10/28/1999-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1999 201 BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -October 14, 1999 3. Consider and Pouible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Sunset Lake Estates, Lots 1-18, Being 60.00 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey Abstract 29. Property is Located off Huling Road, and is in our ET J. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Sunset Lake Estates, Phase 1, Legally Described as Lot 1 & Lot 2, Block A, and Lots 3 -5, Block 8, and Lot 6, Block C, Being 19.19 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Property is located off Huling Road, and is in our ET J. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Southwest Estates, Legally Described as 9.20 Acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located off Duck Creek Rd. 6. Any Other Such Matters. 7. Adjournment. <rm 111/5 /./1· Dae a~d Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please· contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 14, 1999 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Jack Richardson, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Charles Fenoglio, Mark Bulger, Joe Falls OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Peggy Arrington 1. Polly Dwyer Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -September 14, 1999 Jack Richardson moved to approve minutes. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat and a Final Plat for Sunset Lake Estates, Phase 1, Legally Described as Lot 1 & Lot 2, Block A, and Lots 3 -5, Block B, and Lot 6, Block C, Being 19.19 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Property is located off Huling Road, and is in our ETJ. Peggy Arrington, 2888 Switzer Rd, indicated she was present to answer any questions the board might have. She addressed the Phase lines on the Plat and indicated they would be drawn on the Plat. Peggy addressed the streets, and indicated the City Engineer suggested that they connect the streets, but this would be cost ineffective unnecessary due to no more lots being served if done. Paving and Drainage was discussed. Discussion regarding overall preliminary and if the board could or could not approve the overall plat with it not being stated on the agenda. Polly Dwyer asked staff if they needed to approve the overall plan first. City Administrator indicated they did. Board agreed they could not proceed with approval of the plats until the overall preliminary of the sixty (60) acre tract had been reviewed and submitted for approval. Discussion. Item tabled until the overall Preliminary was submitted. No action taken. 4. Any Other Such Matters. None. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Memo To: From: Subject: Date: Planning and Zoning Board Samantha Renz, Administrative Assistant Sunset Lake Estates, Preliminary Plat October 25, 1999 We do not have anything yet on the overall sixty ( 60) acre tract for Sunset Lake Estates, the City Engineer is expecting to receive something today, and forward his comments as soon as possible. I am hoping to get them to you prior to the meeting. HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE• ONE GLEN LAKES• SUITE 500 •DALLAS.TEXAS 75231-4350 • 214/369-9171 • FAX 214/696-3795 6842 MAIN STREET• SUITE 105 • FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 • 972/712-6400 • FAX 972/712-4880 1106 CLAYTON LANE• SUITE 410E • AUSTIN, TEXAS 78723-1033 •512/454-8716 • FAX 512/454-2433 October 14, 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Sunset Lake Estates Preliminary Plat 60.00 Acres, 18 Lots Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: We have received a copy of a Page 1 of 2 of a Preliminary Plat prepared by Kern Surveying, Inc. of the above referenced development dated June 14, 1999. In addition, a letter regarding drainage, addressed to Dentori'County from Greg Edwards Engineering Services, dated July 11, 1999, has also been received. tius.information_W~P.r9.vided in.response to,'our lefter'dated Ocfobet'4; 1999 regarding the Preliminary Plat fod,has~d. ·0ur additional comments are· as' follows: "· ·· · 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules, ordinances and policies. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. The property appears to be located within the City of Sanger ETJ boundary on Huling Road south of Lois Road. The tract is currently zoned AG. The Preliminary Plat should show phase lines for each phase to be developed. We do not recommend the street layout as shown. It is preferable to connect the streets for a loop as opposed to two dead ends. Paving details have not been provided. The drainage information pro~ided addresses the driveway culverts along Huling Road only. No information ~as been provided on drainage for -th~ entire 60 acre tract~ It does appear l&at all surrounding property owners may be ~ected. · ·.. · · · · ··: .. : Ms. Rosalie Chavez Sunset Lake Estates -Preliminary Plat October 14, 1999 Page2 9. A 6" looped waterline, fed from an existing 3" water line along Huling Road is proposed. No fire hydrants are shown. Water service is provided by Bolivar WSC. 10. A sanitary sewer system is not being provided. Sanitary Sewer service is to be by private facilities in accordance with Denton County requirements. This concludes our review of the data submitted on the above referenced project. Should you have any questions, or require additional infonnation, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ~ Jjfl,11! Mark D. Hill, P .E. Sr. Vice President _,,,,,,, --~E. OFT~ \\ _,, I>-·········<;~.A ' ... ~, •• •• :'fl$' t ;' .. ··· * ·• .... ,.... .. ;,;-•· · .. ,, , M • t'• . • 11•: '"':, ~*l 7••·············· .. ················.,_ f ;\1'".1-:.: ;·, · •• i L I i. ' .... ·····-~ -,···: •••• t •••••••••••••• ······:·••"ii t..o·. 