12/28/2000-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA
7:00 P.M.
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Approve Minutes - November 30, 2000
3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SF3
(Single Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on
the Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total
of 42.52 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the
corner of Belz and Stemmons Road.
4. Any Other Such Matters.
5. Adjourn.
,.. Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary,
Date and Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please
contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
NOVEMBER 30, 2000
PRESENT: Chairperson Charles Fenoglio, Jack Richardson, Polly Dwyer, Mark Bulger,
Shelly Ruland, Joe Falls, Ralph Cain
PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Shari Trusty, Kelby
Trusty, Allen Bucel
1. Charles Fenoglio called meeting to order.
2. Approve Minutes - November 16, 2000
Jack Richardson moved to approve the minutes. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SF3 (Single
Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on the
Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total
of 91.822 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the
corner of Belz and Stemmons Road.
Public Hearing opened.
Shari Trusty addressed the board, indicated they were looking to develop a small
subdivision with approximately 50 lots, it would be starter homes with minimum 1200
square foot homes. They will require landscape packages, and have deed restrictions.
She indicated there will be three streets in the subdivision.
Discussed location of the property, it is west of Chisum Trail Elementary just past the
Discussed lot sizes will be from 6500 to 13,000 square feet.
Discussion regarding utilities to the property.
Public Hearing closed.
4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SF3
(Single Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on
the Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total
of 91.822 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the
corner of Belz and Stemmons Road.
Motion made by Mark Bulger to approve the request as presented. Jack Richardson
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SO (Single
Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on the
Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total
of 91.822 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the
corner of Belz and Stemmons Road.
Public Hearing opened.
Allen Bucel,1621 Amanda Court, Ponder, TX, indicated they were proposing Single
Family 3 in the back, and would like to keep the existing horse facilities, and have
commercial in the front.
Discussion regarding the plat that was brought before them previously.
Shelley Ruland asked what size homes they would put on the property.
Mr. Bucel indicated 1200 to 1500 square foot or larger.
Discussed the equestrian center.
Ralph Cain asked if this would present a problem with large animals being in the City
Jack Smith indicated they will have to discuss this with animal control.
Discussion regarding the equestrian center in the zoning of SF3.
Board asked for a description of what they want to change and what they want to leave
Public Hearing closed.
6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from Agriculture to SO
(Single Family 3) on the Residential part and from Agriculture to B2 (Business 2) on
the Commercial part of Property Legally Described as Bridle Path Estates, being a total
of 91.822 acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located on the
corner of Belz and Stemmons Road.
Mr. Bucel requested to withdraw his request until he can get the correct legals on the
7. Any Other Such Matters.
8. Adjourn.
December 21, 2000
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
Fr: Samantha Renz, Administrative Assistant
Re: Zoning Request
This is the request that was withdrawn at the last meeting for Bridle Path, although the request was
withdrawn the Public Hearing was held; therefore this does not require another Public Hearing. This
just needs to be acted on. The metes and bounds for the residential and the commercial tracts are
attached for the zoning request. I have changed the acreage on the agenda to accommodate the
12/05/00 16:57 FAX 9404822911 BRUCE R PENNELL
Surveyors & Engineers
of North Texas
1621 Amends Court
Ponder, Taxes 76250
Ph: (940) 482-2006
FAX: (940) 482-2911
Toll -Free: (877) 461-SENT
www-gwdcofp com
c,n, Df 5VAt6e e
O Bluelines
O Mylan
O Copy of letter
O Specifications
O For Approval
O For your use
