01/16/2003-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2003 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: December 12, 2002 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from SF3 (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from SF3 (Single Family 3) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. 5. Adjourn. a� F S N �� �y •� ....... �,�,�� 0: •. �� Rosalie Chavez, City 6ecretary �.� Date and Time Posted 'k iXx "s This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the Ci Secrete 's office at 940 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 129 2002 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Gail Goodner, Polly Dwyer, Ken Perry, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Ginger Burt, Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Jimmy Coin 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: November 21, 2002 Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ralph Cain seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from 1-1 (Industrial -1) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 101 and Plum Streets. Public Hearing opened. Jimmy Coin, 905 N. Wh St., indicated he was representing the Beard family on this request. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from 1-1 (Industrial -1) to MF-2 (Multi -Family 2) on Property Legally Described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Property is located on the corner of 101 and Plum Streets. Shelley Ruland asked how large the property was. Jimmy Coin indicated it was a little over an acre. Polly Dwyer asked if they would be two-story buildings. Mr. Coin indicated they would be two-story, two bedroom, and they would be approximately 950 square feet. The exterior facade will be brick. Discussion regarding the proposed buildings and parking. Shelley Ruland asked about the park area for this type development. City Manager indicated he would have to pull the ordinance to see what the requirement would be for less than 50 units. Shelley Ruland indicated she hated to see it be changed from Commercial to multi- family. She wished something commercial could be put on the lot. Discussed the maximum of units allowed was 15 units per acre. Polly Dwyer asked if he had read all of the multi -family 2 requirements. Mr. Coin indicated he had. Polly explained the fence requirements and minimum square footage requirements. Discussion continued regarding the request. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the zoning change from I-1 to MF2 on property legally described as Sullivan West, Block 15 (S. Pt). Gail Goodner seconded. Polly Dwyer expressed concerns regarding the possibility of spot zoning. City Manager indicated multi -family was a great buffer between residential and commercial zoning, he did not feel it would be spot -zoning. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1(Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. The Property is located on Utility Road. Polly Dwyer indicated this was an appropriate use for the land. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the zoning request change from AG (Agriculture) to I-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lots 1, 2 & 3. Ralph Cain seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 7. Meeting Adjourned. GEES Stationery Page 1 of 1 Jack Smith From: Allen R. Bussell [abussell a@gees.us] Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 3:34 PM To: jack_smfth@aiffnail.net Subject: Amended Planned Development... Rosalie. As promised, here are the changes to the PD per the Neighborhood meeting last night. Thank you very much for your and the City's help with organizing the meeting. The comments were very helpful. The document below includes both text and the plan. A hard copy will follow. BTW, have you discussed getting the City it's own web address yet. As you can see, we just updated ours - getting the site name for 10.00/year and the site hosted for 10.00/mo. Includes 50 email addresses and 100MB of space. Let me know if you'd like the information. Allen R. B.ussell Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc. 1621 Amanda Ct. Ponder, Texas 76259 P 940. 482. 2907 C 940. 367. 