12/02/2004-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA
7: 00 P.M.
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Approve Minutes: November 11, 2004
3. Consider and` Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for Royal Heights Lots 1 & 2,
Block A, being 0.566 acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey Abstract 1241. Property is
located on Railroad Avenue.
4. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Royal Heights Lots 1 & 2, Block A,
being 0.566 acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey Abstract 1241. Property is located
on Railroad Avenue.
5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Replat on Property Legally Described as
Original Town of Sanger Block 56, Lot 4A, Being .202 Acres in the Rueben Bebee
Survey, Abstract 29. Property is Located at 107 S. 6th Street.
6. Consider and Possible Action on a Replat of Property Legally Described as Original
Town of Sanger Block 56, Lot 4A, Being .202 Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey,
Abstract 29. Property is Located at 107 S. 6th Street.
Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Sable Creek Addition, being 21.6176
Acres in the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Property is located off of F.M. 455,
West of Sanger High School.
Consider and Possible Action on City Ordinances Relating to Planning, Zoning and
9. Adjourn.
Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please
contact the Citv Secretarv's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
CALL OPAL OR ROSE AT 458-7930 ! !
NOVEMBER 11, 2004
PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Ralph Cain, Jerry Jenkins, Mike James, Ken Perry, Gail
PRESENT: City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Paula Morales, Johnny Looper,
Jimmy Frazier.
1. Jerry Jenkins Called meeting to Order.
2. Approve Minutes: October 14, 2004
Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ken Perry seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Re -Plat if Property Legally Described as Part of Lot
1 and all of Lot 4, Block 27 Original Town of Sanger. Property is Located on the Northwest
Corner of 3' and Pecan Street.
Public Hearing opened.
Johnny Looper, 7792 Country View Ln Sanger, Tx addressed this item. Mr. Looper indicated
that the only thing needing was to Re -Plat the lot, the property is zoned Duplex.
Public Hearing closed.
4. Consider and Possible Action on a Re -plat of Property Legally Described as Part of Lot 1 and
all of Lot 4, Block 27 Original Town of Sanger. Property is Located on the Northwest Corner
of 3' and Pecan Street.
Discussed possible restrictions.
Jerry Jenkins addressed the set -backs and indicated the depth of the lot is 87 feet and not the
100 feet required in this zoning category.
Lengthy Discussion continued regarding the duplexes not having a garage.
Shelley Ruland moved to approve the Re -plat of Property Legally Described as Part of Lot 1
and all of Lot 4, Block 27 Original Town of Sanger. Gail Good ner seconded. Motion carried
8. Meeting Adjourned
November 24, 2004
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
Fr: Samantha Renz
Re: Royal Heights - Preliminary and Final
Attached is the information regarding this request. This is for "Habitat for Humanity". The engineer
has recommended approval on this plat.
FROM : THE A_LISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Nov. 24 2004 10:38PP1 P2
Allison Engineering;
611 Pecan Creek Road, Denton, Texas 76207
(940) 380-9453 Off/Home (940) 380-9421 Fax
November 20, 2004
Mr. Jack Smith
C; ty Manager
C ty of Sanger
P. 3. Box 1729
Si nger, Texas 76266
R s: Royal Heights
Preliminary Plat and Final Plat Reviews, 2°d Review
D mr Mr. Smith:
A llison Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary and final plats. The
pi evious comments appear to have been satisfactorily addressed
A llison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only
it tended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying
%ith applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality
ct introl nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant. The responsibility for
compliance remains solely with the developer throughout the process, from zoning and
p: atting through construction and the warranty period. The developer is responsible for
affecting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered.
V re appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of
S inger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or
c arification.
R espectfully Submitted,
,Allison Engineering
G �
L w K Allison, P.E., FNSPE
c: Gary Hammett, Metroplex Surveyors
Rose Chavez
Eddie Branham
John Henderson
Mike Prater
Samantha Reuz
Page l of 1
9Y,WJd" eMWMVW.&A - 91teF NWO. f& .Cu.+ MM tRai .'qMW .?AOns
November 24, 2004
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
Fr: Samantha Renz
Re: Replat OT Blk 56, Lot 4A
The engineer's letter is attached. He recommended denial due to the comments listed; however, we
have been assured that all comments have been addressed, we will receive corrected plats prior to
the meeting.
This is basically a lot where a house has been torn down and they are trying to build a new house.
When the property was sold, a portion of another lot was sold with this lot (by metes and bounds)
causing an illegal subdivision of property. Before a permit can be issued, the illegal subdivision
needs to be corrected; therefore, the property must be re -platted before a permit will be issued.
