08/23/2007-PZ-Agenda Packet-Regular1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 2007 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR Call Meeting to Order. Minutes: August 9, 2007 Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Sadao Addition. Property is Located off of McReynolds Road, in the ETJ. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Final Plat for Sadao Addition. Property is Located off of McReynolds Road, in the ETJ. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Hackberry Addition. Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. Consider and Possible Action on the Preliminary Plat for Lois Business Park. Property is Located South of Lois Road and East of IH 35. Consider and Possible Action Ordinances. Rosalie Chavez, ,dW*iew of.. Zoning, Subdivision and Building .s i i AS /'�-o1 6:�?o/am & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: PLANNING AND ZONING August 9, 2007 PRESENT: Paul Edleman, Shelley Roland, Kay VanHouen, Gary Bilyeu, Glen Jensen, Russell Martin ABSENT: Brian Hutcherson OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz City Engineer Rob Woods, Enrique Flores, Mrs. Flores 1. Gary Bilyeu Called Meeting to Order. 2. Minutes: June 119, 2007 -Workshop June 21, 2007 3. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for a Communication Tower on Property Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 22. Property is Located on 5t° Street. (Sanger Government Center on 5a Street) Public Hearing Opened. Enrique Flores, County Engineer, Dallas TX, here to answer any questions. He indicated they are proposing to replace the existing tower, because they are changing frequencies. Because of the change, with the current tower they cannot connect to the other side of Denton. They need the tower to go higher. Discussed the size of the new tower in comparison to the old tower. Shelley Roland asked if there were any safety concerns. Mr. Flores indicated it was a monopole, like seen in neighborhoods for cellular companies. There is a fall zone with those. Discussed location of the tower. Russell Martin asked what the life span is of the new tower. Mr. Flores indicated abotu 10 years. Discussed 2" tower will be removed within 2 to 4 weeks after the new one is installed. Public Hearing Closed. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Specific Use Permit for a Communication Tower on Property Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 22. Property is Located on 5" Street. (Sanger Government Center on 5" Street) Gary Bilyeu asked if there was any expense associated with the City. Mr. Flores indicated there was not. Russell Martin indicated he would like them to add to the SUP that the County will remove the tower when it is no longer in use. Shelley Ruland moved to grant the Specific Use Permit for a Communication Tower on Property Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 22, with the stipulation that the County will remove the tower when it is no longer in use. Russell Martin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from B-1(Business-1) to B-2 (Business-2) on Properties Legally Described as follows: A) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 1 (N533) - 807 0 Street B) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 2,3 (N44') - 800-808 N 5* Street Q Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 3 (W50' of S81') - 511 Plum D) Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 1,2 (all) 3,4 (North part) 805 N. 5" E) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 1 - 807 N. 5' F) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2A - 809 N. 5' G) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2B - 810 N. 6' H) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 3 - 808 N. 6th Public Hearing Opened. John Springer, 802 N. Keaton Road, indicaed they were not changing anything as far as the present use. They were trying to get the zoning in compliance with what is currently there. Some of the things in the past have not been in compliance. Discussed locations of current businesses. Discussed current and previous uses. Public Hearing Closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from B-1(Business- 1) to B-2 (Business-2) on Properties Legally Described as follows: A) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 1 (N533) - 807 0 Street B) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 2,3 (N44') - 800-808 N 5' Street Q Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 3 (W50' of S81') - 511 Plum D) Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 1,2 (all) 3,4 (North part) 805 N. 5' E) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 1 - 807 N. 5' F) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2A - 809 N. 5`h G) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2B - 810 N. 6' H) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 3 - 808 N. 6th Brief Discussion regarding current uses. Gary Bilyeu read the general purpose for Bl zoning and for B2 zoning. Discussion followed regarding possible uses, surrounding zoning and the master plan. Shelley Ruland indicated that F.M. 455 is a major thoroughfare and the City would be limiting itself to not allow B2 in that area. City Manager indicated the City has approached Mr. Springer regarding a possible lease of the large building on 5" street, to be used for Public Works. Paul Edleman moved to accept the zoning change as presented. Kay VanHauen seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance - Specifically Section 28 - Historic District and Historic Preservation. Item Tabled. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance - Specifically Section 28 - Historic District and Historic Preservation. Item Tabled. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Review of Zoning, Subdivision and Building Ordinances. Discussed SUP, and that the commission is working on zoning ordinances. Assigned sections: Paul Edleman - Parks Brian Hutcherson - Bl, B2, B3 Glen Jensen - I1, 12 Russell Martin - PD, Mobile Home Gary Bilyeu - Multi Family, SUP, Single Family Shelley Roland - AG, Flood Plain, Assist with Single Family Kay VanHauen - Bed & Breakfast, Assist with Single Family Discussed Master Plan. Gary Bilyeu expressed the need to have the ordinances reviewed and something submitted by December. At the next meeting be prepared to discuss SUP. Shelley Roland indicated she will not be at the August 23, 2007 meeting. 10. Meeting Adjourned. 11J PLANNING & ZONING COAMISSION AGENDA BRIEFING Meeting Date: I July 5, 2007 by. I Robert Woods, P.E. Sadau Addition — Preliminary Plat of a 13.840 acres sut�}ect tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Mr. Carl B. Sadau is the applicant for the Sadau Addition — Preliminary Plat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. Zoning: This property has obtained R 2 zoning from the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Commission which has jurisdiction in this case. This property lies within the ETJ of City of Sanger. Right -of -Way Dedication: The applicant has obtained a variance from the standard City of Sanger street requirement. Therefore, the maintenance of this road shall be the responsibility of the homeowners and not of Denton County as noted in plat note number 4. SUMMARY: The proposed preliminary plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning July 5, 2007 Commission: City Council: July 16, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the Sadau Addition — Preliminary Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ■ Plat —Sadau Addition — Preliminary Plat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA BRIEFING IINoWngDO& I August 16, 2007 I AWa� I Robert Woods, P.E. I Sadau Addition -Final Plat of a 13.840 acres tract Subject; located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Mr. Carl B. Sadau is the applicant for the Sadau Addition - Final Plat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. Zoning: This property has obtained R-2 zoning from the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Commission which has jurisdiction in this case. This property lies within the ETJ of City of Sanger. Right-oRfty Dedication: The applicant has obtained a variance fnxn the standard City of Sanger street requirement. Therefore, the maintenance of this road shall be the responsibility of the homeowners and not of Denton County as noted in plat note number 4. SUMMARY: The proposed preliminary plat appears tD satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning August 23, 2007 Commission: City Council: September 4, 2007 Staff recommends approval for the Sadau Addition - Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: Plat -Sadau Addition - FinalPlat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA BRIEFING INeeft Date. I August 16, 2007 I "*' I Robert Woods, P.E. I Hadcberry Addition — Final Plat , Lot 1, Block A, Sub}ect Being 0.494 Acres in the H., Tiemiester Survey A 1241, City of Sanger STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Mr. Donald Jones is the applicant for the Haddx47y Addition — Final Plat of a 0.494 acre tract located in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, located within the city limits of Sanger. Zoning: This property is currently zoned Old Single Family 3. The minimum lot size in this district is 6000 sq. ft. Rightof-Way Dedication: The applicant is dedicating 60' Right of Way from the center of the existing street SUMMARY: The proposed Final plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning August 23, 2007 Commission: City Council: September 4, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the Hadcberry Addition — Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: • Plat—Hadcbeny Addition — Final Plat of a 0.494 acre tract located in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No.1241, located within the city limits of Sanger. PLANNING & ZONING COMMSSION . AGENDA BRIEFING Meetlng Date. August 16, 2007 Prqwr Robert Woods, P.E. Suter Lois Business Park — Preliminary Plat, Lots 1-4, STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Mr. Randall Smith is the applicant for Lois Business Park — Final Plat of a 131 acre tract located in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, located within the city limits of Sanger. Zoning: This property is currently zoned 1-1 (Industrial 1). Right -of -Way Dedication: The applicant is dedicating 40' Right of Way from the center of Lois Road. Per City of Sanger Ordinance Chapter 10 "Subdivision Regulations% Section 1 — "Improvements; Article 6.02 fitted "Street Paving — Concrete": The subdivider shall, at his own cost and expense, pay for constructing all streets and alleys within his subdivision and one-half (1/2) of all existing and/or proposed perimeter streets. Monies for the construction of the one-half (1/2) street shall be placed in an escrow account if the construction of the street is to be deferred to a later date. The developer has been made aware of this requirement. SUMMARY: The proposed Final plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning August 23, 2007 Commission: City Council: September 4, 2007 Staff recommends approval for the Hackberry Addition — Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ❖ Plat--ladcberry Addition —Final Plat of a 0.494 acre tract located in the H. Tierwester Surrey, Abstract No.1241, located within the city limits of Sanger.