11/01/2001-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2001 201 BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: October 11, 2001 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Quail Run, Being 82.439 acres in the M. Burleson Survey, Abstract 71, the McKinney and Williams Survey, Abstract 940, the F. Jaime Survey, Abstract 664 and the W. Hudson Survey, Abstract 562. The Property is located on Cowling Road. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Eagle Park Addition, Phase 1, Block B Lots 1 & 2, Being 2.34 acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Property is located on Acker Street. 5. Any Other Such Matters. 6. Adjourn. ~\\\\\\\\Ullfllt///f/1. ~~~ OF S,4 1~~ ~ ~--t ············~G' ~ ~(j:..__ •••• ·• •• ~~~ ~ . . ~ s • • ..-": ~ . . ~ --. . :: = . . -= : : = = . . = s ~ : :;: ~ ~ : § ~ ··•• .••· ~ ~ ... •• §, ~ ··········· ~ ~~,,. :rex A.S ... ~~ l';///!fnRIJl~\\\\\'..S This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. I MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 11, 2001 PRESENT: Mark Bulger, Ralph Cain, Shelley Ruland, Ken Perry, Jack Richardson ABSENT: Ralph Cain, Polly Dwyer OTHERS PRESENT: Jack Smith, City Manager, Samantha Renz, Assistant City Secretary 1. Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: September 13, 2001 Shelley Ruland moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary and Final Plat for McKnight Addition, being 6.00 Acres in the B. Lynch Survey, Abstract 725 in the E.T.J. of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. City Manger indicated the property fronts on Melton Road, and the City has no problems with the approval of the plat. Brief Discussion. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the Preliminary and Final Plat for McKnight Addition, being 6.00 Acres in the B. Lynch Survey, Abstract 725. Seconded by Mark Bulger, Motion carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. None. 6. Meeting Adjourned. Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Planning and Zoning Commission Samantha Renz October 26, 2001 Quail Run Attached is the infonnation regarding this plat. The City Engineer's letter is attached. The letter is from our new engineer, Mark Owens, who has indicated the majority of the comments are minor and the surveyors should not have a problem addressing them prior to the meeting. I have spoken with the surveyor and they have indicated that the items should be addressed no later than Monday, October 2, 2001. I have also enclosed a copy of the plat with your packet. •, ,• .. :. ·• • • ·.£.:,. ~ ~:-. l..;:• .. ,..:..., .... ~ .......... ...:..'"'~-~I_..:_....:..:..,~_. ... •· •. 1: Ntt ct · ·ts t: Oct 25 01 11:53a TOSHIBA PREFERRED USER 940-497-0593 ~i.~.RK ·c-. O~iVE~S, F .C::. Ge:NZ~AL CIVIL CONSUL"!"ING ENG!NEEr: October 2S, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Quail Run -Preliminary Plat 3 t 4 Residential Lots Sanger, Texas 1st Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have reviewed a Preliminary Plat, Preliminary Utility Layout, and Preliminary Drainage Study as prepared and submitted by Teague Nall & Perkins for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987, Zoning Ordinance adopted August 3, 1987, and Ordinance No. OS- 06-01. My review comments are as follows: General 1. All comments received from Public Works, Fire Department and Code Enforcement should also be addressed prior to preliminary plat approval. 2. The property is generally located east of Cowling Road in the southern portion of the City. 3. The property is currently zoned SF-7. 4. In response to the comment by the developers engineer in the their cover Jetter stating that the property will be developed in phases but the phases were not shown on this preliminary due to market fluctuations, I would recommend that they provide a delineation of at least the first phase. Preliminary Plat 1. The title block on the preliminary plat should indicate the tract designation and other pertinent descriptions as required in Item 4.03 8(4) of the Subdivision Ordinance. ?.O •·10:,; 596 Pcr .. nr-·~. T:•: ·:G?.59 P IC)t•.F: 9.10-3~~ 1 ·4S-~5 FA;~: 9.tC,.4 79 (l5~::~ ::,diut~(,~;i;,;lkh: ., ..... , p.2 ·' · ·· .:• • •• ..... :: .. -, ...... -..: .,. ·'1--:~ • .:.-.-...• ... .._·~--•.>A,. .. ·· , > , •· ·• a a sr "'' · :a n · Oct. 25 01 11: 53a TOSHIBA PREFERRED USER 940-497-0593 MARKT. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER 2. For all cul-de-sac lots the arc distance at the building lines should be shown to verify minimum lot width of 50 feet. 3. In accordance with Item 4.03 A(6) street names should be shown for all streets. I would assume the City does not want the names as currently shown. 4. I would recommend that 15' utility easements (U.E.) with a minimum 5' exclusive . electrical easement be placed in the front of all Jots within the 25' building setback. If the easement are allowed in the back of the lots as shown I would recommend that the 15' U.B. and 5' electrical easement all be placed within one lot with the electrical easement closest to the property line. 5. Minimum rear yard setbacks are not shown. I would recommend that typical configurations be shown for each type of lot s~owing front, rear .and side yard setbacks in accordance with Section 15 of Ordinance No. 05-06-01. 6. Scale of Vicinity Map is not legible and should bet"= 2000'. The vicinity map should • show an area of at least 1 mile in each direction from the project. 7. The typical street section shown does not meet City standards. It does not show side walks and shows full depth asphalt pavement. The typical section should show sidewalks on both sides of the street and 6" of3,000 psi concrete pavement with #4 bars on 24 centers placed on 6,. of 6% (by weight) lime stabilized subgrade. 8. Lot 15 Block 6 does not have distance on east property line. 9. Property lines between Lots 2 & 3 and Lots 1 & 2 Block 2 do not show distances. Due to transition from 66' ROW to 50' ROW distances wiU vary. Preliminary Utility Layout 1. Existing water and sewer facilities should be shown in accordance with Item 4.03 A{3) of the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. All new sewer facilities for all phases should be tied into the newer lift station located south of the proposed subdivision along Cowling Road and not into the lift station across from the proposed subdivision. This would require constructing a new sewer line along Cowling Road south to the newer lift station. I would recommend that an evaluation of the capacity of lift station, forcemain and existing downstream sewer be evaluated relative to the potential impacts this project will have and to insure capacity to service this subdivision. 3. Connection to offsite water should be shown. r,.(). BOX 5SG . .:f)':OF'R. T.< 'i\:1Z:-:9 p; 1()1\f · ~14(\.. J:• 1 ·461\~) i"'~"X: 9Al.('i·4 .... 9'\)~~:'\ ::hffu•.~•P.0::,'.lit1 ..... ,,,., p.3 -( ••• .•,;·i'::rf!'•:• >J'--,:••••+',••••-••• • V • • • • ._,, .-, • .-.;. ..,., h• ••Ld•·•• ._ • .., • ..o ,.._ •••"'•••• .._, --.,n~•-•• •-: .. •-. .. .., ........ ~_._,_._,.,_ ... -., ........................... _ .... •H"rlWtd -"[' Oct 25 01 11:53a TOSHIBA PREFERRED USER 940-497-0593 MARKT.OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSUL TING ENGINEER 4. An ingress/egress easement to the existing water tank site shall be provided by the property owner through all phases of development. Preliminary Drainage Study 1. Using City of Denton drainage design criteria is acceptable. 2. Calculations on the sheet do not show the time of concentration(s) used in the evaluation. Your calculations show 43 minutes for existing and 30 for proposed. This does not comply City with City of Denton criteria for maximum times of concentration. 30 minutes should be used for OS-1 and OS-2 and 20 minutes for the remainder of the area(s). t 3. Prior to final plat approval, I would recommend that alternatives to stonnwater management be evaluated in addition to the detention basin as proposed. Alternatives that could be evaluated include utilizing an oversized upstream stormwater collection system or underground detention storage utilizing a network of stormsewer pipe at the proposed detention basin location. Should a detention basin be approved I would recommend that developer provide an extended maintenance bond for the basin to insure that the grass has reestablished itself · and bas~n side slopes have been stabilized. If you have any questions or need any further infonnation, please call me at (940) 391-484S. liJ.{<1-- Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: Gary Vickery-Teague Nall and Perkins l-'O.t-!0x596 r-11:'NnFF•. r:•: 762~'):"} P, m11.: 940-391 -«lS45 ;:-·,.,:-:: 9-10-,:1;•)59:'. in,linh-.,i.i!,!lid.:.11,.