04/17/2003-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2003 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: April 3, 2003 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I-1(Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I-1 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. 7 Adjourn.1 SA& ��rrr `���y••.... r 3 ° Rosalie Chavez, Citolecretary y i3-03 y.'oo/°N. Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the Ci Secrete 's office at 940 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING April 3, 2003 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Ken Perry, Polly Dwyer, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Ginger Burt, Gail Goodner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Harold Johnson, Joe Falls, Allen Bussell, Jane Richardson, Steve Koch, Trisa Koch, Don Frazier, Nathan Olson, Eddie Lane 1. Jack Richardson called meeting to order. 2. Approve Minutes: April 3, 2003 Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes as presented, Shelley Ruland seconded, Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Creek View Addition, Located in the E.T.J. off of F.M. 2450. Jack Richardson asked if the size of pipe had been approved. Steve Koch indicated Bolivar Water is doing the engineering. Jack Richardson asked if the Fire Department would be able to put a fire out in that area. City Manager indicated it is not in the City limits. Steve Koch asked if he could do without the cull -de -sac if he could prove that the County didn't require it. Discussion regarding the cull -de -sac length. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the Preliminary Plat for Creek View Addition as presented, Ken Perry seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Creek View Addition, Located in the E.T.J. Off of F.M. 2450. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the Final Plat for Creek View Addition as presented, Ralph Cain seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Concept Plan on a Proposed Planned Development (Lake Ridge Estates) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tracts 57, 58 & 59. The Proposed Development is for 251 Single Family lots and a Multi - Family Area. The Property is located on McReynolds Road. Public Hearing opened. Allen Bussell,1621 Amanda Court in Ponder, representing Don Frazier on the project, indicated that he wanted to explain why they were asking for the density they were asking for. There is a large pond, and it is next to the flood plain which reduces the area they can develop. They have one - 60 foot collector road into the single family area, and the engineer recommenced a second fire lane which they added. The dimensions of the property led to the dimensions shown on the plan. At the end of the cull -de -sac there is an area for pedestrians to get to the park area. Jack Richardson asked about the possibility of putting in round -a -bouts in to help with traffic. Allen indicated they could do some other traffic controlling devices, but indicated round -a -bouts took up a lot of room. Polly Dwyer expressed concerns regarding 251 homes coming out on one road. She felt the fire lane was a good idea. Discussion regarding the property layout and if there were any other options on getting another street in. Ken Perry asked Mr. Lane if he would consider selling property for a road. Mr. Lane indicated he was open for suggestions. Ken Perry indicated he was also concerned about the amount of traffic coming out on the one road to McReynolds. Discussion continued. Don Frazier indicated they had looked at every possible way to put in another road. They are not planning to developed the entire 251 lots at once, there will be three phases. Polly Dwyer indicated she would like to look at the zoning. She indicated the zoning they have set their lot sizes to was planned for the downtown area, not for new development. Mr. Bussell indicated he designed the lots to fit in this area, and this is the size lot they needed to make it fit. Discussed size of homes would be about 1200 square feet, with pad sizes about 40 X 60. Allen Bussell indicated the lots are a little small but there is a lot of open space. Polly Dwyer indicated she would like to see it go to at least 7000 square foot lots. Don Frazier indicated they ran it at 7000 square feet, and this would cause him to lose about 37 lots, at that size they could not afford to do the project. Discussion regarding the spillways, and flood plains. Discussion regarding the water flow on the south end by McReynolds Rd. Polly expressed concerns regarding the water, and indicated she felt it would be putting water onto the road if there was a big rain. She was afraid there would be a flooding problem. Shelley Ruland asked who would maintain the park land. Don Frazier indicated the city ordinances required a donation of park land. They plan to dedicate it to the city. Discussion regarding the park areas. Polly asked why they couldn't go with larger homes and larger lots. She felt they had a great area with being close to the lake. Don Frazier indicated they were trying to serve the market in Sanger at this time, and stay between 