08/15/2005-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING MONDAY, AUGUST IS, 200S 6:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Consider and Possible Action on Final Plat for Sable Creek, Phase II, Being 39.04 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract Number 29, a Total of 1S9 Residential Lots. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary Plat for Elk River Addition, Block 1, Lots 1,2 and 3, Being 1.027 Acres in the Henry Tienvester Survey, Abstract 1241. 4. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any fmal action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. ~\\\\\\\\Ullllll/111111. , #~ f SAN >!v~, ~ ~ 0 ...•....• G~, -~~ l.~~···· ·• ...... s,·-~ ...... . . ~ '(3': •. ~ ~ ; -:.· \ §. ~ : ' : ~~ -,\ " f l~ . . ;.: ••• .Olli .s.: ··•. _.,.,• .. ~ -••••••••fl C .. ~-:-"'::.f.• ~ i•::y ~-?_,::,::::•' '1/f/ilr,: •. 1.: .. _ . ".:, ,\cS•· Rosalie Chavez, City Sec~ '.½·~ g.JQ.-0~ Date &'fie Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MEMO August 12, 2005 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: Sable Creek, Phase U Attached is the information regarding this request. The engineer had recommended approval of this plat. He indicated the minor drainage issues will be addressed prior to the pre-construction conference. Carter•=Burgess August 12, 2005 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Sable Creek Addition, Phase 2 (159 Lots) Final Plat Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: 7950 Elmbrook Drive Dallas, TX 75247-4951 Pi,Qne: 214.638.0145 Fax: 214.638.0447 www.c-b.com Subsequent to our review dated August 1, 2005, revised plan sheets have been provided to address the issues outlined in our previous correspondence. In addition, a meeting was held in City Hall with the engineer and developer to discuss the issues. All issues have been satisfactorily completed unless otheiwise noted below: FINAL PLAT 3. 4. The landscape easement being provided will allow for some additional ROW to be acquired in the future if necessary, without effecting individual lots. The radii were previously approved in the Preliminary Plat process. CONSTRUCTION P.LANS 1. Cover Sheet -City of Plano standards are acceptable as a default standard for this project. It was requested that copies of the pertinent details be placed in the construction plans, instead of having all details by reference only. This was agreed to by all parties. 2. Sheet 1 of 28 -The ADA ramps are to be constructed by the Developer. Sidewalks will be constructed by the home builder. This was previously agreed to in the Preliminary Plat phase. • 3. Sheet 3 of 28 -This sheet has been revised to eliminate the original orientation with opposing traffic facing each other. A divided entryway has been provided. Although there is still a centerline offset, the new design appears to adequately address the issue. Signage will be required to insure proper traffic patterns. 4. Sheet 8 of 28 -The concerns have been addressed satisfactorily. 5. Sheet 10 of 28 -Retaining wall details have been provided on the revised sheet 11. 6. Sheet 11 of 28 -A copy of the cemetery pennission was provided .and a copy should be on file with the City. 13. Sheet 14 of 28 -A revised drainage plan has been provided to include additional rip-rap to dissipate velocities. Also, ·additional negotiations with the adjacent landowner are being pursued by the developer. The final solution should be provided to the City for review. 22. Sheet 22 of 28 -City staff has allowed curved sewers with manholes placed as shown. Carter & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess Consultants, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, P.C. C&B Nevado, Inc. Mr. Jack Smith Sable Creek Addition, Phase 2, Final Plat August12,2005 Page2 of2 This concludes our review of the above referenced development. If there are any questions, please contact me at (214) 638-0145. Sincerely, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ,,__--.._____ ~/4 Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Project Manager Cc: January Consultants, Inc., 2407 Shadow Lane, McKinney, TX, 75070 Sable Creek Partners, LLC; 6454 Le Blanc Place, RCH Palo Verde, CA, 90275 Sable Cleek Addition Ph 2 FINAL PLAT 2.doc Carter•Burgess August 1, 2005 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Sable Creek Addition, Phase 2 (159 Lots) Final Plat Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: 79S0 Elmbtook Drive Dallm, TX 75247-49S1 Phone: 214.638.0145 Fax: 214.638.04-47 www.c:-b.com As requested, we have reviewed the Final Plat dated June, 2005 and Construction Plans dated July, 2005 prepared by January Consultants, Inc. It should be noted that we have not been provided the original Preliminary Plat or Phase 1 plans which would include overall water and sanitary sewer system layouts, complete drainage area information, overall street layout, etc. Our comments are as follows: FINAL PLAT 1. Alleys are not provided in this development as required in Section 5.02.B of the Subdivision Ordinance. It is our understanding that an additional Ordinance adopted by the City allows for developments without alleys. 