06/03/2004-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NNE 3, 2004 201 BOLIVAR 7: 00 P.M. 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: April 29, 2004 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change to the PD (Planned Development) Zoning on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change to the PD (Planned Development) Zoning on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 87 & 88. 15. Adjourn. �vx#u ......"„1111i ' pF SAN `Al y.............. V' rE X P,'-' This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at 940 458-7930 for further information. • • IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE CALL SAM OR ROSE AT 458-7930 to I* MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 29, 2004 PRESENT: Shelley Ruland, Polly Dwyer, Katharine Wordell, Mike Lawler, Ralph Cain, Gail Goodner, Ken Perry OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Code Enforecement Officer Danny Cockrell, Stephen Koch, Trisa Koch, Helen Bounds, Bob Johns, Mary Margaret Tocquigny, Toni Volz, Terry Volz, Mrs. Bennie Schertz 1. Shelley Ruland Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: April 15, 2004 Ken Perry moved to approve the minutes as presented. Polly Dwyer seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from SF8 (Single Family 8) to 2F (Duplex) on Property Legally described as Block 2, Lot 1R, Sullivan West Addition. Property is located on Peach Street between 7" and 8" Street. Public Hearing opened. Tom Jester, spoke in favor of the request. He handed out brochures and indicated the first page is a plot of the lot, second is pictures of the vacant lot, and the duplex across the street. The next page shows where the property is that they are requesting to be re- zoned. The next page shows where all the duplexes are in the area. They also showed two potentials of what they are hoping to build on the property. They have a two story plan and a one story plan. They will have off street parking and comply with the building codes. Bob Johns, corner of Plum and 8" Street, indicated the reason he is against it, is that he would like to see single family homes continue in that neighborhood. He felt the proximity to the square was an important issue. Sanger is someplace special, and he felt it was important to leave single family around the square. He also felt parking may be an issue. The square footage of lot is also a concern. Mary Margaret Tocquigny, 8th Street, indicated she was concerned about having something other than single family. She did not want a duplex in the neighborhood she moved in to. She would like it to maintain the look and feel it has presently. Expressed concerns regarding the size of the lot and parking. Terry Volz, 902 Plum, expressed concerns regarding road conditions. Helen Bounds, Peach Street, expressed concerns regarding the size of the lot and increased traffic. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action to Consider a Zoning Request Change from SF8 (Single Family 8) to 2F (Duplex) on Property Legally described as Block 2, Lot 1R, Sullivan West Addition. Property is located on Peach Street between 7`d and 8te Street. Ken Perry asked if this is spot zoning. Shelley Ruland indicated there is no 2F zoning abutting this lot. Shelley Ruland asked about the dimensions of the lot. Steve Koch indicated the lot was 103.85' x 68'. Discussed size of lot. Mike Lawler asked if they originally intended to build a house for the current property owner. Trisa Koch indicated they did, but they are getting a divorce, and do not wish to keep the lot. Polly Dwyer felt this was spot zoning, the other duplexes have been there a while and were grand -fathered in. She was concerned that this is single family environment, that is what the neighbors are expecting. She would rather see a single family home in that area. Trisa Koch indicated there are 8 duplexes within a four block area. Polly Dwyer indicated these people bought into a single family home area. Discussion. Polly Dwyer moved to deny the zoning request change from SF8 to 2F on property legally described as Block 2, Lot 1R, Sullivan West Addition. Katharine Wordell seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Meeting adjourned. WO A Planned Development in Sanger, Texas --*-------*- Owner: Greater Dallas Anesthesia and Pain Management President: Dr. Tasneem Agha Project Manager: Mr. Ali Abbas By: Allen R. Bussell Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc. 1621 Amanda Ct. Ponder, Texas 76259 (940)482-2907 www.gees.us Wednesday, May 19,2004 Mayor City Council City of Sanger 201 West Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 P (940) 458-7930 Re: Letter of Intent for request to rezone approximately 10.4 acres from PD (formerly SF-3) to Planned