02/02/2006-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2006 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: December 15, 2005 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) 1-1 (Industrial) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 940, McKinney Williams Survey, Tract SA, Being 3.93 Acres and Tract 4A, Being 1.324 Acres. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) 1-1 (Industrial) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 940, McKinney Williams Survey, Tract SA, Being 3.93 Acres and Tract 4A, Being 1.324 Acres. S. Consider and Possible Action on Conceptual Design for Indian Springs, Section 2, a pr!>posed subdivision in the City of Sanger's E.T.J. Presented by Dusty Barber. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Changing The Building Code Ordinances for Add-Ons on Residential. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Thoroughfare Plan. 8. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapt~r ~51, Texas Government Code, one or more f h b • b .d ed . ~\,\;m,,y~P1 ed h bl. A fi I • o t ea ove items may e cons1 e~ m execi:. ~ o~.ir;;;'llJJ!S tot e pu 1c. ny ma action, decision or vote on such matter will be 'W'i~P.••~~~ following the conclusion of the executive session. 1· 0 ··w:~ \ 1) \ ~ . -:!: :"'-~-~ s . : ... \\ : :: \ \ , /,-lo-<::k 1-ro~ +"'=l~......,..~,..___...,.'"""""u,r:;..;:~,,__ry_~~~ •• ............. •• D,' & Time Posted "~1. -r12xfi.s ~~-11111111ur..am,\,,,,,~ This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 1S, 2005 PRESENT: Jerry Jenkins, Ken Perry, Mike Walker, Ken Wilson, Paul Edelman, Jimmy Frazier, Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, 1. Jerry Jenkins Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: November 17, 200S Thomas Muir moved to approve the minutes as presented. Paul Edelman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Changing the Building Code Ordinances for Add-Ons on Residential. Discuss permit requirements. Jerry Jenkins asked for intent of this item tonight. Jack Smith explained current ordinance require all the same for an add-on as for a new house. Discussed they could possibly set rates/guidelines for various sizes. Jerry went through a list of proposed situations he had prepared for discussion (See attached). Discussion regarding each of the individual situations and what the different requirements would be in each situation. Discussed fees, procedures, form board surveys, engineered slabs, etc. City Manager explained that the term "New Construction" needs to be def"med. Discussed possibility of separate set of rules for new construction and additions. Lengthy Discussion continued. Staff to get more information from other cities on requirements for additions. Item tabled for future agenda. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for Miller Addition, Lot 1, block 1. Property is located at 233 Jones Street. Jimmy Frazier moved to approve the final plat based on the engineers recommendation. Seconded by Ken Perry. Motion carried unanimously. S. Adjourn. MEMO January 27, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: Item #3 and #4 -Zoning Change Attached is the information regarding this request. Nim Ashley owns this property. The property he has that is adjacent to this is currently zoned 1-1. He is requesting this change so that all of his property is zoned uniformly. R58490 R58504 R58511 R58513 R58520 R58722 R58725 R58728 R58730 R58732 R58736 R59612 R58945 R160515 R160516 R56726 R56729 R160517 R160518 R160519 R160698 R164462 R164461 R59625 l----t-,,•------•llll,------,R193059 R59634 --- R59616 R58908 * R2 726 R2 7 572 9 R58914 R267104 R267105 R267106 R267107 R267108 R58898 2671 R257218 R257219 R257220 R257221 R257222 R257223 . - , ~f' ~ ~''I ~ --.. / ZONING CHANGE REQUEST Date: Name: Address: Phone: I am requesting the property located at IOI) t;rw~. and legally described as ________________ to be considered for a zoning change from .ll.