03/20/2017-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularST�ge� xE sns AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2017 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session, March 6, 2017 2. Regular City Council Meeting, March 6, 2017 b) Disbursements c) Approval of The New Parks and Recreation Logo. 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) for Transmission Operator Services. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Authorize the Use of Contingency Reserve Funds To Rent A Portable Sludge Press for the Wastewater Treatment Plant at A Rate of $8500.00 Per Month; And, For As Long As Necessary; And, Declaring An Emergency. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CLOSED MEETING Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance With the Texas Government Code: Section 551.072 — Real Estate 8. RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING Any Action Taken. 9. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Financial and Investment Report — January. b) Capital Project Update c) Wastewater Treatment Plant Update d) All American Dogs Report — February. 10. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: //�7, at ;0m. and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. (++\�""�+���`,,���� Cheryl P i City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas "s TF,`CAS This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION March 6, 2017, 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Allen Chick The Mayor and All Councilmembers were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Neal Welch, Director of Public Works 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. Update on Wastewater Treatment Plant. City Manager Brice noted a Memo he provided to the City Council dated March 6 on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Update. The memo read as follows, "After extensive analysis by our consultant we are taking a multi -pronged approach to re -stabilizing the wastewater treatment plant. He feels the biggest issue is our inability to waste solids quickly enough. To that end we are renting and installing a temporary sludge press this week. We hope to have it in operation by Friday. The cost of renting the sludge press is $8500 a month and it will be necessary to keep it in operation until the permanent sludge press is in operation as part of the plant expansion. Also, this week we will be injecting steroids into the system to boost bacteria reproduction. Alkalinity is also out of balance and being addressed. We are also investigating the feasibility of deodorization but do not have enough information yet to make a decision. We continue to work with our consultant and engineers as we strive to reduce the odor problem and get the plant re - stabilized." City Manager Brice noted that the cost of the temporary sludge press is something we are going to have to endure until we get the permanent sludge press in place at the new plant and will request that the contractor who receives the bid on the job get the new one in place as soon as possible. It was noted through questioning that the sludge press would catch us up and keep us caught up because it could be done about five times faster that we are doing it right now. The permanent sludge press will be built inside of a building. There was a brief comment and discussion period regarding the improvements being made to minimize the odor of the wastewater treatment plant. 3. Presentation by Alan Plummer and Associates on Stream Restoration v`s Outfall Pipeline. Tim Noack, Alan Plummer and Associates was recognized and noted that he was here last October when the concept of the stream restoration was introduced. He proceeded to give an update, noting they have done some field work and some lab work and have arrived tonight with some information that the Council will need to move forward. The stream restoration involved some field work, some geophysical and geotechnical work. The geophysical work was to identify how much sediment was in Paddock Lake and it is anywhere from eight to over twenty feet deep in sediment. They also used the geophysical work to determine the amount of limestone that was there. Unfortunately, they found that the limestone trailed off quickly once you got past the bank. The Geotechnical engineer went out and placed three borings and had the lab work done and found that it was very soft clay all the way down to the bottom. It is not the best stuff on which to build a stream channel. They also had some limited survey data that had been taken in the lake and merged it with some LIDAR data and topography for the lake area and looked at four different alternatives and alignments through the lake and around the lake and tried to come up with the best alignments for it. Each of the alignments that they did look at met the TCEQ qualifications for the discharge permit allowing for a free -flowing stream and not allowing for any ponding to occur. They looked at the technical feasibility of each of the options with consideration on cost and also, impacts to the owner of the property. Three of the options were discounted and they are presenting just one stream restoration option for consideration tonight. He referred to the rendering below and noted Ranger Creek as it comes down from the north to the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the outline of Paddock Lake the dam and the existing spillway. STREAM RESTORATION • Preliminary OPCC (Opt on D) • Construction $3,313,000 • Engineering & Permitting $468,000* Total project $3,781,000* ■ Schedule 404 permitting: 14 to 20 months • Construction: 6 to 12 months (weather dependent) Indudes,eUrtea ro etCPhase 1 PreLm Engineering $100,000 Under this option the flow would come down Ranger Creek and they would have a broad crested weir which would be constructed within the creek itself which would push flows into a channel and would be constructed parallel to that channel and that channel would be constructed in some native soil on down and would go to the edge of the lake into an area of some shallow sediments and at that point they would take the flow into a six -by -five box culvert and discharge it downstream of the current spillway so that there would be free flow through that full system. He explained in detail how the water would flow. With this option, estimated construction cost is $3,313,000, Engineering and Permitting $468,000 (which includes current project Phase I Preliminary Engineering of $100,000) Total project cost $3,781,000. The schedule because they are doing a lot of the work in the lake and creek and they would have to have a 404 permit which would take about 14 to 20 months and estimated construction 6 to 12 months (weather dependent). There was a period of discussion and questions regarding the stream restoration. There were a few technical questions from Councilman Allison; and, concern was noted by Councilman Chick regarding future maintenance of the stream option. PIPELINE OPTIONS The Pipeline option was presented by Chris Heckler of Alan Plummer and Associates presented the Pipeline Discharge options. The goal was to give the City a gravity pipeline so there is no maintenance of a pump station; and to consider the shortest pipeline length. He presented the following options below noting the differences in time, challenges, and cost with each plan. ■ Preliminary OPCC (Aron -id Riley Property) Construction $3,528,000 ■ Engineering &. Permitting $390,000 Total project $3,918,000 ■ Schedule ■ Permitting. 