09/08/2009-CC-Minutes-Work Session MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Joe Iliff Director of Development Services 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Discussion on Smoking Ordinance. City Manager proceeded to review the changes in the tobacco use ordinance. This was addressed in a previous session, and then it was tabled for further review. It was at the request by Council at that time to include all tobacco products. The changes are reflected in the ordinance and include: use is prohibited in any City property other than the designated areas and prohibits use in any city owned vehicle. The Director is responsible for making an exception and designating an outdoor smoking area at a city owned facility. Councilman Martin asked how this would be policed. The City Manager indicated there would be signage at the entrances. He also informed Councilman Martin that it was the Parks Board who brought an ordinance to the Council prohibiting smoking at the ball fields. The ordinance was discussed in a Council meeting, and at that time Council wanted to expand the ordinance by including banning all tobacco use on City-owned buildings and vehicles. The Mayor asked if the City employees had given their thoughts about the ordinance. The City Manager advised that he is not sure the employees know about the ordinance; however, the vehicles do not belong to them and they have to adhere to the ordinance. Discussion continued regarding the ordinance. Councilman Martin asked a question with the Exceptions on item (2) Hotel and Motel meeting rooms and wanted to know if this would also cover the mansion that is off the service road that is getting remodelled. He asked if we needed to define this differently. The City Manager indicated that he would change the wording to read “meeting room and assembly room”. A brief discussion continued. Councilman Garza indicated that the Council took the responsibility of passing an ordinance for non-smoking restrictions on restaurants and such establishments some time ago. The Council needs to consider banning tobacco use on City owned vehicles and buildings to be in compliance with our own rules. Councilman Patton and Councilman Ervin agreed. Councilman Ervin indicated that by possibly banning tobacco product use in city vehicles and buildings it could lower our City’s insurance cost. A brief discussion continued concerning cost for the signage. City Manager advised that currently the City does not have that many signs and this is the time to get those in place. There was discussion concerning the wording on the signage and the designated areas. Coucilman Martin asked if there were repercussions if someone continues to violate the ordinance. The City Manager discussed that the fine is $500.00. A discussion continued concerning incorporating the wording that is prohibiting the use into the personnel policy. Employees will be made aware of the ordinance and if an employee violates the ordinance they will be properly disciplined. The ordinance will include anything that is an enclosed cab. The City Manager advised that this will be on the agenda for the next Council meeting. This will allow some more time for Council to review it for any further changes. It was also discussed that the Director would be the City Manager. The City Manager advised that he may include this as an agenda item to appoint the City Manager or his designee as the Director. 3. Discussion on Swine Flu Contingency Plan. The City Manager reviewed the flu contingency plan with the Council. The main purpose of having a plan is to make sure that services are not disrupted and that we can continue to provide basic services to the community. His concern is that if it gets to the 50% level as it has been predicted, there is a possibility that schools may have to be closed. If this happens the City has a lot of employees with small children who are limited on who takes care of their children. This is the reason for his implementing a plan to allow us to continue operations. This will be done by setting the system to allow employees to work from home. The procedures are in place to have at least two people cross-trained for each position preferably three that can do any job at the City. The main priority is to keep the office at City Hall opened. The other offices include Inspections/Public Works, Court and the Police Lobby. The Department Heads have reviewed this information and are in agreement with the plan. The discussion continued concerning temporary employment agencies. The City Manager advised that we are established with two agencies as an alternative source in case we get in a difficult situation. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. The City Manager advised that under the consent agenda the Interlocal agreement with the County is a revision of what has already been to Council. After the agreement was executed with all the signatures, the County had a problem with the wording. The agreement was sent back with the correction to be approved. The change was in the method the payment was to be made. The City inspects the work, Dr. Wolski submits invoices to the City, and we verify that the work has been done. The County will send a check to the City, and then we will cut a check to Dr. Wolski. This will allow the City to make inspections and make sure the work is properly constructed. The other item that was addressed by the City Manager was the Development Agreement with Skiles Property Trust. The agreement outlines developer’s responsibility for the construction of View Road. He has to construct a 31-foot wide concrete, curb and gutter roadway approximately 1200 feet as an extension of View Road, and all drainage improvements; and the developer will use one of his wastewater connect fee waivers that was granted under the settlement agreement. Mayor asked for an explanation on item #5. The City Manager advised that this is an award that Joe Iliff applied for through the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association. The City of Sanger received the award. Joe Iliff explained that each year the association recognizes cities that have achieved excellence in city planning. Cities are evaluated on having certified professionals on staff and providing ongoing training for staff and commissioners. Cities qualify by adopting major planning documents and updating land use regulations. In the last two years the City adopted the 2007 Sanger Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the 2007 Thoroughfare Plan, and the 2008 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The City has also hired a certified professional planner and updated major land use regulations such as the Subdivision and Sign Ordinance. If you receive a high enough score cities are awarded a certificate of achievement. He will be presented this award during regular session. Brief discussion concerning the September 11 holiday for Firefighters and that Police Officers are exempt from receiving the holiday. 5. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the work session.