.D ...._., Ofll/l'Mtt t. DIC1IIC 9IINCI 10 IC l'IICNIIID IY COIIIIY D.rC1IIIC t:lll#Mtt 3. 1IIOMONE 9lotCI 10 K l'IIOlaO IY -~ -- ._ tMITM\' ... 10 K l'IIOWIED IY MVA11 FM:IUID Al N'l'IIIMD l'f ID1QN CCUffi ICAL111 IIU'MIMIIT I. DIii, RISIIIC1IONS RICGIIDID IY _,MIA11 INSIIIIIIINT e. f\OGD ITA11111N11 I MA\C bMIIIIII 1IC F.IJI.A. NICIII IIIIUIIANCI IIA11 IMP FOlt ID1QN CCUffi. 1DAI, OIIIIIINn IMaR 4811774 IPRC1M DA11 +-l-t7 MG 111AT :".:=::..:. ,:,,r:: :,"!" W1IIII .tN IIIDl1RD NICIII ZIIIC ( zac X) 7. ACCIIS 10 LOIS laA. K PIICII IIUUIIO IICWI. e. CIA.'All'T llzr <ILONO IIUUIIO IIOMI 10 K t1•, fflAIUIID IY a&O IDWMIDI INllllalllO tlll'ttCII (t40)Sll-t411 e. 111111 l'IICIPlll1III ME LID''IID .... 1IC UIII IAY IIOlllltl UND IS CIIIIWICI .....maN MG Mil SIMCT 10 1IC OIIDll.tNCI. 1IIS MOPDTr IS ZONID 14 W iv Wed or K.iiiii6 --,sn- IIDffllll CCUffi, 1IXAI ~ FIJI NIPMIA1ICIII 0, MA ,U.T C&o-tf!iall'CIWCII --,sn- at11f!. <~-~,sumer Ltftt""tG'fJ':/ls PHAS£ , =i•,i1u.t?.~J1.W ~o~ -M~OCK A -~~ ~ Ai • N 9;',o •A I 1H .. ,.,.,.. .... ,...,_. __ ltr&JKN~~ SUlt'AY A~.A~r No. 20 ......... -· .. -·" -• "6BJ couNn: •~"•' ·- e : b I' ._ Sc : · if ~ ! 2! ~ l< , .. . ;, , , e lS ~i i ! : .. . i ~ .. . °' 0 ~ ~ ,. ~l I I ~ G t • • ". - I 'I Ui ! i l T: ! ~ i j' a n f i! t! ff .a •• If IJ u ·t l• I l !' 6 g • • ". ! j - , I I • !? : ~ I p a .: I\ ' I ~ .. f t • § ~ ,. j/ 1 " & g • • ".