03/20/2008-PZ-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA
7;00 P.M.
1. Call Meeting to Order.
Minutes: January 17, 2008
Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specifie Use Permit for Pharmacy and Medical
Equipment Sales and Distribution on Property LepUy Described as Utility Park, Block
1, Lot 3. Property is Located at 808 Utility Road.
Consider and Possible Adion Regarding a Specific Use Permit for Pharmacy and
Medical Equipment Sales and Distribution on Property Legally Described as Utility
Park, Block 1, Lot 3. Property is Located at 808 Utility Road.
Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for Retail Sales in an
Industrial 1 (1-1) Zoning District on Property Legally Described as Pate Addition Lot
3. Property is Located at 708 a• Street.
Consider and Possible Adion Regarding a Specific Use Permit for Retail Sales in an
Industrial 1 (1-1) Zoning District on Property Legally Described as Pate Addition Lot
3. Property is Located at 708 3• Street.
Conduct Public Hearing on a Replat of Lot 1, Block A, Gaffke Replat. Being a Replat
of Lots 1-8, Block 1, Lots 1-7, Original Towusite of Sanger.
Consider and Possible Adion Regarding a Replat of Lot 1, Block A, Gaffke Replat.
Being a Replat of Lots 1-8, Block 1, Lots 1-7, Original Townsite of Sanger.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the
City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
Somep.lace Special
March 20, 2008
JANUARY 17,2008
PRESENT: Gary Bilyeu, Glenn Jensen, Russell Martin, Shelley Ruland, Kay Van Hauen
ABSENT: Paul &Deman, Brian Hutchenon
PRESENT: Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz
1. Gary Bilyeu Called Meeting to Order.
2. Minutes: November 8, 2007
November 15, 2007
Shelley Ruland indicated she was not present at the November 15, 2007 meeting.
Russell Martin moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Shelley Ruland seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for O'Reilly Addition, Lot 1 Block
1, Being 0.620 Acres of Land out of the Henry Tierwester Suney, Abstract 21.
Property is Located on Chapman Drive.
Discussed location of entrances.
Russell Martin moved to approve the Preliminary Plat for O'Reilly Addition. Kay
VanHauen seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for O'Reilly Addition, Lot 1 Block 1,
Being 0.620 Acres of Land out of the Henry Tierwester Suney, Abstract 21. Property
is Located on Chapman Drive.
Shelley Ruland-moved to approve the Final Plat for O'Reilly Addition. Russell Martin
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to Chapter 10, Section 5 "General
Plat Requirements" and Section 6 "Improvements".
Pablic Hearing Opened.
No Discussion.
Public Hearing Closed.
6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Amendments to Chapter 10, Section 5
"Genenl Plat Requirements" and Section 6 "Improvements".
Gary Bilyea indicated these changes stemmed from the Sanger Ranch project. This is
the only ordinance they woald like to see frozeL These are staffs recommended
Diseassed major changes were addition of constnlction standards for alleys, gated
commanities, private streets, dninage and sidewalk widths.
Gary Bilyea indicated the project will have a minimnm of 150 acres of green space,
ponds, etc; therefore dninage is a big issae.
Shelley indicated the lot size description was unclear, and that it did not coincide with
any zoning category.
Discusion followed and commission recommended removal of 5.04 A and 5.04 B.
Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator, saggested in Section 6.07 G to change the
word "eneounged" to "required" and to remove "where feasible".
Discussed parks.
Rossell moved to approve the Amendments to Chapter 10, Section 5 "Genenl Plat
Reqllirements" and Section 6 "Improvements" with the exception of 5.04 B & c beign
deleted and in Section 6.07 G to change the word "eneounged" to "required" and to
remove "where feasible". Shelley Ruland seconded. Motion carried ananimously.
7. Meeting Adjourned.
*TEXAS P.O. Box 1n9 • 201 Bolivar St* Sanger, TX 76266 • 940-458-7930
March 14, 2008
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator
Re: Specific Use Permit -808 Utility Road
This property is currently zoned Industrial 1. The building and lot are
already in existence. All current ordinances will apply. This is solely for
pharmacy and medical equipment sales and distribution. The proposed
ordinance is attached. Any additional regulations can be added.
WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger and the
governing body of the City of Sanger, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the
ordinances of the City of Sanger, have given requisite notice by publication and otherwise, and
after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally
and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the
governing body, in the exercise of its legislative discretion, has concluded that the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of
Sanger, Texas, duly passed by the governing body of the City of Sanger on the 3rd day of
August, 1987, as heretofore amended, be, and the same is hereby amended by granting a specific
use permit for pharmacy and medical equipment sales and distribution in an Industrial 1 (1-1)
mning district on a .486 acre tract, in Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and more particularly
described as Utility Park, Block 1, Lot 3.
SECTION 2. That the specific use permit is subject to the following special conditions,
1. Pharmacy and Medical Equipment Sales and Distribution shall be allowed;
however, all applicable city ordinances shall be met.
SECTION 3. That all provisions of the ordinances of the City of Sanger in conflict with
the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 4. That the above-described tract of land shall be used only in the manner
and for the purposes provided for by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Sanger, Texas, as heretofore amended.
SECTION S. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or
section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same
shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other
than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity
of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole.
SECTION 6. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or
terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be
punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense;
and each and every day such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate
SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its
passage, and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide.
DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the ___ day
of ______ 2008.
DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the ___ day
of 2008. -------
~9fil ENGINEERING DEPDTNENT *TEXAS P.O. Box 1n9 • 201 Bolivar St* Sanger, TX 76266 • 940-458-7930
March 14, 2008
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator
Re: Specific Use Permit -708 8th
This property is currently zoned Industrial 1. The building and lot are
already in existence. All current ordinances will apply. This is solely for
retail sales in an Industrial zoned district. The proposed ordinance is
attached. Any additional regulations can be added.
WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger and the
governing body of the City of Sanger, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and the
ordinances of the City of Sanger, have given requisite notice by publication and otherwise, and
after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally
and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the
governing body, in the exercise of its legislative discretion, bas concluded that the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of
Sanger, Texas, duly passed by the governing body of the City of Sanger on the 3rd day of
August, 1987, as heretofore amended, be, and the same is hereby amended by granting a specific
use permit for pharmacy and medical equipment sales and distribution in an Industrial 1 (1-1)
zoning district on a .47 acre tract, in Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and more particularly
described as Pate Addition, Lot 3.
SECTION 2. That the specific use permit is subject to the following special conditions,
1. Retail Sales shall be allowed; however, all applicable city ordinances shall be
SECTION 3. That all provisions of the ordinances of the City of Sanger in conflict with
the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 4. That the above-described tract of land shall be used only in the manner
and for the purposes provided for by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Sanger, Texas, as heretofore amended.
SECTION S. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or
section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same
shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other
than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity
of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole.
SECTION 6. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or
tenns of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanger, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be
punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense;
and each and every day such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate
SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its
passage, and the publication of the caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide.
DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the ___ day
of ______ 2008.
DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the ___ day
of _______ 2008.
03-20-2008 Prepared Robert Woods, P.E.
by: Samantha Renz
Subject: Gaffke Replat
Zoning: This property is currently zoned Industrial 2 (1-2) with an SUP for the
proposed business (organic fertilizer)
The proposed plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger.
This is basically a fonnaHty in order to combine all of the lots of record into one lot of
Planning &
Zoning Mardi 20, 2008
City Council: April 7, 2008
Staff recommends approval of the Gaffke Replat.
*TIZAS P.O. Box 1729 • 201 Bolivar St* Sanger, TX 76266 • 940-458•7930
March 14, 2008
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator
Re: Subdivision Ordinance
Attached is a copy of proposed changes to the subdivision ordinance. It
does not include section 5 & 6 since those changes have already been
adopted. Please review the sections attached and we can incorporate any
comments/changes prior to submission to City Council.
Sanger Code of Ordinances
These regulations shall govern every person. finn, association or corporation owning any ••• • • • • { Fonullled1 Justified
tract of land within the city limits of the City of Sanger who may hereafter divide the
same into two (2) or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract
of land or any addition to said city, OJ.:.f.<!~J~.Y.~8.<?.':l~.~':l~J~~.~~.~':l.i.1~~~8.l.<?~,.!?!.~Y ....... -{ __ Delelad: ___ r _____ _,
lots, streets, alleys, parks or other portions intended for public use, for the use of
purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto.
•·.. · { Fonnatled: Nonna!
2.01 Acreage, Net shall mean the acreage included within the boundary line of a
particular subdivision, tract parcel, lot etc., but excluding all public ways.
2.02 -Addition shall mean lots, tracts or parcels of land lying within the corporate
boundaries of the city which is intended for the purpose of development.
