10/02/2006-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2006 6:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: July 27, 2006 3. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Chair and Co-Chair Penons. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Preliminary/Final Plat for Forrest Addition, being a 3 lot subdivision in the E.T .J. of the City of Sanger. Property is Located on Mesquite Hill Road, North of FM 45S East. S. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. 6. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Teus Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Teus Govenment Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open ~~\\"i/R.U~~l,?g the conclusion of the executive session. ~\\ r .,A .. ,-'l. ~;;;.. c, :-:, ·,t-.1 ·r;.-.. -~... .... •••••••• .. (.)' ·'!:-~ ~ _/· ~f>"° .. /fl' ··• .. ;_~:/\~ ~; ," ........ ·--··-:-,, . .;:.,:. ----------=---· ..... f1 """""". -;-i ')~-) !,-:;(l-JaJf,p lJ:/5{)[n _, Rosalie Chavez, City Secre V ~ ••• .. Pate & Time Posted ' •o., .i•• ~~ .... ~.. •:.:,•-~:•-•" ... ~ ~-. '?-r~x. C. ~ .. 'ti',: I r.: I-\...-,\~ 'l/11.·,•,· •·,1··••1· .\\S· • •I Ht~ ••• This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further infonnation. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION July 27, 2006 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Jerry Jenkins, Ken Perry, Andy Garza, Jimmy Fnzier, Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Jack and Jane Richardson, Brad Walters, Joe Topper, Merrie Lou Abney 1. Chairperson Jerry Jenkins Called Meeting to Order. 2. Approve Minutes: March 2, 2006 Thomas Muir moved to approve the minutes as presented subject to the addition of the outcome/vote on Item #8. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from OLD SF3 (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Two -Family) on Property Legally Described as Hampton Block 2S, Lot 38 (East 80' of South 60'). Property is Located at 317 Church Street. Public Hearing opened. Peggy Williams, 316 Church St., indicated she did not understand how this could be made a two-family home unless they built on. She indicated the lot was large enough but she was concerned about parking in the street. Public Hearing closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action on a Zoning Request Change from OLD SF3 (Old Single Family 3) to 2F (Two -Family) on Property Legally Described as Hampton Block 25, Lot 38 (East 80' of South 60'). Property is Located at 317 Church Street. Jimmy Fnzier indicated the zoning request does not indicate what they would like to do with the property. It only expresses that he would like an additional electric meter. He would like to know if they wish to build on or tear it down and build a new building. Chairperson Jenkins indicated he did not like to make a decision without the applicant present. He indicated he had looked a the property and felt the house did not fit the qualifications of a duplex. If they zoned for Two-Family it would be a non-conforming use. They cannot meet the parking requirements. Brief discussion followed. Mr. Jenkins indicated in the past another individual tried to get Two-Family zoning in a single family area and he was denied. Discussion as to whether requirements could be met. Discussed zoning in surrounding area. Jimmy Frazier moved to deny the request. Ken Perry seconded. Motion carried unanimously. S. Discuss and Consider Possible Action Regarding Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Map and the Zoning Ordinances. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, indicated they had the current zoning map with notations indicating the current uses. Also there was some discussion on changing some areas to match the land use plan. Staff wished to bring this to the commission and if they approved would proceed with notifying property owners and initiating zoning changes on these properties. Discussion regarding the zoning for the Wal-mart Distribution Center. Ken Perry indicated that he remembered there was a 750' business and/or industrial setback along IH-35. City Manager indicated a reference in the metal building ordinance was all he was aware of. Discussion regarding the area along IH-35. Cecile Carson explained the process for the zoning change, and addressed that there may be additional changes when the comprehensive plan is done. Jimmy Frazier asked about the location of Jennifer Circle. Mr. Jenkins indicated it was off of Belz Road. Discussion regarding the zoning, the zoning map and the ordinances. Discussed different zoning classifications, and changing Old SFJ to fit into a category. Discussed number of zoning classifications for residential. Cecile Carson indicated looking at the zoning ordinance will be the next step when the comprehensive plan is done. Discussed the old zoning classification -OLD SF3. City Manager indicated that we do not have a current classification that these will fit in, that is why the map reflects it as such. Discussed that this was a meeting to discuss what the commission would like to see them work toward. Thomas Muir moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to Council that staff look at the current uses and current/old zoning and look at the current zoning ordinances, try to match them, and bring them back to Planning and Zoning initially for them to review and potentially send to City Council. Andy Gana seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Cecile Carson indicated that a whole adoption of the map is an easier