06/12/2003-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGF, A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JUNE 129 2003 201 BOLIVAR 7:00 P.M, 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: May 29, 2003 3. Elect Chairperson and Co -Chairperson. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Ridgecrest North, Phase 2A. Property is Located in the E.T.J. 5. Review of Subdivision Ordinance Sections 5 & 6. 6. Adjourn. 0 SA/��,�oy,�, : A�- • •. �,9 � Rosalie Chavez, City Sec a ry y,�''`''••••••....... •••••• ,�Oate and Time Posted �...._ TEX E tyis wAMchair_accessifhleand ccessibi park*ngspacesarmavailahle. Beanestsiar ations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please e City Secrets 's office at 940 458-7930 for further information. AIMTFS: Pi,ANKING.ANDZOj1ING THURSDAY, MAY 299 2003 PRESENT: Jack Richardson, Shelley Ruland, Gail Goodner, Ralph Cain, Polly Dwyer ABSENT: Ginger Burt OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City► Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, City Engineer Mark Owens, Scott Caruthers, Rena Moss, Steve Howard, Bob Reed 1. Jack Richardson Called Meeting. to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: May 15, 2003 Polly moved, Shelley Ruland seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Quail Run, Phase L Property is located on Cowling Road. Shelley Ruland asked if they met all of the Engineers requirements. Mark Owens indicated there were a few outstanding engineering items that the developer has been made aware of, they will be taken care of. One of the items is adding a manhole to the storm drain plan. The other issue is putting a pressure reducing valve in, he is waiting for a detail on what the valve will look like. One other issue is that there are still three off -site easements they are trying to obtain. Discussed Right-of=Way access to City Tilt station area. Polly asked if they would change the name ofFrst Drive to First Street. Scott Caruthers indicatedthey would. Discussed that electrical easements gave been given as requested by the Electric Superintendent. Polly Dwyer asked how many more subdivisions will be going in under the old zoning. Mark Owens indicated this is the last one. Shelley Ruland asked if they had planned to put anything in the park area. Mr. Caruthers indicated they did not. I ( t .Polly. Dwyer asked of the pa.&Aie& w- mllood..plain.. Mr. Caruthers indicated it is not flood .plain but will be used as drainage detention. Polly Dwyer asked if they would .put trees in. Mr. Caruthers indicated they would not. Discussion regarding -the Park area. Shelley Roland moved to accept the Final Plat on Phase 1 for Quail Run with requirements made by the City Engineer, Polly Dwyer seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Redwing Heights, Phase V. Property is located in the E.T.J. off of F.M. 455 West. Polly Dwyer asked if the Fire Department has looked at the length of the roads and approved the cull -de -sacs. Mark Owens indicated this was all within County standards. That is the reason they put in the intermediate cull -de -sac. Shelley Roland asked if the developers have spoken with Bolivar Water regarding water supply. Discussion. Shelley Roland indicated that Bolivar Water has denied water to some areas. Rena Moss indicated they have spoken with Bolivar, and will continue to work with them. Discussion regarding -future development in the area. Discussed that there willfie deed restrictions and they will allow manufactured housing. Shelley Roland asked- if the tight -of -Way met County standards as far as width. Mark Owens �indirate9d it allcomrplietl with -County standards. Shelley Ruian -asked-if there was sufficient Right -of -Way an F'.M: 455 forthe state to widen the road. Discussed that the R.O.W. width is 40 feet from the center. Ynlly. Dwyer asked if_they approve ilia,-can_an-y changes--be.made atthe time of1inal plattiDg. City Engineer indicated they could not change street widths or easement widths. The Final Plat will basically be the same as this .plat. Polly Dwyer moved to approve the Preliminary Plat, Gail Goodner seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 5. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO May 23, 2003 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz Re: Ridgecrest North, Phase 2A Final Plat Attached is the information on this plat. The engineer approved the plat as submitted. The Thompson -Roberts Group 275o Virginia Parkway, Suite 107 McKinney, Texas 75070 i foil Phone 214-544-7721 Fax 469-742-0382 �♦ ♦ • www.thompson-roberts.com May 23, 2003 Ms. Samantha Renz City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Ridgecrest North, Phase 2A Final Plat Review Dear Ms. Renz: We have completed the review of the final plat information for the above mentioned project and find that it is in compliance and in accordance with City of Sanger requirements. Our review does not relieve the design engineer of his responsibilities as the engineer of record in accordance with the Texas Engineering Practices Act. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, The Thompson- o up William E. Thompson, P.E. Chief Executive Officer Enclosure — Signed Final Plat "Quality Service, By Design"" MEMO May 23, 2003 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz Re: Ordinance Review Attached are the two sections of the ordinance that we will be reviewing. Sanger Code of Ordinances SECTION 5: GENERAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS All requirements pertaining to lot size, yard size, dwelling size, lot coverage, height, parking, loading and screening contained in the current zoning ordinance of the city shall be adhered to for development under this ordinance. 5.01 - Streets A. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all proposed streets shall conform to the general plan of the community, and their relationship shall be considered to that of the existing and .planned streets, to topographical conditions, to -public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. B The reservation in private ownership of strips of land, at the end of offered or existing. streets, intended solely or primarily for the purpose of controlling access to property not included in the -subdivision shall be -prohibited. C. Wbere .such .is -not -shown .in the -general .plan for Ahecommunity, the arrangement of.streets in a subdivision shall: (1) Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing principal streets in surrounding areas, (2) Con€or-n3 to --a -plan for the neighborhood-apprmd or adopted by the may' to meet ,a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuation of or -ceaermance -to an -existing street impracticable; and .(3). Be planned so that they shall intersect, as -nearly as -possible, at right angles. O. Residential streets shall be aligned so that their use by through traf is is -discouraged. B. In phased developments, streets which are -continuous through -more than a _single phase shall be provided with temporary turnarounds (at the point of temporary termination) until the -street is fully =nstracted per the original approved plan. F. Developers shall -be required to coordinate a planning and engineernrg work with -all adjacent property owners/developers. G. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred twenty-five feet (125') shall be avoided. Sanger Code of Ordinances H. Street right-of-way widths and centerline radii shall be in accordance with the city's thoroughfare plan and shall conform to the following: Right -of -Way Minimum Class Type of Street Width Centerline Radii A Loop Highway 180 feet 2,000 feet B Major Thoroughfare 120 feet 1,000 feet -C Major Thoroughfare 1-00 feet 1;000 feet D Secondary Thoroughfare 80 feet 500 feet E Collector 60 feet 500 feet 1~ �C-ellecter -60 feet 300 feet G Minor or Residential 50 feet 150 feet I. Street widths proposed for industrial subdivisions or commercial developments shall be not less than that required for a Class A Secondary. Thoroughfare J. Half streets shall be prohibited, except where there is no alternative for reasonable development of the subdivision in conformance with the other requirements of these regulations and where the city finds it will be practicable to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided. Wherever a half street has already been provided adjacent to an area to be subdivided, the other remaining portion of the street shall be platted within such subdivision. Where part of a residential or collector street is being dedicated along a common property line, the first dedication shall be one-half (112) of the .proposed street right-of-way.plus five feet (5') unless a construction easement on the adjoining parcel has been obtained, and the -developer -shall constrict the half street or place. in escrow .cash. for .the, estimated half -paving cost as determined by the city council. K. Cul-de-sacs in residential additions shall not be longer than six hundred feet (600') from the nearest intersection, -except under unusual conditions with the approval of the city council. In industrial areas, cul-de-sacs shall not exceed one thousand feet (1,000') from the nearest intersecting street, and -there shall be -provided -at the -closed -end a •turnaround having a minimum outside roadway diameter of eighty-one feet (81') and a minimum street property line diameter of one hundred feet (100'). Alternate turnaround designs in residential tract developments which provide adequate turnaround area may be considered or approved by the city. L. All streets shall be paved, and paving shall conform to the requirements of Section 6, Improvements, of these regulations. M. Street grades shall be established regarding topography, proposed land -use and the Sanger Code of Ordinances facilities in the area surrounding the land to be subdivided. Minimum grades shall be three tenths percent (0.30%) on concrete streets and five tenths percent (0.50%) on all other types of street paving. Cross (transverse) slopes between pavement and the right-of-way shall not be less than 100:1 or steeper than 3:1. Where necessary, additional right-of-way or slope easement shall be provided to meet this requirement. N. Street name markers shall be installed in accordance with the prescribed type currently in use by the city or an approved equal, as approved by the city manager. Street markers and erections will be at the expense of the subdivider. O. The materials for all traffic control and regulatory signs shall be furnished by the subdivider and installed by the city for all intersections within or abutting the subdivision. Such signs shall be in strict compliance with the regulations of the Federal Highway Administration and according to the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition. No signs will be placed in undeveloped portions of the subdivision. P. The subdivider shall comply with the guidelines and criteria for driveways, including the design requirements, grades, spacing and access standards as provided by the city's thoroughfare plan. Q. If a proposed development is projected to generate a lesser traffic volume than would normally require roadways as specified in the master thoroughfare plan, the developer may install a "minimum acceptable alternative" (as delineated in the Appendix). The full right-of-way and pavement thickness is unchanged. Only the outside two (2) lanes would be paved in this situation. The city must approve the use of this option. 5.02 - Alleys A. Alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial districts and shall be paved with reinforced concrete, except that the city may waive this requirement where other definite d assured provision is made for service access, such as off-street loading, unloading and parking consistent with and adequate for the uses proposed. B. Alleys shall be provided in all residential areas and shall be paved with reinforced concrete. C. The minimum right-of-way width of any alley shall be twenty feet (20') in industrial and commercial areas and fifteen feet (15') in residential areas. D. Alley intersections and sudden changes in alignment shall be avoided, but, where necessary, lot corners shall be cut off at least fifteen feet (15') on each tangent to permit safe Sanger Code of Ordinances vehicular movement. E. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but, if unavoidable, they shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities, as determined by the city. F. All alleys shall be paved, and the paving shall conform to Section 6, Improvements, of these regulations. G. Residential driveway and alley pavement cuts will not be permitted onto loop and major thoroughfares. Alleys on frontage roads shall be provided along side and rear lot lines which front on loop and major thoroughfares for rear entrance. 5.03 - Lots A. Lot size: The size or area of the lot shall be measured in square feet, and shall conform with the zoning requirements for the area. B. Lot width: The lot width shall be the direct distance across the lot measured at the points the building line intersects the side lot lines. The minimum lot width shall be fifty feet (50'), unless otherwise provided by the zoning district of the area. C. Lot death: The lot depth shall be the average of the length of the two (2) side lot lines. The minimum lot depth shall be ninety feet (90'), unless otherwise provided by the zoning district of the area. D. Corner lots: Corner lots with a width of less than seventy-five feet (75') are to be at least five feet (5') wider than the average of interior lots in the block. Corner lots with a width of less than eighty-five feet (85') adjacent to a thoroughfare are to be at least fifteen feet (15') wider than the average of interior lots in the block. E. Lot shave: Lots should be rectangular where practicable. Sharp angles between lot lines should be avoided. The ratio of depth to width should not ordinarily exceed two and one-half to one (2 1/2 : 1). F. Lot facing: (1) Each lot shall be provided with adequate access to an existing or proposed street by frontage on such street. Residential lots shall front on residential class streets; (2) Double frontage lots are prohibited except where the lot has rear frontage on thoroughfares; and Sanger Code of Ordinances (3) Wherever feasible, each lot should face the front of a similar lot across the street. In general, an arrangement placing facing lots at right angles to each other should be avoided. G. Lot lines: Radial to street frontage, and the following note may be used on the plat in lieu of bearings: "All side lot lines are perpendicular or radial to street frontage unless otherwise noted." H. Lot numbering: All lots are to be numbered consecutively within each block. Lot numbering may be cumulative throughout the subdivision if the numbering continues from block to block in a uniform manner that has been approved on an overall preliminary plat. L. Lot &Mdin : Finished grade for the building site will be not less than six inches (6") above the top of the curb grade or alley pavement or two feet (2) above the adjacent base flood elevation as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, whichever is water. In any case, the property line grades adjacent to the street should not be below the top of curb grade. M. Exceptions: Plats involving cluster developments or zero -lot lines shall be reviewed by the city on a case -by -case basis. 