2.03 -,Administrative Officers.~ .. every officer referred to by title, i:e., c~ty ~~,:-:····· 1Fonnallled-lustlfled
city attorney, city engineer, director of public works, etc., and shall be the person so ··· ··· Delelad: 1
retained in this position by the city or his duly authom.ed representative. .__21_0•_· _______ _,
2.04 -Agricultural Purposes -Farming and /or ranching, not residential, comeercial or
any other use.
2.0~.:-.AH~ ~h.all ~~ a minor way ~.P~m:i_lY.J<?.r ~«?~~.':II~-~!~-~-~~.~-~! .. _ ... •·{.__0_1e1e1_•_11 _2 _____ _,
side of properties otherwise abutting on a street and designed for the special
accommodation of the property it reaches and not intended for general travel or primary
2.03 -Approach Main is an off-site main which brings water or sewer service to the
subdivided property.
2.04 -Border Main is a water or sewer main located in a roadway, alley or utility
easement abutting the perimeter of the property of a subdivider.
~~:;~~o!°u:-~t:,\ii!;~ilil~~::t~s:1~~~·:~u~~f )~·i:i~dr~~··:~n:····· -··t ::::--= Font: NotltaUc,
2.05 -Building Line shall be a line beyond which buildings must be set back from the
Sanger Code of Ordinancu
I P.8.~~~f.~~Y .. •~.~~ p~~~-H~: ................ . . ... ·· ·{ Deleled: snetorroad
2.06-City or The City shall mean the City of Sanger, Texas.
2.07-City Council shall be the duly elected governing body of the City of Sanger, Texas.
2.08-City Engineer shall be the city engineer of the city, the city's consulting engineers,
or their duly authoriz.ed representatives.
2.09 -City Manager shall refer to the city manager of the city.
-Code shall mean the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances
2.10 -Commission or Planning and Zoning Commission shall be the official city
planning and zoning commission of the city as appointed by the city council.
2.1 I -Collector Street shall be a street which is continuous through several residential or
other districts and is intended as a connecting street between such districts and
thoroughfares, highways or business districts.
2.12-Comme,cial Street shall denote any street situated so that fifty percent (S00/4) or
more of the property abutting it is zoned for other than low-density residential
2.13 -Commercial Tract shall mean any tract containing any type of land-use except for
single-family detached residential and two-family (duplex) residential uses and
Agriculture use.,{~~~~~f:S .~ ~s fo! religious and educational land-uses .. { .... Dellad: ___ . _____ ___,
shall be the same as the character of the predominant surrounding land-use.) Nothing
contained in this definition shall be considered as limitations to or repeal of the
definitions set forth in the city's fire prevention code.
I '-~14-9!~lY.~~.~~.9?~tv.~~L~.~~~~.~~~~.T~~~:........ . ........................... _
2.~::.Cul-De-Sac_~~~L~~ ~ sh~rt residential street having but one vehicular~~ ,· \
another street and terminated by a vehicular tum-around. ·., ., .. .. . ..
2.lj_-~:-~~d S~~ shall mean a~ ~ther.~ ~ c~l~e-~, ~~.o~y.~~~ (11......... \\
outlet ·
1.~!! .~v~~~l?S;t.. ~~~~ ~~ .. •~g~~.~~ .. ~~~~J~L~~.~~.-~~.~~~~.-~f..~.-~~~.~! .. ~xJ~<:l ..•
proposed to be included in a proposed development including the holder of an option or ·:.:·:··
contract to purchase, or other person havin& an enforceable proprietary interest in such ·
2.18 Development means any man-made chan&e to improved or unimproved real estate,
includin& but not limited to, buildings or other structures, pavin&, drainage or utilities, but
Deleled: 2.1, • Comgehe,uive l'hll
shall mean die amml plan fur die
8JOW1b 111d developmeal of die city 111d
its mwons; 111d including any clements
of such plan. such IS a land-use plan.
dloroughfin plan, lllililies plan. schools
111d pllks plan 111d Olhers., ,
Deleled: 6
Fonnlllliedi Font: Bold
FGnnallled: Font: Not Italic,
FonnaUlld: Underfine
Sanger Code of Ordinances
not agricultural activities.
2. 19 Development plat means a plat reflecting new construction or the enlargement of
any exterior dimension of any building. structure, or improvement on property previously
final platted or not required to be platted.
2.20Development exaction means any dedication of land or easements for, construction
of. or monetary contribution toward construction of a public improvement required as a
condition of plat approval by the city under these regulations.
2.11_-_~~1_1:t_~~!-~~~-~-~~-f~r~~-~-~-~~-P.tj~~-P.~~~-':l~~-~~ich any
public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any
buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths which in any way
endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective
systems within said area. Any public utility shall at all times have the right of ingress and
egress to and from and upon the said easements for the purpose of constructing,
reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part
of its respective systems without the necessity, at any time, of procuring the pennission
of anyone.
I ~~;;:;~:~t~~~~~:~<i7nT-~~~f::ni~~!1i----------,:: __ -:}>-=---:-------<
emergency vehicles such as fire equipment, police or ambulances, the boundaries of
which are continuously and pennanently marked.
2~_: Engineer w~~~ used ~tho~~ a p~~~~hajt~f~-~-~-~-~~-P.~f.~i~~l___ ____ -----{~Delllled: ___ • _____ _,
engineer retained by a subdivider.
2.24 Escrow means a deposit of cash with the city in accordance with city ordinances.
2.25 F.xtraterritorial iurisdiction means the unincorporated area outside of and
contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the city as defined and established in
accordance with Chapter 42 of the Local Government Code.
2.2,i :.f~-~~~-~L~fet~-~~~-~r-~~g P~~-~~~g ~-~~-P.~~~~!~~-~f
this ordinance, and containing all surveying and legal data, dedications and certificates
necessary to the recording of same in the plat records of the county.
2.27 Fronta~e means that side of a loL parcel or tract abutting a street right-of-way and
ordinarily regarded as the frontal orientation of the lot.
2.28 HUD Code Manufactured Home -A single or multi-section home which requires
transport to the site and installation that was built after 1976.
-· { Delllled: I
Sanger Code o/Ordinancu
I 2.21.--~~~~-~!_~~-l~~~!~-~!-~-~-~~P.~~-~Y.-~-~~~l-~~g-~~~~-~ry ___ ._···· _.--·{_Delellld: ___ 2 _____ _
building and including such open spaces as are required by ordinances of the city and
having its principal frontage on a public street or officially approved place.
~~~~~~~!~V·~~o:~~h~~e:u;:.i.~~~~J:~tit:i~m::a:~o~t~~i~i:~·····-··1 =:--= ~ Notltdk,
includes streets, alleys, utilities, drainage modifications, access modifications including
curb cuts and other similar activities covered by these regulations. Lot improvements
include off-site work accomplished for the betterment of removed building lots.
I 2.n..:.~~_of~~~~.~~.~!.~~~.~~~~!*~·~.P.~~f ~-~~~.i~~~i~~.~~.P.~~.~f.~.~~~·~···· .----f_Delellld: ___ n _____ _
been recorded with the County Clerk, Denton County; or a parcel of land, the deed for
which was recorded with the County Clerk, Denton County, prior to November 1961.
l.R-~an~~S~ ~9.~~n_g ~-l~~H-~~~~ .~Y J:~~~d.~~~ ~U:U~~ wh~~~ ~~.~tj~~ ....... -····{_Delellcl: ___ 2, _____ _
off-site (in whole or in part) and is assembled on the lot to a permanent foundation.
Structures of this type include modular homes, prefabricated homes, or any other
structure commonly classified as manufactured housing.
I l.Jl.:_Master J>lan..~~.~.~~~':1:IP~h~_i_~~P.l~.'?f~.~~D'.-~~.~j~~"1.~8.~-~·--·-···········{._D_11_111111_:_25 _____ _.,
adopted by the city council and the city planning and zoning commission, including all its
revisions. This plan indicates the general location recommended for various land uses,
transportation routes, public and private buildings, streets, parks and other public and
private developments and improvements.
2.34 M~Y. .. ~~s esm.!~~y~'... ::e,.-:-• FOlt: Not 1ta11c.
····-----------------· ................................................................................................................. .
l-&:.~l.'.~!-~~t~.~.~~~Y..~!~.P.~!~~g-~ffl~.r.~f~~!D'..~!L~f.~~·~·~=··--.·:.::::-Delelal: ___ , _____ -(
Deleled: 26
I l..1i.:M~~~,~ _llo111e~~~L~X~.r.~.~'?~~~e .. ~~~.~~. P.~~~Y.f'?.r.~J4~.~i.~! ........... -· ·· ... Delellld: ___ 2_7 -----~
purposes any structures driven or towed to a site by the same conveyance. These shall
include conventional mobile homes, recreational vehicles, trailer coaches, trailer homes,
travel trailers, campers and all similar vehicles.
