02/10/2000-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2000 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes - December 16,1999 3. 'Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF- 1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjournment. kt-1 -L-L Rosalie Chavez, City Secrets Ih, 8 too 5"00 P.M. Daie an Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services most be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office, at J!ID 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16,19" PRESENT: Charles Fenoglio, Ralph Cain, Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Mark Bulger ABSENT: Polly Dwyer, Joe Falls OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Doug Diller, John Dyer, David Pennington, Carlos Brown, Don Hall, Kim Hall 1. Charles Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes - October 28,1999 Mark moved to approve the minutes. Ralph seconded Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to consider a Specific Use Permit to Erect on Off -Premise Sign on Property regally Described as Block 1, Lot 4, Elm StreetAddition. Also Known as 403 N. Stemmous Frwy. Public Hearing open. Jack Smith indicated there is another billboard within 1000 feet of this location. It is directly across the highway. Jack Richardson asked if the state would issue a permit for the sign. Doug Diller indicated he had looked at the states rules and regulations, he indicated they required 1500 feet between billboards, but it was not a circumference, it was on the same side of the street. Discussion regarding the sign ordinance. Doug Diller indicated it was an off -premise sign, it would advertise "Wimpy's" on one side at all times, and the other side would be for lease. Shelley asked if this met the City's regulations regarding how far apart billboards can be from each other. Mr. Diller indicated it did meet the requirements on the West side of the street. Mark asked if the foundation of the sign was on Wimpy's property. Mr. Diller indicated it would be. Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit to Erect on Off -Premise Sign on Property Legally Described as Block 1, Lot 49, Elm Street Addition. Also Known as 403 N. Stemmous Frwy. Jack Richardson indicated he felt this would be a benefit to Wimpy's and in turn benefit the City. Jack Richardson moved to approve the Specific Use Permit. Mark Bulger seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat on Property Legally Described as Lot 4, Block 3, Hampton Addition. Property is located at the intersection of 7* Street and Church Street. Public Hearing open. Carlos Brown spoke in opposition of the request, he indicated these were small lots, and the house, if built on the building line will obstruct view. He indicated they would not be the same size as existing homes. City Manager indicated the property was zoned Single Family 3, which required a 6000 square foot lot or larger, minimum of 1200 square foot home, and the lots comply with the City Ordinances. Carlos Brown indicated every house there currently has a setback of 25 feet or more, and they are requesting only 20 feet. Charles indicated the Planning and Zoning board can not rule on the setback, it does comply with the City Ordinance. Mr. Brown indicated he did not object to the division of the lot, only concerned about the placement of the buildings. Don Hall, 213 Osage, indicated he would build the homes in accordance with the City Ordinances. He indicated he would like to build two brick homes, between 1300 and 1500 square feet. Mark asked if he would consider changing the setback to 25 or 30 feet. Mr. Hall indicated he would not, because he then could not build the homes he had planned. Discussion regarding property and what was previously there. David Pennington, 607 Marshall, indicated the lot was sold as one lot, and he had concerns regarding the water supply. He indicated the pressure they can get in that area is not enough. Discussion regarding Water Supply and the effect it will have on the pressure. Mr. Pennington expressed concerns as a fire fighter and the fact that two houses on the lot would mean the houses will be only sixteen feet apart, he indicated he thought if there was a fire, it would be less likely to spread if there was only one house. Discussion regarding the Fire Hydrants and Water Pressure. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat on Property Legally Described as Lot 4, Block 3, Hampton Addition. Property is located at the intersection of 71 Street and Church Street. Jack Richardson indicated he liked for builders to tear down condemned property and build new homes, it did improve the community. Mark Bulger indicated it fib all the requirements, and advised the people who had concerns to also express them to City Council. Shelley indicated she like to see new homes built in the older agreas of time, because it will help insure they stay single family areas. Jack Richardson moved to approve the request. Shelley Roland seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat (Short Form) For Bucklew Freese Addition, Section Six, Lot 4R, Block A. Property is Located on Freese Dr., and is For the Sanger Church of Christ. City Manager indicated this was the last piece of property in that area to be platted, and that the engineer had approved everything on the plat. Mark Bulger moved to approve the Final Plat. Ralph Cain seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. & Any Other Such Matters. City Manager indicated the City is in the process of having a Land Use plan done for the City, he indicated half of the boards job is planning, and that there would be some sessions with the other boards and the planners to plan the direction the City wants to go. 9. Meeting Adjourned City of Sanger January 10, 2000 Planning & Zoning City Council P O Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Application for zoning change 903 Keaton Road, Sanger TX Dear Sirs, I own a 5-acre tract of land located at 903 Keaton Road in Sanger (description attached). i believe that the land is currently zoned 2-F for duplexes and I would like to request that the zoning be changed to hff-1 for multi -family residential. The reasons for my request are, first, that the regulations governing the 2-F zoning classification are more stringent and would require a significant amount of additional capital compared to building dwelling units under an iv¢ I classification. Secondly. I wouldn't mind spending the additional money except for the fact that the mobile home park adjacent to my property does not seem to be able to maintain an acceptable quality of appearance. I know the city of Sanger has made efforts to improve the conditions there and I appreciate your efforts. The additional cost of building units that meet the 2-F zoning would increase the rent so much that due to the location of the property it would make it impossible to rent. We want to build as nice of a unit as possible but due to the location of our property which is next to a substandard mobile home park, it would not be feasible to build units under 2-F which requires larger units with attached garages. We feel that quality housing that is affordable is needed in Sanger and with the approval of the zoning request we can achieve this. (940) 48 1-0191 Legal Description THE PROPERTY: neitsy all dint certain lot:, tract or parcel of land.siluated la t.hci mittry •111erwesler Survey,' Abutract Number 1Z411. City of i�:�nycst , Uetsl.uts coutsL•y, 'rexna, and being all thnt certain tract of l tstsd de-sc;r i bed its deed to Uilly Jo Pratt, et ux, recorded In vt►1 ttntt• 7.7G5, 1'tsgoa 720 of Lisa Real Property Ilecsurds of Uenton Counl.y, Taxsts, sold txsitsg more particularly described an followot Im.,G)III1111t; at. a ',/It" irun rod fuund it (enton 11und (a public t:undwsy) at. Lh�► northeast corner of sold Pratt tract,' said point• itttittg lJoa auttl.lsrattl: currier of Ltourland Addition, ain addition to tht• CiLy tar nnngtsr, WitLun Cuultty, Texay.. according Lo the plat Lhet:eor recorded In cabinet F, Page 91 of Lite Mat Records of UenLun Couttt.y, 'rexits; . •l'tlt.ICK 5 Ito"S6155" 13, 17U.3U Ceel• with said tuadway and the t!wtt. 1 i n.t or its i d Pratt tract to a 1/2" iron rod net at Lite tttjut.lst+.ttst Llierdul, said pulnt being Lite northeast corner of that verLaits Lr.rset or Usnd described in deed to r.U.I.C. as receiver fur the 1111. Unt.iun.-sl hank of Sanger an recorded In. Volume 3190, 1'nt v 170 ut Litt.,itt!al Property Records of UenL•ots 'County,, Texau, r runt tsa i tl tat i is 1: a 1/1)" i run rod Cowsd hems S 11 ° 24' O1 " W, '.t.ts2 rer_t; . 01111,31CI; llent., 1244.52 feet along the souL•h 11ne uC' said Prat Lrael. niid' Litt. nurlh line oC said F.U.I.C. tract to a 1/2" Iron tud round uts Use east lice of that• certaln tract of land tleve.