09/13/2001-PZ-Agenda Packet-Regular-- ,. ' 1. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2001 201 BOLIVAR 7:00P.M. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: August 30, 2001 3. Conduct Public Bearing Regarding a Replat on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 3 & 4. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 3 & 4. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. s. Conduct Public Bearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to SF7G (Single Family 7G)on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 4R. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to SF7G (Single Family 7G)on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 4R. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. S. Any Other Such Matten. 6. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City etary q-~-~ 1 ll:1bf m. Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 houn prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. .. -. . .. ... . .. . . . .. MINUTES: PLANNING AND WNING COMMISSION AUGUST 30, 2001 PRESENT: Chairperson Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Mark Bulger, Ralph Cain, Joe Falls, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Jeff Higgs 1. Chairperson Jack Richardson Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: August 16, 2001 Correction to minutes: Item #3 should read "Shelley Ruland seconded." Shelley Ruland moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Porter Addition. (F & M Bank) Discussion regarding the corrections needed on the General Notes. Electric will be provided by Sanger Electric, Gas will be provided by TXU, and the water will be provided by the City of Sanger. Joe Falls moved to approve the plat with the corrections to the General Notes. Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Sanger Industrial Park Lot 1, Block B. Property is Located at the Corner of F.M. 455 and Fifth Street. Discussion regarding the corrections to be made to the General Notes. Electric will be provided by Sanger Electric, Gas will be provided by TXU, and the water will be provided by the City of Sanger. Joe Falls moved to approve the plat with the corrections to the General Notes. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Any Other Such Matters. None. 6. Meeting Adjourned. -, MEMO September 6, 2001 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Replat This is replanting the property located at the comer of Plum and Fourth and the comer of Plum and Fifth Streets. There are a few comments sent by the City Engineer that need to be addressed; however, I have been assured they will be addressed prior to the meeting. The comment regarding the setback lines was made under the current zoning of B-1. They are requesting a zoning change to Single Family, and the current setbacks on the plat will fall into those guidelines. ...... · .... ·.·· .. August 25, 2001 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 . ·. ' .,. ~ .... : .. ': • .. l..:.,••• . HAT 872-712-4880 HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 69111> WJN STREET• FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 • 972/712-6400 • FAX 972/712-1811() 8UOWAUAII' HILUANE • ONE GLENI.AKES• SURE 500• DALLAS. TEXAS 75231~• 214tl69-9171 • FAX 214J596.379S 506 EAST HUNTtANO ORM:• SUITE 2!iO •AUSTIN.TEXAS 78752 • 51~16 • FAX 512/454-2433 Re: Original Town Replat Block 77, Lot 3R & 4R Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: As requested, we have reviewed a Replat of the above referenced location as prepared by Alliance Area Surveying, dated May 29, 2001. Our comments are as follows: 1. All fees shall be paid in accordance with all City rules, ordinances and policies. 2. Additional comments may be received from Public Works, Code Enforcement, Sanger Electric and the Fire Department. 3. The property is located at the northeast comer of the intersection of Fifth Street and Plum Street. 4. This tract is in an area currently zoned B-1. There appears to be a residence on Lot 3R which is does not conform with the current zoning. A waiver could be provided if this is to remain a residential structure. 5. In accordance with B-1 zoning, the front building line should be 25', the side building line adjacent to the street should be 25', the other side building line should be 10' and the rear yard should be 20' . A 6' masonry or wood wall is required along the rear property line. Lot 4R has two structures that do not conform with the building line requirements. A waiver could be provided. 6. The City Engineer certificate should be placed on the Replat. 7. Reference to Bolivar Water Supply Corporation should be removed and replaced with the City of Sanger. F:'5anger\Block77•3R-4R.Replat.wpd .. ·p.·1. - .... · .......... .. Mr. Jack Smith Original Town Replat, Block 77, Lot 3R & 4R August 25, 2001 Page2 8. The location of water and sanitary sewer services for each lot should be shown. This concludes our review of the above referenced project. If there are any questions please contact me at (972) 712-6400. Sincerely, HUNTER ASSOCIATES TEXAS, LTD: 1/Z,/_;J#,$. Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Vice President cc: Jimmy Kirby Alliance Area Surveying ~,,,,, .. -... :tEOF \\ ,e._'\~ •••••••• ,~~,,, .,. 