{f-to :t -f . .. I City of Someplace Special ~ December 29, 2005 TO: Property Owners FR: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary RE: Zoning Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial-1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, February 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial-1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and ·willia~ Survey , Tract SA; being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. Attached is a form for you to sign stating· ~hether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request please plan to attend these public hearings. RC:sr Enclosure ZOI BOLIVAR STREET P.O. BOX 1729 SANGER, TEXAS 76Z66 940•4S8·79J0 940•458•4180 FAX P&Z 02/02/05 cc 02/06/05 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey , Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name P&Z 11/03/05 VARIAN CE REQUEST The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning will conduct a Public Hearing on Thursday November 3, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 201 Bolivar regarding a Zoning Request Change from Agriculture (Ag) to Industrial-I (1-1) on Property Described as A0071 BURLESON, TRACT 4(1NCLUDES A940, TR5), ACRES 0.683. Property is located at 1012 Cowling Road. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: ✓ I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: <~~ SIG l{IIP/J/ {!///IV Please Print_ Your Name Mathew Morris 1008 Cowling Road Sanger, TX 76266 A& W Productions PO Box 102 Sanger, TX 76266 RE Cain 1010 Cowling Road Sanger, TX 76266 Martin Luna 110 Southside Sanger, TX 76266 Doyle Tucker / 3440 Corinth Pkwy., Apt. 2503 Corinth, TX 76028 Thelma Johnson PO Box 806 Sanger, TX 76266 Cecil Biggs 211 Ft. Worth Drive Denton, TX 76201 Leslie Wells 118 Southside Sanger, TX 76266 Steve Hopson 120 Southside Drive Sanger, TX 76266 Fred Yeatts 4960 Duck Creek Road Sanger, TX 76266 List of Property Owners 1012 Cowling Road 1 * re LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, February 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LEGAL NOTICE The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, February 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial-I) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey , Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Run 1 time MEMO January 27, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: Item #5 -Indian Springs Dusty Barber will address the Board concerning this item. He is attempting to subdivide his property located in the City of Saner' s E. T .J. A map showing the location is attached. Also attached is a copy of his proposed layout. He would like to discuss the layout with the Board prior to incurring engineering fees for platting. I ,_ .. 1,000 AC 50 0 1• • 100' 1.000 AC 1.000 AC , .. ~ ............. ✓ \000.C ·· ..... ·\ ...... 1.000 AC , ..... '2-000AC :.tJO I.( . " . ~ ~-...:..--------------------, 1 ? ,g ., > '3 ,j I I I I ·,. .. ., 1.GOGIC 1.000 "' 1.000 IC 1.000AC ...... !.000 AC . ..... . ..... ...... ...... ........ _ ........ ....... -~ .. '!I' ... ...... '°' IOC.......,. ...... 1.000 .c A y 0 A --·-! ; ' . ' J IN ·F· ------ 30 K ............ p L Jl a DENTON COUNTY 1\11 ....... ·-·~-... -........ ·-........ . ' ·., . -..... _ .... _._______ ---·~ SCAI.EINMIES T u SANGER z 1@·1&fa;-~~{6jfM'.~:~~~~M@1 0 ts, -!lil5iiir.u-.... FEEl'~.jsla!liil!Sl5!. C0PfflGH1'2005 lwMAl'SCX>. INC. -AILIIIGHl'S IIBEiMo 1000 2800 3000 MEMO January 30, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Requirements for additions to residential dwellings. The purpose of this item is to determine how we should handle additions to residential structures. Currently, these additions are treated as "new construction" and permittees are required to follow all of the procedures required for a new home (These requirements are attached). These procedures can be costly, and it was requested that these requirements be re-evaluated. I have contacted several cities and discussed their procedures with them as requested by the commission at the December meeting. Attached is the information I received from the City of Lewisville. This type of document is very detailed and easy to understand, and is one I feel we should use for a guideline in developing something similar for the City of Sanger; however, what they require and what we require are basically the same for additions. The City of Denton indicated they follow the 2003 International Building Code; however, they waive the engineered slab requirement for additions under 400 square feet. The City of Corinth follows the exact same procedure that we do. They make all new construction conform to the code. The City of Gainesville requires additions be treated