Development Hon. Mayor and City Council, We humbly request the rezoning of the tract of land as described in the attached legal description to a Planned Development classification. The Zoning request includesproposed development development standards as attached and as shown in the Concept Plan submitted to the City with this Letter. Our vision is to bring needed services to the City that would complement the existing 13- 2 zoning on the east side of the property while adding single family uses that would not only be compatible to the single family uses to the north, west and south but would be marketable faster than the former planned development. As mentioned above, the development standards and allowed uses protect surrounding neighborhoods from the negative impacts of development by creating single family - detached uses adjacent to existing single family, and also by restricting uses within the commercial areas, placing building pads away from adjoining single family property lines, and by establishing architectural standards for the future buildings. We would appreciate your support of this change to the existing zoning and look forward to a long relationship with the City of Sanger. Thank you. Sincerely, Allen R. Bussell GEES, Inc. ZASENT RECORDS\1000-1099\1017\Planning\PD text Brooke Hill Village-040413.doc Page 2 LOCATION: The area to be rezoned is approximately 10.4-acres, part of a 14.7-acre tract located along Interstate 35 next to the southbound service road. 600 feet to the south lay'Duck Creek Road. The west boundary of the property lies on Keaton Road where Laney Drive dead -ends near the southwest comer of the tract and Brooke Lane dead -ends near the middle of the west line. West Holt Road is located approximately 300 feet north of the subject property. CURRENT ZONING: The 14.7-acre tract currently contains two zoning classifications: 1. B-2, allowing commercial uses — this is located along Interstate 35 and extends about 400 feet west. a. This 4.3-acre area is not being rezoned. 2. PD, a mixed -use commercial and assisted living classification. a. This is the 10.4-acre tract to be rezoned to Planned Development. CURRENT USE: A single-family house is located on the property. Located near the middle of the property, the house would likely be used as a temporary office during construction. The home is currently vacant. During development, the house will be removed allowing new structures to be built in its place. ALLOWABLE USES AND SIZES: Area A - North portion of request 1. Single Family a. Minimum lot area: 7,000 sq. ft. b. Lot dimensions: A. Width: 60' minimum measured at front building line B. Depth: 100' minimum c. Building lines A. Front: 20 feet B. Rear: 25 feet C. Side: 8 feet D. Side when adjacent to Right of Way: 15 feet d. Dwelling Size: Minimum 1,600 sq. ft. 2. Utility and Service Uses a. Fire, Police, or Municipal building 3. Parking for adjacent B-2 a. Per B-2 VSENT RECORDS\1000-1099\1017\Planning\PD text Brooke Hill Village-040413.doc Page 3 Area B — South portion of request 1. Hotel, Motel, Restaurant uses may not be located less than 800 feet from the existing -west property line a. Sizes and setbacks per B-2 zoning adjacent. 2. Assisted Living - remainder of area (80 units maximum) a. Building lines i. Front: IS feet ii. Rear: 30 feet Ill. Side: 10 feet 3. Single Family a. Same standards as `Area R Water Eight inch (8") water mains are currently located on both the east and west boundaries of the property. A line would be built to connect these lines, creating a looped system that will insure quality water pressure both on -site and off -site. For buildings over two stories, pressure booster pumps may need to be installed to supply the needed water pressure for sprinkler systems. Sanitary Sewer An 8" sewer main lies to the east along the Interstate service road. This line appears adequate to supply service for the East side of the project, in both capacity and depth. Though a sewer line is located near the west side of the site, the sewer line may be blocked by utilities located in the Keaton Road right of way. Off -site improvements and/or extensions may be necessary to provide service to the western side of the site. Engineering specks will be addressed at time of platting when more information is available. Drainaae The property is separated by a drainage divide located near the middle of the site. The low points of the property are located on the south, at both the east and west comers. Per City ordinance, downstream improvements and/or detention will be required at both comers to maintain the drainage off -site to pre -development levels. Traffic and Roads The area is currently served by the Interstate 35 service road on the east and by Keaton Road on the west. Interstate 35 service road: One-way southbound Keaton Road: Though acting as a local Collector road, private driveways currently access directly off the street. No private drive connections to this property are proposed along Keaton Road. Z `SENT RECORDS\1000-1099\1017\Planning\PD text Brooke Hill Village-040413.doc Page 4 Surroundina Uses and Bufferina Buffering between Commercial, Assisted living and adjacent properties zoned for Single-family residential use shall be as follows: A. Per City of Sanger Ordinance. 