01/31/2002-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2002 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. - Approve Minutes: January 17, 2002 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from AG (Agriculture) to MF2 (Multi Family -2) on property legally described as 8.00 acres in Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey, being part of tract 64. Property is located off of F.M. 455, West of the New High School Site. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Change from AG (Agriculture) to MF2 (Multi Family -2) on property legally described as 8.00 acres in Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey, being part of tract 64. Property is located off of F.M. 455, West of the New High School Site. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary and Final Plat for Bryan & Jacob's Addition, being 3.35 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is Located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. 6. Any Other Such Matters. 7. Adjourn. .y OF SANS, 'ate `'` ,.•' ' •••' ••., � V Rosalie Chavez, City Secr ry 00 o d wyl. , TEX As����00" Date nd Time Posted anmaI1nn%%joy This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secrete 's office at 940 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 17, 2002 PRESENT: Joe Falls, Ken Perry, Shelley Ruland, Ralph Cain, Polly Dwyer ABSENT: Jack Richardson, Mark Bulger OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Trisa Koch, Steve Koch, Sharon Miller, Jeff Miller, Lisa Roberts 1. Shelley called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: November 15, 2001 Polly Dwyer moved to accept the minutes as written. Ralph Cain indicated it should be Rachel Dodd instead of Dobb. Polly Dwyer amended her motion to approve as corrected. Joe Falls seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. Public Hearing Opened. Cody Whisenhunt, spoke in opposition of the request, he indicated they did not want a lot of houses around them. He also expressed concerns regarding the sewer to the property. Jeff Miller,104 Holt, asked for clarification on the zoning designation. Shelley Ruland indicated the SF2 zoning has been done away with. They are asking for a lot size of 7700 square feet, with a 70 foot width and 110 foot depth minimum. The houses would be a minimum of 1350 square feet. Mr. Miller asked to see the plat. Lisa Roberts,105 Holt, spoke in opposition. She felt that the 1300 square foot homes and smaller lots will defeat the purpose of them moving to that area to begin with. Jeff Miller indicated he agreed with the others who had spoken. He indicated he was concerned about traffic and property values. Steve Koch, owner of the property, indicated the lot sizes are already larger than SF6, he indicated the property values will not be affected, and that the homes will be better than what are in the area currently. They will have 8 pitch roofs instead of 6, and will be all brick Shelley asked if there is a reason they were asking for "f" designation on the zoning.. Steve indicated he felt that lots five and six, being against the AG barn, would probably be first time home owners who were interested in those lots. Ms. Koch, Realtor indicated there were already 1300 and 1400 square foot homes within eyes view of the property. The property is already approved to build homes on, and she asked that they approve the request. Ms. Roberts, indicated she was not opposed to growth; however, their homes are around 2500 square feet. She indicated they should find another neighborhood for those size homes. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 93 & 94. Property is located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. Joe Falls asked if this had to be handled as a complete F designation. City Manager indicated that it would be spot zoning if they did not. Discussed sewer situation. Eddie Branham indicated when he was with the engineer they proposed a lift station. He indicated to Steve it would be cheaper in the long run to put in the lift station. Discussion regarding the sewer line on the plat. Staff recommended a lift station at the developers cost. Developer agreed. Shelley Ruland indicated when residences face out to the street, people want to park on the street, she expressed concerns indicating it will be real problem on Keaton if they park in the street. Staff indicated the street could be restricted to "No Parking". Discussion. Joe Falls indicated he felt they should work with the zoning that it currently is, and that the sewer should work gravity if at all possible, they should avoid small lift stations from a maintenance stand point for the City. Eddie indicated if you can gravity something he's all for it. Some of his mains are 3 foot deep, and there is no way it will work. The only way would be to go across properties and get easements that he's not sure they can get; and if they could get the easements it may not work anyway. Ken Wilson, Code Enforcement Officer indicated there are properties all over town that are not severable. Joe Falls indicated they should have a long range plan on the feed lines. Eddie Branham indicated he was not opposed to lift stations in order to have growth. Discussion regarding sewer. Polly indicated on the house sizes she would rather see 1500 straight across, and maybe one less home. Discussion regarding the size of homes there now. Joe asked if they would go with a minimum of 1500 square foot houses. Discussion continued. Steve asked if he could put restrictions instead of spot zoning those two lots. Board indicated they cannot enforce the deed restrictions. Joe Falls indicated they need to keep the zoning uniform. Steve indicated everything across Keaton and across Holt are smaller homes. The only thing they will be staying uniform with is the house that is next to lot 1. Discussion. Joe Falls moved to deny the zoning change. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary and Final Plat for Bryan & Jacob's Addition, being 3.35 Acres in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is Located on the corner of Keaton and Holt Roads. Shelley asked if documentation is needed for the location of the lift station. Discussion regarding the sewer and the lift station. Eddie indicated the engineer advised this is the way it needs to go and he feels comfortable with that. Polly asked if the city had any problems with anything else on the plat. Staff indicated they did not. Polly moved to approve the plat. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried 4 to 1, Joe Falls voted no. 6. Any Other Such Matters. Ralph Cain asked about the 82 acres on Cowling Road and what was happening with it. City Manager indicated he met with them today to discuss the development. Ralph Cain asked if they would comply with the concrete streets and park ordinance. City Manager indicated they would. Brief Discussion. 7. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO January 28, 2002 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Zoning Change Request Attached is the information regarding the zoning change request. •..ram"! bl ' t• ZONING CHANGE REQUEST rm.-o: Name: UJ41 Phone: I am requesting the property located at change from to ,/-,I F- The purpose for this zoning request is as follows: Date received Fee PD. Rec'd by: _, and legally described as to be considered for a zoning 0r7e)-ld „ale, . .. .-� ... �....` .. �.. �. .� ----- r .i. � w 1. 'j•� � .w.• tin 315 King Peterson Road Buffalo, New York 14204 716 847-1098 847-1668 fax ? 1 Cowboys Parkway, Suite 200 .wing, Texas 75063 972 869-3811 831-0864 fax NORSTAR DEVELOPMENT USA, L.P. RELEASE 18002 Richmond Place Drive Tampa, Florida 33647 813 910-7827 910-8669 fax 2180 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 305 Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 2z5 905 738-0754 416 736-8289 fax This RELEASE is given on behalf of Sanger Norstar USA, LLC by Norstar Development USA, L.P. (collectively "Norstar") to provide that Norstar agrees to hold the City of Sanger and all other parties harmless in the event that zoning is denied for the eight (8) acre parcel or: r" 1455, for Norstar is seeking a zoning change to W-2. Dated: January 3, 2002 MW INOGSitt 1997 FMA11St Mi In ANIMPMENIft "" 0 .UVAS011 COUNCIL • 10111.00TS100 0M Richard L. Higgins President r.,r.....r.�«w.a.r+w+«.�...�... January 22, 2002 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Change Request From AG (Agriculture) to MF-2 (Multi -Family - 2) The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from AG (Agriculture) to MF2 (Multi Family -2) on property legally described as 8.00 acres in Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey, being part of tract 64. Property is located off of F.M. 455, West of the New High School Site. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 4, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from SF2 (Single Family 2) to SF6-F (Single Family 6 - F) on property legally described as 8.00 acres in Abstract 29, Reuben Bebee Survey, being part of tract 64. Property is located off of F.M. 455, West of the New High School Site. Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearings. RC:sr sos BOLIVAR STREET SANGER, TEXAS 762" 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX 1729 94o-as-aso FAX ..1 �•4 `�1j��{�,.`�},_yr1'C� .' .ttf^" se �• S•�y{•�y�'�;.�G• .� - .Ir„t 1. +:Yb�il�'"' y' ,' �r� V'R 'lr�i' � X � '.. .tt�'r' ' .I ^.1-1; t�. ,.c f .it-VL:!{�t!\. �"•. •.. jj F•• �,R►,y!�I...Lcn' ' :<;. :• • • a Yi`L��+. • : 6 "' 1;y Yl• R' .. yi � � �t� .. 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Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE t r w J. 1. d' .a.. «�� ....: _.�y.J .. �. � r • .. �l •}. List of Property Owners - Norstar: Ray Stevens 619 Ridgecrest Circle Denton, TX 76205 Donald Sable 4318 W. Lovers Ln. Dallas, TX 75209 Sanger I. S.D. P.O. Box 2399 Sanger, TX 76266 MEMO January 28, 2002 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Re: Bryan & Jacob's Addition Attached is the City Engineer's letter regarding the Final Plat for Bryan and Jacob's Addition. He has indicated that they have complied with the City's requirements. MARK T. OwENB, P.E. GENERAL CIVIL CONSULTING ENGINEER January 28, 2002 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger,Texas 76266 Re: Bryan & Jacobs Addition — Final Plat & Construction 6 Residential Lots Sanger, Texas 1" Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have completed a 1" review of the Final Plat and Construction Details as prepared and submitted by Metroplex Surveying, Inc. for the project referenced above. My comments are as follows: The Final Plat and construction details have been prepared in accordance with and meets all requirements of the subdivision ordinance. The construction plans indicate the placement of sewer lift station within fenced 15' x 15' easement with an access gate. I would suggest that the developer provide, at a minimum, a one-year maintenance bond on the lift station and all related components and landscaping along the west, east and north sides of the fenced area to provide a buffer. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 391-4845. Si cerely; ark T. Owens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 596 PONDER. TX 76259 PHONE: 940-391.4845 FAX:940-479-0593 mdint\,?.Jglide.net