-1 ,._ ----·• p.4 , •.. -·· .. · ... ,.. .. . ... .:... . . .· .. •• • .. ,_ ..... ••••-'w-........ -,., .. .,_ .. _.__~~-:.; --•-••--...___._... ____ _ ... TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS ·-1Nc. ENGINEERS • CONSULTANTS Mr. Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Smith: October 11, 2001 RE: Quail Run Preliminary Plat TNP No. GOS01313 Attached please find materials for review related to a Preliminary Plat for Quail Run, an 82-acre residential development in Sanger, Texas. On behalf of Grace land & Cattle Company, Inc., this letter is to serve as our application for preliminary Plat approval. In accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, the following materials are enclosed: 20 copies of the Preliminary Plat 25 reduced copies of the Preliminary Plat Filing Fee of $3,440 ($300 plus 314 lots at $10/lot) 2 copies of the Preliminary Utility Layout 2 copies of the Preliminary Drainage Study, with attached calculations and analysis The proposed development is zoned "SF7" Single Family Residential. The lots shown on the Preliminary Plat meet or exceed the minimum lot sizes and dimensions specified for t~e SF7 zoning. The Preliminary Plat includes on its face the proposed asphalt pavement section, which is an exception to the Subdivision Ordinance. The attached Drainage Study shows our plan for detention to limit post-construction stormwater flows to pre-development levels. All the drainage analysis has been performed in accordance with City of Denton design requirements in the absence of specific drainage design requirements in Sanger. The Preliminary Utility Layout shows our plan for sanitary sewer, using a lift station to carry wastewater to the existing sewer system in Cowling Road. We are currently negotiating with the property owner to the south, Mr. J.B. Haisler, Jr., for easements that would enable us to eliminate the detention pond altogether, as well as the lift station. If those negotiations are successful, the detention pond would be eliminated and provisions made on Mr. Haisler's property to allow for discharge of the post-development runoff THE RADIO CENTER BUILDING 23S W. HICKORY. SUITE 100 DENTON. TEXAS 76201 (940) 383-4177 FAX (940) 383-8026 . ... ·-····-··· ... -., , ................ ·-·--·--~··· .. ;':--., .... ,l ......•• --•··-·-~·--.. ~ -·-•"'"-•---=-.,-..,..,., .... _-., .-. .J• Mr. Jack Smith Quail Run Preliminary Plat Application Oct. 11, 2001 Page2 through his property. In that case, Street 'A' would extend through to First Street, and the two cul-de-sacs adjacent to the detention pond would be eliminated. Similarly, if these negotiations are successful, sanitary sewer would be served by running a line south across Mr. Haisler's property, then west to the Bottom Cowling Lift Station along Cowling Road. The preliminary plans included in this submittal assume that we are unable to reach an agreement with Mr. Haisler. Phasing has not been shown on the Preliminary Plat, since phasing will be driven by the housing market. At this time, no specific phasing has been identified. It appears quite · possible that the first phase could be in the range of 60 to 100 lots. In that case, the first phase would be the southwest portion of the project, adjacent to Cowling Road and extending east along Street 'A' and Street 'B'. The Preliminary Plat shows an existing Ingress/Egress easement that provides access to the City of Sanger water tank station. Upon platting of Street 'B', we propose to vacate that ingress/egress easement and replace it with a 15' Utility Easement to accommodate the existing water line located there. Access to the water tank station will then be by use of public streets. In the event the project is phased, access either by easement or right-of-way will be maintained at all times to the water tank station. Also, in the event that the project is phased, we will want to try to provide sewer service to the first phase by connecting a gravity line to the existing line in Cowling Road, rather than building the lift station or the long off-site sewer for a small first phase. It is our understanding that submittal today will allow the Planning & Zoning Commission to consider the Preliminary Plat on Nov. 1, 2001 and the City Council to consider it on Nov. 5, 2001. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Gary L. Vickery, P.E. Encl. Q:\Proj-r14\GOS01313\docs\prelplat.sub.doc II • I /_,, C •• • • •._-..., . QUAIL RUN CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS OFF-SITE ORA/NA.GE H,B TEAGUE NALL & PERKINS 2J5 W. HICKORY, SUITE 100 INC. DENTON, TEXAS 76201 .• • · •• . ~, · ! · .. . . . . . . .l ; , . .. . . ,, I ,, I ' ' 2 ' I : ' . -·• Memo To: From: Date: Subject: Planning and Zoning Commission Samantha Renz October 26, 2001 Eagle Park Addition ' Attached is the information regarding this plat The City Engineer's letter is also attached. These lots are from the commercial part of Serendipity Place which has been preliminary platted. The engineer has indicated that all items on his first letter have been addressed; however, he added three (3) comments to the second letter. The surveyors have indicated they will have these items addressed at the first of the week, and prior to the meeting. A copy of the plat is enclosed for your review. Oct 25 01 01:41p October 25, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 . • . ! TOSHIBA PREFERRED USER 'MAP!K T. ()•1;~/ZMS, ?.!::. GENERAL CIVIL CONSUL0 flNG ENGINEER Re: Eagle Park Addition -Final Plat Block B, Lots 1 & 2 -2.340 acres Sanger, Texas 2nd Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have reviewed a Final Plat prepared and submitted by Isbell Engineering Group for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987. My review comments areas follows: 1. All my comments concerning the final plat have been addressed. 2. A lot grading plan may be provided in conjunction with submittal of building plans. Grading of the site shall be perfonned to promote flow in direction as shown on the drainage plan submitted with the final plat. 3. I do not understand the comment in the letter from Michael Kem dated October 1, 2001 stating that the utilities are in place in Acker Street and that only water and sewer taps will be required but no taps are shown and what is shown is proposed water and sewer lines are shown at the back of the lots with no flow-line elevations for proposed taps. Flow-line elevations at all proposed manholes will need to shown for the proposed 8" sanitary sewer to be constructed with Serendipity and grade for the 300' 6" sanitary sewer service line. Manholes should be constructed at all bends in the sewer line. 4. The time of concentration times shown in the table do not match those in the drawing. The total time of concentration at point A should according to the drawing be greater than at point 1. I would request that the calculations shown in the table be clarified and that the developers engineer address how the increase flows from the site are going to be dealt with. ~'.(.\, B•:lX 59(, f'ONl.lfll "'.":< 76259 Pt•,ONL 9d0-3':J 1 ..... ,a45 F • .:-..;,;: 04C•4·19:)593 a::,h1et~_,t:_.i:i,:li .. l,:.11.;~ Oct 25 01 Ol:42p TOSHIBA PREFERRED 'USER ~40-497-0593 MARKT. OW.ENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER . If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-484S. Cc: MikeKem Isbell Engineering Group 1-'.O.l:!0X 59;5 P()~.ll,,,·,. T;,; ;·e,;2:59 P1-1:_1i-;r:; 9•10-39 1 -<I S45 :-°/\;~~: ~J--J(_).;.!. /~) •)593 11k1i,tt:._.~,:f~lilk·.n._~, p.3 .. -;•.: .· .... ~ 4 ISBELL ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. STRUCTURAL •CIVIL •GEOTECHNICAL •CONSl'RUCT/ONAL4TERJALSTESfLVr. "Integrity In Engineering" 1004 Maple, Suite 107 • Sanger, Texas 76266 Phone: 940-4S8-7S03 • Fax: 940-4S8-7417 e-mail: isbell@isbellengineering.com October 1, 2001 Mr. Mark Owens City of Sanger, Engineer PO Box 1729 Sanger Texas, 76266 Re: Eagle Park Phase 1-Final Plat Dear, Mark The following comments per your 1st review dated September 19, 2001 were addressed as follows; Comment 5 title block was changed as requested Comment 6, bearing corrected on plat Comments 7 and 8, utility easements added as requested Comment 9, rear and side yard set backs added as requested Comment 10, lot grading plan cannot be prepared at this time, since no building plans are in progress, however, once building plans are available , a lot grading plan will be submitted to the city for review. Comment 11, Utilities are in place within Acker Street, which only water and sewer taps will be required, we have prepared a utility plan showing existing conditions and flow-line elevations for proposed taps as requested, and also a drainage analysis was prepared and submitted. We hope these corrections and new documents will satisfy the city's concerns and requirement. If you have any questions or need further assistance pleas call me at 940-458-7503 Sincerely; Michael Kem RPLS Page 1 of 1 \. LETTER IIE. \l)_(i,,, ·-.: .... ·.:· .... •..... . _. . ........... •• ·-·· .. , ···-····· .. • ...... -.,, •• •· ••• •• •.