the same as new residential dwellings; however, they do not require engineered foundations on any residential construction. I have contacted several other cities, and they either do not have any additional guidelines for additions or I was unable to obtain the information requested. Pat Dunlap, our current inspector, has made the recommendation that we consider allowing a Class C FHA foundation design for residential additions. This would save them the cost of getting the slab engineered; however, it is a previously engineered slab. The City would issue this plan to them and they would be required to build the foundation to these specifications OR submit an engineered foundation plan. I have attached a copy of the Class C FHA design. c.·i, · of .$"a,~tlY PERMIT REQUIREMENTS -RESIDENTIAL (1 ). Cc ntractor must complete an application for building permit. (IMPORTANT: APPLICATION M lJST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY INCLUDING SUB CONTRACTOR Th FORMATION SHEET BEFORE PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED) (2). Cc -ntractor must supply (3) three sets of construction drawings ( complete and detailed, drawn to scale an 1 scale shall be indicated on drawings), which contain specifications for: A. Foundation / Stamped / Engineered B. Floor Plan C. Electrical service size, number of circuits and smoke detector locations. (G.F.C.I. protection shall be required in bathrooms, kitchens, garages, and outside recepµicles.) D. Plumbing size trunk line, gas (if any), grease traps (if any), and size of water service line to structure. E. Elevations F. Sufficient framing information to indicate rafter and joist spacing, size of rafter,joist and purlins, and gradeaoo species of wood to be used. Also, type and thickness of roof decking ' material to be used. G Location and access to central heat and water heating units. H Windows and door schedule. I. Form Board Survey (3). O>ntractor to supply (3) three sets of plot plans drawn to scale on ·s)/2" by 11" paper. Plot plans to in::lude: A Property lines and dimensions B. Easements (if any) C Building locations D Driveway locations and widths E. Front, side, and rear yard setbacks F. Lot, block, and subdivision name G Name of street fronting property ·~H North arrow and scale 01/27/2006 16:31 9722193772 CITY OF LEWISVILLE PAGE 01 _.,____ .• .. ., ·• •• -# • ..... ·' ~ .. Ji;--< ...... t·· ... ~~ • • !.•' • .r,.1" ! • . ·~ ~-... C; ½ o ~ u wis Vi"/ I<.. LIST OF RESIDENTIAL PERMITS REQUIRED AND INFORMATION TO SUBMIT FOR PERMIT Any item listed that requires a permit also requires a penni~ appli~a.#.~n to be fnled out completely at the time of plan submittal. The following describes :wh~n a p~nnit is necessary and what to submit for City revi~w ... ---~Ian review Jtnd permit processing time can take up to ten (10) working days~/IJev,ieWs are based on the 2003 International· codes, ·2005 National ElectrJcal. Ci,de~ and various city ordinances. . -;·:: ;: Z ~-· .. ,.1 . CARPORT (NOT ALLOWED IN REQUIRED FRONT OR SIDE YARDS) 1) Three (3) oopies of the Plot plan or survey (1" = 20 9 scale) of property that shows property lines, house, easements, and the location of carport with dimensions. DETACHED GARAGE/WORKSHOP 1) Two (2) copies of the plot plan or survey (1" =-20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house and where the proposed building is to be placed. Show how far away from the house the building will be located, dimensions of the building and easement locations. 2) Two (2) complete. foundation and framing plans. 3) Two (2) complete electrical plans. Note: Workshops, studios, cabanas, etc. must be 20/eetfrom the main structure. DRIVEWAY APPROACH -WHEN CUTTING CURB OR ATTACHING TO ALLEY 1) Two (2) copies of the plot plan or survey (1" = 20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house, easements and where the new driveway approach or addition to existing approach is located. FENCES 1) Two (2) copies of the Plot plan or survey (1" =-20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house, easements and where the proposed fence and gates are to be pl-ced. Note: Visibility clips required. Ask for example handout. ! .. 01/27/2006 16:31 9722193772 CITY CF LEWISVILLE PAGE 02 FIRE DAMAGE . 