11/17/2005-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND WNING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2005 7;00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: September 29, 2005 3. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Indian Country, Being .686 Acres out of the Rueben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29. Property is Located North of FM 455, West of the Railroad Tracks. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Choctaw Ridge, Phase 4, Lots 1-4, being 4.995 Acres in the P.S. Black Survey, Abstract 103. Property is Located off of F.M. 455 West, and Creekview Road. 5. Consider and Possible on a Final Plat for Green Addition Lot 1, Block 1. Property is Located at 229 Jones Street. 6. Adjourn. This facility is wheelchair accessible and acc!it'ffl~'':arking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION September 29,200S PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Ken Perry, Mike Walker, Ken Wilson, Paul Edelman ABSENT: Jimmy Frazier, Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager, Rose Chavez, Building Inspections Pat Dunlap, John Coker, Ben WeatheraU, Adam Whitfield, Dewayne Dawson, Daphine Zollinger, Mr. And Mn. ZoUinger 1. Chairpenon Jenkins CaUed Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: Motion made by Ken Perry to approve minutes of September JS, 200S. Seconded by Mike Walker. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of Property Legally Described as Lot 3, Block 16 of the Hampton Addition. Property is Located at 901 Willow St. Chairpenon Jenkins declared Public Hearing Opened. Ben Weatherall addressed Board to obtain more information concerning the plat. Mr. WeatheraU did not have any objectives after staff answered his questions. Discussion. Chairpenon Jenkins Declared Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of Property Legally Described as Lot 3, Block 16 of the Hampton Addition. Property is Located at 901 Willow St. Motion was made by Ken Wilson to approve as presented. Seconded by Mike Walker. Motion carried unanimously. S. Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of Property LegaUy Described Lots IS- A and 15-8, Block 3, of Sanger South Subdivision. Property is Located at 130 Southside and on Cowling Road (Trinity Chapel). Chairpenon Jenkins declared Public Hearing Opened. Know one for or against. Chairperson Jenkins declared Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of Property Legally Described Lots 1S-A and 1S-B, Block 3, of Sanger South Subdivision. Property is Located at 130 Southside and on Cowling Road (Trinity Chapel). Discussion. City Manager indicated that a Church can be in any zoning with specific use permit. Motion made by Mike Walker to approve Replat of Property Legally Described Lots 1S-A and 1S-B, Block 3, of Sanger South Subdivision. Property is located at 130 Southside and on Cowling Road (Trinity Chapel). Motion carried unanimously. 7. Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of Property Legally Described as Lot 1, Block 11 of the Hampton Addition. Property is Located at 913 Marshall St. Chairperson Jenkins declared Public Hearing Open. Mr. Jim Brown addressed the Board with concerns on the Replat. Mr. Brown indicated that be is wanting to buy the other lot and be thought it was already two lots. Lengthy Discussion followed concerning this item. Ms. Morbey owner of said property addressed the Board. Apparently both individuals misunderstood what the replat entailed. Chairperson declared Public hearing Closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of Property Legally Described as Lot 1, Block 11 of the Hampton Addition. Property is Located at 913 Marshall St. Motion was made by Ken Perry to approve Replat at 913 Marshall St. Seconded by Paul Edelman. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Conduct a Public Hearing to Consider a Replat of Property Legally Described as O.T. Sanger Lot 1 and Lot lR, Block 17. Property is Located on the Southwest comer of 4• and Pecan Streets. Chairperson Jenkins declared Public Hearing Opened. Ben Weatherall addressed the Board in regards to getting more information concerning this replat. This plat is currently in BJ zoning and does meet the requirement for the replat process. Mr. Zollinger owner of lot is replating said property to sell. Ben Weatherall indicated that after the explanation he did have a problem with this Replat. City Manager indicated that on one the lots there is an existing home that is non conforming use. This home has been on this lot prior to 1987. When the City adopted their zoning for the City the replat meets all criteria for BJ zoning. John Coker addressed the Board and indicated that this property is zoned all B-3 which is Central Business District. Mr. Coker added the concern with the width of the lots and indicated the lot does not qualify for the SS,000 sq. ft. and ask the Board to disapprove the request. He also indicated that all lots in the area are larger than this. Public Hearing Closed. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Replat of Property Legally Described as O.T. Sanger Lot 1 and Lot lR, Block 17. Property is Located on the Southwest comer of 4 .. and Pecan Streets. Lengthy Discussion. Mr. Ken Zollinger indicated this has been received by City Engineers and has been approved. Ken Wilson inquired as to the set back requirements. City Manager advised this property is B-3 zoning which requires zero lot lines. Chairman Jenkins inquired as to how many replats the Planning & Zoning has reviewed and how it is instigated. Rose Chavez, City Secretary explained that the owner comes in and inquires as to the process. The staff gives them the information and then it is up to them to follow the guidelines. After the owner complies and City Engineer approves then it is brought to Planning & Zoning for approval. Discussion. Paul Edelman made motion to approve replat as presented. Jerry Jenkins seconded. Motion failed. 4-2. Voting against were Ken Wilson, Jerry Jenkins, Mike Walker, and Ken Perry. 11. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Sanger Industrial Park, a 5 Lot Subdivision in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. Property is Located along F.M. 455 and along Spur 138. Lengthy Discussion followed. The issues of concerns was that the road that goes from the loop back into property. City Manager indicated TXDOT cannot give them individual Right of Ways. The 60 ft. Easement would be used as a street. TXDOT will not allow two driveways side by side. Discussion about entrance to property. Sportsman was told that they could develop at 455 and the Spur. They are aware that they can't do anything with the property until the roads are developed. Chairpenon Jenkins asked Pat Dunlap what he would recommend. Pat Dunlap indicated that he had not looked at plan yet. Staff indicated recommending Lee Allison, City Engineer approval of the Final Plat. Allison Engineering recommends approval on the Final Plat. Mike Walker made motion to not accept plat for Sanger Industrial Park, a 5 Lot Subdivision in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. Property is Located along F.M. 455 and along Spur 138 based on the issues discussed. Seconded by Ken Wilson. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Adjourn. MEMO November 12, 2005 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Item #3 -Plat for Indian Country This item was on the last Agenda for consideration, at which meeting we did not have a quorum. Please refer to the I plat supplied in your last packet as we do not have enough to re-issue them to you. The Engineer's approval letter is attached. This is one lot on FM 455, on the East side of Beards Property, and West of the Railroad Track. This is Dr. Lynn Stucky's proposed site. FROM: THE Al.USON FAMILY O,:tober 25, 2005 Mr. Jack Smith C .ty Manager C .ty of Sanger PHONE NO. 817 380 9431 Allison Engineering Group, LP 401 S. Locust, Suite 105-B, Denton, Texas 76201 (940) 380-9453 Office (940) 380-9431 Fax P. 0. Box 1729 S;mger, Texas 76266 Re: Industrial Avenue -Indian Country Plan Review, 2nd Review AE No.: SAN04GS I •ear Mr. Smith: Oct. 27 2005 07:40AM P2 Allison Engineering Group recommends appro11al of the plan submittal. It appears that a U of our previous comments have been addressed. We remain conc.erned about the intersection geometry. It is not too significant an issue at the moment, but further development of the industrial park will only serve to exacerbate the traffic conflicts with I st and 2nd Streets. We may have to work with the developer to add sigtiage to the streets. ,Vhen FM 455 is improved, we may also need to work with TxDOT to modify the i 1tersecti.on, perhaps limiting movement from 1st Street or even eliminating the 1st Street i 1tersection. Any additional development in the Industrial Parle that utilizes Industrial J ~ venue should be required to address the intersection as a part of their development. ,illison Engineering's review of submittal$ for land development projects is only i :itended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying Hith applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality control nor assure anyone that the development is fully compliant The responsibility for <:ompliance remains solely with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and I 1latting through construction and the wammty period. The developer is responsible for ( :orrecting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. Page 1 of2 ?:\Projects\.~AN04G$ C'iencral ServiCC6\Cotlll'lle1-cial Site flans\lndian C(l11n•rr-tndu:alri~I J\vcn11c\200S,JO-:?~ lndusttial \\'Cttuc-lndian Country 2nd n.