2. Drainage Easements for Line •H• and Flume "B" are not shown. 3. The Right-of-Way width for McReynolds Rd. appears to be 60'. No additional Right-of-Way is being provided. 4. The centerline radii for Dove Lane (C7) & South Highland Drive (CS) are less than the minimum 150' in Section 5.01 .Hof the Subdivision Ordinance. CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1. Cover Sheet-Reference is made to the "City of Plano" standards. To our knowledge, City of Plano details are not applicable to this project. It is recommended that standard details be provided as part of the construction plans as opposed to included by reference. 2. Sheet 1 of 28 -The sidewalks are noted to be constructed by the "Others". This implies they will not be constructed by the subdivider as required in Section 6.03 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Sheet 3 of 28 -It appears that a street jog exists at McReynolds Rd. between the proposed Pleasant Valley and the existing Ranger Creek. The street jog is less than the minimum 125' "allowed" in Section 5.01.G of the Subdivision Ordinance. 4. Sheet 8 of 28 -There are concerns with the pavement section and drainage on South Highland Drive at Flume "B", specifically the depth of water during a storm event. See comments below regarding Sheet 18 of 28. 5. Sheet 10 of 28 -Retaining wall details have not been provided. Coner & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess Archifeds/fngine«s, Inc. Caner & Burgen Consultants, Inc C&B Archifec:ts/Engineers, Inc. C&B Anhitects/Engineers, P.C. C&B Nevada, Inc. Mr. Jack Smith Sable Creek Addition, Phase 2, Final Plat August1,2005 Page2 of3 6. Sheet 11 of 28 -It appears that the grading will extend into the adjacent cemetery property. It should be verified that permission has been granted to grade within the adjacent cemetery property. 7. Sheet 12 of 28-Note 4 conflicts with Note 14 on Sheet 13 of 28. This should be resolved. 8. Sheet 12 of 28 -Note 15 refers to a drainage area map prepared by Engineering Concepts & Design L.P. This may be erroneous. 9. Sheet 12 of 28 -There does not appear to be any protection between the creek and the disturbed areas along Pleasant Valley. 10. Sheet 13 of 28 -The Stabilized Construction Entrance Detail has a conflicting depth; the Profile view shows 8" and the note shows 6". This should be corrected. 11. Sheet 13 of 28 -The return radius on the construction entrance should be enlarged to 30' to accommodate large trucks turning onto a 20' street (McReynolds). 12. Sheet 13 of 28 -General Notes 7, 8, and 9 refer to Details "D", ·e" and .. F" that do not appear to be included. 13. Sheet 14 of 28 -Drainage areas 2, 12, 13, and 22 are discharging onto the adjacent property (Howard Willie Turner). Drainage areas 13 and 22 consist of surface drainage from the indMdual lots backing up to the adjacent property. Drainage Area 12, with a developed flow of 17.8 cfs, is discharging through Flume "B" and drainage area 2, with a developed flow of 27.5 cfs, is discharging from the extension of Kramer Lane. Undeveloped flows have not been provided for any drainage basin. The surface drainage from areas 13 and 22 may be acceptable since it appears that the undeveloped flow currently flows in the same direction. Without undeveloped flows being shown, the extent of the impact is unknown. The point discharge from areas 2 and 12 is unacceptable, unless written permission to discharge is provided by the adjacent . landowner, or a drainage easement is acquired. It does not appear any erosion control is being provided at these points of discharge. 14. Sheet 14 of 28 -Line "I" is shown as Line "H• in the drawing. 15. Sheet 16 of 28 -The note for 10+51.96 In the plan view does not appear to be correct. 16. Sheet 16 of 28-Line "E" is mislabeled as Line "C" on the Line "D" detail. 