2-a.: On-Site -~.~~.~.~~~~.~~.~~~!.~~.!~.!~.,-~~~Y.,.~~1.~Y..'?.~-~~~~~-········ .-··{._Delellld: ___ 29 _____ ~
within the perimeter of the property of a subdivider and which provides service only
within a subdivider's property.
2.31.:.9..1!$.~.~~.~~~~!.~~~~t~.~f.~Y.J~~~~.~~~.~-~.~.f.'?~.~~~-'?~ ............ -···{_D_..._ _ _._._o _____ _
purposes, both passive and active, but not including areas used for parking or
maneuvering of automobiles, or drives or approaches to and from parking areas.
Sanger Code o/Ordinances
2.~ -Q»rs~ Mrun is .~.~~.~~.~~~.~.~~!~~.~~.~Y.~~~'.~.~~~~.P.,~.~I:".~ or ..... •·{_Delelad: ___ 31 _____ __,
which the city elects to construct or have constructed of larger diameter than that required
to provide service to the property of a subdivider.
;~~~~:~,d&e:l~~i~!~~~:~:~1:~i:·~ci~;~~~·:!r:!·:j[;;z:!~i~. .•··(=-"Font-~
the city are complied with. The tenn includes person, firm, corporation, partnership or
aaent, attorney-in-fact, manager or director, developer. Such term as used in this chapter
always includes one (1} or more of the persons enumerated in this section who own all or
any part of the land which is contemplated to be developed.
24-_~~8.M~~~~gCommission.~~•_t.~~.~~.~Y..~f.~Y~.(?).¥.~~~·················{._Delelad: ___ 32 _____ __,
members charged with the responsibility of reviewing for approval all subdivisions,
preliminary plats and final plats in the city.
2~.-..J>reliminary Plat .~~~J.~.~.~.~.~~~8.~':1.~~.~~.~~.~~~.~~.~1;1MM~~~~·············· {.._Delelad: ___ 3 _____ __,
proposed arrangement of streets, lots, easements and other public spaces and facilities in
the subdivision, and which is intended for review and study by the city, and not for
2.44 -Private Road/Street shall mean any road or street that is not dedicated the City and
is maintained by the property owner.
2.~.-..R~pJ~.~~~,.~.~~.~~.~~~Y.i.~~~~.~f.~Y..~.~!.~U ~f ~Y..~,~~ ~r.~l~ks of a
previously platted subdivision, addition, lot or tract.
2.~.-.Jleside11tj~ J.~t.~~J.~.~Y..~!.~0~(~~~~,~~J<>~.~~.P.~~.~f.~~~~ ....... •· .. {.._Delelad: ___ Js _____ __,
family detached or two-family domestic living (religious and educational institutions may
also be included). Requirements and standards for religious and educational institutions
shall be the same as the character of the predominant surrounding land-use.
2.!!.-..~~,~~~P.W. ~ ~h~p~~.~.~~.~.i.<?~ i.~ i~~n~ prim.atjly to .se.ry~ ~~. .. .. .. •·{_Delelad: ___ 36 _____ _
within a neighborhood or limited residential district which is used primarily for access to
abutting properties and which is geometrically designed to discourage high speeds and
through traffic.
2.•-~~~i~i~i~11 shall mean ~e divi_sio,:i.<>f an ~~~~.~~~~~~~~~ •. ~~~~~.P.l~..... .•·{_Delellld: ___ 37 _____ __,
or unplatted, together with any changes of lot siz.e therein, or with the relocation of any
street lines.
2.49,Rigb.~-<>f-~Y .. ~AA'»..~.~~.P..<>f,~~.~~R~~.<!~.!~~~~J<>.~.~~Ri.~.~l'..?~~Jffl> ...... •·1::::...IBlllld:Font:Nct1ta11c,
crosswalk, railroad, road, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, water main, -· __ ne ______ __,
sanitary or storm sewer main or for another special use. The usage of the tenn "right-of-
way" for land platting purposes means that every right-of-way established as shown on a
final plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-
Sanger Code of Ordinancu
way and not included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or parcels. RiKl)t-of-way
intended for streets. crosswalks. water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains or any other
use involving maintenance by a public yency shall be dedicated to public use by the
maker of the plat on which such right-of-way is established.
I 2.a.:.Sapi!,l;y St,\Ver.~~~t~f.~rJ~.~.P.!~.~!.~~1:1.iHC?.r.~~~ed w~~s fr.t?m.............. .•·{,_Delllled: ___ 38 _____ __,
residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments, and to which
storm, surface and ground water are not normally admitted, and which is a part of the
public sewage collection system.
2.a.:.~~R$-~~.~~t~f~.~.~.~.~.r. (?r. se\\'.er pipe ~ing ~~.~~.~~.C?.r.~~~·~····· ... •·{,_Delelled: ___ 39 _____ __,
main to the property to which water or sewer service is given.
I :~iiid~~:·i~i~~~-~ .~~ut any prefix s~~.~~~.~.~~~.~.~~~············•<::~>-=---:-------<
2.g .. : ... $~I.~~~~~.~.~~~.«?~~. ~11 be Jnterp~.~i:t .. i~.~~~~~ry.~~:... . ... ·{,_Delellecl: ___ 41 _____ __,
2~ -$bp~·.fR~ §qbdivisio11 .~~J. ~f~! .~ ~Y. ~1:1.~HY.~~!~~ PJ!l~.~~ich. meets ~e
requirements therefor~ contained in this ordinance.
..... •·{Deleled:42
2~.-.~~.~R$S)ificatjons_~~~.~f.~r.~.~.~.~~~~p~~!~~~J!Y..~~.~!l~ Cen~ .... •··{.._D_.,.._·_•_• _.., _____ _,
Texas Council of Governments entitled "Standard Specifications for Public Works
Construction" and all subsequent revisions thereto and other specifications as adopted by
the City"··· ................................................................. •·· . {.._Delelal: ___ o. _____ _,
I 2~.:.S~ard. ~pe£ificati()~-~~ -~es .C?f.~~.~!~.~~.l.~?P.Plied to all io:ip~y~~~~~ ..... •·{,....D_Jelel_lled __ ._44 _____ __,
constructed within the city and shall be in accordance with all revisions, as may be
adapted by the city.
I ~-:~~~i~=:e;J~fe~!i~~~i:.;.:;;:.~~~~~i.~::::::::::: .. :·::·~>-=---~-------<
2.a.:.~.~.~.~~Y..f~!.Y.~~~~,~.~~,.~t!t~.r. ~~~ign~.,.~~.t,.~!gl:t.~y? ............ •···{,_Deleled: ___ 46 _____ __,
thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place or however
otherwise designated.
2-8.:_Subd~yi<kr.()r_~"~~~~.r.~~!.~~~.~4i~~~~! firm,.~i~.o~ •. ~~~.i.~~? ........... •·{,....Delelled: ___ 48 _____ __,
copartnership, corporation or other organization dividing or proposing to divide land, or
making improvements to such land, so as to effect a subdivision of land hereunder for
himself, or for itself, or for another.
Sanger Code of Ordinances
2-A!,_-_$uj>,!ivis~~~-~~~!.~-~Y.-~~~i-~!~~-~f.~y ,~~ trac~ C?r ~,-~n~~-~~-~C?J~)-~!. ---------{~Delelled: ___ .. , _____ __,
more parts for the purpose of sales or of building development, whether immediate or
future. It also includes re-subdivision or replatting of land, lots or tracts. Divisions of land
for agricultural purposes in parcels of five (5) acres or more shall not be included within
this definition, unless any such division of five (5) acres or more includes the planning or
development of a new street or extension of public utilities.
I 2..Q_:_SY(Y~_r_~~,-~~-~J!~~~-1~~-~urveyoror.~-~gi~~~~p~~~~~-~~~Y.C?!,_~-------------{-D_'8lell_a __ d:_so _____ _
authoru:ed by the State of Texas statutes to practice the profession of surveying.
I 2~_:_Thorou&hfiy:e_~~L~_l'.l_P.~j~-~~-~~~-~ghfare more_<!!-'~-~~~~~~---------__ .---{..._Delelled: ___ sa _____ __,
across the city which is intended to connect remote parts of the city, or areas adjacent
thereto, and act as a principal connecting street with state and interstate highways.
;!; ~~%~~~~:!~v~:=ot·i=:~r!ft:;f~t~J;t~:~-~t::gh~~~:::-:::1 ==-
includes the Thoroughfare Map. ~-Undeltine ________ _,
I l.65 _:_-µ~~m'.-~Srn~ ~~~t~~~-~~~~-~-1~~-PJ:~-~~~-~~D'L~'?-ti!~ p~!>lic_ _________ --{~Delelled: ___ 2.52 _____ __,
generally, and/or to a private utility corporation, for installing or maintaining utilities
across, over or under private land, together with the right to enter thereon with
machinery, vehicles and people necessary for the maintenance of said utilities.