7-~•-" :~!! """". '-"~...:" .· . ,-.... t,r.• ' " .. o" •'<;, •• 0.~·.1-.,,.-:-.... .., •• •~., ~-"-,.:_.••':G1c::r::'i\.~.~~ .. . , ... (' .. " '-.. ,..,., \"'.S:o•·····E."\v--\,.', NA\. !la.__ ',,,~ F:\Sanaer\SunsetLakeEstates.prelim. wpd HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE• ONE GLEN LAKES• SUITE 500 •DALLAS.TEXAS 75231-4350 • 214/369-9171 • FAAJt:14 795 6842 MAIN STREET• SUITE 105 •FRISCO.TEXAS 75034 • 9721712-6400 • FAX 972/712-4880 1Ul6CLAYTON LANE. SUITE 410£. AUSTIN. TEXAS 78723-1033 •512/454-8716• Fl'.X.512/454-2433 1/ . .< 1 , )u October 14, 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger PO Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Sunset Lake Estates -Phase 1 Final Plat 19.19 Acres, 6 Lots Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: I"' We have received a copy of a Final Plat prepared by Kem Surveying, Inc. of the above referenced development dated September 2, 1999. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules, ordinances and policies. 2. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 3. The property appears to be located within the City of Sanger ETJ boundary on Huling Road south of Lois Road. 4. The tract is currently zoned AG. 5. Several of the comments regarding the Preliminary Plats have not been addressed. 6. The lot numbers do not correlate with the Preliminary Plat for the entire tract of land (18 lots). This concludes our review of the data submitted on the above referenced project. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. (~21~~ Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President ~,,,,, ---r. OFT. ,, -.,. F>-~ ......... c..1-~, .. ...,0" •• .;,'"'l,n'I ~ .. ··· * ···~ J .,, , -· , . .. ' ,' :t .' ,•v.~, •.~ , J''!'t: ~ !'fl, , .......................•......... 1 , r ' • -., D u!LL '1 ,,,.I'""' ••. ,, • .-. " ~·································~' 1 -o\ 7~446 ... (:(:: ;;' ,.~·-,.. :, .... ..li,.,. • O'• ,,,,.. ~,·•~ ~ ,,;,.r:.:::, ~!~!.~~-·:e;o/ \\-•;•: -''A\..:.~ -\· l,Jv <;.--'\>,,,.'-~""' F:\Sanger\SunsctLakeEstates-Ph I .Final. wpcl ~? - I I l: l # ~ - - : : : 1 1 ·• • 1 1 1 :! s ~ I .. . . . , '·· · · P l ' • ' ' • • ! ' " , . ' . * . ' , . · : ! i .. . . . ,. 6 ¥ .. . t • I' . ' I ' g ,, f I' t! ., ., If II II ., I• I I I , !f & " & I -t I -t t tt g - J ' .I Memo To: From: Subject: Date: Planning and Zoning Board Samantha Renz, Administrative Assistant Southwest Estates, Final Plat October 25, 1999 AttachedisaletterftomGregEdwardsEngineeringServicesaddressingtbeOriginalcommentsfromour Engineer, and his original comments. The City Engineer has received the revised Plat and will be forwarding his review. October 8, 1999 Ms. Rosalie Chavez City of Sanger POBox578 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE• ONE GLEN LAKES• SUITE 500 •DALLAS.TEXAS 75231-4350 • 214/369-9171 • FAX 214/696-3795 6842 MAIN STREET• SUITE 105 •FRISCO.TEXAS 75034 • 972/712-6400 • FAX 972/712-4880 1106 CLAYTON LANE• SUITE 410E •AUSTIN.TEXAS 78723-1033 • 512/454-8716 • FAX 512/454-2433 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: Southwest Estates, Phase 1, Final Plat 30 lots, 9 .20 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Ms. Chavez: We have received a copy of a Final Plat prepared by Kem Surveying, Inc. dated May 21, 1999 and construction plans (Sheets 1 & 3-7 of 10) prepared by Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc. of the above referenced development dated September 27, 1999. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules, ordinances and policies. 2. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 3. The project is located south of Duck Creek Rd and west of Keaton Rd. 4. The property is currently zoned SF-3. 5. The Final Plat should have a certificate for the City Engineer, in addition to the signature space, as outlined in the Subdivision Ordinance. 6. The R.O. W. dedication for Duck Creek Rd. and Keaton Rd. should be 30' from centerline for a future 60' R.O.W. It appears that the future R.O.W. line is not parallel to the existing centerline of Duck Creek Rd. Identify the R.O.W. width on the plat. 7. Rear and side set back lines are not shown. This can be shown with a "typical" lot detail. 8. The drainage easement between Lots 14 & 15 on the Preliminary Plat should be shown on the Final Plat. It is shown on the drainage plans. 9. The drainage and utility easements along the rear of the lots should be shown on the Final Plat. Ms. Rosalie Chavez Southwest Estates, Phase I, Final Plat October 8, 1999 Page2 10. Minimum cover on waterlines shall be 42" instead of 36" (Note 17, Sheet O 1 of 10). 