6 to 18 montis • Construction; 5 to 12 Months (weather dependent) •.a M ■ Preliminary OPCC (Through Riley Property) • Construction $3,061,00Q ■ Engineering & Permitting $390,000 ■ Total project $3,451,001) ■ Schedule • Permitting: 6 to 18 months ■ Construction: 6 to 12 months (weather dependent) He noted they have not done any Surveys, Geotechnical, just LIDAR. He noted that the purple route is about 450 feet shorter and but may have impact being close to Mr. Riley's house. It may save the city about half -million dollars. Everything else, permitting, time frame, etc. will be the same. Councilman Allison asked if they have considered a hybrid alternative with both the stream restoration and the pipeline? He suggested that at the point where the diversion structure is, that they utilize a 30-inch pipeline and take it all the way down to discharge from there. There was discussion of pros and cons of the idea. The Engineers advised they could look at it. City Manager requested clarification of Councilman Allison's suggestion. Councilman Allison advised that he is suggesting they go from the plant to the diversion structure in the stream and then taking it into a pipeline around the lake in a 30-inch or maybe a larger 36-inch pipeline. There was discussion as to how you would keep the effluent separate from the rain. There was further pro and con discussion between the Engineers and Councilmembers. City Manager Brice asked if they thought that TCEQ would permit the idea. Betty Jordan with Alan Plummer and Associates was recognized and advised that they would probably permit it but you may have lost some of your flexibility in what you are looking at in the stream with increasing the flows in the future without having to ratchet down on your effluent limits. You would not have quite the flexibility that you would if you just had an open channel or a stream. Councilmembers noted that the stream option shown was going into the box culvert. There was additional discussion and Councilman Allison suggested bumping the pipeline up to a 36-inch or 42-inch pipeline to give more flexibility. City Manager Brice noted that he met with Mr. Riley a few weeks ago, and talked about the stream restoration and Mr. Riley was very much in favor of it. He advised he gave Mr. Riley the Geotechnical and Geophysical reports to look at. Mr. Riley has been out of town and will be back in town in the next few days. There was concern that if you take it underground in the pipeline that you would lose any type of free -flowing creek other than when it rains and discussion ensued on possibly going from a 30-inch to a 36-inch pipe and what the cost would be. It was noted that a 36-inch pipeline would be about $30-$40 per liner foot and the pipeline may be less expensive. But that there may be the possibility of having to put in and maintain a pump station. Betty Jordan noted that there are some intriguing elements in this and it may save money, but may limit some flows in the future, but that there may be some savings here. It will depend on the modeling above and how far up you have to go. City Manager Brice asked how long it would take to have TCEQ take a look at this idea. Betty Jordan advised that it would be just a few weeks, that they have modeled this enough and would just need to meet with them. Councilmember Clark advised that he would like to see us use the water again for irrigation of parks, etc. before dumping it in the creek. Councilmember Bilyeu noted his concerns regarding the stream, berms, etc. and future maintenance responsibilities. The engineers noted on the stream restoration that as the geotechnical structure, vegetation, and trees grow, the infrastructure would become more stable. The engineers advised that they could run a new hybrid option and figure the modeling lines and how far up they have to go, calculate the length and go bigger with the pipeline and figure out the technicalities, if it is feasible, and come back with it; and, the other options, with pros and cons for each. Mayor Muir noted concerns that this may become a big engineering deal, that this should be brainstormed for maybe just an hour or so, and trade off savings for easement costs, and find out Mr. Riley's concerns. Discussion ensued and City Manager Brice noted first we have to determine if it is feasible and will TCEQ Allow it. Betty Jordan advised that before they go to TCEQ, they would meet with their permitting group and have an hour or so open discussion on what TCEQ would say and then would talk to Mike Brice regarding moving forward on this. She noted the city has already paid them to do the modeling, it is just a matter of changing out the parameters and promised they were not going to give the city another huge bill. Mayor Muir noted that we do want to get the best answer we can, so this exchange has been good, and we will get there. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. There was no additional discussion of Items on the Regular Agenda. 5. Adjourn. There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 7:06 p.m. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 6, 2017, 7:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Allen Chick The Mayor and All Council Members Were Present Constituting A Quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, CITIZENS RECOGNIZED DURING MEETING: 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. The Invocation led by Councilman Boutwell, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Clark. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Road was recognized. He said he would have liked to have interjected into the last hour and a half discussion. He noted he wanted to talk about neighborliness. He voiced his frustrations that he has not been able to talk with the Engineers from Alan Plummer and Associates that he has been denied that opportunity by Mike Brice. He said he is being run over and has not been able to be a part of the discussions even though it is in the middle of his property and he made it available to the city 46 years ago, He noted that Mike Brice has spoken with Mike Riley and that he is being excluded. He asked that staff direct Mike Riley and the Engineers to talk with him about what can be done with the stream restoration and the pipeline. He noted, something that the City has ignored is that he has a permit from TCEQ for that water and that water belongs to him. He noted he would release the water to other entities. He originally planned to release that water to the entity that would build a Golf Course in the flood plain at Ranger Creek. He is not using the water right now but has a permit that says the water is his for as long as the sewer is there and he can use it for irrigation and for recreational purposes and that option is still available. He said the city does not need a pipeline, it will be taking the water away from him, and he will contest that. The City can do stream restoration He said he is a City tax payer and he let that plant be there, Mike Riley is not a tax payer in the Sanger system, but the city is talking with him. He has been excluded from any input on how best to handle that sewer plant by this administration and if you don't like that, put it in your pipe and smoke it. He stated he was a bit irritated and is a little outspoken and has danced around this issue but you are not going to get an easement to go across him for a pipeline, you can do stream restoration on Mike Riley if you want to give him three and a half million dollars. Take that three and a half million dollars and put it into a small plant downstream and reduce the flow that goes through this plant and you wont have any trouble with TCEQ. TCEQ is a subservient organization to the EPA and the EPA has just changed because the former Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma has filed a suit against the EPA to change the plans and operations of the EPA and the WOTUS that has been in the courts since it started and Trump has signed an order that stops all of that and asked that it be completely redone because of the agricultural and forest industry and others that are concerned about the clean water act. The Clean Water act of 1970 has been a problem for all of us. It is a good act and deserves its day in public opinion but doesn't need to get in the water that runs off of my yard. The Corp of Engineers has been to interpret that they have control of every drop of water that enters into every stream. And one of the proposals of that legislation was, for each individual violation you can be fined thirty-seven thousand dollars. That is in the planning stage. He stated, he needs to be a part of this plan, and that he get the courtesy and the neighborliness that Mike Riley is getting. More importantly because he is a part of this community and he is a taxpayer; get with him. Larry Peoples, 719 Chaparral Road, was recognized and stated he did not want to speak at this time and his comments on the Citizen Input Form were good for right now. The Citizen Input Form he submitted noted the following in "Comments Below:" section of the forms, "How is the monies for Item 6 to be spent (i.e., new sewer plant located further from town)? On Item 5 where does the effluent go now? Georgia Royal, 203 E. Willow was recognized and asked if she could get help with an issue regarding a private road around the 200 block of Rail Road Avenue. She advised she wants to fill the holes and fix the road and can not do it because an adjacent property owner will not let her fix the road. She and if the Police Department or someone could help her get this done. She has had a survey done and pays taxes on the property and can prove it is her property. Mayor Muir noted that the Council could not comment or act on the issue because it is not an agenda item and advised that she should work, with staff. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session Meeting Minutes March 3, 2017 2. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 3, 2017 b) Disbursements c) Approve a Proclamation For The North Texas Poison Center Marking the 5511 Annual Observance of Poison Prevention Week. David Clark had a few questions on the disbursements. A motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to approve the agenda as presented. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously (5-0) 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on authorizing Alan Plummer and Associates To Continue With Design of Either The Stream Restoration Or Outfall Pipeline For Discharge of Effluent from the Wastewater Treatment Plant. There was no action on this item. Councilman Bilyeu asked when they anticipate the engineers would be coming back with this item. It was noted it may put back on the agenda two meetings from now. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Resolution Authorizing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation in a Principal Amount Not To Exceed $9,000,000, And Authorizing Certain Other Matters Relation Thereto. Ted Christenson was recognized to present the item. He noted, what we are doing tonight is notifying the public that we intend to issue these Certificates of Obligation. The way it works is that we have to run newspaper ads and they have to run two consecutive weeks and the meeting and the meeting to approve the CO's can be no less than 31 days from the first newspaper ad. That puts us to the first Monday in May. The only other thing is the "not to exceed" amount. Once there is a vote on this amount we can not go one dollar over that. So, if the Council desires to make a change based on anything they saw tonight, now would be the time to do it. It does not commit the council to use that much, but it will have a not to exceed amount and that includes the cost of commissions. Mayor Muir asked if City Manager Brice could comment. He noted that we have built some cushion into the 9,000,000. He is thinking it may be closer to $8,000,000 and had hoped that we would have had the bid opening on the plant by now but it had to be postponed due to some addendums so, we do not have that hard number. It was noted the bids would be in on the 161h of March. Basically, the numbers he is using are $8,000,000 for the plant and $4,000,000 for the restoration or pipeline. And given the money we still have left over from the last bond issue and some other funds he believed that 9 million would be sufficient. He noted he created a spreadsheet that has every project on it and every revenue stream - bottom line is that he got to about 8.4 million. Ted Christenson advised that if the City happens to have some money left over because, say the project comes under budget; they added some flexibility that would allow the city to do some other projects and what we added in this one was street and drainage improvements. He noted that he and Mike Brice would be in contact throughout this issue and when the amount is determined then Mike can let him know, but it cannot go over the amount decided. After a short question and discussion session it was noted, that with the fact that they would not have to issue the whole amount but want to be sure there is enough, consensus of the Councilmembers was that they would go with $10,000,000. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to Approve the Resolution Authorizing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation in a Principal Amount Not to Exceed $10,000,000, and Authorizing Certain Other Matters Relating thereto. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on Approving and Authorizing City Manager to Sign Professional Services Agreement with Perkins Engineering Consultants, Inc. For the Design of Improvements To The Cowling Road Pumping Station Not to Exceed $30,127. Mayor Muir noted a correction, that the,"Not to Exceed" amount added to $30,129. City Manager Brice advised that a couple of years ago TCEQ changed their regulations that if you blend surface water and ground water then you have to do nitrification testing. The first thing we had to do is develop a plan for TCEQ on how we were going to do that. We hired Perkins Engineering to develop the plan which was presented a few meetings ago. This is to do the engineering to actually make our adjustments to our delivery point on Cowling Road so that we don't have to do as much testing. Basically, what we do is inject Chlorine into the system at the delivery point. To kill the chloramines. If we make these improvements all we have to do is test at Cowling. If we don't make the improvements, we have to test the entire system daily at multiple points. This is the cheapest, most effective, most efficient way to fix the problem that we don't have. Councilman Clark noted that all cities have to do it. It was noted that this requirement has been around for a while and they just now started enforcing it. A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu approving and authorizing City Manager to sign Professional Services Agreement with Perkins Engineering Consultants, Inc. For the design of improvements to the Cowling Road Pumping Station not to Exceed S30,129. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). 8. INFORMATION ITEMS a) All American Dogs Report — January Councilman Chick asked when we were due to renew with All American Dogs? City Manager Brice advised he would have to look up the contract. Councilman Chick noted he has not heard of any complaints. 9. ADJOURN. There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m. 3/08/2017 5:27 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK b_DOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 30600 TASC I-FSCPY2.3.17 FLEX D 3/03/2017 I-FSMPY2.3.17 FLEX D 3/03/2017 I-TASC TASC D 3/03/2017 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-FEB 17 ELECTRIC 1/11/17-2/9/17 D 3/08/2017 02580 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION I-001 REGISTRATION FEE FOR TBC D 3/08/2017 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-261145 14ASTER WRENCH SET, SHOVEL R 3/08/2017 25070 ALL A14ERIC.AN DOGS INC I-3006 FEB SHELTER SERVICE R 3/08/2017 30880 ALLIED FACILITY CARE, LLC I-2033 CLEANING COMMUNITY CENTER R 3/08/2017 1 ANGELA HOW.ARD I-201703076541 CC DEPOSIT REFUN R 3/08/2017 22620 ARA14ARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1156739035 FLEET UNIFORMS R 3/08/2017 I-1156739036 STREETS UNIFORMS R 3/08/2017 I-1156739037 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 3/08/2017 I-1156739038 WATER UNIFORMS R 3/08/2017 I-1156739039 PARKS UNIFORMS R 3/08/2017 f" AT&T MOBILITY I-02282017 CELL PHONE 1/23/17-2/22/17 R 3/08/2017 1 BILLIE SPLAWN I-201703076537 CC DEPOSIT REFUN R 3/08/2017 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC C-70226200 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 I-82405262 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 I-82406607 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 I-82408060 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 I-82409445 E14S MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 I-82413435 E14S MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 I-82414771 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT P14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 208.33CR 000000 2,103.61CR 000000 1,126.14CR 000000 3,438.08 27,659.56CR 000000 27,659.56 199.00OR 000000 199.00 525.40CR 065728 525.40 3,400.00OR 065729 3,400.00 80.00OR 065730 80.00 100.00OR 065731 100.00 31.22CR 065732 30.28CR 065732 8.46CR 065732 62.19CR 065732 26.73CR 065732 158.88 789.12CR 065733 789.12 100.00OR 065734 100.00 14.08 065735 710.84CR 065735 18.99CR 065735 32.79CR 065735 37.99CR 065735 314.07CR 065735 57.60CR 065735 1,158.20 3/08/2017 5:27 PI4 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK e....')OR NAI4E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT N04 AMOUNT 11220 BSN SPORTS, LLC I-98763873 BASE PLUG & BASE RUNNER RAKE R 3/08/2017 502.08CR 065736 502.08 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER I-172480120893 MSA POWER SUPPLY R 3/08/2017 50.000R 065737 50.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-11187 CUSHION SAND R 3/08/2017 350.000R 065738 I-11196 RED BALL CLAY R 3/08/2017 530.000R 065738 I-11197 CUSHION SAND R 3/08/2017 975.000R 065738 1,855.00 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-01/15/17-2/14/17 ELECTRIC MAR 2017 R 3/08/2017 2,429.09CR 065739 2,429.09 15230 CRAFCO TEXAS, INC I-0035931-IN SOLENOID, SENSOR R 3/08/2017 397.82CR 065740 397.82 1 DARIN ALLRED I-201703076542 REFUND FIELD DEPO R 3/08/2017 300.000R 065741 300.00 26410 DENTON COUNTY CLERK I-201703086543 MOWING LIEN 313 N EL14 R 3/08/2017 30.000R 065742 I-201703086544 MOWING LIEN NE KIRKLAND@RAILRO R 3/08/2017 30.000R 065742 I-201703086545 MOWING LIEN 209 RAILROAD AVE R 3/08/2017 30.000R 065742 90.00 00850 DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE I-0000551633 LGL DRC.COM R 3/08/2017 36.000R 065743 36.00 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFOP14ATION RESOURCE I-17011022N JAN LONG DISTANCE R 3/08/2017 29.39CR 065744 29.39 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGED SALES I-1000601884 CRAFTING EVENT SUPPLIES R 3/08/2017 11.30CR 065745 11.30 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0841407 12 BELL JT LEAK CLMP R 3/08/2017 325.000R 065746 I-0847821 LF 3/4X2-1/2 MIP STRT MTR COUP R 3/08/2017 555.000R 065746 I-0848023 MIP STRT MTR COUP R 3/08/2017 555.000R 065746 1,435.00 18790 FUEL14AN I-NP49849188 FUEL 2/27/17-3/5/17 R 3/08/2017 1,884.99CR 065747 1,884.99 3/08/2017 5:27 PI4 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK �_. )OR NAI4E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 01070 GALLS INC. I-006998227 NAME PLATE 1/2X2 3/8 783 R 3/08/2017 I-007009096 HAWK LAPEL MIC 783 R 3/08/2017 1 GARY BILYEU I-201703076540 RAINOUT REFUND LIG R 3/08/2017 25560 GARY DILL BACKHOE SERVICE I-2159 14CREYNOLD RD PROJ R 3/08/2017 03340 GENE GOHLKE I-6971 BALL FIELD CHALK R 3/08/2017 07630 GREEN, JOSHUA I-201703086546 REII4BURSE FOR CDL LICENSE R 3/08/2017 28700 GROD I-170112A REM/REP 6" PAVING/CURB R 3/08/2017 19480 HUTHER & ASSOCIATES, INC I-4841 TESTING R 3/08/2017 01390 KEEP TEXAS BEAUTIFUL I-2017 2017 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL DUES R 3/08/2017 23760 KEEPITSAFE, INC.