=!~o~o!?-:n~-~~jj~:1/~iv:~-~~~~~~~JC?~,~ni~~~~~~--f~~~-~~----· .--,==-•Font: NcUallc,
;;:ir.~:Ci":Ji>%;~;1t'~i!~~~r:~1~:0r-::~~~~th~~!ii:l:-in~=~~~ !Yu:------1 =:-Foot: "«bk.
to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessmy
hardship, and so that the spirit of the ordinance is observed and substantial justice is
2.69 -Water Main -Private shall refer to a pipe or conduit which is not part of the public
. water distribution center and is maintained by a private entity
3.01 -Under the authority of Article 974a of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of
Texas, as amended, which article is hereby made a part of these regulations, the city does
hereby adopt the following regulations to hereafter control the subdivision of land within
the corporate limits of the city and in the unincorporated areas lying within the
Sanger Code of Ordinances
extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, in order to provide for the orderly development of
the areas and to secure adequate provisions for traffic, light, air, recreation,
transportation, water, drainage, sewage and other facilities.
3.02 -Any owner of land inside or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city
wishing to subdivide such land shall submit to the planning and zoning commission a
plan of subdivision which shall confonn to the minimum requirements set forth in these
I regulations. Any owner subdividing his land into parcels of not less than.(~o.x-~ ~--
each for agricultural or single family use and not involving new streets or the extension
of public utilities shall be exempt from these requirements.
3.03 -No subdivision plat shall be filed for record and no lot in a subdivision inside of or
within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city shall be improved or sold until the plat
shall have been considered by the planning and zoning commission and approved by the
city council. The city shall have the authority to prohibit the installation of public utilities
in unapproved subdivisions and to prohibit the issuance of building pennits for structures
on lots in an unapproved subdivision.
3.04 -Any violation of any provision of the ordinance outside the corporate limits of the
city shall not constitute a misdemeanor Wtder this ordinance nor shall any fine provided
for in this ordinance be applicable to a violation within such extraterritorial jurisdiction,
however, a district court shall have the power to grant any or all types of injunctive relief
in such cases.
4.01 -Pre-Application Conference
I Prior to the filing of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall consult with ,A.~~!l!~~~iY.~.
Officers concerning compliance with the comprehensive master plan, the ultimate land
use of the proposed development, the suitability of the location of the proposed
subdivision, the most advantageous subdivision plan, the arrangement of streets, alleys I and lots, and the layout of utility lines and availability of service from trunk mains .•
4.02 -APJ>lication Procedure
A. All property not subdivided into lots, blocks and streets, or property to be
resubdivided within the city or within its jurisdiction, shall hereafter be laid out under the
direction of the planning and zoning commission, or in the absence of such a
commission, by the city coWtcil, or subject to its approval, and no other subdivision will
be recognized by the city. Prior to the consideration of the plat by the planning and
zoning commission, the city manager and his duly authorized representatives shall check
the plat and make recommendations.
B. When a preliminary plat is filed with the city for review and approval, it shall be
< -• 1 Delelled: fiw
---Delelled: s
__ . -· f Delelied: lhe city mwger or his duly
• -authorized rq,resenlltives
--. . Delelled: Conditional writtal approval
as to the gmeral land u,e ofthe proposed
subdi-.isioa must be olllained fiom the
city lllllllga' prior 10 pRplllbOD of the
prelimiaaly plal, in !hose c:ases where the
proposed subdivision is DOI in
confonmnce widl lhe appn>ved
comprebcasiw plan. the subdi-vider mus1
oblain CIOllditional appn>val of the
proposed subdivision in wriling fiom the
pwmiog and zoning <:OOUDission.,
Sanger Code of Ordinances
immediately forwarded to the city engineer, who will make a prelimiruuy study of the
plat. If it appears substantially complete, an on-site review of the tract to be subdivided
will be made to detennine any apparent problems with development of the subject land.
Any preliminary plat which is found to be incomplete or requires significant changes
shall be returned to the subdivider for additions or changes before resubmission.
C. It shall be unlawful for any owner, or agent of any owner, to lay out, subdivide or
plat any land into lots, blocks and streets within the city, or to sell property therein, which
has not been laid out, subdivided and platted according to these regulations.
D. No officer or employee of the city shall perform, or cause to be performed, any
work upon any streets or in any addition or subdivision of the city, unless all
requirements of these regulations have been complied with by the owner of the addition
or subdivision.
E. The city hereby defines its policy to be that the city will withhold improvements of
any nature whatsoever, including the maintenance of streets, issuance of building permits
or furnishing of sewage facilities and water service, until the subdivision plat has been
approved by the city council. No improvements shall be initiated nor any contracts
executed until this approval has been obtained
F. Any owner or developer of any lot, tract or parcel of land located within the I corporate limits of the city or within its extra-territorial jurisdiction who may wish to
effect a subdivision of such land shall conform to the general procedure descn"bed as
(I) The subdivider shall prepare and submit a "Preliminary Plat" that meets the
requirements herein to the city for review, study and approval by the planning
and mning commission at least twenty (20) days prior to the commission's
next regularly scheduled meeting. The planning and mning commission shall
act on the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days from the date such
conforming plat was filed.,_'[J:ii~ -~~1!~.i~!~l_l_!~U~c~~~~-~ fold~_l?_i:i_1_1~ -~~ _______ .. --{ __ Delelled: ___ ; ------.J
be accompanied by a Developmetn Application and the required fees. Upon
the City Engineer's review and priot to submission the Planning and Zoning
Commission an additional 15 prints will be required which shall include
changes required by the City Engineer.
(2) In the case of a proposed phased development, the subdivider shall file a
preliminary plat showing the entire proposed subdivision, the various phases
by which the subdivision will be developed, and lots that will be sold within
the phase to be developed upon approval of the final plat by the city council.
If the subdivision is to be developed in phases or units, an overall master
development plan for street, drainage, water and sewer improvements shall be
submitted to the city engineer by the subdivider's engineer at the time the first
phase of construction is submitted for approval. This overall plan shall show
the layout of streets and easements, lot configurations, water and sewer main
Sanger Code of Ordinances
locations and sizes, fire hydrant locations, manhole locations and drainage
(3) After approval of the preliminary plat by the planning and zoning
commission, and the City Council the subdivider may then prepare a "Final
Plat" of all or a portion of the land included in the preliminary plat for
submission to and consideration by the planning and zoning commission for
final recommendations to the City Council. The final plat and accompanying
data must be submitted at least twenty (20) days prior to the date of the
meeting that such action will be taken by the planning and zoning
(4) Upon final action on any such.plat by the ciD' pl~ing ~d _zoning_ __ _ _ ___ _____ {._~ ___ final _____ ~
commission, the same shall be referred to the city council, and the city council
shall consider such final plat for acceptance of the dedication of all public
property therein set forth, provided that the plat shall in all things fully comply
with the tenns and provisions of this ordinance. The city council shall act on
the final plat within thirty (30) days from the date such plat was as~~~~_~¥. _____ . ___ ---{ Delellld: 6led for approval;
the planning and zoning commission.
(5) Upon acceptance of such plat by the city council and completion of required
public facilities or the filing of a perfonnance bond by the developer which
covers said facilities, the developer shall submit or caused to be submitted a
minimum of 5 executed prints and two executed reproduceable prints to the
city .• ~-~~~-~-~h~H-~~~~~Y.~-~':'~hP'~-~-~-~~~-~------------{._Delellld: ___ , -----~
the plat records of the county. The subdivider shall, however, pay to the city,
in advance, the required fees for filing of such plat by the county clerk. The
recording of the final plat shall be the responsibility of the city secretary;
(6) In subdivisions approved for phased development.n~-~':l_i_l~~g ~~~~-~~t~---------
issued by the building official until the public improvements, including
installation of franchise utilities, within that phase is completed and accepted
by the city;
(7) The subdivider shall include in the conditions of sale for each lot within the
subdivision a notice to the purchaser that no certificate of occupancy shall be
issued for any structure or building constructed therein unless and until the
city has approved and accepted that phase of the subdivision;
(8) The subdivider shall understand 1hat all proposed improvements are to be
installed or constructed at his own cost and expense, unless otherwise noted
(9) Where a plat of a lot of record of undivided property is proposed to be
subdivided and meets the criteria for abbreviated procedures set forth \Older
the "short form subdivision," and providing all of the requirements have been
Delelied: and IS each COIIS«:ldiW block
is completed. dllt is, the proper ulililies
IR inslalled and approved by die city,
and die Slleeb and alleys !ft paved and
approved by die city, building pennies
may be issued OD I block-by-block basis,
but no c:atificate of occ:upeac:y
Sanger Code of Ordinances
met, the subdivider may submit a fmal plat to the city for approval. Where
circumstances in the opinion of them~~i-~~~i-~~-9.~~~--~~~ -~~~~-P.!~-_______ --{ Delel8d: ciiy manager
may receive administrative approval, which action shall authoriz.e the building
official to issue a building permit for improvements on said parcel.
