04/15/2004-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 1. 2. Call Meeting to Order. Approve Minutes: THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2004 201 BOLIVAR January 29, 2004 February 23, 2004 March 11, 2004 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Re -Plat on Property Legally Described as Lots 4,5 and 6, Block 41, Original Town. Property is Located at the corner of 1" and Locust Streets. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Consider a Re -Plat on Property Legally Described as Lots 4,5 and 6, Block 41, Original Town. Property is Located at the corner of 1" and Locust Streets. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business -1) to B2 (Business-21) on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 238 (Knight Addition, Lot 1, Block A). Property is located on the Corner of Freese Drive and Business 35 (Spur 138). 6. Consider and Possible Action to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business -1) to B2 (Business-21) on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 238 (Knight Addition, Lot 1, Block A). Property is located on the Corner of Freese Drive and Business 35 (Spur 138). 7. 8. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat and a Final Plat for the Knight Addition. Located on the Corner of Freese Drive and Business 35 (Spur 138). Consider and Possible Action on the Final Plat for Serendipity Place, Phase 2. Located Between Acker Street and Keaton Road on the South Side of F.M. 455. 9. Consider and Located Soutl 10. Adjourn. on the Final Plat for Heritage West, Phase 2 and 3. o . ..A t. , N of Chi holm Trail ENmentary 0j 9 _Rosalie Chavez, City Sec_ etary �''••.._ ..� Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchiii',akces"s titga�id accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the Citv Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. BOARD MEMBERS: IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE CALL SAM OR ROSE AT 458-7930! ! MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 29, 2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Mike Lawler, Gail Goodner, Ken Perry, Ralph Cain, Katharine Wordell ABSENT: Polly Dwyer OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes - January 15, 2004 Mike Lawler moved to approve minutes as presented. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Change from AG (Agriculture and MF2 (Multifamily - 2) to B2 (Business) and SF7 (Single Family 7) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 64 and part of Tract 63. Property is located between F.M. 455 and McReynolds Road, West of the High School site and Indian Lane. Public Hearing Opened. Melvin January, Consulting Engineer, addressed the board regarding the project. He indicated he had permission form the Sanger Cemetery to request a zoning change on the portion of the property that belongs to them. It is their intention to acquire this land in the future as part of this project. He indicated they want to line up the entrance to this subdivision with the entrance to Ranger Creek to provide for a better traffic situation. He indicated he would answer any questions. Woodrow Barton indicated he felt consideration should be given to possibly providing access from Bolivar Street. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Change from AG (Agriculture and MF2 (Multifamily - 2) to B2 (Business) and SF7 (Single Family 7) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 64 and part of Tract 63. Property is located between F.M. 455 and McReynolds Road, West of the High School site and Indian Lane. Discussion regarding the request. Discussed access to Business portion from FM 455. Mr. January indicated the plan had not been developed yet for that area. They will have more than one entrance, but only one entrance will have a turning lane. Discussion regarding traffic. Mr. January indicated the lots will be 7000 square feet, and they plan to develop 100lots per year. The total development is 392 lots. The lot sizes will be 61 x 115. There are only three lots that will be less than 7000 square feet. Mr. Barton indicated he was in favor of the zoning change. Mike Lawler moved to approve the zoning change AG (Agriculture and MF2 (Multifamily - 2) to B2 (Business) and SF7 (Single Family 7) on property legally described as Abstract 29, Rueben Bebee Survey, Tract 64 and part of Tract 63. Gail Goodner seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Quail Run, Phase 2. Located off of Cowling Road. Gail Goodner moved to approve the Final Plat for Quail Run, Phase 2. Mike Lawler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 23, 2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Ken Perry, Mike Lawler, Polly Dwyer, Katharine Wordell, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Gail