06/28/2001-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2001 201 BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes -May 31, 2001 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG (Agriculture) to B-3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi-Family 2), 1-1 (Industrial 1) and SF-3 (Single Family 3) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72, Being 291.9467 Acres to be known as Sanger Trails. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From AG (Agriculture) to B-3 (Business 3), MF-2 (Multi-Family 2), 1-1 (Industrial 1) and SF-3 (Single Family 3) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 72, Being 291.9467 Acres to be known as Sanger Trails. 5. Any Other Such Matten. 6. Adjourn. ~\\ltl!lfl/fl////1, ~ OF S "~~ ,~~:..•········~~Q~~ ii o ... *·· .. ~~ ii .. •.1)~ --. . ::: i ! : E = : : e ~ ~ I ~ \ ••• ..• s ~ •• • §1 ~ ••• •••• B ~ }'-,......... ~ '~XAS ~~ :,1111nn,111m\\,,~ V' J./-o I /0 .· .J 2 Jt,r,1. Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 houn prior to this meeting. Please contact the Citv Secretarv's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING MAYJl,2001 PRESENT: Mark Bulger, Ralph Cain, Joe Falls, Shelley Ruland, Jack Richardson ABSENT: Charles Fenoglio, Polly Dwyer OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Vaughan Anderson, John Porter, 1. Jack Richardson called the meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes -March 15, 2001 Joe Falls indicated he was not listed as present in the minutes of the last meeting. Mark Bulger moved to approve the minutes as corrected, Ralph Cain seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Serendipity Place. Property is legally described as Abstract 1241 H. Tierwester Survey, Part of Tract 118 being 18 acres to be used for Residential and 9.9 acres to be used for commercial. Property is located on FM 455 and Keaton Road. John Porter indicated Fred Gossett was on his way, they had come before the board before and there were a few objections from the surrounding citizens. One of the issues was the traffic. They have revised the plat and added a road that will go from Keaton to Acker St. The last plat had two entrances on to Keaton, this on has one on Keaton and one on Acker. This should solve the traffic problem. The drainage was another concern. The yards will absorb an amount of water, and they have provided for storm drainage. They want to build something that will be nice and affordable, and that will be a proud addition to the City of Sanger. Ralph Cain asked about the zoning. Mr. Porter indicated it was SFJ. The Council had hoped they would raise it to SF2, but economically that was not feasible. They have some other areas they hope to develop, and would be willing to go with SF2 on those. Joe Falls asked if the Acker Street access was definite. Mr. Porter indicated that it was, they plan to put some speed bumps through there to prevent speeding. Discussed commercial area of the development. Jack Richardson asked if the streets would be concrete or asphalt. Mr. Porter indicated concrete. City Manager indicated they are putting a sidewalk on the straight street, and the road will be 31 ft. back to back. Shelley Ruland asked about the R.O.W. City Manager indicated it will be 60 foot from the Center line. Mark Bulger asked if the drainage concerns had been taken care of. City Manager indicated they had. Discussion regarding the curb cuts and drainage. Joe Falls asked where the 12" water line connects. City Manager indicated it does not exist at this point. Discussion regarding utilities and utility easements. Shelley Ruland indicated she felt most all of the issues were addressed at the time of the zoning change. Mark Bulger moved to approve it. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Any Other Such Matten. Shelley Ruland asked when the zoning at 903 Keaton would come before the board. Staff indicated June 14, 2001. 5. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO June 21, 2001 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Zoning change for Sanger Trails .. •, This is the property that was just recently annexed into the City Limits. A Preliminary Plat has been approved on this project; I have attached a copy of it for your review. ~· .. . .. ' •. •• I •• :; •' , • -_ • • .,.;.~• ..... :. i.. March 24, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith Sanger City Manager 201 Bolivar Street P. 0. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Smith: .... ; ·."" ..... :.:.......~•~.t,;a-,:...;r·•··•·;•\·•·· ~--~........._ ..... ~._,_,-......., ____ _ .. ·, ... Roger D. Hebard, Jr. P. O. Box 226754 Dall .. , Texas 75222 972 213 9503 PAX 214 946 8323 Mobile 214 794 2671 rdhebard@att.net As the owner of the 292.95 acre tract shown on the attachment, I hereby petition for annexation into the City of Sanger. I also hereby request zoning for my property to the Planned Development District as shown on the attached zoning exhibit. Please schedule (i) the Planning & Zoning Commission hearing on my zoning application prior to the Council vote on the annexation; and (ii) the Council vote on the zoning application and the annexation ordinance should be on the same agenda. y questions or need additional information, please let me know. ·,·:·.· .-;,,,_.·, ... \: ~-~._ ... ~: ....... ,.. ORDINANCE NO. ------ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 11IE AMENDMENT TO TIIE CENTRAL ZONING ORDINANCE OF TIIE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, BEING ORDINANCE NUMBER ____ _, AND PROVIDING FOR A ZONING CHANGE AND A ZONINQ CLASSIFICATION FROM AGRICUL11JRE AND NON-ZONED PROPERTY TO A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT. WHEREAS, a Request for Change in Zoning Chmification was duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter descnoed property; WHEREAS, due notice of hearing was made in the time and manner prescnl,ed by law and the Planning and Zoning Commmion of the city of Sanger, Texas, duly convened and conducted a public hearing for the pmpose of assessing a 7.0Ding classification change oo the hereinafter descnl>ed property located in the City of Sanger, Texas; and WHEREAS, an additional opportunity for all interested persons to be heard was provided by the City COlUlCil of the city of Sanger, Texas, at an open meetin& with proper notice posted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF 11IE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The legal description of the property zoned herein is generally descnl>ed as being a tract of land of approximately 292.9S acres located on the West side of Marion Road approximately 300 feet North of the intersection of Highway 45S and Marion Road being part of the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, Denton County, Texas. A complete legal description is attached hereto as part of Exhibit" A". SECTION 2. The zoning classification on the bereinabove descnl>ed property is hereby changed to a Planned Development District to be developed in accordance with the Zoning exhibit attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit "8" and in the following approximate amounts: a. Tract 1 • "8-3" Central Business District b. Tract 2 -"MF-2" c. Tract 3 -"MF-2" for Assisted Living d. Tract 4 -"1-1" e. Tract S -"SF-3" Residential District 19.39acres 17.26acres 15.48 acres 8.42acres 232.39 acres SECTION 3. The property zoned as a Planned Development District herein shall have Special Conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto. Such conditions are hereby officially adopted, approved and ordered as a part of the Planned Development District zoned herein. SECTION 4. The zoning classification of this Planned Development District will take immediate effect after the passage of this Ordinance by the City Cowicil of the city of Sanger, Texas. .... ' .. : •.:.~.::..::.-.-:.-:.:•: ... ~ ..... .a:._-.:....: __ i...:...".~ , .. •' ~•" . .-• ·1•••!::_:;,-.;:• ~• •--••:1.:,..":.~--~:•.,.·•.o!-11,.l~~~LJ.!t..l~~~~ ft " • C 1 °•1 • •-~·• ... :•·• · . , ·• '• ·' ' I 4!,, • .. .. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of 1he City of Sanger, Texas,on this the_ day of ___ 2001 Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney .· ... : .... '·· ...... ••'" . ...,.··. .. -, TABLE OF CONTENTS L SUMMARY OF PROJECT A. Location and Description 8. Present 1.oning C.Acces., D. Proposed z.ooiDg E. General Requimnents D. PROPOSED ZONING DISTRICTS AND LEGAL DESCRIP'JlONS Tract l -"8-3" Central 8usille$ District Tract 2 -"MF-2" Tract 3 -"MF-2" for As.1isted Living Tract 4-"1-1" Light Industrial Tract S -"SF-3" Residential District APPENDIX -Exhibit "B" A. Concept Plan ' . ... . ...... ·. '••·· '•.·• I . . . . ... · ..... • :·• .... • .. ~ .. :1.. ~: ....... •,:_._ ~ .. :· ..... .;_~\~~~:.:.;.-.;; . .:,, .. :;.a:::..,i,,,;.~·•·,-A •• «ntG· E'll*t ... tp EXHIBIT"'A" L SUMMARY OF PROJECT A. Locatiop and Pescdption The subject 29'2.95 ac1e tract is localed OD tbe West Side of Marion Road .,.nning 'lpplOximately 300 feet North of tbe intersection of Highway 455 and Marion Road. B.Pmpent7pning The pR9Cllt zoning OD tbe subject tract is Agrlculture. c.~ Marion Road borders tbe tract on tbe F.ast Side. A planned extension of Belz Road will acces., the propertywmtbeWa • D. Proposed 2'.ooine The proposed land use of this tract fillls within several zoning clas.micatioos; therefore, we me iequesting a PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING to accommodate tbe varied uses. Tile fell8wiag .,.. an ill accerdallce wida die Zoaiag Onliaace of dae City efs..pr• adopted Aapst3, 198'7 ud aaeaded daroap Ordinance ao. 95-01 of februly 20, 1995. The area for each use me detailed in the enclosed plans: Tract 1 -"'B-3" Central Business District Tract 2-"MF-2" Tract 3 -"'MF-2" for Assisted Living Tract 4 -"'l-1" Light Industrial Tract S -"SF-3" Residential District 19.39acres 17.26acres 15.48 acres 8.42 acres 232.39 acres The detailed descriptions of the various uses me further descnoed herein. On any tract within the districts any other use of less density allowed in the district may be used. E. General Requirements All public streets and utilities shall comply with the City of Sanger Subdivision ordinance. II. PROPOSED ZONING DISTRICTS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS . .. . . ,• ·--~ ·-~;. ZONING RFSl'RICl'IONS TRACT 1 -"B-3" CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT -19.39 ACRF.S AS D&,IGNATED IN TIIE ZONING ORDINANCE OF TIIE crrY OF SANGER AS ADOPTED AUGUST 3, 1987 AND AMENDED TIIROUOH ORDINANCE NO. 95-01 OF FEBRUARY 20, 1995. TRACT 1 LEGAL DESCRJP11ONS TRACT 2-"MF-2" MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT-17.26 ACRES AS DESIGNATED IN 111E ZONING ORDINANCE OF TIIE crrY OF SANGER. AS ADOPTED AUGUST 3, 1987 AND AMENDED 111R.OUGH ORDINANCE NO. 95-01 OF FEBRUARY 20, 1995. TRACT 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS .. ·, TRACT 3 • "MF-2" MULTI-FAMILY· FOR USE IN ASSISTED LIVING lS.48 ACRES AS DESIGNATED IN 11IE ZONING ORDINANCE OF 11IE crrY OF SANGER AS ADOPl'ED AUGUST 3, 1987 AND AMENDED nDlOUOH ORDINANCE NO. 95-01 OF FEBRUARY 20, 199S. TRACT 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION V ~-0 0 •• •••••· .. '· TRACT 4-"1-1" UOHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT -8.42 ACRES AS DF.SIONATED IN 'DIE 7.0NINO ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER.AS ADOPI'ED AUGUST 3, 1987 AND AMENDED TIIR.OUOH ORDINANCE NO. 95-01 OF FEBRUARY 20, 1995. TRACT 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ..... TRACT S "SF-3" RESJDEN11AL DISTRICT -232.39 ACRES AS DF.SIONATED IN nm ZONING ORDINANCE OF nm CITY OF SANGER AS ADOPl'IID AUGUST 3, 1987 AND AMENDED 111ROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 95-01 OF FEBRUARY 20, l99S. TRACTS LEGAL DF.8CRIP110N · .. : . :·· \~(· +" ... '""? •A ·- - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .. . I I I[ f CA R G I U . - C H E S H I E R Ir AS S O C I A T E S , IN C . • RI C H A R D S O N , TE X A S ~ I! 'I 1'1 CI I ' ' ' ·, .• "- ' \ ' .) ' • J - - •. . . . "- ~ . ·· , I ! 4' ,_ . , ., . .. . / ' ; • J .. . . . -· - •• • CA R G I L L - C H E S H I E R & AS S O C I A T E S , IN C . • RI C H A R D S O N , TE X A S ' ·, \ • ·• ·~ .. .. . \/ ! ✓' / j / / / ', \ ', '· ' ', •, ', '. / // ,; j . I . : ~ '' . . \. : : - :~ .. . . ,. . . .. . . ·_ . . . . ', . - - . , '. .. ': . · · - .. . :· .. . . ·• . • · · · · · ~ .. . : ,· .. . • .. / / / .. . . ·• . ·• .. . . . . . . . . . / .. , .. . . . . . .. ·• . ·~ , .. . .. . . . . . . . :· · .. . . ·· · · · · .• .- . ~ , - · .. -' _/ · . ·- - - .. . · · · · i• I - · · · / / .. . . . . . . ·· · .. ·• .. . . . . . . . -- ·i ,• · / / / .' , , I i •1 · · · ~, - , •. . CA R G I L L - C H E S H I E R Ir AS S O C I A T E S , IN C . • RI C H A R D S O N , TE X A S \ ' \ I: ' .. . -· .. . . . .. . .. . . '· .. . . . . . . . . :1 1 · · · · · · · · .- - - 1 1 .; • I . ·: .. . . . .. . . . . ·· .· · .. . . . . -- ~~ · · . • -• • - :~ ,, .~ '° , ·, \ •- • _, . .. . __ _ -• " - CA R G I L L - C H E S H I E R Ir AS S O C I A T E S , IN C . • RI C H A R D S O N , TE X A S I w= = = = = ~ = = ~ = - - ~ - . : ~ ; : g • • ~ - ~ - w ~ - •I §