100-125 thousand dollar homes. Discussion continued. Harold Johnson, Choice Homes, indicated he brought some information on the homes they would build, they were looking at 1400 to 2000 square foot homes. They have a lot of variety in what they do. Some will be two story and some will be one story. They will probably be from the 120's to 150's and be very attractive to families. Most people can't afford 200 thousand dollar homes.. This will give them an alterative. Eddie Lane, indicated he owned surrounding property, and that eventually it would be developed. He went over the layout of the flood plain areas, and indicated they were in favor of the development. He felt it would be a good asset for them. Allen Bussell indicated it goes back to design as to how this is going to work long term. Everyone will be within walking distance to park land. The design works and is still affordable. Ken Perry asked in what phases it would be built. Mr. Bussell indicated there would be three phases, and the first phase would include the water and sewer improvements. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Rd., indicated he owned the property South of McReynolds, he complimented the concept plan. He could not see that they could get the utilization projected and accomplish the spill way, he advised that he gets more water on his property than he can handle now. The water through the spill way will be greater than it has been the last thirty years. They may have to consider other alternatives to keep the water out of the road and get it to the bridge. Don Frazier indicated they are planning to put some asphalt between the houses and the dam. He did not feel they were putting more water into the pond from this development. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Concept Plan on a Proposed Planned Development (Lake Ridge Estates) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tracts 57, 58 & 59. The Proposed Development is for 251 Single Family lots and a Multi - Family Area. The Property is located on McReynolds Road. Polly Dwyer expressed concerns regarding the traffic and the drainage. She would like to see a lesser density. Jack Richardson asked what the possibility would be to acquire a R.O.W. on the property North of this out to 455. Shelley Ruland indicated when another development does come to the North, they are going to want to tie into this development to have another access, if the R.O.W. is dedicated at this time, it may not be where it will be needed in the future. Jack Smith indicated Heritage West only has one access, and Sanger Trails has 800+ homes and 208 apartments dumping out on one road. Discussed it was a 60 foot R.O.W. and 37 foot street. Jack Richardson felt they should put in turn lanes at the end at McReynolds on the main road. Shelley Ruland asked if the city had any liability with the pond. They could dedicate the west side to the city, and allow the Homeowners Association to maintain the pond. Shelley Ruland indicated it did not address fencing around the housing. She felt the planned development should include wood fence being put around the housing area. She wanted it included in the plan. Discussed the landscaping. Discussion regarding the fences. Discussion regarding signage. Polly indicated if they put in three lanes she could handle the traffic; however, was still concerned with the density and would like to get closer to SF7. Shelley Ruland moved to accept the Concept Plan with three lanes coming at the intersection with McReynolds Road, wood fencing around the housing development area, traffic control devices on the main road, and making sure they will not cause any flooding down stream for a planned development, Ralph Cain seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 7. Adjourn MEMO April 13, 2003 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz Re: 903 Keaton Zoning Attached is the information on this request. This is the property between the Bourland Addition (Melinda Myrl) and Mariam's Mobile Home Park. It is currently zoned for duplexes, they are requesting multi -family zoning. We received three disapproval letters from surrounding property owners. To: City of Sanger Planning and Zoning CC: City of Sanger City Council Date: March 24, 2003 Subject: Zoning change request on 903 Keaton Rd I have recently purchased the property at 903 Keaton Road and plan to develop this area in multifamily units QNff 1). Currently this property is zoned 2F, which are duplexes. According to the MF 1 zoning, the units would not exceed 10 units per acre and would be a mixture of 3 to 7 attached units. As in most cities land use plans, this strip of land between mobile homes and small single family homes, would be an ideal location for a nice multifamily development, which would offer a buffer between the two. I appreciate your time in reviewing my request and would hope that construction on this project could begin soon. Thanks, Dzezair I Ahmeti ZONING CHANGE REQUEST Date: 9 2.q{ I OZ., Name: [)LE, A 19— Address: .15o cv T35 nl St 6 j)F_h'io,v, T-A 7(eLt35 Phone: q yo • 36 8 - NO '1 I am requesting the roperty located at l b 3 KeAty a 1tcti , and legally described as 5a C �}%4 c c� kge-a v to be considered for a zoning change from 2,F to 11F II . The purpose for this zonin request is as follows: r 6LE Aru AA - Fm 54 ndJress Date received Fee S PD. Rec'd by: a L- -�-11 0 t :- _�,-_� "Ai I* �. BEING SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIBRWCsSTER SURVEY, A89TRACi' NO. lWo CITY OF SANGER► DENTON COUNTY, TEM, AND BEING PART OF A CALLMS993 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO HILL J,. WATTS ET UX. OF RBOORD IN COUNTY CLERK'S NUMBER 93-ROOZ2366. DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND OEM MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNER IN THE CENTERLINE OP KBATON ROAD AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 3.093 ACRE TRACT. COMMON • TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A CA AZT) 10.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO KHOSROW SA139OHIAN OF RECORD IN VOLUME 3354, PAGE 29, DEED RECORDS, DENTON COUNTY. TEXASi THENCE SOUTH 89' 59' S4" WEST. WITH TIM COMMONUNE OF SAID 3.03 AND 10.011 ACRE TRACTS, A DISTANCE OF 314.39 FEET TO A K' IRON ROD SET FOR CORM; THENCE NORTH 00' 36' 29" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 138.35 FEET TO A W IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE NORTH 89' S9' 33" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 314.37 FEET TO A PK NAIL SET' FOR CORNER IN THE CENTERLINE OF SAJD KEATON ROAD AND BEING IN THE EAST LINE OF.SAID 5.093 ACRE TRACT; THENCE SOUTH 00' 36' 83" BAST. WITS{ THE CENTERLINE OIF SAID KEATONROAD -AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID 5.093 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 138.39 MET TO THE PLACE Or, BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.00 ACRES OF LAND. . Win..Z :.. . SE MO SITUATED IN THE HENRY TIERWF- SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.1241, CITY . OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. AND BEING PART OFA CALLED 5.093 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO BILL J. WATTS ET UX. OF RECORD IN COUNTY CLERICS N RAWR 93-R0022366, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNER IN THE CENTERLINE OF K BATONROAD AT TT R NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 5.093 ACRE TRAC11 COMMON TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE BOURLAND ADDITION. AN ADDITION TO THU t m OF SANGER. DENTON COUNTY. TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF IN CABINET F. SLIDE 91. MAP RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 00' 36' 35" EAST. WITH THE CENTERLINE OF SAID KEAT'ON ROAD A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A PK NAIL SET FOR CORNERt THENCE SOUTH 89' 59' 23" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 314.37 FEET TO A W IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER; THENCE SOUTH 00' 36' 29" EAST, A DISTANCE 017. 138.55 FEET TO A W IRON ROD SET FOR CORNER IN THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID S.093 ACRB TRACT AND BBINO IN THE NORTH LINE OF A CALLED 10.OD ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO KHOSROW SADEOMAN OF RECORD IN VOLUME 3354, PAGE 29. DIMD RECORDS. DEMON COUNTY. TEXAS; THENCE SOUTH 891591 S4" WEST. WITH THE COMMON LIVE OF SAID 5:093 AND 10:00 ACRE TRACTS A DISTANCE OP 930.06 FEET TO A W IRON ROD FOUND FOR CORNER IN THE WEST LINE OF A CALLED 12.7288 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO HARVARD LEE McBRAYER OP•RECORD BYCOUNTY CLERK'S NO.96=ROD59104, DF,i'ITON COUNTY. TEXAS AT THE COMMON WEST CORNER OF SAID 5.093 AND 10.00 ACRE TRACTS; THENCE NORTH O0'2V 21" WEST, ALONG AND NEAR AN OLD FENCE LING AND WITH THE EAST LING OF SAID 5.093 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 17L11 FEET TO A FENCE POST FOUND FOR CORNER AT THE COMMON WEST CORNER OF SAID 5.093 ACRE TRACT AND SAID HOURtLAND ADDITION; .0XI- 11*77- "�{ // THENCE NORTH 89' 58' 34" EAST, WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID S.093 ACRE TRACT A DISTANCE OF 1244.00 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 4A94 ACRES OF LAND. City of M� - 1� a P V Someplace Sperm cia�l March 28, 2003 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1(Multi-Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003, at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. Attached is a form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RC:sr Enclosure 201 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX 1729 940.458-418o FAX P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04/21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MY-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: a MLIt, Ll - b -0�) SIGNATURE DATE on Coxse Please Print Your Name �3� �V1e1�nd� mv,1 P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04(21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to NW-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request � I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name L4- 1-w� DATE P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04/21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to NW-1 (Multi - Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 In the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at 903 Keaton Rd. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request _ I disapprove of the Request Comments: Hughes Family Partners Vilma Treminio 213 Hillcrest St. 1841 Melinda Myrl Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 (1803 Melinda Myrl - $73,032) ($71,232) (1814 Melinda Myrl - $69,041) (1816 Melinda Myrl - $69,041) Karen Carter 1837 Melinda Myrl Roberta Court Sanger, TX 76266 1807 Melinda Myrl Dr. ($62,914) Sanger, TX 76266 ($68,465) Sandy Miller & Rance Howell 1818 Melinda Myrl Mark Pearce Sanger, TX 76266 901 Keaton ($54,887) Sanger, TX 76266 ($67,786) Glynis Arrant 1820 Melinda Myrl Cindy Barrow Sanger, TX 76266 P.O. Box 521 ($53,999) Sanger, TX 76266 ($67,770) Dwayne & Leisha Trower 1822 Melinda Myrl Narcisa Gamez Sanger, TX 76266 P.O. Box 974 ($70,337) Sanger, TX 76266 (1804 Melinda Myrl - $66,164) Katherine Wordell 1824 Melinda Myrl Robert Smith Sanger, TX 76266 1806 Melinda Myrl ($59,053) Sanger, TX 76266 ($66,885) Rita Jordan 1826 Melinda Myrl Jeff Echols Sanger, TX 76266 1808 Melinda Myrl ($59,053) Sanger, TX 76266 ($65,967) Mona Stone 1828 Melinda Myrl Samantha Renz Sanger, TX 76266 1809 Sand Stone ($59,053) Sanger, TX 76266 ($55,324) Jose Castillo 1830 Melinda Myrl Carol Tucker Sanger, TX 76266 1812 Melinda Myrl ($67,996) Sanger, TX 76266 ($52,697) Albert Juarez Michael Ceballos 1832 Melinda Myrl 1609 Fairfield Circle Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($69,391) ($62,463) Rachel Sterling Donna Wilson 1834 Melinda Myrl 1611 Fairfield Circle Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($70,344) ($64,360) Van Cross Kim Whitmer c/o Burl H. Bourland P.O. Box 50113 1707 Emerson Ln. Denton, TX 76206 Denton, TX 76201 (1613 Fairfield $66,736) (1836 Melinda Myrl - $70,344) James Hubbard Khosrow Sadeghian 1512 Shady Oaks Ln. P.O. Box 2451 Fort Worth, TX Coppell, TX 75019 (1615 Fairfield $66,736) ($65,851.20) William Glenn Stogsdill Margaret Williamson P.O. Box 722 P.O. Box 1171 Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 (Keaton Rd. $82,791) (105 Tammy - $5,991) Allan & Beverly Brickley Rena Pelis 1100 Keaton Rd. 107 Walter Way Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 ($103,126) ($1,500) Mahlon Gonshorowski 109 Walter Way Sanger, TX 76266 ($19,110) Fay Winchell 39 Salen Ln. Bella Vista, Ar 72715 (125 Lynn - $10,920) Gertrude Henkel 129 Lynn Ln. Sanger, TX 76266 ($6,514) LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1(Multi- Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at "3 Keaton Rd. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From 2-F (Duplex) to MF-1 (Multi -Family) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 217, Being 5.00 Acres. Property is located at "3 Keaton Rd. (4+Y-L-- MEMO April 13, 2003 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz Re: 201-203 E. Chapman Zoning Attached is the information on this request. This is Ken Perry's property and is located on Chapman Road, East of the railroad tracks, a map is attached. He is requesting Industrial zoning. We have not received any letters from property owners. ZONING CHANGE REQUEST Date: Name: Address: Phone: I am requesting the property located at change from -.2 to a �'Af^l � 'and legally described as .4c�es .5 ova to be considered for a zoning VAd Oc 4105 The purpose for this zoning request is as follows: WM MCM se .s fo 6sr�af- 14 N ep / /�-4) 1�111;0 A;14i - j-,--'T111E ETES AND BOUnS ajGAL DESCRHMON) OF THE PROPERTY is ATTACHED, 2�0� �4e-2&- signature Date received Fee $ PD. Rec'd by: 49 tj.0' Mp ;l Q y � M .:�CQ At ' ,ROlrvt City of Someplace Special April 7, 2003 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Request Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I-1 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003, at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) -to I-1 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. Attached is a form for you -to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend this public hearing. RC:sr Enclosure 201 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX 1729 940-458-4180 FAX P&Z 04/17/03 CC 04/21/03 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I-1(Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: e'o� y,oG- P SIGNAURE 141)d4 lvllleAma4l- Please Print Your Name 4-/I- a3 DATE SmAlk g F O-r-k, -/V &0 Y--- �/ .,? "-c- " 6-4�4"4- 'tit "k"rrul B&S LM c , List of Property Owners - Ken Perry PERRY, KENNETH & DOROTHY 201 E CHAPMAN DR SANGER, TX 76266-9032 SABLE, DONALD S ETAL 4301 EDMONDSON AVE DALLAS, TX 75205-2601 STEPHENS, A RAY 619 RIDGECREST CIR DENTON, TX 76205-5486 1. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will Conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to 1-1 (Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will Conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, April 21, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 201 Bolivar St. to Consider a Zoning Request Change From B-2 (Business 2) to I 1(Industrial 1) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 29, Tract 66. Property is located at 201 and 203 E. Chapman Dr. `U