Goodner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, Joe Smith, Melvin January, Jerry Jenkins 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Sable Creek, Being 392 Residential Lots and a Commercial Tract. Property is Located Between McReynolds Road and F.M. 455, West of the High School. Melvin January, consulting engineer in McKinney, Texas, representing Granite Industries, LLC, addressed the Commission and proceeded to address the comments from the City Engineer's letter. He commented on the acres of land dedicated for open space. Discussed park requirement. Mr. January addressed all items on the Engineer's letter and indicated they had been corrected. (Copy of letter is attached to be filed with minutes). Mr. January commented on the land dedicated for park area. Mr. January indicated after they get the topo's from their surveyor likely that the area will be raised 3 or 4 feet. In doing so, this will cause sanitary sewer to flow to the West. The details will come later when they complete their final grade. Mr. January indicated the preliminary plat was designed with 392 lots; however, with the changes in grading they may lose some lots due to a retention area possibly being necessary. Mr. January asked for a variance on the lot widths in accordance with the preliminary plat. Ralph Cain expressed concerns regarding the park area. Discussed location of the park areas and accessibility. Discussed access to the subdivision from FM 455 and from McReynolds Road, and the possibility of a road going to the downtown area. Discussed placement of street signs. Discussed possibility of rebuilding the bridge on McReynolds Road. Discussed low areas and possible build up. Discussed brick requirements. Discussed pedestrian access to the park area. Discussed possible 2nd access to 11 phase. Discussed that the majority of homes will be a minimum of 1350 square feet. Mike Lawler moved to approve the preliminary plat with designated pedestrian access to the park, pedestrian access to Indian Trail, an additional 5 foot of easement on the North side of McReynolds Rd for a future 60 foot R.O.W., and access on the West side of the property for future continuation of the street. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 11, 2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Katharine Wordell, Gail Goodner, Ken Perry, Ralph Cain ABSENT: Mike Lawler OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Danny Cockrell, Jerry Jenkins, Woodrow Barton, Ken Wilson, Daniel Brockett, Daniel McGill, Maria Hilton -McGill, Kristina Hilliard, Belle Lawson, Mike Lawson, Rebecca Winn, Eric Murrell 1. Shelley Ruland called Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Recommendation to City Council on Classification of a Tattoo/Piercing Shop into a Zoning Category. Polly Dwyer indicated she was uncertain as to which category would suit the business. Polly Dwyer moved to deny classificatiopn of this business into a zoniung category. Ralph Cain seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO April 8, 2004 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Replat Attached is the information on this plat. All of the engineers comments have been addressed. The only thing not shown on the plat is the City Secretary's signature block. This has been corrected on the copies to be filed and they have submitted an electronic file to show this correction. This is a replat that is necessary to comply with the 2F (duplex) zoning. The property has been zoned for duplexes. The lots have to be split to comply with the ordinance. _L.ISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 -380 9431 Apr. 09 2004 10:39PM PS A p 19. 2004 Allison Engineering 611 Pecan Creek Road, Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 380-9453 Off/Home (940) 380-9421 Fax 1 V. Jack Smith City Manager .irr of Sanger = .0. Box 1729 anger, Texas 76266 Fe, 71wmas Tipton Duplexes Re -plat of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 41 and Construction Plans 2'd Review I 'car I& Smith: 11ison EngimerinS recommends approval of the re -plat and constriction plans c )nditioned upon the following provisions. 