FROM : THE A_LISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Nov. 24 2004 10:38PM P3
Allison Engineering
611 Pecan Creek Road, Denton, Texas 76207
(940) 380-9453 Off/Home (940) 380-9421 Fax
November 20, 2004
M c. Jack Smith
Ci ty Manager
City of Sanger
P. J. Box 1729
St nger, Texas 76266
Ro: Original Town of Sanger
Replat of Lots 4A, Block 56
AE No.: SAN040S
D w Mr. Smith:
Alison Engineering recommends denial of the replat. A public hearing is required for a
O ar review comments include:
➢ The City Secretary's signature block references "Royal Heights Addition." Please
correct the reference.
➢ Please provide a copy of the deed that conveys part of lot 3 along with lot 4. We
need to verify common ownership under the single deed referenced.
➢ The owner's dedication refers to Looper Enterprises and the deed reference refers
to Andres Martinez Garza, III and Andres G. Garza, Jr. Please provide copies of
any documents verifying that Looper is the current owner.
➢ The developerlowner name, address, phone, facsimile etc. should be indicated on
the plat.
➢ A tax certificate will be required for filing, once the plat is approved.
A llison. Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only
it tended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying
v ith applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality
a )ntrol nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant. The responsibility for
c, )mpliance remains solely with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and
patting through construction and the warranty period The developer is responsible for
o >rrecting all' deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. .
Page 1 of 2
FROM THE A 1ISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Nov. 24 2004 10:39PM P4
W,: appreciate the opportwiity to continue providing professional services for the City of
Sa iger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or
ch rification.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alison Engineering
U a K. Allison, P.E., NSPE
X s: Brad Shelton, Metroplex Surveyors
Rose Chavez
Eddie Branham
John Henderson
Mike Prater
Samantha Renz
Pap 2 of 2
.4'/.rs.MM eA nUMUl WA 4Wd 9hw+aeLia Ede C..etoAM dial SMUO. 'TAM
November 24, 2004
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
Fr: Samantha Renz
Re: Sable Creek
The engineer's letter is attached. He recommended denial due to the comments listed; however, the
developer has resubmitted the corrected plats and a letter that addresses each of the City Engineer's
PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431
Nov. 20 2004 10:18PP1 P1
N )vember 19, 2004
A111.5on Engineering
611 Pecan Creek Road, Denton, 'Texas 76207
(940) 380-9453 Off/Home (940) 380-9421 Fax
N r. Jack Smith
C ty Manager
C ty of Sanger
P.O. Box 1729
S: aiger, Texas 76266
R Sable Creek Addition
Final Plat Reviews
D rar Mr. Smith:
A (lison Engineering recommends dental of the final plat (and construction plans). The
fi lal plat document and the construction plans are considered as a package. Our
comments on each element of the submittal are presented below:
➢ Vicinity map should be 1" 2000 feet with a one mile radius.
➢ Add Street Names.
➢ Blocks are not clear, possibly use darker lines to separate blocks, for instance, lots
26 through 39 on the south side of Mallard Drive, what block are they in?
➢ Sable Creek shows 20' ROW, should be 80' through commercial and 60' through
residential per Preliminary Plat
➢ Right of Way widths should be shown on all streets.
➢ Utility easements are shown on typical lot detail to be in side yards, normally the
Department Heads require separate easements in front yards outside of the right of
way, plans have been forwarded to them for comments. An 8 foot easement is
required for electric utilities adjacent to the right of ways.
➢ Separate easement documents discussed have not been provided.
➢ Page 2 says Sheet 1 of 2, and should be sheet 2 of 2.
➢ A talc certificate will be required for filing, once the plat is approved.
> Address any comments that may be made by the department heads. The plat and
plans have been circulated to them for review.
FROM : THE A_LISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Nov. 20 2004 10:19PPI P2
> The construction plans are acceptable as presented. Please consider that
construction plans are very extensive documents and that items may be
overlooked during review. If issues are discovered during the process of
reviewing the final plat and construction of the project, then the developer will be
required to amend the plans to bring the design into compliance with the City's
rules and regulations.
➢ Address any comments that may be made by the department heads. The plat and
plans have been circulated to them for review.
A .lison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only
intended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying
w th applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality
cc ntrol nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant. The responsibility for
compliance remains solely with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and
platting through construction and the warranty period. The developer is responsible for
a •rmcting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered
'A a appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of
Ss finger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or
cl rrification.