5.04 - Easements A. Use: Where necessary to provide access for the purposes of maintenance, construction or other service, easements shall be provided for poles, wires, conduits, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water lines, open drainage, floodplains, gas lines or other utilities. Such easements may be required across parts of lots, including rear and side lot lines, where alleys are not provided. B. Size: Where possible, easements shall be provided fully located upon one (1) lot and shall be not less than fifteen feet (15) in width. Where such is not feasible, easements shall be not less than seven and one-half feet (7-1/2') on each side of the lot line. Where overhead utility service on poles is allowed, an additional easement of five feet (5) on each side shall be provided. The full width of easements shall not be less than twenty-five feet (25')• Where a subdivision is bounded by a water course, drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially to the lines of such water course, or of such width to provide for any future anticipated construction, plus a minimum to ten feet (10) on each side. Sanger Code of Ordinances C. Where required by the city, emergency access easements shall have: (1) a clear, unobstructed width of twenty-four feet (24'); (2) an all-weather surface constructed and maintained by the owner; (3) a connection at each end to a dedicated public street or have a turnaround of suitable size at the dead-end; and (4) appropriate turning space at inside corners to permit free movement of fire trucks. An emergency access easement may be used as a driveway to gain access to parking or loading spaces, but shall not be used for parking. The limits of the easement shall be marked by the city, and the marking shall be maintained by the city. 5.05 - Blocks A. The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be determined with regard to the following items: (1) Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use proposed; (2) Zoning requirements as to lot sizes and dimensions; (3) Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of traffic; and (4) Limitations of topography. B. Where no existing subdivision controls, the blocks shall not exceed one thousand feet (1,000') in length nor be less than five hundred feet (509) in length, except in certain instances where topographical features warrant special consideration. These limits shall be exceeded only upon specific approval by the city. Blocks longer than six hundred feet (600') shall be avoided in business districts. C. Blocks are to be numbered or lettered consecutively within the overall plat and/or section of an overall plat, as recorded. 5.06 - Mobile Home Parks And Mobile Homes A. Location Mobile homes shall be allowed only in approved and recognized mobile home parks of not less than five (5) acres which must be located in an appropriate zoning district. B. Plattinir Mobile home parks are governed by the same requirements for all other subdivisions. Both Sanger Code of Ordinances preliminary and final plats will be required and both will be subject to the specifications of Sections 4.03 and 4.04 of this document, respectively. C. Streets Each mobile home park must abut a public street and provide access therefrom. Each lottunit may only be accessed from an interior street. Minimum pavement widths of interior streets shall be twenty-six feet (26') to allow for emergency vehicle and trash removal access. D. Screening Each mobile home park must include a landscaping/screening plan to buffer the park from adjoining land uses. (This plan must receive approval from the city engineer.) A landscaped strip of not less than ten feet (10') in width shall be established and maintained within the park's property along the exterior boundaries. Fencing and other materials must also he used as approved by the city engineer. E. Prohibited Use No mobile home for the purpose of residential living shall be located outside an approved mobile home park. Mobile homes in approved parks must be used for no other purpose than residential will be allowed only as a temporary residence during home construction, as a construction/security office, or as a temporary business site if the permanent building is being rebuilt/rehabilitated. These temporary uses must not exceed one (1) year. Extensions may be granted by the city upon proof of extreme hardship. These regulations shall not apply to manufactured housing. F. Additional Requirements All other sections of this document shall apply as appropriate to mobile home parks. The city council may also impose additional conditions, requirements or limitations concerning the design, development and/or operation of said park as it deems necessary for the protection and general welfare of adjacent properties and the public interest. G. Filing Fees Refer to Section 7, Filing Fees and Charges, of this document. 5.07 - Survey Monuments And Lot Markers A. Permanent Survey Reference Monuments Sanger Code of Or&nances A concrete monument, six inches (6") in diameter and twenty-four inches (24") long, shall be placed on all boundary corners, block corners, curve points and angle points. A copper pin one-fourth inch (1/4") in diameter embedded at least three inches (3")in the monument shall be placed at the exact intersection point on the monument. The monuments shall be set at such an elevation that will not be disturbed during construction, and the top of the monument shall be not less than twelve inches (12") below the finished grade of the development. B. Lot Markers. Lot markers shall be one-half inch (1 /2") reinforcing bar, eighteen inches (18") long, or approved equal, and shall be placed at all lot corners flush with the ground, or below ground, if necessary, in order to avoid being disturbed. C. Schedule for Placement At the developer's option, permanent monuments and lot markers may be placed before or following construction of on -site improvements. If installed prior to construction, the final plat of the subdivision will be filed for record as set forth in Section 4 of these regulations. If installed following construction of improvements, the plat will be held for filing until, and the certificates of occupancy will be issued when the monuments and markers are set (see Section 6.13 Surveyor's Certificate). SECTION 6: DIPROVEMENTS 6.01- Standard Specifications And Construction Details All improvements proposed for any subdivision to be developed under the jurisdiction of these ordinances shall be furnished and installed by the subdivider in accordance with the applicable divisions of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) standard Specifications For Public Works Construction, as adopted by the city and the other applicable specifications noted herein, or in the absence of such specifications and details, to meet the approval of the city. References are made herein to specific divisions, items and sections of the NCTCOG standard specifications, and it is not intended to preclude other portions of the NCTCOG standard specifications that may be appropriate and applicable to the development of a subdivision. Therefore, by reference to the fact that the city has adopted the NCTCOG standard Specifications For Public Works Construction, the NCTCOG Standard specifications, latest edition, are to be considered a part of this ordinance. Sanger Code of Or&nances All improvements, even in previously approved but still unimproved subdivisions, or in resubdivided tracts, shall conform to the city's current regulations and specifications for street, drainage and utility construction. Where reference is made within these regulations to the standard specifications, it shall be understood that the word "owner" is to be interpreted as the developer or subdivider and the words "engineer," "inspector," and "owner's representative" are to be interpreted as the developer's engineer. Where the standard specifications allow options not specifically addressed by these regulations, the developer's engineer shall request guidance from the city engineer in writing. 