1. The applicant has requested four variances. These must be processed and approved in accordance with 4.03 Emotions (variances) prior to considering the plat and constriction plans. The variances may be considered in conjunction with the plat and constriction plans. Comments regarding the variances are: a. Lot Grading Plan — This is not an issue as a site grading plan will be required as part of the building plans for each lot The grading plan will indicated elevations of the drainage facilities, finished floor elevations and flood plain where apphcable. This should not serve as precedence for future developments as larger developments that have not been previously platted must indicate grading plans that establish minimum floor elevations for each lot. b. Alleys — This is a re -plat that should not necessarily altar the general configuration of the original development. Therefore alleys should not be required unless the developer desires them. . c. Half Street Improvements — The issue is the nature of the City's ongoing street improvement efforts. If the City is indeed reconstructing the streets to bring them into compliance with the current street design criteria and the thoroughfare plan, and if the improvements are complete or at least substantially underway, then the developer is relieved of this obligation. If the City is merely conducting maintenance such as crack sealing, overlay, ditch cleaning, etc. then the developer may be responsible for the cost of bringing the streets into compliance. d. Sanitary Sewers — The issue is the nature of the 9-inch sanitary sewer main in the easement. If it is intended to be a private line serving the duplexes and maintained jointly by the duplex owners, then the line is a service line and may connect to the main with a clean out or a Pap 1* 2 IrAw m AUMNO AM mad Amiga die .GirAbl" dial .4We TAM ;2: �L..t. UISON FAMILY PHONE NO. 817-.380 9431 Apr;-09-2004 10:40PM-P-7-- standard service connection. If the main is to be dedicated to the City as part of the City system and is to be maintained by the City then the 71 r �_: coin� is fbi on to ihi'eii� intin is to be a iy�. FS developer's choice. If he choosesio have a private service line, then this should be indidded on t6-* aid the cons&ti6t!&diiiv_i4.* 2. Ilm operating nit on a water valve is not a legitimate bencbna& It is a temporary benchmark -and is acceptable for horizontal control adjacent to the work site The actual benchmark that was used to establish the elevation of the TBM should be indicated on the plans as well. It is somewhat suspicious when a ftmpwq benchmark has and even elevation such as 525.00. This does not'" happen very often. The actual benchmark should be referenced on the plans prior to issuing a construction permit j Alison Engineering's review of land development documents is only intended to provide reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying with all applicable rules nd regulations. The developer is ultimately responsible for such compliance and for ,z wrecting any deficiencies regardless of the time that they we discovered. This includes ( esign, construction and/or warranty periods. 1 '.especftly Submitted, T ee K Allison, PR, NSPE PaV2Q(2 MAMdW tRAMWWWARM "d 9kAhW&W 98 -q&dM& Ad XPAW R&M 04 11.15a Dale Hoe1ting 9726629017 ^p. --- 3 .r1..... wpm Of i - Mr. Jack Smith March 17, 2004 City of Sanger - P.O. Box 1729 . Sanger; Texas 76266 RE: Review of Thomas Tipton Duplexes,; Re -plat of Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 41 Dear Mr. Smith: DEH Consulting, LLC (DEH) has reviewed the comments provided by Mark T. Owens, P.E. on Thomas Tipton Duplexes. Mr. Thomas Tipton has also discussed Y- the comments with the City of Sanger. DEH will address the following comments regarding the Engineering plans for the Re -plat: • Correction of misspelled words on the cover sheet • Scaled location map • Include a benchmark on Sheet C-1 • Indicate water service line sixes on Sheet C-1 • Show existing and proposed water line sizes on Sheet C-1 • Indicate the material type for the proposed sewer pipe on Sheet C-1 • Correct misspelled words on Sheet C-1 • Clarification of how drainage will be handled on Sheet C-2 • Driveway and construction details • Add a 5 feet electrical easement as split lot or wholly contained easement on selected lots of the Re -plat Mr. Tipton is requesting a variance from the City of Sanger for several subdivision and plat requirements for the following reasons: • 4.04(I) — Lot Grading Plan — The existing grades for the lots contained in the Re -plat will not be altered to build the town homes. These grades were established through grading and fill at the time that the Final Plat was approved in the past by the City of Sanger. Drainage will comply with standard practices and generally follow existing .contours from north to south into existing ditches along the south and east of the property within the public right-of-way. Driveways will follow the existing grade of the ditch on the south property line and will be installed without a culvert per construction details. Therefore, a grading plan to show proposed contours and changes is not required. • 5.02 — Alleys - The lots contained in the proposed Re -plat is contained within the original limits of the city of Sanger where alleys are not present. Constructing alleys as part of this Re -plat would not correspond to the current land use practices and public infrastructure of the neighborhood. 