08/17/2009-CC-Minutes-Work Session MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES August 17, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Rob Woods City Engineer 1.Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2.Capital Improvement Update and Discussion. The City Manager continued with a Power Point presentation on the 2006 Capital Improvement Update as follows: Resurface Bolivar from 2nd to Railroad tracks. Resurface Wayne & Jackilu from 1st to 2nd Resurface 1st from Wayne to Jackilu Resurface Pecan from 2nd to 5th Resurface 3rd from Elm to 455 Resurface Plum from 1st to 2nd & ½ block West Resurface 1st Street from Plum to 455 Discussion continued concerning these improvements. The 2006 CIP Utilities and Drainage improvements were as follows: Bridal Path Interceptor Line Sewer line extension North from Lois & Int. 35 (partial) 5th Street Sewer Improvements Drainage from 3rd & Jackilu North then East to 2nd Discussion concerning the undersize culverts, cleaning the ditches, and the problem with drainage The City Manager indicated the City has accumulated earned interest of about $600,000 on the 2006 CIP bond funds. The requirements on spending these funds are they have to be used for similar type projects. There are two utility projects he would like to do with the remainder of the funds. The construction of the Bridal Path Interceptor line and to partially fund the reconstruction and extension of the wastewater lines north along the north bound IH35 service road. This will replace the undersized line coming back into town and will eliminate the lift station behind Miguelito’s and upsize the 6” line to a 24” line north to Lois Road allowing for future growth on both sides of the Interstate. The southern interceptor line will tie in on the service road and go underneath the railroad tracks and tie into the 21 inch line on the other side of the railroad tracks. This is a needed improvement for future development. The other improvement, as part of the settlement agreement of the Wal-Mart and Wolski lawsuit, is to extend water and sewer lines up to View Road. This improvement is estimated to cost about two hundred thousand dollars. It will partially be funded from the 2006 bond funds, and 4A has committed to participate on half the cost up to $100,000. The City Manager advised that he is trying not to utilize the wastewater capital improvement funds. He would like to target those funds for the new sewer plant. The City Manager proceeded with a discussion concerning the 2007 CIP projects as follows: City Hall drainage, lighting and parking. The new street lights were installed to match the downtown street lights. There will be some improvements to help with the drainage problem and repaving on 6 th street to allow for some off-street parking. Fleet Maintenance building yard and improvements Water storage yard with sheds that will be South of their new building Public Works parking, resurface the parking between the Fire Station and Public Works Camera system for Public Works, Electric, and Water buildings and a system on the Parks building Sports Park maintenance building - City Manager anticipates we will have additional funds from this bond issue to build the maintenance building  Quail Run pavilions, two smaller pavilions to be built that will have metal roofs Rebuild the well houses, several well houses that need new roofs. The City Manager addressed the pool issues. The pool needs some reconstruction work. He asked the Council if they would like to make the necessary repairs or possibly look at having a Splash Park. The estimate to replace the pumps and filters at the pool is $28,500. If we consider investing more monies into the pool for repairs, we also need to put in the ultra-violet filtration system. This cost is another $18,500. If we build a new Splash Park in its place it will cost about $150,000. It is more expensive for the Splash Park; however, it has advantages. It is more appealing to children. The risk of anyone drowning is eliminated. Discussion continued on the operation cost of the pool and the revenues that are generated. The last three years the revenues have been consistent at about $7500.00. The operating loss is $43,000 a year and this figure has been consistent every year. The City is not in the business to make money from the pool operations, but we are losing money in maintenance and repairs. If we replace the pool with the Splash Park, the City will save about $23,000 a year. Discussion continued concerning the liability issues in having a pool. The City Manager also discussed entry fee to the Splash Parking could be free. He indicated that this is the time for Council to decide the direction they want to take concerning the pool. Councilman Patton indicated he would like some more viable alternatives. He personally prefers to have a pool. He would like to see more possibilities. The City Manager indicated this covers the 2006 and 2007 CIP Improvements and moved with a discussion on the funding some CIP projects from the Water Capital Reserve Fund. The fund currently has over $900,000. They are proposing two projects with these funds. One is replacing the water line on Bolivar Street from the Service Road to 5th Street. This line is in major need of repairs and is causing problems. The estimated cost for repair is estimated at $130,000. This is a main line that serves the downtown area and comes from the Acker water tower under the Interstate. This will allow the capability to tie into the 8 inch line on 10 th Street and the 8 inch line on 5 th Street. The other improvement is to bring a 20 inch water line down Lois Road from the water tower to the service road then take a 12 inch line north to View Road. This is another improvement indicated in the Wolski settlement agreement. The cost for this project is an estimated $440,000. The City Manager advised that Council has to approve the expenditures from the Water Capital Reserve Fund. These two projects will be on the Council agenda in September. Discussion continued. The City Manager discussed the proposed projects for the 2009 CIP bond issue. There is about $800,000 to be used on City CIP Projects which are as follows: Resurface Plum from 5th to 10th Street Resurface 8th from Plum to 455 Drainage 4th & Locust Drainage Sims & Willow Drainage 10th & Bolivar Drainage 6th from Bolivar to Cherry, then East to 5th Various ditch cleaning and widening The discussion continued concerning the improvements. Mayor Higgs asked about the possibility of cleaning the ditch at Rising Star. This has been a problem in the past and it will continue each time there is a heavy rain. The City Manager continued with the improvements budgeted for 2009/2010 budget. Cowling Road (Interlocal with County) The City Manager advised the problem with the road is that the base. This road is a priority to repair. Cowling Road sewer line. If this project for the road improvement is done, they would like to lay an interceptor line from the top lift station from Quail Run down to the bottom lift station and do away with the top lift station. 3.Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. 4.Adjournment. Mayor Higgs adjourned the meeting.