03/02/2006-PZ-Agenda Packet-Regular1. Call Meeting to Order. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 2. Approve Minutes: February 2, 2006 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) 1-1 (Industrial) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey , Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) 1-1 (Industrial) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey , Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. S. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Old SF3 (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Two Family) on Property Legally Described as the Mary H. Shirley Addn., Block 9, Lot 11 D. The Property is Located in the 600 Block of South Second Street. 6. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Request Change from Old SF3 (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Two Family) on Property Legally Described as the Mary H. Shirley Addn., Block 9, Lot 11 D. The Property is Located in the 600 Block of South Second Street. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to SF 2 (Single Family 2) on Property Legally Described Indian Springs Estates, Block A, Lots 1-6. Property is located on Rising Star Lane 8. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to SF 2 (Single Family 2) on Property Legally Described Indian Springs Estates, Block A, Lots 1-6. Property is located on Rising Star Lane. 9. Adjourn. •• ,c.< \ .:· This facility is wheelchair accessible an c~~~~~g spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive seJVik_s.~ust ;,,krde.48'·hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION February 2, 2006 PRESENT: Chairperson Jerry Jenkins, Ken Perry, Gary Bilyeu, Andy Garza, Paul Edelman, Jimmy Frazier, Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary/ Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Councilman Robert Patton, Mayor Joe Higgs, Barry Heard, Dusty Barber, Ted Tegeny, Vickie McCullom 1. Jerry Jenkins Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: December lS, 200S Thomas Muir moved to approve the minutes as presented. Jimmy Frazier seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) 1-1 (Industrial) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 940, McKinney Williams Survey, Tract SA, Being 3.93 Acres and Tract 4A, Being 1.324 Acres. Public Hearing opened. Jerry Jenkins asked if the property owner had been advised of the 8' screening requirement. Staff indicated they had not advised him of this requirement. Discussed notification to property owners, it appears some were not notified. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) 1-1 (Industrial) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 940, McKinney Williams Survey, Tract SA, Being 3.93 Acres and Tract 4A, Being 1.324 Acres. Item tabled for property notices to be re-sent to the public. S. Consider and Possible Action on Conceptual Design for Indian Acres, Section 2, a proposed subdivision in the City of Sanger's E.T .J. Presented by Dusty Barber. Dusty Barber addressed the commission and indicated that he had 40 acres to develop North of town in Indian Acres. He showed the commission a conceptual plan of the layout. He indicated he wanted to do 1 acre lots. There would be 2 cul-de-sacs 1000' apart. The property is land-locked and there will only be one entry/exit. Layout and dimension of lots discussed. Discussed septic tanks and wells. Mayor Joe Higgs indicated the City ordinances require they put in concrete streets. Discussion regarding streets. Staff will research County requirements. Jerry Jenkins asked Mr. Barber to do some more research with the County regarding the streets and other requirements, and come back to the commission If he wished. Jerry Jenkins asked staff to request that the Building Inspector and City Engineer come to the meeting the next time this is on the agenda. Chairperson skipped to Item #7 6. Consider and Possible Action on Thoroughfare Plan. Barry Heard addressed the commission, indicating the City Manager had asked them to be here. He introduced the project engineers. Ted Tegeny, Project Engineer, addressed the commission regarding the proposed improvements to IH-3S. The following was discussed: TxDOT is in the process of scheduling