2513 Mosswood Dr. Carrolken, Texas 75010 972-662A017 972.662A017 (fax) eawil: d.boeki@verizon.oet 18 C4 11: 15a Dale Hoeltins - • - 6.026 (1) Half Street . Improvements - . The . streets _ surrounding the property of the Re -plat are currently being improved . by. the City of Sangee, which eliminates the need to comply with this subdivision requirement. • 6.06 A (1)(c) — Sanitary Sewers — Variance from the requirement to install a manhole at the connection of the. proposed 8 inch sanitary -sewoer and existing '6 inch :sanit4ry..sewer.-�..T6chniically-the proposed-6 -inch sanitary -- sewer is a lateral instead of a main line with a length under 400 feet. City of Sangees Water and Wastewater Superintendent has reviewed the Engineering Plans for the sanitary pipe connection and is in support of the variance. A standard pipe connection with a deanout will be installed as an alternative. Thank you for the City of Sanger's response to Mr. Tipton's concerns as well as providing clarification of the comments. I can be reached by telephone at 972- 662-9017, by fax at 972-662-9017 or email at d.hoelti(cverizon.net. Sincerely. A, , J ** I P, Dale Hoelting, 4P.E.,CF Manager, DEH Consulting, LLC 0 DEH Consulting, LLC 2 March 17, 2004 MARK T. OwEli%_P.E. GENERAI. CMLCON§LILTING ENGINEER March 4, 2004 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Thomas Tipton Duplexes Re -plat of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 41 Sanger, Texas 10 Review Dear Mr. Smith: Per your request I have reviewed a Re -plat as prepared and submitted by S and S Surveying and the Construction Plans as prepared and submitted by Dale E. Hoelting, P.E. for the project referenced above. Comments are referenced by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Sanger, Texas as adopted September 21,1987, Zoning Ordinance adopted August 3,1987, and Ordinance No. 05-06-01. My review comments are as follows: General 1. All comments received from Public Works, Fire Department, Electric Department and Code Enforcement should also be addressed prior to preliminary plat approval. 2. The property is located at the southwest corner of 1$ and Bolivar Street. 3. According to the City's current zoning the property is zoned as SF-8. According to ordinance a 2-F zoning classification requires a minimum lot width of 65 feet, minimum lot area of 6,500 sqft with a minimum of 3,250 sqft per unit. The re -plat meets these criteria including all set back requirements. Re -plat The following items are deficient and need to be completed prior to approval of the preliminary plat. A copy of the applicable portions of the subdivision ordinance is attached for your review. 1. 4.04 I — Lot Grading Plan 2. 4.0.4 Q — Correct signature blocks 3. 4.0.4 S — Correct signature blocks 4. 5.02 - Alleys 5. 5.04 — 5' Electrical Easement (Located per electric department) 6. 6.02 B(1) — Half Street Improvements T. OWENS, P.E. a GENERAL. 7. width of 1 a Street R-O-w. - - - - 8. The 15' utility easement located -at the back of the -lots should read "15'-UMity - - Easement". Eliminate "for Sanitary Sewer". Construction Plans - -- = 1. Cover Sheet — a) February is misspelled b) Scaled location map 2. Sheet C-1 a) Show benchmark b) Existing waterline sizes need to be shown c) Size of water service lines d) Detail for water service tap e) Trench detail for water and sewer f) Clean -out detail (at end of sewer line) g) Where 8" sewer line connects to existing 6" sewer line, a manhole should be placed instead of a clean -out h) Type of sewer (SDR 35 ?) i) Driveway details showing that driveways will not impede drainage at the front of the lots j) All lines need to be labeled k) Optic is spelled incorrectly 1) Street repair detail — Developer/contractor will need to obtain a street cut permit from the City for all street cuts 3. Sheet C-2 — Drainage evaluation is incomplete. It does not show how drainage is dealt with. I do not recommend approval until all comments have been addressed. If you have any questions or need any further information, please call me at (940) 3914845. Sincerely; Mark T. ens, P.E. General Civil Consulting Engineer Attachment Cc: S and S Surveying - J. Scott Cole, R.P.L.S Dale E. Hoelting, P.E. City of I - J _ April S. 2004 To: Property Owners Fr: Rosalie Chavez Re: Replat - Tipton OT Block 41, lots 4,5, and 6 The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Re - Plat on Property Legally Described as Lots 4,5 and 6, Block 41, Original Town. Property is Located at the corner of 11 and Locust Streets. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, April 19, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. to Consider a Re -Plat on Property Legally Described as Lots 4,5 and 6, Block 41, Original Town. Property is Located at the corner of 1" and Locust Streets. Attached is a form for you to sign and return to City Hall stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request, please plan to attend the public hearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you for your immediate attention to this request. RC:sr Enclosures sos BOLIVAR STREET SANDER, TEXAS 762" 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX 1729 940.458.4180 FAX P&Z 04/15/04 - - - CC 04/19/04 REPLAT REQUEST To Consider a Re -Plat on Property Legally Described as Lots 4,5 and 6; Block* Original - Town. Property is Located at the corner of 1' and Locust Streets. (For Duplexes)_ If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name List of Property Owners - Thomas Tipton T. E. Tipton .... .. — P.O. Box 727 Sanger, TX 76266 KM Leasing 119 Ridgecrest Cir. Denton, TX 76205-5401 - ----- Michael Pennington 12699 Blakely Ln. Sanger, TX 76266 Billy J. McReynolds P.O. box 724 Sanger, TX 76266 Lavonia Bauler 101 W. Willow St. Sanger, TX 76266 Thomas E. & Andra R. Tipton 2003 Brazos Dr. Denton; TX 76210 Jack D. Gardner P.O. Box 40 Sanger, TX 76266 Tommy Ray Pirkle 11539 Jones Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 David McCarthy 2457 Dena Dr. San Angelo, TX 76904-5013 Richard Muir 7177 Rector Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Robert Patton 114 N. 20d St Sanger, TX 76266 Silviana Vega 104 N. ls. St -------------Sanger;IX76266 Hughes Family Partners ---213-Hillcrest'. Lst- Sanger, TX 76266 129 Emies Ln. Franklin, LA 70538-5703 Burlington Northern & Santa Fe P.O. Box 961089 Fort Worth, TX 76161-0089 MEMO April 8, 2004 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Zoning Change for Car Wash Attached is the information on this item and a map showing the location of the property. The property is currently zoned Business 1, they are requesting Business 2 in order to put in a car wash. March 17,2004 Jack Smith City Manager of Sanger Subject: Zoning Change Change B 1 to B2 for property to be used for car wash at the comer of Freese and Business 35. 41gL3 BUSINESS 35 (VARIABLE (SPUR 138) R.O.W.) CO City of 0 ,4 P P Someplace Special April 5, 2004 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Change Request From Business 1 to Business 2 (for a Car Wash) The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from B1 (Business -1) to B2 (Business-21) on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 238 (Knight Addition, Lot 1, Block A). Property is located on the Corner of Freese Drive and Business 35 (Spur 138). The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, April 19, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from B1 (Business -1) to B2 (Business-21) on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 238 (Knight Addition, Lot 1, Block A). Property is located on the Corner of Freese Drive and Business 35 (Spur 138). Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearings. RC:sr Enclosures 201 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940-458-7930 P.O. BOX 17" 940.458-418o FAX P&Z 04/15/04 CC 04/19/04 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from Bl (Business -1) to B2 (Business-21) on Property _ Legally described as Abstract 1241, Tract 238 (Knight Addition, Lot 1, Block A). Property is located on the Corner of Freese Drive and Business 35 (Spur 134 If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE 0 List of Property Owners: EVANS, EDGAR PO BOX 45 PILOT POINT, TX 76258-0045 HAYES, BOBBY & BRENDA 110 STEPHEN DR SANGER, TX 76266 . MCCOWEN, ROBERT D PO BOX 1027 SANGER, TX 76266-1027 FOSTER, BRETT J 219 DAVID DR SANGER, TX 76266-9420 SPARKS, MARCEL 221 DAVID DR SANGER, TX 76266-9420 DAVIDSON, RUBY V 223 DAVID DR SANGER, TX 76266-9420 GAGE, JAMES W 1001 HUNTERS CT SANGER, TX 76266-5407 SMITH, JACK L & CAROLYN S 1003 HUNTERS CT SANGER, TX 76266-5407 BURLINGTON NORTHERN & SANTA FE RR PO BOX 961089-PROP TAX DEPT FORT WORTH, TX 76161-0089 TIlv1BER MOUND #2 LTD P/S 1420 W MOCKINGBIRD LNSTE 500 DALLAS, TX 752474931 LAWLER, MIIM 1001 TREYS CT _, - _.. - - SANGER, TX 76266-5411 MCNEAL, ERSKIN L JR & MARY L & MIKE & SHANTELLE LAWLER 1005 TREYS CT SANGER, TX 76266-5411 MCMAHAN, SCOTTY & JANET 1002 TREYS CT SANGER, TX 76266-5411 COCHRAN, MICHAEL A & RONALEE 1004 TREYS CT SANGER, TX 76266 SARGENT, DORWIN L & PATSY 3344 LOIS RD W. SANGER, TX 76266-8002 MATTHEWS, MARIANNA C C/O ROBERT MATTHEWS 1001 AVENIDA PICO STE C271 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673-6956 COOK, JAMES C 1138 CASCADE AVE DALLAS, TX 75224-1229 KRAHL, NANCY DEE 777 KRAHL RD VALLEY VIEW, TX 76272 CUNNINGHAM, PERCY & GLADYS RAFERT PO BOX 219 SANGER, TX 76266-0219 MEMO April 8, 2004 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Knight Addition Attached is the information on this item. This is the plat for the area discussed in the previous item