R-spectf idly Submitted,
A Ilson ,Engbwring
b --e K. Allison, P.E., FNSPE
X Melvin January
Rose Chavez
Eddie Branham
John Henderson
Mike Prater
Page z of 2
WAMUM& tRAMMMOA&.4 grad 9)PAMUMan I& 51SAhW a fi&d CPxar. 'TfM=
's •
Mr. Jack Smith
City Manager
City of Sanger
P.O. Box 1729
Sanger, Texas 76266
Re: Sable Creek Addition
Final Plat Reviews
Dear Jack:
2407 Shadow Lane
McKinney, Texas 75070-3709
Tel (972) 562-1394 Fax (972) 562-9918
Please convey my appreciation to Lee Allison, P.E. and the City Staff for your prompt response to our request for
Final Plat and Construction Plan Review. Refere to the letter addressed to Jack Smith by Allison Engineering dated
November 19, 2004. The letter set forth Lee Allison's Final Plat Review Comments pursuant to the Sable Creek
Addition — Phase 1. My response to each of the comments in the review letter in the same format as the letter
> Vicinity map should be I "=200' with a one mile radius.
Response: Corrected
> Add Street Names.
Response: Corrected
> Blocks are not clear, possibly use darker lines to separate blocks, for instance, lots 26 through 39 on
the south side of mallard Drive, what block are they in?
Response: Corrected
> Sable Creek shows 20' ROW, should be 80' through commercial and 60' through residential per
Preliminary Plat. Vicinity map should be 1 "=200' with a one mile radius.
Response: Corrected
> Right of Way widths should be shown on all streets.
Response: Corrected
> Utility easements are shown on typical lot detail to be in side yards, normally the Department Heads
require separate easements in front yards outside of right of way, plans have been forwarded to them for
comments. An 8 foot easement is required for all electric utilities adjacent to the right of ways.
Response: Corrected
> Separate easement documents discussed have not been provided
Response: Corrected with copies included in this 2nd submittal.
> Page 2says Sheet I of 2, and should be Sheet 2 of 2.
Response: Corrected
> A tax certificate will be required for filling, once the plat is approved
Response: Acknowledged. Acquisition of Tax Certificate is underway.
> Address any comments that may be made by department heads. The plat and plans have been
circulated to them for review.
Response: No comments from department heads have been received.
DALwd Projects 2004Uob 03006\Conespondance-Sanger\Answer Plat Review-0 Ldoc Page 1 Of 2
> The construction plans are acceptable as presented Please consider that construction plans are very
extensive documents and that items may be overlooked during review. If issues are discovered during the
process of reviewing the final plat and construction of the project, then the developer will be required to
amend the plans to bring the design into compliance with the City's rules and regulations.
Response: Acknowledged and Agreed.
> Address any comments that may be made by department heads. The plat and plans have been
circulated to them for review.
Response: No comments from department heads have been received.
We are submitting, attached hereto as follows:
Twenty (20) folded copies of the Final Plat measuring eighteen inches by twenty-four inches (18"X24").
Ten (10) copies of the Final Plat measuring eight and one-half inches by eleven inches (8'/2 "X 11 ").
Two (2) copies of Lot Summary with three pages each.
Three (3) copies of the separate easement document measuring thirty-six inches by twenty-four inches (36"X24").
Prior to filing the plat we are submitting the following:
Two (2) Mylar (Film Positive) copies of the Final Plat, two pages each, measuring eighteen inches by twenty-four
inches (18"X24") will be provided along with the Tax Certificates and TxDOT Access Permit. If requested by the
City, we will provide AutoCAD digital drawing files for the Final Plat your use mapping and/or GIS. We will also
provide Record Drawings (As Built Plans) in hard copy and in rastor format (tiff, bmp, or jpeg).
We are in the process of determining the limits of our subdivision that will be served electricity by Sanger Municipal
and Coserv. Easement requirements in these regards will be added to the plat as they are determined. We are
distributing copies of the pending Final Plat (submitted herewith) to Sprint Telephone, Ceabridge Cable and TXU
Gas for any easements they might require. We assume these easements and administrative changes may be made
and approved by the City of Sanger Administration after approval and before filing.
Thanks again for your prompt consideration of our submittals. If there are any questions or if we may be of any
help, please call.
Yours Truly,
By: �l/
Melvin K. , PE, RPLS 5:z�
Xc: Samantha Renz
Lee Allison, P.E.
DALand Projects 2004Uob 03006\Correspondance-Sanger\Answer Plat Review Ol.doc Page 2 of 2