0 Two (2) copies of the detailed insurance or contractor list showing what repairs are r~uired in each · affected room/rooms of the home. 2) Energy Code Compliance Data FOUNDATION REPAIR 1) Two (2) copies of the Engineer sealed letter of required repairs. 2) Pier location drawing. 3) Pier detail drawing. GARAGE CONVERSION 1) Two (2) copies of the complete framing plan showing each wall with window/door opening sizes, and a roof-framing plan. 2) Two (2) copies of the interior floor plan including electrical, plwnbing and mechanical (H.V.A.C.) plans. 3) Windows of a size equal to 10% of the floor area required. 4) Electrical outlets required every 12 feet arowid perimeter of room. 5) Energy Code Requirements. GAZEBO-OVER 120 SQUARE FEET 1) Two (2) copies of the Plot plan or survey (1" = 20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house, easements, and the location of the gazebo with dimensions. BOUSE ADDITION -1 STORY 2STORY 2ND STORY ADDITION TO A ONE-STORY STRUCTURE 1) Three (3) copies of the plot plan or survey (1" = 20' scale) of property that show p.-operty lines, dimensions of the addition (not required on 2• story additions) and easement locations. 2) Three (3) copies of foundation plan.~ r1,,.' ",,;t . •. ... e,. ,. ':;~(I 01/27/2006 16:31 9722193772 CITV OF LEWISVILLE PAGE 03 3) Three (3) copies of complete framing plan showing each wall with window/door opening sizes, and a roof-framing plan. __ ..,,._ . 4) 'fhree (3) coptes of interior floor plan including electrical, plumbing and mechanical (H.V .A.C.) plans. 5) Three.(3) copies of brick coverage plan (80% required). 6) 2003 Energy Code requirements. Note: No tulditio,u may encroach on required setbacks. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS A homeowner may not obtain a permit for their own sprinkler/irrigation system. 1) Two (2) copies of the Plot plan or sUIVey (1" = 20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house, water meter, sprinkler heads, double check valve assembly (D.C.V.A.), and freeze sensor. PATIO COVER 1) Three (3) copies of the Plot plan or survey (l" ... 20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house, easements, and location of cover with dimensions. 2) Three (3) copies of the Explanation or drawing of structural details. Note: Patio covers may not encroach upon required setbacks. RAISED DECK-OVER 30" ABOVE GRADE 1) Three (3) copies of the Plot plan or survey (1" = 20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house, easements, and location of the deck ~th dimensions. 2) Three (3) copies of the Framing plan. Note: Covered or raised decks may not encroach upon required setbacks. REMODEL 1) Two (2) copies of the interior floor plan. 2) Two (2) copies of the framing, electrical, plumbing and mechanical (H.V.A.C.) 01/27/2006 16:31 9722193772 CITY CF LEWISVILLE PAGE 04 RE-ROOF 1) Proof of fire retardant rating of roof covering. RETAINING WALLS-EXCEEDING 48 INCHES IN OVERALL. HEIGHT 1) Three (3) copies of the Plot plan or sm:vey (1" = 20' scale) of property that sbows __ property lines, house, easements, and where the proposed retaining wall will be located. 2) Engineered plan of retaining wall and drainage contours. SIDING 1) Elevation views of areas to be sided. 2) Type of siding to be used. STORAGE Bun.DING ***A PERMIT IS REQUIRED WHEN A STORAGE BUILDING IS OVER 120 SQUARE FEET IN SIZE OR HAS PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, OR MECHANICAL WORK. OF ANY KIND. LOCATION REQUIREMENTS ARE: THE BUILDING HAS TO BE LOCATED BEHIND THE FRONT BUILDING LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN TEN FEET TO THE HOME. HEIGHT OF THE STORAGE BUILDING MAY NOT EXCEED 12 FEET FROM THE GROUND TO THE HIGHEST POINT OF THE ROOF AND MUST BE PLACED ON THE LOT SO THAT THE ROOF DOES NOT DRAIN ONTO AN ADJACENT LOT. 1) Two (2) copies of the plot plan or survey (1" = 20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house and where the proposed building is to be placed. Show how far away from the house the building will be located, height of the building from the ground to the top of the roof, dimensions of the building and easement locations. · SWIMMING POOL (ABOVE OR BELOW GROUND) 1) Three (3) copies of the plot plan or survey ( l" = 20' scale) of property that shows property lines, house, easements, existing drainage and where the pool will be located. 2) Three (3) copies of the pool design plan. 3) Letter from applicable electric power company approving pool location. 