for the car wash. The engineer made some suggestions in his letter, and had one question. The Engineer indicated that for comment #3, "the POB was found in the field as described in the legal description". All other items will be addressed on the construction plans. There were no comments regarding the plat. April 2, 2004 City of Sanger, Texas 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Attn: Mr. Jack Smith Reference: Sanger Carwash Business 35 (Spur 138) Final Plat Review Engineering by: Esbell Engineering Group, Inc. Dear Mr. Smith, The following comments are addressed in our review for the application of Final Plat on the Referenced Project within the City of Sanger, Texas: General Comments: 1) Lots 1 & 2 as indicated are 1.65acres and 0.64 acres for a net of 2.29 acres. The dedication of 0.32 acres to the City gives a total of 2.61 acres. 2) It is a suggestion for the City's consideration that the driveway off business spur 138 be made an "Exit only" because of the closeness of this driveway, (approx. 120 feet), to the corner of the (through street) Freese Drive and traffic turning in and out of that street. This would allow the people to exit the car wash with a full view of the traffic on spur 138. The entrance to the car wash would be off Freese Street. This entrance can also be an "exit" for traffic onto Freese Street. 3) In reference to the POB, (SW Corner of the Lot 1): Was this POB an existing Permanent Monument or was this particular marker verified and certified by the City? (Another way of stating this, was this POB an Existing Monument Found from a previous survey?) This is important as the records are filed. 4) The grading plan has been carefully done on this plat. It is important, like most flat lands, that close attention be given to this plat for drainage during it's construction. Field survey checks are recommended and that they be certified. 5) A curb exit for drainage is recommended on the SW corner of the plat at the low point to allow drainage of the concrete surface. (This is marked on the drawing.) 6) A radius needs to be called out on the entrance and exit driveways as shown and marked on the drawings. After careful review, these are the only comments that I believe are needed for final plat submitta! to the City. The review and comments herein does not alleviate the Engineering Firm from its - r_esponsibility for any design deficiencies. The review of this plat is not intended to take away or alter any responsibilities of the Engineering Design Firm. Therefore, this review and the undersigned does not have any responsibility for the final design and/or - construction of this project in accordance with good sound engineering practices. I appreciate working with the City of Sanger, Texas. If I can continue to be of consulting" services to the City, please do not hesitate to contact me. - - - -- .��.OF tF•�.�1 ---------__— Sincerely, gl William E. Thompson 2905 Hidden Forest Dr. McKinney, Texas 75070 Phone # 214-585-0033 MEMO April 8, 2004 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Serendipity Place, Phase 2 Attached is the information on this item. The engineer has recommended approval. Mike Prater, Electric Superintendent, has requested that they be required to change the "public utility easement" to an "electric easement". SON FAMILY PHONE NO. 817,380 9431 Apr. 09 2004 10: 37PM P2 Allison Engineering 611 Pam Creek Road, Denton ' Texas 76207 (940) 390-9453 Off/Home . (940) 380-942,1 Fax J. April 9, 2004 tilr. Jack- SmithF`=' Ci iV Mana r 3- City _ _ P.O. Box 1729 -_ Sanger, Texas 76266 Serendipity Place, Phase 2 Final Plat & Construction Plans 2d Review Dew I& Smith: 411ison Engineering recommends approval of the find plat and construction plans. It ippears that all comments from previous reviews have been adequately addressed and fiat no new issues have surfaced kilison Engineering's review of land development documents is only intended to provide i reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying with all applicable rules end regulations. The developer is ultimately responsible for such compliance and for .orrecting any deficiencies regardless of the time that they are discovered. This includes lest, construction and/or warranty periods. Zespectfuliy Submitted, . Illrsoa Frrgisaeri�rg ALIJ ,ee K. Allison, P.B., NSPE . Marc March 29, 2004 Mr. Jack L. Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Serendipity Place, Phase 2 _ Review of Final Plat and Construction Documents Dear Mr. Smith: Allison Engineering has completed a review of the Final Plat and Construction Documents for Serendipity Place, Phase 2. We recommend that the City of Sanger approve the Final Plat and the Construction Documents contingent upon the completion of a few fairly minor administrative corrections: The minor administrative comments include: Final Plat: 1. Label the Point of Beginning on the graphic layout. 