I ·-----------------------·----------------------------------------------------··---------------· -· ----------{ Delelled: (Ontinaacc014-87 of9/21/87)1J
4.03 -Preliminary Plat
An application in writing for the approval of the preliminary plat, together with twenty
(20) prints measuring eighteen inches (18") by twenty-four inches (24"), shall be filed
with the City at least twenty (20) days before the meeting of planning and zoning
I commission, if the plat is to be considered. •----··· --·---------------------------------------·--··----·--·---____ -
Delel8d: (Ordinance 01 .()J.C)I adopted
1 2/S/01)
Reduced copies of preliminary plats shall be furnished on sheets measuring eight and
one-half inches (8-1/2") by eleven inches (11 "), with fifty (50) copies being required
where a zoning change is requested or anticipated, and ten (10) copies being required I where no :zoning change is requested or anticipated •• _____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No plat will be considered by the city until the prescribed filing fees have been paid.
I The plat shall be drawn to a scale of not more than two hundred feet to the inch (I" :
200'). The information to be included and the procedure for submittals are as follows:
A. Existing Features
(1) The boundary line (accurate in scale) of the tract to be subdivided.
(2) The location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public
ways within or adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, railroads,
rights-of-way and other important features, such as abstract lines, political
subdivision or corporation lines, and school district boundaries.
(3) Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts or other underground
structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes,
grades and locations indicated.
(4) Contours with intervals of two feet (2') or less, referred to mean sea level
datum. In areas where the terrain is relatively flat, supplementary contours
shall be shown so that the average horizontal dislance between said lines does
not exceed two hundred feet (200').
(5) The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names of record owners of
adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land.
B. New Features
-. . -1 Deleled: (Onlinmce 02.()3.()() adopted I . -2/21/00)1
Sanger Code of Ordinancu
(I) The proposed name of the subdivision.
(2) North point, graphic scale, date and approximate acreage of the proposed
(3) The names and addresses of the subdivider and of the engineer, surveyor or
planner. ·
( 4) The tract designation and other description according to the real estate records
of the city or county auditor and recorder; also, designation of the proposed
uses of land within the subdivision.
( 5) All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the
deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together
with the purpose or limitations of such reservations.
(6) The layout, names and widths of proposed streets, alleys and easements.
(7) The layout, numbers, set-back lines and approximate dimensions of proposed
lots, blocks, parks etc.
C . Utilities
Two (2) copies of the plat showing the proposed water and sanitary sewer mains and
proposed drainage facilities accompanied with information including the total watershed
and drainage areas, location of lines, inlets, culverts, bridges and calculated nm-off and
points of concentration.
D. Location Map
A location map of the proposed subdivision at a scale of one inch to two thousand feet
(I "=2,000') showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at
least one (I) mile outside the proposed subdivision.
E. Cross-Sections
Two (2) copies of the typical cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width of
pavement, type of pavement and location and widths of sidewalks when not in
conformance with standard details.
F. Approval Block
The following notice shall be placed on the face of each preliminary plat by the
"Preliminary Plat For Review Proposes Only."
Sanger Code o/Ordinancu
The following certificates shall be placed on the
preliminary plat by the subdivider:
Approved for Preparation of Final Plat
City of Sanger, Texas Date
Plannjng and Zoning Commission
I ....................................... ··································································
G. Submission
.. ·{ Deletild: (Ordinancc014-87 of9/21/87)1J
I ~!n~~~=,~~ ~~~~~ ;~~~lfurr:!t:!~~~i.~o~~~~~~t ........... ,·:::::1>-=---;-1----------<
transmittal stating briefly the type of streets, drainage facilities, sanitary facilities and
I water system proposed for the development. the development application and required
fees at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting of the planning and zoning commission
at which action will be taken by the commission on the preliminary plat. Said letter shall
note any and all exceptions to these regulations and the reason(s) for such proposal. Prior
to submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and after approval by the City
Engineer. an additional fifteen 05} prints will be required.,. ... ............ .. •··t Delllm: (OnliDance01.01.01 edopled J
• . 2/SAll:,W _
The planning and zoning commission shall act upon the preliminary plat within thirty
(30) days from said filing date. The planning and zoning commission shall issue to the
city council in writing a report on its actions regarding the preliminary plat.
The city council shall act upon the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days from the date
of final action on the preliminary plat by the planning and zoning commission. Final
action on the preliminary plat by the city council constitutes an authorization to proceed
with the preparation of the final plat.
ff. ApJ,roval
The approval of the preliminary plat shall be effective for a period of one hwtdred eighty
( 180) days after the approval date, unless reviewed by the planning and zoning
commission in the light of new or significant information, which would necessitate the
revision of the preliminary plat. Such revision shall be subject to the same procedures as
the original preliminary plat.
If a final plat for the subdivision, or a portion thereof: has not been submitted, or if a
change in requirements has not occurred which would affect the preliminary plat, at the
end of the one hundred eighty (180) days after approval, then the city planning and
zoning commission may declare the preliminary plat null and void, unless the subdivider
has requested and received an extension of time.
I. Emotions
Sanger Code of Ordinancu
Where -e subdivider may request exceptions or a waiver of these regulations, or is in
disagreement with the intent or interpretation of the requirements set forth herein, the city
planning and zoning commission may submit such requests of the subdivider to the city
council with recommendations for either an approval or disapproval.
4.04 -Final Plat
After approval of the preliminary plat, a final plat, prepared by a registered public
surveyor and bearing his seal, shall be submitted to the city for consideration.
··············-············ ······--... .... .. .. ·----------.... . .. . --...... .... . ... -
J.ni.~i.~llx .~!~.(~Ho.l_d~ n.rj~~ .• !Deasuring eigh~ ~ch~(~~~).~Y..~~o/-:f~~.~~~~ .......... .
(24">s>.f tt:i.e.fi~.P!~~~~~g ~~.~.~P.1J~~!!.f.~rP.~~·•P~~~,.!h~.~~i.~.m~sf~t.... ··
and the two (2) copies of all required engineering drawings and other data shall be filed -·
with the city not less than twenty days (20) prior to the meeting at which an action of
review and recommendation is requested from the Planning and Zoning Comrnissiol\,_ .......... .
Prior to submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and after approval of the
City Engineer, an additional fifteen (IS) prints will be required.
Ten (10) copies of the final plat shall also be furnished at a reduced scale on sheets
(Ordinaice 014-87 of 9/2118711
Deleted: Twenty
Del8lied: (20) diJeCt priDls
Del8lied: and one (I) &Im posiliw
Delllad:. (Onlinallce0l-01-01
adopted 2/SIOI )I
I measuring eight and one-half inches (8-1/2") by eleven inches (11") ••............................... ·· .•·f =(Onliaancc02-03-00adopted J
No plat will be considered by the city tmtil all of the prescribed filing fees have been
paid. The final plat may constitute all or only a portion of the approved preliminary plat,
but any portion thereof shall conform to all of the requirements of these regulations
unless exception has been granted by city cotmcil.
If final plats are submitted for approval for portions or sections of the proposed
subdivision, each portion or section shall carry the name of the entire subdivision but
shall bear a distinguishing letter, number or subtitle. Block letters shall nm consecutively
throughout the entire subdivision, even though such subdivision might be finally
approved in sections.
Upon receipt of the proper submittal (required copies of the final plat, the detailed
engineering plans and other required data, andSY.m«?~~.~f.~~.~m,l~l>!e f~J.~~ lh:C? ...
individual cost estimates for site improvements for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer
and paving improvements shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the
following table:
No. Description Unit Quantity
Price Cost
Also to be included as other required data, the developer shall submit additional detailed
, : : . . · ~ Del8lied: die presailled filing fees
. . Deleted: and impect fees
Sanger Code of Ordinancu
cost estimates for any improvements to be constructed in which the city may be obligated
for pro-rata or other refund amounts. These improvements shall be detennined by the city
and in accordance with the city's comprehensive plan.
I The.fmaiphiisfuiii"i>e"cirawii"oiislieets"measuiiiig eighteen iilciies"(iS"). bytwenty:row-··· -·· ·f =il4-87 of9f2l/87)1
I ~~~~~t~~-~-~~~~-~~=-~-~-~~-~~-~~-~~~~~~:h~.::~-~~-~~-~~~::::.:·::: .. 1>-=----1 ------
An additional five (S) prints and two (2) film positives of the final plat with original
signatures and seals, as required for filing with the county, shall be furnished by the
I :.~~~~~~~~-~~~-~:~~-~~~~-~~-~~-~~~-~~-~e~~~~~~-~-~~::~~:~?~:::::::::::::=----->-=---:----------<
The fmal plat shall show or be accompanied by the following infonnation: · · ·· Delelell: 1
A. The boundary lines with accurate distances and bearings, a metes and bounds
description of the boundary ( error of closure shall not exceed one ( 1) in fifty thousand
(50,000) for the plat boundary), exact acreage to hundredths, and the exact location and
width of all existing or recorded rights-of-way intersecting the boundary of or bordering
on the tract. One (1) copy of the traverse closure sheet shall be enclosed.