4) Desaiption of fence, if existing. 01/27/2006 16:31 9722193772 CITY OF LEWISVILLE PAGE 05 5) All contractors must be registered with the City of Lewisville. Note: No portion of pool, deck or equipment may be closer than 3 feet to any property line. ·WINDOW REPLACEMENT 1 ~ Manufacturer specs showing compliance with the cUJTeJlt City Energy Code requiremepts. REPAIRS WHEN A PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, OR PLUMBING REP AIRS, , ONLY A STATE LICENSED OR MASTER REGISTERED WITH THE CI'IY CAN AND SIGN THE PERMIT APPLICATION TO OBTAIN A PERMIT. A HOMEOWNER CAN OBTAIN A PERMIT TO DO THEIR OWN WORK WHEN THE HOMEOWNER RESIDES IN THE HOME THAT REQUIRES THE PERMIT. NO ONE O1HER THAN THE ·HOMEOWNER CAN DO THE WORK UNDER A HOMEOWNER'S PERMIT. THE HOMEOWNER IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE THE Cl'IY WITH PROOF OF HOMEOWNERSHIP SUCH AS A TAX STATEMENT OR PAYMENT COUPON SHOWING THE HOMEOWNER NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROPERTY. IF THE PROPERTY IS NOT OWNER OCCUPIED SUCH AS A RENTAL PROPERTY, ONLY A STATE LICENSED OR MASTER REGISTERED WITH THE CITY CAN OBTAIN PERMITS TO DO REPAIR WORK. ELECTRICAL Depends on nature of work. Consult with City Building Inspector. MECHANICAL Depends on nature of work. Consult with City Building Inspector. PLUMBING Depends on nature of work. Consult with City Building Inspector. 01/27/2006 16:31 9722193772 CITV OF LEWISVILLE PAGE 06 WHEN A RESIDENTIAL PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED CHILDREN'S PLAY EQUIPMENT-SWING SETS, FORTS, JUNGLE GYMS, BASKETBALL GOAL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY, ETC. DECK-IF UNCOVERED AND LESS THAN 30" ABOVE GRADE GAZEBO-UNDER 120 SQUARE.FEET RETAINING WALL-LESS THAN 48" mGH ON PRIVATE PROPERTY NON-STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SLABS DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ·•-·---~--.,---••••--,.-• .... -----·-,.•-••-•-"-··--"-..---.-.. -...,.,,__.,._,._. , ... ,. ______ , ______ _....._..~.., .. -•--.-•,..::-e_..._.. .. _, __ ,_.~,·••"".., ____ _..,, .. .--..-•-.,.r-\.•-1,-·.c...----.,--:,,.,"!.•:-.c:,r--...... r(Rl11rl[R U( Al'. 2-14 101• I /' Z-IS BOTTON (lYPJ CAL) /.-:· ....... l . . .. ':i . . . )~--,---~~ VN"UI: IIARRI( P. ✓ r0RC>i b{M .... ,._ ~ ' ~ 1 I! 111GRANIA.AR FIU ( TYf' J CAL) io• ,o'' ..--! 2-14 BARS T~ iTYPJCA!..j ,oll ~ ,~ ~ 15'-6• O.C. HAX. JHTI RJof: DJ AT£ LONG) TUOINAL BtAA 12'-6" O.C. HAX nn£RH£0lAT£ TRANSV(RSE BE:AH HOUS[/ P0ROI B[AH I H0I.IS[/bAAAl1 8£AH ~ P£Rlt(TER BLAH G[N[ RAI.. NOTES: l. BOTTOM OF All BEAKS SHALL EXTfHD 6• JHTO l.tfDISlURS[O SOIL OR BEAR ON ENGJNEER£D FJLL. 2. LAP All BAR STEEL 40 OJ AMET( RS AHO LAP All WJ R[ HCSH 6 •• 3 • FOR SL AB LENGTHS tOR( THAN 50' , UP TO 60' • P1IOVJ 0( 3-tS IN BOTTOM AND 2 IS ]N lOP OF AU LOHGJl\JDIHAl. SCAMS. 4. D[AO [ND B(AHS ARE HOT ACCIPTABLL ~~,~,, n-,•, ~: .................... 1;\ . ~ 5. All BLAH AND SLAB srrn SHALL rmHD TO WJTHJH 1 112· Of [XT!RJOR roJu<S 6. BEN'\ STEE.L SHAU B[ SUPPORTED NCO Tl[D £VERY 4•-0·. 'l. C.c,NCaETE "t"c:. k. 3, 500 E>~1 WITH A M.tNIMVM '5 54(~ V\\~. I TYPE "c" SLAB j SlllJ[CT lO APPJ.OVAl BT LOCAL OHJCI P .1. RANG.£ F!Oi 30 10 45. D f-H I\. 0 ,, ___ }CE ,. ·~ / C) f · 7 .. r ·FORT WORTH HU --M J-I-. ~. , ~' "){ IU'P>.ovrn_jf1_,Jl,c;;-,cr'c·:"~:::~"""-· 1 "• -' -·•-·-----··~----·-----·-·-·--.,. -...• ---· OU f.1 -~<!JII l( C /11o;.1;.) )'Ill/I l!'i 1 . "'\ ' ----·----·"-·-"' ---·-.. -----·-···-·••·" ·-·----····-___ . ______ ,, ... ________ ._, .... -....... _ .. _, ....... '-"-.. ---.-·---·---· _,.,_..,Mo.,.. #" .. --............... _______ .. _____ 4 .... .... MEMO January 27, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Re: Thoroughfare Plan There is some information included with your packet regarding TXDOT's proposed improvements to Ill-35. We have requested a representative from TXDOT be present at the meeting to present this to you; however, have not got a commitment that they will be here. There are some detailed prints of the proposal available for review at City Hall, and they will be available at the meeting as well. TXDOT will be holding public hearings regarding the improvements in Sanger the week of February Q 13, 2006. We do not have specific dates, but wanted the commission to be informed of this. We will let you know ifwe receive more information regarding this.