-LIVEVAULT I-3026023 INTERNET VAULT-FEB R 3/08/2017 31240 LAG] ENFORCEMENT TARGETS, INC. I-0336308-IN ROLL/PLASTERS BROWN R 3/08/2017 LUBER BROS. INC I-INVO0160651 BLADE HI LIFT R 3/08/2017 01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-518326CVW 2 BLADE KIT/2 MOTOR KIT R 3/08/2017 1 MARVA EDWARDS I-201703076538 CC DEPOSIT REFUN R 3/08/2017 1 MELISSA HERNANDEZ I-201703076536 CC DEPOSIT R R 3/08/2017 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AI40UNT N04 AMOUNT 16.79CR 065748 86.50CR 065748 103.29 40.000R 065749 40.00 19,500.000R 065750 19,500.00 487.20CR 065751 487.20 61.000R 065752 61.00 3,440.000R 065753 3,440.00 1,220.000R 065754 1,220.00 100.000R 065755 100.00 1,191.60CR 065756 1,191.60 26.50CR 065757 26.50 90.46CR 065758 90.46 411.06CR 065759 411.06 100.000R 065760 100.00 100.000R 065761 100.00 3/08/2017 5:27 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK �.... JOR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 31130 VIRGINIA MORROW - DBA - MORROW FENCE CO I-201703066534 FENCE AT SWITZER PARK R 3/08/2017 30560 MUTUAL OF OPLAHA I-000616562520 14AR 2017 LTD R 3/08/2017 01830 NOR-TEX COIR-IUNICATIONS I-21407 PHONE WORK R 3/08/2017 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-341924 OIL FILTER R 3/08/2017 I-1959-346196 2 FUSE HOLDERS/ 2 PRIl.iARY WIRE R 3/08/2017 I-1959-346371 2 SETS 4 PC FLOOR MATS R 3/08/2017 I-1959-346554 OIL, AIR, FUEL FILTERS/52-58 R 3/08/2017 I-1959-346555 OIL FILTER 10-20 R 3/08/2017 I-1959-347498 LITE, WASH, ADAPTER R 3/08/2017 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-889301342001 CREDENZA R 3/08/2017 I-900937288001 DRY ERASE MARKERS R 3/08/2017 I-906352407001 INK R 3/08/2017 I-906591191001 CLEANER, CREAMER, TISSUE R 3/08/2017 29830 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. I-3709 PROJECT R 3/08/2017 26560 PRECISION DELTA CORPORTATION I-8326 QUALIFYING AMMO CONTRACT R 3/08/2017 22760 PRICE, CHERYL I-201703066533 TMCA LONESTAR CHAPTER MEETING R 3/08/2017 0. ') PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF TX, INC I-FEB 2017 SOLID WASTE FEB 17 R 3/08/2017 31210 MATT PYLE I-201703066532 PER DIEM 3/20-3/23 R 3/08/2017 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR I-OOG31809 UNIFORI-IS R 3/08/2017 I-OOG32701 UNIFORMS R 3/08/2017 DISCOUNT 0.19CR 0.42CR 1.60CR 2.46CR 0.13CR 1.38CR CHECK A14OUNT NO# 1,062.000R 065762 745.47CR 065763 95.000R 065764 9.23CR 065765 20.54CR 065765 78.38CR 065765 120.43CR 065765 6.13CR 065365 67.57CR 065765 599.99CR 065766 7.15CR 065766 57.56CR 065766 PAGE: 4 CHECK AMOUNT 1,062.00 745.47 95.00 302.28 65.41CR 065766 730.11 1,450.000R 065767 1,450.00 171.000R 065768 171.00 77.45CR 065769 77.45 56,804.75CR 0665770 56,804.75 100.000R 065771 100.00 221.39CR 065772 73.10CR 065772 294.49 3/08/2017 5:27 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK -_.jOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 29410 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-411241 CITY HALL WATER DELIVERY R 3/08/2017 04290 SANGER CHA14BER OF C0124ERC I-QTR 12/31/17 CHP14BER PAYMENT FOR HOTEL TAX R 3/08/2017 25020 SANGER HARDWARE C-C11211 BULB R 3/08/2017 I-B63826 CLEAR NIGHTLIGHT R 3/08/2017 I-363851 TIEDOWN RATCHET R 3/08/2017 I-B64350 PEN LIGHT & HEADLIGHT R 3/08/2017 I-B64459 FUNNEL R 3/08/2017 I-C10999 KEY & RED PENTAGON R 3/08/2017 I-C11199 BULB R 3/08/2017 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-201316 COMPRESSED OXYGEN R 3/08/2017 I-201621 COMPRESSED OXYGEN R 3/08/2017 1 SHELLY BILYEU I-201703076539 CC DEPOSIT REFUN R 3/08/2017 1 SOLID ROCK HOLINESS CHURCH I-201703076535 CC R 3/08/2017 26340 STOLZ TELECOM I-1177 LIGHTS FOR 2 NEW PATROL CARS R 3/08/2017 18110 STRATEGIC GOVERNMENT RESOURCES, INC. I-11454 L14S ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION R 3/08/2017 TCEQ I-2017 FILING FEES FOR TIER II R 3/08/2017 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1472838-00 GREEN & GRAY TRANSFOR21ER PAINT R 3/08/2017 31200 TEXAS ROOF AND FENCE I-773 INSTALL GATES R 3/08/2017 02670 TML - INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK POOL I-3/1/17 REAL&PERSONALPROPERTY 16-17 R 3/08/2017 PAGE: 5 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 12.90CR 065773 12.90 2,594.62CR 065774 2,594.62 27.96 065775 1.99CR 065775 22.99CR 065775 19.48CR 0665775 9.98CR 065775 59.98CR 065775 27.96CR O65775 114.42 19.00OR 065776 71.00OR 065776 90.00 100.00OR 065777 100.00 100.00OR 065778 100.00 319.38CR 065779 319.38 1,775.00CR 065780 1,775.00 100.00OR O65781 100.00 240.00OR 065782 240.00 1,100.00OR 065783 1,100.00 2,931.82CR 065784 2,931.82 3/08/2017 5:27 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK _.jOR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 30980 TWO CLOVER SERVICES INC I-17-2 CONSULTANT R 3/08/2017 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-182554 FIXED ASSET SOFTWARE R 3/08/2017 27720 US UNDERWATER SERVICES I-9467 SEDI14ENT REM -OTHER DIRK R 3/08/2017 03680 WHITMIRE LINE CLEARANCE, INC I-SN17-10004 TREE TRIMING R 3/08/2017 24670 WILLIAMS, MICHELLE I-1289 PALS RENEWAL R 3/08/2017 31060 STANDARD AUT014ATION AND CONTROL LP - DBA WONDERWAR I-928755264 SCADA SYS UPGRADE R 3/08/2017 PAGE: 6 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 2,100.000R 065785 2,100,00 1,375.000R 065786 1,375.00 24,235.000R 065787 24,235.00 3,040.000R 065788 3,040.00 100.000R 065789 100.00 6,191.000R 065790 6,191.00 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 63 6.18 150,555.07 150,561.25 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 3 0.00 31,296.64 31,296.64 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 66 6.18 181,851.71 181,857.89 3/08/2017 5:27 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT ERROR LISTING CHE.,.. # VENDOR NAME PAGE ERROR MESSAGE NOTES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 065771 99-31210 MATT PYLE 4 CHECK DATE < ITEM DATE IRAN NO#: I-201703066532 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 1 3/08/2017 5:27 P14 PACKET: 08701 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 SANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT e_.. OR NA14E / I.D. DESC A / P CHECK REGISTER CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# *' POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND ------------------------------------------- PERIOD A14OUNT 001 3/2017 83,903.25CR 004 3/2017 19,500.000R 008 3/2017 65,094.51CR 050 3/2017 2,594.62CR 110 3/2017 745.47CR 180 3/2017 8,563.86CR 840 3/2017 1,450.000R ALL 181,851.71CR PAGE: 8 CHECK AMOUNT 3/09/2M 11:16 A24 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08707 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT ..FOR NA14E / I.D. DESC 02580 TEXAS WORKFORCE COMISSION I-001A REGISTRATION FEE FOR TBC TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NON R 3/09/2017 199.000R 065791 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 1 0.00 199.00 199.