• • ............ _,~ .... 1 ...... •·.-t,...:...· l-.-l.-•· ... ··• ••·•·• -·. -.~·'=-~·::..: ... ~•--··· •·•·····,,r, ····4 September 19, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 MARKT. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER Re: Eagle Park Addition -Final Plat Block B, Lots I & 2 -2.340 acres Sanger, Texas 1st Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have reviewed a Final Plat prepared and submitted by Isbell Engineering Group for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21, 1987. My review comments are as follows: 1. All prescribed filing fees shall be paid in accordance with applicable City ordinances and policies 2. All comments received from Public Works, Fire Department and Code Enforcement · should also be addressed prior to final plat approval. 3. The property is located on the northwest comer of the intersection of Porter Place and Acker Street. 4. The property is currently zoned B-2. 5. The title block on the final plat and construction details should include block and lot information. 6. The first bearing call in the metes and bounds description does not match the drawing. 7. A minimum 15-foot public utility easement should be dedicated along porter Place and Acker Street. 8. A minimum 5-foot exclusive electrical easement should be dedicated along the 15-foot P.U.E. P.O. Box596 PO'JDER. TX 76259 F'~,..;.~.E: 940-391-4845 FA:•:: 94C-479~)593 ,nJi111x._u,1:;liJc:.nc:1 MARKT. OWENS, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER 9. Minimum rear yard and side yard (north boundary line) are not shown. The side yard setback building line along Porter Place should be 20 feet in accordance with Section 29 .2 of the City of Sanger Zoning Ordinance. 10. A lot grading plan should be provided in accordance with Section 4.04 Item H. 11. Construction plans should be provided in accordance with Section 4.04 Item H. A · drainage study should be provided detailing how stormwater and the increase in stormwater discharged from the site will be dealt with. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. ~✓C~ Mark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Cc: MikeKem Isbell Engineering Group P.O. Sox596 PO~J0ER. TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391 ·4845 .FAX: 940·479-0593 ,m.limx@igliJ,:.11,:1 .... ~ ... _., ,. •.· ' .. , • ....................... -· ... ~ ... . • -••• _ ......... -...... .,. ...... ___ • ,.,,·.s ··• ·-• . ..•. , ....... , .... , ... ~ .-----~~~ .. w .. ·•t·1•~"'1"!·. ISBELL ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. STRUCTURAL • GEOTECHNICAL •CONSTR.UCilON MATERiALs TESTING 1004Maple, Suite 107 • Sanger, Texas 76266 Phone: 940-458-7503 • Fax: 940-458-7417 e-mail: isbell@isbellengineering.com September 5, 2001 TO: CITY OF SANGER , . SUBJECT; EAGLE PARK ADDITION PHASE 1 nvo lot co•ercial tract, located on the west side of Acker Street, and the north side of Porter Place (under construction). we desire to proceed with a short form, Final Plat of 2.3 acres into two lots, in the H. Tierwester survey, A. 1241, in the city of Sanger, being a part of the 27.941 acre tract owned by the PAC Group, Ltd., The property is currently zoned co.arcial (B-2), the water, sewer, electric. and telephone are existing at the site. Acker Street is an existing concrete street. This site was included in the Preliminary Plat prepared for serendipity Place, recently approved by the city. we do not have any building plans or construction plans available at this time, an understand, that all necessary site plans will be required for each lot, before any construction can begin on either lot. we look forward to working with the city and it's representative's for this project and may others in the-future. Page 1 of 1 \\Ws-14\c\MY oocuments\eaglel park2.doc Respectfully, Michael Kern RPLS Isbell Engineering Group, Inc . ' :'.!~~~