B. True bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, official
monuments or subdivision comer, which shall be accurately described on the plat.
Municipal, township, county or abstract survey lines shall be accurately tied to the lines
of the subdivision by distances and bearings, where applicable.
C. An accurate location of at least one (1) comer of the subdivision with reference to
an original comer of the original survey of which the subdivision is a part or an existing
permanent monument on an approved and recorded plat or permanent markers
established by and approved by the City Engineer.
D. An accurate location of the subdivision in reference to the deed records of the
county which shall include the volume and page of the deed of the property to be
E. The exact layout, including:
( 1) Street and/or alley names;
(2) The length of all arcs, radii, internal angles and points of curvature, length and
bearing of the tangents;
(3) All easements for right-of-way provided for public services or utilities and
any limitations of the easements; and
(4) All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths
and with bearings and angles to street and alley lines to the nearest second.
(Onlinance 02-01-01 adopled 2/S/01)1
Sanger Code of Ordinances
F. The accurate location, material and approximate si7.e of all monuments.
G. The accurate outline description of all property which is offered for dedication for
public use, such as parks, etc., with the purpose indicated thereon, and all property that
may be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners in the
H. Building set-back lines.
I. Lot grading plan.
J. Private restrictions.
K. Name of the proposed subdivision.
L. Name and address of the subdivider.
M. North point, graphic scale and date.
N . City limits line, if it traverses the subdivision.
0. Location map at a scale of not less than one inch to two thousand feet (l "=2,000')
showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one ( t)
mile outside the proposed subdivision.
I P. Construction plans and profiles drawn on sheets, measuring.twe~.tY.:{C?~-~~~~--------------{ Deleliedl tweaty-twoincbes(22")or
(24") by thirty-six inches (36"), the same si7.e as the final plat, and including the
following infonnation:
(1) A plan and profile of each street with top of curb grades shown. Each sheet
shall include north point, scale, date and benchmark description to mean sea
level datum. Unless otherwise approved by the city, scales shall be one inch
equals forty feet (1 "=40') horizontally and one inch equals four feet, five feet
or six feet (1 "=4', S' or 6') vertically. Each plan shall show the seal and
signature of the registered professional civil engineer who prepared the plans;
(2) The ~cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width of roadways
and type of pavement and location and width of sidewalk;
(3) A plan and profile of proposed sanitary sewers, with grades and pipe si7.es
indicated and showing locations of manholes, cleanouts, etc., and a plan of the
proposed water distn'bution system showing pipe si7.es and locations of
valves, fire hydrants, fittings, etc., in confonnance with the applicable criteria
presented in Section 6, Improvements. Unless otherwise approved by the city,
scales shall be one inch equals one b1D1dred feet (1"=100') horizontally and
Sanger Code of Ordinancu
one inch equals four feet, five feet or six feet (1 "=4', S' or 6') vertically. Each
plan shall show the seal and signature of the registered professional civil
engineer who prepared the plans. Each sheet shall include north point, scale,
date and benchmark description to mean sea level datum;
(4) A plan and profile of the proposed storm sewers, showing hydraulic data, pipe
grades and sizes, manholes, inlets, pipe connections, outlet structures, etc., in
conformance wi1h the criteria as shown in Section 6, Improvements. Unless
otherwise approved by the city, scales shall be one inch equals forty feet
(1 "=40') hori7.0ntally and one inch equals four feet, five feet or six feet (1 "=4',
S' or 6') vertically. Each plan shall show the seal and signature of the
registered professional civil engineer who prepared the plans. Each sheet shall
include north point, scale, date and benchmarlc description to mean sea level
(S) A plan of all the other utilities, showing the relative locations proposed for the
w'1er, sewer, storm sewer and gas mains, utility poles, TV and elecb'ical
services, street lighting, traffic control signs, and street signs, and
acknowledged by the appropriate representative of each.agency involved;. . ... • · { __ Delel:ed: ___ tine_or _____ ....,
Q. Certification by a registered public surveyor or licensed state land surveyor,
registered in the State of Texas, to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by
him or 1D1der his direct supervision and that all monuments shown thereon have been
verified and actually exist, and that their location, size and material are correctly shown.
Such surveyor's certificate may be prepared as folfP.~~.=................. ......... ... ......... ....... ...... . ... •{.__D_.a.t_.;_•_il:..:.1 -----~
"State of Texas
County of Denton
I hereby certify that this plat is true and correct and was
prepared from an actual survey of the property made on the
ground under my supervision.
Registered Public Surveyor
TexasR.P.S. No. "
R. A certificate of ownership and dedication of all streets, alleys, parlcs and
playgrolDlds to public use forever, signed and acknowledged before a notary public, by
the owner or authorized representative and lien holder of the land, and a complete and
accurate description of the land subdivided and the streets dedicated. Such owner's
certificate may be prepared as follows:
"State of Texas
County of Denton
The owner of land shown on this plat and whose name is
subscn'bed hereto, and in person or through a duly
authorized agent dedicates to the use of the public forever all
Sanger Code of Ordinances
streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains, easements and
public places thereon shown for the purpose and
consideration therein expressed. ________ __,Owner"
"State of Texas
County of Denton
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared, known to
me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instnunent, and
acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and
considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated.
Given under my band and seal ofofficethis day of ,19_.
Notary Public, Denton County, Texas"
S. A certificate placed on the plat in a manner that will allow the filling in of the
certificate by the proper parties.
"The City Engineer of the City of Sanger hereby certifies that this subdivision plat
conforms to all requirements of the subdivision regulations as to which his/her
approval is required.
City Engineer
Recommended For APJ)roval
Chairman, Planning and Z.Oning Commission
City of Sanger, Texas
AJmroyed And Accepted
City of Sanger, Texas
The wdersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Sanger, Texas, hereby certifies
that the foregoing final plat of the Subdivision or Addition to the City of
Sanger was submitted to the city council on the , day of ,19 _, and the
council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys,
parks, easements, public places and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in
and upon said plat, and said council further authorized the mayor to note the
acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed.
City Secretary, City of Sanger, Texas"
I T ~Certificate ~~ c.i.ty. ~.~~~~~~I'..~~ .~~J!~~ p~~.l'.~~.~~~.C?f ~~.l'..~.8 ............... •· { __ D_1_1a_d_•_. -----~
agencies within whose jurisdiction the proposed subdivision lies showing that all ad
Sanger Code of Ordinances
valorem taxes, liens and fees have been paid on the tract to be subdivided.
The planning and zoning commission shall act upon the final plat within the thirty (30)
days fiom said filing date and submit said action of recommendation to the city council.
The city council shall then approve or disapprove the recommendations of the planning
and zoning commission within thirty (30) days thereafter.
The final plat shall be recorded by the city secretary in the office of the COlDlty clerk of
the county within thirty (30) days fiom and after the date of final acceptance by the city
council; the subdivider shall, however, pay to the city, in advance, the required fees for
filing of such plat by the county clerk.
Two (2) sets of approved plans and specifications for water, sanitary sewer, paving and
drainage improvements, prepared by a registered professional civil engineer, shall be
submitted to the city prior to any construction in the subdivision.
The approval of the construction drawings by the city COlDlcil shall be effective for a
period of two (2) years after the approval date of the final plat lUlless the subdivider has
requested and received an extension of time. Construction drawings which have expired
shall be resubmitted to the city for approval before any construction is begun. The design
of the proposed improvements shall be based on the construction requirements which are
in effect at the time of resubmittal.
4.05 -Procedure For Short Form Subdivision
A. Any subdivision or replat thereof which may be determined to mil within the
following criteria may be termed a "short form subdivision" and shall comply with the
abbreviated procedures set forth herein. "Plats for record" of "lots of record" of unplatted
property shall be deemed to meet these criteria if:
(2) The subdivision or use of the land subdivided does not necessitate any
appreciable alteration of utility installations, streets, alleys or building setback
lines; and
(3) The tracts so subdivided conform in si7.e and shape to the lots in the vicinity
and the zoning in the immediate area.
B. All design, engineering, improvements and drawing information standards provided
in these regulations applicable to all subdivisions shall be applicable to the short form
subdivisions. Preliminary platting is not required.
C. If the city engineer finds that the final plat meets all the provisions of these
regulations, he/she shall present the final plat to the commission and council for review.
f Deleliecl: bounded by legally subdivided I
land and does DOI exc:eed IWO (2) acres;
Sanger Code of Ordinances
D. The final short form plat shall be filed with the city accompanied with the required
filing fee. After all requirements have been met and signatures obtained, the plat and all
other necessary instruments shall be filed for record with the COIDlty clerk by the city
E. In the case of plats for record, after all requirements have been met and the final
short form plat properly filed, administrative approval may be granted.
