07/29/2004-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, JULY 29, 2004 201 BOLIVAR 7: 00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Appoint Chairperson and Co -Chairpersons. 3. Approve Minutes: July 1, 2004 4. Consider and Possible Action on the Final Plat for Ranger Creek Estates, Phase 2, Being 17.424 acres in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241. Property is located off of McReynolds Road. J 5. Adjourn. • rEXP� Date and Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at 940 458-7930 for further information. • • IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE CALL SAM OR ROSE AT 458-7930! to MEMO July 26, 2004 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Ranger Creek, Phase 2 Attached is the information on this item. The engineer has recommended approval contingent upon a few items (see attached). The plats have been printed and should be here prior to the meeting on Thursday. FROM ' THE A_LISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Jul. 09 2004 01:32AM P2 Allison Engineering 611 Pecan Creek Road, Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 380-9453 Off/Home (940) 380-9421 Fax July 8, 2004 Mr. Sack Smith City Manager City of Sanger 11.0. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 te. Ranger Creek, Phase 2 Final Plat & Construction Plans 3rd Review Dear Mr. Smith: idlison Engineering- recommends approval of the final plat and construction plans c ontingent upon the following items ➢ Include a 5-foot electrical easement along the frontage of all public right of ways. ➢ Alleys are required in all residential subdivisions. If alleys are not desired, then a variance must be obtained from the City. ➢ Several lots are encroached upon by the two flood areas. A LOMR is needed to remove the lots from the FEMA flood plain and a grading plan is needed to remove the other lots from the identified flood area. ➢ Add drainage aprons and/or rip rap at the discharge points of the storm sewer system. The velocities appear to be less than 6 fps, but some structure is needed to prevent erosion as the flow characteristics transition from pipe to open channel. Tl :e above items must be addressed prior to scheduling a preconstruction conference and commencing with construction. These comments are in addition to those that may be pr wvided by other staff members. Alison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only ini snded to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying wi h applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality co ttrol nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant The responsibility for coi npiwice remains solely with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and platting through construction and the warranty period The developer is responsible for co, recting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. P"* I of2 :i 40Aift& eaMwuua&.w - 9)rAW0kAIlia UALW& &W SM'TANK FROM THE A_LISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Jul. 09 2004 01:32AM P3 We appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of Sanger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or clarification. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Emglnwrft l/ .ee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE GC: Rose Chavez Eddie Branham John Headason J.E. Thompson Cecil Cheshier, P.B. PaSezo(z 4"AMMM eAMM add 9)VAMA&a Me q"ubmw d"t :C"W 47&M MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JULY 1, 2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Ralph Cain, Jerry Jenkins, Mike James, Ken Perry ABSENT: Gail Goodner OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Jerry Jenkins, Roger Hebard 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: June 3, 2004 Polly Dwyer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ralph Cain seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Old SF3 (Old Single Family 3)to 2F (Duplex) on property legally described as Sanger Trails, Phase 1. Property is located off of Marion Road. Public Hearing opened. Roger Hebard, 1744 Timber Grove, Dallas, TX, addressed this item. Mr. Hebard discussed the advantages to the City of a retirement complex. The proposed plan is to build duplexes that would serve the need of retirees. The development would not impact the school system. The size of each duplex would be 1000 square feet. The streets would not be impacted greatly. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from Old SF3 (Old Single Family 3)to 2F (Duplex) on property legally described as Sanger Trails, Phase 1. Property is located off of Marion Road. Polly Dwyer asked if the retirement development would have age restrictions. Mr. Hebard indicated that there would be restrictions, but he would be working with Dr. Joe Bryant, who would be putting together those guidelines. Discussed possible restrictions. Mr. Hebard indicated the duplexes would have attached garages. Lengthy Discussion continued regarding the duplexes, lot sizes, number of units, set backs, and re -plat requirements. Jerry Jenkins moved to approve the zoning change from Old SF3 (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Duplex) on property legally described Sanger Trails, Phase 1, excluding lots 40 and 41, and including Sanger Trails, Phase 2, lot 6. Mike James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on the Final Plat for the Laird Addition. Property is Located at 301 S.10`d Street. Yvette Laird is the owner of this property. A problem was created when the property owner to the South built the multi -unit complex. The complex encroaches on Ms. Laird's property. Discussion. There were concerns and issues addressed. The property owner was not present to answer any of the questions that the board had regarding the property. The two items the Board indicated for Plat correction were that the Electric Service would be provided by the City of Sanger, and not CoServ, and that "septic" be changes to City of Sanger sewer in the General Notes section. Setback issues were also addressed. Discussion. Jerry Jenkins moved that the Final Plat for Lair Addition, Block 1, Lot 1 be submitted to City Council with the recommendation to deny until further information is submitted to the Board. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Changes to the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Sanger. Public Hearing opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing closed. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Proposed Changes to the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Sanger. Jerry Jenkins referred to the memo submitted by staff regarding maximum lot coverage. Discussion regarding the percent coverage by the main building and by accessory buildings, driveways and parking. Jerry Jenkins indicated that the new code states that 40% can be covered by the main buildings, driveways and parking. Jerry Jenkins indicated that it needs to be put back the way it was in the old ordinance. City Secretary explained that staff was intending to make the ordinance more strict. She explained there was a situation where a property owner covered his backyard in concrete, including his easements. When this was done it created a drainage problem for his neighbor. A permit was not pulled. Discussion. Polly Dwyer moved to recommend changing the zoning requirement for maximum lot coverage from 40% by the main building to 60% by the main building, accessory buildings, driveways and parking for SF2 through SF8. Mike James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion continued regarding whether or not this was a typo when left out of the new code, and the impact to smaller lots. City Secretary indicated her concern was that she did not feel a property owner should be able to concrete his entire back yard. Discussion. 8. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO August 26, 2004 To: Planning & Zoning Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Re: Item 4 & 5 Ranger Creek Estates The developer of this subdivision is requesting to change the zoning on his second phase of this division to Single Family District SF-6E(6C-E or SF-6C-5) minimum of 1500 sq.ft. The new code had this description as SF-6C-5; however when the developer talked with Jack they took the description from the old code. This is not a problem and I have obtain a legal opinion. m ZONING CHANGE REQUEST Date: C 1+ I Q— T Name: O Address: 1�0 Y EEC Phone: I am requesting the property located at Pa w4erC and legally described as /7. y1:U AQ1e5- Awl-y % )erL,�Xs-P2 S 4(N. y to be considered for a zoning change from & to -,Sfi /o F The purpose for this zoning request is as follows: Date received Fee $ N( .q,,PD. Rec'd by:_� R City of D ' M� - �� P Someplace Special August 16, 2004 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Change Request From "A" (Agricultural District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E) The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday September 2, 2004 to Consider a Zoning Request Change from "A" (Agriculture District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E) on Property Legally described as Ranger Creek Estates Phase II (Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey being 17.424 Acres). Property is located on the South Side off McReynolds Road. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 7, 2004 to Consider a Zoning Request Change from "A" (Agriculture District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E) on Property Legally described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey being 17.424 Acres). Property is located on the South Side off McReynolds Road. Attached is a zoning form for you to sign stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for some reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend the public hearings. 201 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER, TEXAS 76266 940.458.7930 P.O. BOX 1729 940-459.4180 FAX P&Z 09/02/2004 CC 09/07/2004 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from "A" (Agriculture District ) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E) on Property Legally described as Ranger Creek Estates Phase II (Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey being 17.424 Acres). Property is located on the South Side off McReynolds Road. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE Please Print Your Name DATE 1.4 Exhibit A: Zoning Ordinance D. Maximum Lot Coverage: Forty percent (40%) by the main building; Sixty percent (60%) by the main building, accessory buildings, driveways and parking. E. Parking Regulations: Not less than two (2) covered, enclosed (parking spaces shall be provided behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces and Loading Requirements shall be provided in Section 32. F. Other Regulations 1. Accessory Buildings: A. Minimum Front Yard - Sixty feet (60') B. Minimum Side Yard -Ten feet (10') C. Minimum Rear Yard -Ten feet (10') SECTION 14 "SF-6" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 6 General Purpos Description - This district is intended to accommodate single family residential development with the requirements as outlined below. 14.1 PERMITTED USES: A. Uses permitted in the SF-6 District are outlined in the chart in Section 30. 14.2 AREA REGULATIONS: A. Size of Yards: A. Minimum Front Yard - Twenty-five feet (25') B. Minimum Side Yard - eight feet (8'); Twenty feet (20') on corner adjacent to side street. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty-five feet (25'). C. Minimum Rear Yard - Twenty-five feet (25') B. Size of Lots: A. Minimum Lot Area - Seventy-seven hundred (7700) square feet B. Minimum Lot Width - Seventy feet (70') C. Minimum Lot Depth - One hundred ten feet (110') C. Minimum Dwelling Size: One of the categories below will be assigned at the time of zoning. The minimum dwelling size will be concurrent with the letter attached to the zoning as follows: 15 Sanger Code of Ordinances A - Twenty-four hundred (2400) square feet B - Two thousand (2000) square feet C - Eighteen hundred (1800) square feet D - Sixteen hundred (1600) square feet E - Fifteen hundred (1500) square feet F - Thirteen hundred and fifty (1350) square feet D. Maximum Lot Coverage: Forty percent (40%) by the main building; Sixty percent (60%) by the main building, accessory buildings, driveways and parking. E. Parking Regulations: Not less than two (2) covered, enclosed parking spaces shall be provided behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces and Loading Requirements shall be provided in Section 32. F. Other Regulations 1. Accessory Buildings: A. Minimum Front Yard - Sixty feet (60') B. Minimum Side Yard - Ten feet (10') C. Minimum Rear Yard -Ten feet (14') SECTION 15 "SF-7" - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 7 General Purpose and Description - This district is intended to accommodate single family residential development with the requirements as outlined below. 15.1 PERMITTED USES: A. Uses permitted in the SF-7 District are outlined in the chart in Section 30. 15.2 AREA REGULATIONS: A. Size of Yards: A. Minimum Front Yard - Twenty-five feet (25') B. Minimum Side Yard - eight feet (8'); Twenty feet (20') on corner adjacent to side street. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty-five feet (25'). C. Minimum Rear Yard - Twenty-five feet (25') B. Size of Lots: A. Minimum Lot Area - Seven thousand (7000') square feet 16 Landmark iMS Print Page Page 1 of 2 I RANGER CREEK ESTATES I MMA i W02M R172737 P R17 in R172736 R R172740 R17275a R57a47 A1241A R57032 A OCp4Vd r3 Denton County PlanningfGIS 306 N loop 2W / / ; . • Denton, TX 76M QC E \ httpJ/gis.dentoncounty com Thu Aug 19 09:43:27 2004 DISCLAM ER : This map and/or data was prepared by the Denton County Public Works Department for its use and may be revised at any time without notification to any user. The Denton County Public Works Department does not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any features on this map. Denton County assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. These files are supplied for illustrative purposes only. Use of information contained in, or derived from, these files as a substitute for the practice of registered engineers and surveyors or in instances where examination of original documents is required is strictly prohibited. There is no warranty expressed or implied of the accuracy or completeness of material contained in the digital files supplied by Denton CAD. R172755 R172770 0 2"It Camatdas _ • VoW Precncts Q 13D "Mores &*" Edum60/1114 Dautas EMS • ....' ... Markers Q lbws at ROponagsavn j'--j Fire OWActs HWW&W cemalark s CorV— Mpwdn &"" Q Sends •- RM d • 911 Addrou" — - DCAD Abstract — Cantors 3b"I" Solloob - rbOAnr n MAD Subilvow BowMrm _ DCAD Subft" Parmt DCAD Abatra0l Parmt POIft — ft County NalMalned _ ASM Won dP and corotabkt — Wv http://gis.dentoncounty.com/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=landmarktest&C... 8/19/2004 R67032 Falls, Joe 4489 McReynolds Rd Sanger, Tx 76266 R172736 Sanger, City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Tx 76266 R1727379 R1727389 R1727399 R1727409 R1727419 R172743. Otwell, Roger P.O. Box 880 Sanger, Tx 76266-0880 R1727569 R1727579 R1727599 R1727629 