8606 12/23/2002 1 ♦ j .. f Fes/ A Planned Development In Sanger, Texas Owner. Greater Dallas Anesthesia and Pain Management President: Dr. Tasneem Agha Project Manager. Dr. Maisam Turabi By. Allen R. Bussell Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc. 1621 Amanda Ct. Ponder, Texas 76259 (940) 482-2907 www.gees.us Mayor City Council City of Sanger 201 West Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 P (940) 458-7930 Re: Letter of Intent for request to rezone approximately 10.4 acres from SF-3 to Planned Development Hon. Mayor and City Council, We humbly request the rezoning of the tract of land as described in the attached legal description to a Planned Development classification. The Zoning request includes proposed development standards as.attached and as shown in the Concept Plan submitted to the City with this Letter. Our vision -is to bring needed services to the City that would complement the existing B- 2 zoning on the east side of the property. The development standards and allowed uses protect surrounding neighborhoods from the negative impacts of development by restricting uses, placing building pads away from adjoining property lines, and by establishing architectural standards for the future buildings. We would appreciate your support of this zoning case and look forward to a long relationship with the City of Sanger. Thank you. Sincerely, Allen R. Bussell GEES, Inc. Z:\Seat Recor"00-M\812\P1anning\PD text Brooke Hill Villag"21220.doc Page 2 LOCATION: The area to be rezoned is approximately 10.4-acres, part of a 14.7-acre tract located along -interstate 35 next to the southbound service road. 600 feet to the south lies Duck Creek Road. The west boundary of the property lies on Keaton Road where Laney Drive dead -ends near the southwest comer of the tract and Brooke Lane dead -ends near the middle of the west line. West Holt Road is located approximately 300 feet north of the subject property. CURRENT ZONING: The 14.7-acre tract currently contains two zoning classifications: 1. B-2, allowing commercial uses — this -is located along Interstate 35 and extends about 400 feet west. a. This 4.3-acre area -is not being rezoned. 2. SF-3, a single-family residential classification. a. This is the 10.4-acre tract to be rezoned to Planned Development. CURRENT USE: A single-family house is located on the property. Located near the middle of the property, the house would likely :be used as a temporary office during construction. During phase two, the house will probably be removed allowing new structures to be built in its place. ALLOWABLE USES AND SIZES: Area A - North portion of request 1. Retail and Service Type Uses a. Offices, General Business or Professional — not to exceed 10,000 sq. ft. b. Offices, Medical or Dental — not to exceed 10,000 sq. ft. c. Veterinarian Office (no Hospital, no outside animal -pens) —not to exceed 10,000 sq. ft. 2. Recreation and Entertainment Uses a. Park or Playground 3. Educational, Institutional and Special Uses - not to exceed 10,000 sq. ft. a. Art Gallery or museum b. Church or rectory c. College or University d. Religious, Charitable or Philanthropic Institution e. Kindergarten or Nursery School f. School, Business Z:NSSent Reconis400 90W 12TbnninSTD text Brooke 11111 Whge-021220.doc Page 3 4. Utility and Service Uses a. Fire, Police, or Municipal building S. In no way shall F.A.R. exceed 0.3 to 1.0 in Area A Area 8 — South of portion of request 1. Hotel, Motel, or Restaurant use may not be located less than 800 feet from the existing west property line 2. Assisted Living - remainder of area (80 units maximum) Water Eight inch (8") water mains are currently located on both the east and west boundaries of theproperty. A line would be built to connect these lines, creating a looped system that will insure quality water pressure both on -site and off -site. For buildings over two stories, pressure booster pumps may need to be installed to supply the needed water pressure for sprinkler systems. Sanitary Sewer An 8" sewer main lies to the east along the Interstate service road. This line appears adequate to supply service for the first phase of the project, in both capacity and depth. Phase two of the project is located on the west side of the site, and though a sewer line is located near this location and downstream, the tine may be blocked by utilities located in the Keaton Road right of way. Off -site improvements and/or extensions may be necessary to provide service to phase two. Engineering specifics will be addressed at time of platting when more information is available. Drainage The property is separated by a drainage divide located near the middle of the site. The low points of the property are located on the south, at both the east and west comers. Per City ordinance, downstream improvements and/or detention will likely be required at both comers to maintain the drainage off -site to pre -development levels. The area is currently served by the Interstate 35 service road on the east and by Keaton Road on the west. Interstate 35 service road: One-way southbound Keaton Road: Though acting as a local Collector road, private driveways currently access directly off the street. No drive or road connections to this property are proposed along Keaton Road. VSent Recor"00A00\912%P1aooioS%FD text Brooke Hill Village-021220.doc Page 4 It's important to note that although the number of units proposed on this site is more than what would be allowed under it's current zoning classification — the use of assisted living generates extremely low traffic counts; therefore traffic intensity with the allowed uses in Area A would be about what would be anticipated for a single-family development. In addition, traffic for the office and neighborhood services would likely occur during non -peak daytime hours SuQounslina Uses and Bufferina Adjoining properties zoned for Single-family residential use shall be buffered as follows: A. Height of fences shall be measured as described in the City zoning ordinance. 1. North: A 6' cedar fence with metal poles and a minimum 10' landscape buffer shall to be placed to screen the office buildings and parking from the existing homes. Open Space under and near the 60' Brazos Electric Power Company easement does not require screening as no buildings would -be allowed in this area. A. Landscaping required for screening: 1 -Canopy tree 50' on -center 2 - Ornamental trees -for every canopy tree 'Trees planted for screening shall be placed a minimum of 3 feet from the proposed fence and shall not exceed 15 feet -from the fence. 2. West: The homes along the west side of Keaton Road, are siding to the site, not fronting or backing. Adequate screening can be achieved by increasing the distance from the west property line for the construction of buildings. No building shall be constructed closer than 100' from the existing west property line. (The west property line currently lies near the centerline of the Keaton road pavement.) 3. South: There are currently two homes adjacent to the subject property. The home located near the southwest corner of the tract should be adequately screened from the proposed 2-story assisted living structures by the 100 foot buffer mentioned above and by placing the proposed structures a minimum of 50 feet from the south property line. In addition, a 6' cedar fence on metal poles with landscaping shall be built from the 60' Brazos Electric Power Company easement to the %' iron rod found at the northeast comer of the south west adjacent lot. A. Landscaping required for screening: 1 -Canopy tree 50' on -center 2 - Ornamental trees for every canopy tree `Trees planted for screening shall be placed a minimum of 3 feet from the proposed fence and shall not exceed 15 feet from the fence. Z:lS Recrnds\80040ft 12TIamicg\PD text Brooke Hill Villag"21220.doc Page 5 Landscauina and Sidewalks Public Four -foot (4) sidewalks shall be constructed along the Keaton Road right of way. Street trees shall: 1. be placed along the street, Private street, or drive that acts as the main access from the Interstate 35 service road to the businesses and assisted living strictures 2. be located within this property, between the back of curb and the sidewalk, and within the median of any boulevard section of this drive. o This arrangement helps to isolate pedestrians from vehicular traffic, creating a safer environment for those accessing services by walking. 3. be .native, large canopy, broadleaf species for trees planted in parkway 4. if planted within a -median, be a native ornamental type 5. when planted, be 2" DBH minimum for large trees or 5 gallon for ornamental trees. 6. be of the same type to provide uniformity along the drive (not including ornamental trees within medians) 7. not be placed within 10' of the Brazos Electric Easement. 8. be planted at an interval of 1-tree every 30' on -center (excepting spacing requirements below). 9. be placed a minimum of 3' from the nearest pavement Street trees shall not be placed within: 1. 20 feet of any curb return to allow unhindered line of site for vehicles and pedestrians. 2. 10 feet either side of a Fire Hydrant 3. 1.5 feet either side of a Light pole Private A minimum of 20% of the property shall be landscaped. Areas shall include: I. Landscaped areas not covered by asphalt, concrete or public sidewalks 2. Landscaped areas in rights of way parkway adjacent to the lot 3. Private sidewalks and walkways 4. Courtyard, patio, and gazebo areas. 5. Retention and Detention ponds Z.-%ent Reoorda%oo %ftl2wlaming\PD tact Brooke Hill vamg"21220.doc Page 6 Parking lots shall include one landscape island spaced every 12 parking spaces. Landscape islands shall be a minimum of 6 feet wide and 18 feet deep from -back of curb to back of curb. Large broadleaf trees shall be placed in every 2 of 3 Landscape islands. Trees shall be 2" DBH minimum when planted. Spaces adjacent to and abutting landscape buffers are not required to have landscape islands, as trees planted for buffering would also serve to shade and break-up the parking in these areas. To maintain safe line of site, landscape islands and areas adjacent to curb returns for fire lanes or access drives shall not contain shrubs or ground cover that would grow over 2 feet in height. Unless Xeriscaped, all landscaped areas shall be irrigated with an automatic irrigation