4.06 -Construction of Improvements
A. The subdivider/developer shall contract for improvements except where city • · · · · { fGnnalttled; I Indent
participation is involved. In cases of city participation, the developer/owner shall comply
with state statutes and city regulations regarding competitive biddin&
B. The subdivider's/developer's engineer shall administer the contract.
C. A pre-construction conference, to be held at city hall, will be required. This
conference shall be attended by the city engineer (or a~orized representative), the
subdivider's/developer's engineer, the engineer's inspectors, the contractor(s), and other
appropriate representative as deemed necessary by the city.
1 .,..,_ the city shall advatise b'
bids and award the COlllnld(s).1
I 4.07 ;-A~~~~.~!~ ................................................................................. ·················•·:::::~,..=--~---------:
Any person who wishes to revise a subdivision plat which has been previously filed for
record must make an application of the proposed revised plat to the city colDlcil.An. .......... -···
.lm~~~~~~.~f A-~~~~Y.~~~l_l.ln~¥. ~ ~~~~-(C?r. ~~~. ~f. ~~JC?!!~~.i~ll.P.~~~.: .................... 1:. • • '< ~ ~
(I) to correct an error in a course or distance shown on the preceding plat; •
(2) to add a course or distance that was omitted on the preceding plat; •· .. \
3 to correct an en-or in a real ro descri tion shown on the receedin ... \\
plat; \·.··
( 4) to correct any other type of error or omission on a previously filed plat; •·. \,\ fr . •' !~L ... ~.~e!~~.C?~~.~r.~~~ .. ,~~ .... ~.~~~8..C?~.~·~'-'.i·~·g·~·~qf;....... ..... ...... . ..... -.. · .. .._.._
((A)) thhee ownedrs of aldl lots join in the application for ame~di?g the plat; \~·.·.-.. .. \.·.·.i.·.
B t amen ment oes not attempt to remove any restrictions;
(C) the amendment does not increase the number of lots; and · · ·
(D) the amendment does not create or require the creation of a new \.\~
street or make necessary the extension of municipal facilities. \ \
A Public Hearing is not requires for the approval and issuance of an amended plat.
The city engineer and city manager are delegated the approval responsibility of an
amended plat. At any time the city manager or city engineer may elect to present the plat
for approval to the Planning and Zoning commission and to the City Council, neither the
city manager nor the city engineer shall disapprove a plat, and upon refusal to approve
the amended plat shall refer the amended plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission
Delllled: Rplat
Delllled: the
Delllled: shall meet .u die iequiRmelllS
b' a subdivision that may be peltioml
However, iflhe subdivision as Rl)laned
does DOI ieqllft any appieciable
aheralioo «impro.aneal ofmilily
imlaUalioDs, SlleelS, alleys, IJuildiDg
sdllect lines, 111111« drainage CIOllditions
OI' fac:ilities, 111111 DO cogiaecriog plans
will be required. No pRliminary plals
will be required b' replla.
FGnnalttled: Tabs: 0.81 •, Left
Fonnallled: Tabs: 0.75", Left
Formalled; Indent: Left: -0.19",
Hanging: 1", Tabs: 0.75", Left
Fonnallled: Tabs: 0.81", Left
Sanger Code of Ordinances
I and City Council.
J.r:i:~ .e ... ~ ~-'-~o.~ !'9P~.~~~~~~.~ P.~P~~.•:~!~. has ~ee11 p,e•rioesly de.,.el~petl
er MAN as siegle family or d1:1pleK Mideeael ese the folloivlieg 1eq11ife111eets 11111St he
.~fter the applieaao11 is filed; the eit:y seel'etafy shall ew a eotiee of the applieatio11 te
he pllhlishetl in the offieial 11e•wspaper ofthe~.1.~.~~~.H~.~-~~~.~1:9.~.~f.. ...
the eit:y eo1111eil meeting at whieh it is te he eonsideted a statellleet of the time 811d plaee
at whieh the eit:y eowil •Nill meet te eensider the ,eplat 8JlEI te hear pretests te the
rel'Jisio11 at a pllhlie hearing. l~dd~!O.~~. :r?~~-11~ti~~ .~ ~~.~~.~.~.~~. !'!'!.~~~. !'!f..
pF8peftY loeatetl •Mthie the origillal plat S11eh 11otiee may he SOFYN hy depositieg the
eetiee properly adtln9ssed end postage paid, at the loeal post offiee. In the erreet the
origi."181 plat eeetaies IBOre thaR 199 lots, s11eh 11etiee shall he mailed oely te those
o•,rme,s of lots whieh ate loeated •,'lithie SQO feet of the let or lots whieh ate sOYght to he
teplatted or resllhtwAded._
JftwefttY. p~~eet ~~ ~! m~re ~f.~ PF8P.l:9~.~~~~-~.Y~~~.~~!~~.~~~l:9~ ............. .
,eqyifed te he gi•re11 file a ·nrittoe pl'Otest of the replattieg hefo,e or at the pllhlie hear ... ,
thee wriltell app,e·,'61 ofat least two thifds of the or.TJRefS ofp,eperty ill the origieal plat
... •·{ Delelled:~
· · 1 Formlllll8d: Font: (Default) Trnes
New (Wt), Strikethrough
I ,..iatlled: Font: (Default) l1meS
New (Wt), Strltethrough
.. · · { Fonnltllld: Strikethrough
......... -..era11_1o111......iwilhia&091oetef..,.lol8teN . ...,..,.....!if...., .. ~ .... ·· 1----
p1o1....;., .,..,_ 1091o19!.""'!'l"".~·"".-....,""'·eitJ,·"""'!8il.!'!"................... . : -<Wll.-
app,e.,.al for the replat. 111 eo1Bpllting pereeetages ofe•,rmership, eaeh let is eo11&ideted · · Folllllllled: Str1kethrough
eqllBI te all other lots reg&ftlless of sia or lllllllller ofer.•JRefS, end the or.•JRefS ofSYeh let
a,e eetitletl te oely 011e vote per lot.
4.08-,R~Q.1.il!.~~.~~~~~~;t'.!~~~~.~.(P.1~~·························································· .................. -·· t =-= RqubdjyjsjoppdVPlif1l
A. General
(I) Replat or resubdivision of a plat, or a portion thereo( but without vacation of
the immediate previous plat, is hereby authoriz.ed; and shall be deemed valid
and controlling, when approved, after a public hearing, by the Planning and
Zoning Commission, when:
(a) It has been signed and acknowledged by all the owners of the particular
property which is being resubdivided or replatted.
(b) It has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after a
public hearing in relation thereto at which parties in interest and citimls
shall have an opportunity to be heard.
(c) It does not attempt to alter, amend, or remove any covenants, easements
or restrictions.
(d) There is compliance, when applicable, with subsections &.b,..~i-~f.. .....• -{:j::-::-_.__._11 _: _____ ---<
. Delllled: d
Sanger Code of Ordinances
this section.
B. Filing time. The time required to review and process a replat or resubdivision of a
plat shall be a maximum of thirty (30) days. Replats or resubdivisions shall be filed with
the City Clerk a minimum of twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting of the Planning
and Zoning Commission, at which time approval is requested. Replats or resubdivisions
shall show or be accompanied by the information that is required for preliminary plats or
final plats, whichever is applicable. Replats or resubmissions shall not be docketed for
Planning and Zoning Commission consideration unless the requirements of this chapter
are met.
C. Notice and hearing. The following additional requirements for approval shall apply,
in any resubdivision or replatting of a subdivision, without vacating the immediate
previous plat, if any of the proposed area to be resubdivided or replatted was, within the
immediate prwwling 6ve (5) years, limited by an interim or permanent zoning
classification to residential use for not more than two (2) residential units per lot, or if
any lot in the immediate previous subdivision was limited by deed restriction to
residential use for not more than two (2) residential units per lot:
( 1) Notice of Planning and Zoning Commission hearing shall be given in
advance, in the following manner:
(a) Publication at least fifteen (IS) days in advance of hearing being
published in the official ~r of the City of Sanger""·-······ ................ -·{ ..... D_-.lel_•_d:..:.:l•ff:.::.-____ -...J
(b) Written notice (with a copy of subdivision (2) of Section 4.080 attached
thereto) of such public hearing forwarded by the Planning and Zoning
Commission to owners (as the ownerships appear on the last approved
ad valorem tax roll of such governing body) of all lots in the immediate
preceding subdivision plat not less than fifteen (IS) days prior to the
date of such hearing. Such notice may be served by depositing the same,
properly addressed and postage paid, in the post office in closest
proximity to the city hall of the City of Sanger, provided, however, if
such immediate preceding subdivision plat shall contain more than one
hundred (100) lots, such notice shall be mailed only to those owners of
lots which are located within two hundred (200) feet of the lot or lots
which are sought to be replatted or resubdivided.
