08/18/2008-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 18, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Robert Patton MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst City Manager Rose Chavez 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, Councilman Garza led the invocation, followed by Councilman Ervin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed three minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. None CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: August 4, 2008 -Work Session August 4, 2008 - City Council b) Disbursements c) Approve Ordinance #08-25-08 - Adopting the Regional Transportation Council Clean Fleet Vehicle Policy and the North Central Texas Council of Governments Clean Fleet Vehicle Policy b) Disbursements - Councilman Ervin had some questions on expenses from Precious Thompson. The name comes up as an expense in different departments. City Manager explained she does all the IT work for the City. The expense is divided among all the departments. The City was experiencing problems with e-mail in all the departments. Ms. Thompson conducts all IT contractual work for the City at $45.00 an hour. Staff utilizes her services two days a week and was contracted after Samantha left since she was our IT staff person. Councilman Ervin asked if she was insured and bonded. City Manager indicated he was not sure and will check into the status of the insurance and will report back to the Council. Councilman Garza asked if it would cost the City any money by adopting the Clean Feet Vehicle Policy. City Manager indicated that it should not and proceeded with a brief review of the ordinance. Councilman Patton made the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Consider and Possible Action Approving Resolution #R 08-12-08 - Governing Dangerous Dogs City Manager indicated this was discussed at the last work session and consensus of the Council to place it on the agenda for action to approve or disapprove. There was a brief review concerning the number of dog bites within the last three years. The Resolution is only to support the introduction and passage of breed specific legislation. There was a brief discussion regarding this Resolution. Councilman Ervin moved to deny this Resolution #R 08-12-08. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried 3-1. Councilman Garza voted no. 6. Information Items: a) City of Sanger Investment Report b) Monthly Financial Statement c) Monthly Library Report d) Chamber Investment Report e) Letter from North Star Planning 7. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the meeting.