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 199.00 199.00 PAGE: 1 CHECK MOUNT 199.00 3/09/2017 11:16 A14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08707 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT FOR NA14E / 1. D. DESC CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# POSTING PERIOD RECAP rt FUND PERIOD A14OUNT ------------------------------------------- 180 3/2017 199.000R ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ALL 199.000R CHECK AMOUNT 3/15/2017 3:09 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08724 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK e. .FOR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 31220 TMCA LONE STAR CHAPTER C-201703016530 MEMBERSHIP PAID WITH CC-C.PRIC N 3/15/2017 25.00 000000 I-201702226527 MEMBERSHIP 2017 N 3/15/2017 25.000R 000000 0.00 26180 ACNE UTILITY INSPECTION SERVICES, INC I-3060 OLD LIFT STAT CLEANING R 3/15/2017 1,202.50CR 065818 1,202.50 25940 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC I-000000040380 STREAM RESTORATION R 3/15/2017 3,516.17CR 065819 3,516.17 00250 AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY I-260609 HARD HATS, BRI14 & CHIN STRAP R 3/15/2017 352.40CR 065820 352.40 02610 ANIXTER INC. I-3492230-00 PAD MOUNT HARNESS/ACKER STREET R 3/15/2017 595.000R 065821 595.00 22620 ARAMARK UNIFOP14 SERVICE I-1156750274 FLEET UNIFORMS R 3/15/2017 31.22CR 065822 I-1156750275 STREET UNIFORMS R 3/15/2017 30.28CR 065822 I-1156750276 DEVELOP14ENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 3/15/2017 8.46CR 065822 I-1156750277 WATER UNIFORMS R 3/15/2017 61.19CR 065822 I-1156750278 PARKS UNIFORMS R 3/15/2017 26.73CR 065822 157.88 01550 ATMOS I-2/2/17-3/l/17 GAS 2/2/17-3/1/17 R 3/15/2017 413.94CR 065823 413.94 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82419950 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 3/15/2017 930.68CR 065824 930.68 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER I-00491 WAL-MhRT-EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST R 3/15/2017 34.74CR 065825 I-00719G CRAFT SUPPLIES, MOUSETRAPS R 3/15/2017 11.03CR 065825 I-01099G VEST RETIREMENT GIFT CARD R 3/15/2017 170.000R 065825 1-03237 PAPER TOWELS, BLEACH, COFFEE R 3/15/2017 186.86CR 065825 I-03290 WHITEBOARD, COFFEE MAKER, COFF R 3/15/2017 137.16CR 065825 I-03907 WALMART R 3/15/2017 4.98CR 065825 I-05415 WALMART R 3/15/2017 37.12CR 065825 I-06913 WAL2LART R 3/15/2017 34.48CR 065825 I-100148514698 TAGS/REGISTRATION FOR NEW CAP R 3/15/2017 34.50CR 065825 I-11779491 TEXAS ECONOMIC DEV COUNCIL MEM R 3/15/2017 500.000R 065825 I-1617144 BANDAIDS & WASH R 3/15/2017 30.35CR 065825 I-20170201000111 PLAT/DEV AGMT RECORDING-DENTON R 3/15/2017 170.000R 065825 I-2349824 DR. SUESS BOOKS, R 3/15/2017 167.63CR 065825 I-3021785435256 S14ART LEVEL R 3/15/2017 109.04CR 065825 I-3188442701 HOTEL FTO UNIT CLASS 1/31-2/3 R 3/15/2017 331.38CR 065825 I-333569 2017 T.AAF MEMBERSHIP R 3/15/2017 200.000R 065825 I-486844 ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION R 3/15/2017 144.70CR 065825 I-52528 PAINT SAMPLES R 3/15/2017 13.12CR 065825 I-5410657 AIR PURIFIERS R 3/15/2017 173.36CR 065825 I-6354 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 3/15/2017 8.97CR 065825 I-64742907 PLAT/ORDINANCE R 3/15/2017 100.000R 065825 I-65130005604483 HOME DEPOT: PAINTING SUPPLIES R 3/15/2017 40.43CR 065825 PAGE: 2 3/15/2017 3:09 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08724 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK FOR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE I-65236739 PLAT VACATION DEC R 3/15/2017 I-67963J BRAND AID (J. BERMAN) R 3/15/2017 I-68400254037 HOME DEPOT R 3/15/2017 I-8101012 FLASHDRIVES-AMAZON R 3/15/2017 I-845153710 SAMS-EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST R 3/15/2017 I-8623-1 DECORATIVE BOOKENDS R 3/15/2017 I-906344 BRAND AID (J. SHUMATE) R 3/15/2017 I-962 SANGER POST OFFICE R 3/15/2017 I-BTIPF45FE369 TLA 14EIlBERSHIP RENEWAL R 3/15/2017 I-PSI926368 JA14IESON MANUFACTURING CO R 3/15/2017 I -WALK IN 24X36 PLAT COPIES R 3/15/2017 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 3/15/2017 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 3/15/2017 31270 DATA2 INCORPORATED I-INV0381463 NEW LIBRARY CARDS R 3/15/2017 26120 EAGLE RECOGNITION I-0681228-IN STEVEN LEHOTSKY R 3/15/2017 23010 FIVE STAR SUPPLY CO INC. I-10012 CENTERPULL PAPERTOWELS R 3/15/2017 I-10051 TOILET TISSUE R 3/15/2017 18790 FUEL14AN I-NP49885873 FUEL 3/6/17-3/12/17 R 3/15/2017 01070 GALLS INC. C-006195074 CREDIT R 3/15/2017 C-007038343 CREDIT FOR GLOVES SENT BACK R 3/15/2017 I-006988086 7 PAIR COOL TAG DUTY GLOVES R 3/15/2017 I-007034745 7 BOXES XLRG MEDICAL EXAM GLOV R 3/15/2017 I-007042728 NP445PLN ELITE ADJUSTABLE RADI R 3/15/2017 04230 GRACE, RONNIE I-1180378 REIMBURSE FOR BOOTS R 3/15/2017 16860 GRAINGER I-9353637094 FULL BODY HARNESS R 3/15/2017 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT NOO AMOUNT 40.50CR 065825 149,00CR 065825 146.96CR 065825 49.95CR 065825 150.22CR 065825 25.00OR 065825 149.00OR 065825 10.05CR 065825 146.00OR 065825 643.33CR 065825 37.41CR 065825 4,187.27 065826 **VOID** 065827 **VOID** 189.36CR 065828 189.36 93.04CR 065829 93.04 204.14CR 065830 153.50CR 065830 357.64 1,631.59CR 065831 1,631.59 151.95 065832 219.17 065832 223.87CR 065832 146.93CR 065832 48.03CR 065832 47.71 150.00OR 065833 150.00 664.74CR 065834 664.74 3/15/2017 3:09 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08724 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK FOR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 21220 IRBY TOOL & SAFETY I-5010052653.001 WRENCH AND CHARGER R 3/15/2017 31000 JERIANA STATON I-004 MILEAGE & PER DIEM R 3/15/2017 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-92055231 BASE BOARD R 3/15/2017 I-92242362 BOARDS R 3/15/2017 28470 LUBER BROS. INC I-INVO0160877 CHUTE, RUBBER R 3/15/2017 31310 LUCRECIA DELAWTER RN, CA/CP SANE I-2017-06 SEXUAL ASSAULT EXA14 CASE R 3/15/2017 28240 MARTINEZ BROTHERS CONCRETE AND LANDSCAPING I-00132 STREET & CURB REPAIR R 3/15/2017 24070 MASON, WALLACE (DEAN) I-201703156549 DL REIMBURSEMENT R 3/15/2017 1 MEGHAN GIDEON I-201703156548 CC DEPOSIT REFUN R 3/15/2017 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-348130 CREDIT FOR RETURN OIL FILTER R 3/15/2017 I-1959-346786 RING TERMINAL R 3/15/2017 I-1959-346828 PRIMARY WIRE R 3/15/2017 1-1959-30 563 10.7 STRTFD R 3/15/2017 I-1959-347826 OIL, AIR, FUEL FILTERS R 3/15/2017 2 _-J PACHECO KOCH, LLC I-37771 STAKING R 3/15/2017 31210 MATT PYLE I-201703066531 PER DIEM 3/28/17 R 3/15/2017 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR I-OG29218E L/S UNIFORM SHIRT 776 R 3/15/2017 I-OG31601B 5 SS UNIFORM SHIRTS/JACKET/RAI R 3/15/2017 I-OG31601C VEST COVER 783 R 3/15/2017 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 1,170.000R 065835 1,170.00 43.83CR 065836 43.83 17.94CR 065837 