process. Brief Discussion followed -this will clean up a few areas on the zoning map. 6. Meeting Adjourned. MEMO September29,2006 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Forrest Addition Attached is the information on this request. The Surveyor will be bringing corrected plats prior to the meeting. There is a reduced copy of the plat attached. Mayor & City Council Sanger, Texas September 28, 2006 . We would appreciate your review of attached property for platting purposes. We are requesting a variance on the ETJ Sub-Division Road requirements. This Road has been in place since the late1960's. We are applying under Denton County Sub-Division ordinance to activate the option of 6 lots on a Private Road. Under this ordinance, We do not have to meet normal requirements for paving and 60 ft. easements. We·would also ask for variances on the drainage analysis, the 2:02 acres involved has a natural drainage to a culvert under the road, and then natural flow to a·4 acre lake. We would also, request a variance on sidewalk requirements, We are not attempting to develop a Sub-Division, We are only trying to sell a 2.02 a~re tract on the southwest comer of property, to Buddy Caston. His Son Will Ellis owns the 2 acres adjoining this tract. The property already has Bolivar Water, and Co-Serv surrounding it. W~ ¥~ asking for variances so that Mr, Caston and His Wif~ can start building th~ir home. They hav¢ been Homeless for over a year now, Ev~cything they.owned was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in Biloxi, Ms. Last August 28, 2005. · "'y{f;will appreciate your consideration ofthis··matter. Thank You Johnny Forrest Mary Forrest I N 88'01'00" E "1})/)~0--bi, . I ---u / J I I --· I / / ( 3152.llO • i ~~ ·~~~o~Q .~ = I -=-! ~+,- ! iM\Fi ~rn, Ill .,L. 1"•80' -------l"J _...,. _____ --------· ------...-.--z 0 ti ~ ~ \ \~ \ H e,ro1·01r 1:. , · ~ i ,,... \~ \ \ ~R2.88 \ f~~l N 88'01'00" E ,::. 342.99 . -=-• i ~ ---"'-••------~· :-.a..-o=.--.~.ff"' ...... Iii-~-~..;... ·a,T,-'~~ .. ~--,r, ... --.... 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Ollf- ---,.0..1D --- FtW. PLAT FORREST ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK A 9ltlll 2.024 MIID 1N 'II.: llllle:N IIDCC IIUIM'I' -MSffWJr NO. 2t IIINIOII OOIMIY, 1IIUI IUGUIT:ZO. 200t --_._........., .... P.O. .. _, ------__ ,_,... 401 S. Locust St. Suite 1058 Denton, TX 76201 Office: 940.380. 9453 Fax: 940.380. 9431 September 27, 2006 Mr. Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Forest Addition Final Plat & Construction Plans AE No.: SAN04GS Dear Mr. Smith: --Allison Engineering-recommends denial of the Final Plat. Our recommendation is based upon the fqllowing considerations: ---·· • The site is located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of Sanger. It is not subject to zoning requirements. It must meet all of the minimum requirements of Denton County as well as those of Sanger. • We do not have any record of an approved preliminary plat. Please see the subdivision regulations for the required contents of a preliminary plat. • The development as presented does not qualify for a short form process. • A drainage analysis has not been presented with the final plat. • The title refers to only Lot 1, Block A, but the drawing and legal description includes Lots 1, 2 and 3. • There is not a road dedication for Mesquite Hill Road A 60 foot right of way is required per the Denton County regulations. • Sidewalks may be required. If the applicant desires any variances from the City subdivision regulations, then they must file a written request with the City. The request may be presented before the plat is brought forth or at the same time. In either case the request must be clearly presented. The applicant may also desire to present the preliminary plat and the final plat to the City at the saine time. For such a small development, this is acceptable. The preliminary plat will be place on the various agendas. before the final plat. If the preliminary plat should not pass, then the final plat will not be considered at"that meeting. Current tax certificates must be provided to the City before the plat can be filed with Qle County. Allison Engineering's review of submittals for land development projects is only intended to establish a reasonable level of confidence that the developer is complying with applicable rules and regulations. Our review is not intended to provide quality control nor assure anyone that the Page I of2 Planning Communities • Designing the Systems That Serve Them P:\Projccts\SAN!J4GS General Senices\Sub Division Rcviews\2006\Fon·est Addition\2006-09-27 Final Plat Rev .. d<X· development is fully compliant. The responsibility for compliance remains solely with the developer throughout the process; from zoning and platting through construction and the warranty period. The developer is responsible for correcting all deficiencies, regardless of the time they are discovered. We appreciate the opportunity to continue providing professional services for the City of Sanger. Please call if you have any questions or need any additional information or clarification. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group, LP Lee K. Allison, P .E., FNSPE Xe: Rose Chavez Eddie Branham John Henderson Mike Prater · · Samantha Renz Pat Dunlap Wilhite Land Surveying, Inc. Page2 of2 Planning Communities • Designing the Systems That Serve Them P:\f'r<1ject~\SAN04GS Gen..':rdl Servia."!'\Sub Dhision Reviews\200f>ifurrest Additit•n\2006-09-27 final Plat Rev .. J,ic