public hearing in the City of Sanger for proposed improvements to IH-3S. This project would most likely not begin until the year 201S, when the two projects further south are completed. The project through Sanger will begin at 380 in Denton and continue to F.M. 3002 North of the Cooke County line. This is the point where they start the public involvement process. They are considering three options. One would be to widen IH-3S where it currently sets, the second option would be to move IH-3S to the West, and the third would be to move IH-3S to the East. The public involvement is to get input as to which of these would be most favorable, they are hoping to have the final decision and design completed by the end of 2006. They are taking into consideration environmental issues, safety, possible displacements and public input. Once the project is started, it will take approximately 4 to S years to complete. Discussed R.O. W. acquisition. Jerry Jenkins asked Barry Heard if the City should contact his office regarding local issues. Discussion regarding issue on F .M. 455. Barry Heard indicated his office is handling this, the job is still programmed. There are some issues with the plan that need to be worked out. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Changing the Building Code Ordinances for Add-Ons on Residential. Samantha Renz addressed the commission and indicated that the City of Lewisville had prepared a document listing the requirements for several different types of permits. She indicated that she felt the City of Sanger should adopt a similar document for issuance to developers. Discussion followed. Discussed memo in packet that indicated the Building Inspector had recommended that a Class C FHA foundation be allowed instead of requiring an engineered foundation plan on additions to residential dwellings. This would save developers the engineering costs. Thomas Muir moved to request that staff formulate an ordinance allowing the Class C FHA foundation, and prepare the list or needed items to be issued to developers, and bring back tot he commission for review, and possible recommendation to the City Council. Gary Bilyeu seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO February 24, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Nim Ashley Zoning Request on Cowling Road Attached is the information regarding this request. This was on the last agenda and tabled for proper notice to be given to the surrounding property owners. This notice has been given. .. . .. , ZONING CHANGE REQUEST Date: Name: Address: Phone: I am requesting the property located at IOI .J-f 01<.J 4zy1k(, and legally described as ----,.----==-----------to be considered for a zoning change from .£l{f-to ':t -f . .. J • ; l· I l February 16, 2006 To: Property Owners Fr: Rosalie Chavez Re: Zoning Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, March 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial-1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey , Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. Attached is a form for you to sign and return to City Hall stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request, please plan to attend the public hearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you for your immediate attention to this request. RC:sr Enclosures P&Z 03/02/0S CC 03/06/0S ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey , Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name P&Z 02/02/0S CC 02/06/0S ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to 1-1 (Industrial -1) on Property Legally described as Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey , Tract SA, being 3.93 Acres, and Abstract 940, McKinney and Williams Survey, Tract 4A, being 1.324 acres. Property is Located off of Cowling Road. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: ✓ I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: ~ SIGNATU ' DATE ££&(',tVl1'1s Please~ t Your Name • R58369 R58378 . ". ,o R58383 R58392 t1 J .R587. I " o:· -I, R5873T' 10 ., I J -.. I /-/ ~?.~~ f •I row I 2 i R58402 / .. . ·~ .,. J 0 " .. \. ==-_/ ~rim. f' ~ '-..?' ·-------, R587_4'1 . --\J \ ,, \ \ 11 R58749 2 I R59612 • ~ +, R!S~5 I Ttmellos•b~,_....atty.2ml!