system. Four monument type signs are allowed. Signs shall not exceed 60 square feet each in actual sign area — not including columns or masonry trim. Signs shall conform in both style and materials to the architecture of the uses for which they are being built. Signs are not allowed along Keaton Drive. Signs are allowed only outside of the Brazos Electric Easement. Signs may be -lighted either internally or with landscape lights that conform to the lighting requirements -in this Planned .Development. Buildina ..Locations Front building line:10 feet Rear Yard setback: 30 feet and 10 feet for every building story over two stories. (The areas adjacent to the north and south property lines are to be considered rear yards on this property) Side Yard setback:10 feet Buildings in Area A and the assisted living sites in Area B shall be built with parking located in the rear or to the side. The hotel/motel/restaurant site in Area B-may have parking in the front, between the building and the proposed street. This allows maximum setback from the north and south property lines further helping to buffer the existing adjacent homes from non4asidendal uses and assisted living structures. ZASM Re=&\800.900\812Tl&=ing\PD text Brooke Hill Village-021220.doc Page 7 Building Auuearence Trash and Dumpster Pads shall be screened with V fences. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from the public road. Accessory buildings are allowed -per City zoning ordinance. Accessory buildings must match in materials the buildings that they are serving. Area A Shall have a residential appearance conforming in style and materials to the homes adjacent to the property on the north Maximum Height: I story Maximum FAR: 0.3:1 Roof. hip or gabled with slopes consistent with homes adjacent to north .property line Material: 100% masonry exterior, not including doors, windows, trim, and gabled areas Area B 1. Assisted Uving a. Maximum Height: 2 stories b. Material:100% masonry exterior, not including doors, windows, trim, and gabled areas c. Maximum FAR: 0.5:1 d. Roof: flip or gabled with slopes consistent with homes adjacent to north property line. e. Shall include at least one of the following: i. Courtyard ii. 8' deep porch iii. Plaza 2. Hotel/Motel/Restaurant a. Shall be in conformance with current zoning requirements in B-2 classification Z:\Seot Reconb\800-900\812WIaming\PD text Brooke Hill Village-021220.doc Page 8 Parkin & Liahtin: Lighting shall be designed and located so as not to shine into adjoining properties, nor into the night sky. Landscaping and/or fencing shall be positioned to block vehicle headlights from shining into adjacent properties on north and south. Ratio: Area A 1. Per requirements in City ordinance. 2. Shared parking is allowed between uses if total spaces equal or exceed the number required by the City Zoning ordinance and are located within 300 feet of the subject building(s). Ratio: Area B 1. Assisted living: 0.5 spaces per.unit 2. Hotel/Motel or Restaurant: per parking requirements in the -City Ordinance for these uses Variances Required (compare -to Zoning Classification 13-2): 1. Front Building Line: Code is 20 feet, requesting 10 feet to enable larger rear setbacks 2. Special Side or Rear Yard Requirement: a. A 20 foot setback and 6' wood fence is required for non-residential uses located adjaeent to a zoning classification for residential. i. Because of the 100' building setback, which includes the 60' Brazos Electric Easement, and the fact that the existing homes along Keaton are sided and not fronting or backing to Keaton, the use of a V wood fence becomes unnecessary. The fence would block the view of open space from the neighbors living across Keaton Road, the senior citizens living in the assisted living homes, and from the business people working in the -offices. VSm Reconb\800 900\812\Pb=ing\PD text Brooke Hill Villag"21220.&c Page 9 rl An A W11 C3 i — — — — — — — — — — — -•- — — — — — — — — -- - - — — — — — — — — — --- II fampow ON*MPMS ADA%CCW TO V it AREA - A 227.M&33 vqlL CWW 00.00 AI —I Sol� C M S2 Ar- va"." Uft "MT l L--------------------------- — ------ I)l i : ! 10.4 ACRES - TRACT I AREA-8 .......... 225.3W.G7.vq fL ................ ....................... S 2AC . C~ as S-4 C. m �0.ftv I'm ft"N"m Vm PC, = ".D.Ct OL S ..... $worm 414-ir — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4.1 ACRES - TRACT 2 Igo ...................... . .......... C3 ,CAP :1-1 Ic "—.t, .11 . ., 1. Ce —*-A LONDSCAPM • ADAKWT0IF4 ......................... ......................................... ............. .................. ........................................................................................................................ S."MooLsTa" an AREA A - OFRCES. NEIGHBORHOOD SERAM AREA 8 - HOTELANOTEURESTAURANT, ASSISTED UVWG I ov I oftAwt APO o4wal CK mmajmf-� 01 or