05/31/2007-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING THURSDAY, MAY 319 2007 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes: May 17, 2007 3. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision, Phase II -A, Lots 14, Block B and Lots 14, Block C; and Phase H-B Lots 5-7, Block B and Lots 5-7, Block C. Property is Located on Lakecrest Drive, North of FM 455. 4. Consider and Possible Action Ordinances. 5. Adjourn. Rosalie Chavez, City Zoning, Subdivision and Building Date &Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for fiuther information. { MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING MAY 17, 2007 PRESENT: Paul Edleman, Brian Hutcherson, Gary Bilyeu, Glen Jensen, Russell Martin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Engineer Rob Woods, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Steve Koch, Trisa Koch, Byron Wadden, Bill Fuller, G. Reid Langg, Jr., Margaret Lang, Rusty Patton 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes: May 3, 2007 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Concept Plan relating to a future Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1024, R. Prather Survey, Tract 4, Being 29.373 Acres and Abstract 103, P.S. Black Survey, Tract 18, Being 8.301 Acres. Property is Located North of Indian Springs Subdivision and East of Choctaw Ridge Estates. Public Hearing Opened. No Discussion. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Concept Plan relating to a future Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 1024, R. Prather Survey, Tract 4, Being 29.373 Acres and Abstract 103, P.S. Black Survey, Tract 18, Being 8.301 Acres. Property is Located North of Indian Springs Subdivision and East of Choctaw Ridge Estates. City Engineer, Rob Woods, recommended they change the name from Choctaw Ridge Phase 4 to something different. Gary Bilyeu indicated they should address each item individually. He read the first item as follows: Water: This area lies within the Bolivar Water Supply Corp. (BWSC) CCN and the City limits of Sanger. Therefore, this development will be required to provide fire protection. The waiving of this requirement can jeopardize the City's overall insurance rating and can place an undo financial burden upon the citizens of Sanger. BWSC will need to provide documentation to the City of Sanger to insure that their water system can meet the minimum fire protection requirements. Commission discussed Fire Protection and Bolivar Water. Steve Koch indicated that Bolivar water has SDR Ultra 21 and the City's standard is C900. Bolivar water has agreed to put in fire hydrants, and he (Mr. Koch) will put in C900 as the City requires. City Engineer indicated a letter from Bolivar Water will need to be submitted stating that they will provide fire protection. Discussion regarding the procedure for a Planned Development. The following items from the City Engineer's letter was discussed: Traffic and Roads: This development as shown is to be served by one entrance and that will be off of Choctaw Ridge a county road with a width of approximately twenty-four feet (24) with barrow ditches to handle the storm water runoff. Staff is recommending for a connection to be provided to the east for future connectivity and a future second point of access to the development Road Standards: The applicant is requesting for an asphalt county road section which would be a minimum of twenty-four feet wide with barrow ditches. Shown below are the city ordinance(s) pertaining to this item. City of Sanger Ordinance — Ch. 10, Section 6, Article 6.02, Section C, paragraph 1, states that: Residential street paving shall be a minimum of thirty six feet (36) in width, measured between the faces of curbs. If City Council & P&Z Commission chooses to modify this requirement then Staff would like to recommend that a concrete pavement section be utilized within this development and that the overall street width would be no less than twenty-four feet with barrow ditches to accommodate storm water runoff. This will coincide with the Indian Springs which is adjacent to this proposed development. The City as part of the Capital Improvement Program is replacing existing asphalt pavement section with a concrete pavement section located within Indian Springs. The cost difference between the concrete pavement section and asphalt pavement section is approximately twelve (12%) to fifteen (15%) percent with concrete being slightly higher. The cost comparison was made by utilizing recently obtained bids for the Indian Springs Phase 1 - Capital Improvements Program. Shown below are the city ordinances pertaining to this item. Mr. Koch indicated that a 12 to 15% increase is a lot of money. The profit margin is not there to do concrete. He indicated there is a lot more involved than just the actual pavement. Gary Bilyeu indicated that Mr. Koch is giving quite a bit to the City, he's giving large homes and lots, which will create tax revenue. In turn, Mr. Koch is requesting a waiver from concrete streets. A property owner in the audience indicated that his main concern was the increased traffic and drainage. There is already a drainage problem in the area. Mr. Koch indicated the drainage will be detained, the runoff will not be increased. Discussed traffic flow. Paul Edleman indicated that if they include the access to the East, it will sit for however long it takes to develop the property to the East. Property owners expressed concerns regarding increased traffic through their subdivision. Discussion followed. Steve Koch indicated he was asking for compromises. He is not getting City water or sewer, but he is giving the City 28 new homes. The next item discussed was the following: Landscaping and Sidewalks: Sidewalks: City of Sanger Ordinance — Ch. 10, Section 6, Article 6.03, states that: Sidewalks in industrial areas and planned developments will be as required by the city Discussed that Mr. Koch is requesting a variance on sidewalks. Driveways: If City Council & PU Commission chooses to modify this requirement then Staff would like to recommend that a concrete driveway be constructed within the public right-of-way limits. Shown below are the city ordinances pertaining to this item. City of Sanger Ordinance — Ch. 3 Article 3.1200, Section 4 states that: All driveways shall be constructed using 3000 psi concrete with #3 bars at 24' o.c. In accordance with NCTCOG standard specfications, latest edition. City of Sanger Ordinance — Ch. 3 Article 3.1200, Section 2 — paragraph E, states that: All driveway culverts within the city shall be designed to accommodate 100 vear storm events and shall be constructed in accordance with TXDOT standards with minimum 6:1 headwalls. Mr. Koch indicated he will put in Concrete driveways from the road to the house and culverts per City ordinance. The next item discussed was the following: Signage: The applicant is requesting forfour (4) monument signs. Staff recommends two monument signs located at the main entrance. All monument signs will need to be located outside of the public right-of-way. Maintenance of the signs shall be the responsibility of the property owners or the Homeowners Association. Mr. Koch indicated that was an error on his part, he did only intend to have two signs, and they will be outside of the Right of Way. The roads were addressed again, discussion continued regarding asphalt versus concrete streets. A property owner asked if Mr. Koch had possibly considered purchasing the 15 acres tot he North for an additional entrance to the subdivision. Discussion followed regarding roads, deed restrictions and the architectural review committee. Paul Edleman asked if they allowed him to put in an asphalt road would he dedicated the right of way for the entrance to the East. Mr. Koch indicated that he would. A property owner asked if Mr. Koch could be asked to help improve the existing road. Paul Edleman indicated it is a County road and they cannot do that. Discussion continued. Glen Jensen indicated he was in preference of concrete roads, and was worried about setting a precedent. Russell Martin also indicated he was in favor of requiring concrete roads. Discussion regarding the proposed development. Gary Listed the items the commission would like added to the PD. 1. A letter from Bolivar Water as discussed. 2. A copy of the Architectural Control Restrictions 3. The R.O.W. dedication to the East. 4. Change the name of the development. Paul Edleman moved to accept the concept plan with the items as spelled out. Brian Hutcherson seconded. Russell Martin indicated they were giving him variances on the sidewalks, and curb and guttered streets. He felt like they were giving him everything he requested, and he would like to see them stick with concrete streets. Discussion followed regarding concrete versus asphalt and the maintenance involved. Motion carried 3 to 2, Glen Jensen and Russell Martin voted against. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Indian Lane Elementary School. Property is Located on Indian Lane, North of McReynolds Road, and South of Sanger High School. Discussed drainage. Discussed current and future locations of sewer lines. Brief discussion regarding the preliminary plat. Brian Hutcherson moved to accept the Preliminary Plat for Indian Lane Elementary School. Glen Jensen seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Gary Bilyeu indicated he would like the election of the Chair and Vice -Chair on the next agenda. Samantha Renz indicated this item is put on the agenda after the annual appointments are made. Gary Bilyeu indicated he wanted it on the next agenda. Cecile indicated she would like to present information to the Commission on Planned Developments at their next meeting. Gary Bilyeu indicated each commission member should still be working on their designated area of the zoning ordinance and he asked Glen Jensen to look at the Industrial portion. Cecile Carson indicated the next discussion on the master plan is June 9" from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Clear Creek Intermediate School. 7. Meeting Adjourned. PLANNING & ZONING COAMSSION . v AGENDA BRIEFING Mewng Date: 5-31-2007 Fiepa by.. Robert Woods, P.E. Lakecrest Meadow — Final Plat of a Phase 11 A: Lots 1-4, Subject: 61k B, Lots 1-4, Blk C Acre, Ph II-B: Lots 5-7, Blk B, Lots 5-7, Blk C, being a 22.678 Tract in the R. Bebee Survey, located within the City of Sanger ETJ. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Lakecrest Meadow, LP is the applicant for the proposed final plat of Lakecrest Meadow — Final Plat of a Phase 11-4: Lots 1-4, Block B, Lots 1-4, Block C Acre, Ph 11- B: Lots 5-7, Block B, Lots 5-7, Block C, being a 22.678 Tract in the R. Bebee Survey, located within the City of Sanger ETJ. Zoning: Does not apply in this case since it lies within the ETJ of City of Sanger. Right -of -Way Dedication: Lakecrest Drive is classified as a local street, which requires a right-of-way width of 60 feet. The developer is dedicating full width of 60 feet as shown on the plat document. ,Drainage Improvements: The applicant's engineer has submitted construction plans which show the necessary drainage improvements. SUMMARY: The proposed Final Plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. PUBLIC HEARING TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning May 31, 2007 Commission: City Council: June 4, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision — Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ■ Plat — Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision — Final Plat Phase II -A: Lots 1-4, Blk B, Lots 1-4, Blk C; Ph II-B: Lots 5-7, Blk B, Lots 5-7, Blk C. G DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1729.201 Botivar Se Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-7930 May 25, 2007 To: Planning and Zoning Commission Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Nomination of Chairperson and Vice -Chairperson Per the Home Rule Charter: "The Board shall elect a chairperson from among its membership each year at the first regular meeting following the annual appointment of the new members." Of the five (5) members currently serving on the Commission, two of them are up for re -appointment. Also, two new members will need to be appointed. These appointments will be made by the City Council in June. Per the Mayor, we will wait and have this election on the Planning and Zoning Commission's agenda at the meeting immediately following the annual appointment of new members.