~CAD. ~ ... I t IR5890 • I ._\a ._ I P2: ll~~- ' r· P27 :1 ·I I I , ----~ll"C10aalb§ DIH ~--, ____ _ ______ ., J . /L f f l, L .......... t:.; .. ;. .. ~:-axn I 11 Ati~6cffi] , LEE, LOY E & BARBARA M 112 SOUTHSIDE DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. JOHNSON, THELMA POBOX806 SANGER,TX 76266 1. BIGGS, CECIL W 211 FT WORTH DR DENTON,TX 76201 1. WELLS, LESLIE 118 SOUTHSIDE DR SANGER,TX 76266-6601 1. HOPSON, STEVE T 120 SOUTHSIDE DR SANGER,TX 76266-6601 1. GUERRERO, ARTURO V 122 SOUTHSIDE DR SANGER,TX 76266-6601 1. PENNINGTON, EVELYN A 124 SOUTHSIDE DR SANGER,TX 76266-6601 1. ROBINSON, BETTY JO 126 SOUTHSIDE DR SANGER,TX 76266-6601 1. SONS, VELVA C 128 SOUTHSIDE DR SANGER,TX 76266-6601 1. CAIN, RE 1010 COWLING RD SANGER,TX 76266-9080 I. YEA TIS, FLORA E ESTATE C/O YVONNE CAIN PO BOX 513 SANGER,TX 76266 I. A&W PRODUCTIONS PO BOX 102 SANGER,TX 76266 I. LENNAR HOMES OF TEX LAND & CON 1707 MARKET PL #260 IRVING,TX 75063-8042 I. SAGER, MATTHEW & JANET 519 MICHAEL RD SANGER,TX 76266 I. TEHAS, VERNON L & JOAN A 325 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 I. TULLIER, BEN K & KARISSA N 323 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 I. PACE, JASON A 321 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 I. SOTO, JULIO C & GLADYS I 317 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. BARCLAY, CASEY & BRITTANY DOWDEN 315 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. GMAC MODEL HOME FIN INC PARAGON II STE 350 6802 PARAGON PL RICHMOND,VA 23230 1. DR HORTON TEXAS LTD PS 4306 MILLER RD STE A ROWLETI,TX 75088 1. LOOPER, JERRY & TAMARA 328 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. BELL, ROXANNE 326 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. SPRABEARY, ROBERT J & KAREN R 324 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. WORSTER, CHRIS 322 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. TELLEZ, ERNESTO 320 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. BARBER, DUSTIN 318 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. JOHNSON, CLEM 316 QUAIL CROSSING DR SANGER,TX 76266 MEMO February 24, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: 600 Block of South 2nd Street Attached is the information regarding this request. Date: · Name: Address: "?z. 3/2-/0'1 CL 3/iP /o (., ZONING CHANGE REQUEST THE METES AND BOUNDS (LEGAL DESCRIPTION) QF THE PROPERTY IS AJTACIIED. R57764 Page 1 of 1 ~::..~-•.-,., 4lllfo.dtlon _Cl! 6,ppralsed COOK, NEILAN EUGENE, Sr. (0523288) MARY H SHIRLEY, BLOCK 9(S100'),11,D 28,573 19536 138TH AVE SE RENTON.WA 98058-7789 E H--.\d~ C16, G01, S14 0 SltusAdhs Hltllijl 603S2NDST I 2001 2QQil 2003 2002 lmpHS . . . . Imp NHS . -. . Sales Land HS --. . 08,te Volume ~ Selle~-· Land NHS $28,573 $28,573 $28,573 $33,185 03-176991 COOK.NE AgMkt . . . . COOK.NE Ag Use . . . . TlmMkt -. . . Tim Use . . . . HS Cap . . . . Assessed $28,573 $28,573 $28,573 $33,185 'I > .. lmRJ'9V~nt $Jcetch Building Altdbas "i, .. Constn.ictlon Foundation Exterior Interior Roof Flooring , Heat/AC Baths Fireplace Year Built Rooms s.ctrooms Improvements . !YP8 ~s>t!~ . .... _ Area Year Built . -~•v~ --Yalu, .. . I . ~ Description A"'8 Market _,.. __ Ag Value C1 Improved Lot 1.1249 28,573 . . -----------~ ~ -1 All~-~ --~--.. -- February 16, 2006 To: Property Owners Fr: Rosalie Chavez Re: Zoning Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Old SFJ (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Two Family) on Property Legally Described as the Mary H. Shirley Addn., Block 9, Lot 11 D. The Property is Located in the 600 Block of South Second Street. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, March 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.to Consider a Zoning Request Change from Old SFJ (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Two Family) on Property Legally Described as the Mary H. Shirley Addn., Block 9, Lot 11 D. The Property is Located in the 600 Block of South Second Street. Attached is a form for you to sign and return to City Hall stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request, please plan to attend the public hearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you for your immediate attention to this request. RC:sr Enclosures P&Z 03/02/05 cc 03/06/05 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from Old SF3 (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Two Family) on Property Legally Described as the Mary H. Shirley Addo., Block 9, Lot 11 D. The Property is Located in the 600 Block of South Second Street. If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name Map Output ~$.