6.02 - Street Paving - Concrete A. Concrete Stren h Requirements (1) Concrete Curb and Gutter Concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed thirty inches (30") in width and in accordance with Division 8, Item 8.2, of the Standard Specifications. (2) Reinforced Concrete Pavements and Monolithic Curb Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 5. Item 5.8 B. Pavement Thickness Requirements (1) Residential Street and Alley Construction The subdivider shall, at his own cost and expense, pay for constructing all residential streets and alleys within his subdivision and one-half (1/2) of all existing and/or proposed perimeter streets. Monies for the construction of the one-half (1/2) street shall be placed in an escrow account if the construction of the street is to be deferred to a later date. A six inch (6") thickness of three thousand (3,000) p.s.i. reinforced concrete pavement on a compacted subbase shall be required. Said six inch (6") thickness will be acceptable without performing additional soils investigation or design calculations. All steel reinforcing shall be deformed No. 3 bars on twenty-four inch (24") centers both ways. Where the plasticity index of the soil is twelve (12) or greater, stabilization of the subgrade, six inches (6") thick with six percent (6%) hydrated lime by weight, shall Sanger Code of Ordinances be required. Compaction of the time stabilized subgrade shall be according to the Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6., 4.6.4.(d). Section Any proposed pavement section of lesser thickness or alternate materials shall be fully documented by the design engineer to substantiate the fact that such alternate will provide an equivalent capacity for the pavement noted above and must be approved by the city. (2) Collector. Commercial or Industrial Street and Alley Construction The subdivider shall, at his own cost and expense, pay for constructing all streets and alleys within his subdivision and one-half (1/2) of all existing and/or proposed perimeter streets. Monies for the construction of the one-half (1/2) street shall be placed in an escrow account if the construction of the street is to be deferred to a later date. Collector streets and alleys shall, at a minimum, be designed and constructed with six-inch (6") thickness of three thousand five hundred (3,500) p.s.i. reinforced concrete pavement on a compacted subbase. All steel reinforcing shall be deformed No. 3 bars on twenty-four inch (24") centers both ways. Where the plasticity index of the soil is twelve (12) or greater, stabilization of the subbase with a six inch (6") thickness of six percent (6%) hydrated lime by weight will be required. Compaction of the lime stabilized subgrade shall be according to the Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6., Section 4.6.4(d). Any proposcd pavcmcnt scction of lcsscr thickncss or alternatc matcrials shall be fully documented by the design engineer to substantiate the fact that such alternate will provide an equivalent capacity for the pavement noted above and must be approved by the city. (3) Major Or Secondary Thoroughfare Construction On roadways, adjacent to the proposed subdivision, that are designated to be major or secondary thoroughfares (except Class A Loop Highway), the subdivider shall be required to construct, at his own cost and expense, one-half (1/2) of the street section, up to a width of twenty-four feet (24% measured to face of curbs, with integral curbs on each side. Where thoroughfares traverse a subdivision, the subdivider shall be required, at his own cost and expense, to construct a twenty-four foot (24') wide section on each side Sanger Code ofOrdinances of the roadway. Thoroughfares shall be designed and constructed with an eight inch (8") thickness of three thousand five hundred (3,500) p.s.i, reinforced concrete pavement on a compacted subbase. All steel reinforcing shall be deformed No. 3 bars at twenty-four inch (24") centers both ways. Where the plasticity index of the soil is twelve (12) or greater, stabilization of the subgrade, six inches (6") thick with six percent (6%) hydrated lime by weight, shall be required. Compaction of the lime stabilized subgrade shall be according to the Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6., Section 4.6.4(d). Any proposed pavement section of lesser thickness or alternate materials shall be My documented by the design engineer to substantiate the fact that such alternate will provide an equivalent capacity for the pavement noted above and must be approved by the city. (Ordinance 014-87 of 9/21/87) C. Paving Width Requirements (1) Residential Streets. Collector Street. and Alleys Residential street paving shall be a minimum of thirty feet (30') in width, measured between the faces of curbs. Collector street paving around schools shall be a minimum of thirty six feet (36') in width, measured between the faces of the curbs. The width for collector streets in industrial and commercial areas must be a minimum of forty feet (40') in width, measured between the faces of the curbs. Alley paving shall be ten feet (10') wide in residential areas and twenty feet (20') wide in commercial and industrial areas. Alley turnouts shall be paved to the property line and shall be at least two feet (2') wider than the. alley paving at that point. Paving radius where alleys intersect residential and collector streets shall be ten feet (10') and where alleys intersect thoroughfare streets the radius shall be fifteen feet (15'). Paving radius shall be twenty-five feet (25') where alleys intersect one another. (Ordinance 10-26-00 adopted 12/4/00) (2) Thoroughfares Sanger Code of Ordinances The following minimum pavement widths are set by this ordinance for the construction of thoroughfares as follows: Thoroughfare Classification Minimum Right -of -Way Minimum Pavement Width Width Between Faces of Curbs Class A (Loop) 180' Two 12' traffic lanes on each side of the roadway centerline Class B (Major) 120' Three 12' traffic lanes divided by a 16' median Class C (Major) 100' Three I F traffic lanes divided by a 15' median Class D (Secondary) 80' Four I I' traffic lanes or two 12' traffic lanes and two 10' parking lanes Note: The minimum width of a median adjacent to a left turn lane shall be five feet (5'). (3) Street Returns. (a) The minimum radii for all street returns