R1727679 R1727689 R1727449 R172755, R1727519 R1727529 R172755. Looper Enterprises Inc P.O. Box 214 Sanger, Tx .76266 R1727589 R1727609 R172761, R1727469 R1727489 R172750. Bradwill Classic Homes Inc P.O. Box 880 Sanger, Tx 76266 R172763 Rapert, Shannon M & Ronnie E Jr 715 Dove Ridge Sanger, Tx 76266 R172764 King, Barry J & Rhonda 717 Dove Ridge Sanger, Tx 76266 R1727659 R1727669 R1727479 R1727499 R1727539 R172754. Don Hall Const Inc 5966 Milam Ridge Rd Sanger, Tx 76266-7466 R172769 Simpson Homes Inc 14 Shorehaven Ln Lake Dallas, Tx 75065-2946 R172770 Ervin, Glenn R & Wanda M 729 Dove Ridge Sanger, Tx 76266 R172742 SNP Custom Homes 7966 Crystal Creek Cir Fort Worth, Tx 76137 LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday, September 2, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from "A" (Agricultural District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E). Property is legally described as Ranger Creek Estates Phase II (Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey being 17.424 Acres). Property is located on the South Side off McReynolds Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 7, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. to consider a Zoning Change from "A" (Agricultural District) to SF-6E (Single Family 6E). Property is legally described as Ranger Creek Estates Phase II (Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey being 17.424 Acres). Property is located on the South Side off McReynolds Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Rug 0 FROM : THE A-LISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Aug. 25 2004 08:43PM P3 Allison Engineering 611 Pecan Creek Road, Denton, Texas 76207 (940) 380-9453 Off/Home (940)a80-9421 Fax August 23, 2004 Mr. Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 7``-- Sanger, Texas 76266 `! Re. Ranger Creek, Phase 2 Final Plat & Construction Plans.", 4th Review /' f Dear lbliSmith. Allison Engineering recommended approval of the final plat and construction plans :ontingent upon several items being addressed prior to conducting preconstruction :onference. The following items have not been addressed with recent plan submittal: ➢ The propercv has not been zoned nrrly. It is still zoned AF. A preconstruction conference and construction of the improv menu cannot be initiated until the site is properly zoned. ➢ teys lude - oot electricaLeasex=LWong the frontage of all public right of ways. ➢� are required in all residential subdivisions. If alleys are not desired, then a ,'variance must be obtained from the City. Provide a copy of the variance 'Several lots are encroached upon by the two flood areas. A LOMR is needed to remove the lots from the FEMA flood plain and a grading plan is needed to \remove the other lots from the identified flood area. This will be provided ae a later date Until then, no building or any fence may be constructed within the floodplain. Add drainage aprons and/or rip rap at the discharge points of the storm sewer system (line `Wq. The velocities appear to be less than 6 fps, but some structure is needed to prevent erosion as the flow characteristics transition from pipe to open channel. he above items must be addressed prior to scheduling a preconstruction conference and commencing with construction. These comments are in addition to those that may be i rovided by other staff members. Ellison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only is itended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying v rith applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality control nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant. The responsibility for compliance remains solely with the developer throughout the process, from zoning and Flatting through construction and the warranty period. The developer is responsible for Page t of 2 9W"Aiaa %*AMNf/gII WA - 91t. &NI&W d* SMAAh" w 444d `#gore gdWft FROM : THE a_LISON FAMILY PHONE NO. : 817 380 9431 Aug. 25 2004 08:42PM P2 i:orrecting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. We appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of Sanger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or ;Iadfication. RespectWily Submitted, AWSOIS Engfneedng C_ 0%� Lee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE X-C: Rose Chavez Eddie Branham John Henderson Mike Prater J.E. Thompson Cecil Cheshier, P.E. Paw 2of2 MEMO August 26, 2004 To: Planning & Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Re: Final Plat on Ranger Creek Estates -Phase 2 Enclosed is the final plat with the approval letter from our engineer. There is one item that our engineer did not catch and that is the rear setback requirements. The final plat indicates 20 ft. rear setback. I did advise Alliance and they will be submitting a corrected final plat with the required setbacks for the meeting. The 5ft. electrical easement is indicated within the 25ft. front building line. Roger Otwell, the developer will be at the meeting to address the other issues indicated in our engineer's letter. Construction plans will be available at meeting if needed.