08/03/2009-CC-Minutes-Work Session MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES August 3, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2.Review and Discussion of 2010 Budget and Tax Rate. The City Manager discussed the Economic Development budgets for 4A and 4B with Council. He discussed that last year the transfers from each board to the General Fund were $25,000, and this year it was reduced to $20,000. The transfers cover advertising and administrative costs for Economic Development. The biggest change in the 4B is their debt service, and in the 4A it is their loan payment. The City Manager continued with a discussion concerning the General Fund and Enterprise Fund budgets. He indicated that the proposed tax rate reflected on the General Fund budget is $0.62000. Detail overviews of the General Fund Departments and Enterprise Fund Departments were as follows: City Council budgets will reflect the same amount of expenditures. This is due to the final payment on the lawsuit that was getting expensed out of the General Fund budget. The City Attorney expenditures were moved from Administration to the City Council’s budget since he reports to the Council. Public Works budget is funded out of both funds and their budget reflects an increase. This is due to computer hardware expense for a new tremble. This will allow staff the capability to use it for GPS locations. Discussion continued on the cost and the life of the equipment. Police budget includes funding for the Advocacy Center, two new vehicles, and their payment of their debt service for their building. Brief discussion concerning Animal Control Budget. Fire Department included budgeted matching grants funds of $46,000. One of the grants is a 95% to 5% matching for an Aerial Fire Truck. If funded for the grant the cost to the City will be $37,000 instead of $750,000. Also, there is another grant match of 90% to 10% for Public Education Grant. The Fire Chief has applied for the SAFER Grant again. Discussion continued on some line item expenses. Discussion concerning Reserves for the Police and Fire Departments. City Manager briefly reviewed the Municipal Court and Custodial Budgets. Street Department budget included $100,000 for street improvements and $50,000 for sidewalks. The budget includes $20,000 for rental of equipment to clean-out borrow ditches and for a front-end loader that is needed for the chipper-truck. Discussion regarding street sweeping. Parks budget has been increased. It includes one new position and some part-time seasonal employees and new mowing equipment. This is mainly due in preparation of the new Sports Complex. Discussion continued regarding the maintenance and upkeep of all the parks, and the architectural design and plans for the new Sports Complex. Pool budget does not reflect major changes. Sullivan Center does not reflect major changes. The City Manager discussed a request from SPAN concerning additional funding from the City. SPAN recently received funds from a federal grant for rural transportation. SPAN is asking the City for additional funds of $5,049.47 to help meet their required match. If they had submitted the request 6 months ago it might have been considered. He advised that he instructed the City Secretary to send them a letter indicating that the request is sent too late in the budget year for consideration. Discussion concerning what affect this will have on transportation. The proposed budget does reflect the $5,000 for the Nutrition Program. Library budget did not have any major changes. There was some discussion concern any possible plans for expansion. City Manager advised that currently the $40,000 in funds that are available are not significant to fund a major expansion. Community Center also did not have major changes. Economic Development reflects funds to maintain the margin of expenditures. It is easier to reflect those funds in the General Fund than in 4A and 4B. Data Processing had no major changes except one de-funded temporary position. Water and Electric Departments reflect contingencies to help build emergency reserves. The budget in the Water Department reflects $25,000 for repainting the exterior of the water tower. Two positions were de-funded. Wastewater Collection reflects a $100,000 to work on the lines on 5th Street. It may be a possibility that this project will be funded from 2006 bond funds. Brief discussion that these funds can then be used on Cowling Road to eliminate the lift station. Wastewater treatment reflects one de-funded position. Electric budget reflects one new truck. The wholesale electric numbers were lowered from last year. The City Manager advised he will review the CIP projects with the Council at the next meeting. There was a brief discussion concerning dates for the public hearing on the budget. 3.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. None 4.Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the meeting.