1. A 6' cedar fence on metal poles with landscaping A. Landscaping: 1 - Canopy tree 50' on -center 2 - Ornamental trees for every canopy tree 'Trees planted for screening shall be placed a minimum of 3 feet from the proposed fence and shall not exceed 15 feet from the fence. Landscanina and Sidewalks Public Sidewalks: Per subdivision ordinance. (4' sidewalks along all public roads adjacent to residential, 5' wide when adjacent to commercial) Street trees shall: 1. be placed along the spine street that acts as the main access from the Interstate 35 Service Road to Keaton Road 2. be located between the back of curb and the sidewalk, and within the median of any boulevard section of this drive. o This arrangement helps to isolate pedestrians from vehicular traffic, creating a safer environment for those accessing services by walking. 3. be native, large canopy, broadleaf species for trees planted in parkway 4. if planted within a median, be a native ornamental type 5. when planted, be 2" DBH minimum for large trees or 5 gallon for ornamental trees. 6. be of the same type to provide uniformity along the drive (not including ornamental trees within medians) 7. be planted at an interval of 1-tree every 30' on -center (excepting spacing requirements below). 8. be placed a minimum of 3' O.C. from the nearest pavement ZASENT RECORDS\1000.1099\I0I7\PIanning\PD text Brooke Hill village-040413.doc Page 5 ri Street trees shall not be placed within: 1. 10 feet of the Brazos Electric Easement. 2. 20 feet of any curb return to allow unhindered line of site for vehicles and pedestrians. 3. 10 feet either side of a Fire Hydrant 4. 15 feet either side of a Light pole Private Commercial or Assisted Living A minimum of 20% of the property shall be landscaped. Areas used to calculate the required landscaping shall include: 1. Landscaped areas not covered by asphalt, concrete or public sidewalks 2. Landscaped areas in rights of way parkway adjacent to the lot 3. Private sidewalks and walkways 4. Courtyard, patio, and gazebo areas. 5. Retention and Detention ponds Parking lots shall include one landscape island spaced every 12 parking spaces. Landscape islands shall be a minimum of 6 feet wide and 18 feet deep from back of curb to back of curb. Large broadleaf trees shall be placed in every 2 of 3 Landscape islands. Trees shall be 2" DBH minimum when planted. Spaces adjacent to and abutting landscape buffers are not required to have landscape islands, as trees planted for buffering would also serve to shade and break-up the parking in these areas. To maintain safe line of site, landscape islands and areas adjacent to curb returns for fire lanes or access drives shall not contain shrubs or ground cover that would grow over 2 feet in height. Unless Xeriscaped, all landscaped areas shall be irrigated with automatic irrigation systems. Slanaae Four monument type signs are allowed. Signs shall not exceed 60 square feet each in actual sign area — not including columns or masonry trim. Signs shall conform in both style and materials to the architecture of the uses for which they are being built. Signs are not allowed along Keaton Drive. Signs are allowed only outside of the Brazos Electric Easement. Signs may be lighted either internally or with landscape lights that conform to the lighting requirements in this Planned Development. ZASENT RECORDS\1000-1099\1017\Planning\PD text Brooke Hill Village-040411doc Page 6 Buildina Appearance Trash and Dumpster Pads shall be screened with W fences. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from the public road. Accessory buildings are allowed per City zoning ordinance. Accessory buildings must match in materials the buildings that they are serving. Area A Single Family: • Roof: hip or gabled with slopes consistent with homes adjacent to north property line • Material: 100% masonry exterior, not including doors, windows, trim, and gabled areas Area B Assisted Living: • Maximum Height: 2 stories • Material: 100% masonry exterior, not including doors, windows, trim, and gabled areas • Maximum FAR: 0.5:1 • Roof: hip or gabled with slopes consistent with homes adjacent to north property line. Single Family: • Roof. hip or gabled with slopes consistent with homes adjacent to north property line • Material: 100% masonry