-ri bed in deed Lo Itaymottd U. Forester recorded in Volume 1099, Page 710 ur Lite Itea t Property Records of Denton County, Texas;_ Till; IC . 11 UU*26' 1.9" W, 170.29 feet along the east line• of said Furestrr Lracl• and the west line of said Pratt tract to a 3" fill-W Cullee curlier post at Lite northwest cornerAhereof, -same beliog the nuulhwe3l corner of 'said. Bourland Addition; THRUICI, 14%a L, t 1.41. 9 7 feetalong the south line at said adds tion .•slid Lite tturlls 11tte of said PratL,.tract to the .POINT -OF 086INNING .,nd cuttL•alttittg approximately 5.093 acres of lantl.;� ;L. City of .7j;;,� - January 28, 2000 TO: Property Owners FR.- Rosalie Cbavez, City Secretary RE: Variance Request The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, February 10, 2000 to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplez) to MF 1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. The City of Sauger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, February 21, 2000 to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF 1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. H for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public bearing. RC:sr Enclosure sos BOLIVAR STRWT SANGM TEX" 7*2" 940-459-7930 P.O. SOX 970 940-458-4se0 FAX Albert Juarez Michael Ceballos 1832 Melinda Myrl 1609 Fairfield Circle Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($69,391) ($62,463) Rachel Sterling Donna Wilson 1834 Melinda Myrl 1611 Fairfield Circle Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($70,344) ($64,360) Van Cross Kim Whitmer c/o Burl H. Bourland P.O. Box 50113 1707 Emerson Ln. Denton, TX 76206 Denton, TX 76201 (1613 Fairfield $66,736) (1836 Melinda Myrl - $70,344) James Hubbard Khosrow Sadeghian 1512 Shady Oaks Ln. P.O. Box 2451 Fort Worth, TX Coppell, TX 75019 (1615 Fairfield $66,736) ($65,851.20) William Glenn Stogsdill Margaret Williamson P.O. Box 722 P.O. Box 910 Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 (Keaton Rd. $82,791) (105 Tammy - $5,991) Allan & Beverly Brickley Rena Pelis 1100 Keaton Rd 107 Walter Way Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($103,126) ($1,500) Mahlon Gonshorowski 109 Walter Way Sanger, TX 76266 ($19,110) Fay Winchell 39 Salen Ln. Bella Vista, Ar 72715 (125 Lynn - $10,920) Gertrude Henkel 129 Lynn Ln. Sanger, TX 76266 ($6,514) Hughes Family Partners Vilma Treminio 213 Hillcrest St. 1841 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 (1803 Melinda Myrl - $73,032) ($71,232) (1814 Melinda Myrl - $69,041) (1816 Melinda Myrl - $69,041) Richard Worthy 1837 Melinda Myrl Roberta Court Sanger, TX 76266 1807 Melinda Myrl Dr. ($62,914) Sanger, TX 76266 ($68,465) Deborah Hendrix 1818 Melinda Myrl Mark Pearce Sanger, TX 76266 901 Keaton ($54,887) Sanger, TX 76266 ($67,786) Glynis Arrant 1820 Melinda Myrl Edgar Barrow Sanger, TX 76266 1802 Melinda Myrl ($53,999) Sanger, TX 76266 ($67,770) Dwayne & Leisha Trower 1822 Melinda Myrl Anna Hernandez Sanger, TX 76266 P.O. Box 730 ($70,337) Sanger, TX 76266 (1804 Melinda Myrl - $66,164) Katherine Wordell 1824 Melinda Myrl Roger Kincaid Sanger, TX 76266 1806 Melinda Myrl ($59,053) Sanger, TX 76266 ($66,885) Rita Jordan 1826 Melinda Myrl William Dickson Sanger, TX 76266 1808 Melinda Myrl ($59,053) Sanger, TX 76266 ($65,967) Mona Stone 1828 Melinda Myrl Samantha Renz Sanger, TX 76266 1810 Melinda Myrl ($59,053) Sanger, TX 76266 ($55,324) Jose Castillo 1830 Melinda Myrl Carol Tucker Sanger, TX 76266 1812 Melinda Myrl ($67,996) Sanger, TX 76266 ($52,697) N FROM : KWSRDW SADEGHIAN FAX NO. : 972-471-1754 Feb. 02 2000 01:49PM P2 P&Z 02/10/00 CC OZ/21/00 ZONING RIEQUM To Considers Zoning Requet Ch ngeFroat Z-F (Dupks) to MF-1(Maki-Family) on Property Ugslly Described as Abstract 1241 In the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 2179 Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at M Keaton 12d. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: 1 approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: zt —0E o� a�6119, 1/-. x 1 SIGNATURE DAZE}i,�,,na,, 14 Q5& AJ Please Print Your Naive J 0 au LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 201 Bolivar, 7:00 P.M, to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF 1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sauger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday February 21, 2000 to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF 1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Run 1 time