, FGnnatled: Font: (Default) limes
New (W1), Strikethrough
Fonnalllld: Font: (Default) limes
New (W1), Strikethrough
. FGnnatled: Font: (Default) limes
' New (W1), Slrtkethrough (2) J'h~-~~~-~-~-~~8-~.l?~~~~I?~-~~~~~-~-~-~~~~:~~~~-~--..... /
,eplaaiRg te whieh this s1:mseotieo applies, ·NFktee app,e'l&I ef t\T/8 thiAls /,
~~ / . f'onnllllllld: Font: (Default) limes
New (W1), Strikethrough
Fonlllltlled: Font: (Default) 11mes
J.e). -~-~-~·~~~-~(~~-~~~-~-~~~-'-~-~'! /' New (W1), Sb1kethrough
Fonnatted. Font: (Default) Times
~•----~-l?~~~eFS efall lets~ -~~-'-~-~~-~!~-~-~-~H~~-~f.~~---·-'::: ... New (Wl), Slrtkethrough
FGnnatled: Font: (Default) limes p,epeRy selflht te he ,eplauect er reSYWi•Aded; ifsweh ieuRediate
preeediRg plat eeRtaies 111ere thae eRe hlmdfeci (IQQ) lets-.
New (W1), Slrikeltlrough
FGnnatled: Font: (Default) Times
New (W1), strikethrough
Sanger Code of Ordinances
~~_,re¥~&? efSIIWir;isiea_ (2) efS~ea 4.93C s~I, he~,,reve,, apply enl,y 1 Fomllllbld: Font: (Default)llmes
ifta.TJeRty ~ pe,eeM; er meN, ef lhe er.,mers, te '#hem eetiee is NEtYiA!ld te . New (Wt), Strikethrough
NsuWi'Jided, filed ·A'idl the PlaneiRg and Zeeing CeRURissiea written pretest ·--·{ Delllled: 1
ef sueh Nplatlieg IIIMI R1suhdi11isiee prier te, er a; the hear.Ag referred te iR ,__ _______ __,
the Htiee ef the prepesed Nplattieg er R1suhdi11isiee. le eemplltieg
pereeeteges ef e·Mtel'Ship, eeeh let iR sueh suhdi.,•isiee shall he eeRSidered
eflllBI te all ethe, lets, regardless ef sse er IIIIIRl,e, ef e•,TJRers, and the e·Mters
efeaeh let shall he eetided te east eely eee (I) ·,ete per let.
(2} If the pmposed reJ>lat requires a variance or is protested in accordance with
this subsection, the proposed replat must receive, in order to be approved, the
affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the members present of the
planning and zoning commission and City Council.
For a legal protest, written instruments signed by the owners of at least 20%
of the area of the lots or land immediately adjoining the area covered by the
proposed replat and extending 200 feet from that area, but within the original
subdivision. must be filed with the planning and zoning commission and City
Council prior to the close of the public hearings.
(3) Provided, however, compliance with subdivision (I) or (2) of Section 4.0SC
shall not be required for approval of a replatting or resubdividing of a portion
of a prior plat, if all of the proposed area sought to be replatted or
resubdivided was designated or reserved for usage other than for single-or
duplex-family residential usage, by notation on the last legally recorded plat
or in the legally recorded restriction applicable to such plat.
Sanger Code of Ordinances
7.01 -The schedule of fees and charges shall be paid to the city when any plat is tendered
for approval. Each of the fees and charges shall be paid in advance.
7 .02 -The Administrative Officials, shall calculate the basic fees and charges for Plat
review in accordance with the following schedule:
A. Residential Tract Preliminary Plats -
$400.00 plus $6.00/lot < 10
$500.00 plus $10.00/lot > 10
$500.00 plus $15.00/acre for plats with lot sizes of one acre or more
B. Residential Tract Final Plats •
$400.00 plus $6.00/lot <10
$500.00 plus $10.00/lot >10
$500.00 plus $15.00/acre for plats with lot siz.es of one acre or more
C. Short Fonn Plats -
Q.__.Amended Plat
$200.00 plus $3.00 per lot
.. •· ,.•{ Del8led: plus
• . .. · 1 Fonnalllld: Indent: Left: "'. first
line: '1', Tabs: 0.38", Left
Ii. J.:!µp.~~~.~.~~f~~.tf:f?m~.~.~~ .. ~l.~.?.!~~.:' ........................................ · .. ::·1 = :obileHomePuk
$500.00 plus $6.00 each lot
I f.. .J:I~J?.~~M.~~~~.H.C?m~.~~~.f.~.~~.-. ................................................... ::::1 = ~nomePuk
$500.00 plus $6.00 each lot
1 -10 lots $100.00 plus $10.00 per lot
11+ lots $400.00 plus $10.00 per lot
I flt ..... ~~~~~.i_aj.I~.~~~.i.l_l?ry and f'.inal P~at-
Less than 1 to 4.99 Acre Tract
5.000 to 24.999 Acre Tract
25.000 to 99.999 Acre Tract
$500.00 + $15 per acre
$600.00 ea. Plat+ $15 per acre
$950.00 ea. Plat
............... •····{.._Delell __ e11_:o _____ __,
Sanger Code of Ordinances
I 0().00 Acre Tract and Over $950.00 ea. Plat+ $5.00 per acre
The subdivider shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond in the amo1D1t of ten
percent (100/4) of the contract price, or in such amount as approved by the city, with a
reputable and solvent corporate surety, in favor of the city, to indemnify the city against
any repairs which may become necessary to any part of the construction work performed
in connection with the subdivision, arising from defective workmanship or materials used
therein, for a full period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance of the entire
project. Final acceptance will be withheld 1D1til said maintenance bond is furnished to the
The subdivider may, in lieu of providing a maintenance bond, deposit in an interest-
bearing escrow account with a reputable financing institution, an amount equal to ten
percent (100/4) of the contract price or in such amo1D1t as approved by the city.
This escrowed amount shall be on deposit, in favor of the city, to indemnify the city
against any repairs which may become necessary to any part of the construction work
performed in connection with the subdivision, arising from defective workmanship or
materials used therein, for a full period of two (2) years from the date of final acceptance
of the entire project. Final acceptance will be withheld 1Dltil said escrow account has been
established to the satisfaction of the city.
On such date when the maintenance period exp~ the city shall release the escrow
account, plus all accrued interest, to the subdivider, less any maintenance or repair costs
incurred by the city due to defective workmanship or materials.
9.01 -The Subdivision Regulations Ordinance of the city, as it now exists or may
hereafter be amended, is hereby extended to all of the area lying within the extraterritorial
jurisdiction of the city, and the rules and regulations within said Subdivision Regulations
Ordinance governing plats and subdivision of land shall be applicable to such area within
said extraterritorial jurisdiction from and after the date of final passage of this ordinance.
9.02 -Subdivisions or platting of any tract of land within the extraterritorial jurisdiction ---.----------
1 of the city shall be regulatedJ>y ~-~~~v.i~i~~.~S':'~~~;, ....................................... ·::.': = ::DearooCouaty
SubdMsico Sllmdarcls. wbidlevs is more
Sanger Code of Ordinances
9.03 -A street variance may be given on a street in the extraterritorial jurisdiction if it
conforms to the following requirements:
(a) It serves no more than six lots;
(b) It is not maintained by the City and does not lie within designated public
(c) No lot shall be less than 1.0 net acre;
(d) Each lot will contain a minimum 1800 square feet dwelling; an~
(e) All dwelling., must be site built, standard construction.
10.01 -Excq,tions
These rules and regulations are the standard requirements of the city. A variance or
waiver of any of these Nies and regulations may be granted by the city council, upon a
showing that there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property in
question and that enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance will deprive the
applicant of a substantial property right, and that such variance or waiver, if gran~ will
not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property rights in
the vicinity.
10.02 -Penalty
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance
or who shall mil to comply with any provision hereof in the City of Sanger shall be guilty
of a Class C misdemeanor and be subject to a fine of not more than two hundred dollars
($200.00). Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense and
shall be punishable, accordingly.
10.03-City Required to Advertise for Bids
If any subdivision improvements are eligible for refunds or potential refunds to the
subdivider for off-site paving or oversae, border or approach water or sewer mains, the
city is required by law to take competitive bids for the work involved. Competitive bids
will be taken by the city, and the contract award will be made by the city council in
accordance with procedures established by state laws and the ordinances of the city.
10.04 -All Conflicting Ordinances Repealed
All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith are hereby
Sanger Code of Ordinances
If any section or part of any section, paragraph or clause of this ordinance is declared
invalid or unconstitutional for any reason, such declaration shall not be held to invalidate
or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or sections, part of section,
paragraph or clause of this ordinance.
I 0.06 -Effective Date
This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
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