shall be twenty feet (20') on collector and minor streets and thirty feet (30') on thorough fares. (b) Returns for driveways on minor streets shall be ten feet (10'). Driveway returns onto commercial and industrial property shall be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') and a maximum of twenty-five feet (25') except in special cases. D. Miscellaneous (1) Reinforcing Steel furnished for street and alley paving shall meet Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.2., Sections 2.2.6. and 2.2.7. (2) Sawed Dummy Joints Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 5, Item 5.8., Section 5.8.2. (3) Expansion Joints Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 5, Item 5.8., Section 5.8.2. Sanger Code of Ordinances (4) Lonaitudinal Pavement Slopes The maximum longitudinal slopes are as follows: Type of Street Maximum Slope Class A - Major Thoroughfare 6% Class B - Major Thoroughfare 6% Class C - Major Thoroughfare 6% Class D - Secondary Thoroughfare 6% Class E - Collector 80/0 Class F - Collector 8% Class G - Minor (Residential) 10% Maximum grades for an alley shall be eight percent (8%) within thirty feet (39) of its intersection with a street and fourteen percent (14%) elsewhere. Maximum longitudinal slopes within one hundred feet (100') of intersections shall not exceed two percent (2%). (5) Transverse Pavement Slopes The transverse pavement slope for all non -divided streets may consist of either a straight cross slope or a parabolic curve from the pavement centerline to the gutter. The crown at the pavement centerline shall be four inches (4") above the gutter grade on residential streets and six inches (6") on collector streets and secondary thoroughfares. For divided streets, the transverse slope shall be as required by the city engineer. (6) Lime Stabilization Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 4, Item 4.6. 6.03 - Sidewalks Refer to Standard Specifications, Division 8, Item 8.3. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of streets and thoroughfares, except in industrial areas, by the subdivider. The sidewalks shall have a width of not less than four feet (4') and thickness of not less than four inches (4") and shall be constructed of two thousand (2,000) p.s.i. concrete on both sides of all sheets and thoroughfares within the subdivision. Sidewalks Sanger Code of Ordinances shall be constructed one foot (1) from the property line within the street or thoroughfare right-of-way and shall extend along the street frontage including the side of corner lots and block ends. Construction of sidewalks adjacent to curb in residential areas will be considered where driveway entrances are constructed from the rear of lots on each side of the street for the full length of the block or where mountable curbs are installed. In these instances, the sidewalks shall be five feet (5) wide. Sidewalks in commercial areas shall be a minimum width of five feet (5) or extend from the back of the curb to the building line as required by the city. Sidewalks in industrial areas and planned developments will be as required by the city. All concrete for sidewalks shall he placed on a two-inch (2") sand cushion. Longitudinal slope of sidewalks shall be that of the curb adjacent to the sidewalk. The longitudinal slope of the sidewalk shall be one-fourth inch (1/4") per foot starting at the back of the curb. The maximum ground slope from the back of the curb to the property line shall not exceed six percent (6%). If it does exceed six percent (60/o), a retaining wall, that is acceptable to the city, shall be provided on the property line or the private property graded to a 3:1 maximum slope. 6.04 - Storm Drainage A. General (1) Plans, profiles and specifications shall be prepared in accordance with these regulations, the standard specifications, the city's design manual for storm drainage facilities, the city's comprehensive development plan, and other site specific studies for all storm sewer improvements to be constructed and shall show the locations, sizes, grades, hydraulic gradients, flow arrows and other details for the proposed pipe, inlets, manholes, culverts, outlet structures and other appurtenances. Each sheet of the plans and profiles shall bear the seal and signature of the registered professional civil engineer who prepared them. The subdivider/developer shall design the proposed storm drainage system in accordance with the approved city's design manual for storm drainage facilities and the comprehensive development plan. (2) The subdivider shall be required to provide off -site facilities to access the point of discharge where adequate capacity is available. The subdivider shall pay for the cost of all drainage improvements connected with the development of his/her subdivision, Sanger Code of Ordinances including any necessary off -site channels or storm sewers and acquisition of any required easements. 6.05 - Water Systems Water systems shall be of sufficient size to furnish adequate domestic water, to furnish fire protection to all lots and shall conform with the city's comprehensive plan and meet the requirements, in all respects, of the Texas Department of Health. The city shall make the final determination of the adequacy of water mains proposed. A. Materials (1) Water Mains (a) All water mains twelve inches (12") in diameter and smaller may be either ductile iron pipe, thickness Class 50 minimum, or AWWA C900 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Water mains larger than twelve inches (12") in diameter may be constructed with either pretensioned or prestressed concrete steel cylinder pipe or ductile iron pipe. (b) The subdivider shall comply with all applicable Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.12., Sections 2.12.5, 2.12.8., and 2.12.20. (2) Gate Valves Gate valves shall be furnished in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.13., Section 2.13.1. (3) Fire Hydrants (a) Fire hydrants shall be furnished in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.14. (b) The subdivider shall furnish drawings with complete detailed dimensions of the fire hydrant proposed for the subdivision. B. Installation and Testing (1) Water Mains, Fittings, Gate Valves and Fire Hydrants (a) The subdivider shall comply with all applicable Standard Specifications in Sanger Code of Ordinances Division 6, for installing materials that comply with the standards of the city. (b) Prior to approval of plans and specifications for ductile iron pipe, the subdivider shall perform a soil survey to establish the corrosive characteristics of the soil at, and along, the alignment of the proposed water mains. If the corrosive characteristics of the soil are found to be excessive or indicate a potential for a corrosive condition, then an approved polyethylene encasement or wrapping shall be installed to protect the pipe in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Division 2, Item 2.9., Section 2.9.5. (c) Tap installations on PVC pipe will be made by attaching a bronze service clamp equipped with a sealed threaded port on the periphery of the main; then drilling through the pipe wall to complete each service port. Taps may be made either on an uncharged system or into a main under pressure. (2) Location (a) All water mains shall be constructed within street rights -of -way or easements dedicated to the city. (b) Easements shall be provided for water mains which parallel any state numbered highway. (c) Water