33.06CR 065837 51.00 264.62CR 065838 264.62 500.000R 065839 500.00 2,944.000R 065840 2,944.00 61.000R 065841 61.00 100.000R 065842 100.00 33.78 065843 0.36CR 17.60CR 065843 0.42CR 20.55CR 065843 0.77CR 37.51CR 065843 2.58CR 126.29CR 065843 168.17 2,205.000R 065844 2,205.00 25.000R 065845 25.00 44.99CR 065846 499.93CR 065846 84.99CR 065846 629.91 3/15/2017 3:09 PI4 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08724 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK OR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 29410 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-419325 WATER DELIVERY R 3/15/2017 29400 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING C-402805 WATER CREDIT R 3/15/2017 I-411244 WATER DELIVERY R 3/15/2017 I-416122 WATER DELIVERY R 3/15/2017 I-416677 WATER SURCHARGE R 3/15/2017 I-419328 WATER DELVVERY R 3/15/2017 30050 SAMANTHA SPRINGS C-411243 CREDIT R 3/15/2017 I-416294 WATER DELIVERY R 3/15/2017 I-416852 WATER ➢ELIVERY R 3/15/2017 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-201674 C014PRESSED OXYGEN R 3/15/2017 16340 SUN BELT RENTALS, INC. I-67049110-001 SCAFFOLDING R 3/15/2017 11900 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE I-201703146547 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH 3/27-3/29 R 3/15/2017 03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-D42135 RAIN CAP & FREIGHT R 3/15/2017 31280 WADDEL WILLIAMS ENTERPRISES INC I-1364 MOVIE IN THE PARK R 3/15/2017 24140 WELLSPRING INSURANCE I-1293 [WELLSPRING CONSULT FEES R 3/15/2017 03680 WHITMIRE LINE CLEARANCE, INC I-SN17-10005 TREE TRIMING R 3/15/2017 PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AI4OUNT NO# AMOUNT 7.90CR 065847 7.90 12.00 065848 14.70CR 065848 6.50CR 065848 2.90CR 065848 20.90CR 065848 33.00 6.00 065849 6.50CR 065849 2.90CR 065849 3.40 19.000R 065850 19.00 187.05CR 065851 187.05 100.000R 065852 100.00 53.97CR 065853 53.97 1,179.000R 065854 1,179.00 2,000.00CR 065855 2,000.00 3,040.000R 065856 3,040.00 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 37 4.13 29,275.77 29,279.90 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 40 4.13 29,275.77 29,279.90 3/15/2017 3:09 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 08724 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT ERROR LISTING CHI ,4 VENDOR NAME PAGE ERROR MESSAGE NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 065845 99-31210 14ATT PYLE 3 CHECK DATE < ITEM DATE TRAN NON: I-201703066531 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 1 3/15/2017 3:09 PI4 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 08724 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK JR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NON AMOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND ------------------------------------------- PERIOD AMOUNT 001 3/2017 8,945.17CR 008 3/2017 11,218.48CR 180 3/2017 2,890.95CR 41 3/2017 500.00OR 840 3/2017 5,721.17CR ALL 29,275.77CR 3/15/2017 2:26 P14 REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08721 AR - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VEI, _.c I.D. NP14E TYPE DATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 THE TRAILS OF SANGER I-000201703156550 REFUND R 3/15/2017 ** B A N K T 0 T A L S ** NON DISCOUNTS REGULAR CHECKS: 1 0.00 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AI4OUNT NON AMOUNT --------------------------------------------- 800.00 065817 800.00 CHECK ANT TOTAL APPLIED 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BANK TOTALS: 1 0.00 800.00 800.00 3/15/2017 2:26 PM REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08721 AR - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: ALL PAGE: 2 ** REGISTER GRAND TOTALS * * T 0 T A L S * * NOH DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 1 0.00 800.00 800.00 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: I 0.00 800.00 800.00 ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT ----------------------------------------- 001 3/2017 800.000R ALL 800.000R TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 SLMLh TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ❑ Regular ❑ Special ® Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable F Yes Ej Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: 3/20/2017 Submitted By: James (Jim) Berman City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE []RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Parks and Recreation Logo FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The Park Board met on March 14, 2017 and were presented with options for a new Parks and Recreation logo for branding the department and use on marketing materials. The current logo was perceived to look too much like the state park patch and they want an updated look. I have attached the current logo and the Park Board approved rendering for the proposed new logo. I request councils input and approval before we move forward with any changes. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed logo to be the new Parks and Recreation Department logo. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: • Current logo Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Proposed logo BAN CPA 00 0 0� : 1901, 6kf-ao r� S_ aRgD TEXAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: 3/20/2017 Submitted By: Mike Brice City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials DateOF ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Authorize the Use of Contingency Reserve Funds To Rent A Portable Sludge Press for the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a Rate of $8,500 Per Month; And For As Long As Necessary; And, Declaring An Emergency. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS [:]OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM As you are aware, we have rented and placed into operation, a sludge press at the wastewater treatment plant. After consultation with our engineers and consultant, we feel this is necessary to adequately process the solids and help reduce odor from the plant. The cost of the press is $8,500 a month. This item is not included in the current budget. Therefore, staff is requesting the Council authorize using contingency reserve funds. The cost could also exceed the $50,000 bid limit in time so staff is requesting the Council declare this an emergency purchase. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends Approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: M IL rVII L4LV4 YA A VL m a) a a) � a) > 0 °) a 0 0 0 a) -a o LO a o M m 0 C C 0 L 0 0 C 'd' N N O LO 0 O C) -a O O CIJ � I � M M M� Cl) d' N M II � O O L) U � O U Q) 'a LL N N LO t.C) O 00 CD LC) M CV - CO CO O 00 O d' 00 - CO CV 00 LC) 00 O) "ZI _U) CO LC) 6) 00 Cl) O) O N 00 �t Q LO N CO � CO ONO CO N It LO Q) , L) CN a LC) C7 ui .s �- U IV3 N m � (6 N R co O 00 CO d' CV 07 N O CO CO I- M CO CV CO CD M CO W r; a) > a) > U 00 00 0) 00 rn N 00 H CM,, _ CDCON dM' CDCON CD 'v= : L 7 LO 1� CC O O "6 r E71 Ef3 0 0 Q co X O W � � o CDO N N N W ' C O Cl) M N Q x ca N co (B Q W C C a) a)O U N Q) C oZS . a) a) a) a) a) 1-- 'O O 'D a) Q L C o a) "D coa) N C U w_ a) 4) () o M a) � �- .Q � C6 4) (0 - N �-- C +�- .