}, b-1--.\\ -I ' ' I t .. ,.._ 7 ' • ;R1-1~ ,R7847&R 5830 ~851 ;R581~! : i R57~3-, : ~--9 _ 1R~!~~·,~92~ \ 'R112065 \ ~ R,~ 2 --; e,~t.853-. ! ,1..; R57798 1 R57824 , i ib'l.122~.oo -_::J 1 ;-. t __ -\ , R58207R58216 IRS.822;,_tR58178 q>I ~, I I 2 ! R102979 / ~ 'R112066 I l -.. _!._ .J ~aT,J:..: __ _J g R57805 I R57815 \ t '1 R58758 I -!.-...._· ,._ i-.. ---, J;· l 2 1 3 • O') , iii I ------_ _ '_6(580') · -2(962.5')-1 1 L • --•• J R58761 \ _ i ,, 1R112067 \ ----~..,.,---r--~~-1---'--·--·---, 82622 I -I •IA --8(N80') --ell. fl I -·--7 '. I R~40 ~-~581~R58151 I Ii R5782 i .., \ I I y ; , , · , ·;:· --. 7(ALL) I I -, I i 24 I ,~}' 9i'.:.. _ ·i I R57833 5783 .t : . 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I I\ i: \ \ =--c o-;-/- //- D- D· •· •· •· CJ· ~-.... •· Ou CJ· •· o,, •· •· •· •· •· • .. •· •· •· Page2 of4 http://maps.dentoncad.com/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=mapbookstest&ClientVersion=4.0&Fonn=True&E ... 2,"'2/2006 NEWTON, NINA 502 S 3RD ST SANGER, TX 76266-5333 HOLCOMB, GEORGE 508 S 3RD ST SANGER, TX 76266-5333 BLACKBURN, C J 512 S 3RD ST SANGER, TX 76266-5333 COGDELL, DANNY & SUE 69CEDARST GORDONVILLE, TX 76245 DUNCAN, ROBERT B 602 S 3RD ST SANGER, TX 76266-5334 FOWLER, MICHAEL A 1859 VINTAGE CT CORINTH, TX 76210-2807 PEYTON, MARGARET D 606 S 3RD ST SANGER, TX 76266 REYNOLDS, ELLEN M 6093RDST SANGER, TX 76266 ELLISON, SIMON 607 S 3RD ST SANGER, TX 76266-5334 ELLISON, SIMON 607S3RDST SANGER, TX 76266-5334 SPRINGER, JOHN D & ELIZABETH POBOX248 SANGER, TX 76266-0036 SALAZAR, ARTURO & ROSA A POBOX55 SANGER, TX 76266 PARSONS, REX ALLEN POBOX825 SANGER, TX 76266-0825 HOLLINGSWORTH, B J 6033 RECTOR RD SANGER, TX 76266 TIPTON, GENE 614 S 2ND ST SANGER, TX 76266-5606 LINDSEY, JAMES W 700S2NDST SANGER, TX 76266-9773 HAMMONS, IDA BELLE PO BOX 1 701 S 2ND ST SANGER, TX 76266-0001 ROBINSON, STEVE W & DEBORAH 9850 POLLARD RD SANGER, TX 76266-1966 STOCK.ARD, ELOISE POBOX685 DENTON, TX 76202-0685 UNDERWOOD, OLAN T POBOX952 SANGER, TX 76266-0952 PARSONS, REX ALLEN POBOX825 SANGER, TX 76266-0825 COOK, NEILAN EUGENE, Sr. 19536 138TH A VE SE RENTON, WA 98058-7789 GENTLE, 0 M, Jr. 503 S 2ND ST SANGER, TX 76266-5616 MEMO February 24, 2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Rising Star Lane Attached is the infonnation regarding this request. I spoke to Chairperson Jenkins regarding this item, and he agreed to initiate this request as a Planning and Zoning member. Basically, when property is annexed into the city limits, it is automatically zoned AG (Agriculture). This subdivision was taken in and is still zoned agriculture. This change would zone the property for it's current use. February 16, 2006 To: Property Owners Fr: Rosalie Chavez Re: Zoning Change The City of Sanger's Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar, in the Council Chambers on Thursday, March 2, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to SF 2 (Single Family 2) on Property Legally Described Indian Springs Estates, Block A, Lots 1-6. Propery is located on Rising Star Lane. The City of Sanger's City Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 201 Bolivar in the Council Chambers on Monday, March 6, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. to Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to SF 2 (Single Family 2) on Property Legally Described Indian Springs Estates, Block A, Lots 1-6. Propery is located on Rising Star Lane. Attached is a form for you to sign and return to City Hall stating whether or not you approve of this request. If for any reason you do not approve, or have any questions regarding this request, please plan to attend the public hearings on the above scheduled dates. Thank you for your immediate attention to this request. RC:sr Enclosures P&Z 03/02/05 cc 03/06/05 ZONING REQUEST To Consider a Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to SF 2 (Single Family 2) on