exterior, not including doors, windows, trim, and gabled areas ZASENT RECORDS\1000.1099\1017\Planning\PD text Brooke Hill Village-040413.doc Page 7 Parking & Lighting: Lighting shall be designed and located so as not to shine into adjoining properties, nor into the night.sky. Landscaping and/or fencing shall be positioned to block vehicle headlights from. shining into adjacent properties on north and south. - Ratio: Area A - - - ---- -- --- 1. Per requirements in City ordinance. Ratio: Area B 1. Assisted living: 0.5 spaces per unit 2. Hotel/Motel or Restaurant: per parking requirements in the City Ordinance for these uses Variances Reguired (Commercial - compare to Zoning Classification 1. None Variances Reauired (Single Family - comoare to SF-7) Single Family detached most similar to Single Family-7 (SF-7) Standards within request vary with SF-7 as follows: 1. Minimum Front Yard SF-7: 25 feet Request: 20 feet 2. Minimum Side Yard adjacent to street: SF-7: 20 feet Request: 15 feet 3. Minimum Lot Width SF-7: 65 feet Request: 60 feet ZASENT RECORDS\1000-1099\1017\Planning\PD text Brooke Hill Village-040413.doc Page 8 List of Property Owners - Brooke Hill Village Melissa Giles 2008 Laney Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Louis & Marnell Austin 10543 FM 455 W. Sanger, TX 76266 Jammye Reeves 2004 Laney Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 James & Beverly McDaniel 2002 Laney Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Minnie Mcafee P.O. Box 939 Sanger, TX 76266 Marceliano Villanueva 2001 Benjamin Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Ryan & Jeanie McDaniel 2000 Brooke Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Alton & Helen Elliot 2001 Laney Sanger, TX 76266 Norma Jean Matney P.O. Box 112 Sanger, TX 76266 Betty Hunt 2005 Laney Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Jahanna Sorrells 2007 Laney Sanger, TX 76266 Jose Fajardo 2006 Brooke Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Raymond & Micle Flom 2004 Brooke Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Suzanne Long P.O. Box 582 Sanger, TX 76266* Kadiryn ac Kasey Redmon 2005 Brooke Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Lisa Anderson 2003 Brooke Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Kevin & Laurie Lewis 2001 Brooke Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Marci Parrott 2002 Brooke Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Damon & Phylis Paton 2000 Benjamin Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Ralph Amyx P.O. Box 326 Sanger, TX 76266 Curtis Amyx P.O. Box 28 Sanger, TX 76266 Charles Fenoglio P.O. Box 1029 Sanger, TX 76266 Dorman Lee Johnson 102 Keaton Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Jeffery Miller . 104 W. Holt Sanger, TX 76266 Dann Pearn L II P.O. Box 914 Sanger, TX 76266 Dale Roberts 105 Holt Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Dale & Martin Roberts 600 Keaton Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Janell Shelton 513 W. Oak Denton, TX -1 p Ben Smith - DDS P.O. Box 898 Sanger, TX 76266 Teri & John Voss 1803 Duck Creek Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Johnny Looper 663 Rising Star Ln. Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger Baptist Church 405 Stemmons Frwy Sanger, TX 76266 Don Jost 102 W. Holt Sanger, TX 76266 Donald Masten P.O. Box 236 Sanger, TX 76266 Karrie Koch 787 Keaton Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 .Paul Perrier. _ 602 Keaton Rd. Sanger, TX 76266 Rhonda Winchester 604 Keaton Sanger, TX 76266 _. -Rose Chavez — - P.O. Box 355 Sanger, TX 76266 P&Z 06/03/2004 CC 06/07t2004 ZONING REQUEST.. To Consider_sZoningRegnes�,;Cha_nge to..tLe PD (Planned Develo went):Zoning on.Property_ = Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester Survey, Tract 87 & S& If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings... Please the k one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: ��•�� � �� -fit, DATE <-,, N Please Print Your Name P&Z 06/03t2004 CC -.0.6/07/2004 . ....... .. . . . . . .. .. ........ 'ZONING REQUEST —To Consider a ZoningRe . quest.C-hanee-to the PD(Planned In PLqe-t1-QVn er P Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry -Tierwester Survey, Tract 87A*88. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please the k one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNA A-UQrw&, J—e-d-ri M money Please Print Your Name DATE P&Z 06/03/2004 CC 06/07/2004 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change to the PD (P ,jpRq4P.V_&pM Legally Described as Abstract 1241 in the Henry Tierwester.Survey, Tract 87A 88. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check 'one: I approve of the Request %1z I disapprove of the Request Comments: e- r Please Print Your Name