O As requested
O For review/corn meat
O Approved as submitted
O Approved as noted
O Retumed for corrections
O Resubmit _ copies for approval
O Submit _ copies for distribution
o Return _ corrected prints
Seotc P ,
Received by: Date'
12/05/00 16:57 FAX 9404822911 BRUCE R PENNELL 903
FIELD NOTES to all that certain tract of land situated In the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241
Benton County. Texas and being a part of the called 91.822 acre tract and 2.000 acre tract described in the
quitclaim deed from James Babcock et.ux. to Mko Commander USA, Inc., recorded in Volume 2483 Page 594
of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas; the subject tract being more particularly described as
BEGINNING for the Northeast corner of the tract being described herein at a capped iron rod found for the
Northeast corner of said 91.822 acne trod on the West line of interstate Highway 35W;
THENCE South 01 Degrees 00 Minutes 23 Seconds West along said Highway along and near a fence a
distance of 800.00 feet to capped iron rod found:
THENCE South 06 Degrees 47 Minutes 48 Seconds West continuing along said We a distance of 152.81 feet
to a 3W iron rod found for the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 236.6 feet;
THENCE akxrg the arc of said curve an arc distance of 247.38 feet (chord bearing of South 31 Degrees 00
Minutes 02 Seconds West a distance of 23627 feet) to a 3W iron rod found for the end of said curve and the
beginning of another curve to the left having a radius of 336.6 feet;
THENCE along the arc of said curve along said highway an arc distance of 705.59 feet (chord bearing of
South 01 Degrees 07 Minutes 06 Seconds West a distance of 583.32 feet) to the end of said curare;
THENCE South 01 Degrees 03 Minutes 50 Seconds West a distance of 146.16 feet to a 3V iron rod found
for the Southeast comer of said 91.822-acre trail;
THENCE North 88 Degrees 51 Minutes 19 Seconds West with the South line thereof now in Belz Road a
distance of 695.58 feet to the Southwest comer of the herein described tract;
THENCE North 00 Degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds East a distance of 1871.00 feet to a comer in the North
line of said 91.622 acre tract
THENCE South 89 Degrees 51 Minutes 38 Seconds East with said North line along and now a fence a
distance of 850.30 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 32.12 acres of land.
JOB# 981617
12/05/00 16:57 FAX 9404822911 BRUCE R PENNELL 1b02
FIELD NOTES to all that Certain tract of land situated in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241
Denton County, Texas and being a part of the called 91.822 acre tract described in the quitclaim deed from
James Babcock et.ux. to Kilo Commander US& Inc., recorded in Volume 2483 Page 594 of the Real Property
Records of Denton County, Texas; the subject tract being more particularly described as follows,
BEGINNING for the Northwest comer of the tract tieing described herein at a wood fence Comer post for the
occupied Northwest Corner of said 91.822-acre tract;
THENCE South 89 Degrees 51 Minutes 38 Seconds East with the North line thereof, along and neara fence a
distance of 1446.72 feet to the Northeast comer of the herein described tract;
THENCE South 00 Degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds West a distance of 1871.00 feet;
THENCE North W Degrees 51 Minutes 19 Seconds West a distance of 1446.75 feet to a 318' iron rod found
for the Southwest comer of said 91.822 Acre tract;
THENCE North 00 Degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds East a distance of 1845.62 feet to the PLACE OF
BEGINNING and enclosing 61.72 acres of land.
Save and Except a trod of land described as follows;
BEGINNING for the Northwest comer of the tract being described herein from which a wood fence comer post
at the occupied Northwest corner of the aforementioned 91.822-acre tract bears North 77 Degrees 06 Minutes
IS Seconds West a distance of 789.90 feet;
THENCE South 89 degrees 51 minutes 38 Seconds East a distance of 524.55 feet to a comer;
THENCE South 00 degrees 33 Minutes 44 Seconds West a dance of 942.07 feet to a corner,
THENCE North 88 Degrees 51 Minutes 19 Seconds West a distance of 534.06 feet to a comer horn which a
3V Iron Rod Found at the Southwest of the said 91.822-9c. tract that bears South 45 Degrees 22 Minutes 32
Seconds West a distance of 1053.69 feet;
THENCE North 01 Degrees 08 Minutes 41 Seconds East a distance of 933.72 feet to a Comer being the
PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 10.40 acres of land.
1821 AMANDA CT. PONDER. TX 76259