Property Legally Described Indian Springs Estates, Block A, Lots 1-6. Propery is located on Rising Star Lane . If you disapprove this Request, please be in attendance at the scheduled meetings. Please check one: I approve of the Request I disapprove of the Request Comments: SIGNATURE DATE Please Print Your Name GENTLE, FRANCES L 3763 DUCK CREEK RD SANGER, TX 76266 PRUITT, CHRISTOPHER & CHRISTINE 306TEJAS DR SANGER, TX 76266 CATES, LARRY K & BRENDA D 304TEJAS SANGER, TX 76266 RULAND, KENNETH D & SHELLEY LCO-TRUSTEES FOR RULAND FAMILY TRUST POBOX992 SANGER, TX 76266 ROMO, MARTIN & SAN JUANITA 204TEJAS DR SANGER, TX 76266 BROWN, DELORES ll0TEJAS DR SANGER,TX 76266 WATKINS, MICHAEL R 202TEJASDR SANGER, TX 76266-5012 SCHNEIDER, RON & LAURA 108 TEJAS DR SANGER, TX 76266-5011 PERKINS, GLENN & ANGELA Owner Address: 104 TEJAS DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. MOOREHEAD, DALE Owner Address: 102 TEJAS DR SANGER,TX 76266-5011 1. AMYX, RALPH & LELA Owner Address: PO BOX 326 SANGER,TX 76266-0326 1. LOOPER, JOHNNY R Owner Address: 663 RISING ST AR LN SANGER,TX 76266-5037 1. CRAWFORD, WILLIAMS & MARCY Owner Address: 529 RISING STAR LN SANGER,TX 76266-5036 1. PRICE, MICHAEL & NICKY HILLIARD Owner Address: 593 RISING STAR LN SANGER,TX 76266 1. RICHARDSON, JACKY G Owner Address: 527 RISING ST AR LN SANGER,TX 76266-5036 1. TOPPER, ANN MARIE Owner Address: 303 E CARRUTH LN DOUBLE OAK,TX 75077-7334 1. WORTHINGTON, CURTIS J & CHRISTIE Owner Address: 620 RISING ST AR LN SANGER,TX 76266 1. WA TIS, BRADLEY J & JENNIFER L Owner Address: 2019 DUCK CREEK RD SANGER,TX 76266 1. NORIE, ERNEST Owner Address: 2051 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9176 1. EUBANKS, JAY Owner Address: 2049 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9176 1. SHERWOOD, DONALD LET AL Owner Address: 2047 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. QUIROZ, DANIEL & CARLOS O SR Owner Address: 2043 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9176 1. QUIROZ, DANIEL Owner Address: 2043 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. BYFORD, JAMES C, Jr. Owner Address: 2041 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9176 1. THOMPSON, CARLOS A & DINA D Owner Address: 2037 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. BISHOP, ELIZABETH & COGDELL, MILDRED H Owner Address: 2035 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. HARTMAN, STEVEN D & CINDY M Owner Address: 2033 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9176 1. STEFL, TAMMIE K Owner Address: 2031 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9176 1. KETCHUM, GEORGE E & BONNIE J Owner Address: 2039 BROOKE DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. GLEASON, DALE P & KRISTI G Owner Address: 2037 BROOKE SANGER,TX 76266 1. LENINGTON, DAVID & LORI Owner Address: 2035 BROOKE DR SANGER,TX 76266-5058 1. BUSSEY, RONNIE JR & MARILYN Owner Address: 2033 BROOKE DR SANGER,TX 76266-5058 1. MORENO, JACOB Owner Address: 2031 BROOKE DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. MOORE, DONALD B JR & STACI M Owner Address: 2029 BROOKE DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. FAIN,GARY Owner Address: PO BOX 934 SANGER,TX 76266-0934 1. SOLORZANO, MARY M Owner Address: 2535 MARSH LN APT 201 CARROLLTON,TX 75006-2254 1. MCNEAL, JEFFREY D Owner Address: 2030 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. GALLARDO, MARK A & KIMBERLY A Owner Address: 2032 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9174 1. BOLIN, PAUL A Owner Address: 2034 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9174 1. BAREFOOT, JW & NANCY Owner Address: 2036 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9174 1. BOYER, GEORGE F Owner Address: 2046 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266-9177 1. RAY, WALTER CTR Owner Address: 10744 FM 428 AUBREY,TX 76227-4277 1. JOHNSON, FLOYD Owner Address: 2050 LANEY DR SANGER,TX 76266 1. R59738 R130060 I R130101 I R130103 I R130104 I R130107 1301s2R130154 $130158R13016 130156 R1301a4 13013aR1301~ R13012i R130118 R183728 13000i(R1301 R183727 R57434 R12: ' . . ,· t.':R1~ -.\ R130115 ~ I (-'. I -'i''f- , .. ~CJ _.;~ <'I 8120137 ,,. 1 ' ff~, / '-,,R56549 • " t~~3-' Rl201 120,54RP201$5R1io1 R.201$7 R56614 R56621