mains shall be installed in or extended along all frontage streets of the proposed subdivision and shall be connected to all existing water mains where convenient. Provision of water mains in conjunction with cul-de-sac streets shall be at the discrction of the city cnginccr. To insurc rcliability of scrvicc, dead-end mains of adequate capacity shall not exceed three thousand feet (3,000') in length. Adequate capacity shall be determined by the standards for fireflow as accepted by the State Board of Insurance and the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. (d) In zoning districts commonly referred to as "residential sections," the minimum size of water main shall be six inches (6") in diameter. Where intervals between "cross -connecting" mains must exceed one thousand two hundred feet (1,200'), or where dead -ends must exist, eight inch (8") diameter or larger mains shall be installed. (e) Eight inch (8") diameter and larger mains shall be installed in all streets in zoning districts commonly referred to as "commercial" or "industrial," with minimum size eight inch (8") diameter intersecting mains every six hundred Sanger Code of Ordinances feet (600'). Where dead -ends must exist, eight inch (8") diameter or larger mains shall be installed. The minimum limits set forth in the above shall not be exceeded except upon the specific approval by the city engineer, city building official and the fire chief, but in no event shall these requirements be less than the minimum required by the State Board of Insurance or the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. (f) Twelve inch (12") diameter or larger mains shall be installed in all streets in zoning districts commonly referred to as "commercial" or "industrial," where service is to be provided to developments that may require fire sprinkler systems. (g) All valves buried in the ground shall be provided with cast-iron valve boxes of proper dimensions to fit over the valve bonnets and to extend to such elevation at or slightly above the finished street grade or ground line, as approved by the city. Tops shall be complete with covers marked "water" and shall be adjustable. Valve boxes shall be set vertical and concentric with the valve stem. Any valve box which has so moved from its original position as to prevent the application of the valve key shall be satisfactorily reset by the developer at his own expense. A reinforced concrete pad of the dimensions, Y-0" x Y-0" x 6", shall be poured around all valve boxes that are outside the pavement section, unless otherwise directed by the city. (h) Fire hydrants shall be placed to conform with the requirements of the State Board of Insurance and the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas. Each hydrant shall be set upon a slab of stone or concrete not less than four inches (4") thick and not less than one (1) square foot of surface area. Where solid rock exists in the bottom of the trench and same is excavated to the proper depth to form a foundation for the hydrant, the slab of stone or concrete above specified may be omitted. The hydrant shall be set perpendicular, and to the proper depth, and shall be carefully and substantially blocked against firm trench walls using Class 2,000 concrete. (i) Fire hydrants shall be installed and operable prior to the erection of any building in which any combustible material is used as determined by the fire chief of the city. 6.06 - Sanitary Sewers Sanger Code of Or&nances Sanitary sewer facilities shall be furnished and installed to adequately service the subdivision and shall conform to the city's sanitary sewer plan and meet the requirements, in all respects, of the Texas Department of Health and Texas Water Commission. The adequacy of the sewerage facilities provided by the subdivider shall be determined by the city. A. Materials (1) Sewer Mains and Appurtenances (a) Sanitary sewer mains may be vitrified clay sewer pipe (extra strength), cement -lined bituminous coated ductile iron pipe, polyethylene -lined ductile iron pipe or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. The subdivider shall comply with the applicable Standard Specifications of Division 2, that are related to the materials for the sewer mains accepted by the city. Connections shall be made with a fabricated fitting. Field -glued connections are not allowed. When PVC pipes pass through a manhole wall, asbestos cement sleeves with a rubber ring joint shall be used to provide a positive water -tight connection. (b) The minimum diameter of sewer mains shall be eight inches (8"). Six inch (6") diameter sewer mains may be acceptable only for short distances (not to exceed 400 feet) and only in locations where the main will not be extended, as approved by the city. (c) Manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.7., Section 6.7.2.(i). The manholes shall be placed at points of change in alignment, grade, size of sewer, the intersection of sewers; at the right-of-way lines of major and secondary thoroughfares, whether existing or proposed, and the end of all sanitary sewer mains subject to extension. Maximum manhole spacing for sewers with straight alignment and uniform grades should be determined so as to assure continuous operation based on available Gleaning equipment. The maximum manhole spacing shall be five hundred feet (500) in all cases. Sanger Code of Ordinances (d) Standard cleanouts shall be constructed at the ends of all sanitary sewers not subject to extension, and shall be in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.7., Section 6.7.2(i). (2) Lift Stations and Force Main (a) All lift stations shall be designed and constructed with two (2) or more sewage pumps, and the stations shall be capable of pumping the design maximum flow with the largest pump out of service. Detailed layout, projected flows, design data, plans and specifications of the lift station and pumps shall be submitted to the city engineer prior to the purchase and installation of the pumps. (b) All force mains shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or ductile iron pipe, furnished in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 2. For the initial flows or at design for average flows, a cleansing velocity of at least two feet (2) per second shall be maintained, with the velocity not to exceed five feet (5) per second at the peak pumping rate. Where high points are necessary in the design of the force main, automatic air relief valves shall be placed at high points in the force main to prevent air locking. (c) The design of the lift station and force main shall comply, in all respects, with the "Design Criteria For Sewerage Systems" of the Texas Department of Health and the Texas Water Commission. (3) Location Wherever possible, sewers shall be located in the alleys or easements and shall be a minimum of five feet (5) to six and one-half feet (6 1/2') deep to the invert. Easements shall be provided for sewer mains which parallel any state -numbered highway. (4) Installation and Testing (a) All sewers shall be laid in straight alignment where possible with a uniform grade between the manholes. In those cases where horizontal curvature must be utilized to serve a particular area, the minimum radius of curvature shall be one hundred feet (100'). Grades and appurtenances of sanitary sewers shall conform to the requirements of the Texas Department of Health, and the following are the minimum slopes 1 Sanger Code of 0r&nances which should be provided for a velocity of at least two feet (2) per second; however, slopes greater than these are desirable: Sanitary Minimum Slope in Feet Sewer - Diameter Per 100 Feet 4 inch (for service lines only) 1.000 6 inch 0.500 8 inch 0.330 10 inch 0.250 12 inch 0.200 15 inch 0.150 18 inch 0.110 21 inch 0.090 24 inch 0.080 27 inch 0.060 30 inch 0.055 36 inch 0.045 (b) The excavation, embedment and backfill requirements for the sewer pipe shall all be in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.2. On non-ferrous pipe, Class B+ embedment shall be used per Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.2.9.