08/30/2001-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 2001 201BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: August 16, 2001 3. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Porter Addition. (F & M Bank) 4. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Sanger Industrial Park Lot 1, Block B. Property is Located at the Corner ofF.M. 455 and Fifth Street. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Sec e ry ,£/?~ljl/ J : .JC /!/11, Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: Planning and Zoning August 16, 2001 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Mark Bulger, Polly Dwyer, Joe Falls, Ralph Cain, Ken Perr_y OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant:Samantha Renz, Angela .. McDade. 1. Chairperson Jack Richardson ealled meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: August 2, 2001 Ralph Cain moved to approve the minutes. Poly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Short Form/ Final Plat for IESI Industrial Park. City Secretary indicated this is the City's lot, this is a formality. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Plat. Shelley Ruland approved. Motion carried, Joe Falls abstained. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Short Form/Final Plat for McDade Heights. City Secretary indicated Angela McDade has been trying to get this completed for almost a year. Polly Dwyer asked about the zoniqg, and if it was for sure SF3. Staff indicated it was. Joe Falls asked which. direction the house would face. Angela McDade indicated it would face the South. Discussion regarding the plat. Polly Dwyer moved to approved the Plat. Mark Bulger seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Mark Bulger asked if their was any discussion regarding the environmental aspect of the RV lot that was approved at the Council meeting. Discussion regarding the Specific Use Permit and the environmental issues, along with questions regarding the Council's decision to approve the permit after Planning and Zoning recommended denial. Polly Dwyer indicated she was disappointed that same businesses are not treated the same as far as the requirements for parking. Discussion regarding the parking lots for businesses. 6. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO August 27, 2001 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Final Plat for Porter Addition This is the Final Plat for Porter Addition, attached are the letters from the Engineer regarding this. We have received the enclosed plat since these comments were made. The City Engineer has reviewed it and has indicated all items have been complied with. I f August 3, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 MARKT.OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER Re: Porter Addition, Minor Plat Lots 1 and 2, Block A Response to Dear Ms. Mr. Smith: In response to a letter dated May I, 2001 to you from Mark D. Hill containing his review comments for the above referenced plat, I am providing a revised set construction drawings and the following information relative to the project and construction plans. Item 6 -A City Engineer approval block is included on the cover sheet. Item 7 -The location map shown on the cover sheet has been revised to a 1" = 2000' scale .. Item 9 -All building setback lines are shown on site plan drawing. Item 10-The 30' access and utility easement is shown on site plan drawing. Item 13 -It is my understanding the City has the permit. . •l ·• ' .,. Item 15 -The current undeveloped acreage for this plat is 1.35 acres. The amount of acreage that will actually be developed is 0.47 acres. As shown on the attached drainage analysis the total additional flow that will be discharged from the site is 1.65 cfs. It is my opinion that this minimal amount of additional flow will not have adverse impact on the adjacent property owners. To reduce the potential for soil erosion that could occur from the stormwater discharge existing the site through the curb cut, a 4' x 4' rock riprap energy dissipater shown on the site plan drawing has been placed at the discharge point to reduce the velocity of flow exiting the parking area. In addition the developer of this parcel has obtained permission from all adjacent downstream property owners to discharge onto their property. Item 18-The plans have been revised to show the 12" plug bolted directly onto the TEE. Item 20 -It is my understanding the City has the permit. Item 21 -The manhole shown was shown in error, it does not exist. P.O. Box 596. PONDER. TEXAS 76259 PHONE: 940-391 •4845 FAX: 94<>479-0593 mdintx@iglide.net f I MARKT. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER Item 22 & 23 -Details for water and sanitary sewer embedment and a note designating type and color of pipe have been included on the project details sheet. Item 21-The utility crossing drawing has been modified to show the extension of the steel casing pipe four feet ( 4 ') beyond the existing 6" sewer pipe. Should you have any questions or need further information please call me at (940) 391-4845. Nfa _____ _ Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer cc: John Porter -Porter Investments P.O. Box 596. PONDER, TEXAS 76259 PHONE: 940-391-4845 FAX: 940-479-0593 mdintx@iglide.ne1 .. .. , May l, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 6990 MAIN STREET• FRISCO. TEXAS 75004 • 972/712~ • FAA 972/712-4880 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE• ONE GLEN LAKES• SUITE 500 •DALLAS.TEXAS 75231-4350 • 214/369-9171 • FAA 214169&3795 505 EAST HUNTLAND DRIVE• SUITE 250 •AUSTIN.TEXAS 78752 • 512/454-8716 • FAA 512/454-2433 Re: Porter Addition, Minor Plat Lots 1 and 2, Block A 1.35 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: As requested, we have reviewed a Minor Plat prepared by Alliance Area Surveying dated April 3, 2001 and construction plans prepared by Mark T. Owens, P .E. dated April 5, 2001. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules, ordinances and policies. 2. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 3. The property is located north of FM 455 and west of the Kwik Kar Addition. 4. This tract is in an area currently zoned B-2. @ This appears to be part of a larger 26.385 acre tract that has not been platted. {9 The City En_Bineer approval block is missing. {j) The location map should be at a scale of l "=2000'. {i? A basis of bearing has not been provided on the Minor Plat. ri) All building setback lines should be shown. 10. A 30' access and utility easement is being provided along the northern property line of Lots 1 &2. Mr. Jack Smith Porter Addition -Minor Plat May 1, 2001 Pagel · 'i)., 11. /A 5' electric utility easement is being provided along the south line of Lot 2. If Sanger i ' V electric is providing electricity, the location and width of this easement sl)ould be reviewed. \. ~ 12. /. A 1 O' water uti~ity ease~ent is being prov~ded along the _east property line of Lot 1. ~s :., ~-~ ✓ easement location and width should be reVIewed by Pubhc Works. ek_. A$ lot\~ .;-; b r,cf, 1· ;:;:;J uncler (.cncr'-te (,~u eJJ;~ LY· A copy of the TxDOT driveway permit should be provided to the City. @? (jj) §) _·0) ~-: ... -~ ·J 19. fisJ . It is desirable to reference the development name and lot number on the construction plans. It appears that the majority of the drainage will be discharged through a 2' curb opening. Calculations regarding the quantity of water, including any impact on adjacent properties, have not been provided for review. Where does this water go after it leaves the parking area? Depending upon the amount of water to be discharged, retention may be required or, if applicable, a letter from the adjacent property_myner acknowledging and accep-the a~ditional flows may he provided. If a letter is to be provided,j!Jnust-be.provided.prior..to construction. Re~dless, flow calculations and "offsite" drainage should b~ P!f>Yided . . -···-·--···-··-·-------·--·-----·--·---------·----------··--- It appears that the grading and erosion control encroaches upon the adjacent property to the north. The Owner should provide written permission from the adjacent land owner that this encroachment is acceptable. The roadway extends west from the northwest comer across the adjacent property. An access easement or Right-of-Way should be obtained. A copy of this should be provided to the City, if a separate instrument, or as a part of the Minor Plat. A 12" plug is called to be bolted directly to a valve. Which valxe? .:s.... Attached is a standard fire hydrant installation detail. ~ A copy of the TxDOT permit for the waterline crossing should be provided to the City . . \ '-21. /It appears that an existing manhole is located adjacent to the location for the sanitary sewer I"( . 4· ,1 J v connection. Can this service line be moved to allow for a connection to the manhole? or, i!.~ I £- {ii) Embedment for both PVC water and PVC sanitary sewer lines shall be Class B-1. Details for water and sanitary sewer should be provided in the construction plans. 23. All PVC sanitary sewer pipe shall be SOR 35 pipe, green in color with tracing tape. All PVC water pipe shall be C900, DR 18, blue in color with tracing,tape. Mr. Jack Smith Porter Addition -Minor Plat May l, 2001 Page3 \ · ✓: 24 Provisions shall be made to insure that sufficient clearance is achieved bewteen the new (~ . ..\;\ .~ . 0'"' water line and the existing sanitary sewer line in accordance with TNRCC requirements. 1 , _ ~-tcr litt<. ...,; ,, '"~ ro .J . 1 . f b 1 . .,, l'A-St" This cone udes our review o the a ove referenced deve opment. If there are any questions, please contact me at (972) 712-6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President cc: John Porter Alliance Area Surveying Mark T. Owens, P.E. ~,,,,, ---EOFr, \\ .J9:\~1 •••..•••• f.~'' , ~ ... * ·• . .s' 11 ,, .. ... .., ,.... . .. ' l•: \•l ~·································"I. f.. MARK D. HILL ~ ~ ................................. ~ ,. • • ill ,,~··.. 79446 .... ~ •,O~-t~G1s1E~~~-~~ ',{s.sicf·····~~G-• \,.,.