11. The lot and block numbers on the drainage plan do not match the Final Plat. It also appears that Lots 17, 28 & 29 are missing. The lots should be numbered consecutively unless there are future lots to be built. Any future lots should be shown on the Preliminary Plat. 12. Permission must be received from the downstream land owner for the additional storm water discharge through the channel identified between Block B, Lots 14 & 15 13. A structural detail of the channel should be provided. 14. A structural detail should be provided for the retaining wall. 15. Copies of any correspondence or agreements from adjacent landowners should be provided to the City prior to final acceptance. 16. Water and sewer details, including embedment, valves, manholes, fire hydrants, etc. should be provided within the construction plans. 17. The fire hydrant at 11 +47 .84 should be relocated to the property line between Lots 6 & 7. 18. The utility plan identifies a proposed 8" sanitary sewer line and the profile sheets show a 1 O" and 8" sanitary sewer line. 19. All double sewer services should be 6" pipe. 20. Typical street sections and details should be provided. 21. It appears that Mesa Dr. is centered on the 40' R.O.W. instead of the future 50' R.O.W. 22. The different lines within the profile view of the prop. concrete channel (Sheet 5 of 10) needs to be identified. The key does not appear to be correct. 23. The curb returns@ Keaton and Duck Creek should be a 20' radius. 24. Pipe and manhole elevations should be identified on the sanitary sewer profile. 25. It appears that the sanitary sewer line and 21" RCP culvert at the intersection of Mesa Dr. and Duck Creek Rd. may conflict. Provisions should be made to insure that stormwater does not enter the sanitary sewer line. Also, it appears that the depth of cover of the sanitary sewer line is insufficient after the ditch improvements are completed. Ms. Rosalie Chavez Southwest Estates, Phase 1, Final Plat October 8, 1999 Page3 26. In order to correlate the sanitary sewer profiles to the plan view, provide stations on the plan view of the sanitary sewer line or reference the paving stations in the profile view. It is assumed that the water line notes, water services and sanitary sewer service are staioned from the paving stations but the sewer profile is not. This concludes our review of the above referenced development. If there are any questions, please contact me at (972) 712-6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ~JJJ/-&~ Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President _, .... ,,,,, ... -1~1~.9.f.JJ:-rJ,, ,, C:> •• • * ·•.IS' ,. ,, . . .. ~, ~•..-·· . . ····*' 11•: a'I ~·································.,. I MARK D. !•ILL ~ ,: ................................ .,, #. • • _, l-c\·. -9.-.-"o :t;t:,,, 1:,-P.\ ~ I <f"t"1 "' •• •~.,,, ·~o\~."7'/:f'\ t:1.-..v.•~<i,_, 'I' ("~ .. ~/STE•~';°••~...-.. ,,-:~ji51 .... ·••:-'t\G-• \• ,.--+!"\.. ~--... ,-c--.~'- cc: Mr. Greg Edwards, P .E., Greg Edwards Engine~ring Services Mr. J.E. Thompson, R.P.L.S., Kern Surveying, Inc. F:\Sanger\SouthwestEstatesPh I .FinalPlat. wpd GREG EDWARDS ENGINEERING SERVICES INC. Hunter and Associates, Inc. Attn: Mark Hill 8140 Hill Lane, One Glen Lake, Suite S00 Dallas, Texas 7S231-43S0 Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Re: Southwest Estates, Phase I, Final Plat DearMark, 300NCFffl-tCAFA:LLILVC. a.nl!O CENT°", 'TBXAS?Si01 FIH. 940.511.8481 FAX 940.511.ceea We received your review comments dated October 8, 1999. The Surveyors have revised the plat and addressed comments 4 through 9. We have made the following changes to address the engineering · plan comments: Comment #10. We revised the note on the cover sheet as requested. Comment #11. The surveyors have adjusted their lot numbering to be consistent with the Engineering plans. Comment #12. The owner will provide the necessary letter prior to construction Comment #13. A structural detilil of the channel has been added to the plans. Comment # 14. The retaining wall is less than 4 feet high and does not need an Engineering Seal. We have not gotten a decision from the owner at this time of the type of material he plans on using. We will provide a detail prior to beginning construction. Comment #1S. We will relay this comment to the owner. Comment # 16. Typical construction details submitted with this revision. Comment # 17. Fire Hydrant relocated to Station 11 +61.09 per your request. Comment #18. We corrected the utility plan to show the 10" sanitary sewer. Comment #19. This note was in the profile. We added a note to the utility plan. Comment #20. Typical street section added as requested. Comment #21. Mesa Drive is centered in the 40 foot right-of-way. Centering it in the future 50' right-of-way would put the curb on private property. Comment #22. Corrected the line types to conform with the key. Comment #23. Labeled the curb returns @ Keaton and Duck Creek as requested. Comment #24. Pipe stationing added to the sanitary sewer profile. Comment #25. The crossings were added to both sanitary and storm sewer profiles. Comment #26. Street stationing is show in the sanitary sewer profiles as requested. We hope that this description of our revisions aids you in your review. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,,.~· f?~~ ·"' ~.,,, Greg ards, P. E. CC: City of Sanger JeffMcNeil