17. Sheet 18 of 28 -There are concerns with potential ponding of water in the street upstream of the flume. By "warping• the pavement {Sheet 8 of 28) the entire flow crosses the street in this section. The depth and extent of water on the street has not been provided. In addition, as noted above, the flume is discharging directly onto the adjacent property without any energy dissipaters or erosion control (see comment for sheet 14 of 28 above). It is unclear as to the reason for not extending the storm sewer to collect the storm flow in this area {as well as area 2). 18. Sheet 19 of 28 -The flume detail identifies a "wall if required". What will be the mechanism to require a wall? No details of the wall have been provided. A 5' wall maintenance easement has been provided in the Plat Who will be responsible for ditch maintenance? Where can property owners place fences relative to the ditch? Sable Creek Addition Ph 2 FINAL PLAT.doc Mr. Jack Smith Sable Creek Addition, Phase 2, Final Plat August 1, 2005 Page 3 of3 19. Sheet 20 of 28 -The additional valve located at the east end of Kramer Lane past South Highland is not necessary since there is a valve at the intersection. 20. Sheet 21 of 28 -The additional valve located at the southern end of Kramer lane past Pleasant Valley is not necessary since there is a valve at the intersection. 21. Sheet 21 of 28 -We recommend that the cross at the intersection of Kramer Lane and Pleasant Valley be replaced with two (2) tees. This will eliminate the necessity of the 11 ¼ 0 bend. 22. Sheet 22 of 28 -Typically in curved sanitary sewers we recommend placement of manholes at both ends of the curve to aid in cleaning and blockage removal. City staff should review the placement of manholes to insure that they have easy access. 23. Calculated sanitary sewer flows have not been provided as part of the sanitary sewer plans. This may have been part of the overall sanitary sewer plan submittal. 24. No standard details have been provided except for the TxDOT safety end treatments. It is recommended that standard details be included in the construction plans. This concludes our review of the above referenced development If there are any questions, please contact me at (214) 638-0145. _,,,,,,, ---~E. OFT£ \\ Sincerely, ;~~!!•··········~~'• CARTER & BURGESS, INC. f•/· ~ ···• .. _1,,. Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Project Manager '*: ~ al r ······i.tARi<·o:;;u: ...... ! f! ................................ -1 .. ~ . . "' ·,~\ 79446 /,1.J:o,tl ·-~~~~,~~9·~~ ,,'881~·00"·t't\.GJ' \ .. .-~NALc...--,,,,,,-- Cc: January Consultants, Inc., 2407 Shadow Lane. McKinney, TX, 75070 Sable Creek Partners, LLC, 6454 Le Blanc Place, RCH Palo Verde, CA, 90275 Sable Creek Addition Ph 2 FINAL PLAT.doc MEMO August 12, 2005 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: Elk River Addition Attached is the information regarding this request. All comments have been addressed. Carter=Burgess July 29, 2005 Mr. Jack Smith City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Elk-River Addition Preliminary Plat Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Smith: 7950 Elmbtoolc Drive Dollas, lX 75247-4951 Phone: 214.638.0145 Fo,c: 214.638.0447 www.c-b.com As requested, we have reviewed the Preliminary Plat dated May 23, 2005 prepared by Alliance Area Surveying. Our comments are as follows: 1. It appears that sufficient property has been dedicated in this Plat for half of a 50' Right-of-Way for Church Street and 10th Street, 25' from centerline. 2. Water and sanitary sewer appear to be in place for service to these three (3) lots. Lot 2 has an existing residence. It appears that Lot 1 will be served by a Z' waterline located along Church Street. Consideration should be given to extending the existing 6" water line from the fire hydrant to the west property line. 3. Side and rear set-back lines are not shown or noted. This concludes our review of the above referenced development. If there are any questions, please contact me at (214) 638-0145. Sincerely, CARTER & BURGESS, INC. ~ If) #.#.l'E Mark D. Hill, P.E. Sr. Project Manager Cc: Alliance Area Surveying Elk River-Sanger 11, L.P. ~,,,,,,, --;1EOFT.~ -~"\•..•········· ,, -~-· ···•iS't , ••• ••• I '*/ ·~.,, '-*: •·•l .,. ..........•................. : ... -,. ~ MARK 0. HILL j 1.···:"········ .. ·············:···' ,,~·-.. 79446 .-~~ ·•?~ti~~~,~ ''"~\. .... -- Corter & Surgess. Inc. Corter & Burgess Ardlitecb/Engineers, Inc. Corter & Burgess Consultonts, Inc Elk River Addition PR~l1~91s. Inc. C&B Archilect$/Engineen, P.C. C&B Nevada, Inc.