05/19/2008-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 19, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst City Manager Rose Chavez, Shannon Graves, Sanger Courier 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, led the invocation, followed by Councilman Patton leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider and Approve the Canvass of the Votes from the May 10, 2008 General Election and Issue Certificates of Elections to the Newly Elected Officials. Mayor proceeded with the Canvass of the Votes: Early Voting Election Total Mayor: Joe Falls 14 19 33 Joe Higgs 74 95 169 City Council Place 2 Jack Smith 19 29 48 Glenn Ervin 63 73 136 Larry Miller 6 10 16 City Council Place 4 Andy Garza 78 93 171 Total number of voters: 203 Motion was made by Councilman Walker to approve the canvass of the votes from May 10, 2008 Election. Seconded Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. None 4. Presentation by the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board on the New Entry Mural. Carolyn Frazier from Keep Sanger Beautiful addressed the Council with a presentation on the mural that will be painted on the Keaton Road Exit on Northbound Interstate 35, Exit 477. The mural will be done in tones of browns, and will include many images from the history of Sanger. A detail overview of the mural was provided. The artist is Lance Hunter an art professor who is from Tahlequah, Oklahoma. CONSENT AGENDA 5. a) Approve Minutes May 5, 2008 - Work Session May 5, 2008 - City Council b) Disbursements Correction to the minutes were as follows: change the word “abutting” to “adjacent”on item 2, 5th paragraph; correct the words “TIRF” to TIRZ on page 4; and on page 5, 4th paragraph to correct Councilman Higgs to Mayor Higgs. In the disbursement report, Councilman Muir inquired on the fuel cost, if it was bought in bulk and do we get a discount. City Manager indicated there is a discount with Fuel Man; however, the savings are not as significant if we were buying it wholesale. The City currently does not have a fuel system to allow us to purchase wholesale. Discussion on the fuel cost. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to approve the consent agenda with the correction to the minutes as indicated. Seconded by Councilman Muir. Motion carried 4-0. Councilman Walker abstained. 6. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. None 7. Approve Contract Between Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Clear Creek Regional Water Reclamation System and the City of Sanger. City Manager advised this is the final copy that was reviewed in the work session. He indicated that Councilman Muir had asked if we would look into any advantages for the City to continue to use the old plant. There will be a feasibility study in cooperation with Upper Trinity to evaluate the possibility. The City Manager also advised in the agreement it specifies that Upper Trinity can continue to run the plant if they need too. The City can’t run the plant, since it would be in competition with Upper Trinity on sewer plants. Discussion continued concerning the existing plant. The operating cost in keeping the plant was also discussed. Councilman Walker inquired as to when the plant is paid for, and the City does not have that capital expense, would the rates drop. City Manager advised that it would. If the capital goes away it will reduce the cost to the City. Motion was made by Councilman Patton to approve the contract between Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Clear Creek Regional Water Reclamation System and the City of Sanger as presented. Seconded Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Information Items: a) City of Sanger Investment Report b) City of Sanger Financial Report c) New City Hall Expense Summary d) Chamber Investment Report e) Library Monthly Report f) Legislative Update g) Letter from Woods of Mission Timber, LTD. Councilman Patton asked the City Manager to thank and commend Mrs. Elieson on the work she does for the Library. Councilman Walker asked if the City would be in a position to collect the trash, if there was a possibility of having angle barrels for people to throw their thrash on Interstate 35 & 455. It would be an attempt to keep the area cleaner. He is not sure at what stage of completion TX DOT is in concerning the beautification of that section. City Manager advised the contractor for TX DOT is not done. He will talk with TX DOT about the trash barrels. The City employees mowed the area today; however, it has not been officially turned over to the City. Discussion continued. City Manager gave a brief update on the Streetscape Project. The contractor will start work this week. 9. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the meeting.