05/06/2019-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularBANGER *TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, May 6, 2019 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allotived 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes 1) City Council Work Session, April 15, 2019. 2) Regular City Council Meeting, April 15, 2019. 4. Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. PROCLAMATIONS 5. Consider, Discuss, Possibly Approve and Present Proclamation #05-01-2019 Proclaiming May 611, 2019 as Children's Mental Health Awareness Day in the City of Sanger. 6. Consider, Discuss, Possibly Approve and Present Proclamation #05-02-2019 Proclaiming the Month of May as Motorcycle Awareness Month in the City of Sanger. REGULAR AGENDA 7. Presentation for Children's Advocacy Center for Denton County, Presented by Troy Hamm, Board Member. 8. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Replat of Lots 1R, and Lot 2R, Block A, L.L. & T. Addition, Being a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition, Being 7.026 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of FM 455 and Approximately 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Union Hill Road and FM 455. 9. Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lots 1R, and Lot 2R, Block A, L.L. & T. Addition, Being a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition, Being 7.026 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of FM 455 and Approximately 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Union Hill Road and FM 455. 10. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on a Contract with NO-DIGTEC, LLC on a Potential Sewer Replacement Project Along Peach Street at a Cost of $188,819.42 and Authorize Director of Public Works to Execute Agreement. 11. 'Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Resolution No. 05-08-19 of the City of Sanger, Texas Authorizing Signatures, For Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas; Providing for an Effective Date. 12. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Resolution No. 05-07-19 of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, Ratifying a Contract for the Emergency Repair of Water Well; Making Findings Exempting Such Contract From the Requirements of Competitive Bidding, and Providing an Effective Date. 13. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Authorization to Utilize the Interlocal Purchasing Agreement With the City of Grand Prairie for Contract for Services .with Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Company for Street Reconstruction of llth Street from Elm to Hughes, 12" Street from Elm to Bolivar, 13' Street from Bolivar to Hughes, and Hughes from loth Street to the Service Road at an Amount Not to Exceed $120,000. 14. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CLOSED MEETING Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: - Section 551.074 — Personnel Matters (City Manager Annual Performance Review) 15. RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING Any Action Taken. 16. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Disbursements for April 2019. 17. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of tit Mayor). 18. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to he general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the following date and time: at-j>(�. M., and remained posted continuously for at least 72 oV; ti ��fo,e scheduled time of said meeting and shall remai"gsted untol)ineeting is adjo Cheryl,'rice City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas This facility is wheelchair accessible �l t1ile�e�rking spaces are available. Requests for 0 accommodations or interpretive services �Wnth+$L"�nzade 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION April 15, 2019 — 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tam Gary Bilyeu; Councilman Bill Boutwell; Councilman Allen Chick; Councilman David Clark. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Lee Allison. The Mayor and four (4) Council Members were pre -sent constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager AIina Ciocan; Economic Director Shani Bradshaw; Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene; City Secretary Cheryl Price, 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayon Muir called the Work Session to -order at 6:03 PM on April 15, 2019. 2. Economic Development Update (Shani Bradshaw, Director of Econowip Development). Economic Development Director Shani Bradshaw was recognized, She provided the Mayor and City Council with an Economic Development update on some of the items completed over the last couple'of months and what she is currently working on. She noted that she now has a booth and some marketing materials for trade shows. She noted a couple of trade shows that she has attended so far. She presented photos of the booth and some samples of some of the marketing materials and demographics for the City. She is in the process of updating the demographics to incorporate the retail analysis that was presented to Council about a month ago. This information is provided to site selectors and brokers and prospects at the shows. We hired the Retail Coach back in January and Council was provided the report in February and as was discussed it helps target specific businesses. She summarized the information she is planning to provide to prospects and incorporate on the website as well. She advised she monitors information on the social media sites and updates them with job opportunities and any type of economic development information that - she can: provide. She also provides information for Parks and Recreation, anything that promotes more tourism. for Sanger. She noted that she has been speaking with some prospects but can not give any details at this time. She advised that some of the industries that she has targeted are light manufacturing, healthcare, supermarket, and grocery stores. She noted that the warehouse is an item on the regular Council session tonight and would address it at that time. For economic development she has to attend a lot of training and conferences. It is also important to maintain a relationship with the regional workforce as well as the colleges and mentioned the event in October where we partnered with NCTC and the adult continuing education department and held an even at the Sanger library. She summarized the resources that the event provided for businesses. In January we partnered with the Goodwill Industries of Fort Worth to assist people with disabilities and disadvantages to help them achieve maximum independence. She summarized the conferences she has attended (TEDC-Texas Economic Development Council, The ICSC — International Conference of Shopping Centers), conference in Fort Worth. The ICSC is a deal show and you scope out the businesses you are targeting and set up meetings. She noted there is a huge ICSC Recon convention in Las Vegas in May and hoped in the future the City of Sanger could attend. Some of the other cities that attend and rely on this conference heavily to bring retail into their cities, City Manager Alma Ciocan noted that she was required to attend in her previous job and noted it is a huge event and everyone you can think of in the world of retail is there. It was noted it is very expensive to get a booth, so you basically make appointments three to four months prior and meet with prospects there and you literally walk the show. The little cities could not get the big executives to come to their City but they would go to ICSC Recon and you could talk to the corporate people there that actually choose site selection. There was discussion regarding the expenses.. Mayor Muir noted that if there were two or three things that we were really chasing and we needed to work at them a little harder it may be worth at least talking about. There was brief discussion regarding this item and that it may be something to look at after we get the Comprehensive Plan completed. Councilman Chick noted that he liked the idea that we are targeting business. Ms. Bradhsaw noted a few other events she is planning on attending in the future; Retail Live in Austin, where all there is are Retailers who have booths set up and noted examples such as Starbucks, Carts Jr, the Shoe Box, Brookshires, etc. The other one that she will have a booth at is NTCAR, North Texas Commercial Association of Realtors. She is serving as a liaison for the Sanger Chamber and also recently signed up with the Denton Chamber. She updated the Boards activity. The 4A Board is talking about the warehouse and they have shown it to other prospects and they have other plans for the building. They axe putting the warehouse on hold for now and this will be discussed later on the regular agenda. The 4B is very focused on the park that would be. on the east side of IH-35. In addition she is working with them on helping with the comprehensive plan. Mayor Muir noted that the cost of bonding the east side of the park is probably not happening at this time with the capital improvement projects that we have going on right now. There was discussion of having a joint meeting with City Council and the 4A & 4B Boards. Councilman Boutwell noted with the widening of I-35 that it would be prudent to wait and see what is going to happen there. Mayor Muir noted that the City did submit the information for plans in the comment box that the City wanted an access attaching Porter Park and the proposed park on the east side of IH-35. There was discussion regarding the marketing piece she provided and how it is decided what goes on the material presented and the types of markets we are focusing on. It was noted that the Council would get quarterly Economic Development updates and/or sooner if any information comes up. 3. Discuss Adoption of 2015 International Codes and 2014 National Electric Code with Applicable NCTCOG and the City of Sanger Amendments (Ramie Hammonds, Director of Development Services). Director of Development Services, Ramie Hammonds was recognized. She noted when we do our local amendments staff reviews them and looks at what is the benefit, what is the cost, what is the justification. She provided a list of the six local amendments to the ICC Codes (below) being proposed and further explained each of the changes being made. I Code National Electric Code National Electric Coda Section 3.502 SEC 110(A)(1) 3.502 sac 210.8(A)(1) International Residential Code 3.602 sec 1305.1.3 IntemationalResidentialCode 3.602sucE340S3.1 International Plumbing Code 3.302sac 1003.3.8 Fire Code 5.2D2sec912.2.3 ice•:-s��4�,ac•.. � . Local Code Amendmem - Cost Increase/Decrease _ iuslificatl9p - - - --- -- Section 110(A)(1); Meter This allows Orst responders to know Identification. On commercial sites which meters serve which areas. In meter shall be equipped with a brass the event of an emergency Ills dear Approximate cost$4.00 tag permanently affixed displaying which meter needs to be the address that the meter Is disconnected or pulled. servicing. 210.8(A)li);Dwelling Units. in •Thisprovides ameans for raldents is bathrooms and kitchens where to to able to reset a tripped abletoretacle 'Ground-Fault-Circuibinlerruption etheripped mom being Noaddr0onalcost recre� .devfcesare required the reset shall be located In the room served. 1305.1.3 Water heaters other than tankless shall not be Installed within Added weight of water heater In attics; with the exception of additional to potential for greater SO& decrease in cost replacement of existing water damage In the event of* failure. beaters. E340S3.1; Panelboards shall not be increased convenience and Safety for Installed on the exterior of a dwelling, No additional cost residents unit 2003.3.8; Sample Well. A 12Inch To allow sampling of water to ensure sample well shall be provided on ell no grease Is being directed into Costunknown &raise Interceptors or separators. Wastewater System 912.2.3 Hydrant Distance. An Hose comesin50feetsec0ont.This ,approved firehydrant shall be ellowsthefirst responders tobeable 'located within SOfeet ofthe fire to connect with one hose whichsave.Cost unknown lncrease/dscreaie department connection as the fire time and man power. The City depending on project hose lays along an unobstructed typically only has 3firefighters ana There was a brief discussion. and question period regarding each of the above items. There was discussion regarding the International Fire Code amendment and what it would cost the developer. Ms. Hammonds summarized the other changes being brought forward tonight are the 2015 Building Codes with the COG amendments. Most of the COG amendments are the ones that were not adopted and were already covered somewhere else in the code. She noted that we recently were due for an ISO Rating and noted how intimidating the size of the packet and the questions they asked were. The ISO Rating is done every 4 years and the last ISO Rating was done in 2015. There is a scale of 1-10 with "1" being the very best you can score and "10" being the worst. The City of Sanger was sitting at a "9"; however, with the adopting of the codes, with our increased inspections with our in-house plan review and everything that we have put together so far, our new ISO Rating for Residential one -family and two- family dwellings is a "5", and our Commercial is a "4". This affects the citizens of Sanger because it may possibly lower a homeowner's rate as a discount according to the ISO Rating. Also, if we were to have a natural disaster, federal funds that residents could get are based off of the ISO Ratings and a higher rating would mean more funds are provided. So, it really does pay to update and work on these types of improvements and keep things up to date. Mayor Pro Tem. Bilyeu noted this is good news and asked how we could get this word out. That every citizen should be asking their insurance agent if they qualify for this reduction. There was discussion regarding some of the variables regarding the reduction given by an insurance company, such as the date the home was built, how far they are from a fire station, etc. It was noted that this item is on the regular agenda and there is also a section on Model Home Guidelines. Recently there have been several builders who would like to permit model homes before the subdivision is accepted so they can get started. Staff has developed guidelines and each builder is allowed one model home per subdivision. There will not be any CO's (Certificate of Occupancy) issued until ! the subdivision is accepted. She noted the Lakeridge Development wants one and 6 they will be ready in about :four weeks, and this will let them go ahead and start construction of the model home and at about the time the subdivision is ready the model home should be ready for a CO. Again, a CO will not be issued until the subdivision is completely accepted and staff will not file the plat until the subdivision is fully inspected and accepted. This will be spmething that the developer will work through with Engineering. Each builder within a subdivision will be allowed one model home. There was brief discussion. Councilman Clark began discussion on the code for the grease interceptor -and he noted concern regarding this requirement. It was noted 12-inch sample well was a standard size, that this box would sit right next to the grease interceptor allowing for sampling the product after it leaves the tank. There was discussion regarding the wording which currently says, "a 12-inch sample well shall be provided on all grease interceptors or separators". Councilman Boutwell suggested that the wording could be changed to "immediately adjacent to the exit of the interceptor." There was discussion regarding the cost of the improvement. It was noted that this requirement would only be on new construction or remodeling. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. None. S. Adjourn. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 6.53 PM. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 15, 2019, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir; Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu; Councilman Allen Chick; Councilman Bill Boutwell; Councilman David Clark. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Lee Allison.. The Mayor and four Council Members were present constituting a quorum, STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Engineer Tracy LaPiene, P.E.; Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds; City Planner Muzaib Riaz; Truman Resource Coordinator 7eriana Staton; City Secretary Cheryl Price. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the Regular City Council Meeting to order on April 15"', 2019 at 7:02 p.m. Councilman Chick gave the Invocation and Councilman Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. CITIZEN INPUT: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Mayor Muir noted that had two citizen input forms and noted they are pertaining to agenda items and they would be recognized during items 7-10. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes 1) Regular City Council Meeting, April 1, 2019. Item 3 a. was removed from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately under Item 4. Councilman Clark was absent the last meeting and wished to abstain from the approval of the minutes. b) Approve Resolution No. 04-06-19 Appointing Tracy A. LaPiene, as the City of Sanger Representative to the Upper Trinity Regional. Water District Board of Directors for a Four (4) Year Term. c) Approve the 2019-2020 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Shared Governance Communications and Dispatch Services System Between Denton County and the City of Sanger's Police and Fire Departments and Authorize the 9 REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly. Approve the Agreement for Banking Services with First United Bank, and the Form of Custodial and Safekeeping Agreement Set Forth in the Proposal, and Authorize the City Manager to Sign Both, and. Any Other Administrative Documents Necessary to Give Full Effect to the Selection of the Bank as the City's Depository Bank. City Manager Alina Ciocan summarized the item. She noted that in March the proposal for banking services was approved for banking services with First United Bank. The agreement has been drafted and the RFP included in the agreement by reference. Legal Counsel has reviewed the agreement. She noted that Greg Farrow, President of First United Bank was present if there were any questions. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted for the record we only received one response to the RFP. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve the agreement for banking services with First United Bank, and the Form of Custodial and Safekeeping Agreement set forth in the proposal, and authorize the City Manager to sign Both, and any other administrative documents necessary to give fall effect to the selection of the bank as the City's depository bank. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison absent). 6. Consider, Discuss . and Possibly Act on Authorizing the 4A Industrial Development Corporation to Pay the Remaining Debt of $280,503.75 on the Warehouse Located at 103 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas. Economic Development Director Shand Bradshaw was recognized to summarize the request. The 4A Industrial Corporation had a meeting on April 2, 2019. They discussed the warehouse and decided that instead of putting the building back on the market that they would like to pursue paying the note off and save some interest. They would like to bring the building up to where it needs to be and revisit putting the building back on the market after the comprehensive plan has been implemented. If we add a downtown component to the comprehensive master plan it will give us a better idea of what the city is looking for in that area, She provided detailed information on the payoff of the loan. However, there is some information that she needs to provide to the Council before a vote on the issue is made. It was noted that she will get the additional information and bring the item forward at the next meeting. There was brief discussion as to tabling the item or taking no action on the item. No further discussion and no action taken on this item. 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance H04-09-19 Approving Amendment to Chapter 10 Subdivision Regulations Exhibit A Subdivision Ordinance Section 6.02b Pavement Thickness Requirements; Providing for a Severability Clause, Penalty of WE Fine, and an Effective Date. City Engineer Tracy LaPiene, P.E. was recognized to summarize. He advised that at some point in the future he plans on doing a more comprehensive review of the City's subdivision ordinance. At this time, he is proposing a revision to the pavement requirements with regards to the thickness, strength of the concrete and spacing of the rebar to make subgrade stabilization in line with general practice in the area. Normal practice is that they are doing a geotechnical report with regard to the amount of moisture conditioning that they use and how they are going to be filling in everything for their structural components and throughout their entire development. It is generally standard practice either on the residential side or the commercial side that they are doing a Creotech report, and he is asking for the option to review that report. He noted he provided a comparison of several different communities and what their requirements were to base the recommendations to the Council. Bumping up residential streets from 3000 psi to 3600 psi and tightening up the xebar from 24-inch spacing to 18-ineh spacing. On the collectors bumping the thickness up to 8 inches with number three bars on 18-inch center. Also standard in most communities, if you are placing your pavement down with a box paver there is one strength requirement, and if you are doing it by hand., they usually bump up to the next level of psi which is also standard practice. Mayor Muir thanked Mr. LaPiene for the presentation and for providing a comparison of other communities. It was noted that Denton has higher requirements because their life cycle is 40 years where other communities have a standard life cycle of 20 years. Mayor Muir noted that he had a Citizen Input Form from Carolyn Cashion, Ultra Homes, Sanger, Texas who wished to speak on Items on the agenda and referenced Item Nos. 7 (this item) 8, and 10. He asked Ms. Cashion if she wished to speak on this particular item at this time. Ms. Carolyn Cashion, Ultra Homes was recognized and asked if she could do it all at once and Mayor Muir responded noting that she could address all of her comments and concerns and the Council could take them into consideration during this and the other items. That the Council would like to hear her input before voting on the items. Ms. Cashion noted one of the things that she wanted to talk about is in basically, Article 1, the codes. She noted that in the agenda tonight there are a lot of codes that are being addressed. One of the things that is not clear, that she would like to see as a builder, and for the City, when this is adopted, you say what you are adopting it for. For instance, she asked to separate the industry, is it residential, is it multi -family, is it commercial; because you have got IBC, you have got some commercial codes, and then, it is addressing residential, but they are all grouped together. So, that allows for over -reach of inspectors because they are going to be able to pull from any code they want to pull, and that is an issue and that they are kind of seeing that now. Just as an example, they are required to have TECQ inspections and they are paying a lot of money and they are doing it, but they are still getting red tags Rom the City inspector for things that have already been noted and they are trying to take care of, and they are having to pay for re - inspections. They are having the same thing happening on engineering. They pay for engineering and engineering pre -pour inspection and the inspector decides that he wants for 4 11 the City to take responsibility for the foundations and he is inspecting them and deciding if he wants to red tag them and thinks two inches of plastic is different and he was measuring them. She said she was told in the beginning that the City didn't want responsibility for that, and from an engineering standpoint if he is going to overrule them then that is putting it back on the City's responsibility versus the engineer. So, those are the things on that, that she would like to address, is that it needs to be defined. Are they building to IRC or are they building to IBC or all of the different things that are in here. The other one, the main thing, is moving on your agenda, is going to IRC 2015. She noted she understands different codes and the reason why. Since 2017 they have had tremendous cost increases from the permitting, fart of it, Council was are gracious enough to give them some warning that they had $1,500 in impact fees that they lalew were coming, and she was assuming that was to Marion Road since impact fees have to be used, for her situation, have to affect their subdivision and that would be the only road. She noted she would be excited to see some improvements on Marion Road because everyone knows it is heavily traveled. Mayor Muir noted that he thinks that Impact pees can be used anywhere in the infrastructure of the City because people coining out of any subdivision drive any major collector or thoroughfare type road, He noted that he did not believe that there is a limitation on to having to use it on an adjacent road. Mayor Muir noted that they do not disagree regarding the situation on Marion, but he was just trying to clarify regarding the impact fees. He noted that new people coming into a subdivision don't just drive Marion Road or a little bit of 455, they come -into town and drive on 5'h Street, they go down Acker, and Bolivar they go to ball games at the middle schools, etc. He noted that he believed that impact fees can go anywhere. Ms. Cashion noted that, that is not what they are told, but that is up to the City's attorney. They and their attorney believe that they have to be a connector road to the subdivision. Mayor Muir noted that she may be talking about the requirements of an improvement or development of roads adjacent to a property being developed. She noted that those costs that they have had have gone up in permitting and if we go to IRC, with the short notice that she had today and it is very difficult to look at all of the things to see what things have been left out in this and added to according to the 2015, so there may be some things there as well. The biggest thing on that is the energy code. The 20t5 energy code was federally mandated. It went into place and was active in 2016 when it became mandatory. That was the first code as builders, just for education benefit, that has ever been mandated by the federal government made the same code for, lets put it this way, from Alaska to Hawaii which need totally different things. There have been some prescriptive added to it, and things like that and the one that that they do at Ultra is all of their energy codes are certified. There are duct blowers and there is testing, everything has to meet guideline certification. But with the 2015 going in that can add additional cost and they are not allowed to use the prescriptive they are using now so that is something that she would like to see added is that they would like to use the 2015 prescriptive because that keeps them from having to do things that actually give the homeowner nothing but it is going to cost them several thousand, over two -thousand dollars a house depending on which size they put in that they are not going to gain any benefit from it because they are already at so low that you are having to put more fresh air vents in just to get enough circulation in the house. The other thing that she saw that is critical for builders, not just her but any building and the City was gracious to do it on the impact fees, is the fact 12 that these things are starting iminediately. They all have houses sold that are already not expecting to add thousands of dollars to the cost of it when you say immediately that are not permitted at this point. They would like to see some time delay in the fact of it going forward if staff does persist: in it going forward like it is right now, Those are her main points is that they really do need some time on that, not only to do that but to be able to understand everything but to make sure we are all on the same page when we are going forward and be able to study them and know them because there are so many elements in that code that change. They have had in the last year, part of the fees going forward for them, with all of the new development fees being put on subdivisions and stuff roll right back to the homeowner. So, they have already had lot increases once they hit Phase 6 from $5600 a lot from Phase 4. The are adding another $2000 in permitting and then you start talking about having to add two to three thousand in construction costs, the next thing they know is they no longer have affordable housing and they are pricing themselves out of the market, She thanked the Mayor and Council for listening to her. Mayor Muir noted that Lisa Dritschler, McClintock Homes mentioned she would like to speak on items 8 and 10. She noted she could wait until this item was complete. Mayor Muir asked if staff wanted to address any items raised. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds was recognized. She noted that one of the questions was the codes that the City is developing under. Although there are many codes in here that we are adopting, only the residential codes affect residential. The IBC is Commercial and the codes themselves clearly state that. That is not something that we have to call out. The residential code is for one -family and two-family dwellings. The Commercial code does not cover residential, so that is already taken care of. Another item that was asked about was the energy code. The City already allows for the prescriptive method *_ that is not changing anything that the City is doing with the energy code that they have currently been doing, that we are going to continue with the same. She did get a call from the Dallas Builders Association today and he sent over some wording that came out of the 2018 codes which we are'not going to, but the wording still could be used It was too late to put it in, but to clear things up we are already doing those things and it may be something in the future that we put in as an amendment. She noted that they have been letting the City's builders know that we are moving towards the 2015 codes for some time now. The effective date for the new Code this year is May 1". in 2012 it was May 11t, that they have just continued with that cycle and noted that it is something that they can look at. Mayor Muir noted that it is the 2015 Building Code, He used the analogy that we don't want to buy the new car on the showroom floor, we want the bugs to get worked out and we want local COG to look at it and then we can make the fewest adjustments like our local changes to the building code for adoption. Every City is going to be moving through these codes and once a code comes out, cities are not sitting stagnant forever. That builders, he thinks, know that the code will be changing and he does not want to be preaching but it is four years out from the 2015 code and it has been out there a while. Ms, Hammonds also noted that the ISO ratings are heavily weighed on the fact that we are 13 moving to the 2015 code. Mayor Muir summarized the ISO Rating the city recently received which was discussed in the Work Session tonight. That bringing these codes forward does affect the City's ISO Rating. He noted that staff mentioned in the Work Session tonight that the City's rating is going from a "9" with "10" being the worst to a "5" in residential. So, it will help the residents as far as insurance discounts and for increased Federal funding if a disaster occurs in Sanger and this is because of the improved codes and processes that have been put in place. Mayor Muir asked if that helped clarify some of the concerns. Ms. Cashion stated it did with the energy, It was decided that Lisa Dritschler, McClintock Homes would also be recognized to speak to continue this discussion. She noted on Item 8 of the Ordinance, all of the cities are moving to the new codes, it is just a natural progression. Her only concern is what Ramie addressed is the air exchange trade off, because what COG did recommend and it was left out of our ordinance tonight and it actually puts into writing what the City is already doing. They just respectfully aslc that it be added to the ordinance since the city is already doing it, lets put it in writing that it is ok to do, so that one day if something happens and someone new comes in, they are not questioning it and we are covered, She reiterated that she would like to see it in writing. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds noted that they could certainly do that. Ms. Dritschler explained that it allows a certain number of air exchanges and is an alternate way of meeting the code, so to speak. The only other thing that she noted she has is the effective date of the ordinance, On Item 8, strictly because they do have sold units in 'backlog already, it takes at least 30 sometimes 45 days to get engineering and everything together to even submit to the city, She noted that they all have houses that are sold already and they are going to incur thousands of dollars more cost that they did not 'anticipate and she cannot react and adjust their prices accordingly because it would go back to the buyer'so the would respectfully request some kind of delay in the effectiveness of it, pass it tonight and make the effective date 60 to 90 days from now would be ideal. This is something that she would ask for all of the builders that that have sold houses that have not been permitted yet. One thing that Carolyn touched on as well is the overlap of TECQ, where the City came and asked them to remove the rocks and stones that were at the dead ends in the streets that did not continue on in Sable Creek. TCEQ mandated that they have there there and they,went back and forth for quite some time until they asked the City to send it to them in writing that they want them to remove the stones and finally the City said they could leave them. OIL fine because TCEQ said we had to have them. So, there is overlap and conflicting information, so, what do you do, we are going to follow TCEQ rules first, so that is something to take into consideration. The other item she had was on Item 10, I believe it is, on the inspections and fees. The building permit and inspection fees were defined in Texas as a user fee. The user fees are levied by the City for the right to user services and they must be in relationship to cost to provide those services, So, in this case the services are building inspections, permitting and the time to perform inspections and the administrative cost that goes along with that. So, the proposed fees in your ordinance are not based on the cost of the services they are based on a valuation that is given in the ICC chart and she provided the City Council a copy of the ICC chart, These costs are based on a national average and it even tells you in one, two, three, four different places it is not supposed to be 7 14 used as a guide for cities or jurisdictions. She stated she wanted to make sure that everyone has the information and passed out more information to Council. She pointed to the first paragraph that she has outlined, that it says that the ICC strongly recommends that all jurisdictions evaluate it and assess it on their own internally. Then, you go down to the second marking, it says this data table is not intended to be used as an estimating guide because it reflects average costs. If you go further down, it says again, it should be noted that these are average costs based on construction methods that are typical and the costs include the foundation all the way to roof, it does not take into account any regional costs, and it should be adjusted accordingly. If you go to the second page it is going to tell you that the table here that they are using in the ordinance or proposed using, which they currently are, this is a square foot of construction cost not including the price of the land it is strictly from the foundation to the roof is what this is supposed to provide and it supposed to be adjusted accordingly for each region. Well, unfortunately the permit valuations the .builders turn: in their permit app, and we put on there fiom sticks to bricks from slab to roof, what that cost is on the permit and then the City comes back and gives them the valuation based on that chart. Well the chart actually shows that based on here (referencing charts she provided to City Council) here is four houses that they have done recently and some are older, where the City has valued over $100,000 higher than her sticks and Bricks and in some, in a lot of the cases, if you go back and look at all of them, higher than what they sold the house for. So, they are giving a valuation to the property that is more than what they sell the house for here in Sanger. One great example, in Phase 3, $400,000.00 for a house in Sable Creek Phase 3. She wished she could sell them for that. So if you go back to what a user fee is, here is a great example if you think of safety inspections and you think about cars, does the body shop charge more for a Cadillac than they do a Chevy Impala, no because it is a user fee, it is based on the service they are providing. So she has two houses the exact same square footage and have two completely different price points because and which is not supposed to be included as different they have two different finish outs vinyl, linoleum, with a marble .tub and have hardwood floors and a Jacuzzi and by this table they would be valued the same. So, her point is that the evaluation and the expensive houses has nothing to do with the fee from Texas Law. It is supposed to be based on the user fee, the service cost to provide the service to the builder. Mayor' Muir asked how she saw most other cities determine their valuation, She said most of the cities do have a formula but it is based on the cost of the department. If their department cost a million dollars to run their permit fees and everything, they are projecting is a million dollars, there is not an over -allowance, there is not a revenue generator so to speak. Mayor Muir requested staff to comment on that in a minute. Even the TML of 'Texas Cities calls our specifically building inspections, permitting, for the cost of that as a user fee, so that is her biggest issue is that the valuation that is being given is more than they sell the houses for and that is just not fair and it gets passed off to the consumer as well and the prices of the houses get higher and you assume that with the fees will be priced to high out of the market for affordable housing. So anyway, that is her main concern there. The only other concern that she has on two other items, there was nothing in there as far as credit back to the builder when and inspection is not performed when they pay for same day or next day inspection, they get bumped or the inspector calls in sick or there is not a credit given back to them, so they would like to have something in the ordinance or some policy 15 that they have regarding that. And then, the definition of construction start before the permit is issued. It doesn't really define what that construction is, for example they will go out and grade a lot and get it ready and bench it and put form boards up and get a form board survey done right before they pull a permit because she thinks her lender requires that before they fund it. So that is one of things that she has a concern with as well, Let her know what the City defines as construction start. Director of Development Services, Ramie Hammonds was recognized. She started with the question of construction fees first. She stated we do not charge any pre -fees if they grade the lot or do form board sutveys, we don't, haven't, and aren't going to start, The only change in that fee schedule is an after-hours fee, other than that, nothing else, we are not adding anything else new or taking anything away. We are simply changing the after-hours fee from $50.00 per hour to $100.00 per hour and adding a clause in there that states if we use a third - party inspector that it will be actual cost-plus five percent (5%) administrative fee. That is the only fee we are changing. To speak a little on the fees themselves staff did a thirteen -city fee study and of that tbirteen-city fee study Sanger's permitting fees are the absolute lowest of anybody, She stated that she can assure that the City is not making money in the department. If we were to do an independent fee study the price of the permits would go up. We don't want to do that because we don't want our builders to pay a higher fee but if that ends up being required, that she could assure that the fees will go up because we are not recovering our cost as a building department. Mayor Muir noted that City staff has went through a pretty exhaustive look at this because of some questions about it and it was very enlightening. He noted that this is why he turned to Ms. Hammonds in the middle of this discussion, because we spent a lot of time looking at the numbers and looking at everybody else's process and tabulating that in a spreadsheet and we are the lowest there and our process is very in -line with those around us. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted that there are two different methods in calculating the fees and asked if we are using the same method as the other 13 cities. Ms. Hammonds noted that every city kind of has their own method, there are several cities using the exact same method that we are, but there are cities that are using different methods. There are cities that have just pulled a number out of a hat (for lack of a better word), Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked, if we are the least expensive that is regardless of what method is being used. Ms. Hammonds stated we are the least expensive. We pulled everyone's methodology and tabulated the fee based on the same square foot house same everything and we are still the lowest fee. Councilman Bilyeu asked if these were thirteen surrounding cities. Ms. Hammonds noted some of the cities, Prosper, Kium, Pilot Point, Denton, Celina, Argyle. Carolyn Cashion of Ultra Homes stated that she did not know how they come about it but they build in a lot of those cities and have never bad valuations for more than they can sell the house for. Mayor Muir noted the discussion was regarding the fee, when the fee is calculated, not the valuation, but the fee, when it is calculated is very in alignment with what is calculated. Where does that put the homeowner if we are pricing the house and they sell it does that permit, what does that do to their taxes because we can not get it appraised for what it is being valuated for. Ms. Hammonds noted that the Appraisal District does not use the City's valuation, they have their own methodology and it had no bearing other than calculating the fee. Mayor Muir noted that in the end, the City of Sanger 16 is at the bottom of the scale when it comes to the building permit fees. Lisa Dritsehler, McClintock Homes noted that staff made the comment earlier that the revenue that the City is generating from permits did not equal or was less than the cost to run the department. Mayor Muir stated yes, it was pretty clear, we had staff look into it because of the question that was asked. He stated he felt pretty confident that we can stand by those numbers based on the information that staff' has provided. Ms. Hammonds addressed some of the other questions, regarding credit for cancelled inspections. Staff does not guarantee next day inspections and tries really hard to get those and that is a service that we have been pretty successful at doing. The City does have some builders that wait until Friday and call in S to 10 inspections and staff only works half a day on Friday and there are times where some of those inspections get rolled to Monday. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if the builder is requesting and pays for a next day inspection do, we have that policy. Ms. Hammonds stated that you can pay for a same day inspection if there is an availability and, in that case, we do the same day inspection. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu asked if it is not done do, they get the payment credited back to them. Ms. Hammonds stated that we have never had that situation where it was paid the same day and the inspection was not done. Councilman Chick asked but what if the inspector could not get there. Ms. Hammonds noted that if staff could not get to the inspection then we would not charge for an inspection we could not perform. Ms. Cashion asked if it is going to be possible, because she knows the City closed early on Friday, but they have homeowners that are trying to close on Friday, is it going to be possible to outsource to get inspections on Friday and on weekends, Friday is a huge closing day. They have had aninspector give a red tag for dirt on the street which is not a priority and it just rained. And it stopped somebody from moving in over the weekend. So the City has been gracious with them and worked with them but it is very frustrating when people trying to move in and closing are set, they may even go ahead and close but the City is closed after lunch so they have no way and- don't even know the results of the permit sometimes until later so they can go and _do whatever is necessary. It doesn't happen often but when it does, they are at the screaming end of homeowners that can't move in. They even had one realtor that closed on the property and informed them that it didn't matter what the City did and the people moved in and they couldn't stop them. This puts them in a bind on Fridays, but it seems to be a primary closing day. Ms. Hammonds advised, to speak to this issue that the builders have Monday through Thursday 7:30 to 5:30 and they will not have builders call in a single inspection and then we, get to Friday and have six or more called I that day, She knows they are working Monday through Thursday and they try to make theta. aware and remind them that Friday is a half -day to try to front -load your inspections to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Staff knows that there are times that Friday is the last day it comes down to and they have to have that inspection on Friday. She noted that she could safely say that in the past year that they have rolled Friday inspections maybe six times. Most of the time our inspector does his best to get out and get those done, but it is frustrating on staff s part when the week goes along and you have for inspections and six inspection and on Friday you have twenty one. There is just no balance there. Mayor Muir noted that we are working and trying to find an outsource option to be developer friendly to facilitate that. Ms. Hammonds noted that on the commercial side, finding an outsource option for developers is being looked into. However, for building inspection side we have a source. 10 17 Ms. Cashion noted that they have had an unusual six months and have been at the absolute mercy of the weather to be able to get landscaping, fences, which is the last things that can be put in and it has been horrible. Ms. Hammonds noted that they have worked with some of the builders on these types of issues. If you can't get the sod in and or there is a patch of concrete that can't be repaired because of the'weather. The goal is that when the City does a final it is final. But we have worked with the builders on some of the issues and to tag onto that, sometimes it is very difficult and they try not to do it on anything interior because once the homeowner moves in it is very difficult to get back in and get an inspector back in there to final the inspection If it is something on the exterior and the inspector can see from. the outside they are more lenient to work with that. Councilman Boutwell noted that he was confused because he thought that they have to have an approved certificate of occupancy before they could move into the residence, that he understood that you do not get that certificate of occupancy until you pass the final inspection. He did not see why builders would be coming back to us saying that is a problem if they are going to final a house, they need to tell closing this is the proposed date and not put it, in concrete, that there are so many things that are dependent on it. He certainly would not sell a house and tell the homeowner that they can move in Saturday because the final inspection is on Friday. Ms. Hammonds noted that they do have some builders that let the homeowners move in before the final inspection is completed. There was no further questions or discussion. Mayor Muir summarized that this began with Item No. 7. He noted that City Engineer Tracy LaPiene presented the item and stated that he was reviewing the subdivision regulations for further amendments in the future. He felt these pavement requirements were urgent enough that we need to bring them forward sooner than later so our streets are serviceable for a longer period of time. Councilman Boutwell noted that Mr. LaPiene gave a good explanation on the situation and why this is needed. Councilman Boutwell made a motion to approve Ordinance #04-09-19 approving amendments to Chapter 10 Subdivision Regulations Exhibit A Subdivision Ordinance Section 6.02b Pavement Thickness Requirements; providing for a severability clause, penalty of fine, and an effective date. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion carried unanimously with 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison absent). 8. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #04-10-19 Amending Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances, Article 3.100 "Building Inspection Department Established", Article 3.200 "Building Code", Article 3.300 "Plumbing Code", Article 3.400 "Mechanical Code", Article 3.500 "Electrical Code, Article 3.600 "International Residential Code" Article 3.2500 "Energy Conservation Code", Article 3.2600 "Fuel Gas Code", Article 3.2700 "International Existing Building Code", Article 3.2400 "Model Horne Standards", and Adopting Article 32900 "Swimming Pool Spa Code", Article 3.3000 "Model Home Guidelines". 11 Irb Mayor Muir noted that this item was one of the items which was discussed previously and asked if staff had other additional comments. Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds stated that she had no firther comments and just want to bring the City up to code to continue moving forward. Mayor Muir asked if we were to do the addition of the prescriptive item would it be done in this motion. Ms. Hammonds stated yes it could be included in the motion. She explained that the energy code is very restrictive and it is for the entire country and not really per zone or per region so it requires like five air changes per minute and this reduces it to three and it give them some trade-offs so if they do better in one place they can do less somewhere else and it all comes out in their energy report. They have to pass their energy report. We are doing it now and are not changing anything. This came out with the 2018 Code and will fit in with the 2015 Code and there is no issue with doing that. Ms. Hammonds noted she would be glad to bring it back. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted there were some items that were not covered or discussed. Ms. Hammonds noted that the items that were addressed were our local codes, the rest of the items were changes which the region is doing and have been reviewed by the (NCTCOG) which is our region. She explained that the changing of the codes is a three-year process. They have already started on the 2021 codes. Once the codes come out, the regional committees like our Forth Central Texas Council of Governments (NTCOG) regional committee meets with the regions and review and hash out the new codes, and as an example, goes through and says this is what is done in our regional area, this doesn't apply so we amend this regionally, -this is stated just a clarification (which a lot of them are there to clarify another part of the code) some of them are for added safety. It takes a good 18 months to develop some of these. The region does it and they pass it out to the City and the City may modify'the standards and those are the few changes that were discussed. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu voiced his concern regarding- the how some of the changes come about and if they create a burden, such as we are not California. and we don't require sprinkler systems in every home. Ms. Hammonds noted that, that was part of the 2015 code and regionally it was amended out of the code because it is cost prohibitive to the builder. There was additional discussion as to what we have now and what the changes are. Through prompting from Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu Ms. Hammonds briefly went through the ordinance and summarized some of the larger more significant changes. There was brief discussion regarding the International Plumbing Code and the sample well requirement and to include the suggestion that Councilman Boutwell mentioned in the work session, that a sample well be provided immediately adjacent to the exit of the interceptor on all grease interceptors or separators. She also noted that they added model home guidelines which has been recently requested by a developer. There was brief discussion on the Swimming Pool and spa portion of the code. She also noted for the residential, if there are permits that have already been issued, they will fall under the 2012 code. Any new permits issued after May 1st 2019 will be required to follow the 2015 code. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve Ordinance #04-10-19 with the clarification on the 2015 International Plumbing Code 3.302 Sec. 1003.3.8 Sample Well. A twelve -inch (12") sample well shall be provided immediately adjacent to .the exit of the interceptor on all grease interceptors or separators. Staff noted that there was one clarification that Article 3.2400 "Model Home Standards is a duplicate that it needs to be deleted. 12 19 Councilman Boutwell amended his motion to approve Ordinance #04-10-19 with the with the deletion of Article 3.2400 "Model Home Standards"; and, with the clarification on the 2015 International Plumbing Code 3.302 Sec. 1003.3.$ Sample Well, to read, "A twelve -inch (12") sample well shall be provided immediately adjacent to the exit of the interceptor on all grease interceptors or separators." Amending Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances, Article 3.100 "Building Inspection Department Established", Article 3.200 `Building Code", Article 3.300 "Plumbing Code", Article 3.400 "Mechanical Code", Article 3.500 "Electrical Code, Article 3.600 "International Residential Code" Article 3.2500 "Energy Conservation Code", Article 3.2500 "Fuel Gas Code", Article 3.2700 "International Existing Building Code", and Adopting Article 3,2900 "Swimming Pool Spa Code", Article 3.3000 "Model Home Guidelines". The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison absent). 9. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #04-11-19 — Amending. Chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances, Article 5.200 "International Fire Code". Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds noted that these changes are the ones they have talked about tonight and the only addition or change was the 50-foot hose length. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu approve Ordinance 404-11-19 — Amending Chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances, Article 5.200 "International Fire Code". The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman, Allison absent). 10. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #04-12-19 — Appendix A "Fee Schedule" of the Code of Ordinances, Article 2.000 "Building and Construction Fees". Director of Development Services Ramie Hammond summarized. She stated that the only thing they are looking to change is the afterhours fee. This change is to cover the afterhours fee and to cover the cost if a thud party, if used for inspections which would be actual cost- plus five percent administrative fee. Mayor Pro Tem. asked if it was our intent to schedule the third -party inspections if Friday really is a problem, is this option going to be available. Ms. Hammonds noted that this is more for the developers that are trying to pour concrete on the weekends. Mr. LaPiene noted that right now we do not have any contracts with third party vendors for inspection services but that is something that we are working towards. If there are no requests, then there will be no costs incurred for the service. There was discussion regarding the residential inspections and would this be an option. Ms. Hammonds noted that if there is an inspector available, they try to meet the inspections on Friday. She noted that the third -party vendor for building requires a 24-hour notice. If they do not have a 24-hour notice they will not perform an inspection. So, we cannot just call them up on Friday when we receive the inspeciions for them to come and do inspections. She noted if the Building Inspector is going to be out for a few days they want to have a few days heads up so they have proper staff to do that. Councilman Bilyeu asked how we let people know. It was noted that staff contacts the third -party vendor, not the builder. Councilman Boutwell noted that he did 13 20 not see how the third -party vendor would help the builders in the instances they referenced because they are calling in the inspections on the day they need them, Friday and there would be no way to use them since they require a 24-hour notice. Ms. Hammonds noted that for the most part builders on the residential side do not normally get weekend 'inspections. Our inspector has done over 30 inspections and that is not a recommended number and 20 should be max, City Engineer, Tracy LaPiene noted on.the Engineering side with the development inspections the reason they are looking at that is mainly for concrete. Councilman Chick asked if we have seen a trend where our Building Inspector has been over zealous or nit- picking and is there any way to check that and keep it in balance. Ms. Hammonds stated she did not think so, that we do track those type of things and you can definitely see it, and will hear about it, when it is happening. She summarized the foundation inspection which was brought up tonight and we do require a third part inspection as well as our inspection, Part of the inspection that we do also is part of the wall bracing. She noted that she cannot tell you the number of times that an inspector has gone out and found out that there are no hold downs in the concrete that would brace the walls which is required. Again, one of the questions on the ISO report was about foundations. She believes that the City's Building inspector does a good job, he is very knowledgeable and pretty consistent across the board. Councilman Chick noted that he just did not want to hear the mantra of "they can't get anything done" like some of the other cities in the area. Ms. Hammonds noted that the time frames for our process is pretty good, especially on commercial jobs. There was discussion regarding some cities that take a lot longer that we do to get projects though the process. We are ahead of that, still trying to give good customer service, and shorter processing times. Mayor Muir noted that it - is a balancing act because we have to meet standards. Ms. Hammonds noted that when our inspector goes out if it is built per the plan, he walks away but if it is not built per the plan that is when it fails. Councilman Chick noted that one of the builders comments tonight was that the inspector was signing off on foundations. Ms. Hammonds noted that the City Building Inspector signs off on his part, the engineer still. has to sign off on his part, our inspector walks the foundation and checks the hold downs and makes sure they are where they are supposed to be to make sure that everything is where it should be because the Foundation Inspector may have been there three days prior and it is possible that rebar may have been moved or things could have been changed. They had an inspection the other day where the whole beam was off. So, it is just a matter of a second set of eyes. Councilman Chick asked if that is making us liable for the foundation, like what was mentioned earlier. Ms. Hammonds noted that it is just a second set of eyes that the engineer still signs off on the foundation. Councilman Chick noted that we are trying to walk both sides and to be accommodating, and yet, we need it done right and, as far as we can trust each other and work together to get these things done is beneficial to all. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve Ordinance #04-12-19 — Appendix A "Fee Schedule" of the Code of Ordinances, Article 2.000 "Building and Construction Fees". The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison absent). 11. Consider, Discuss and Act on Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Supplement to 14 21 Engagement Letter with Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend P.C. to Provide Additional Assistance with Respect to Wastewater Treatment Plant Matters (Discharge Permitting/Regulatory Compliance). City Manager Alina Ciocan summarized. We engaged Lloyd Gosselink a while back to assist us with some matters regarding the wastewater treatment plant and some matters regarding TCEQ. We are trying to broaden the scope on the permitting side, as well as, regulatory compliance. Everything stays the same as far as billing. It was noted that the time lines are lining up and the fact that they have experience with permitting is a plus. Councilman Chick noted that this is great, that they have the experience, and they know what they are doing. A motion as made by Councilman Chick to authorizing the City Manager to execute a supplement to engagement letter with. Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend P.C. to provide additional assistance with respect to Wastewater Treatment Plant matters (Discharge Perrii ttingiRegulatory Compliance). The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Councilman Boutwell commented that he feels this shows wisdom going this route and elaborated on all of the bodies that need to come together and to have someone in charge that knows what they are doing is a good way to go. The motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote. The motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison absent). 12, INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Disbursements for April 2019. There was minor discussion regarding various items on the disbursements list for April 2019. It was noted. that the Well #8 Emergency Repair will be on the next City Council agenda as an item ratifying an emergency repair. Initial expense was expected to be below $50,000, and after they got into the emergency repair it came to $52,716,25, There also was discussion regarding the amount for Felix Construction and the status of the Wastewater Treatment Plant construction. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that we could bring this update forward to a future Council meeting. b) Acknowledgement of Cause No.19-0235-362 Ruble vs. City of Sanger. Mayor Muir advised that this item is information only, not for discussion. Human Resources Coordinator, Jeriana Staton was recognized. She advised the Mayor and City Council that this is an information item only and she would not be able to comment or answer any questions on it. This is to inform the Mayor and City Council of the filing of a lawsuit by Trixie Ruble against the City of Sanger. This comes out of a minor automobile accident from last August involving a fire fighter backing a rescue truck into a parked car where the Plaintiff was sitting in the parked car. We do not have any details beyond what is in the petition currently. We have no specifics about the Plaintiff's claim of injury or claims of any medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident. The City is being 15 22 represented by Lisa Hull with. Harrison Hull and Munn contracted by Texas Municipal League. Ms. Hull will have more information for Mayor and Council as the lawsuit can be addressed in a future Executive Session. 13. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS. (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayon and members of Council to bring forivard items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for ivltich notice has not been given. A statement of speck factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to placethe subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda ivith a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). Staff noted there will be a Joint Workshop with 4A and 4B and the City Council in the next few months. Also suggested was bringing forward Code Enforcement issues, and training for the Planning and Zoning Commission. 14. ADJOURN. There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m. 16 23 SANGER *TEXAS PROCLAMATION 405-01-2019 May 0, 2019 As Children's Mental Health Awareness Day in the City of Sanger WHEREAS, addressing the complex mental health needs of children, youth, and families today is fundamental to the future of City of Sanger; and WHEREAS, the need for comprehensive, coordinated mental health services for children, youth, and family's places upon our community a critical responsibility; and WHEREAS, only 50% of Denton County children and adolescents receive needed mental health treatment; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that a day should be set apart each year for the direction of our thoughts toward our children's mental health and well-being; and WHEREAS, the Denton County Behavioral Health Leadership Team in partnership with United Way of Denton County, Denton County M11MR Center, and the Wellness Alliance for Total Children's Health of Denton County led by Cook Children's, through their prevention -based approaches to serving children and adolescents, are effectively addressing the mental health needs of children, youth, and families in our community; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED, I, Thomas Muir, Mayor and the City of Sanger City Council hereby designate May 6th, 2019 as: "Children's Mental Health Awareness Day in the City of Sanger" in the City of Sanger, Texas and encourage all citizens to support these organizations as they promote the mental well-being of children, youth, and families in our community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Sanger to be affixed this 6"' day of May in the year 2019. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Sanger, Texas on the 6"' of May 2019. ATTEST: Cheryl Price, City Secretary APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor W BANGER *TEXAS PROCLAMATION #05-02-2019 Month of May As Motorcycle Awareness Month in the City of Sanger I WHEREAS, today's society is finding more citizens involved in motorcycling on the roads of our country; and WHEREAS, motorcyclists are roughly unprotected and therefore more prone to injury or 10 death in a crash than other vehicle drivers; and WHEREAS, campaigns have helped inform riders and motorists alike on motorcycle ' safety issues to reduce motorcycle related risks, injuries, and, most of all, fatalities, through a comprehensive approach to motorcycle safety; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of all who put themselves behind the wheel, to become aware of motorcyclists, regarding them with the same respect as any other vehicle traveling the highways of this country; and it is the responsibility of riders and motorists alike to obey all traffic laws and safety rules; and WHEREAS, urging all citizens of our community to become aware of the inherent danger involved in operating a motorcycle, and for riders and motorists alike to give each other the mutual respect they deserve; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED, I, Thomas E. Muir, Mayor of the City of Sanger, Texas do hereby proclaim the month of May, as: "Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month in the City of Sanger" qr Further, I urge all residents to do their part to increase safety and awareness in our community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Seal of the City to be affixed this 6th day of May in the year 2019. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Sanger, Texas on the 6`h Day of May 2019. ATTEST: APPROVED: Cheryl Price, City Secretary Thomas E. Muir, Mayor 26 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE M Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance Yes X Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive M Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal LJ Yes N Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: May 6, 2019 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials A C,,, Date 1961P.21M ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS MOTHER Public Hearing AGENDA CAPTION Conduct a Public Hearing regarding a Replat of Lots IR, and Lot 2R, Block A, L.L.&T. Addition, Being a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition, Being 7.026 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of FM 455 and Approximately 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Union Hill Road and FM 455. FINANCIAL SUMMARY MN/A ❑GRANTFUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to replat the existing plat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition to create 2 lots of 1-acre minimum for commercial purposes, The subject property is located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger and is present within the R/C — Recreational/Commercial (1-acre minimum) zoning district Lake Ray Roberts Zoning overlay. Lot 1R is 5.099 acres is and currently has two buildings which are being used for boat storage. Lot 2R is 1.926 acres and has one commercial building, a house and a garage. The lots meet all applicable City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. The plat was sent to Denton County Planning Office for a courtesy review. Denton County comments have been incorporated into the plat. The plat also had engineering comments which have been addressed. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See Staff Report. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Conunissions or Otlier Agencies: The Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on April 8°i and recommended approval (5-0) of the replat. 27 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: May 6, 2019 Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date 0� ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lots 1R, and Lot 2R, Block A, L.L.&T. Addition, Being a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition, Being 7.026 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of FM 455 and Approximately 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Union Hill Road and FM 455. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®NIA ❑GRANTFUNDS ❑OPERATINGEXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP []BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to replat the existing plat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition to create 2 lots of 1-acre minimum for commercial purposes. The subject property is located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger and is present within the R/C — Recreational/Commercial (1-acre minimum) zoning district Lake Ray Roberts Zoning overlay. Lot 1R is 5.099 acres is and currently has two buildings which are being used for boat storage. Lot 2R is 1.926 acres and has one commercial building, a house and a garage. The lots meet all applicable City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. The plat was sent to Denton County Planning Office for a courtesy review. Denton County comments have been incorporated into the plat. The plat also had engineering comments which have been addressed. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION See Staff Report List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Staff Report • Location Map The Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public • Application hearing on April 8111, 2019 and recommended approval (5- • Letter of Intent 0) of the replat. • Final Replat • Notification Response Form w SANGER CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT *TEXAS Meeting Date: May 6, 2019 Case #: 19SANZON-0004 Case Coordinator: Muzaib Riaz, Planner, Development Services Request: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider, Discuss and Act on the Replat of Lots 1R, and Lot 2R, Block A, L.L.&T. Addition, Being a Replat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition, Being 7.026 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey A-29, and Being in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger, Generally Located North of FM 455 and Approximately 1300 Feet East of the Intersection of Union Hill Road and FM 455. Applicant: Barry Harkin & Lorraine Harkin Case Overview The applicant is proposing to replat the existing plat of Lot 1, Block 1, L.L.&T. Addition to create 2 lots of 1-acre minimum for commercial purposes. The subject property is located in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Sanger and is present within the R/C — Recreational/Commercial (1-acre minimum) zoning district Lake Ray Roberts Zoning overlay. Lot 1R is 5.099 acres is and currently has two buildings which are being used for boat storage. Lot 2R is 1.926 acres and has one commercial building, a house and a garage. The lots meet all applicable City of Sanger Subdivision Regulations. The plat was sent to Denton County Planning Office for a courtesy review. Denton County comments have been incorporated into the plat. The plat also had engineering comments which have been addressed. Lot 1R has 100 feet of frontage on FM 455 and Lot 2R has approximately 200 feet of frontage on FM 455. The applicant has indicated that there are no plans for any development of the proposed lots at this time. Notification Response Form Staff mailed six (6) public hearing notices to the owners of properties within 200 feet of the subject property. Staff Recommendation Staff has found the plat to be in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations, and recommends APPROVAL. 29 Planning & Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (5.0) of the replat on April 81n, 2019. Attachments • Location Map • Application • Letter of Intent • Final Replat • Notification Response Form 91 ElPreliminary Plat Minor Plat A. hll hf- SANGER *TEXAS SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Final Plat/Replat Vacating Plat Amended Plat Conveyance Plat nwnpr (if different from aonlicanti Name: ��' �o� (f 1 N �% l�) ` Name: Company: S U I Rio 'aO T Y.J-O 61W _ Company: Address: Address City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: � `� Phone q qD 1 b ' Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Submittal Checklist Pre -Application Conference (Date:_J___J ) One (1) Paper Copy of Plat (24"x36", folded to 1/4 size) Letter of Intent Non -Refundable Application Fee (Check Payable to City of Sanger) Application Form (Signed by Owner) Applicable Plat Checklist (Completed) One (1) PDF Copy of all Documents Provided on a CD/DVD; OR Submitted Online at www.CommunityCore.com Supporting Materials (List If provided): R Nu Date Al aWa LY Date Office Use: Reviewed by Director of Development Services OM Complete (check II 1 Incomplete (Returned toApplicant �I j City of sanger 201 0olivar/P.0 pox 1729 Songer, 7X 76266 940-458-2059 (office) 940-450-4072 (fax) www.sangertexas.org Effective Date: 1/30/2019 32 Letter of Intent The Applicant/ Owner: Barry & Lorraine Harkins FM 455 Sanger, Tx 76266 940.458.5312 Intent of Plat Application: The Intent is to separate the seven acres into two parcels, 5 acres in the back and 2 acres in the front. The five acres have Boat Storage facilities on them. The Harkins have found this too much to manage and are wanting to sell. The front two acres parcel will provide the opportunity for the Harkins to sell together if ever desired. Property Information This property is on the North side of the FM 455 and close to the lake. it consists of seven total acres now plated into two parcels, Front parcel is two acres and the rear is a five acre parcel. The rear parcel has four boat storage buildings in place and the balance of the acreage is unused at present. There is an easement that is extendable to the length of all seven acres. The front 2 acre parcel has on the east side, a Commercial structure on it. The building has long term tenants and faces the easement road, the Western side parcel has house, garage and faces FM455. The use for the front two parcels will continue at current use. 9191 Request: This replat was solely to separate the seven parcels so that a sale of the rear five acres can be sold. We have Offers waiting for 1.4 months to buy this property. The Plating and Survey, the timing on submissions of forms and many other delays. I am available for any further questions anytime. Texas Law Requires All Texas Real Estate Agents to Provide the Following Information: TREC Information About Brokerage Services TREC Consumer Notice Thank You, P Lynn Peterson Commercial Realtor 817.307a008 Peterson aWathomrealty.com F�PFATHOM MI LE'GmmEND ifs wlrt� Jam. lwt� lrvY M, Mr.. Fw wT bN N Yµw��r,.wn.++l wrn.nrv,rwns4 n�H. Mti uYw �w�.. wig• w....rv..�r�•'7.r�` w r h.w., YwF ,, w..rF 4 Yrn/ Y.rwYt Y~w ✓» iwwVis�iJ ij� r w. ��H r ,n mti1>.I.Y�s✓,� v sr �.uec� n �N w/ �wt rr, rw,w n N JJ« Nn f.,./ u.f..e Fs rti Ni, LFMa •,r ,✓�[�i��r�. N,i rs �aa.^�`n.4 FL,.+�./iwy ».eti�iy �wr tlw^rsr{�/ ,fir, {Vi, Y.r, NlN��1� ✓rvlNlw»JFr, 3F^:.i�'. 1.1 �F«�.r ��«✓,w.wlY pra.cy r,. r.,�wa, ✓..5:� .,n Yz.,w"r,:",F I �iµrwuFn n..wlY w.+l�AueFj ^.. F+F r.Y rw.n, LN� li,{ . w,w ✓!tl!! Mt »w F;•t M Iw M w!✓w N Y.s.nr I ""„"YJ�npN_�♦MAI.,,Miwtn�y!���i✓S� wMw��:�,w i�A�F.r.'.ii Cwr✓,�� NF.11 �. •n ��Jlfiu.w`. ✓✓/ ' M+Yas++I,wr lNlY wFw,u�In�i✓�w� �{ � I rF anv MM��Yy.w Nw,I.Y>rill. ww✓ I F„r.:r/F..YrJ+lr�li�e,Y Ml�.n.YY�,MNlw1,✓R.+nN i FMwr�iMw�„fi��sY✓�iKt Nn,I NYYwY{1w�wwdw✓iF�wY^� �,�{ pe /wY 4 w Fti/,.Yy Nr N »tY M N wort N mwrM Fn w wYr v+v Ib..�Fx.✓F,F,.F.aw�,s I nmw r'r o�w iA.+y,+,w Y.Y, d.Y JYyN_w/ ara � �wnry w.r y�g.YY�YN/.N wF—.,•.—v rJ.,..� ur. LOTS IR & 2R, DLOCRA, LL. tT. ADDITION DEMO A REPLAT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, L.L. & T. ADDITION CADINET E, P,1OE 174 PLAT RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY REUDEN DEDEE SURVEY A-29 BEING 7.026ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS F, 35 Response Form 1.9SANZON-0004 L.L.& T. Addition Repiat In order for your opinion to be counted, please complete and mail this form to: Development Services Department Attn: Muzaib Riaz P.O. Box 1.729 Sanger, TX 76266 You may also email or fax a copy to: Email: mriaz@sangertexas.or Fax: (940) 458-4072 Project No: 19SANZON-0004/ Replat (L.L. & T. Addition) Please circle one: In favor of request Oppose�to quest Comments: 36 OPPOSITION TO REQUEST FOR REPLAT (19SANZON-0004) This is the third attempt by Mr. and Mrs. Harkin to circumvent the intent of the Right of Way Easement dated February 15, 1985. When we purchased our land from Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swafford, we dedicated 30' of private easement and whomever bought any other parcel from the Swaffords, i.e., Barry and Lorraine'Harkin, would dedicate 30' of private easement. The sole purpose of this agreement was for egress and ingress to the back of the property. _ We note and take exception to the latest revised plat dated March 4, 2019 in which the joint easement is shown by a broken line and includes the Freeman's 30' of private easement. In the Notary affidavit, Mr. Harkin "dedicates to the use of public FOREVER all streets, alleys... easements and public places". Since our Right of Way Easement has been in effect for 34 years, the Harkins cannot concede, relinquish, or in effect, give away, our private easement to the public without our permission. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Harkin are party to a.Court Order dated April 11, 2000, In this Court Order the Harkins were required to build and maintain a 1'deep swale on their 30' of private easement to prevent run-off of water onto the. Freeman property. If Mr. Harkin "dedicates to the use of public forever all streets, alleys, parks, watercourses, drains, easements, and public places thereon...", this could adversely affect our property and the intent and direction of the Court Order which extends into perpetuity. If Mr. and Mrs. Harkin's intent is to subdivide, there is sufficient land ;on the west side of the Harkin homestead for an easement or roadway.,. Respectfully, Don & Shary Freeman 37 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ® Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal LJ Yes Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: MAY 6, 2019 James Berman, Public Worlcs Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials At/ Q 1Q2/ ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on a Contract with NO-DIGTEC, LLC on a Potential Sewer Replacement Project Along Peach Street at a Cost of $188,819.42 and Authorize Director of Public Works to Execute Agreement. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS [—]OPERATING EXPENSE [-]REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount 188,819.42 188,819.42 BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ® $188,819.42 Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM During an inspection of the 6" sewer main along Peach St. from 1011 St. to 5Tn St., it has been determined that we should take a proactive approach to replace and upsizing this section of pipe. Along this main, several sections of pipe have cracks and failures. We also propose to use a new approach (New to Sanger) to the sewer main upsizing and replacement. We will employ a trenchless technology called pipe -bursting to burst through the old clay lines and install a new seamless PVC line. This technology saves both time and money and has minimal disruptions to our customers. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends utilizing The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) program and hiring NO-DIGTEC, LLC to upsize the current 6-inch sewer line to 8-inches and install 4 new manholes and 12 service lines. Due to utilizing the recently approved Interlocal Agreement with the TIPS program which was approved by Resolution 404-03-19, this project does not require com etive bidding. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: • Map of Project Area • NO-DIGTEC, LLC Cost Estimate Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: None NO-DIGTEC, LLC 415 Ewing Boulevard Ferris, TX 75125 (972) 488-9910 www,NO-DIGTEC.com City of Sanger 502 Elm Street Sanger, TX 76266 Estimate 4/8/2019 6226 Peach Street (from I Oth Street to 5th Street) Sanger, TX 76266 TIPS Due on Recipt JN esp t .... Y.: Burst existing 6" to 8" IPS SDR 19 (01- 6 deep). 1,400 L.F. 60.00 �.-5.00 84,000.00 8" -'12" Pipeburst'8etup Charge Per Install Length 1,400 --:7,000.00 Set Up 4" Pump (Per Pump) 5 Ea 226.00 1,125.00 '-4,200.00 ...... Set Up 4"-Piping 1,400 3.00 Operate 4" pumping System 5 Day 100.00 500.00 6"C[ean and TV sanitary sewer 1,400 `• L.F. 5.00 1,o00.00 6" - 18" Post IV Inspection After Rehabilitation 1,400 L.F. 4.00 5,600.00 External reconnect (U-8'deep) 12 --Ea 1,000.00 12,000.00 Extra length service over 6' long 180 L.F, 25.00 4,500.00 Access Pit (0'-8'dee'p) Ea 2,000.00 8,b00.00 Potholing for Nearby Utility Locatlon (0'-ffdeep) up to 4 Hr Duration 6 Ea 750.00 ....5.00 4,500.00 % safety Trench safety T 90 L.F. -450,00 4'DIA New Manhole Install 0'- 6' deep (6th, 7th, 8th & 10 Street 4 Ea 5,000.00 20,000.00 intersections) 4'-DIA Extra VF depth manhole over 6' deep I V.F. -750.00 -. 750.00 Granular backfill 36 Ton 45.00 .1,620.00 RepaldRehab 2" Asphalt pavement 64 S.Y. 60.00 3,840.00 Repair/Rehab 8" Flex base 64 S.Y. 40,00 -400.00 2560.00 Repair/Rehab 8" Concrete pavement 20 S.Y. 120.00 2 : Sod 60 S.Y. 10.00 500,00 Traffic control 20 Day 120.00 2,400.00 Traffic Control - TXDOT or other State governed agency. 5 Day 2 ' 00.00 1,000.00 Flagmen 32 Hr 45.00 4,446.00 Lighted Arrow Board (Per Arrow Board) 5 Day 200.00 1,000.00 New manhole frame and cover 4 Ea 950.00 3,800.00 Manhole Bench Rebuild 2 Ea 750.00 1,600.00 Travel and Mobilization - 1 Ea 3,500,00 - . 3,500.00 16 5,185.00 Maintenance Bond - 2% 1 Ea 3,634.42 3,634.42 Subtotal $188,819.42 Total $188,819.42 Signature of Acceptance: Attached Terms & Conditions apply to Project Date: 39 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. To be supplied by Owner, Agent, Engineer, or General Contractor: a. Complete set of dated site plans, as built drawings, and revisions as available; b. Drawings showing the locations of all private and publicly owned utilities (pipelines, electrical & gas lines, fiber optics, telephone, cable, water, sewer, irrigation, sprinkler zones, etc.) existing on property, underground structures, storage tanks, or any other know buried items that could cause delay, personal injury or property damage during the construction period of this project; and C. Where HDPE Pipe is to be supplied by General Contractor the pipe shall meet or exceed all project specifications set forth by owner & project engineer. Any defect pipe or manufacturer's warranty issues will be the responsibility of the Contractor to resolve. 2. NO-DIGTEC, LLC, shall be indemnified, held harmless and defended by Owner, Agent, Engineer, and/or General Contractor against any delay, losses or damage claims occurring when foregoing documents are not provided as agreed. Location and identification of utilities on private property is the responsibility of Owner, and NO-DIGTEC, LLC is not responsible for damage done to any private or publicly owned utilities (pipelines, electrical or gas lines, fiber optics, telephone, cable, water, sewer, irrigation, sprinkler zones, etc.) existing on property, underground structures, storage tanks, or any other know buried items that are not clearly marked with paint and identified at start of job. 3. All bids connected with trenching, digging, boring, or tunneling are subject to a rock clause stating the following: in the event large rocks, concrete, tree stumps, or other miscellaneous material is discovered buried below the surface that was unknown to. the Sub -contractor during preparation of this proposal which may delay the project, will result in a Change Order to the Scope of Work with the additional work performed on a time and material basis over and above the original proposal. In the event of a disagreement over time and materials, the RS Means Construction Pricing shall control. 4. Any piping being replaced that is encased in concrete can be exposed upon request, with an additional charge for the concrete removal. All Work will be completed on a time and material basis over and above the original proposal amount. S. Any requested Change Orders or additional work requested by the Property Owner, Agent, Engineer, or General Contractor shall be in writing, considered as extras, and will result in additional charges over and above the amount of this Estimate. 6. NO-DIGTEC, LLC is not responsible for any delays caused by neither inclement weather nor other acts of God, water accumulation in trenches, delays caused by OSHA. violations in trench preparations, and unknown underground obstructions, on a day for day basis. 7. Should the project be stopped or put on hold for any reason, invoicing will be billed for all project materials delivered to the jobsite, along with any and all specialty -materials or supplies Page 1 Sri] ordered specifically for the project, along with any labor performed up to the time of work stoppage. If such occurrence should occur due to jobsite work stoppage and/or the project being put on hold for any reason, these items will be invoiced and deemed payable immediately upon receipt. 8. Late charges and Billing: Payment is due and payable at our office according to the payment terms of this Estimate. Invoices not paid in accordance with the terms of this agreement shall be assessed a late charge of IV2% monthly of the unpaid principal balance until paid in full along with any expenses incurred during collection efforts, including all collection fee and any incurred attorney fees. Any delays in billing not caused by NO-DIGTEC, LLC will not excuse untimely payments. 9. Retainage will not be withheld on the project. This Proposal is good for 30 days. The Parties signing this Proposal agree and consent that electronic and/or facsimile signatures shall be deemed original signatures for all purposes in connection with this Proposal. The Scope of Work, prices, specifications and Terms and Conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. All payments will be made as defined under said Terms of Payment. Signature of Acceptance: Title: Date: Page 2 41 �� ��� 5. ti d& ' BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive El Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ® Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: MAY 6, 2019 Cheryl Price, City Secretary City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date 0g1tdj ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ® RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Resolution No. 05-08-19 of The City of Sanger, Texas Authorizing Signatures For Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas; Providing For an Effective Date. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑ NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEARS TOTALS BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ® Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM First United Bank is updating their files with the new Banking Services Agreement approved by the City Council on April 15, 2019. Resolution No. 05-08-19 establishes authorized signatories. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: • Resolution No. 05-08-19 Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Approval of Banking Services Agreement with First United Bank on April 15, 2019 by City Council. RESOLUTION NO. 05-08-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES, FOR BANDING SERVICES ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR. AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Sanger to appoint persons to be authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Sanger at depositories ('Banks") ofthe City of Sanger Texas; WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City Council to adopt by Resolution andpresent the approval by the City Council to depositories for all designated signatories authorized to sign on behalf of the City ofSanger. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. The following persons are authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas, orders for payment or withdrawal of money on all accounts: Alina Ciocan, City Manager; Cheryl Price, City Secretary. Such authority shall remain in force until revolted by written notice to the affected bank of the action taken by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. All prior authorizations are superseded. Section 2. The following individual is authorized for Business Resolution on behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas, Clayton Gray, Finance Director. Such authority shall remain in force until revolted by written notice to the affected bank of the action taken by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. All prior authorizations are superseded. Section 3. Any designated depository ("Bank") of the City of Sanger, Texas is authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money withdrawing funds fi om any account ofthe city when bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signatures of the persons listed in Section 1 of this resolution whether such facsimile signatures be made by stamp, machine, or other mechanical device. The Bank is authorized and directed C� to honor and to charge the city for such checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, regardless of how or by whom such actual or purported facsimile signatures were made, provided they resemble the signatures duly certified to and filed with the Bank by the persons listed in Section 1 of this resolution. Section 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 6th day of May 2019.. ATTEST: APPROVED: Cheryl Price, City Secretary Thomas E. Muir, Mayor 19 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance I ❑ Yes I ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal I Z Yes ❑ Not Applicable COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: May 6, 2019 James Berman, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials AG Date /9 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ®RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Resolution No. 05-07-19 of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, Ratifying a Contract for the Emergency Repair of Water Well; Making Findings Exempting Such Contract From the Requirements of Competitive Bidding, and Providing an Effective Date. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ®OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ®$ 52,716.25 . Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The City experienced a major water well failure in February 2019; and, it was necessary to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare. Due to the unforeseen damage to the City's water well number 8, it was necessary for the City to enter into an emergency repair contract without the time delay of competitive bidding to preserve and protect the public health and safety. The staff in handling the emergency repair of the well executed a contract with THI Water Well of Bowie, Texas for the emergency repair of water well number 8 for the expenditure in the amount of $52,716.25. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Resolution No. 05-07-19 Other Agencies: None 47 RESOLUTION NO.05-07-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, RATIFYING A CONTRACT FOR THE EMERGENCY REPAIR OF A WATER WELL; MAKING FINDINGS EXEMPTING SUCH CONTRACT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City experienced a major water well failure in February 2019; and WHEREAS, it was necessary to preserve the public health, safety and welfare, to relieve the residents' necessity to have a ,full supply of potable water available; and WHEREAS, due to the unforeseen damage to the City's water well number 8, it was necessary for the City to enter into an emergency repair contract without the time delay of competitive bidding to preserve and protect the public health and safety; Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council finds and determines that the above conditions existed and that it was necessary for City staff to procure by contract emergency repair of water well number 8. That this procurement was not subject to the competitive bidding requirements of Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code because it was necessary to preserve and protect the public health and safety of the citizens of the City by provision of a full supply of water. SECTION 2. That the actions of the City Manager and other responsible City staff in handling the emergency repair of the well by executing a contract with THI Water Well of Bowie, Texas for the emergency repair of water well number 8 and the expenditure in the amount of $52,716.25 are hereby ratified and approved. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so resolved. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 6th day of May, 2019. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY (RI D/4-16-19/107401) APPROVED: THOMAS MUIR, MAYOR ATTEST: CHERYL PRICE, CITY SECRETARY P61 BANGER *TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable Hearin COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SUBMITTED BY: May 6, 2019 James Berman, Public Works Director City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date K13 /l ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS ❑ OTHER EXPLAIN: AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Authorization to Utilize the Interlocal Purchasing Agreement With the City of Grand Prairie for Contract for Services with Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Company for Street Reconstruction of 11th Street from Elm to Hughes, 121h Street from Elm to Bolivar, 13th Street from Bolivar to Hughes, and Hu hes from loth Street to the Service Road at an Amount Not to Exceed $120,000. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS [-]OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ®BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED ' PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE ISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount 120,000 120,000 Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ®$ 120,000 Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ S BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM At the January 22, 2019 City Council Meeting the Council was briefed on utilizing funds from the FY 2018-19 budget for street system maintenance for street reconstruction of 11th Street from Elm to Hughes, 12th Street from Elm to Bolivar, 13th Street from Bolivar to Hughes, and Hughes from loth Street to the service road. The funds for the proposed improvements are currently available in the FY 2018-19 Street Department System Maintenance Budget. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends we move forward utilizing the Master Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Grand Prairie to reconstruct 1 lth Street from Elm to Hughes, 12th Street from Elm to Bolivar, 13th Street from Bolivar to Hughes, and Hughes from loth Street to the service road, and hire Reynolds Asphalt & Constuction Company for the reconstruction projects. The attached bid estimates from Reynolds Asphalt add up to $106,249.20. These amounts are estimates, not taking into consideration the "unknowns" that could ,ossibly exist and delay the project; requiring request of additional funds for completion. For this reason staff 1,rould like to request the City Council approve a "not to exceed amount" of $120,000 to complete the projects. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or • Reynolds Ashpalt Estimate. Other Agencies: • Map of Project Area • Copy of Grand Praire Service Contract CITY OF SANGER 11th TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL COMPLETED wn 1111ANTITY TO13ATE 1 HMAC Type D Delivered more than 1500 tons TONS $ 74.60 $ - 2 HMAC T e D Delivered 500 to 1499 tons TONS $ 80.00 198A0 $ 15,f34n.00 3 HMAC Type D Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 $ - 4 HMAC Type C Delivered more.than 1600 tons TONS $ 74.00 - 5 HMAC Ty' a C Delivered 600 to 1499 tons TONS $ 78.30 $ - 6 HMAC T e C Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 $ - 7 HMAC T e e Delivered mare than 1500 tons TONS $ 73.50 $ - 8 HMAC T ' e B Delivered 600 to 1499 tons TONS $ 77.00 $ - 6 HMAC Type B Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 91,00 $ - 10 Additional Mileage Hauled beyond the first 10 from bidders plant Items# 1-9 Per Ton Per Mile "NOTE: $0.60 per mile @ 18 EACH PER TON MILE $ 10,80 195,00 $ 2,138.40 11 ___miles** Move In/Out Chame for pTjects under 499 tons EACH $ 1,200.00 $ 12 Thoroughfare Traffic Control Charges Per street EACH $ 2,4W00 $ - 13 Manhole Ring Riser Ad ustmentlPlacement Ring,EACH $ 240.00 $ - 14 Valve R12g Riser Adjustment/Placement RInQ EACH $ 150.00 15 Base Repair - 6" Flex Base & 2" HMAC SY $ 67.00 $ - 16 Base Re alr - Flex Base installed only TONS $ 32.20 $ - 17. 8" Cement Stab Existing - more than 3000 sy SY $ 7.90 1,717.00 $ 13,564.30 18 8" Cement Stab Existing -1400 to 2-999 sy SY $ 9.00 $ - 19 8" Cement Stab Existing - less than 1399sy SY $ 16.50 $ 20 Hauling Excessive Material more than 101 c CY $ 18.70 $ 21 Haullnq Excessive Material 51 to 100 cy CY $ 21.00 $ - 22 Haulin Excessive Material less than 50 cy CY $ 30.00 $ - 23 Wed' a Mill LF $ 3.80 $ - 24 Full Depth Milling 04" SY $ 4.50 $ 25 Full Depth Milling Each Additional Inch SY $ 0,75 $ - 26 Backflli Shoulders LF $ 1.40 1,472.00 $ 2,060.80 27 8" Pulverization SY $ 4.45 $ - 28 . Petromat less than 2500 SY SY $ 6.35 $ 29 Petromat 2500 - 4999 SY SY $ 3.15 $ - 30 Petromat more 5000 SY SY $ ....�... 2.60 «.... ......- $ e. - ea en'e cn CITY OF SANGER 12th TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL, COMPLETED AM r IANTITY Tn DATE 1 HMAC Type D Delivered more than 1600 tons TONS $ 74.50 $ 2 HMAC Type D Delivered 600 to 1499 tons TONS $ 80.00 64.00 $ 6,720,00 3 HMAC Type D Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 $ 4 HMAC Type C Delivered more than 1500 tons TONS $ 74.00 $ 5 HMAC Type C Delivered 600 to 1499 tons TONS $ 78.30 $ - 6 HMAC Tvas C Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 $ - 7 HMAC Type B Delivered more than 1500 tons TONS $ 73.50 $ 8 HMAC Type B Delivered 500 to 1499 tons TONS $ 77.00 $ 9 HMAC Typo B Delivered less than 499 ions TO ­NS $ 91.00 $ - 10 Additional Mileage Hauled beyond the first 10 from bidders plant Items# 1-9 Per Ton Per Mile **NOTE-. $0.60 per mile @ 16 miles "* EACH PER TON MILE $ 10.80 84.00 $ 907.20 11 Mova In/Out Char a for ro ects un le Sk view EACH $ 1,200,00 $ - 12 Thoroughfare Traffic Control Charges Per street EACH $ 2,400.00 $ 13 Manhole Ring Riser Adjustment/Placement Ring EACH $ 240.00 $ - 14 Valve Ring Riser Adjustment/Placement Ring EACH $ 160.00 $ 15 Base Repair - 6" Flex Base & 2" HMAC SY $ 67.00 $ - 16 Base Repair - Flex Base Installed only TONS $ 32.20 $. 17 8" Cement Stab Existing - more than 3000 sy SY $ 7.90 726.00 $ 5,735.40 18 8" Cement Stab Existing-1400 to 2999 s SY 9.00 $ - 19 8" Cement Stab Existing - less than 1399 sy SY $. 16.50 $ - 20 Hauling Excessive Material more than 101 cy CY $ 18.70 $ - 21 Hauling Excessive Material 61 to 100 cy CY $ 21.00 $ - 22 Hauling Excessive Material less than 50 cy CY $ 30.00 $ - 23 Wed oeMlll LF $ 3.80 $ - 24 Full Depth Millln 0-4" SY $ 4.50 $ - 25 Full Depth Milling Each Additional Inch SY $ 0.75 26 Backfill Shoulders l.F $ 1.40 622.00. $ 770.80 27 8" Pulverization SY 1 $ 4.45 $ 28 Petromat less than 2600 SY SY $ 5.35 Is - .. 29 Petromat 2500 - 4999 SY SY is is 30 Petromat more 6000 SY SY 1 $ 2,601 Is - TOTAL FOR PAGE $ 14,233.40 CITY OF SANGER 13th TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL, COMPLETED BID QUANTITY TO DATE 1 HMAC Type e D Delivered more than 1500 tons TONS $ 74.50 $ - 2 HMAC Type D Delivered 500 to 1499 tons TONS $ 80.00 103.00 $ 8,240.00 3 HMAC Type D Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 4 HMAC Type C Delivered more than 1500 tons TONS $ 74.00 $ - 5 HMAC Type C Delivered 500 to 1499 tons TONS $ 78.30 $ - 6 HMAC T e C Deiivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 $ 7 HMAC Type B Delivered more than 1500 tons TONS 73.50 $ - 8 HMAC Type B Delivered 500 to 1499 tons TONS $ 77.00 $ - 9 HMAC Type B Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 91.00 $ 10 Additional Mileage Hauled beyond the first 10 from bidders plant Items# 1-9 Per Ton Per Mite "NOTE: $0.60 per mile @ 18 miles "" EACH PER TON MILE $ 10.80 103.00 $ 1,112.40 11 Move In/Out Char a for projects under 499 Eons EACH $ 1,200.00 $ 12 Thoroughfare Traffic Control Charges Per street EACH $ 2,400.00 $ - 13 Manhole Ring Riser Ad ustment/Placsment Ring EACH $ 240.00 $ - 14 Valve Ring Riser Adjustment/Placement Ring EACH 150.00 $ 15 Base Repair - 6" Flex Base & 2" HMAC SY $ 67.00 $ - 16 Base Repair - Flex Base installed only TONS $ 32.20 $ - 17 8" Cement Stab Exlstin - more than 3000 sy SY $ 7.90 894.00 $ 7,062.60 18 8" Cement Stab Asti -1400 to 2999 sy SY $ 9.00 $ 19 8" Cement Stab Existin - less than 1399 sy SY $ 16.50 20 Hauling Excessive Material more then 101 cy CY $ 18.70 $ - 21 Hauling Excessive Material 51 to 100 cy CY $ 21.00 - 22 Hauling Excessive Material less than 50 cy CY. $ 30.00 $ - 23 Wedge Mill LF $ 3.80 $ 24 Full De th Milli 0.4' BY $ 4.60 $ - 25 Full Depth Milling Each Additional Inch SY $ 0.75 $ - 26 Backfill Shoulders LF $ 1.40 766.00 $ 1,072.40 27 8" Pulverization SY 4.46 $ - 28 Petromat less than 2500 BY SY $ 5.35 $ 29 Petromat 2500 - 4999 SY SY $ 3.15 $ - 30 Petromat more 5000 SY SY $ 2.60 $ - I V 1 Ht- rUK YAW: r; 11,4?11.4u 53................ CITY OF SANGER Hughes TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL COMPLETED BID QUANTITY TO DATE 1 HMAC Type D Dellvered more than 1500 tons TONS $ 74.50 $ 2 HMAC Type D Delivered 500 to 1499 tans TONS $ 80.00 317.00 $ 26,360.00 3 HMAC Type D Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 $ - 4 HMAC Type C Delivered more than 1500 tons TONS $ 74.00 $ 6 HMAC Type C Delivered 600 to 1499 tons TONS $ 78,30 $ 6 HMAC Type C pallvered less than 499 tons TONS $ 92.00 $ - 7 HMAC Type B Delivered more than 1600 tons TONS $ 73.60 $ - 8 HMAC Type B Delivered 500 to 1499 tons TONS $ 77.00 $ 9 HMAC Type B Delivered less than 499 tons TONS $ 91.00 $ 10 Additional Mileage Hauled beyond the first 10 from bidders plant Items# 1-9 Per Ton Per Mile "NOTE: $0.60 per mile @ . 18 miles" EACH PER TON MILE $ 10.80 317.00 $ 3,423.60 11 Move In/Out Char a for projects under 499 tons EACH $ 1,200.00 12 Thoroughfare Tratfic Control Charges Per street EACH $ 2,400.00 $ 13 Manhole RIE2 Riser Adjustment/Placement Ring EACH $ 240.00 $ 14 Valve Rin Riser Ad ustmentlPlacement Ring EACH $ 150.00 $ - 15 Base Repair SY $ 67.00 30.00 $ 2,010,00 16 Base Repair - Flex Base Installed on TONS $ 32,20 $ - 17 8" Cement Stab Exists - more than 3000 sy SY $ 7.90 1,113.00 $ 8,792.70 18 8" Cement Stab Existing -1400 to 2999 sy SY $ 9.00 $ - 19 8" Cement Stab Existin - less than 1399 s SY $ 16.50 $ . 20 Hauling Excessive Material more than 10`1 cy CY $ 18,70 $ - 21 Hauling Excessive Material 61 to 100 cy CY $ 21.00 $ - 22 Hauling Excessive Material less than 50 cy CY $ 30.00 $ . - 23 Wedge Mill LF $ 3.80 $ - 24 Full Depth Mifflin 0-4" SY $ 4.50 $ 25 Full Depth Milling Each Additional Inch SY $ 0.76 26 Backfill Shoulders LF $ 1.40 954.00 $ 1,335.80 27 8" Pulverization SY $ 4.46 $ - 28 Petromat less than 2500 SY SY $ 5.36 $ 29 Petromat 2500 - 4999 SY SY $ 3.16 $ 30 Petromat more 6000 SY SY 1 $ 2.60 $ TOTAL FOR PAGE $ 40,921.00 Grand Praide City - Contract Carer Sheet xo Department: purchasing for Streets Vendor Nama Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Co. Project Namai 16112 Pavement Resurfacig Services - Reynolds Asphalt - Inttiai contract Work Order Number(s)t Account Number: 251210.63030 Contract AmeUntt $3,523,900.00 Insurer A Name', Valley Forge Ins Co insurer H Namet Am Cas Co of Reading PA insurer C Names Great American Ins Insurer D Namei National•Flre Ins Co of Hartford insurer 0 Natnat Return Executed Copy Tot purchasing interoffice mall Implementation Date: _8/17/20i6 Department Manager Signaturet �" C°, i`Yt&.-) C[tv Attorga gaSignaturet City Managar/�Oapuuty, City Manager Signature, City secretary s�ig+nat�uret Termination bates 0/1612017 Page 1 of I 6482 City Council Appr. Datec 8/16/2016 Insurer A Expiration: 5/8/2017 insurer 9 Expirationt 5/812017 Insurer C Expiration: 5/6/2017 Insurer D Expiration; 5/e/2017 insurer E Expiration*. a pate, Date, Date, C,/ l� t-+eti-.//«..Y.:....Fh��I(:�'i`''f7I(�7�iT(1llYnr+tNnn4(znwfaYQT�na+IlXTn1�7iT/Pri�tt ac+�wt�7iii.=Fil�R7 R/7�/iiil�i 55 CONTRACT for SERVICES PRICE AGREEMENT CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS § THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this date by and between the CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE, a Texas municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and REYNODDS ASPHALT & CONSTRUCTION CO. (hereinafter referred to as "VENDOR") and evidences the following: I, PURPOSE VENDOR shall provide pavement resurfacing services per bid award resulting from VENDOR'S response to RFD #16112, submitted by Ned Tankersley, on July 26, 2016. H. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The services which VENDOR shall provide for the CITY shall include the following: A. VENDOR hereby covenants and agrees that VENDOR is to work closely with the CITY's Public Works Director or their designee, and/or other appropriate officials of the CITY, and that VENDOR is to perform any and all tasks required of VENDOR to fulfill the purposes of this Contract. B. VENDOR and the CITY covenant and agree that VENDOR shall -perform all of the services and work contained in CITY specifications and VENDOR'S bid to the CITY (attached hereto as "Exhibit A"); said document being part of this Contract and incorporated in its entirety herein. The parties agree that should there be any conflict between the terms of the incorporated document and this Contract, the provisions of this Contract shall control, The parties understand that quantity of services to be furnished to the City is an estimate and that the City may order more or less depending on the projects and the work of the City that requires the services. The price of the services shall remain constant throughout the term of contract. C. VENDOR expressly covenants and agrees to provide the CITY with such written reports or documentation of guaranties as may be required by the scope ofthe submittal, III. PERFORMANCE OF WORK VENDOR or VENDOR'S associates and employees shall perform all the work called for in this Contract. VENDOR hereby covenants and agrees that all of VENDOR'S associates and employees who work on this project shall be fully qualified to undertake same and competent to do the work described in this Contract, and the services performed shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner, and that the finishedproduct shall befit for the particular use(s) contemplated by this agreement. CONTRACT FOR Pavement Resurfacing Sry PRICE AGREEMENT - RFB #16112 Page 1 of 8 co, IV. PAYMENT The CITY shall pay to 'VENDOR a sum not to exceed those unit prices, or percentage discount from list price where applicable in the submittal for the purchase of services designated herein and in no event shall total payments under the base contract exceed $3,523,900.00 without additional approval, Invoice must be delivered to the attention of the department placing the order. Payments will be made as work is completed and certification by the City that the work is pe►Tormed in a good and workmanlike manner within 30 day of certification or receipt of invoice, whichever is later. Payment will be made by means of a City issued check, an ACH, or with a City issued Procurement Card (Mastercard). V. TERM OF THE CONTRACT This Contract is for an initial term of one year with the option to renew for four additional one year periods. This Contract is effective as of August 17, 2016. No new orders shall be accepted, against this Contract term, after .midnight on August 16, 2017. Contract shall terminate upon completion of all requirements for orders placed by said date, unless the parties mutually agree in writing to extend the term of the Contract through allowable renewal option, or, unless otherwise terminated as provided in Paragraph XVI herein. The parties shall evidence the renewal in writing, with any, additional terms set out in the said writing. VI. CONTRACT ASSIGNMENT VENDOR and the CITY hereby covenant and agree that this Contract provides for services and that these services are not to be assigned or sublet in whole or part without the prior written consent of the CITY. VH, CONFLICT OF INTEREST VENDOR hereby covenants and agrees that during the Contract period that VENDOR and any of VENDOR'S associates and employees will have no interest nor acquire any interest, either direct or indirect, which will conflict in any manner withthe performance ofthe services called for under this Contract. All activities, investigations and other efforts made by VENDOR pursuant to this Contract will be conducted by employees or associates of VENDOR. VENDOR further covenants and agrees that it understands thatthe Code of Ordinances ofthe City of Grand Prairie prohibits any officer or employee of the CITY from having any financial interest, either direct or Indirect, in any business transaction with the CITY. Any violation ofthis paragraph which occurred with the actual or constructive knowledge of VENDOR will render this Contract voidable by the CITY. CONTRACT FOR Pavement Resurfacing 5ry PRICE AGREEMENT — RFt3 #16112 Page 2 of 6 57 VIH. CHANGE IN WORK The CITY, through Its Purchasing Manager or their designee, may request changes in the scope and focus of the activities and duties called for under this Contract. Any such change which, in the opinion of VENDOR or the CITY varies significantly Bonn the scope and focus of the work set out herein or entails a significant increase in cost or expense to VENDOR must be mutually agreed upon by VENDOR and the CITY. The parties herein acknowledge that any change in the scope or focus of the work which results in the increase in compensation to VENDOR of the fee stated in Paragraph IV hereof must first be approved by the CITY's Purchasing Manager, City Manager or City Council, where applicable. IX. CONFIDENTIAL WORK Any reports, designs, plan, information, project evaluations, data or any other documentation given to or prepared or assembled by VENDOR under this Contract shall be kept confidential and may not be made available to any individual or organization by VENDOR without the prior written approval ofthe CITY except as may be required by law. X. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS VENDOR acknowledges that CITY owns all notes, reports, or other documents, intellectual property or documentation produced by the vendor pursuant to this agreement or in connection with its work which are not otherwise public records. VENDOR acknowledges that CITY shall have copyright privileges to those notes, reports, documents, processes and information. VENDOR shall provide CITY a copy of all such notes, reports, documents, and information (except to the extent that they contain confidential information about third parties) at CITY expense upon written request. XI. NONDISCRIMINATION As a condition of this Contract, VENDOR covenants and agrees that VENDOR shall, take all necessary actions to insure, in connection with any work under this Contract, that VENDOR or VENDOR'S associates, sub -vendors, or employees, will not discriminate in the treatment or employment of any individual or groups of individuals on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or physical handicap unrelated to job performance, either directly or Indirectly or through contractual or other arrangements. In this regard, VENDOR shall keep, retain and safeguard all records relating to this Contract for work performed hereunder for a minimum period of three (3) years from final contract completion, with full access allowed to authorized representatives ofthe CITY upon request, for purposes of evaluating compliance with this and other provisions ofthe Contract. CONTRACT FOR PaveWntfiesurfaaing Sry PRICE AGREEMENT - RKa #16112 Page 3 of 6 CZ7 X11. INDEPENDENT VENDOR By the execution of this Contract, the CITY and VENDOR do not change the independent vendor status of VENDOR. No term or provision of this Contract or any act of VENDOR in the performance of this Contract may be construed as matting VENDOR the agent or representative of the CITY, All employees of VENDOR shall perform their duties under the supervision of VENDOR, which shall have the exclusive right to dictate to the VENDOR'S employees how to perform their tasks. VENDOR agrees and covenants that each of its employees will be properly qualified and will use reasonable care in the performance of the assigned duties. VENDOR shall post all applicable warning signs if such work will disrupt normal traffic or workplace activities. X111. WARRANTY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND INDEMNITY VENDOR warrants that the services it performs for CITY will be done in a good and workmanlike manner, and that any items delivered to the CITY under this contract will be t for the particular purpose for which it was furnished, VENDOR shall defend, indemnify, and hold the CITY whole and harmless against any and all claims for damages, costs, and expenses to persons or property that may arise out of, or be occasioned by, the execution or performance of this Contract or any of VENDOR'S activities or any act of commission or omission related to this Contract of any representative, agent, customer, employee, sub -vendor or invitee of VENDOR or any representative, agent, employee, or servant of the CITY. If an item is covered by a manufacturer's warranty, it is the responsibility of the VENDOR to obtain the information for CITY and to get the manufacturer to honor the warranty. XiV. INSURANCE Prior to the commencement of work under this Contract, VENDOR shall obtain and shall continue to maintain in full force and effeot during the term of this Contract a comprehensive liability insurance policy, with a company licensed to do business in the State of Texas and rated not lass than "A" in the current Hest Key Rating Guide, which shall include bodily injury, death, automobile liability and property damage coverage, in accordance with any CITY ordinance or Directive. The minimum limits for this coverage shall be $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for liability and for property damage, unless modified in accordance with any ordinance or directive. The CITY shall be named as an additional insured under such policy and a provision shall be incorporated in the policy whereby the CITY shall be given at least thirty days prior notice of any material change in coverage or of cancellation of such policy. XV. NO VERBAL AGREEMENT This Contract contains the entire commitments and agreements of the parties to the Contract. Any verbal or written commitment not contained in this Contract or expressly referred to in this Contract and incorporated by reference shall have no force or effect. CONTRACT FOR pavement Resurfaafng Sry PRICE AGREEMENT— RFB #16112 Page 4 of e 59 XVI. TERMINATION The CITY may, at its option and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law or in equity, terminate further work under this Contract, in whole or in part, by giving at least thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof to VENDOR with the understanding that all services being terminated shall cease upon the date specified in such notice, The CITY shall equitably compensate VENDOR, in accordance with the terms of this Contract for the services properly performed prior to the date specified in such notice following inspection and acceptance of same by the CITY, VENDOR shall not, however, be entitled to lost or anticipated profits should the CITY choose to exercise its option to terminate. XVII. VENUE The parties to this Contract agree and covenant that this Contract will be performable in Grand Prairie, Texas, and that if legal action is necessary to enforce this Contract, exclusive venue will lie in Dallas County, Texas. XVHI. APPLICABLE LAWS This Contract is made subject to the existing provisions of the Charter of the City of Grand Prairie, its rules, regulations, procedures and ordinances, present and future, and all applicable laws of the State ofTexas and the United States. XIX. CONTRACT INTERPRETATION The parties to this Contract covenant and agree that in any litigation relating. to this Contract, the terms and conditions of the Contract will be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Texas. XX. NOTICES All notices, communications and reports under this Contract must be mailed or delivered to the respective parties at the addresses shown below, unless either party is otherwise notified in writing by the other party: CITY: Angi Mize, Sr. Buyer — Purchasing Division 972-237-8262 Phone — 972/237-8265 Pax amize@gptx.org City of Grand Prairie 326 W. Main Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 PO Box 534045, Grand Prairie, TX 75053.4045 Dane Stovall — Street Division 972-237-8526 Phone dstovall@gptx.org City of Grand Prairie 1821 S. SH 161, Grand Prairie, TX 75052 CONTRACT FOR Pavement Resudnoing Sry PRICE AGREEMENT - RFB #1611 z Pape 5 of e ME VENDOR: Ned Tankersley, Vice President 817-267-3131 Phone nankersley@reynoldsasphalt.com Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Co. P.O. Box 370, Euless, TX, 76039 XXI. SLVERABILITit' in the event that any one or more ofthe provisions contained in this Contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof and this Contract shall be considered as If such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in the Contract. XXH. RIGHT OF REVIEW VENDOR covenants and agrees that the CITY, upon reasonable notice to VENDOR, may review any ofthe work performed by VENDOR under this Contract. XXIM WAIVER OF ATTORNEYS FEES VENDOR and CITY expressly covenant and agree that in the event of any litigation arising between the parties to this contract, each party shall be solely responsible for payment of its attorneys and that in no event shall either party be responsible for the other party's attorney's fees regardless ofthe outcome of the litigation. ry, EXECUTED this the . Sty -of CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS By: " Tom Cox, Deputy City Mana r A : �- at . DiMaJ,CiSecretary 1 1 / REYNOLDS ASPHALT & CONSTRUCTION CO, By,w,C Printed / Name: / 4P�tG�S't-rl� Title CONTRACT FOR Pavement hesurfacing Sry PRICE AGREEME3NT— RFB #16112 Page 6 of 6 roil City of Grand Prairie Bid 16112 Solicitation 16112 PAVEMENT RESURFACING SERVICES Sid Designation: Public City of Grand Praffle .. A 'f In inn Aq n.�n 11R1 62 City of Grand Prairie Bid 16112 Sid 16112 PAVEMENT RESURFACING SERVICES _ - ,„ - o-,a•.. -•Y£F ..;.r _ s, �t�cG�=c4urr:;r�os_�.-:r' � r£r'.";•r'_�,_'-��k_.:--'„�;:w�awYi.�-3z=r-=Fy-""S-y i:. u,<::•�.; :'�o +9:+it;�pk&sujx'K".ei�;�y_'s:�.;-.V�fs.;o�e�vg��3U p.fE:t�-y'lK•ti.«yC�k,�r��..-fin,.,.=!.�}sY�'{�r•..ri1 o.:�5t:: ', t�', s., �.. •,^�r�b,`�Mr q;.rsra:v:-lx:�ry5e't�•t.Sgz'`'rt��:`�:�i?�di�'•'w':o 2-'�ijl3!ii!?CS!..ti?�!Y?.s`t'ry:ut� �1U#a�t��t�1t;��F�::it�',ddn;iti ,:i:".•L>i-•i�...^ �i'-.+.tt's:�l'.+'.�,�`sfi�:,t'�iS:r c.�'•��'�C•:�`3r;�y�',s���?,S :x�,.,''f'r'v'rc',ti.o- z...+-1-+1.rtrs=',sF,issG^-�....�'.]S.WJvJ �,•... ,JC ,.. 'Bid Number 16112 'Bid Title PAVEMENT RESURFACiNG SERVICES .Bid Start Date Jul 8, 201610.,30:33 AM CDT 'Did End Date Jul 22, 2016 2:00:00 PM CDT *Question & Jul 18, 2016 4:30:00 PM CDT -Answer End Date Bid Contact Angi Mize Buyer Purchasing 972-237.8262 amfze@gptx,org Contract Duration 1 year Contract Renewal 4 annual renewals -Prices Good for 140 days 'Bid Comments it is the intent of this specification to obtain an annual price agreement forthe purchase of pavement resurfacing services for the City of Grand Prairie Street Maintenance Division. These services shall include but not limited to cleaning, preparing surface, placing tack coat and overlaying with HMAC of city streets. All construction shall be in accordance with this specification and standards published by North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). This contract will begin on or. after August 17,201 S. Information, questions or clarification concerning the intent of this RFt3 should be In writing and addressed to Angl Mize, Sr. Buyer at omlzo@gptx,org f 972.237-8262 Registration for BldSync Is free for notification of bids, addendums, and other information. If your company wants the convenience to download the bid dooumants from BldSync's website or to bid on -tine through BidSync, BldSyno offers these services, for bids posted by the City of Grand Prairie, for an annual fee of $60,00. This is not a fee charged by the City, nor does the City receive any part of this fee. if your company registers under the complimentary registration and opts out of the additional paid services from Bld5yne, you may email a request to the responsible Buyer for a copy of the bid documents and submit a hard copy bid directly to the Purchasing office, --r'`.=":_.>::_._s'�4���=:r=i-�:'�,��:;,d:,s�x ,"`�.�x'-.�.��,:•�3:-s `�-x`r�.�'^^� :`���,. _i;�v�..<a=�".._�,.L ��..��'.c-'.��.�'._'T:—�: y�:�c�a.F3t`'nt._..-.w-�z....:r_-.:=�.:3^i•�:•?=��.'c::i. ,-„�.�3.::,��.,_�:�`�s .__ .. .:�- _.-_..�_ �' Item Response Form - - - - - __ `.,JS�.a�ra,.t; :r��i=:4k`m''1.;} %n�ra':�fg'�_:-=_—•�_'�:2-:,` sue.-'ram--=���t�.��_ �F-.xf--',,� __ _ - _ =' -' u.T__=w==�_a'4:— ". r�P 3`•j.. �i''e:`Ye{�%� "'a'.s'� w�;�x.•�rrxs :�:�.. :, .-$`fi-�-. v'�::-.�'a'r�:���=-:._�--•:._�= 7'.'�'._�—'�=:=---=-�.m.�r_:�—::-;4:i�.'�.�= �r:�':x��C•;.$•:%�••�,„-:. .�.:.'�+`�.�_n:es-s..�...-='-`-'=�-�` .__`"'=r:_�..:�,a: Item 16112--01.61 • ENTER PRICING ON ATTACHMENT A,1110 SHEET 'Quantity 1 each 'Prices are not requested for this hem. 'Delivery Location WHIKI No Location Speclfled Qly 1 Description PKITM =10IM(A r1M A7TAr'..HMFNT A_ Ain SHFFT wammn 63 Specification City of Grand Praldo 'i'�,:t;w��r;�ia _ �jg:",�j�:�ljs,��/[�e. ' i.•{�: �� �:•:3`F ^ �;� �;n� REQUEST FOR. BID RFB #16112 PAVEMENT RESURFACING SERVICES 1. PROJECT SCOPE It is the intent of this specification to obtain an annual price agreement for the purchase of pavement resurfacing services for the City of Grand Prahie Street Maintenance Division. These services shall include but not limited to cleaning, preparing surface, placing tack coat and overlaying with HMAC of city streets. All construction shall be in accordance with this specification and standards published by North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). This contract will begin on or after August 17, 2016. 2. HOT MIX ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT -- (RHAC) 64-22 2,1. Material and placement must meet specifications in accordance with the latest TXDOT Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways (bW:/Imw.dot.state.tx.us/business/Specifications.htm , except that the asphalt content of asphaltic concrete mixtures shall be not less than four percent (40/*) and not greater than eight percent (8%).Product must be non -toxic to fish and other aquatic life 2.2. The mileage haul from plant shall be determined along the nearest and shortest route from the plant to the job site, 2.3. Materials laid and finished by the bidder shalt be compacted to not less than 960/0 compaction tested by laboratory based.on the Texas Test Method 227F. 2.4. MSDS sheets must be provided with products 'where applicable, 3. OVERLAYING OF EXISTING STRE + TS 3.1 The street surface of the existing pavement shall be cleared of grass, weeds, and swept prior to placing of the overlay. 3.2 SS I (emulsion) shall be placed and used prior to placing HMAC overlay and shall cover entire area as per NCTCOG public works standards (hitp//www,neteoa,orgLonvirlSBEDevFx/pubworks/standards,asp). Contractor shall supply all necessary materials and equipment to tack sub -grade prior to placing HMAC Type "D" surface course as outlined in the specification. 3.3 Driveways will be resurfaced back to the property line, with Olean joint at tie in, Bid 16112 E City of Grand Prahia Specification 4. TRA I + C CONTROL 4.1 The contractor shall provide construction and maintenance signs, construction lights, barricades, channelizing devices and flagmen as required to provide for the safety of the traveling public. These items shall be in accordance with the recommended practices of the latest version of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (M.U.T.C.D.) (http //www txdot govlgovernment/enforeament/si age/tmutcd,html} 4.2 Traffic control will be broken into the following two categories: 4.2.1 Residential: The contractor will be required to provide all traffic control on residential streets as part of the unit cost. 4.2.2 Thoroughfare: Traffic control on thoroughfares will be paid for as a separate. unit cost as provided in the contract, Thoroughfare street work cannot begin prior to 8:45 am and must be clear by 4:30 pm unless prior written approval is given by city. 4.3 Construction signs shall not be removed from the project until approved by the city. 4.4 No street shall be closed except -upon written authority from the city. 4.5 At the end of each day, the contractor shall prepare the work to the satisfaction of the city to ensure safe driving at night; and shall place temporary pavement markings and maintain it until the city has approved the final inspection. 4.6 Contractor shall submit a traffic control plan for approval four (4) days prior to starting work at any location. All barricades, detour signs for total. closure of the street, and all maintenance of sips and removals upon completion of project shall be in accordance with Texas M.U.T.C,D, 4.7 All street work and closures will require a four (4) day notice to city so it may be publicized in the local paper as necessary. 4.8 Contractor shall provide all temporary pavement marking as needed and placed before removal of barricades for the safety of public until permanent markings are installed by owner. 5. UTILITIES 5.1 The contractor shall retain full responsibility for adjusting any and all public utilities and protecting same against damage during the life of the project. 5.2 The contractor is responsible for arranging all locates within rights -of ways. 2 Bid 16112 Y1077nrf0 /1.6 •1 AK. 65 City of Grand Prairie Specification 5.3 Contractor shall adjust to final grade all existing valves and utilities. The manhole and valve adjustments shall be paid for as per bid pay items. Contractor shall be responsible for providing all manhole rings, valves, lids, etc., for the adjustment/placoment to finished grade of street. They shall meet the City Standard Details for design. 6. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION 6.1 The contractor shall pay for water for the project.. The contractor will be required to make application and deposit for a construction meter with the City of Grand Prairie Water Utility Customer Services Division. 7. START OF CONSTRUCTION 7.1 The successful bidder agrees that projects will begin within seven (7) days of written notice and assurance of work order from the City. 7.2 The contractor shall pick up two portable (2) signs from city Street Department and place at each end of their project to inform citizens that this is a Sales Tax Project. Signs shall be returned to the Street Department at the completion project, Signs shall not be removed until contractor hao permission by the City. 8. MATE, RIAL TICKETS The contractor shall provide the city with copies of all material tickets and certified weight tickets incorporated in the job on a daily basis. This requirement must be met to ensure quality control and duality assurance and proper payment to contractor. Any Failure to provide tickets by the end of the day will result in the stoppage of the next day's planned activities and/or non-payment of work until tickets are provided, 9. PRIVATE PROPERTY CONCERNS 9.1 It shall be the contractor's responsibility to relocate any mailboxes and vehicles as may be necessary during the various stages of the projects. 9.2 It shall be the contractor's responsibility to cooperate with the property owners on all construction work to be performed. 9.3 Contractor shall not use property owner's water or place temporarily sanitation facilities on private property. 9.4 Proper sanitation requirements for contractor's employees shall be provided by contractor at no cost to the city or private property owners. 9.5 All private agreements between the contractor and property owners are not binding on the city of Grand prairie. aid 16112 �y City of Grand Prairie Specification 9.6 Door hangers will be provided by the city for the contractor to distribute to the property owners. All door hangers must be handed out a minimum, of 72 hours prior to construction beginning, at the contractors expense and as requested by city. 10. SA.CMLL AND CLEANUP 10.1 After the new asphalt is in place, compacted, temporarily striped (tabs or tape), cleaned up and approved by owner, then street can be opened to traffic. 10.2 All areas disturbed by the contractor will be returned to their original condition to include grass, sprinkler systems, etc. 10.3 Contractor shall complete all backfilling and clean up within ten (10) business days of completing the placement of 2" HMAC. 10.4 All excavated earth in excess of that required for back filling shall be removed from the job site and disposed of, at contractor's expense, in a satisfactory manner except in locations where, in the judgment of the City and property owner, it can be :neatly spread over the adjacent area. 11, UNSATISFACTORY WORK The city shall not pay for work that is deemed not meting minimum specifications. The contractor will be given a reasonable opportunity to correct the deficiency. Failure of the contractor to correct the deficiency will be ground for non-compliance and termination of the contract and/or nonpayment. 12. FINAL INSPECTION Whenever the work provided for, and contemplated under, the contract has been satisfactorily completed and the final clean up performed, the representative authorized to accept same will make the "Final Inspection". Such inspection will be made within ten (10) days after written notification. After final inspection, if the work is found to be satisfactory, the contractor will be notified in writing of the acceptance. No time charge will be made against the contractor between said date of notification of the representative in charge and the date of final inspection of the work. 13. WORK ZONE MAINTENANCE It shall be the sole responsibility of'the contractor to maintain the work zones during all phases of construction, This will included any repair or maintenance work needed due to delays from weather, scheduling, etc. 4 Bid 16112 67 city of Grand Prairie Specification 14. wORK NG HOURS 14.1 No street, lane, or alley closures will be allowed on weekends or holidays (listed below) and working times are 7:00 am to 5:00 pm (except on major thoroughfares) Monday through Friday; except as herein written in specifications. 14.2 Holidays 14.2.1 New "Year's Day-- January 1 14.2.2 Martin Luther King's Birthday— January 15 14.2.3 Memorial Day — Last Monday in May 14.2.4 Independence Day — July 4 14.2.5 Labor Day- First Monday in September 14.2.6 Thanksgiving Fourth Thursday and Friday in November 14.2.7 Christmas -- December 20 & 25" 15. WARRANTY .All work performed under this contract for the City of Grand Prairie shall be warranted for a period of two years. if within two years, after acceptance of work, any of the work is found to he defective or not in accordance with the contract, the contractor shall correct it promptly after receipt of written notice from the owner. 16. PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE The projected schedule for this procurement is as follows. Bid 161V Activity Target Dates Release Bid Friday, Jul S 2016 Deadline for Questions Monday, July 18, 2016 Responses to Questions Tuesday, July 19.2016 Deadline for Receipt of Bids ` Friday, Jul 22, 2616 2;00 p.m. Council Date Tuesday, A.0 st 16, 2016 17. CONTACT Information, questions or clarification concerning the intent of this RFB should be in writing and addressed to Angi Mize, Sr, Buyer at amine tx.ox / 972-237-8262 no later than July 18, 2016, at 4:30 pm (CST). City of Grand Prairie's response to questions and requests for clarification will be posted to BidSync (www.bidsynr,.com) by July 19, 2016 at 460 pm (CST). 18. EVALUATION CRITERIA The following evaluation criteria will be utilized in the selection of a vendor: Price `10% Reputation 30% Experience 20% Past Relationship with the City and/or other Municipalities 10% TOTAL 100% S Clty of Grand Praldo Specificauon 19. BID SUBMITTAL — ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED Interested vendor MUST submit at least one hard copy in a sealed envelope or electronic copy (flash drive, CD, or through BidSyne) of the following items for consideration. The submission should be in the order stated below: a. Bid sheet (Attachment A) b. Questionnaire & References (Attachment B) c. Conflict of Iiaterest Questionnaire (Attachment C) d. Submittal A.ffumation Form (Attachment D) e. gR Statement of No Response (Attachment G) Angi Mize, Sr. Buyer Purchasing Division 326 W. Main Street Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 Late responses will be unopened and not accepted for consldera#on. The City of Grand Prairie is not responsible for lateness or failure of timely delivery via mail (whether delays are Internal/external), carrier, etc. Please ensure you allow time to provide your response timely so that you may be properly considered. EMAIL BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The City reserves the right to reject any or all responses, to waive formalities, award a separate contract to separate vendors for each item/group, or to award one contract for the entire bid, 6' Hid 16112 .. n ^I ilf /.IItA /. n•rfA At1 • 69 City of Grand Prairie Specification 20. AGREEMENT TERMS AND AWARD The term of the agreement will be for an initial one-year agreement with the option to renew for up to four (d) additional one-year periods. The price agreement shall be awarded to the vendor(s) submitting the bid(s) deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City rimy award one Primary and one Secondary vendor by portions or for the entire bid. The City of Grand Prairie may award to a single vendor, multiple vendors, or use any combination that serves the best interest of the City. Successful bidder will enter into a contract with the City for an annual agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions found within. 21. BONDS 22.1 Each Contractor shall have in effect a Payment Bond and Performance Bond to cover the costs of all of the projects in which they are currently performing services. At a minimum, each Contractor shall have a Payment Bond and Performance Bond in the amount of $500,000.00. IF the total cost of all of the public works in progress exceeds such amount of the Bonds, then the Contractor will be required to get additional. Bonds so that all costs of all of the projects currently in progress will be covered, The Bonds will be worded such that they cover all of the public works that are covered by specific terms of this price agreement, whether each street or project is separately designed on such bond. The Streets Division of the City of Grand Prairie shall work with the Contractor to calculate the costs of all of the projects in progress at any time. If the total amount of costs for the work in progress is greater than the amounts of Performance and Payment Bonds in effect, the Contractor shall either increase amount of bonds or reduce the amount of work in progress at any time. 22.2 The Maintenance Bond will be in the cumulative amount of payments made to MIX individual Contractor, or there will be a separate Maintenance Bond for each public work, at the option of each Contractor, but such bond shall remain in effect for two years from the date of acceptance of each project. 23 CONTRACT AWARD Vendor selected for contract will be required to return an executed contract to the City, a certificate of insurance naming the City as an additional insured, and a notarized copy of Form 1295 Certificate of interested patties within 1.0 days of the notice of award, 7 Bid 16112 VIE City of Grand Prafria Bid 16112 Request for. End Questl6nnalre All questions ohould be answered clearly and completely. Marketing materials WILL NOT be accepted in lieu of this questionnaire. This questionnaire will assist the City in understanding your proposal and will be used in the evaluati6n process and therefore it is critical that the questionnaire be completed and submitted with your proposal, . General Information & References: : RESPONDENT NAME AND TITLE: AU "— a h ZZ �. COMPANY: ADDRESS, CITY, STATE ZIP: • a • Q £Nd� 7�c 'Z�o3 TELEPHONE NUMBER: f 7,6- � 13 / E-MAIL: _9nzr ��_� cA►°• IFBAERAL TAX ID. d - l212i? . ,.._..• Provide 3 References, of those .you have provided similar services in the past three years Reference l: Name & Tide - k 4#4 n.12 71 ' City of Grand Prairie Bid 16112 DID g WO .PAVEMENT RESURpACING SERVICES Vendor Name Contact Email phone CftylState Iq V.9 » a r t sac1 817 7 r 113 11 �r�G o� rid Ift_.+ ix item# Line Item Description UOM Est Quantity Unit Price Est Cost t I*AAC TypeD Delivered more than 1500 tons Tons 7900 741. , r. 2 k1MAC Type D Delivered 500 to 1499 tons Tons 4700 a 4 HMAC Type D Delivered less than 499 tons HMACType C Deliveredmore than 150.0 tons Tons Tons 1200 5400 �� , e $ /! a •° 5 I39AC Type C Delivered 560 to A09 tons Tons 3000 '7 8» 3d $ 73 a 6 HMAC Ty0e C Delivered ess than 499 tons 3 ons 1200 7 HMAC Type B Delivered more than 1500 tons Tons 5400 7 �, ' $ 96��6A-9 8 9 HMAC Type B Delivered 500 to 1499 tons HMAC Type Delivered less than 499 tons Tons Tans 1200 674 $ !a `I�?-cz02 96", L•0 11• Additional Mileage Charge -• Hauled beyond'the first.10 mites from bidders plant for Items #i 1.9 Per. Ton Per lvllle Move In Charge Tons Each 5500 30 y 0 $ 3 3 0 2va.od 12 13 14 • 15 Thorough Fare Traffic Control Manhole Icing Miser V91ve Ring Riser Base Ice air -Flex Base Each .Mach Each Tons 3041� 200 200 50�°°° 0 1i 0. a .�- $ — oe'14� $r3 ��o sa $ 16 .Flex Base Furnish and Install Tons 3000, b � ° 17 Recycling 8" Deep More Than 3000+ sy SY 13500' CL $ o 6! 76 18 Recycling 8" Deep 1400 to 2990 sy SY 9000 $ 19 ' Recycling 8" Deep less than 1399 sy SY 4200 , J"d $ 3 c 20 IlaulingBxcesslveMaterlai More Than l0i ay CY 6000 =c $ /12�2-o 0 z e, 72 City of Grand prairie Bid 16112 21 - Hauling Excessive Material 51 to 100 cy Cy 1500 22 aiding Excessive Material 50 or Less ep CY 200 3 p , e $ o i► 23 WedgeMilling LF 6000 24 Full Depth Milling 0 to 4" Sy 15000 '25 Full Depth Milling $ach Additional Inch gg 15000 26 Backfill Shoulders LF 12000 27 Pulverization Sy ]5000 1�=�� $_ o 27 Petromat less than 2500 sy SY 1000 f • f° $ 28 29 Petxomat 2500 - 4999 s petramat more than 5000 sy -11 BY SY 3000- 15000 $ ESTMAATED TOTAL n.11 73 Hid 161V city of Grand Prairie Serviice Questions: 1 :How many years have you been in business? 2 How MOM years have you been perform the f pe of work detailed in the specification? 3. What is the total value of work you ourrentlyhave under contract? r 4. What.is the percentage of work that is self-perford? (approximate) 0 5. Has your firm ever• failed to complete a contract? IV Q 6. Has your -firm ever filed for bankruptcy? if so, whein? ending judgment claims or suits again your company and explain on an additional 7. Please list any p age. Have you had an•OSTIA fine within the past three (3) years? S. (If yes, you MUST submit on an additional page the circumstances of the event) 71A19r11R A•147 ABA 74 Bid 1e132 E City of Grand Pratrie 9, Dave you had any jo b related 'fatalities within the past lve (5) years? (zf yes, you Mi iST submit on, an additioW page the circumstances of the event} gyp. In the event of a breakdown, where wouldcen u t pment be serviced? (Include name of i business, address, phone number, and point (26.fo Allow 2 y'„'""'t l/government agencies you have worked with_, alongw 11. List municipaith the Qo>u, a U` ►e `d Y• I VYAV 2 separate sheet if needed. Contract Y'rs, Contracted — av Name — Phone — Email - contract - $ �f did y i Contracted — Yra,. Name — 4,•K Shone— g7 %� 91 Ywf 97 Email - f��rceJ !v2/ �H..d. r2{r4kL jr ,rd le Contract - $ 14 a a o Yrs. Contra �. I Natne — — -- 4 Phone`7k, ' 77 J` ^' 7! O V ►►ssy( I Email 12 Desct7be bow you meet or exceed the minimum qualifications in the specification, i ? P.1q 7/812016 9.32 AM 75 City of Grand Pralda 13, Describe the experience in providing similar services within the last 2 years'. Name - .S4. _ t•ia r, ' P Coi�ttraot - $ ,,, 5,�7 t �� ? � x'• Was the project finished ontime - yet.Was the project within budget - -, Y� r Name— 4 Contract - .$ 0 f Was the project finished on•time - Was the project within budget --r Name - Contract r7 Was the project finished on time -' ��!' `, - �"�' -��'f -�- -� •Was the project within budger Name -i41 Cont%aot - $ Was the project finished on time -� r - ��� K - yo 1•i'` Was the project within budget - r, Name Contract - $1 14 � Z4 , d,, Was the project finished on time - k " Z- - - Q -- Was the project within budget - . f' Name Coxtract - Was the project finished•on time Was the project within budget - W? 14. On the fallowing page, list employees lastnar►ie only} along with their job title and number n .years' experience in your line of work {add additional pages if necessary}. Also list equipment, quantity and years ixi service. or 718ronin a•a9 M4 Bid 16112 City of Grand hfaide 36 LIST OF AND EQUIPMENT It is represented as part of this; bid that Wo below listed items of machinery and equipment are available foruse on the work covered by this bid• "Being Available" shall mean that the equipment is owned or under the control of the Bidder submitting this bld. It is impartapt to state quantity and speoilieatlons of equipment available, Examples (Z each 1Yaliser automatic ; paint spray machines), EquipmentlMaehlriery Xears in Service Qty ; 7/812016 0:32 AM Hid 1012 EQUIPMENT LIST . auu, acturer escript oh f ufactureY liescr pt on WOn 'TRUCKS MACK I996 4000 GAL TANK ROLLERS: ING13RSOLL-RAND 1996 PNEUMATIC QI25R INTERNATIONAL 1981 1960 4000GALTANK 2500 GAL TANK 000 GAL TANK CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR 2000 200 i 20 22 ROLLERCBS34C COMPACTOR PS200a PNEUMATIC PS-150B MISER 1984 uA-CK 1975 4000CALTANK CATERPILLAR 20Q1 2003 STEEL WHEELCB634C ROLLER PS 150E INTERNATIONAL MACK CH613 2001 4000 GAL Tank CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR 2006 2003 ROLLER C856311 ROLLERC5563E ASPIIALTT'AVI:RS s CATS ILLAR 2002 AP1055B VIBROMAX 2004 2004 ROLLER VM6 PD STEEL WHEEL CB534D RpADTEC (ASTlaC 3995 SB 2540 MTV Shuttle Buggy CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR 20D7 PNEUMATIC PS-I54C CATERPILLAR 2004 AP1055B HAMM 2001 MODEL3412COMP CTOR CATERPILLAR ROADTEC ASTEC 2011 2001 AP1055E SB 2500 MTV Shuttle BuggyWAR 2008 2008 Com actor CB224E ROLLERCB534D CATERPILLAR 201D AP655D 570LXT 2 11lC 201 t 2011 PS-360C Cam actor CB34 Com actorCB34CAT LOADERS FRONT END: 1998 gg ItPIiLAR 1996 953H TRACICLOADBR 2010 20I1 HDI4 V V Drum Roller ROLYERCP563E CATERPILLAR 2000 9240 WHEEL LOADER CATERPILLAR CATERPlLL 2011 PNEUMATIC PS-360C CASE 2001 570LXT 414E IG 4X4 LOADER CATERPILLAR 2QL1 201 ! Compactor C33b4 HD+140 V V DRUM ROLLER CATERPILLAR 2007 CASE 2007 570M XT 4X4 LOADER HAMM HAMM 2010 3410 SOIL COMPACTOR CATERPILLAR 2005 953C TRACK LOADER 414E IL 4X4 LOADER 570MXT4X4L0 DER HAMM CATERPILLAR 20 33 M HD14 V V Drum Roller CW34PNEUMATIC CATERPILLAR 2007 2006 CASE L440 9 8H C FU WHEEL LDIL 414E IL 4X4 LOADER JOHN DEERS 210K 1400 • HAMM CATERPILLAR TINCTORS AND 7CCAVATORS: CATERPILLAR- CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR 2014 2007 1999 1998 2003 HD340VVHF PS-150C -15 EXCAVATOR D6H DOZER 416D BACKHOE KUBO'A 2009 CATERPILLAR 2Ql l CATERPILLAR 2008 JOHN DEERS 2013 MOTORGRADERSt 1995 CATERPILLAR i DH CATERPILLAR 1997 320B EXCAVATOR 1996 CATERPILLAR ]40H CATERPILLAR 2007 420E 4X4 BACKHOE 1998 CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR 201F 320DLX EXCAVATOR CATERPILLAR 2040 2004 140H 144H CATERPILLAR 2012 D%LGTDO7�R CACCRPIGL'AR 2007 140H CATERPILLAR ' 2013 420P 4S BACKIiOE CATERPILLAR . CATERPILLAR 20i5 42OF4SBAC OE CATERPILLAR 2007 140H MIXI312S: i9 4 SS250 SS250B CAT MIXER AT MIXER 1998 CAT MIXER 2007 RM500 TERBX MIXER 2011 S446C R8446C TEREX MIXER 2012 ,T�. 20�5 RMsoo 78 City of Grand PnI CONFLICT OF INTEREST GIUESTIONNAIRE FORM For vendor• doin business with IoCal overnmenial en OFFICE USE ONLY This questionnairs renaots changes made to the law by K8, Is, Both Leg., nosuior session. This quastlonnalre Is boing flied in accordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code, by a vendor who has a business relationship as deiinaSl by Section 176.001(t-s) with a local governmental entity dsia "6o4 ei and the vendor meats requirements under Section 176.006(a). By law this questionnaire must be flied with the records administrator of the local governmental entity nqt later than the 7th business day after the data the vendor becomes aware of facts that rdgtiire the statement to be filed, Sep Section 176.006(a•1), Local Government Code. ; A vendor commits an offense If the vendor knowingly violates Section 176.006, local ; Government Code, An offense under this section is a misdemeanor, l Name ofvendor who has a business relationship with local governmental onlity. 1 2 � Chock this box it you are tiling an data to a prevfausiy tiled questionnaire. . he in n t later in thenirthe You 1114 an business day afterdthe dalte neted gwhich youire with becomet aware rthatl the f olriglnally filed uasllonnatro was Incomplete or inaccurate. Name of local government officer a o w am the informal on in this eaotien s being disclosed. Name of officer This section (Item 3 Including subparts A, S. C, & 0) must be oorgplated for each officer with whom the vendor has an employment or other business relationship as defined by Section 176,Oni(1 •ai, Local Government Code, Attach additional pages to this CIQ as necessary. A. is the local government officer named In this secpon reoelying or likely to receive taxable Income, Other than Investment Income, from the vendor? Dyes Q No .B. it the vendor receiving or llkdly to receive taxable income, other than investment Income, ham or at the direotion of the local government officer named In this section AND the taxable Income is not received from the local governmental anI • QYes Q Nc C. Is the filer of this quesfionnalre employed by a corporation or other buatness entity wkh respect to which the local government officer selves as an alflcar or director, or holds an Ownership Interest of one percent or more? Moil [IN. D. Describe each employment or business and family relationship with the local govemment officer named In this section, Signature of vendor doing business with the goverrimental. entity Date 71n19111R 4•39 AM f Bid 46112 o,17 79 My of Grand Pfeifle CITY OF GRAND PRAIRIE SUBMITTAL AFFXRMATION FORM 9URM AND A13DENDA ACKNOWLItDGEIVIENT This will aolmowledge your submittal contains all items as specified in section 19 and receipt of the following addenda which are part of the Solicitation Documents: / -..t•dL-'i ry :ddondu►fNo. a,_,_,..,,,= AddendumNol�� Addehdurt No, Addendum No. IIyRY nCAL PURCHASING I Should other Government Entities decide to participate irl.this contract, would you, the Vendor, agree that all terms, conditions, speck tions, andpoeingwould apply? ; 'Yes � Ne [� OTHER CONDITIONS The undersigned agrees to the following: ; A. Agrees that -the submittal is complete and all :required information/forms were submitted. B. Agrees that the bid package was fully reviewed and fully understands the requirements, C, Agrees to the Terms & Conditions as included in this bid packet and have noted any exceptions. D. Agrees that their submittal shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of go calendar days after the scheduled closing time. E, Will supply all required insurance, and execute contract within the time stated on the notice of award. P. Affirms that the submittal was not prepared in collusion with any other firm and the contents o£ this submittal have not been eommuMoatad by the undersigned or any agent with any other person engaged in this type of business, R1L131VIITTAL CERTI<I�CATION . BY MY SIGNATURE I AFFIRM THAT I AM DULY AUTHORIZED TO JE XECUTF THIS PROPOSAL AS AN OFFER TO CONTRACT AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SOLICITATION, THE UNDERSIGNED FIRM HAVING EXAMINED THE SPECIFICATIONS, AND BEING FAMILIAR WITH THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET, HEREBY SUBMITS A PROPOSAL FOR CONSIDERATION OF BEING SELECTED AS THE CITY% PROVIDER FOR SAID.SERVICES; AND AGREES TO BNTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS IF SELECTED AS A FINALIST FOR SAID SERVICES, Aluthorized Signature "tie Print/Type Name VN r Date Bid 1611z • p.16 VA17f11A A :.0 AM 80 Standard Tenns City of Grand prairie STANDARD TERMS ,AND CONDITIONS 1. INSTRUCTIONS: These standard terms apply to all solicitations. Attachment E 2. BEST INTEREST: The City reserves the right to reject any or all responses and to waive formalities. The City also reserve the right to purchase through State awarded contracts or other intergovernmental agreements when it is in the best interest of the City. 3. PRICING: Price(s) quoted must be held firm for -ninety (90) days to allow for evaluation unless otherwise noted in this document. 4. PAYMENT TERMS: payment terms are Net 30 unless otherwise specified by the City in this document. S. 'TAXES: The City of Grand Prairie is exempt from Federal Manufacture's Excise, and State Sales taxes. TAX MUST NOT BE XNCLUDED IN PRICING. Tax exemption certificates will be executed by the City and furnished upon request. 6. PATENT RIGHTS: The vendor agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim involving patent right infringement or copyrights on goods supplied. 7. FUNDING: The City of Grand Prairie is a home -rule municipal corporation operated and funded on an annual basis for Oct. I to Sept, 30, The City reserves the right to terminate, without liability, to the City, any contract for which funding is not available. 8. ASSIGNMENT: Vendor shall not sell, assign, transfer, or convey this contract in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the City. 9, SILENCE OF SPECIFICATION: The apparent silence of these specifications as to any detail or to the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices are to prevail. All interpretations of these specifications shall be made on the basis of this statement. 10. VENUE: This agreement will be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Texas. 1 Bid 1s11a wwnn44 n.9n Aft . do 81 C1W of Grand Pralde Standard Terms Attachment E 11. CONFLICT OF INTE, REST: The successful vendor hereby covenants and agrees that during the Contract period that vendor and any of vendor's associates and employees will have no interest nor acquire any interest, either direct or indirect, which will conflict in any manner with the performance of the services called for under this Contract, All activities, investigations and other efforts made by vendor pursuant to this Contract will be conducted by employees or associates of vendor. Vendor further covenants and agrees that it understands that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Grand Prairie prohibits any officer or employee of the City from having any financial interest, either direct or indirect, in any business transaction with the City. Any violation of this paragraph which occurred with the actual or constructive knowledge of vendor will render this contract voidable by the City, 12, CONFIDENTIAL WORK: Any reports, designs, plan, information, project evaluations, dataor any other documentation given to or prepared or assembled by vendor under this contract shall be kept confidential and may not be made available to any individual or organization by vendor without the prior written approval of the City except as may be required by law, 13, WARRANTY, HOLD IIA1l2l.Y1LESS, AND INDEMNITY: Vendor warrants that the commodities it delivers to the City shall be delivered in a good and workmanlike manner, and that any items delivered to the City under this contract will be fit for the particular purpose for which it was furnished: 'Vendor shall defend, indernni.£y, and hold the City whole and harmless against any and all claims for damages, costs, and expenses to persons or property that may arise out of, or be occasioned. by, the execution or performance of this Contract or any of vendor's activities or. any act of commission or omission related to this Contract of any representative, agent, customer, employee, sub - vendor or invitee of vendor or any representative, agent, employee, or servant of the City. If an item is covered by a manufacturer's warranty, it is the responsibility of the vendox to obtain the information for City and to get the manufacturer to honor the warranty, 14, INSURANCE: Prior to the commencement of work under this Contract, vendor shall obtain and shall continue to maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Contract any insurance required by Law and any additional insurance that may be required pursuant to the specification. 15. F.O.B.: All shipping shall be P.O,B. delivered. 16, PACKAGING; Unless otherwise indicated, items will be new, unused, and in first class condition in containers suitable for damage -free shipment and storage. 2 Pid 161V r6% City of Grand Prairie Standard Terms Attachment E 17. DELIVERY TIMES: Deliveries will be acceptable only during normal working hours at the designated City Municipal Facility. 1S. COOPERATM/INTERLOCAL PURCHASING: If the Vendor checked yes on the submittal affirmation form to allow for Znterlocal Purchasing the following will apply: Government Entities utilizing inter -Governmental Contracts with the City of Grand Prairie will be eligible, but not obligated, to purchase goods and services under this contract (s) awarded as a result of this solicitation. All purchases by Governmental Entities other than the City of Grand Prairie will be billed directly to that Governmental Entity and paid by that Governmental Entity. The City of Grand Prairie will not be responsible for another Governmental Entity's debts. Each Governmental Entity will order their goods and services as needed. 19. WAWER OF ATTORNEYS FEES: Vendor and City expressly covenant and agree that in the event of any litigation arising between the parties to this contract, each party shall be solely responsible for payment of its attorneys and that in no event shall either party be responsible for the other party's attorney's fees regardless of the outcome of the litigation, 20. PERFORMANCE OF WORK: Vendor or vendor's associates and employees shall perform all the work called for in this Contract. Vendor hereby covenants and agrees that all of vendor's associates and employees who work on this project shall be fully qualified to undertake same and competent to do the work described in this Contract, and the services performed shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner, and that the finished product shall be pit for the particular use(s) contemplated by this agreement. 21. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: VENDOR acknowledges that City owns all notes, reports, .or other documents, intellectual property or documentation produced by the vendor pursuant to this agreement or in connection with its work which are not otherwise public records, Vendor acknowledges that City shall have copyright privileges to those notes, reports, documents, processes and informatioia. Vendor shall provide City a copy of all such notes, reports, documents, and information (except to the extent that they contain confidential information about third parties) at City expense upon written request. 22, RIGHT OF REVIEW: Vendor covenants and agrees that the City, upon reasonable notice to vendor, may review any of the work performed by vendor under this Contract. 23. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: Any material or information that is considered proprietary in nature must be clearly marked as such and will be treated as confidential by the City of Grand Prairie to the extent permitted under the Open Records Act. 91 Bid 10112 a City of Grand Prairie Standard Terms Attachment E 24. ORDERS AND INVOICING: A Purchase Order Number is required for all purchases. All invoices must be clearly marked with Purchase Order Number in order to be processed, Separate invoices will be required for each individual order and shall be mailed to PO Box 534045, Grand Prairie, TX 75053. As a Municipal Government, the City of Grand. Prairie is exempt from all sales and excise taxes. DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES in price bid. Tax Exemption Certificates will be issued to successful vendor(s) upon request. 25. SPLIT AWARD: The City* of Grand Prairie reserves the right to award a separate contract to separate vendors for each item/group or to award one contract for the entire bid. 26. WITHDRAWAL OF RESPONSE TO SOLICITATION: A response may not be withdrawn or cancelled by the vendor for a period of ninety (90) days following the date designated for the receipt without approval by the City. 27, CHANGE ORDERS: No Oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change or affect the terms, conditions, or specifications stated in the resulting contract, All change orders to the contract will be made in writing by the City of Grand Prairie, 28, ADDENDA: Any interpretations, corrections, or changes to this solicitation will be made by the City of Grand Prairie through a written addendum. 29. PRICE REDETERARNATION: A price re -determination for the increase in cost for goods or services shall be considered by the City of Grand Prairie only at contract renewals. Requests for price re -determination shall be substantiated in writing and provided to the City no less than 30 days prior to contract renewal. The City reserves the right to negotiate with the vendor on any price re -determination requests and to reject any price re -determination requests that are deemed as not in the best interest of the City. 4 Bid i8112 84 City of Grand Pralda insurance INSURANCE and INDEMNITY Insurance Bid 16112 Attachment F The bidder, acting as an independent contractor, must provide the following insurance, which must be kept in force during the term of the contract. Performance under the contract will not start until this obligation has been met. . TYPE 1. Workers' Compensation 2, Employer's Liability 3. Comprehensive General Liability Premises Operations Products Operations Hazard Contractual Insurance 4, Comprehensive Automobile Liability AMOUNT Statutory $1,000,000 $1,000,000 (Combined Single Limit) $1,000,000 (Combined Single Litnit) The successful contractor must provide insurance certificates satisfactory to the city of Grand Prairie within ten (10) working days after notification of award. Generally with a carrier authorized to do business in Texas and rated "A" or better in the current Best Key Rating Guide, Failure to supply such insurance shall be a breach of the contract. All policies shall be of the "occurrence type" and the city of Grand Prairie shall be listed as an additional insured (to the extent Contractor/City are indemnified pursuant to the indemnity provisions herein) on all certificates of insurance. Additional %sured Clauses does not apply to 'Workers' Compensation, and Employees Liability. A waiver of Subrogation Clause, naming the city of Grand Prairie "shall be included" on all types of coverages. Thirty (30) days prior written notice to the city of cancellation or material change endorsement shall be attached to all policies. Insurance certificate to be subuil ted to: Purchasigg PLMsioa, P.U. Box 534045, Grand Prairie, Texas 750534045, Bid nuinber shall be included on certificate, 1nd=Wty The successful contractor shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the city of Grand Prairie and all its officers, agents and employees who are participating in this contract from all suits, actions, or other claims of any character, name and description brought for or on account of any negligent act or fault of the contractor, or of any agent, employee, subcontractor or supplier in the execution of, or performance under, any contract which may result from bid award. Successful bidder shall pay any judgment with cost which maybe obtained against the city of Grand Prairie and participating entities growing out of such injury or damages. '1f07�1 t1d4 flrh7 M1I{l ^ 79 85 City of Grand Prairie STATEMENT OF NO RESPONSE RF)3 #16112 PAVEMENT RESURFACING SERVICES The City of Grand Pram-0 is very appreciative of the time and effort you expend in preparing and submitting qualifications to the city. If you are not submitting a response., please complete and return this form. We, the undersigned, have declined to submit for the following reason(s): Specification too "tight", i.e. geared toward one firm only (please explain reasons below) ❑ Specification unclear. (Please explain below) El Insufficient time torespond Q We do not offer the services(s) requested El our schedule would not permit us to perform 0 Unable to meet requirements ❑ Job too large ❑ Job too small Q Cannot provide required insurance or bonding (if required) El Do not wish to do business with the City of Grand Prairie. (Please explain below) Q Other (Please explain below) REMARKS: Company Name: contact: Phone: Fm a u..F---- Did 16112 nA 86 City of Grand Prairie Bid W12 M Oily of Grand Prairie PERFORMANCE BOND STAT13 OF TEXAS COUI4TY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Bond No. PU7650569 Bid 18112 That Rcvnolds A.spIialt & Corrstnrction Co. of the City of North Richland,Hills , County of ,� Tarrant , and State of Texas , as Principal, and iencn"CTau and o r torized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as ea�rr��n on or prinoi ls, are held and firynly bou- unto the City of Grand Prairie (Owner), in the sum of �lvtitii� .iY ne�Jr� T �0 Dollars ($3 523,900.t10----) an a proper measure, of liquidated damages, for payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bird themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by the presents: P v •merit ResurfacinggSepk ces RFB #16112 WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contraof with the OWNE9, dated the 171:11 day of Au istg t _ , 2016 , to which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the some extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfnily perform said Contract and shall la all respects duty and thithfirlly contract agreed and covenanted by the Principal to be observed audperformed and according to the true intent and meaning of said Contract and the Plans and Speoifioitions hereto annexed, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain In full force and effect,, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provision of said Article to the some extent as if it were copied at length herein. Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to terms of the contract, or to work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications or drawings accompanying the some, shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of ti,no, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal. and Surety have signed• and seated this Instrument the 17tit day of Aug_ast Reynolds Asphalt & Constniction Company PRINCIPAL By: ktek &,,, Title: fed Tatrlcerslev Vice President Address: V O Box 370 Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Fidelltv and Deposit Company of Maxylaud SUR17 Y By: A4F&i�� Title: ^Ky1e W Sweenov -Attorney iu-Fact Address- 15303 Dallas Parkway Suite 800 Braless Texas 76039 Addison Texas 75001 Name and address of theResident Agentof Surety is: The SAWA Y Cornpanv P.O. Box 8720 Fort Worth, Texas 76124 7/812016 9:32 AM ` p. 26 88 City of Grand Platrle PAYMENTBOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS _ KNOW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PRESENTS: Bond No, gRF7650569_ Bid 16112 That Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Co. of the Clty f Nor It ld t ills County of Tarrant and ' lone( �s}i r�ca nano qn horixed under the laws of the State of Texas to act as State of eras , as Principal, anp.11. M1 a 1 y nn +� ety put bhgn for trrtnci 'three re held and firmly bound unto the City of Grand Prairie (Owner), In the panel sum of Mr ltotr nr+ ua w bailors ($3,523.900.00--- for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, by the presents: .WABRBAS, the Principal Sias enterer] into a certain written contract with the OWNER, dated the 17t1r day of August , 2616 • to which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. PAvement Resurfacing Services RFB #1C112 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall pay all claimants supplying labor and materials to him or a subcontractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, then this obligation shall be void; othorwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of. the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provision of sold Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to terms of the contract, or to work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications ordrawings accompanying the same, shall in anywise affect its obligation on this bond and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to tite terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument the 17t1t day of Attgtust ,20_I6 . . Reynolds Asphalt & Construction C01111121W PRINCIPAL By: ! t'-Q-11 Title: Neff Tnttkerslev Vice President Address: P.O.Box 370 Colonial American Casualty acid Surety Company and Fidell.tv and Deposit Comnany of Ma land SURETY By: Title: KYIo W Sw� a-eguev Attorney -in- act — Address: I530i Dallas ParlctytY Sttlte 800 Euless, Texas 76039 Addison Texas 75001 Name, and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is; The S eett Cont ar O. Box 8 20 Fort W rt t T s 76124 7/8/2016 0:32 AM Bond No, PRP7650569 City of Grand prairie Bid 18112 MAINTENANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PRESENTS: That Reynolds Asphalt & Constntctlort CO. o the Ci of North Richland ills County of Tarrant and State of Texas , as Principal, an olo uuo ti, an a o�n authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals,- do hereby tiololowledge, themselves to be hold and firmly bound to pay unto the City of Grand Prairie O pr lei nl o r on of the State of Texas, its successors and assigns, at Grand Prairie, Dallas County, Texas, 'ri ee °N n & o a "�O Dollars ($? 3 900A0•--• ), 100°l0 of tiro foist amount of the contract for the payment the sum of,�, i `" of which sum said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by the presents: This obligation is conditioned, however, that: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written colitraot with the OWNER, dated ,the 17th. day of ApWist , 2 016 , to perform Pavement Resutfaoing Services which contract and the plans and specifications therein mentloned, odopted by the City of Grand Prairie, are filed with the City Secretary of sold City and are hereby expressly incorporated heroin by reference and made a part limeofas though the some were written and set out f n full herein, and WHEREAS,. under the said plans, specifications and contracts, it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair the work therein contracted to be done and performed for it period of two (2) years from the date of acceptance thereof and perform all necessary work toward the repair of any defective condition growing out of or arising from the improper construction of the Improvements contemplated by the said Contractor on account of any breaking of suoh improvements, caused- by the said Contractor on constructing the same, it being understood tint the purpose of this section is to cover 011 defective conditions arising by reason of defective material, work or labor performed by said Contractor, and in case the said Contractor shall fail to repair, reconstruct or make said improvements it is agreed that the City may do said work in accordance with sold contract and supply such materials and charge the some against the said Contrmtot and its surety on this obligation, and said Contractor and surety shall be subject to the damages in said contract for each day's failure on the part of said Contractot to cofriplywith the teems and provisions of said Contract and this bond. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that If the said Contractor shall perform 1ts agreement to mnlptaln said construction and keep same in repair for the maintenance period of two (2) years as herein and in said contract provided, then this obligation shall be null and void and have no further effect; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect; It is further agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the Principal and Surety and that successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches of the conditions herein provided until the full amount of this bond shall have been exhausted, and it is further understood that the obligation to maintain said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished, or any matter affected from any cause during said time. IN WITNESS W11BRE017, the said Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Company ' as Contractor and Principal and the said Kyle W. Sweeiiey , Attorney -in -Fact, and the said Attorney in Fact has hereunto act his hand this the 171h day of Moist ,2016 Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company and Revuolds Asphalt & Corrstniction Conlgany Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland PRINCIPAL SURETY „ (—,I,i Title: Ned-ankersto VIo President Title: Kyle W Sweeney, Attorney-Irt-Fact Address: P.O. Hog 370 Euless Texas 76039 7/8/2018 9:32 AM Address: 15303 b ins PA AV. Suite 800 Addison Texas 75001 Attorney -in -Fact - p, 27 90 Texas Important Notice IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may call Zurich North America's toll -free telephone number for Information or to make a complaint at: 1.800.382.2150 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights, or complaints at: 1-800-262-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: P.O. Box 140104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (612) 490-1007 Web: www.tdi.texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas,gov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a clair'rr, you should contact the company first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance, ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO -YOUR POLICY:' This notice Is for Information only and'does not become a part or condition of the attached document. AVISO IMPORTANTE Para obtener Informacl6n o para presenter una queja: Usted puede flamer at n6mero de teldfono gratuito de Zurich North America's para obtener informacl6n o para presenter una que)a al: 1.800.382.2160 Usted puede comunlcarse con of Departamento de Se- guros de Texas para obtener Informacibn sobre com- paMfes, cobertures, derechos, o quelas at: 1.806-262-3439 Usted puede escribir at Departamento de Seguros de Texas a: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 490.1007 Sitlo wab: www.tdl.teRas-gov E-mail, ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas,gav DISPUTAS POR PRIMAS PE SEOUROS O RECLAMACIONES: Sl tiene una dispute retaclonada con su prima de seguro o con una reclamacl6n, usted debe comunicarse con la compaAls primero. SI la disputa no es resuelta, usted puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Texas. ADJUNTE ESTE AVISO A SU P6LIZA: Este aviso es solamente para prop6sitos Informativos y no sq con- vierte on parte o on condtol6n del documento adjunto, U-GU-206-E (00116) Page 1 of i 91 ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ZURICH AMEtUCAN INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of ilia State of New York, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Maryland, and the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the State of Maryland (herein collectively called the "Companies"), by MICHAEL BOND, Vice President, in pursuance of authority granted by Article V, Section 8, of the By -Laws of said Companies, which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, do hereby nominate, constitute, end appoint Charles D. SWEENEY, Kyle W. SWEENEY, Michael A. SWEENEY and Elizabeth GRAY, all of Fort Worth, Texas, EACH its hue and lawful agent and Attorncy-in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings, EXCEPT bonds on behalf of Independent Executors, Community Survivors and Community Guardians, and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Companies, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY at its office in New York, New York., the regularly elected officers of The COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland., and the regularly elected officers of the FIDELITY AND D13POSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland., in their own proper persons. The said Vice President does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article V, Section 8, of the By -Laws of said Companies, and is now In force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice -President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 11 th day of January, A.D. 2016, ATTEST: BF ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND wVPttdt�D 86Ai. Y y�lyh,hlHl,�pd 4,-, /), A"� Secretary nce President Eric D. Barnes Michael ,bond State of Maryland County of Baltimore On this I Ith day of January, A.D. 2016, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, MICHAEL BOND, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Secretary, of the Companies, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described is and who oxeeuted the preceding ins"vient, and acknowledged the execution of same, and being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he/she Is the said officer of the Company aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding Instrument are the Corporate Seals ofsaid Companies, and that the said Corporate Seats and the signature as such officer wero duty affixed and subsoribcd to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHBREOIT, I have hcrounlo act my hand and affixed my official Seal the day and yearfirst above written. Constance A Dunn, Notary Public My Commission Bxpirrs: July 9, 2019 POA-F 168-2682B W XTRA T FROM BY-LAWS OF THE COMPANIES "Article V, Section 8, Attorneys-Attorngya-1 et. 7ht Chief Executive Officer, the President, or any Executivo Vice President or Vice President may, by written instrument under the attested corporate seal, appoint atiomeys-in-fact with authority to execute bonds, policies, reeognizanees, stipulations, undertakings or otht like instruments on behalf of the Company, and may authorize any officer or any such attorney -In -fact to affix the corporate seal thereto; and may with or without cause modify of revoke any such appointment or authority at any time • CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned, Vice Preside of the ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMP , and fl e FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in fu force aid effect on the date of this certifioate; and I do further certify that Artiole V, Section 8, of the By -Laws of the Companies is $f ll•in J rce. This Power of Attorney and Certifi itemay a signed by facsimile under and by authority Of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the ZURICH AMERICAN SU CE COMPANY at ameetmg duly called and held on the 15th day of December 1998. RESOLVED: "That the signature ol the Pres dent or a Vice President and the 4ttesting signature of a Secretary or on Assistant Secretary and the Seal of the Company maylw affi ed by fa ile on any Power of Attorney...Any such Power or any certificate thereof bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid aand bin ing on the Company." This Power of Attorney and Certific ite may a signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERIC • CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPW..at a, meeting duly called and held on the Sth day of May, 1994, and the following resolution f the B and of Directors of the FIDELITYANDDEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th By of M y,1990, RESOLVED: "That the facsimjje,d mechan tally reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice -President, Secretary, or Assl tant S etary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney is ued by I ic Company, shall be valid and Binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN JES11MONY WHER13OP l ha 'herein subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this 17 day of August >5X A00 (l . W W//( Thomas O. McClellan, Vice President 93 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES r-ORM 1295 . ion complete Nos, 1- a and 6 if there are Interested parties. Complete Nos, "2, 9, 6, and 6 if there are no Interested parties, ' OFFICi3 USE ONLY C�!RTIFICATION OF FILING 20��ta oaaNumber., 9. Name of Business entity filing form, and the elty, state and country of the business entity's place of business. Neynolds Asphalt& construction company North Richland Wills, TX United States Data Hied: g912gl2R18 2 Name o governments ens ►y ors ate agency that is a patsy to s 00*80tforwhlob 06 onn s being flled, City of Grand Pralfie Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the Identification number used hythe governmental entity or $late agency to track or Identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided tinder the contract, RFB W112 Pavement Resurfacing Services Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested party city, state, country (place of business) (check applicable) controlling intermediary 6 Check only If there is No interested Party, 6 AFFIDAVIT t swear, or allirm, under penattyof perjury, that the above disclosure is true and entreat. LAURABOUMAYO rQ1x C N4F Notary Public, Stole of Texas my comm166lon Expires j� June 17, 2019 Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE ,, Sworn t hd subscribed hafore me, bythe said N It,,- this the day of ' 11�t u { V 20, to cerilfy which, witness trey hand and seal of office, ' na ro of officer AdIthistating oath Printed name of officer administ ring oath Tiffs of of leer administering Will VPrslnn V1.0.277 Forms provtaea oy I exas atnlcs c,amuus5,u„ 05 C a® DAYE(MMIDAIYYYYj 14 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE B/s$�2D16 I ..—. THIS CERTIFICATE•18 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUIN13 INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. dorsad. IMPORTANTi If th6 certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollcy(les) must be enif SUBROGATION I5 WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an ondorsament, A statement on this certiticate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in Ilou of such endorsements),_ PRODUOEn The Sweeney Company E. Loop 820 South A Ho. (017) 457-'6700 rMl Noll (011) 437-7246 MAI1121 Ress INSUREAMA APFORDINGCOVER- NAICrr P 0 Box 8720 IN5URERA:Va11a FOx a Ins CO 20508 ]Fort Worth TX 76124-0720 INSURED Reynolds Asphalt G Construotlon Company P.O. Box 370 WunERaAsa Cab Co Of Aeadinig, PA 90427 INEURERC:(Sreat AZ43;1aari Inrluranoe CO 16691 Wsuaenppat'1 ripq I s Co of Hartford 20478 INSURER E I IN R RP Risleas TX 76039 t+VYRKAtr_0 v 11k i u-rvn ra. nvu..+..... ---,- TO THAT THE: POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED A90VE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD THIS IS CERTIFY INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS.' L - TYPE OF INSURANCE AIMIN9R POLIO NUMBER jj F LICY UMlTS X COMMERCIA GENERAL'LIABILITY EACHOCCU'HRENGE i 1, CLAIMS•MADE nX OCCUR MI a 300,000 4 00,000 A CONTRACTUA.L, ;KW x"s 4028760229 5/8/2016 S/8/2011 X MEDEXP(An ono Gaon) S 5,000 X CROSS LXAB. WEVA PERSONALaADVINJURY i _,. 1.000,000 GENERALAQgft_GATE i 2,000,000 OENt.AGGR9GATELINT APPLIES PEA: POLICY Q JE6T• ❑ LOC PRODUCTS • COMP/OPAGO S 2.000, 000 i OTHER: 4 1,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY B06ILY#WRY(Perp"M) S X ANYAUTO BODILY INJIJRY(PUB0000 S --- E ALLOViMIED SCHEDULED 17 6028760232 $10/2016 B/8/2017 Amos a 1 E 4 HKEDAUTOS AUrOSS 4 MC890 X UMBRELLAVAD X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE 4 10,000,000 AGOREGNM 4 IQ 400,000 C C)(CESSLIAO CLNMS4.WE OED FX I RlIgHTIONs 10 000 3 YSHI 1231247 00 5/0/2016 5/8/2017 WORHERBCOMPENSATION - X EI EACH ACCIDENT _ = S.ODO 000 AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNEiU 11CUTIVE YIN EL. DISEASE •PAFAIPLOYE $ 1,000,000 D OFFICEIVM�ugER EXCLUDED? (Mqa�n�dsiolylnNH} NIA NC 4026760215 5/8/2016 5/e/2017 E.L. DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT S I 00 000. bEBCdIPT1"twof DeTot1 DEBCRtP'pONOFOPERA'"GHSILOCA6TIONSlYEHIC(ti8 (ACORD16/,A401110 1RanmtUlScha4ulo,mtiybeaththedifmoroapacoIN1411 *0 PAVBM M RESURSA.CING SERVICES RrB #16112. ALL POLICIES X14OLUDZ A 13LMMT AUTOMATIC WAIVAIR OF SUBROGATION MRDORSEM£NT & THE GL, AUTO & 'OMB• POLICIES INCLUDE it 13LMMT AUTOMTIC ADDITIONIiL INSURED RNDORSE23ENT PROVIDIRG ADDITIONAL INSURED & WAIVER OF SUBROGATION STATUS TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER 011DY WHER THERE IS A WRITTEN CONTRACT BETWEEN THE NAMED INSURED & THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THAT REQUIRZS SUCH STATUS, THE GL ADDITIONAL xNSURFD ENDORSEMIATF CONTAINS SPECIAL PRIMARY & NONCONTRIBU'von VTOROING. xnz POLICES& INCLUDE AN ENDORSEMENT' PROVIDING 30 DAYS NOTICE! OF CANCELLATION (10 FOR NON -PAY OF PRE XMO TO THE CERTIFXCATE HO DER. CITY OF GRAND PRAXRxE PURCHASING DIVISION PO 13OX 534045 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75053--4045 BHOULOANY OF THE ABOVE 09SCRISED POLICIES HE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL. •811 DELIV✓rRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHOMM REPRESENTATIVE JOYCE i,F4-�-.. rye ___- ,'*__4v1..-.I 014 ACORD CORPORATION. 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V' d' �h L` d' m N cn ( co Ln in Ln m 00 [D h N Ln H \ I I I Ln LnLn m O rI H m Ln d' N r-1 C, z ¢ O O tb c0 00 - 'd' •d' O O V' M 1 I at tT d �d' N N N m 1 W p ra C41 U r1 N n <f H rI rl 3 cn r-1 rl O b 0 O O rNi r-1 w z z 0 In H 1 H H i H H1 I H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Y W d O O N o O m O O N O t0 O O d M O O O O Ln d z r4 tr-ir) N rH-I Ln In Ln `U' N M In t Q Q c a W > b N LOIt H hl O 00 rl cn H N In r-I 0 rl m O ri O FFFEtt I 113 cn Q M M CO u= O O to O rN 0 h O O Lo h to 000 trn U M r- s-I d' 6) h ri N m ri rf) a LA uQ u ttn d to tO h 00 m o M H M N M M M M m m MMM MM MMMMM (n m YO N N N to N t 0 N CO N t0 to to CO to to LO to to t¢ l0 � t0 t0 t0 U z W CO i to rl r-I H r-1 r-i 11 r-1 r--I rl r-1 ri s-i c-i ri H r--1 ri r-i t--I r h h h O h O O 00000 00000 O U O O O O O O I^ Z O V H H a a Ln rj O to O 0 V N to cY d N r-i ri r-i rl to 00 N 0 rr O) W Qti to ri CO U O O O (V O h O O 0 tD d' to O 00 h to O N N r-1 r4 h h 00 00 N O r-i O M to d"d' M N h to Z Q r4 t` to Off) ri H N MM NN H H M r^i r-1 rl K O 0. z Y W mOl O) 0) tT Ol O) m H al ri r-I ri ri ri Q) U F-' r-i r-1 r-1 r-i r-i 0 r-1 o ri 0 ri o �-! b r-i ri r1 ri 0000b boOoo b Y U wd xp o N 0 N 0 N o N N N N N I- N \ NNNNN \\\\\ NNNNN \\\\\ N \ W U \ \ \ . \ N \ N \. to \ to tD w m is m m m O) M 01 ¢) O) a) x U N N rV N N N N N N N N N NNNNN NNNNN N V\'Ul a O a a Of ty a a a a a aaaaa aaaaa a z Q H H O H 0. Lz ¢ a O LL a z w z U Q te ,i�i z z Uz r-i _ O F O p aV x p �0 N ...1 LL d W N ZO J zz u��--��{{a V= i tntn �Qa4F�, 1Z Ho lo- Q zrnum 2 0 .H_I z m H a F- Fz-t °' Y (np z z 00 = 00 �- Qtn ww luW �z o a O ri w t- W H a� 0_ m d U z¢ W z 6O n n Y z W z 0 u u U t.l zzzz O t/1 x V) ���d`nFdu LL oa Ob v N b H a s ¢ t- 0 LL p !� d a¢ LLI ��� O "O ' a U\ ` wdb W atr Wr-iw W gw w 1/, mZ xW iX tL'a ¢¢ m WOZ l7Z `�O»>tnLLtnLLtn i-' H i- H OU z W f- a O Q 's p0 d Q M V1 Z O QO ZO t/1 ul to Ln [L tLzz zz Q ¢ Z Z xrn \ ..t Q dN 3 a F- H3 O t9 O w N m 00 EA n a W W 2 x to LL O p 2 Q H H H H d O ¢ Vl kn a Z c-I O W O -J i-' d p p p O O O S m RO. rco-1 N N N N NHNH tO h00m C) N m h p O O O b O 'T N t N O ,-i O N N N O N Ol m cn O) r-{ 01 H M Q) 6) ri H r-i r-I r-i r-1 ri 9 0 0 0 b to th �•61 �--, to I'- H O r-i O r-i O O O 000�- 00000 tO O\ C) 0) a cr M O i rn tT h N � [qy N hN a.NQ. t7) Y Y ..l .J Mop co 00 co to to to en to O O tmn z ON) tD Lnn CDj O Z to l7 z •* LL LL LL tL N d Q Q Q li 14 ri ri ci r-i ri r-i H H V1 0_ to O H , to , O 1 , , i 1 1 1 r i W l7 z H t H , H i H 1 H I H H H H H U H H N H H H H H H H 0 (n b '10.. 0 b Cl o Q M o N h 114 1,6 Z I- z (.n w to w rn to yet (D N M ? m 9 7 CD O N M rl 0 M M H ri O N O 4 N Y I-- O M N m M N m .--I 4 O Cl 00 O (n Ut O 1- In LO c0 W= S O U Q I- lae n d c N O m 4 H d �~-I O - t0 rn 00 rMI N r.i Ul wQ x� u i- 00 0) O r-i ri N M Y 0 u z M co M m m cO to to M t0 M io It to w co to LO W r♦ r1 r-i r1 r-i r i ri ri ri r 1 * i u O QOO O d 0 00 O Q W Z a 0 u H H Q Un ko to Lo LO to LO r-I d O OC)OOQO O W 07 N O O M m O 0 0 Cl cn i- In O W m -dt r-I M I- V In N d' M N ri O �t V' O C. t0 w M r-i N 00 M O m 0 0 F- N N t0 N O O U1 In O r1ko Zvt lLD(D0 m r-iV' M . 7--i DO DO O m rn a0 'cf' ri N It r-i 0N0 00 H N r-i N O o. W a Y W m mmm m m mm m m m m (n 0) mrnm m U F- H r i ri r-i ri r-I °� r i e-4 r-I r1 .� r-I ri r-I H r 1 r-I t I H Y WV Cl dod a o d od o 4 4 o da0000 0 U xp N NNN N N N NN N N N N NN NN NN N w V m mmrn rn m m mm 01 m m m mmmmmm a) N NNN N N N NN N (N N N NN NNN N N } d\' I O � I- h ix 0�w ce a cew W a In d Z U H W w ww Fo- u Zd i- r r a u H O J m H W aJa a s V Ui I-- tZi � ce J U i g M 0 d Ul ll1 (SF.-. ri d V\ F�-( U HU' W W a r- `� w \ ~ p+ N J W w J -1LL w I- a p 00 lz'i Z dl p Il 00 Z O 00 HQ O F- 47J Wm m O H on LL M U U) Ul w W H In W H F to V1 H 44 F- w u U) J W �- J J Vl Ll.w WOW Y\ J= zw Zz �3:H UW w OI-- d I'- J \ W-lew HHH z0 E" w 00 Qz z- z a�J x to yS d wv7 Zm w �-J J J H r-1 n re a t H H J O H H V) J Q J i- W ari ofan.a J\ w d F-F a mW m0 ZXH woII-- \ O O f- n. n. m >- rh H H LL m 1s�¢ z - U a o. k}F----if x O O vl m 2 0 Iil uN z� OaO 0C LLx 0 1 fiH d 1 OZ m0 Z Ulm XHa� 40 ��--11 w p U1 Ul Ul W ��--{{ I 0C F- U U i .J U O J z ]C O O-' C-' �t .J WQO LL) t-Y Z �z FW w qO0 WH U..V QW dU l7wwrM;zinuJ ww C7 m N Z O V) Vl U) Z O �' J �-- W Ul Ul J [x Q i- Ul O w - rl O U' J W W Zx\ d U) OEE� Wx WH d Jl/�V� 00. 0- ¢� wJ W 1 OH¢ 00 lQ m WWW UG. U� U3 U44 Ud US pw 0U' LLmmtnUUY C7 LLLL LL 0 OW wS "! F^ m{ O pgoom rm1 m ri M r-I M N \ 1n '\-i '�i' .-i 0� M 4 J r\-1 M O Oml Ol r-I \ 001 ri 00o W O to M N m I- d' O O O 4 m 4 r-I 00 'd' r-I cl' ri 00 m O M aD mO\ ri MmM \ M 1 Or N O 1- M d'm 61d0t- 06 Om dd' 00 lq cp l- Cl A d' No_ N NO � W NN NNNN Ul r-4 «, r-I ri r{ ri rl r-I -j f v mmm \ In \ JJ iH m QQ0000 a U p m 000000 <I' M M U V O m ri d' r-1 r'{ ri r-I ri rl Z i 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 11 1 I I O Ul H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H O0 n uj 0 Cl N m Ln O 0 he Otn m r-i O N m Z LO d' It in Ln 00 li N 1- l0 00 1-- W M 0 N O d h. r-i Ut d m M 00 € J m p J N O O O 4 O N r-1 Cl M N r"1 115 a N W Q a u z 00 LO W =) LA N O tr ED b O O O 00 O h m a; u O N It l h W N .�-{ O1 h to N N O a M O a N M M rt It to 40 h 00 01 t3> Ol O1 0161 O1 O1 tT (71 O7 Ol CS1 Ln to m Ln Ln In M In In m Ln W M M Ln Ln Ln Ln to Ln to to Ln Ln t0 W to LO LO to t0 LO t0 to W LO l.0 LO LO a LD a LO CD w CD as tD a LO a tO a a aaaaaaaaaaaa r1 a 0 0 0 0 000000000000 0 0 0 0 00 00 rec� ��tY &w 0&w0a a UUU LO ml;tw rU-i OOUmmm N 00 a r4 It m N h O1 (n 0) Oi- OON 00 rV tD tD t0 u O ch CD 0 0 Ln N O t31 Ln 01 O1 00 00 h d' M" N N N NC. W U t>0 W N t0 CD O OO ROl O P, 01 m 00OlLnM0lOr}OldtoLnLn H� Ln O rh M CD t0 Ln O tT N O t0 a M In Ol tT tyl (31 Ol Q LA a r-i N N �. Ln " NN 0 O a am aty a Mry)m m aMMM Z ^ dd' N (N ri F-i r M O P. W Y W tT 01 Q1 O1 Cf7 dl O1 fT 61 61 O Ol a H Ol O1 O1 tT O1 Ol 01 0101 Ol a a a a a a a a a a s IY U F- a s-1 t-[ a a a r-iC) C. a s 00 14 a 0 a o a a o CD 000000000aao Y w¢ o o to N o N 0 N NN NN N N N N NNN NNN NN NNNtV U ' xA U N \ N \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\\ \\\ \\ \\\ \ 6l Ol Ol W i Ol ql tT 61 6! l71 tT Ol (n Ol Ol Ql Ol 0161 Ot Ol Ol 61 aim Ol NNiVNNN S NN N!V r4 N N N NNN NNN iN O N CA Wa 04oc a xaaxa!x04trOe w F¢ x I � a wz to z `t 2 P a LLI Z a Q [crc lU zz W W W �JLH'J LA EA H Z W LL LL. LWL. W U Zrai ULW.I 2 0 N W W W to ¢ H QO m H 00 1qqq-1 03 N -,A H i- a > > � O F --11 Ltto(� S h J Q^ S 4}' W W to L7 ]G w Q Cl J 000 S S CL l9 U U U A O C4 Z c�(( N In W J Z U a- H z U U� 0.�ZS Qd QW WE Jn O id-0.' W H QOO Oa0 h 0. H J � W A L7 U' WW 0. A Y 0, N O F � H J QLL OY UUU O O a U IL Z ;{ �-- O 0. x Ill CO -1 00 � O 3 CqH Ri S J U da'� -1 W W LL W J W J J H 6� U 445 S� Qd J� Z �N OG f)0 IY F 0o Y } i-Q ¢ Z tll U J Kf 18} W 1 O� i i >w d0 H W E 0- \ �Z� S AO t/1 H H } to o' Z W W J d 8� l0 S K a' U\ W QO tnS JU W W J d I O W OU 04 > p0 Hn WOW YU� Z J dd .e[ 0.0. - W W{�. n'tY WAG 2 2 tYO p� 2W Fl7 H OWO FIY W pa t/1WW W W WZUSW J K ls1Zd' C70� JLL to Z gWg JQ 4 Q O 9u ¢ Z �0 W J t!� W W Www 3I- od DU dF F.0. ow 0Z o� W0HHzd¢w¢¢d¢ S\ ¢ to rh ¢ Z L73 S U H H n T na YFF J a- 0. -1 MLn �of 20a O LLUU -1SQO SA 1.7 PO to 00 to t;5 LL O Owm (14 �JF C3 .100) M rt d' 00 6i M a to n. CD 00 LO m t0 a 00 rh a t0.O M tD to LO h Ln rh LD Ol 00 N to 00 00000 00 00 `d'NN Ln It 00 'd' NItih 00 Cl aM*Or (D to LO m h h r, 00 Ol m m a) M mLA 01 NN b t-i m rh M M a 0oaaaaaaaaarl a O O �� ash N rh N aaaaaaaaaaria I ooJ1\-I CC:,, md\ N N 00 00 M 0 0 O) Cl. a N M a to tD 0 N rh 1 I i i l i l I I I OMO) al m 0)(n O7 Ol Ol Ol Q1 O c71 0. rh 0 OLDN0 N m O Ml a r-1 N J -1 00 H N cn 1�. to Ln vt to v1 Ln to to Ln to In a t�yl' t-i W h u l O O 4- 0. tD M:m e-! h O m 0l 6t Ql 01 m (n 0] Q) a) 0� Waaaaaarlaaa a al LOU O O LO Ql I a I rh 1 NN 1 I L1.0. I I to 1 X 1 d' i 1 I I I t t I i I I I I i 1-I H I H i H F-I H H HH HH H H H H UHH HHH HH HHH H Cl LA Z >o .. o o Q o o p 0 0 o Cl CD 0 0 116 CDO Y W \ Z Z F A z h O to h h tp C.m m d' IT O O dt 4hn O a co ko 00 Ln W¢ d W a h O a O h a Ln N Ln O a O O N rh O o0 0 O > too > O O N N N Ln WO p O rM-1 tko m11 Lim N O to tn Cli Ln r-Itn Or l~n ti rl-N 00 W r-I r-I N t\ nQ Y� x 4d- U to m Ol Ol L31 rn r-1 ri r-i r-I N M Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln to tIr to i, m SC O Ln Ln Ln m Ln tD LO tD tD tD to tD w LO LO LD to LO LD tO tD LO tO tO tO tO LO LO U z LO to LO Lfl LD LL1 to t0 t0 LO tO LD t0 LD tD tO tD tO tO tO tb tD LD LO W W LD to LL1 r-I r-I H rl H H If li H ri H r-1 H H H H r-I r-I r-i r-i r-I t-i r•i H H H H H S 1.1 Ih t ; N A t,t� h. I -h t- h. tl N I` f\ 1� i✓ N h n (� t- N h• N t� r� 11, V OO ppO 0000 O O O 000000 OOOOOO OO O O Ww 040. ce F- O 0 Uti W;O Ui Z M c-i to rI d• O Or-iO00 U LA H 0 W� m Ln W M N M 01 00 r-i O O CO rl N dl V Ol 00 M N w l� Ih r °0 Ln 01 LT 01 al to I, It 0001 O O rk LD Ol O (71 M m m m Cl) H Ol O Ol Ol m W H a Ol ri . et It 1� tO Cl N rn o0 00 O O Ln t0 O) d' h m n Ln r-I rn H V' If'L n M ri Ln N N tD in W N O LO Ln � r--1 r-IN N r-i m r-i r-i N M to r� H ri N N O a W al Lx U H r�i r-I H H H rr-1 rO-I r-ir-i H rON t-i r°'-i H rO-I H H H H r-I r-i H r-i rO-i H H rr-i r°'i r0I W Q CD Cl OC>O OpOO O O O O f? O O O O O O O C. 0 O O O O O U S O N N N N NNNN N N N N ClNNN N N N ",N N N N N N N W U \\\\\ \\\\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\1-1-1 \ \ \ S OlMOlmm 01 Ol 0?m 01 m Ql LT Ls m al m m m 0) m m al Ol Ol 0? Ol m }• 'd' 'd' d' d' ''-F' d' rY <t' d' �3' d' d' d' et et tl• rt V' rf' V' C V' rf' V' et V' 'd' 'd' O N LA iQ IY LY LY LY tL KLY LY Lk De 0Y LY w wwK wR w w w wa4L wW Ln d W Q LL z ❑. LL N H La m m O > W � V W W m LL ! W ,z,�[[ d' 4 d w LJ U �' L l LL w � �J � Q U� LLl Cd O H W U I-" W O > H W Q ♦- J LLI ul U 3 W H Q N i- J Ln O W Lb U z 0LL J Ln Q W J 0 W z LL J :zH O>- W Z �U Z HZ V QU 0. ZO. H0 Wr�-IH W o.ap>p LL S �- HQH 0 R. HQ ce t41 fy F-' In to W C' OG z O W O V d J D. J I�--�I D_ A' 3 U !n LL ~ W m art LLUL z Q ��--II ❑ F d W CL > ui U x a a � Q 40 WQ NI- F O Ln HJ W 0& a L7aJ Q7Q z Q W u z UN IX O z W 0' co tl'd to aW 0YO z00 n' F-OLn 1^OW Ln Hz H 0LU\ LLJ NQ UWW0L - 0 I- WLO WVHUtoW Li VLUz {{--{{ JJ W d 0 W H Q M O HW In a U L7 � 0 }C q I- W ? W O H cow F- S n ad lg m '��' I-C7 N LL xo.. O. Wz N'' Q ZQ zU LYVQ Ja ttlNJ n-Mik LU-i j U: UH LQ Vj ct Z Q rl r-L � co O -1 CL V 8 XX D � Ln U vai a x a 0 LL 14- LL U.I Q i- to W w 2 Ln F- I- LL CQJ a On W S y 0 l j i ,ar-I NLn enLO 01 0000 0 O H M Ln r-i 0 0 0 0 Ot N to O p N M N rn C7 rn H O \ O" rf rH N rn M m O Ol O p JIf NNN I`LOHm m N HOr-I nmwOlOOoO It O V' 0 O H r-i r-I r-I O O Or to tO m m m O N N M Ln W "t 'Itt� N N Ln Cl-•Ol 0\ 1 t t I HNnM vl r-I H n Ol O W o0 l M Ol N M 00!nN n Ln 00 N Ol1m Olmm mhHO O r-{ N N N CV NN N m M M 0 H LO O VT Ln H tyl Ln Ln Ln Ln On Ol Ol 6/ LT m m O O OI M F-^ rtx�N-I rN-i rN-I rN-I rNi rN-I H cN-i H rN-i W W LE)LMO m Idt Ol I- W p H H r-i r-I r-I N N M M 2 M a w uo W m m m m no m m U U UV 0 r1i r1 W z 11 L L t 1 1 1 I I 1 I 11 1 1 1 t 1 I L I L I L 1 1 I O to H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H N N H H H H H H H H H H >0 ..� 0 o a O O 117 CD0 `-L W z al 0 n Ol 00 ON l LD QQ W N n 0000 d Ln 00 rN 0 O > on p > 0 N r-I CD _ M N ul CD CD M O C? Ol d r-1 CHn 00 to W= M ul O O CO O O 'd' O t•• ,--.1 x O 14 h d vl In Cn o0 O rn cO m O r1 u 'cY N O1 N CO ut DO M N h O 00 N ri N N W M C7 ILu F- LU Iccc Y uH m O r-1 N M d' In to h 00 Ol Ol 61 CTI tit m YO CO h h h h h h h h h h Ol O1 Ol Ol Ol U Z t0 CO t0 CO CO CO CO CO CO W CO OI m Ot m 01 W r-I c^i r-I ri ri ri rl ri r-1 t-i H 4l CT al 6t V O d O O O CD CD d O O O 0710�1 031 C) rn F- Z O O In H WU d• M u'1 coQ to O O CO O 1n mot• t0 00 t-i tom.. �f' In trl ut 00 O 01 CO m Cn h CO l0 N > N M ri N a9 in O fit' h N co Al ul Ot rl z d' N N LO In 00 M N h ai• M In co r-I r1 ri N N Cn M r-i d 0 CO NNN rI 0 O M OWC �G W m m O) 01 (n 01 m q1 01 m O1 (MOl al 01 dl o f l 1 'i rg ri t t r-i H c I . 1 r-I H c i 1 I r-i Y W Q O O d O O O O O d O O 0 0 0 O u S D N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N W u \ m \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ S 01 01 Ch (M <71 01 61 rn Ol rn rn 0 H 0 h �Y u N N N N N N N N N N N 1"I H r-I N mot [n 0� ce Q! w 0t a 0� Q� w W w w W i N D O z w H d HO l7 z 2 M W H n Q 0. Z Q Q J a 61 u J H \ µJ 0�0 W O Qqq J .U.! Z CCi `d' ]-I m [-� N M W N Vi 2 Ltl W C^ E O H H tt--' r-i d Z LL Q z Z u J aa l.7 w qq O o Wa W VI 0. O vi O W u E u O yJ �ce O Oae JZ Sm l7� i-W QZ HW� Wu' vi a' V O qz W I... O Ol 2 W S W to Q N p 1 C/i z d Z w Z Ld d Zat �r-1 OJ of pJ QX U' Z HW 'z _� Z Hq Qd Q0\D Z u F-Z OJ 0.X Qx 3H O O W H Jz WO1 n W F-i o > uo u3 xa xn NN W x M n -! O J H {- C9 LL to J a a' U\ WrI OU CO w = w Wes. Wpp WO aw O x O w Q o w J u, w w u o' o f-- a' Im w Ixvvigi V1 gg ty gu x Q O a 0u O N i- 9 N 3 �(OA I- m i Z J (^ s LL O a LU = Ln j cn 100 0- r-I o 61 N N ri O \ 0O O 000 ra rico Ln N O in N N tmr cn q Q }} tD rl Oa � CD I�t r•i 00v1 Ln Ch0 m ri O r�-I O 4Cf W W ire. 01 1- W a N coO ri d' ri ri E (!1 O ON -1lt1 C7 1 I I i O vi H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H r\-1O •• O O O d O O O O O O O O 0 Y W O Ol 00 CO ul N 00 S"I ri co O ON -1 Z z h �i' N h to [n fV vl vt tD M W Q Q W to n 01 r-I to M c-I tF1 vl M O O O j > PCI t7 > N N r-i m r-I M m O d O H O 118 d- N C� h c-i N i- O1 d ram. N O Z w b Ln O d OO N o0 IN O Cl W Ol �` r. = x O �o t-i r-i r �M rn 0 00 d to r. O Ogg ri 14 o0 m V N N N d'mot koH dN N W N ^ U Lfl Ln r~. U r-1 H (D Q Lnm W Ln r-i V' w N N N n- U U U .-1 ,i ri Z U CA N 01 61 tT d rn W Z 01 (n � (M m to CVO O O O O O N W CVO CVO Ch T di 00 O O b O O 4- 00 00 00 Cxj Obi O7i O b0 Od0 O OO O O 0 U u Z � H � 0 O u +n H 0 . {-tnOr.No µJ r~. 6~l N Z to b TO 9 OO1O to r.O CD ON O t.0 M Ln lm0 ri m M ri ll N M N 00^ 00 N u n � U W r[ rl Ln to H cn rl"t IN b N ri N N N14 M z Z t� H H 6 d - U FW <71 -ii rr-I r1-1 -1-1 11 O O \ Od CVCI UO \ \ \ \ U rN \ \ \ \ \ W W W W W a N Q Z Z H D g g W to U ua Lnn Ln H 00 lzr O O O i 7' W W tl NOOb Q 2`ch CD Z Z Wu ZOd N ri N d' N Vim' N N Z H Ln E- Q CL dCAU H V t=n i1t r�-I C4u� c x �u �u zz O ws U FQ W d Q Vz* M W W U a W KtH d d M: m d d E O aY 0' hF-i MCL o.{ H H H H d W -pt O LL UQ = O W xa N ae - ? -I I- j^ O o A z m to 1 0. H r�-1 m CD O N ClH 0 Y Y {�F-.. IL Y � O J r-i d' Ol 00 r-i -A U U lL W u LIJ U Ol Ol J VOO\ a% } O N N dxx9 x U u O u 5 U O (T 1). V' .-i CL N CO I .,1 i'- N Lnto r^i O¢ Z O H O O f Oil-UF- V1 Z H H H H H F- C07 W O K ON m m O it Q W W C) 0 `1 W O r-i rl ri Ln LA o e ~o > 00 a IF Ln O O d Ln > m � 119 r v Ln U j O O u r4 W N a ae u4 to 0 O to c01, 0 ko se O n co m w co 0o in in z W '-1 A rat tV1-1 .M-I rLrl-I �to1 ��i S u 00 oa0000 O O u H H H H O a W CC `.1 W cm 01 m C1 O1 Cl u F- ,-i H gi 9i ri ri H ri r-I H Y W d o0 0 00000 u SD NN NNNN NN LLJ u NNN 0000 MM d''d' ch d' It E LA >> »»» a on Q O 0 y H O O » Qd o! 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