-,·iew • .:loc FROM : THE Al.USON FAMILY PHONE NO. 817 380 9431 Oct. 27 2005 07:41AM p3 W,: appreciat.e the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of Sa 11ger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or cl. .rification. Re :apectfulty submitted, Ai lison Engineering, LP C-~~\ Snott E. Jordan, P.E., TSPE X c: Greg Edwards, P.E. Rose Chavez Samantha Renz Eddie Branham Mike Prater John Henderson Page2of2 1':\Pt(\jcct.,;\SAlJ~ClS General ~Niees\Consncrcial Site rrans\JndiM Coun11')'~f11duitri.1I Mem,c\2005-JO-:?~ ll.ldustrial A venue-Indian Country 2nd re~icw.d<,c MEMO November 12, 2005 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Item #4 -Choctaw Ridge This item was on the last Agenda for consideration, at which meeting we did not have a quorum. Please refer to the I plat supplied in your last packet as we do not have enough to re-issue them to you. The Engineer's approval letter is attached. This is 4 lots in the City of Sanger's E.T.J. Property is Located on Creekview Road. FRCl"I : THE AI.LISON FAMILY I )ctober 2} t 2005 \,fr, Jack Smith · :ity Manaaer . :ity of Sanaer ·?.O.Box 1729 · ;qer, TX 76266 PHONE NO. 817 380 9431 Allison Engineering Group, LP P.O. Box 1975, Denton, Texas 76202 (940) 380-9453 Office (940) 380-9431 Fax ~e: Choctaw Ridge Phase 4 Final Plat Reviews, 2 nd Review c\EG No.:·SAN04GS Dear Mr. Smith, Oct. 24 2005 07:30AM P2 <\llison Engineering recommends qpp,oval of the final plat. It appears that the applicant has Midressed all of the previous comments except for one minor item. fhere is still a City of Denton P&Z recommendation block in the lower left hand comer of ~e iocument. This block must be removed before final documents are brought to the City for ;ignature and filing. Aflison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only intended to ~stablish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying with applicable rules uid regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality control nor assure anyone that the ievelopment is fully compliant The responsibility for compliance remains solely with the ievelopcr _throughout the process; uom zoning and platting through construction and the warranty ~eriod. The developer is responsible for correcting an deficiencies. regardless of the time they are iiscovered. We appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of Sanger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or clarification. ltespectfully Sub~ 41lison Engineuing Gro.up, LP ~ Lee L Allison, PB, FNSPE ' 8ity Engineer X:c: Kenny Z.Ollinger, (940) 382-3447 Fax RoseChavez Eddie Branham John Henderson Mike Prater Samantha Renz Christopher Steubing, PE, County Engineer, Denton County Pap lofl MEMO November 12, 2005 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Item #5 -Green Addition Enclosed with your packet, you w will find a copy of the plat on this property. The Engineer's approval letter is attached. This is one of the grant homes already approved by Council. A pre-existing home has been removed and a new home will be built on the lot. The Platting of this lot is a formality to make it a legally subdivided lot. FROM: THE AI.LISIJ'i FAMILY A-ONE HJ. 817 380 9431 Allison Engineering Group, LP 401 S. Locust. Suite 105-B, Denton, Texas 76201 l fovember 4, 2005 I&. Jack Smith City Mana~ City of Sanger J>.O. Box 17).9 Banger, Texas 76266 (940) 38~9453 Office (940) 380-9431 Fax Re: Green Addition Final Pl~ Short Form AE No.: SAN04GS Dear Mr. Smith: Nov. 07 2005 10:34AM P2 . Ulison Engineering recommends approval of the Final Plat contingent upon a right of way dedication that will provide for an ultimate street right of way width of 50 feet (2S ::eet from the apparent center line of the existing street). •'.Ament tax certificates must be provided to the City before the piat can be filed with the •~unty. Allison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only :ntended t.o esmblish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying ·Nith applicable roles and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality ,;ontrol nor assure anyone that the development is fulJy compliant. The responsibility for -~ompliance remains solely with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and :>tatting through construction and the warranty period. The developer is responsible for • ~JTeCting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. ·"vile appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of )anger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or · :larificati.on. Pagelof2 ':\Projc:eis\SAN040S General Servioes\.'i11b Division Re\'i~\200S,Orctn Addition\2(.)()!I. t I -OJ Final Pl.n SlU'l Fnn.ooc FR01 THE Al.LI SON FAMILY PHONE NO. 817 380 9431 1 ~pectfully Submitted, , Ulison Engineering Group, LP c4~ Lee K. Allison, P.E., FNSPE : {c: Rose Chavez Eddie Branham John Henderson Mike Prater Samantha Renz PatDunlap Adam Whitfield Page2of2 Nov. 07 2005 10:35AM P3 •:\Pmjccti1\SAN040S ~'Jleral Ser\·lc:c11\.<iub Division Re,•iews\2005\0n:en Addition\200.5-11-0.l Final Plat Shn Flll\.doc