2. Add a note indicating: "no floodplain exists on the site." 3. Add the complete City Secretary statement as indicated on page 18 of the subdivision regulations. A copy of the page is attached for your convenience. Construction Documents: 1. On Sheet 3 regarding the proposed fire hydrant at station 2+36; please move the fire hydrant to property line on the west side of Serendipity Circle. This will avoid any possible conflicts with building activities on the side of Lot 1, Block B. 2. On Sheet 5 please reconsider the finished floor elevations on lots 1 thru 6, Block B et al. These finished floors are generally only. 0.1 feet below the high point at the street. Since the lots are generally graded to drain to the rear between the houses, then it should be worthy of a second look to assure that the drainage will not adversely affect the homes. Allison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only intended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying with applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality control nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant. The responsibility for compliance remains with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and platting through construction and the warranty period. The developer is responsible for correcting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. Page l of 2 We appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of Sanger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or clarification. Respectfully Submitted: Allison Engineering Lee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE Xc: Jerry Yensan, Landmark Surveyors, Inc. (940) 387-9784 Brian Burke, P.E. (512) 462-4948 sG6-.qVj Papa 2 of Sanger Code of Ordinances "The City Engineer of the City of Sanger hereby certifies that this subdivision plat conforms to all requirements of the subdivision regulations as to which his/her approval is required. City Engineer By: Date: Recommended For Approval Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Date City of Sanger, Texas Approved And Accepted Mayor City of Sanger, Texas Date The undersigned, the City Secretaty of the City of Sanger, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of the Subdivision or Addition to the City of Sanger was submitted to the city council on the . day of ,19_, and the council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas" T. Certificate from city tax collector and from the proper official of other taxing agencies within whose jurisdiction the proposed subdivision lies showing that all ad valorem taxes, liens and fees have been paid on the tract to be subdivided. The planning and zoning commission shall act upon the final plat within the thirty (30) days from said filing date and submit said action of recommendation to the city council. The city council shall then approve or disapprove the recommendations of the planning and zoning commission within thirty (30) days thereafter. The final plat shall be recorded by the city secretary in the office of the county clerk of the county within thirty (30) days from and after the date of final acceptance by the city council; the subdivider shall, however, pay to the city, in advance, the required fees for filing of such plat by the county clerk. 18 MEMO April 8, 2004 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Heritage West, Phase 2 and 3. Attached is the information on this item. The engineer has recommended approval with one condition regarding the width of Goodnight Trail and Wichita Trail. The street widths should be 31 feet back to back. The general notes state that all lots will have a ten foot public utility easement along the front of all lots. Mike Prater, the electric superintendent, requested they be required to show it drawn out on the plat, and that it be call an "electric easement". He also indicated that he only needs a five foot easement if they would prefer to make that change. FAMILY April 9, 2004' Apr. 09 2004 10:38PM. P4 Allison Engineering 611 Pecan Creek Road, Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 380-9453 O(Mome . (940) 380.9421 Fax PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Mr. Jack Smith City ivlanager: of &an tY w F.0. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Heritage west Phase 2 & 3 Consbruction Plans 2d Review dear Mr. Smith: ` ::::sou =iSmeering recommends approval of the construction plans conditioned upon the ^}ie«+iin- provision 1. The Subdivision Ordinance requires that the paving width on Goodnight Trail and Wichita Trail be 31-feet, back to back compared to the 25-feet indicated on the plans. The plans must be revised to correct this oversight. :his is a relatively simple matter to correct in my opinion, it is acceptable practice for he City to consider the Final Plat and Construction Plans conditioned upon the street - ;idth being corrected on the plans submitted for the construction permit A reconstruction conference should not be held until the plans are corrected. It is not 1 nperabve that I review the plans again as I will have plenty of opportunity to see them at : before the preconstruetion conference. 