(cx6). (c) Performance tests of the sewer mains, manholes and appurtenances shall be performed and documented by the subdivider in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the Standard Specifications, Division 6, Item 6.7. Visual inspection by photographic means (either video or film) shall be required on all sewer mains under the proposed street pavement and shall be performed after completion and acceptance of the street subgrade but prior to the final paving. Prior to any testing being performed, the subdivider shall submit for approval to the city engineer a full description of the method for testing and the procedures that are to be employed 6.07 - Utility Services Sanger Code of Ordinances A. All services for utilities shall be installed for each lot in such a manner so as to eliminate the necessity for disturbing the street and the alley pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalks and drainage structures when connections are made. B. The subdivider shall provide separate service lines for water and sanitary sewerage to each lot or point of metering. C. Water service lines shall be in accordance with Standard Specifications, Division 6.7., and shall be provided with a corporation stop at the main and a curb stop located at least two feet (2) outside of curb at a depth of not less than one and one-half feet (1-1/2'). A meter box, meter yoke and miscellaneous fittings shall be furnished and installed by the subdivider and shall conform to the standard materials currently used by the city. D. Sanitary sewer service lines shall have a minimum diameter of four inches (4"), shall meet the same requirements for sanitary sewers described above, shall be constructed from the main to the lot property line using wyes and necessary bends, and shall have a minimum cover at the property line of four feet (4'), where possible. E. The subdivider shall place a suitable marker at the point where said service lines are stubbed out so that these lines can be easily located for connection by the city. Suitable markers shall be "W" for water and "S" for sewer stamped in top of curb, or edge of the pavement if no curb is constructed. Letters shall have a minimum height of two inches (2") and a minimum width of two inches (2"). F. The subdivider shall make arrangements with all other appropriate utility companies for the cxtcnsion of thcir respcctivc utility lints and scrvicc to and within the addition and for any costs or refunds of such costs. G. The use of underground electrical services and transmission lines is encouraged for all subdivisions, where feasible. 6.08 - Street Lip htine Street lighting shall conform to die latest edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society Handbook. Round tapered standards with bracket arms shall be used and lighting levels, as recommended, shall be provided for very light traffic in residential areas, medium traffic on collector streets, and heavy traffic on thoroughfares. In no instance shall the spacing between street lights exceed four hundred feet (400'). The street lighting plan shall be approved by the city engineer. Sanger Code of Ordinances Initial cost of installation of street lighting shall be bome by the subdivider. 6.09 - Construction Contracts The subdivider shall contract for construction of the street, drainage, water and sewer improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the city. Contractors who bid on the work must be qualified in all respects to perform the required construction. The contractor shall furnish performance and payment bonds in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract construction cost in favor of the subdivider. The performance bond shall provide for: A. Completion of the entire construction in conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the city; and B. Guarantee against defects in workmanship and materials for a period of twelve (12) months after acceptance. Prior to the city's release for the subdivider to begin construction, the subdivider shall fiirnish the city engineer one (1) copy of the contractor's itemized proposal and copies of a contractor's performance and payment bonds. 6.10 - Record Drawings (As -Built Plans) The subdivider shall finish the city engineer one (1) set of reproducible as -built drawings prepared and certified correct by the subdivider's engineer within thirty (30) days after completion of construction. These as -built drawings shall be twenty-two inch (22") by thirty-six inch (36") or twenty-four inch (24") by thirty-six inch (36") sheets and shall show complete details of the installation improvements and appurtenances as required by the city, including, but not limited to: A. Plans, profiles and cross sections of all streets and alleys; B . Plans, profiles and cross sections of all drainage projects; C . Locations of water and sewer mains with respect to property lines; D. Size, manufacturer and location with respect to property corners of all water valves and fire hydrants; E. Profiles of sanitary sewers with manhole locations referenced to property corners; . 0 1 1 . Sanger Code of Ordinances F. Detailed diagrams of any special installations such as inlets, junction boxes, headwalls, bores, roadway crossing, siphons and channel crossings; G. The size, materials and locations with respect to property corners of all water and sewer service lines installed; H . Locations and quantities of rock excavation and pavement cut; I. Locations of other utilities encountered; J. Oversize designations (if any) for water and sewer mains; and K. Ground elevation of each lot at the front and rear building lines to be shown on the grading plan. 6.11- Insuection The subdivider shall provide inspection service through his/her engineer to insure that construction is being accomplished in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the city engineer. The subdivider shall notify the city engineer forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of construction. This notice shall give the location and date of the start of construction. If the city engineer determines it necessary, he/she shall have the right to inspect any construction work being performed to insure that it is proceeding in accordance with the intent of the provisions of this ordinance. 6.12 - Testing Testing laboratory services will be arranged and paid for by the city. The city will pay for testing services only for those tests which indicate conformance with the approved specifications. All expenses for tests that fail to meet these specifications shall be borne by the developer. It shall be the responsibility of the developer's engineer to coordinate the scheduling of all required tests with the tcsting laboratory. Tcsting shall be conductcd in accordancc with the proccdures sct forth in Part III of the Standard Specifications for like work at the frequency specified therein or as directed by the city engineer. 