7. ••• • •• ,r •• ·••'·"l , .. ·~· ., ~ *. .. ' , .. :-.... , 1·····························=·~·~ l MARK D. HILL ~ 1.•••••••••••••• II ,, "'O... .. .............. :••·' '•1:i·.~ 1944a .~s •1~·.fG1sTEw\~~-•~~_: ,,.s--s;o··········~u'ilJ" \, .. -,NALE_,..-.. ,,,~ F:\Sanger\Block77•3R-4R.Replat.wpd .• -· · •• -.:,t::,: __ •.• ;_,. :~---···::_,.;i:_..:., ~~~::.. .•. ~••·· .;•:•• ·,•. : "'' .. < "''."': I i'~'.'j?''::~·'.':'&~:;~:: "¥{:1 >"·~•~;••"~~·• . 'ii '•:.'>ii• ;~,•~n:•r)j;~''."·;•·,,• .. •~···· ,.,.,..,._, ·•~•••••>:[ .. :· _, .. 'i;: --t.-!I, ... -··. LEGAL NOTICE ne City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Bearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chamben on Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Replat on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 3 & 4. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Bearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chamben on Monday~ September 17, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Replat on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 3 & 4. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Run 1 time \ .. •. · .. ·- -7 . · · • · · r . . . -: . . . . - -~ ~ - ·-r -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - t• . O ' & .. . . . . . . . . ·· · · · · .. . _ .. . . -~ - - I ' ,. , . . . L l _ . - - - - ~ - - - - 1 : : - - 1 ' a I I !I Ir ' ' 1' ,, , , ~ I • l f i u. f I Ii ~ I ,f 1• ; I , I ,, ., , ~ a II I U i1 1 E I , j' •f t I I f b, I :J !f , ll J1 1 ': 'i i It !1 1 11 ti : I :, • lf ' I I. ·1 i .. 0 xl ,I .. 1 ~j "t 'I !' t ~ :: xl t ,1 ~ ~I ~i I .. .. ·· - · · - . I .. -... ::· .. ,• -.. ~• ...... • ....... •. ~· .. ".,1-.... ..:: :-J ... . t . ..:. ·:. ,:. ~ .·~~ ~..:.~ z.:;.l!;i::;~ ... .: ...... ~:::..-_;.-.i.£~;..::.,;,.-.~:.:..•:,.:.!.,.;,..a;i ·•· , · •· ... e ':.4-.::·,.., ,;,.· , ,«:w~e&CL._ · • ·r,•1rt1u·re,·11tt· August 13, 2001 City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 .. •, Honorable Mayor, City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission: I am requesting a zoning request change on property legally described as Original town, Block 77, lot 4R form B-1 to SF7G. This would be for a single family dwelling. ,.,,. fl'. P.ff r;oo~· I appreciate your consideration regarding this request. Sincerely, ..•• ~ i •·. • ···~ •· .. .:.:• .;... ..••• __ . ..,.__ ... _ ••• ,._-,;. •• _ • .:....i,. ... _ •• _ .. __ .:,.. ___ ~,1,o.1-. .,;..-.-:.:::..,; .......... ~ . ....a...l ..... :. ... ;,:,w . . II:·,,, ... :.:a.:. ... Cityof ·· Someplace Special ~ August 28, 2001 TO: Property Ownen FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Change Request RC:sr From Business 1 to Single Family 7G and Replat The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chamben on Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to SF7G (Single Family 7G) on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 4R, and a Replat of Property legally described as Original Town, Bloc 77, Lot 3 and 4. Property is located at the coner of Plum and Fourth Streets. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Cbamben on Monday, September 17, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to SF7G (Single Family 7G)on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 4R and a Replat of Property legally described as Original Town, Bloc 77, Lot 3 and 4 •• Property is located at the coner of Plum and Fourth Streets. Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public bearings. SOI BOLIVAR STREET P.O. BOX17z9 SANGER, TEXAS 76ZM 940-4S8•79J0 940-458-4180 I' AX P&Z 09/13/01 cc 09/17/01 -~ .;·: I" ••• -·:. ·;' • .-• ~ ••• ·•:.t ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to SF7G (Single Family 7G)on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 4Rand a Replat of Property legally described as Original Town, Bloc 77, Lot 3 and 4.. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Replat I disapprove of the Replat I approve of the Zoning Change I disapprove of the Zoning Change Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Bearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to SF7G (Single Family 7G)on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 4R. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, September 17, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business 1) to SF7G (Single Family 7G)on property legally described as Original Town, Block 77, Lot 4R. Property is located at the corner of Plum and Fourth Streets. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Run 1 time . : ,· KM Leasing LLC 119 Ridgecrest Cir, Denton, TX 76205-5401 Betty Hughes 213 Hillcrest St. Sanger, TX 76266 Robert L. Stover P.O. Box354 Sanger, TX 76266 Marla Escobedo 603 N. 4111 St. Sanger, TX 76266 Roy Taylor P.O. Box868 Sanger, TX 76266 James Lindsey P.O. Box 145 Sanger, TX 76266 John Springer 502 Plum St. Sanger, TX 76266 Ron McGuire 603 N. 5111 Sanger, TX 76266 Frank Samdad LTD PIS Etal 1826 Richmond Ave Houston, TX 77098-3510 Ray and Patricia Conkel 806N. 4th Sanger, TX 76266 JC Landers 802 N. 4• Sanger, TX 76266 Susie Sherman 704 N. 4• Sanger, TX 76266 Roy Bryant P.O. Box 712 Sanger, TX 76266 David Anderson 805 N. 4th Sanger, TX 76266 Jimmy Kirby P.O. Box 12 Sanger, TX 76266 Steven Felkner 703 N. 5th Sanger, TX 76266