1 Alison Engineering's review of land development documents is only intended to provide reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying with all applicable rules rid regulations. The developer is ultimately responsible for such compliance and for o:recting any deficiencies regardless of the time that they are discovered -This includes C :sign, construction and(or warranty periods. C �espectfWly Submitted, f tfton Engirteaft L = K Allison, P.E., NSPE pw i er s 9l/. MA= PiMMmr4w . 31w:M&M die SM&Au MM SMM .'T" March 12, 2004 Mr. Jack L. Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Heritage West Subdivision, Phase 2 And 3 Review of Final Plat and Construction Plans Dear Mr. Smith: Allison Engineering has completed a review of the Final Plat and the Construction Plans. We do not recommend approval. Our comments are: Final Plat. o The final plat document appears to be acceptable. However, the final plat cannot be processed until the construction plans are acceptable. Construction Plans. o The construction plans appear to be about 75% complete. They do seem to be working toward an acceptable design. o The plan and profile sheets are of an unconventional format. They are suitable for construction, but the record drawings shall be of a more conventional format. I will gladly meet with the designer to discuss presentation. o The plan views of street and utilities are generally lacking dimensions for horizontal control o The drainage analysis is based upon a time of concentration greater than 15 minutes. The City regulations reference a design manual for storm drainage that has not yet been prepared. In absence of the manual, it is prudent to apply standards typically used within the surrounding communities. Therefore, a maximum time of concentration of 15 minutes should be used. However, it also seems prudent to use the same methodology for drainage analysis as was used on Phase 1. o The paving profile line is not labeled. Is this the top of curb or the center of pavement? o Provide a detail for the connection of SS-5 to the existing manhole. Page l of 2 A: Sanger 2004-03-I: 1leritaga Wcst FP & CD Review.doc 4". o The regulations call for the North Central Texas Council of Governments Standard Specifications and Details to be used. Please insert copies of all of the appropriate details in the plans. Do not use details from other agencies such as TxDOT unless NCTCOG does not address the specific situation. o Fire hydrants on Heritage West Drive should be placed either on the east side at a property line or at a street corner. Fire hydrants should not be place in the middle of lots. o Indicate if the elevations on the building plans are for the finished floor or for the finished pad. o Locate the stabilized construction entrance on the erosion control plan. The above comments are provided as an example of the issues regarding the construction plans. Due to the incomplete nature of the plans, we did not complete thorough review. This review will be conducted when a complete set is presented As indicated above, I am available to meet with the applicant to generally discuss the appropriate presentation format and level of detail necessary for an acceptable set of plans. I will be out the week of March 15 through the 19, but will be available on or after March 22. In general the design does appear to be acceptable. The plans require a significant amount of dimensioning and detail to be acceptable. Allison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only intended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying with applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality control nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant. The responsibility for compliance remains with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and platting through construction and the warranty period. The developer is responsible for correcting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. We appreciate the opportunity to provide professional services for the City of Sanger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or clarification. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Lee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE Xc: Alliance Area Surveying Fax: (940) 482-3680 Page 2 of 2 A: Sanger 2004-03-12 Heritage \fast FP R CD Reeiew.da: