09/05/2017-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularSANGER *TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session, August 21, 2017 2. Regular City Council Meeting, August 21, 2017 b) Disbursements 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Legislative Update from State Representative Pat Fallon and Presentation of Gavel to Blake Pyron From Governor Greg Abbott. 6. Proclamation for United Way of Denton County declaring September 2017 Live United Month. 7. Conduct the Second Public Hearing on a Proposal to Increase Total Tax Revenues from Properties on the Tax Roll in the Preceding Year by 8.49% With the Proposed Tax Rate of $0.6791 per $100 of Assessed Valuation (Total Tax Rate Reduced $0.0004 from Preceding Year's Tax Rate of $0.6795 per $100). Schedule and Announce Meeting Date and Time to Adopt Tax Rate (3-14 Days from this Date). 8. INFORMATION ITEMS No Items. 9. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the geplral public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: at Oa m. and shall remain posted until meeting is djourned. SA�G�,/,'' 4 Cheryl P i ity Secretary City of Sanger, Texas This facility is wheelchair accessible and `tea,Q'Ai r�—'P rking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION August 21, 2017, 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Lee Allison The Mayor and Four (4) Council Members Were Present Constituting a Quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Development Services, Clayton Gray Finance Director 1. Call Meeting to Order. The Work Session was called to order on Monday August 2111, 2017 at 6:06 p.m. 2. Update from New Gen Strategies & Solutions - Water, Wastewater, and Electric Financial Planning and Utility Rate Study Results. Chris Ekrut with New Gen Strategies and Solutions was recognized to deliver the initial results of the rate study. He summarized the power point presentation provided in the Agenda Packets and noted he would be happy to answer any questions. He advised that they are recommending Rate Adjustments for all three Utilities and explained what is driving the increase on each of the utilities. Water- Revenue under current rates is projected to be insufficient to cover expenditures even without capital outlays. Capital Outlays in 2018 drive 51% of revenue shortfall. For 2018, under the current rates as they stand right now, he projects an estimated 1.7 Million in revenues. In looking at the 2018 Budget they believe we need to generate about 1.92 Million to cover costs. That is an under -recovery of about $208,000 which would be a rate increase of about 11.85% to break even. He noted the items that would be improving in the future years (long-term) and noted that by 2022 the Water will be going into a better position with debt rate dropping off and assuming a growth rate of 3%. They recommend, even with the improvements, that we go ahead with a rate increase of almost 12%. If we do the rate increase in 2018 to break even in 2018 and the projections hold up, it would generate cash to fund Capital Improvements which is going to save the citizens more money in the long term by avoiding interest expense. The analysis is based on normal weather conditions. We have not had normal weather conditions in Texas in at least the last 6 to 10 years. There is a big assumption that the City will generate the amounts shown in their report. Anything that can be done to put the utility in a better position is highly recommended. If there was a dry year we could use the potential revenue to cash fund capital improvements going forward. It is a better situation for the Utility and a better situation for the rate payers if we go in and do a rate increase of 11.85% in 2018. It was noted through questioning by Councilman Bilyeu that assuming the numbers hold, this would be a one time increase over the next five years. That factors in the what was provided to them as far as capital improvements, and factoring in the inflation rate of 2 to 2.5%, they increased chemicals, salaries, etc. At the same time, they have built in a 3% revenue increase every year based on new customers. The current average bill is about 6400 gallons a month which is about $43.13 a month. The increase would be about $5.12 a month bringing the average bill customer to $48.25. Councilman Boutwell voiced concern regarding the large increase and asked if they considered instead of the 11.8% increase now, doing it gradually with perhaps half in 2018 and half in 2019? Mr. Ekrut noted it is something that they could do, that there are reserves in place but it is not built into the analysis at this time and would be a goal and objective for a policy of the Council. He noted that the two most important factors are growth and capital improvements. They are seeing cities that have put off extensive capital improvements due to the drought and did not adjust rates during the drought and are in a catch-up position now. Wastewater — Again we are in an insufficient position right now as far as covering our current expenditures. We have some capital project funding beginning in 2021. Unlike water, on the wastewater side of the ledger we don't have that benefit that we see of the debt falling off in 2020. As we look out in 2021 and 2022 our debt service does not fall off as it does in water and you have a steady climb on the wastewater side particularly when we get to 2021 and 2022 when we have the improvements. So as far as increases, there are two in wastewater - One in 2018, which on an average bill of $47.00 for a 6000 Gallon Customer would be $50.85 which is $3.85 a month - in 2022 it would be about $60.34 which would be an additional increase of about $9.39 for a total of $13.34 a month. City Manager Brice added that on the improvements on FM 455 and 1-35 that we have no clue of the cost on those projects and that it may likely be higher than what we are anticipating. Electric — As we look at the Electric System, we are insufficient right now in terms of revenue as we compare the 2018 needs on electric. Electric is a little different because we have our energy contract for wholesale power purchase with AEP and the contract is expected to decrease in 2020. Since Electric is the larger portion of the utility bill, they worked with staff to minimize the increase. For Electric, they added an increase of about .50 cents every year for the next three years to 2020, when the contract decreases. This still does not give us enough money and the City will potentially have to draw on reserves. In summary, he noted they have talked about the average customer, with a $5.12 increase on the Water side, a $3.85 increase on Wastewater, and a .50 cent increase on Electric. When you add all of those up, for the average customer, you are looking at the Monthly Water, Wastewater, and Electric Utility monthly change of $9.47, which calculates to about $120 a year. A short discussion and question period ensued. Councilman Bilyeu asked if all of the other fees (Meter, etc) remained the same? Mr. Ekrut advised this does not change any of those fees, it is all monthly user fees. City Manager Brice noted that meter costs are around $300 which basically just covers our cost. That State Statute says that we need to be able to justify the charges for meters. Some cities have tried to raise their meter fees to increase revenue and got sued and lost, because they could not justify their charges. You can not generate revenue over and above what the cost is of installing a meter. There was general discussion regarding Impact Fees. Councilman Bilyeu advised we are a small town and we need to look at other ways to increase revenue to decrease the burden on our citizens because of unfunded mandated projects such as FM 407 and 1-35. Mr. Ekrut advised that the City is in a very good financial position for our enterprise fund overall; and, it is just a matter of maintaining it. It has been well taken care of up to this point and the City is in a good position going forward, but does require some adjustment going forward. Mayor Muir asked what the procedure was going forward. City Manager Brice noted that we will probably bring the rates in for Council consideration in November with them going into effect December 111 3. Presentation from All American Dogs. Bob Matthews with All American Dogs was recognized. He noted his presentation is more of a Q & A and advised when they started this journey five years ago, their adoption rate was at 80% and right now they are sitting at about a 95% adoption rate and they are very proud of it. He noted the different ways they have increased adoption rates and that most of the cats from Sanger get adopted out of the Petco in Denton. With the City of Sanger's help they have significantly increased their infrastructure and hired new people. They have made their barn feral cat program more robust so they have a place to go. He noted that the City of Sanger has a lot of cats and they get about 85% of their cats from Sanger. He noted they have moved the main office into the adoption center and with the old office they are going to create two large cat rooms where the cats can roam and play while they stay with them. They are also going to create a feral cat area. They have learned a lot and are going to utilize what they have learned in developing new structures to help staff and help the cats have a better quality of life until they are adopted. They are looking forward to continuing their relations as they grow and as we grow. There was discussion regarding the number of animals they have taken in and it was noted the agreement number is staying the same at 260 and there was concern it may not be enough for a five-year contract. City Manager Brice noted the staff looks at the numbers every year and they have stayed consistent. They can be reviewed and revised at any time. Through questioning by Councilman Boutwell, Mr. Mathews explained the improvement amount of $21,500 would mostly go to the expansion to the cat area. He also noted the animal surrender fee that the City charges is less than what they charge. City Manager Brice noted that if we charge a higher fee then the animal gets put out on the side of the road and we pick it up anyway. Mr. Matthews noted he was going to leave after this presentation because his son has a sporting event tonight so would not be present during this item on the Regular Council Agenda and asked if he could answer any questions at this time. Commissioner Chick asked Mr. Matthews to explain what the process is. He advised that they do not take any residential drop offs at the facility. Animal Control/Dispatch/City Hall is contacted and the animal is picked up by the City's Animal Control Officer who tries to identify the animal, she processes the animal for a micro -chip and notifies the owner. If they can not identify the owner they animal is brought to their facility. They also do sheltering and emergency back up on the weekends and evenings for the police. Once the animal is checked into the system there is a $75.00 impound fee; and, if infested with fleas there is a $15.00 flea treatment fee. It is $10.00 to $15.00 per day for every day they have the animal. These charges are charged to the owner of the animal if they come and pick up their dog. If they do not get picked up then they go through the adoption process and find homes. The city contract covers this to 260 animals per year. He said if a question comes up to send him a text. Mr. Matthews advised that they are working for the best interest of the animals, the city, and the community. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. ILI=0 5. Adjourn. The Work Session adjourned at 7:06 pm. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 2017, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilmember Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Lee Allison The Mayor and Four (4) Council Members Were Present Constituting a Quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Development Services 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. The Regular City Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Muir on Monday, August 215t, 2017 at 7:11 p.m. The Invocation was giving by Councilman Boutwell, and The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Bilyeu. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). There were no citizens who wished to speak on items not on the agenda. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session, August 7, 2017 2. Regular City Council Meeting, August 7, 2017 b) Disbursements A Motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison Absent). 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. None. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Kennel Facility on the Property Locate d at 304 Acker Street. Alina Ciocan Director of Community and Economic Development was recognized to provide a summary of the request. She advised that the applicant, Dr. Shellie Wallace is requesting a Specific Use Permit for an Animal Boarding Kennel at 304 Acker Street, Suite 105. She is also the owner of Paws and Claws that is located in the same complex. The subject property is zoned 1-1 and in order to be able to operate a Kennel an SUP is being requested. Staff has reviewed it and has received written comments (included in packets) in favor (12) and opposed (1). Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 and solicited anyone who wished to speak. Dr. Shellie Wallace was recognized and stated that it has become very clear that Sanger really needs a boarding facility. She summarized her request for the SUP and what her plans were for the boarding facility at 304 Acker. She noted the following two items brought up at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting and summarized her ideas for disposal of the fecal matter; and, noted that she does not need a State License for a boarding kennel. She said that Sanger growth is exploding and that Sanger has been very good to them and they feel this is a good service they can offer to the community. Beverly Howard, 328 Austin Street, was recognized in Favor of the request. She advised she is representing Sanger Bank who is right beside the establishment Dr. Wallace is proposing. She advised they went the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting and they are not opposed to this at all. They are for it - even with the fact that they may have to relocate the bank on the Acker side when 1-35 expands. There being no further citizens who wished to speak, Mayor Muir closed the Public Hearing at 7:19. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #08-23-17 - A Request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for A Kennel Facility on the Property Located at 304 Acker Street. There were a few questions regarding the facility and how it would be set up. Dr. Wallace noted her facility is going to be one building over from her current location. She explained they will have a quality facility and hopes to give the animals a comfortable home away from home and will not run a crowded cage on cage facility and explained some of her ideas for boarding of the cats and dogs at the proposed facility. Councilman Bilyeu asked about conditions on the SUP and it was noted there are none. Discussion ensued and it was noted that due to the concern regarding the possibility of a change in ownership in the future and that noise and handling of waste may become a problem. It was noted the SUP would allow housing the animals overnight. City Manager Brice noted they could put stipulations on the SUP or revoke it at some point. There was discussion on whether the SUP could be restricted with certificate of Occupancy or time. It was suggested a stipulation be put on the SUP allowing it for a period of time, that it could be renewed after that period is up. Dr. Wallace advised she did not have a problem with a set time frame with allowance of renewal. She said she would not let it run out and would be there to renew it before it runs out. Councilman Boutwell suggested a four-year renewal. Minor discussion ensued. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance #08-23-17 — A Specific Use Permit for a Kennel Facility on the Property located at 304 Acker Street with the stipulation that it would expire in four (4) years from the date of approval and could be subject to renewal at that time. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried with a 3-1 vote (Councilman Chick voted in opposition; Councilman Allison Absent). 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve the Final Plat of the Selak Addition, One Lot Being 2.0 Acres in the W. Mason Survey A-801, Generally Located North of Belz Road and East of Metz Road. Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development advised that the subject plat is located in the ETJ and the Applicant has submitted a plat for one lot on two acres. Staff sent the plat to Denton County for a courtesy review and they had comments which were addressed by the applicant. With the corrections made, staff finds that the plat meets the subdivision regulations and recommends approval. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve the Final Plat of the Selak Addition, One Lot Being 2.0 Acres in the W. Mason Survey A-801, Generally Located North of Belz Road and East of Metz Road. Motion was seconded by Councilman Chick. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison Absent). 8. Conduct a Public Hearing on a Proposed Amendment of The Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Future Land Use Map to Change an Approximately 17.89 Acre Site Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II from Industrial Use to Urban Low Density Residential Use. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m. to solicit anyone who wished to speak on the item. Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development summarized. This item is related to the Agenda Items regarding the rezoning of 48.44 Acre tract which is located west of Sable Creek Phases I and II. She noted anytime we rezone a piece of property Staff compares it to our Comprehensive Plan to make sure it is in conformance. In this case, a portion of the 48.44 Acres of land consisting of 17.89 acres is showing as Industrial. For the Council to take action on the rezoning the zoning has to conform with the Comprehensive Plan. The change required would be to change from Industrial to Urban Low Density Residential to allow single-family residential development. Urban Low -Density Designation refers to Single Family Detached dwelling units, developed at a density of under six per acre. A companion request to amend the zoning on this property is also on the agenda. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and studied the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval. Mayor Muir again solicited anyone who wished to speak. Lisa Dritschler representing Sable Creek Partners, located at 900 Utility Road in Sanger was recognized. She advised that first thing that they have before the Council tonight is the rezoning of the industrial property. Because it is adjacent to Sable Creek they think that the highest and best use for the land is Single Family Residential. So they respectfully request that Item 10-A be approved tonight in accordance with staff recommendations. She advised if there are any questions that she is available and Allison Engineering is also available to answer any questions. Mayor Muir noted that this request is dealing with changing our Comprehensive Plan and has to be done to address the next issue (the Zoning). Mayor Muir asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak during the Public Hearing. There being no one else approaching the podium, the Public Hearing was Closed at 7:45. 9. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Rezone Approximately 48.44 acres of Land Generally Located between FM 455 and McReynolds Road to the West of Sable Creek Phases I and II from Heavy Industrial District (1-2) and Single - Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to Planned Development Single -Family Residential District. Mayor Muir Opened the Public Hearing at 7:46 p.m. and solicited anyone who wished to speak. Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development advised she would answer any question. Lisa Dritschler representing Sable Creek Partners, located at 900 Utility Road in Sanger was recognized. She noted the land use is completely separate from the Planned Development. She advised the second reason that they are in front of the Council is because staff did a great job when they originally submitted the final plat for review back in June and discovered there were minutes from the City Council meeting from 13 years ago that had some notes in them about some corrections to be made at the final plat. Those corrections called for an adjustment in lot width to meet the zoning minimums and rather than alter the number of lots that could be approved by the Council on the Preliminary Plat, staff recommended they pursue Planned Development zoning, which is what they have done and are bringing before the Council tonight. They were asked to submit some language for the Planned Development and had a meeting with City Staff to explain exactly what they wanted them to do and how to do it. And then they submitted language that they felt was consistent with staff and Council's direction which was expressed, and did not see staff's position until the report was issued to the Planning and Zoning Commission. They had a great meeting last Monday with Planning and Zoning, it was very fruitful and they were able to come to resolution on all of the items that they had at hand and it was very meaningful and they would like to commend the Commissioners for their efforts, it was very fruitful. Unfortunately, what is in front of you tonight for the Planned Development Zoning request is not what they understood was going to be presented to the Council. It has language in it that was not discussed at the Planning and Zoning Meeting and certainly language which they did not agree to. Further, this language, or any prior version of it, they felt, had been eliminated with their negotiated position at the Planning and Zoning meeting. They feel this was an extreme overreach on the part of staff to try and insert something in, after the Planning and Zoning Meeting. They only have six lots left in the current phase of Sable Creek so they are pressed to get this done and move it forward. They are anxious to do that because their business depends on having lots available so they thought they would be able to push dirt a month ago to address this dire situation. They have been trying to go through this PD process. The position of the City staff is so onerous and untenable that they have no choice today but to again delay their development. So, rather than take your time to go through those issues and try to create something or run the risk that you might approve something that is presented to you which they do not agree with they respectfully withdraw the zoning application tonight for the PD so they can resolve this through the proper channels and come back with a more viable solution. So, this will affect your Items 10-B and Items 11 and 12 which are on your agenda tonight. She passed out a copy of a letter from John Huggins of Allison Engineering Group which echoed Ms. Dritschler's comments as to why they withdrew their request. Mayor Muir noted they were still in the Public Hearing portion and solicited anyone else who wished to speak. No one was recognized and the Public Hearing was closed at 7:50 p.m. 10. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve the Following Items (A & B) Regarding Property Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II: A) Consider Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #08-24-17 — Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Future Land Use Map to Change an Approximately 17.89 Acre Site Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II from Industrial Use to Urban Low Density Residential Use. Mayor Muir noted that this item has not been withdrawn and The Public Hearing has been conducted. This request is for the Amendment of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Industrial to Urban Low Density Residential Use. Councilman Chick asked what exactly Urban Low Density Residential Use is? Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development advised that Urban Low Density basically allows for the traditional low density residential development up to 6 units per acre. The next category up would be moderate density and that would be townhomes and next, you have high density and that would be apartments. Mayor Muir noted that this was just our comprehensive plan is not the actual zoning, but we are just painting a picture of what we want to see in an area. This is a visionary use - do we prefer this area to be industrial or do we prefer this area to be residential in the future? This is the task at hand tonight. Councilman Boutwell advised that the area is surrounded by residential and if it were industrial, there is nothing to buffer the residential from the industrial area. Alina Ciocan advised that if approved tonight the next time they come in with zoning for residential on the 17.89 acres, that staff could say that it is conforming with the Comprehensive Plan. The actual re -zoning case included 48.44 acres of land within those 48.44 Acres you have the 17.89 Acres (which would be a future Phase 5 of Sable Creek). The 17.89 acres are currently zoned Industrial and are labeled as Industrial on the Future Land Use Map (Comprehensive Plan). The remainder of the 48.44 Acres are Zoned SF-7 and are labeled Low Density Residential on the future land use map (Comprehensive Plan), so basically, we are trying to make it all conforming. Councilman Bilyeu noted that there is a portion of the 17 acres in the flood plain. John Huggins clarified and noted that much of the land in the 17 acres is in a Zone A classification and is in the Flood Plain area. He advised they are planning on submitting a conditional letter of map revision to FEMA. Which means that what they have done is created a hydrology and hydraulic study to better determine and nail down the exact area of flood plain. The PD will include modified flood plain and nailing down those boundaries for future Phases III, IV and V. This will involve no excavation on city land, just on private property. Mayor Muir commented noting the Strategic Plan that the Council approved so that staff would have direction on items coming before them. The Strategic Plan was implemented about this same time last year; so that staff had an idea where Council stood when it came to percentages of zoning and putting development in place. This was done so staff could advise developers, etc., regarding what the Council's vision is for the City and whether a proposal is, or is not, counter to what the Council's vision is. He noted that there was a statement at the Planning and Zoning Meeting that implied that there was insight into Council's intentions for this land and he advised that he has not visited individually with anyone regarding this and has not heard that any of the other councilmembers have done so. He noted that this Strategic Plan was given to staff as indication of the Council intentions and he did not want it mistaken that they do not want development. They do want development; but, also want it measured and at an appropriate rate and staff is trying to implement that on Council's behalf. Councilman Bilyeu noted that the flood plain would likely create a sufficient buffer. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance #08-24-17 — Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Future Land Use Map to Change an Approximately 17.89 Acre Site Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II from Industrial Use to Urban Low Density Residential Use. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The Motion carried with a 3-1 vote (Councilman Chick voting in opposition; Councilman Allison Absent). B) Consider, Discuss and Possible Approve Ordinance #08-25-17 — Amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 48.44 Acres of Land Generally Located Between FM 455, and McReynolds Road to the West of Sable Creek Phases I and II from Heavy Industrial District (1-2) and Single - Family Residential District 7 (SF-7) to Planned Development Single -Family Residential District. No Action, Item Withdrawn by Applicant. 11. Consider, Discuss and Approve the Preliminary Plat of the Sable Creek Addition Phase III, being 17.849 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and 11. No Action - Item Withdrawn by Applicant. 12. Consider, Discuss and Approve the Final Plat of the Sable Creek Addition Phase III, being 17.849 Acres in the R. Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29, Generally Located South of FM 455, North of McReynolds Road and West of Sable Creek Phases I and II. No Action - Item Withdrawn by Applicant. 13. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Concerning the Maximum Lot Area Requirement for Residential Zoning Districts R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development summarized noting that approximately one year ago the City Council amended the Zoning Ordinance to adopt new Residential Zoning Districts (R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4). At that time when they set the parameters for the R districts on the lot dimension a maximum lot size was added. With a maximum lot size it sometimes restricts how you can make a development work. Staff is recommending eliminating a maximum. There are already minimums in the ordinance. We do not need a maximum lot area and explained situations where this would become restrictive on the developers. Mayor Muir noted this is a Public Hearing and opened it at 8:15 soliciting any citizens who wished to speak. There being no citizens approaching the podium who wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:16. 14. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #08-26-17 — Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Modify the Lot Area Regulations for Residential Zoning Districts R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. There was brief discussion regarding what issues the maximum lot created and that it was not necessary because there are minimums set. A motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance #08-26-17 — Amending the Zoning Ordinance to Modify the Lot Area Regulations to Residential Zoning Districts R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison Absent). 15. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #08-27-17 — Amending Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances Article 3.2100 "Exterior Construction of Residential Dwellings". Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development advised that this proposed amendment deals with shops and storage buildings in Residential and right now we have a requirement; that, if it is over 200 feet it has to meet the exterior masonry requirement. About a month ago the developer of Sanger Estates, a one -acre subdivision was inquiring about a PD that dealt with this requirement. What staff is proposing, is to amend it so that if the property is located on a Single -Family zoned lot over an acre, it would eliminate that requirement. In the past, the City Council has had several requests that have dealt with this requirement and they have been approved by Council almost one - hundred percent. Councilman Boutwell noted that the ordinance says over one acre and noted it should say one acre or more because Sanger Estates has only one acre lots. Staff noted this was a good point and could revise the ordinance to one acre or more are exempt from the requirement. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve Ordinance #08-27-17 — Amending Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances Article 3.2100 "Exterior Construction of Residential Dwellings" amending Section (e) with the amended language that it include all lots of one acre or more are exempt from the requirement. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Chick. Motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Allison Absent). 16. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Amending Agreement with All American Dogs, d/b/a/ All American Animal Control (AAAC ). There was brief discussion by City Councilmembers noting that this item was discussed and questions were answered during the Work Session. There was discussion regarding the catch and release program where the cats were fixed and returned to the place they were picked up. City Manager Brice noted the City had complaints and pushback from the public about this program because the citizens called to get rid of the cat in their area and were not happy when it was returned to their neighborhood. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve the Amending the Agreement with All American Dogs, d/b/a/ All American Animal Control (AAAC ). Motion was seconded by Councilman Chick. Motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4-0 (Councilman Allison Absent). 17. Conduct a Public Hearing for the Proposed Budget for the City of Sanger for Fiscal Year 2017/18. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 8:33 p.m. There being no individuals approaching the podium who wished to speak the Public Hearing was closed at 8:34 p.m. 18. Conduct the First Public Hearing on a Proposal to Increase Total Tax Revenues from Properties on the Tax Roll in the Preceding Year by 8.49 % with the Proposed Tax Rate of $0.6791 per $100 of Assessed Valuation (Total Tax Rate Reduced $0.0004 From Preceding Year's Tax Rate of $0.6795 per $100). Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 8:35 p.m. There being no individuals approaching the podium who wished to speak the Public Hearing was closed at 8:36 p.m. a) All American Dogs Report No discussion on Information Items. 20. ADJOURN. There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:36 p.m. 8/09/2017 8:37 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER VENDOR SET: (RECONSTRUCTED) BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 1 CITY OF SANGER MUNI 1-000201708086836 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 1,523.40CR 067055 1,523.40 1 DANGELO, LELAND 1-000201708086823 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 58.23CR 067056 58.23 1 DRS CONSULTANTS 1-000201708086835 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 58.37CR 067057 58.37 1 IMPRESSION HOMES 1-000201708086828 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 539.98CR 067058 539.98 1 KODIAK TRENCHING & B I-000201708086831 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 921.12CR 067059 921.12 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC 1-000201708086830 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 558.37CR 067060 558.37 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC 1-000201708086829 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 36.62CR 067061 36.62 1 REINSCHELD DOUGLAS I-0002017OA086834 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 58.36CR 067062 58.36 1 SADLER BORING LLC I-0002017080R832 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 954.69CR 067063 954.69 1 SAMUEL CUSTOM HOMES, 1-000201708086825 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 570.93CR 067064 570.93 1 SKINNER, PHYLLIS 1-000201708086824 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 500.000R 067065 500.00 1 STEGALL, ROY 1-000201708086833 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 40.42CR 067066 40.42 1 ULTRA HOMES 1-000201708086826 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 555.96CR 067067 555.96 1 ULTRA HOMES 1-000201708086827 US REFUND R 8/09/2017 554.56CR 067068 554.56 * T O T A L A S NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 14 0.00 6,931.01 6,931.01 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 14 0.00 6,931.01 6,931.01 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 8/09/2017 8:37 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER VENDOR SET: (RECONSTRUCTED) BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NAME / I.D. CHECK CHECK DESC TYPE DATE POSTING PERIOD RECAP == FUND PERIOD --------------------------------- 008 8/2017 ALL = --------------------------- PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT AMOUNT 6,931.01CR 6,931.01CR 8/09/2017 8:22 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08985 Regular Payments 8.9.17 cf VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 21930 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON i-252-2029234 2009 CO PAYING AGENT FEE D 8/07/2017 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY INC I-S100089145.00i FULL CIRCLE CLAMPS R 8/09/2017 25940 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC I-000000040913 SEWER PLANT ENGINEERING R 8/09/2017 02610 ANIXTER INC. I-3569720-03 GLOBE,LAMP,ADAPT, CAP R 8/09/2017 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1156975757 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2017 I-1156975758 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2017 1-1156975759 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2017 I-1156975760 UNIFORMS R 8/09/2017 I-1156987237 CITY HALL FLOOR MATS R 8/09/2017 03170 ASCO I-C74073 NUTS & BOLTS FOR BACKHOE R 8/09/2017 MS ITJULY 2017 ATMOS 7/4/17-8/l/17 R 8/09/2017 30650 BAKER & TAYLOR I-5014634682 52 BOOKS FOR COLLECTION R 8/09/2017 23790 TERRY WEST I-000231 REPAIRS TO CITY HALL DOOR R 8/09/2017 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-31519 RESET BREAKER R 8/09/2017 08880 COOPER'S COPIES I-207796 OFFICE HOURS CITY HALL R 8/09/2017 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC i-6/15/17-7/15/17 ELECTRIC 6/15/17-7/15/17 R 8/09/2017 008SO DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE I-000565275 LGL -PUBLIC HEARING/ITB COWLIN R 8/09/2017 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 750.000R 000000 750.00 608.94CR 067024 608.94 1,270.000R 067025 1,270.00 34.15CR 067026 34.15 31.22CR 067027 30.28CR 067027 61.14CR 067027 26.73CR 067027 17.54CR 067027 166.91 36.42CR 067028 36.42 396.43CR 067029 396.43 779.74CR 067030 779.74 200.000R 067031 200.00 100.000R 067032 100.00 1.14CR 113.22CR 067033 113.22 2,126.80CR 067034 2,126.80 186.80CR 067035 186.80 8/09/2017 8:22 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08985 Regular Payments 8.9.17 cf VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCE I-17061022N JUNE LONG DISTANCE R 8/09/2017 2S.33CR 067036 25.33 31860 DONE RIGHT AUTO GLASS I-18596 BACK WINDOW REPLACEMENT R 8/09/2017 389.000R 067037 389.00 22400 1-201707276819 MEAL MONEY 8/21 R 8/09/2017 25.000R 067038 25.00 31340 FIRST CHECK APPLICANT SCREENING I-8306 BGC FOR ALICIA METCALF R 8/09/2017 23.50CR 067039 23.50 18790 FUELMAN I-NP50923261.1 FUELMAN FINANCE CHARGES/LATE R 8/09/2017 180.51CR 067040 I-NP509SO015 FUELMAN 7/24/17-7/30(17 R 8/09/2017 2,115.56CR 067040 I-NP51071073 FUELMAN 7/31/17-86/177 R 8/09/2017 1,649.26CR 067040 3,945.33 28640 JUSTIN'S FARM & RANCH SERVICES 1-7/24/17 R 60133 MOWING R60133 R 8/09/2017 200.000R 067041 1-7/24/17 R57269 MOWING R57269 R 8/09/2017 600.000R 067041 1-7/24/17 R60078 MOWING R60078 R 8/09/2017 12S.000R 067041 1-7/24/17 R60392 MOWING R60392 R 8/09/2017 175.000R 067041 1-7/27/17 R59756 MOWING R59756 BNSF R 8/09/2017 300.000R 067041 1,400.00 27800 KELLEY SAND & EXCAVATION I-8425 FLOWABLE FILL R 8/09/2017 1,200.000R 067042 1,200.00 26900 THE LANE CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION I-1816211 ASPHALT WATER LEAK REPAIR R 8/09/2017 620.48CR 067043 I-1816639 ASPHALT WATER LEAK REPAIR R 8/09/2017 634.46CR 067043 I-1817220 ASPHALT WATER LEAK REPAIR R 8/09/2017 2S8.75CR 067043 1,513.69 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-92739 ELECTRIC RING STOVE R 8/09/2017 20.87CR 067044 I-92740 STOVE FOR SULLIVAN CENTER R 8/09/2017 361.93CR 067044 I-94055 LIME / PORTLAND CEMENT R 8/09/2017 1,212.10CR 067044 1,594.90 04170 MIDWEST RADAR & EQUIPMENT I-161202 15 RADAR CERTIFICATIONS R 8/09/2017 52S.000R 067045 525.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-383132 BRAKE SHOE (19S9-382938) R 8/09/2017 62.07 067046 C-1959-383133 DRAIN PAN (1959-383070) R 8/09/2017 9.49 067046 I-19S9-381669 ENGINE LUBE R 8/09/2017 0.21CR 10.28CR 067046 I-1959-38238S OIL FILTER R 8/09/2017 0.13CR 6.13CR 067046 I-1959-382S00 SEALED BEAM R 8/09/2017 0.35CR 17.39CR 067046 I-1959-382669 AIR/FUEL/OIL FILTER R 8/09/2017 0.97CR 47.73CR 067046 I-1959-382719 HYD HOSE/FLUID, MEGACRIMP R 8/09/2017 2.60CR 127.60CR 067046 i-19S9-3828S5 ABSORBENT R 8/09/2017 0.26CR 12.72CR 067046 I-1959-382873 OTC 3893LTW (COMPUTER PROG) R 8/09/2017 14.000R 68S.99CR 067046 I-1959-382938 BRAKE ROTOR/PAD DISC PAD SET R 8/09/2017 6.33CR 310.38CR 067046 i-1959-3829S9 OTC 3895-07 (COMPUTER PROG) R 8/09/2017 13.4SCR 6S8.99CR 067046 8/09/2017 8:22 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08985 Regular Payments 8.9.17 Cf VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE I-1959-383070 DRAIN PAN R 8/09/2017 1-1959-383171 LOCKNUT R 8/09/2017 1-1959-383185 FUEL CAP R 8/09/2017 I-1959-383202 OIL/AIR/CABIN FILTERS R 8/09/2017 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/09/2017 25830 PACHECO KOCH, LLC I-39746 MCREYNOLDS ENGINEERING R 8/09/2017 I-39761 PHASE II STAKING / RESTAK R 8/09/2017 I-39762 WW E PH III I ENGINEERING R 8/09/2017 I-39763 PHASE II STAKING / RESTAK R 8/09/2017 22760 PRICE, CHERYL I-TMCA 8/2/17 TMCA 8/2/17 REGISTRATION MILE R 8/09/2017 02450 SOLOMON, CORP. I-294406 PADMOUNT TRANSFORMER R 8/09/2017 29190 STITCHIN' AND MORE CUSTOM GRAPHICS LLC I-7/25/17 LOGO ON SHIRTS AND DECAL R 8/09/2017 C TECHLINE INC. I-147283A-00 GREEN & GRAY TRANSFORMER PAINT R 8/09/2017 I-1474441-00 250' REELS OF CABLE R 8/09/2017 I-1474934-00 TRANSFORMER PAD/WIRE R 8/09/2017 27070 NEAL WELCH I-10/2/10/6/17 TML REIMBURSEMENT R 8/09/2017 I-10/2/17-10/6/17 CO REIMBURSEMENT R 8/09/2017 24970 WELLSPRING INSURANCE I-1326 WELLSPRING CONSULT AUG 17 R 8/09/2017 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 * T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 0.38CR 18.60CR 067046 1.11CR 54.47CR 067046 0.20CR 9.64CR 067046 3.91CR 191.40CR 067046 2,079.76 067047 **VOID*' 820.000R 067048 568.000R 067048 560.000R 067048 1,762.SOCR 067048 3,710.50 64.76CR 067049 64.76 4,100.000R 0670SO 4,100.00 66.000R 067051 66.00 240.000R 067052 1S,821.82CR 067052 3,220.000R 067052 19,281.82 430.000R 0670S3 1,146.60CR 067053 1,576.60 2,000.00CR 0670S4 2,000.00 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 30 45.04 49,540.60 49,585.64 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 750.00 750.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 4S.04 50,290.60 50,335.64 8/09/2017 8:22 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08985 Regular Payments 8.9.17 cf VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NAME / I.D. CHECK CHECK DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT ==" POSTING PERIOD RECAP FUND ------------------------------------------- PERIOD AMOUNT 001 8/2017 10,614.92CR 003 8/2017 345.000R 004 8/2017 820.000R 008 8/2017 28,529.66CR 180 8/2017 5,820.52CR 840 8/2017 4,160.50CR ALL 50,290.60CR CHECK NO# PAGE: 4 CHECK AMOUNT 8/17/2017 11:32 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 09003 08/17/17 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 19970 ACE HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, INC i-28946 AC REPAIR 201 BOLIVAR R 8/17/2017 125.000R 067075 125.00 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES 1-1478 L/T 235-80-17 TIRES 31-SO R 8/17/2017 580.000R 067076 580.00 25940 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC I-41015 SEWER PLANT ENGINEERING R 8/17/2017 17,349.22CR 067077 17,349.22 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1156987233 UNIFORMS R 8/17/2017 31.22CR 067078 1-1156987234 UNIFORMS R 8/17/2017 30.28CR 067078 I-1156987235 UNIFORMS R 8/17/2017 61.14CR 067078 I-1156987236 UNIFORMS R 8/17/2017 26.73CR 067078 I-1156998943 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/17/2017 17.54CR 067078 166.91 31790 ARCPOINT LABS OF DENTON I-1427 DRUG TESTING POST ACCIDENT R 8/17/2017 175.000R 067079 175.00 31300 ASPEN RENTALS INC I-6284347 SLUDGE BELT PRESS R 8/17/2017 8,500.000R 067080 8,500.00 ATMOS 1-201708166845 7ULY 2017 R 8/17/2017 50.18CR 067081 50.18 23600 AUSTIN TURF & TRACTOR I-850900 SPRING R 8/17/2017 S.26CR 067082 5.26 23790 TERRY WEST I-000251 BATHROOM VENT REPAIR R 8/17/2017 50.000R 067083 I-000262 BOOK DROP REMOVAL R 8/17/2017 3SO.000R 067083 I-000264 TERRY WEST R 8/17/2017 360.000R 067083 760.00 02490 CENTURYLINK 1-8/10/17-9/9/17 PHONE 8/10/17-9/3/17 R 8/17/2017 1,609.92CR 067084 1,609.92 21100 COLEMAN LAW FIRM I-201708156841 AUGUST -MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR R 8/17/2017 787.SOCR 067085 787.50 000SO CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-11403 FLEX BASE FOR WATER LEAK R 8/17/2017 975.000R 067086 I-11405 FLEX BASE FOR WATER LEAK R 8/17/2017 600.000R 067086 1,575.00 8/17/2017 11:32 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 09003 08/17/17 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 28180 D&D COMMERICAL LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT I-15382 2017 CONTRACT MOWING R 8/17/2017 25730 DATAPROSE LLC I-DP1702369 JULY LATE & AUG BILL PRINTING R 8/17/2017 24570 DEFENDER SUPPLY I-17852 UPFIT FOR CRUISER R 8/17/2017 I-17910 BUMPER FOR 2015 TAHOE R 8/17/2017 29760 DERRICK W. BAKER I-201708166847 HAIL DAMAGE PD R 8/17/2017 28280 EDSUITE I-2547 EDSUITE ANNUAL LICENSE R 8/17/2017 28070 EPP, CINDY I-201708156842 YOGA INSTRUCTION FOR JULY R 8/17/2017 31700 FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY I-2 SWER PLNT CONSTRUCTIN R 8/17/2017 FORT WORTH BOLT & TOOL CO 1 LTD I-5171990 FLOOR BOARD BOLTS & NUTS R 8/17/2017 18790 FUELMAN I-NP51107040 FUEL 8/7/17-8/13/17 R 8/17/2017 31930 GEOMATIC SUPPLIES AND SALES LLC I-3578 PARTS AND LABOR ON LASER R 8/17/2017 27760 HANSEN ELECTRIC I-596 CORNER CONDUIT REPAIR AT RR R 8/17/2017 I-600 SOUTH ENTRY SIGN REPAIR R 8/17/2017 01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS, INC. I-18-25709 SWITCH R 8/17/2017 26830 JZ SOUTHERN BOYZ SERVICES LLC i-1319 REPLAC VALVES 5TH- CHERRY/BOLI R 8/17/2017 08210 KWIK KAR I-70992 INSPECTION 2012 TAHOE R 8/17/2017 PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 11,733.30CR 067087 11,733.30 2,271.92CR 067088 2,271.92 1,627.57CR 067089 298.000R 067089 1,925.57 18,773.58CR 067090 18,773.58 1,350.000R 067091 1,350.00 360.000R 067092 360.00 329,697.50CR 067093 329,697.50 23.79CR 067094 23.79 2,068.78CR 067095 2,068.78 110.56CR 067096 110.56 85.000R 067097 855.000R 067097 940.00 145.56CR 067098 145.56 5,200.000R 067099 5,200.00 25.50CR 067100 25.50 8/17/2017 11:32 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 09003 08/17/17 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 26900 THE LANE CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION I-1818375 ASPHALT FOR ROAD PATCHING R 8/17/2017 28050 LIONS CLUB I-AUG 2017 MEMBERSHIP ALINA R 8/17/2017 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-0018923 TESTING R 8/17/2017 01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-518621 REPLACEMENT STEP FOR UNIT #12 R 8/17/2017 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND LANDSCAPING I-789 CONCRETE DRAINAGE R 8/17/2017 10380 OAKLEY SALES CORP I-742351922 SI TIGHTROPE BLK/GRAY POLAR772 R 8/17/2017 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-941711058001 HIGHLIGHTER,PENS,NOTEBOOK,PLAN R 8/17/2017 I-945101371001 EMPLOYEES ONLY SIGN R 8/17/2017 I-945101515001 KLEENEX, PLATES R 8/17/2017 2 _J PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. I-3856 PUMP STAT IMPROVEMENTS R 8/17/2017 12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-S34341 5000 SERIES REPAIR R 8/17/2017 18380 R & T MECHANICAL I-32549 HVAC SERVICES, CONDENSOR R 8/17/2017 31880 RANDY'S I-01353 PADS & ROTORS RESCUE # 671 R 8/17/2017 I-01354 ALIGNMENT UNIT #10 R 8/17/2017 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. I-364026 TP & CENTER PULL TOWELS R 8/17/2017 I-364227 PPR TWLS, SOAP, BLEACH, TRSH L R 8/17/2017 12820 RICOH USA, INC I-5049685275 SERVICE CONTRACT AUG 2017 R 8/17/2017 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 728.12CR 067101 728.12 75.00CR 067102 75.00 207.70CR 067103 207.70 204.53CR 067104 204.53 4,300.000R 067105 4,300.00 111.00CR 067106 111.00 88.59CR 067107 8.79CR 067107 14.OSCR 067107 111.43 4,728.60CR 067108 4,728.60 1,105.71CR 067109 1,105.71 325.000R 067110 325.00 284.40CR 067111 70.000R 067111 354.40 63.84CR 067112 162.96CR 067112 226.80 227.85CR 067113 227.85 8/17/2017 11:32 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 09003 08/17/17 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 31570 ROGUE FITNESS / COULTER VENTURES LLC I-3376310 WORKOUT ROOM EQUIP R 8/17/2017 29420 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-433611 WATER R 8/17/2017 I-439346 LATE FEE R 8/17/2017 I-455711 WATER R 8/17/2017 29400 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING 1-433613 WATER R 8/17/2017 I-438650 WATER R 8/17/2017 I-455713 WATER R 8/17/2017 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B70619 ADAPTER, COUPLING R 8/17/2017 I-B77451 QUICKRETE R 8/17/2017 I-B79735 COUPLING PVC R 8/17/2017 I-C17214 MISC. PART R 8/17/2017 31560 SIGNS MANUFACTURING CORP I-29950 SOUTH ENTRY SIGN REPAIR R 8/17/2017 STERICYCLE I-4007223808 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/17/2017 24620 SUPERION, LLC I-142364 DIGITAL DISPATCH 13 UNITS R 8/17/2017 18400 TECH SERV CONSULTING & TRAINING, LTD. I-20173143 CONSULT AND NEGOTIATION FEES R 8/17/2017 02690 TECHLINE INC. I-1475051-00 25KV TERMINATOR KIT/CONNECTORS R 8/17/2017 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-17-11644 MESSAGE FEES 7ULY 2017 R 8/17/2017 02770 TEXAS PUBLIC POWER ASSC. I-33066 ANNUAL DUES R 8/17/2017 31890 STEVE MAGERS: DBA TRUXX OUTFITTERS I-12464 SUPER SWAMPER TIRES R 8/17/2017 PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 2,886.64CR 067114 2,886.64 24.71CR 067115 10.000R 067115 12.90CR 067115 47.61 20.90CR 067116 6.50CR 067116 20.90CR 067116 48.30 5.12CR 067117 14.97CR 067117 10.55CR 067117 15.99CR 067117 46.63 2,382.50CR 067118 2,382.50 210.79CR 067119 210.79 3,149.25CR 067120 3,149.25 248.000R 067121 248.00 185.60CR 067122 185.60 72.20CR 067123 72.20 1,775.000R 067124 1,775.00 2,500.000R 067125 2,500.00 8/17/2017 11:32 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 09003 08/17/17 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 1-025-196123 09/l/17-8/31/18 R 8/17/2017 4,380.97CR 067126 I-025-196755 AUG MAINTENANCE R 8/17/2017 110.000R 067126 I-025-196756 AUG COURT WEB MAINTENANCE R 8/17/2017 125.000R 067126 4,615.97 05510 WASTE CONNECTIONS I-JUL-17 JULY 2017 SOLID WASTE R 8/17/2017 56,943.45CR 067127 56,943.45 09S50 WATER TECH, INC. I-108015 CYLINDER RENTAL R 8/17/2017 36.000R 067128 36.00 25270 WILLBROS T&D SERVICES, LLC I-26030173 REPLACE POTHEAD R 8/17/2017 1,629.000R 067129 1,629.00 03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP., INC. I-33642 RENTAL TRAILER R 8/17/2017 330.000R 067130 330.00 30600 TASC C-BIGGERSTAFF 7/21 TASC D 8/18/2017 15.00 000000 i-FSCPY7.21.17 FLEX D 8/18/2017 208.33CR 000000 I-FSMPY7.21.17 FLEX D 8/18/2017 2,029.61CR 000000 2,222.94 T O T A L S NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 56 0.00 496,123.13 496,123.13 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 1 0.00 2,222.94 2,222.94 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 57 0.00 498,346.07 498,346.07 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 8/17/2017 11:32 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 09003 08/17/17 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NAME / I.D. CHECK CHECK DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT POSTING PERIOD RECAP FUND ------------------------------------------- PERIOD AMOUNT 001 8/2017 93,182.19CR 008 8/2017 22,779.67CR 180 8/2017 29,020.30CR 41 8/2017 1,463.59CR 471 8/2017 125.000R 840 8/2017 351,77S.32CR ALL--------- ----------=====498,346.070R CHECK NO# PAGE: 6 CHECK AMOUNT 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 09015 Regular Payments 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067131 **VOID** 'VOID' VOID CHECK v 8/23/2017 067132 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK v 8/23/2017 067133 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067134 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067135 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067136 -VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067137 **VOID** °VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067138 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067139 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK v 8/23/2017 067140 -VOID- *Vr'.,*. VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067141 **VOID** s"VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067142 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067143 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK v 8/23/2017 067144 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK v 8/23/2017 067145 **VOID** *VOID=' VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067146 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067147 **VOID** *VOID' VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067148 **VOID"* *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067149 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067150 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067151 **VOID** 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 09015 Regular PaymeniS 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067152 *'VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067153 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067154 *-Vol[)-* *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 0671SS **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067156 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067157 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067158 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067159 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/23/2017 067160 **VOID** 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES I-1506 BRUSH TRUCK TIRES R 8/23/2017 120.000R 067161 120.00 2: ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC I-41140 LIFT STAT - ENGINERING R 8/23/2017 28,356.43CR 067162 28,356.43 02610 ANIXTER INC. I-3639002-00 320 AMP METERBASE R 8/23/2017 271.000R 067163 1-3645443-00 5/8"X12" MACHINE BOLTS R 8/23/2017 55.000R 067163 326.00 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1156998939 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 31.22CR 067164 1-1156998940 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 30.28CR 067164 I-1156998941 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 61.14CR 067164 I-1156998942 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 31.11CR 067164 I-1157010655 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 31.22CR 067164 1-1157010656 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 39.08CR 067164 1-1157010657 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 64.29CR 067164 1-1157010658 UNIFORMS R 8/23/2017 26.73CR 067164 1-1157010659 MATS/CITY HALL R 8/23/2017 17.54CR 067164 332.61 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-161064 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC R 8/23/2017 5,659.000R 067165 5,659.00 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 09015 Regular Payments 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 28340 BEWLEY, JANSON I-201708176853 CONVERTER R 8/23/2017 129.82CR 067166 129.82 31670 BOOT BARN I-095296 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE-EDDIE PIERC R 8/23/2017 296.95CR 067167 I-095779 BOOT ALLOWANCE BRET MILLER R 8/23/2017 100.000R 067167 I-113973 BOOT ALLOWANCE EDDIE PIERCY R 8/23/2017 100.000R 067167 496.95 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82583463 SODIUM BICARB,LABETALOL, ❑EXTR R 8/23/2017 45.68CR 067168 I-82585134 LABETALOL, DEXTROSE R 8/23/2017 21.98CR 067168 67.66 03560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIRE 1-547038 TIRES R 8/23/2017 788.000R 067169 788.00 27670 BROOKSWATSON & COMPANY, PLLC I-SANG.07.27.17 2017 AUDIT SVCS R 8/23/2017 5,000.00CR 067170 5,000.00 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-31782 REPAIR DMG FRM LIGHTNING R 8/23/2017 1,595.03CR 067171 1,595.03 0` COOPER'S COPIES i'I-207901 OFFICE HOURS SIGN R 8/23/2017 0.30CR 29.95CR 067172 29.95 27630 IPROMOTEU I-1262971CSI PROMOTION TOOLS R 8/23/2017 667.89CR 067173 667.89 22740 DENTON COUNTY AUDITOR I-2017 POLICE POLICE DISPATCH R 8/23/2017 31,642.000R 067174 I-2017FIRE FIRE DISPATCH R 8/23/2017 10,407.000R 067174 42,049.00 23900 DODSON, STEFANI I-201708226856 DODSON, STEFANI R 8/23/2017 7.75CR 067175 7.75 26870 EIKON CONSULTANT GROUP I-17079-1 PLAN REVIEW-ENGIN SC DRAINAGE R 8/23/2017 375.000R 067176 375.00 31700 FELIX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY I-3 SWER PLNT CONSTRUCTIN R 8/23/2017 280,234.50CR 067177 280,234.50 18790 FUELMAN I-NP51151347 LATE CHARGE & FUEL R 8/23/2017 1,965.41CR 067178 1,965.41 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 09015 RegUlar Payments 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 01070 GALLS INC. C-007889109 RETURNED RAIN COAT R 8/23/2017 158.43 067179 I-007211748 2 RAIN COATS W/ POLICE PATCH R 8/23/2017 475.91CR 067179 1-008028095 1 BLK 1 DKNV POLO 1 PANT 770 R 8/23/2017 183.60CR 067179 501.08 26790 THE GREEN CHEMICAL STORE INC 1-13235 ABSORBENT R 8/23/2017 341.99CR 067180 341.99 28580 HRM LAND ACQUISTION SOLUTIONS, LLC I-1106 SEWER LINE LAND ACQUISITI R 8/23/2017 9,022.63CR 067181 9,022.63 31840 HUNTERS PLUMBING I-0000341 TOILET REPAIR R 8/23/2017 300.000R 067182 300.00 01300 IAGOE-PUBLIC CO., INC. I-15899 HMAC D W/RAP (14 TONS) R 8/23/2017 784.000R 067183 784.00 31000 IERIANA STATON 1-0008 MILEAGE R 8/23/2017 33.71CR 067184 33.71 26830 72 SOUTHERN BOYZ SERVICES LLC `I-1320 REPLACE VALVES 4TH & ELM R 8/23/2017 5,800.000R 067185 5,800.00 082— KWIK KAR I-69128 2000 INTERNATIONAL DUMP R 8/23/2017 7.000R 067186 7.00 17060 LEAD 11 EXCELLENCE I-07012017SFD CE FOR APRIL-JUNE2017 R 8/23/2017 648.000R 067187 648.00 28050 LIONS CLUB I-201708236860 MEMBERSHIP R 8/23/2017 75.000R 067188 75.00 01570 LOWERS COMPANIES, INC. 1-56465 TOILET SEAT R 8/23/2017 24.69CR 067189 24.69 01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-518647CVW SOCKET UNIT 01-20 R 8/23/2017 10.48CR 067190 10.48 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND LANDSCAPING I-1 CONCRETE WORK R 8/23/2017 2,760.000R 067191 2,760.00 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALLEN, PC I-1S3439 7ULY WARRANT COLLECTION R 8/23/2017 385.50CR 067192 38S.50 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 09015 Regular Payments 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 31990 MARIO R GUAY I-420242 GUTTERS R 8/23/2017 950.000R 067193 950.00 31690 NEWGEN STRATEGIES & SOLUTIONS I-5686 UTILITY RATE STUDY R 8/23/2017 13,847.50CR 067194 13,847.50 08870 NORTHERN TOOL 1-38420590 SUR PUMP AND MINI VAC R 8/23/2017 179.97CR 067195 179.97 30860 PAVECON PUBLIC WORKS, LP I-16-03-S11.6 MCREYNOLDS CONSTRUCTION R 8/23/2017 656,135.75CR 067196 656,135.75 27450 RICOH USA I-30665501 SERVICE CONTRACT AUGUST R 8/23/2017 709.97CR 067197 709.97 30260 RICOH USA I-99224982 SERVICE CONTRACT AUG. 2017 R 8/23/2017 142.04CR 067198 142.04 31900 TOMMY G ROSE: DBA ROSE CONTRACTING I-4071 APPLICATION OF TIRE RUBBE R 8/23/2017 20,000.00CR 067199 20,000.00 2c 'SA14AMA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-455710 WATER BOTTLES R 8/23/2017 40.000R 067200 40.00 27750 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-455709 WATER BOTTLE SERVICE R 8/23/2017 17.90CR 067201 17.90 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-115788 CYLINDERS R 8/23/2017 6.000R 067202 I-115933 OXYGEN R 8/23/2017 240.000R 067202 1-202890 OXYGEN R 8/23/2017 45.000R 067202 1-202894 OXYGEN R 8/23/2017 19.000R 067202 310.00 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING I-000000039931 ERCOT TRANSMISSION OPERATOR R 8/23/2017 391.88CR 067203 391.88 18620 STERICYCLE I-4007285689 EMS SUPPLIES R 8/23/2017 216.31CR 067204 216.31 31970 DAVID STONEKING I-5 GIS PROF SERVICES -ECONOMIC DEV R 8/23/2017 620.000R 067205 620.00 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 09015 Regular Payments 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 6 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# A14OUNT 11030 TCEQ I-201708216855 APP PERMIT FEE R 8/23/2017 2,050.000R 067206 2,050.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1475054-00 25 KV TERM KIT & COLD SHRINK R 8/23/2017 381.000R 067207 381.00 12650 TEXAS COMMISSION ON FIRE PROTECTION I-201708236859 APPLICATION FEE R 8/23/2017 85.000R 067208 85.00 31780 TEXAS UNDERGROUND / DBA UNDERGROUND I-0095554-IN REPAIR PTS/RED WTR TRUCK R 8/23/2017 2,142.76CR 067209 2,142.76 31980 MADONNA WADE I-201708176854 MR FOR WORKSOHP IN FRISCO R 8/23/2017 38.67CR 067210 38.67 ° T O T A L S = - NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 50 0.30 1,087,153.83 1,087,154.13 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 80 0.30 1,087,153.83 1,087,154.13 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 09015 Regular Payments 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT ERROR LISTING CHECK # VENDOR NAME PAGE ERROR MESSAGE NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 067188 99-28050 LIONS CLUB 4 CHECK DATE < ITEM DATE TRAN NO#: I-201708236860 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 1 8/23/2017 3:39 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 09015 Regular Payments 08/23/17 AM VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT ^= POSTING PERIOD RECAP == FUND PERIOD AMOUNT ------------------------------------------- 001 8/2017 73,993.29CR 004 8/2017 656,135.75CR 008 8/2017 29,S4S.12CR 180 8/2017 9,103.11CR 41 8/2017 763.00CR 840 8/2017 317,613.56CR ALL 1,087,153.83CR Cheryl Price rrom: Gary Henderson <gary@unitedwaydenton.org> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 4:01 PM To: rharris@cityofkrum.com; rdurham@cityoflewisville.com; chris.watts@cityofdenton.com; Mary.Horn@dentoncounty.com; bill.heidemann@cityofcorinth.com; cindy.aughinbaugh@shady-shores.com; jmeyers@aubreytx.gov; mayor@townofbartonville.com; mayor@flower- mound.com; cwilcox@highlandvillage.org; dwilson@cityofjustin.com; mbarnhart@lakedallas.com; dhillock@littleelm.org; mayor@town.northlake.tx.us; jbassler@pondertx.com; sgierisch@roanoketexas.com; mayor@sangertexas.org; adzioba@ci.krum.tx.us; jheinze@cityoflewisville.com; Todd. Hileman@cityofdenton.com; Kate.Lynass@dentoncounty.com; Bob.Hart@cityofcorinth.com; wendy.withers@shady- shores.com; citysecretary@aubreytx.gov; tdixon@townofbartonville.com; jimmy.stathatos@flower-mound.com; mleavitt@highlandvillage.org; citymanager@cityofjustin.com; jcabrales@lakedallas.com; mmueller@littleelm.org; dcorn@town.northlake.tx.us; lolson@oakpointtexas.com; sclearman@pondertx.com; scampbell@roanoketexas.com; COS City Council Cc: Gary Henderson; Kristin Jones Subject: Help us Celebrate LIVE UNITED Month across Denton County Attachments: 2017 UWDC LIVE UNITED MONTH Proclamation.docx It is an honor to serve people from the communities that comprise Denton County. As we approach September, LIVE UNITED Month, could you help us raise awareness by passing a proclamation in recognition of United Way of Denton ounty and our partners who touch over 80,000 lives annually? Attached is a draft proclamation for your use. Please let me know which upcoming council meeting you plan to recognize September as LIVE UNITED month and we will arrange to have representatives present. Thank you. Gary Henderson President and Chief Executive Officer (940) 566-5851 extension. 104 (office) (972) 741-9902 (mobile) 1314 Teasley Lane, Denton, TX 76205 http://www.unitedwaydenton.org United, Dentonof UnitedftyDenton.org Cheryl Price prom: Gary Henderson <gary@unitedwaydenton.org> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 4:01 PM To: rharris@cityofkrum.com; rdurham@cityoflewisville.com; chris.watts@cityofdenton.com; Mary.Horn@dentoncounty.com; bill.heidemann@cityofcorinth.com; cindy.aughinbaugh@shady-shores.com; jmeyers@aubreytx.gov; mayor@townofbartonville.com; mayor@flower-mound.com; cwilcox@highlandvillage.org; dwilson@cityofjustin.com; mbarnhart@lakedallas.com; dhillock@littleelm.org; mayor@town. north la ke.tx.us;jbassler@pondertx.com; sgierisch@roanoketexas.com; mayor@sangertexas.org; adzioba@ci.krum.tx.us; jheinze@cityoflewisville.com; Todd.Hileman@cityofdenton.com; Kate.Lynass@dentoncounty.com; Bob.Hart@cityofcorinth.com; wendy.withers@shady- shores.com; citysecretary@aubreytx.gov; tdixon@townofbartonville.com; jimmy.stathatos@flower- mound.com; mleavitt@highlandvillage.org; citymanager@cityofjustin.com; jcabrales@lakedallas.com; mmueller@littleelm.org; dcorn@town.northlake.tx.us; lolson@oakpointtexas.com; sclearman@pondertx.com; scampbell@roanoketexas.com; COS City Council Cc: Gary Henderson; Kristin Jones Subject: Help us Celebrate LIVE UNITED Month across Denton County Attachments: 2017 UWDC LIVE UNITED MONTH Proclamation.docx It is an honor to serve people from the communities that comprise Denton County. As we approach September, LIVE UNITED Month, could you help us raise awareness by passing a proclamation in recognition of United Way of Denton iounty and our partners who touch over 80,000 lives annually? Attached is a draft proclamation for your use. Please let me know which upcoming council meeting you plan to recognize September as LIVE UNITED month and we will arrange to have representatives present. Thank you. Gary Henderson President and Chief Executive Officer (940) 566-5851 extension. 104 (office) (972) 741-9902 (mobile) 1314 Teaslev Lane. Denton. TX 76205 http://www.unitedwaydenton.org United Way DentonI of PROCLAMATION #09-01-2017 WHEREAS, United Way of Denton County achieves its mission to improve lives in Denton County by mobilizing community resources and building partnerships that help children, families, Veterans, people experiencing homelessness, and people affected by mental illness, and WHEREAS, United Way of Denton County and its partners help more than 80,000 County residents each year by assessing community needs, developing collaborative solutions, and measuring results; and WHEREAS, United Way of Denton County seeks to reduce duplication of efforts through increased coordination of activities by providing backbone support to collective impact initiatives that address complex community problems; and WHEREAS, Locally led by 46 community and business leaders, the Board of Directors of United Way of Denton County continues to find innovative ways to serve people of all ages in our community who need a helping hand. NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Sanger declares September 2017 LIVE UNITED Month and joins United Way of Denton County donors, volunteers and community partners in calling all residents to LIVE UNITED. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: Cheryl Prioe;JCity Secretary NOTICE OF 2017 TAX YEAR PROPOSED CITY OF SANGER A tax rate of $0.679100 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of CITY OF SANGER. This rate exceeds the lower of the effective or rollback tax rate, and state law requires that two public hearings be held by the governing body before adopting the proposed tax rate. The governing body of CITY OF SANGER proposes to use revenue attributable to the tax rate increase for the purpose of street improvements. PROPOSED TAX RATE PRECEDING YEAR'S TAX RATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATE ROLLBACK TAX RATE $0.679100 per $100 $0.679500 per $100 $0.642543 per $100 $0.679100 per $100 The effective tax rate is the total tax rate needed to raise the same amount of property tax revenue for CITY OF SANGER from the same properties in both the 2016 tax year and the 2017 tax year. The rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate that CITY OF SANGER may adopt before voters are entitled to petition for an election to limit the rate that may be approved to the rollback rate. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: property tax amount = (rate) x (taxable value of your property) / 100 For assistance or detailed information about tax calculations, please contact: Michelle French Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector Tax Assessor -Collector 1505 E McKinney Street Denton, TX 76209 940-349-3500 property.tax@dentoncounty.com tax. dentonc ounty. com You are urged to attend and express your views at the following public hearings on proposed tax rate: First Hearing: 08/21/2017 7:00 PM at Sanger City Hall 502 Elm Street Sanger, TX Second Hearing: 09/05/2017 7:00 PM at Sanger City Hall 502 Elm Street Sanger, TX Budget Calendar FY 2017-2018 Monday 3/27/17 Announce Bud et Schedule at Staff Meeting Mon -Fri 4/3-7/17 Gray & Berman meet with Departments Mon -Fri 4/17-21/17 Gray & Berman meet prepare preliminary budget Thursday 4/27/17 Brice, Gray & Berman meet to discuss revenues Friday 5/5/17 Submit preliminary budget to Brice for review 5/5-19/17 Brice review budget 5/30-6/2/17 Budget Team meet with departments 6/14/17 Preliminary Budget Completed —Wednesday Monday 6/19/17 Budget Workshop Monday 7/3/17 Budget Workshop Monday 7/24/17 Budget Workshop if needed Monday 7/24/17 Chief Appraiser Certifies Tax Roll Thursday 7/27/17 Notice of Qtr Page Ad - Appraisal District Property Tax Rates Friday 7/28/17 Budget must be filed with the City Secretary, The budget needs to be ready for inspection by any taxpayer and posted on the website Monday 8/7/17 Meeting with City Council to discuss tax rate. If proposed tax rate will raise more revenue than the proceeding year's revenue, take record vote and schedule public hearing Thursday 8/10/17 Notice of Public Hearing on tax increase, send to paper (1st qtr page notice). Must publish at least 7 days before Public Hearin Monday 8/21/17 First Public Hearing on Tax Rate and Budget Thursday 8/24/17 Notice of 2nd Public Hearing if necessary Tuesday 9/5/17 Second Public Hearing on Tax Rate Schedule and announce meeting to adopt tax rate 3-14 days from this date Monday 9/11/17 Adopt budget for operating and capital expense. Adopt tax rate