-NAl. !la--''"-'~ F:\Sanger\PorterAddition.MinorPlat.wpd August 13, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 6990 MAIN STREET • FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 • 972/712~ • F/IIX 972/712-4880 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE•~ GLEN LAKES• SUITE 500 •DALLAS.TEXAS 75231-4350 • 2141369-9171 • F/IIX 214/696-3795 505 EAST HUNTLAND DRIVE• SUITE 250 • AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752 • 512/454-8716 • F/IIX 512/454-2433 Re: Porter Addition, Preliminary & Final Plat Lots 1 and 2, Block A 1.35 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: As requested, we have reviewed a Preliminary Plat prepared by Alliance Area Surveying dated April 3, 2001 and construction plans, with accompanying letter, prepared by Mark T. Owens, P.E. dated August 3, 2001. Reference is made to our comments dated May 1, 2001. Our additional comments are as follows: 1. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. 2. The Preliminary Plat provided encompasses the complete 2S.83 Acres. The remainder is designated as Lot 3 and is not to be developed at this time. Drainage and utility plans have not been provided for the entire property. Due to the nature of this project, we recommend that these be provided when any additional property is developed. 3. A Final Plat, suitable for filing with Denton County and conforming to Sanger standards, ~as not been provided. 4. The Subdivision Name should be provided on the cover sheet of the construction plans. S. It does not appear that any soil stabilization is being provided under the parking area. A copy of the geotechnical study should be provided that shows that soil stabilzation is not required. 6. A 12" valve should be located at the end of the water line to prevent disruption of service when the water line is extended in the future. 7. Have ADA required parking spaces and ramps been provided? A. summary of required and available parking spaces (regular and ADA compliant) should be provided. Mr. Jack Smith Porter Addition, Preliminary & Final Plat, Lots 1 and 2, Block A August 13, 2001 Page2 This concludes our review of the available material for the above referenced development. If there are any questions, please contact me at (972) 712-6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. /J?l,L()//4 Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President cc: Fanners & Merchants Banlc Alliance Area Surveying Mark T. Owens, P .E. _,,,,,, ---~E OF 1,:,, \\ ~~~i:-: ••••...••. ~J.-.!\' ,, .... ~••"!'I.ft' ,, ••• ••• v~ I ,.,,. .. , ... ,.. .. ,, ~. ..: , . . .,. "*: ~ .. r. , ... : ......................... :!.~ ~ M.'\;?'.< 0. HIU. -,__ .............. ~ ,.. ·. ················•·:•••ii , .... ~. 704_.10 • ,, '('lo••,. h .., MU •• -,:tJ;,, • .,. T~,,_, ,.Q.•1:V_, "·•':<-''.·':-·t.,1-::r'"'?-~ •• • ~v-l • c\ ••• .._ r. •• r.'»--'\ ".S/o••• .. • •~f,V-• ,, .. -NA\..---,,,,,~ F:\Sanger\PonerAdditionLotl-2.Prelim-FinalPlat. wpd MEMO August 27, 2001 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Final Plat for Sanger Industrial Park, lot 1, block b This is the Final Plat for Sanger Industrial Park, lot 1, block b. The engineer has reviewed the plat and will be sending his comments. If there are issues that need to be addressed we will pull this item from the agenda. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2001 201 BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: August 2, 2001 3. Consider and Possible Action on Short Form/ Final Plat for IESI Industrial Park. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Short Form/Final Plat for McDade Heights. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. ~~\\\\\\11111111/////1. ,#'~ Qr S,4 t~~ ,~.J.. ............ ~Q ~ ~r~.*• ••.~1)~ ~ V • •• ~ if.: .. • ~ ~ . . ~ --. . -= : : e -. . -= : : = ~ \ l § ~ . . ;:: ~ ~. ~· -~ ~ ... ... ~~ ~ ......... ~ ,,. -,.EXAS ~~ ""11111110111\\\\\\\~ Rosalie Chavez, City Secre 9-'f-OI 'f{t4 A,M, Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 2, 2001 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry, Mark Bulger, Ralph Cain, Joe Falls ABSENT: Shelley Ruland OTHERS PRESENT: Code Enforcement Officer Bob Hagemann, Utility Billing Clerk Esmeralda Wilkerson, Stephen Pace, Frank Rodgers, Sheila Enlow 1. Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: June 28, 2001 July 12, 2001 Joe Falls indicated on the July 12, 2001 minutes, Jack Smith was not present. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Joe Falls, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets. Public Hearing opened. Frank Rodgers indicated he wanted to maintain the area, and that this would add to the property values not take away from them. He indicated the property meets all of the size requirements. He indicated he felt the lot was too small for commercial property, and that the area is family oriented without commercial business. Discussion regarding the proposed structure. Ralph Cain expressed concerns regarding parking. Discussion regarding setbacks. Discussion what was on the lot. It was an old historical marker. Sheila Enlow spoke against the request. She indicated there was enough noise in the area already, and she did not want the property changed to Residential zoning. She indicated she was against spot zoning. She would like to see it remain as is. Discussed traffic, curbs and sidewalks. Discussion regarding parking requirements. Public Bearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets. Joe Falls moved to approve the request. Polly Dyer requested Mr. Rodgers put a clause put in the lease for no on-street parking. Frank Rodgers agreed to put the clause in his lease. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried 5 to 1. Mark Bulger voted no. 5. Conduct Public Bearing Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 176. Property is located at 600 S. Stemmons Frwy. Public Bearing opened. Steve Pace spoke against the request. Be indicated the motor homes are leaking oil, and felt that they should have to follow the same rules he had to. Be had to put in parking facilities, and this gentleman is putting the homes on the grass and leaking oil onto the ground. Be felt they should all have the same rules. Discussion. Public Bearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 176. Property is located at 600 S. Stemmons Frwy. Polly Dwyer indicated his lease is for six months, then he will either buy or vacate the property. Discussed the specific use permit. Ralph Cain moved to deny the request based on the environmental issues. Mark Bulger seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Conduct Public Bearing Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222. Property is located at 1200 Stemmons, Lot A. Public Bearing opened. Steve Pace spoke in favor of the request. Discussed the base and rock be was using as a parking area. Discussed the travel trailers and motor homes being sold on the property. Discussed the fence, and that it is needed. A variance may be requested on the fence and the 20' setback. Steve Pace indicated be was putting up a fence between No Frill's Grill and bis property. Discussed the zoning of the property. It is zoned B2. Discussion regarding the parking lot. Steve Pace indicated be bad received the requirements for oil leaks from TXDOT. Ken Perry asked if be would be allowed to put in permanent offices. Bob Hagemann indicated this would be permanent, and be will eventually be able to tie onto City facilities. Public Bearing closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222. Property is located at 1200 Stemmons, Lot A. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the specific use permit with the understanding that be property is zoned B-2. Discussed cleaning the property. Mark Bulger seconded. Motion carried, Jack Richardson abstained. 9. Any Other Such Matters. None. 10. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO August 13, 2001 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: IESI Plat This is actually platting the property that has been given to the City. The City's engineer has prepared the Plat; therefore there are no comments from him, and all of the City's ordinances have been complied with. ' t '? . ' - .. . . . -.. -- r r " ' I I • ,. . . , . .. . ,I · ." - ,. .. ,; 1 .. . . ,, :· , .. . . . . l ~ .a t N t • l. f t # U l t l f I .« O f • .. '· ' ' - ' " ' ° " ~ ., . , . .; ' Ii i .! h .f i i i 11 H t '1 1 ! Ii , A p .. g .. 1 ;! 11 , 'a if lj ii i .. . lo I J ! . ' . -- u A .. ,. fi J ! f 'I 5 •5 • ,, . 1 • ~ :J l: i !~ ~ a1 : I i oo .. . Jl f l 3i : ,: i "" l_ l fi s & i • lh r • .. . d •: 1 1 i ~ •! ' .! _ " t t : w- .• 'I • E. ! • I s1 1 d Ui l l w HI I f .. . Ii 3 ); . 0 . 0 .. ; r ·, a • • I 1 • H • I l l f r i lj I .l r. .. . . 11 5 11 1 I .1 ;_ :: - -o . · t • ! !5 ~ ~ , i i ·o ! • 1 1h e! oi o t§ i' ; , ~ .! ! sf ·- - l : -t i i j - • 0 ': , . ~, 'f § j fl a i l ; 0 _ ! l8s1 1 •l • h j f 5 ~ 3 55 i .. c a i !s d J 1 0 if =j - 3 ' :- - . 1 :. - -, "l ~. · .. . . 1, · l 5 t~ . , -~ o ! f _. I : . ?i ~ p i f Cl : , . _ ti ; ii E ~ t i J ,J i ! i 1e o J1 5 . l t ! ¥ £ HU i H .. ······-··-····· ----------.. . MEMO August 13, 2001 To: Planning and Zoning Commission , Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: McDade Heights This is a single lot off of Railroad Avenue. The City Engineer has given his approval, and indicated that all City ordinances have been complied with. .. .; , , J ,; .. . ·, - - • t, . , -· . • . • .. , , .. -r i ' 1, :. = : 1 - 'I ~- - : : - = = - = - ·1 r ' - - -J j i L -- , - - : : l. . __ - - ;: - _ : : ; •• -• • a ., . , o t , S O N ai - - • - - · · - .9 6 · e o t ~1 ~ - ~ . i t I t • t • i ! i i av o l i QV O l i 1 1 V l i - .. II t I f ,. -- ' ·~ -- i I a 6 I 5 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 6990 MAIN STREET• FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 • 972/712-6400 • FAX 972/712-4880 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE• ONE GLEN LAKES• SUITE 500 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75231-4350 • 2141369-9171 • FAX 2141696-3795 SOS EAST HUNTLAND DRIVE• SUITE 250 • AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752 • 512/454-8716 • FAX 512/454-2433 May 25, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 Re: McDade Heights Final Plat 1 Lot, 1.565 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: < As requested, we have reviewed a Final Plat prepared by Paul A. Hidalgo, R.P .L.S. dated May 9, 2001 \ for the above referenced development. Reference is made to our previous correspondence dated) February 20, 2001. Our additional comments are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. We are unaware of any zoning change for this property. A location map at a scale of l "=2000' should be provided on the Plat. A graphic barscale should be shown on the Plat. A 30' ingress -egress easement provides access to this property. A copy of the filed deed should be provided to the City. · The side and rear lot lines should be shown on the Plat. It appears that water service will be from ana existing water line located south of the property. The line size should be noted. Service availability should be verified by Public Works. Sanitary sewer service is not shown. If on-site sewer is to be provided, which requires Cit-; Council approval, a note should be made on the Plat indicating that sanitary sewer service is to be provided by on-site facilities, i.e. aerobic system. This concludes our review of the above referenced development. If there are any questions, please contact me at (972) 112-6400. ---loF}''\ Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOC~T~ JEXAS, LTD. ... -:\~1, ........ !-t-1, ,, ,, ~.•· * ... , ., "' . .. ., ""•:· ·.., ··• I r/?1,._ ~-2),4~,,e M~k~ill,P.E. Sr. Vice President l•l ~.i ,·································~ I MAR:< 0. HIL.L . -~ ~-··!·························:~--" ' ~· _,..,,.,1,.. ·-"' I :..--.\ I ;;:~.l .•"L.~6' cc: t 'O'• -9... ,<) •• ~N-t\A~;_~9ISTE~~-.;;~ , Ms. Angela McDade (Via facsimile) ,,\~10Ni~C~t:-,,,,,,.... --Paul A. Hidalgo, R.P.L.S. -- " F:\Sanger\McDadeHeights.FinalPlat2wpd. wpd February 20, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 Re: McDade Heights Final Plat HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 6990 MAIN STREET• FRISCO. TEXAS 75034 • 972/712~ • F1'X 972/712-'880 8140 WALNUT HILL LANE• ONE GLEN LAKES• SUITE 500 •DALL.AS.TEXAS 75231-4350 • 2141369-9171 • FAX 2141696-3795 505 EAST HUNTLAND DRIVE • SUITE 250 •AUSTIN.TEXAS 78752 • 512/454-8716 • F1'X 512/454-2433 1 Lot, 1.565 Acres Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: As requested, we have reviewed a Final Plat prepared by Paul A. Hidalgo (no date) for the above referenced development. Our comments are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules, ordinances and policies. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement and the Fire Department. The property is located east of Railroad Road and south ofMcReynolds Road. SFJ The property is currently ~AeEIJ?. The property on the east is zoned SF-3. ·-•5. A location map at a scale of 1 "=2000' should be provided on the Plat. The Plat should be dated. 76. -;), 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ~ 12. 13. A graphic barscale should be shown on the Plat. The Lot is to front on Angela Street, a 30' dedicated right-of-way. We have no infonnation on this dedication. The Volume and Page of the filed dedication should be shown on the Plat. The metes and bounds refers to the Waco Price tract. The Volume and Page identified do not correspond with that shown on the drawing. This should be corrected. The bearing identified in the metes and bounds for the east property line does not match the drawing. This should be corrected. The description in the metes and bounds for the Samuel Jones tract does not match the drawing. f,i,i)4',,, The side and rear lot lines should be shown on the Plat. The Owner/Developer name and address should be provided on the Plat. .Ji- . ~ r:-..~ ...,..-,pho11L.-.r F:\Sanger\McDadeHeights.FinalPlat. wpd Mr. Jack Smith McDade Heights Final Plat February 20, 2001 Page2 14. No water, sanitary sewer or drainage plans have been provided for review. These should be provided prior to final acceptance. Water and sanitary sewer service availability should be confinned by Public Works. Offsite improvements may require construction plans to be prepared and provided for review. This concludes our review of the above referenced develo~ment. If there are any questions, please contact me at (972) 712-6400. --1-;."o;,})\\ ;~t-:.••·····•·':?',!\' . , ~.• * ··':"~ .. Smcerely, , ,-· •••• ,, HUNTERASSOCIATESTEXAS,LTD. {:/ · \~~ ~•••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••••l Mark D. Hill, P .E. Sr. Vice President '-MARK 0. HlLL ~ ( ................................. ~ ~ . . ~ 1-o·. -ri"·"6 :t:t::_, I/!)\ ~ I .:s-t "" .•·¼, ,,o.•. 1'L-" ,..<-v.•~"'"' ,,\~•-~~!ST~"::"··~-, ,,·.s-c:-, .. ·······~.._~G-• \"',•Cl-JA\. \:---,,,,,..., cc: Paul A. Hidalgo, R.P.L.S. (Via facsimile) F:\Sanger\McDadeHeights.FinalPlat. wpd AGENDA PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 2001 201 BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: June 28, 2001 July 12, 2001 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 176. Property is located at 600 S. Stemmons Frwy. Consider and Possible Action Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 176. Property is located at 600 S. Stemmons Frwy. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222. Property is located at 1200 Stemmons, Lot A. Consider and Possible Action Regarding to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222. Property is located at 1200 Stemmons, Lot A. Any Other SucJ\~'\'iWI;,,,,~~ ~~.J.. ···-···· I\IQ ~ 0 Adjourn. ,~✓w••• ••••· .. ~, 1-JA~ edJ~ ~ \ j ~ Rosalie Chavez, City Seery ~ \ • :/::: ·7 Li :7 ~/If \ •, •• • ~ -21-0/ 2 :-::,o r, • •• •• § ~ :••··-······ ~ Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchifft.ao-,ibri'and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the Ci Secreta 's office at 940 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JUNE 28, 2001 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Ralph Cain, Mark Bulger ABSENT: Charles Fenoglio, Joe Falls OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Roger Hebard 1. Jack Richardson, Acting Chairperson, Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -May 31, 2001 Shelley Ruland moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Polly Dwyer. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG (Agriculture) to B-3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi-Family 2), 1-1 (Industrial 1) and SF-3 (Single Family 3) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72, Being 291.9467 Acres to be known as Sanger Trails. Public Hearing opened. Discussion regarding the phases of the entire project. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG (Agriculture) to B-3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi-Family 2), 1-1 (Industrial 1) and SF-3 (Single Family 3) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72, Being 291.9467 Acres to be known as Sanger Trails. Discussion regarding a possible ordinance for development of a road prior to construction and development of the Industrial zoned area. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the zoning request change. Jack Richardson seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Shelley Ruland and Mark Bulger voted no. 5. Any Other Such Matters. Discussed issues and concerns regarding the travel trailers on the corner of Austin St. and Stemmons. 6. Meeting Adjourned. ·-· MINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION .RJLY 12, 2001 PRESENT: Joe Falls, Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Ralph Cain, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry ABSENT: Mark Bulger OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Fred Gossett, Roger Hebard, Paul Cargill, Jerry Yensan, Katherine Wordell, Amy Sadeghian, Nicole and Dwayne Trower, J.O.J.L Wheeler 1. Acting Chairperson Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Appointment of Chairperson and Co-Chairperson. Shelley Ruland nominated Jack Richardson as Chairperson. Ken Perry seconded the nomination. Motion carried unanimously. Jack Richardson nominated Shelley Ruland as Co-Chairperson. Joe Falls seconded the nomination. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Public Hearing opened. Fred Gossett, 3625 Serendipity Hills Trail in Corinth, spoke in favor of the request. He indicated that he would like to build four-plexes on the property. It would be a nice transition from the housing addition to the mobile home park. He would like to request the zoning change, and answer any questions they may have. Shelley Ruland asked Mr. Gossett what his intentions were for the existing house. Mr. Gossett indicated they intend to demolish it. They plan to put one street down either the North or South side. He would plan to build a screen fence on the South, and possibly on the North. Polly Dwyer asked how many entrances would there be. Mr. Gossett indicated there would be only one. Polly indicated he would have to get variance, because the City ordinance requires two entrances. Discussion regarding the entrance. Mr. Gossett indicated he would have between sixteen and eighteen units, which would be sixty to seven individual units. They will be two story. Discussed parking spaces required. Mr. Gossett indicated he would follow the City's code on the required parking and landscaping. Polly Dwyer indicated the City ordinances only allowed ten (10) units per acre. Mr. Gossett indicated he wanted something that the community would be proud of. Mrs. Khosrow Sadeghian, 629 Vernon Tree Ln. in Coppell, addressed the board and expressed opposition to the request. She was concerned about the traffic, and that they may use her private road. She requested that if it is approved that a brick wall be put between the development and her property. Gerald Yensan, Landmark Surveyors in Denton, indicated he had done several plats and surveys for Mr. Gossett in Denton. He indicated Mr. Gossett does exceptional work, and he would like to emphasize that his properties are always very nice. Dwayne Trower, 1822 Melinda Myrl, indicated he was against the zoning change. He would like to see it go to Single family houses. He felt this was money driven rather than looking out fro the community. Katherine Wordell, 1824 Melinda Myrl, spoke in opposition of the request. She expressed concerns regarding the children's safety in that area, the traffic, and indicated she would like to keep the trees behind her home. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Jack Richardson asked for comments or a motion. Discussed the size of the property. Shelley Ruland indicated that the area is best suited for this type of development. Mr. Gossett indicated he normally does Single Family projects, but that cannot be done in this area. He knew there was a need for rental property in Sanger, and he wanted to provide that. He indicated it is only thirty more units than Single Family would be. Polly Dwyer asked if there was any consideration of having people purchase the units instead of renting. Mr. Gossett indicated he would like to be able to control what the development will look like, so he would not consider selling the units. Discussion regarding the property. Polly asked if Mr. Gossett would consider putting in a brick wall. Mr. Gossett indicated be would not; it would be too expensive and raise the rent amounts too high. Discussion regarding the trees. Mr. Gossett indicated they will only remove the trees that are in the direct path of the site. Shelley Ruland indicated the property is not suited for any other zoning. Discussion continued regarding the request. Jack Richardson indicated there is not any other use for this property, and currently the property is not being maintained, with this development the property will at least be maintained. Shelley Ruland indicated she felt it would be a benefit to the community. Polly Dwyer moved to accept the property for MF-1 on the condition that it maintain no greater than four units per building. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried S to 1, Ralph Cain voted no. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Fiul Plat for Serendipity Place, Being 8.891 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is Located off of Keaton Rd. Discussed that the project will be done in two phases. Mr. Gossett indicated that when 60% of the lots are sold, they will then start on the second phase. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Final Plat. Joe Falls seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat for Sanger Trails , Being Legally Described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72. Property is located off of Marion Rd. Polly Dwyer asked for Deed Restrictions in the Industrial area that it not be developed until something is done with Belz Rd. Mr. Hebard indicated he would be willing to either work something with that road, or put in a road from F.M. 455. They have increased their street width per the Council's request. Discussed the roads and parking. Joe Falls asked how the property would sewer. Mr. Hebard indicated it will sewer to the southwest part of the property. Discussion continued regarding the request. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the final plat on Sanger Trails with the understanding that all the plans meet the requirements of the engineer, and that deed restrictions be placed on the property restricting the flow of commercial traffic through the residential area. Polly Dwyer seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Any Other Such Matters. A) Dwayne Trower indicated the notice that was sent out regarding the zoning change at 903 Keaton had the wrong day on it. City Secretary explained the notice requirements, and that those requirements were met with the notice in the paper and the posting of the agenda on the door of City Ball. B) Discussion regarding the zoning at Serendipity Place. 8. Meeting Adjourned. I· -;;..• 12-18-00 R&R Ranching and Real Estate P.O. Box 992 Sanger, Texas 76266 940-458-7398 To: City Manager, Planning & Zoning Board, and City Council, Re: Zoning change on lot located N.E. comer of Plum and Seventh Street Business I (BI) to Two Family (2F) This lot is currently zoned Business I, the block is used for the Schertz Fanning head quarters and for single family homes. The lot across Seventh St is used for a single family home. The lot across Plum street currently has a duplex. We would like to build a two unit town house. This could serve as a buffer between single family residential and business property. We would appreciate your cooperation in this change. Thank You, Frank & Sue Rodgers Kenny & Shelley Ruland Couf\c; / re'bue$fec( kck be.Cvr~ +he -/v br,~ fhis ki<V'Cl.s. -_Q = -r--· -- - I E0 39'1d -I. ~ dl I. .( 0 • 0 -Jo oo i- 0 . . ,s,-s 10-~ -~,~~ A3~ ! SI~'SNI1-n) I I I .. ~ ~ tC [l !:" I I I --:i~ ..... 0 0 ·' " ~ '• . . ~! ~ I -~ --..1.JI ' ---=-~-----,1~ .. - I, '• 60:Et 000l/St/tt 11 / 1 5 / 2 0 0 0 13 : 0 9 81 7 - 8 3 4 - 3 9 4 1 CC L L I N S , H A R R I S & KE V PA G E 05 -: ~ •• I f -, ~ ~ . i io - J 0 1. . ·• r jl J f 11 / 1 5 / 2 0 0 0 13 : 0 9 81 7 - 8 3 4 - 3 9 4 1 \ ~ :~ D Be f f i ·' " " ' " i. i u : . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r. . WQ ! t l Bl f f l ii i I I Ii ii fl HI I ii h ii i i I ~p ' - : , CO L L I N S . H A R R I S & KE V PA G E 04 .c ,l,,J ,l,,J C QJ Q) Q) > '-Q) ,l,,J V, V, 33.5 ft. set back from Plum St. -QI ~ Ll"l 00 Lot N.E. Corner of Plum and Seventh -QI ~ 0 Ll"l M M 26.50 ft set back Town House Two Units 54.50 feet 2 5 feet set back from Plum St. 100 feet Plum Street 12 ft set bac R&R Ranching and Real Estate P.O. Box 992 Sanger Tx 940-482-3824 - Jerry Schertz Home ' 11/15/2000 13:09 817-834-3941 ' ~~ , .. .: ... ~Ir-- ~ -.. o_ 0 .-~ . J.l··· . LR -~ . 1,· ;~ ·r 1f :-· _,_+----:---. 4 1·<>* • r C < Ir .[j) (1 JJ L j_ .,._, . ~•o • ~- ... .- ;::!: -= City of,: Someplace Special ~ July 23, 2001 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning will conduct a Public Bearing on nursday, August 2, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot JB. Property is located on the N.E. coner of Plum and Seventh Streets. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Bearing on Monday, August 6, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RC:sr Enclosure SOI BOLIVAR STREET P.O.BOX17s9 SANGER, TEXAS 76S66 940-458-79)0 940-458•4180 I' AX LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, August 2, 2001 at 7:00 P.M to consider a Zoning Change from B 1 (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. comer of Plum and Seventh Streets. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, August 6,2001 at 7:00 P.M to consider a Zoning Change from Bl (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. comer of Plum and Seventh Streets. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary P&Z 08/02/01 cc 08/06/01 ,. ' ZONING REQUEST To consider a Zoning Change from B1 (Business 1) to 2F (Two Family) on property legally described as Original Town Block 79, lot 3B. Property is located on the N.E. corner of Plum and Seventh Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. . . ' Pl~: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request ne inhkl'/2ood.. epLiet: DATE SV'J?'j 5cherl-e:_ Please Print Your Name 08/28/01 0 • TBll 17:J! FAX llJOOl ____ :~: __________ :_-:::r""""~f2~-----... ~=.=4'=,:4======-···-_•:-~_-·- 11 /\ .,. ~~~IA.., ----------··V-~ i; -·-. ··-----= ----------•·· --·-•-•··----------- i ·-·-·-------......... ·----------·········-.. -I ii !! _____ _.;.;.._ ____________________ ···----------·------- !I :; ,. ;: Ii Ii I . -... i .. --· ··-- 1 I . I 1· I -· --· ---.. -..... --:.:· -·· . -· ·• ------------------ _ ...... City of· Someplace Special ~ July 23, 2001 TO: Property Ownen FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit -600 S. Stemmons Frwy. The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Bearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chamben on Thursday, August 2, 2001 to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 176. Property is located at 600 S. Stemmons Frwy. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Bearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chamben on Monday, August 6, 2001 to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 176. Property is located at 600 S. Stemmons Frwy. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RC:sr Enclosure SOI BOLIVAll STllEET P.O. BOX17s9 SANCEll, TEXAS 76S66 940--4$8-79~0 9~0--458-4180 I' AX PZ0S/02/01 CC0S/06/01 SPECIFIC USE PERMIT Considering a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 176. Property is located at 600 S. Stemmons Frwy. If you disapprove of this Specific Use Pennit Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Specific Use Pennit I disapprove of the Specific Use Pennit ' Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name Dorwin Sargent 3344 Lois Rd. W. Sanger, TX 76266 Jim & L. Marie Hoffpauer 511 Simmons Rd. Double Oak, TX 75077-8238 Richard Muir 7177 Rector Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Aubrey F. Ballard 12542 Rector Rd Sanger, TX 76266 Chisum Trail Apt. 742 E. Poipeline Rd. Hurst, TX 76053-6011 Property Tax Consultants, Inc. 3811 Turtle Creek Blvd Suite 1850 Dallas, TX 75219-4419 ·t:@§E~f? I ti€ July 20, 2001 City of Sanger : f ·t •· .... Planning and Zoning and City Council P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Sirs: ..... , I .. • ~ • o '"! : •• .. ~ ,· p I am requesting a specific-use permit on property legally descnoed as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222, being 5.929 acres in the City of Sanger. The property is located North of the Green Building on 1-35 to be known as No Frills Grill. (Was Cattle Rustler's). The Specific Use Permit will be to allow Travel Trailers and Fifth-Wheels to be sold on this property as requested at the time of the zoning change. I appreciate your consideration regarding this request . Sincerely, ~/~----.. Paym Mtiip}iy---.-J ~ :. .. - City of ... Someplace Special ~ July 23, 2001 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Specific Use Permit -1200 Stemmons, Lot A The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, August 2, 2001 to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222. Property is located at 1200 Stemmons, Lot A. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, August 6, 2001 to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222. Property is located at 1200 Stemmons, Lot A. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RC:sr Enclosure SOI BOLIVAR STREET P.O. BOX l'7Z9 SANGER, TEXAS '76Z66 940-4S8•'79JO 940-4S8•4l80 FAX PZ0S/02/01 CC0S/06/01 SPECMC USE PERMIT Considering a Specific Use Permit for Travel Trailer and Recreational Vehicle Sales on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 222. Property is located at 1200 Stemmons Frwy, Lot A. If you disapprove of this Specific Use Permit Request, please be in attendance at the meeting. Please check one: I approve of the Specific Use Permit I disapprove of the Specific Use Permit Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name List of Property Owners for RV Parks and Sales DAVIDSON, RUBY 223DAVID SANGER, TX 76266 RAMSEY, BOBBY 102STEPHEN SANGER, TX 76266 HORST, LILLIE B. 106STEPHEN SANGER, TX 76266 COE,KEVIN 1529 HOME PARK DRIVE ALLEN, TX 75002 MCCARTY, ERNEST l00STEPHEN SANGER, TX 76266 LINDSEY, VANCE 104 STEPHEN SANGER, TX 76266 SLUSARSKI, ROBERT 108STEPHEN SANGER, TX 76266 MCCOWEN, ROBERT 112 STEPHEN SANGER, TX 76266 STOUT, JOSEPH 1522 WESTWOOD DR. SHERMAN, TX 75092