6.13 - Surveyor's Certificate The subdivider shall furnish a certificate, prepared and certified correct by the subdivider's surveyor, stating that the positions of all monuments and lot markers have been confirmed, or corrected, if necessary, following completion of on -site public improvements to conform to the Sanger Code of Ordinances location of same on the final plat of the development. 6.14 - Contract Completion Certificate The subdivider shall furnish the city a "Contract Completion Certificate" prepared and certified correct by the subdivider's engineer showing an itemized final statement of all costs, including engineering, related to the construction as required by the city, within ten (10) days after completion of construction, and indicating that all improvements have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. 6.15 - Acceptance The city's acceptance of such work shall be by the city's approval and endorsement of the contract completion certificate. Such acceptance by the city will not be given until satisfactory record drawings have been received by the city. 6.16 - Affidavits The subdivider and the contractor shall fiirnish the city a subdivider's payment affidavit stating that all payments due the contractor have been paid and a contractor's payment affidavit stating that any and all amounts due for labor, materials, supplies, services or claims in conjunction with said construction have been paid in full: These affidavits shall be furnished within thirty (30) days following acceptance of work by the city. 6.17 - Compliance by Subdivider The city shall not be obligated to permit connection of any water or sewer extension to existing system facilities or provide service therefrom or to reimburse any oversize main cost prior to the full compliance by the subdivider with all the requirements of this ordinance. (Ordinance 014-87 of 9/21/87) 6.18 - Park: Open Space: Recreation Areas & Public Use Dedication A. This section includes parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose, conditions, or limitations of such reservations. B. General Park Requirements for Residentially Zoned Property 1. Preliminary and Final Plats shall show areas proposed for park(s). Construction plans . 0 4 0 #0 Sanger Code of Ordinances shall show improvements and development provided by the developer. 2. The Final Plat shall contain a clear fee simple dedication of the land to the City for park use. 3. The area dedicated shall be not less than one (1) acre for each 50 dwelling units. The term 'dwelling unit' means any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, as required by this code, for not more than one family. Each multi -family development shall indicate the number of dwelling units to be incorporated in the development on the Preliminary and Final Plat submissions 4. Payment of money in lieu of dedication of land is authorized when permitted or required by other provisions of this ordinance. 5. Money paid in lieu of dedication of land may be used only for acquisition or developmentlimprovement of a neighborhood/community park located within the same general area as the development or in park facilities intended for access and use by the entire City. C. Area Less Than One Acre Development of an area less than one (1) acre for public parks purposes is impractical. Therefore, if fewer than 50 dwelling units are proposed the developer/landowner shall pay money in lieu of dedication of land. The only time a land dedication of less than one (1) acre will be considered is when the land can be added to an existing park D. Area Greater Than One Acre 1. Proposed park areas shall be presented as part of the Preliminary Plat. The Parks Board and Planning and Zoning Commission will review and comment on each park dedication prior to presentation to the City Council. Proposed improvements and development standards will be presented to the Parks Board, Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. 2. The City Council may accept or reject the land offered by the developer/landowner and require money in lieu of dedication of land. Some issues for consideration by the City may include: a. Land is unusable or not compatible with the Master Plan. 6 • • 1 If Sanger Code ojOrdinances b. Sufficient park area is already dedicated in the development area c. The area would be better served by expanding or improving existing parks. d. Acquisition of the land is not in the best interest of the City. E. The land for park development shall be dedicated in the Final Plat or simultaneously by separate instrument. F. If the developer/landowner exceeds the number of dwelling units/lots upon which the original dedication was based, then additional dedication or payment of money in lieu of dedication shall be required at the discretion of the City Council. G. Prior Dedication; Absence of Prior Dedication 1. Credit shall be given for land dedicated and/or money paid for public park purposes prior to the enactment of this ordinance. 2. Subdivisions in the platting system shall be controlled by the ordinance in effect at the time such application arose, except additional dedication shall he required only for the increase in density described in paragraph F, above, and may be either land or money in lieu of land as determined by the City Council. H. Money in Lieu of Land 1. The dedication requirement shall be met by a payment of $ 500.00 per lot in lieu of dedication of land. 2. Payment of money in lieu of dedication of land for park purposes shall be made prior to the issuance of the first building permit. I. Master Plan Considerations The City of Sanger Master Plan will be used for guidance concerning the desired location and type of parks to be developed. J. Special Fund 1. The City shall establish a special fund for the deposit of all sums paid in lieu of land dedication which shall be known as the Park Land Dedication Fund. Any interest • • 1 0 Sanger Code oj0rdinances earned by these funds shall remain in this account and be used for the funds intent. 2. The City shall account for money paid in lieu of land dedication with reference to individual plats. Any funds not expended by the City within ten (10) years of the date received by the City for acquisition or development of a park shall be returned to the developer if requested by the developer in writing. The developer of the property on the last date of the ten (10) year period shall be entitled to a proportional refund computed on a per dwelling unit basis. The property owner of such property must request a refund in writing within one (1) year of entitlement or such right shall be barred. K. Additional Requirements 1. Any land dedicated to the City under this ordinance must be suitable for park and recreation uses. The offer of land with the following characteristics may be refused: a. Any areas of unusual topography or slope or other characteristics which render same unusable for reasonable park construction. b. Any area that does not meet the grant requirements of the State of Texas, Department of Parks and Wildlife. 2. Drainage areas may be accepted as part of a park if no significant area of the park is cut off by access to such channel and if suitable improvements may be made within the area without unreasonable cost by the City. 3. Each park must have direct access to public streets. (Ordinance 08-10-01 adopted 8/20/01)