� O.. j O ca a) CO 0 � 0 Cf) cncn�C»C)o0 I� ft o � E U) o . E 0 w a _ m 0 x � Li- W LL Q EN U) W F- 0 U) Z Qw >C a �wr— W � N W W w p m J Lu Lu LU > Q w O oC) Z J 0 0 0 O LL F o J U L N LU LL o 0 0 ZLLI O Cl)LO m cam+) M C7 0 Z ' ce o @ U a U a) a) U N C M a > m LL t O ors w @ M ca of o � 0 r m 0 _ o . LP F- w p m W J � m F- Z Z O LO Z Q W OF X LU p ZF LL.a L r I L() N O I w Z i) Moo M o M C+�7 oo NI N� M Cw7F- Z N 04 N W i U LU w o Q. o O @ =O U C N cu U U iD a�i n 9 a � o @ E (D Q o E C co C � � Q Q (D :5 Q Y LL d d U > o U Z (h Z Z, W W U 3 LL C _ m g ti GO l.C) � (O m y ti- �' LIj M Lf)w (O M r- CO V LC) C7 t- O Q' CO N- O N (O M t- In M CO O (O O ct co m CO m CO O p� cr Q' m (fl <t m N N M O cY C: �-- L W N O �- �-- V r` d' �-- CO O M } Z LLl Cl) N CO N O O m p M Cl) 00 '� 6) LO N Cl) d' O 'o M M F p p �W LC) (V m m 'd' .- M 1` d' Z W m - M O t- � m CO CO N CO N M V' �- V' t LC) Lo CM N r- CO CO U v v v = M J = Q N Q LIJ� M > m m > m LU Z w9 ( 69, fn M O LC) O O O "t O O (O (DO CD CD O t- CO LC) M m CO LO CT CO O (O -zl- d' (V CV co M t- LC) O ,1' V m O m 0 CD O V' m O 6) � O LO LO O N LO CO F- O r- LC) r• N (n r` O Lo M m O O oc CO "'t w -zY Lf) CO O O V LC) W C, O CO (=O� M O r.,: r N O r-- CDLC) CC) i i V O O t c' ) V� M Cl CO W m r` (O N M 1-1 C7 CO r` O 00 M M r` O Lo p -zt (O C\ (V CV LC) Co N t- O (O N V LC) Cl) O CO d t-i O Cn ti p N CO h p CO L" ) m m K} EA J O m W d' Ln cM m V' Q N Lo M t- M Lo M CO N U) J O ti <t ti Ln � M M (O Q Co O Lo N co " t- (O t- M CM M (M m O m O CO LC) C' O" oc t- M M m p t� ti 'd' LCJ �� N Cl! L.0 m m M M M CO m O N V-) U3 M m " O LC) (M r M O m LO o0 (O -t V' LC) N CDr` M m m O GO N CO N m Cl) U') It �t M m M O LO M N "t V M N co N N O CO (O co t- U LC) M N N M Q N M Q r M In p ( fH } W a' W W p LLW W p c = W W Z O R' lq Z t=i w o FW- W O N N W =O U J > > W w o W Z o M z U)a (D =o o o m o c� w w a`'i a�i °) '� �_ Op w c E M p w W U = U U m C7 N> LL. � LL 't C W O LD C U N W > W Z C W LL Z LL Z F- m °'� L� otS W o F=- m Q F cu F Q' N a 0 F 0 Z Z J J c ot3 :.c a) °tS in N a23 Q .a 0 oZf W = p LL p w Q Q J Z Q N V ;a C N @ J Q Z .f U, .V N N (6 J ff .o Z Z C C J Z m m Q W o w ca 0 G >dcnLL_cn.�LL Q F- ~ W @ -fl o Q �-Qa.LL7E�Cnd�(n F- W W >a W co cv x�. �, Q F- Q p Z p Z F- w w o H U Q x o W F- wx w W F- 0 o F- x U LL LL Q U) w Lam" 0 Z W x X LU F- 0 ti wo N Z LZ M LL p C O Z H LL U U) iR d w w F Z LU CO � N 00 00 00 CO Lr) 00 N w M M M O C.O O d' 0 L- Cl) LO ti (V CD LO V' Z w N ~ CEO 7� " 0 � v CoLU O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O WOO�n 00 CZ) X) O O I- O C2 CV J ti L- O CV �-- ti O Cl) m EH Qd' � M cfl d' O L` Cfl O O O M 4) O L� co d' m I� 'd' CD O („) " " O co Cl) t` p N Cl) H } C/T vu Z � LL LL W Cn W IL Ll U' w ai w 2 m W o (L) W O W U) ` . N w Z U) U@ 2 U- Q W CO (6 (1) N W 0- � ¢ U LI tY F- Q 0 mu CD o m o a o > m D m 0 ti F- C/)w Luo Fm 0 O z l— w� a X oLO L11 p U Z Q p LL LL O W W � C7 W z N W W o 0 0 U W Lo Cl) M Cl) M W a- N -- o p U U (1) W Cn cuC6 ) Q m N Cl) N Cl) O CV W a) LO () () co CV " O F L(J I- U� - C V O Z W (M OD O o C7 CO 00 V CD O to v W O m V' O d' cn I-- t` Ce) O d' O CO 00 w I— LO v_ 00 rl- ti 00 00 CO co 'cY O D CD CJ co ti N O � CO m J CO ti o M � co ¢ O N d- a0 M 00 00 -- N CO LC) (= LC) "I' N ti 00 cY 00 CD U 00 V CO Q) LC) ¢ M 't N CV Cf7 p N Cl) H } 00 00 M 0000 co 00 V dam' 0 0 0 CO DO Cl) M O LC) O CO CA f� CV CV T N O O Lo co 'mot Il- N r- N O O O O O O M O O CD CD CD CD CD co 00 CD CD 00 CD CD CO O> O m (� O LC) CO O Lo co L(j N CD M ti 6) M N E9 1� ti M 6) co co co M CO M O 6) M O O O Co Cl) 00 00 O CN N lf) to N C 2 v v M co 611, c W W 0 N ~O ui w � _ w d X N W LL_ J Q W xW W M ER W W a �> fn Z W LU U) LU LU Z U) 2 8a elfZ CK Q, ¢ O O CD w = LL U m ti l N �_ 0 Q-' Z a� N a� o O (n 0 Z W W m c o W > U Q I=i Z LL Z a`) w W 0- 0 Q o 0 Z o 0 N w Z J p J 0 c .E a)) .c Co X W J W p Z LL w Cn cn cn M F-- O J W O ¢ CO ¢ J m Q W n3 � a��i -Q ¢ W W m Q Z 0 0 W H w O H U LL LL Q O Cl) 0) m 0- U U Q F- a X Z a W W r LL ~ o Owl N W W R Z Z M N N @ W LL Z: C R I- (n U < a LL R C N (7 00 r Lo I-- O V• Lo to to O Lo oo O CA t[) w) � t- ' O O CO N N N t� tl CO t`7 LO — to O r M ct M O O o M u7 CO l(> N O CD t� CV r O CO c- V' g t:: V� P- . M o a0 co 17 0� O M COO oo a-- CO E N O co CV to CV Ch [A CO Efl co tii Co r co O CO O O) N mCD M co O N O M Ef9 Ef9 Ffl cNi C, r coo O M N CO Ci> ItA 69 O W V —as N I N N N C>�� o rn 1� O M Lq c0 CO N a r ca Wt ti W of O aO N Ffl 61� I-N ts> N c m O m F Z W c C N U U F' 2LL a-L N F tD U fn LLof Wo li 9.a 0 co,U a_' U p I 0 n. N c W U a. Z H O aci`0to w O N CD i 01 .9 OLL CO O m fO o R Na>> cO_1 Uc cNy 0o o U :c QCD to o o Uw W2oY J U U0HUWU co Q=U z LLJ U n� c� n d � € Z U m U S y U K � W U) o N � O c2o �e U K ro O U N N C M to O C 06 t ca R U O H tT O V CO LO CA 6) M r- M CO CN M O LO CO O (O "zt (O LO rt LO O (O LO M CO (O N O (O (O d' <t W <1- ti N r CV CV V- N LO CO CD00 O CO r--N 1': M ti CO r � CT CV r LO C ti O ti. O (M N LO 1l O N cl Cl LO LO M N 00 a 00 M N r- M: co r-- O O>: M cV CD LO O O � M V (V 4,. M. a) r r-- CV r CDI N m CD CD':O'. 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W U } on N O O tU N m ul O _O O � O O O C7 (� O O Q Ch M 0 0 W V' G1 N LO CDw z � M JQ N CD C6 U p U- d U) (O LO m 00 Cl LO W 0 O ti Qi a LO a 0 z w m L) w 0 C o N LO d O J O H a uj R w CD O O � O V 00 Q 4 O O N E fa z U fA am.:: LO f� M m m hco Mi cc i� M -F h d- N 0; y �y N LO w C' m CO LO P V O V7 Nr i0 f� m C l L U V4 [A K} Eli O 00 to N 't N V I� co m m 90' O CO CO e= w f N h Ccc eF m_O VI) cY pp; CO LLO f> O r (V a{ O •L d CL `o o a z w m m � 4 � w O L L N O J N CVO O Q !- O CD ; 0 0 0 F- a. a v W _N T w U w F- z w O 00 ti O M 0 Cl) � CD CD O O t) O O O O O a o 0 0 0 0 00 c 00 00 co `- a- w CU o F- U- 0 O O dcq am' { ) (.�j t� M � E "� N O N N :Em N z _ w uj uJ ce Q H 0- N > . a m m U U �' a � N co Co S a C7 O1 O o) rn co a_ a CJ d O m I- C0CD Or M c: cc CNO cr . CD 00 CU V C R O co 00 d' � f0 N G U CD .,;co,.00 -.t N O , I` O M to M Cb 00 d' O -e cc I` d <Y �t a r O a a` 4Rs N G ti at a o o 0 o E O O Lo 0 N N O CDOCV N 0 0 0 0 Z a)=) = C,LL R � R U w r N R N O O N M O O O O O V CD O O CD O O O QO d i' d rY Z'' ui LU a`t CO-t Z C) T cOo n. a Fl- O N C) 11 NO X Ci 0 Cat F i o Z a`t at U cm O a- 0 v CC) LO LO L!j O O 'd' m w CD N M v't CDce) Lft CO M M M LIt N r O Ot N CMO N N N N N N N N N N N O cl--Ij N V r V C R R m C N �I U 6<1 m f- M O ti r- CO M CD I- W LO CO '' -It O N M W O w m N M O O LCt CO M M M M "' i' Cl r Ot � r al 0 N C r m a L o L L L L L 0 0 L L L L L L W O (U CD LD L1� Ln lD LD L(t tf- Lft L(t Lr L(t -f- Lit Lft 0 W N � O O d: d: :t <Y �Y �Y "F; mot; mot; d: d: d: - Z O O O O CO O O O O O O O O O O L=L G M a � V N O C O N N CD CD N N O N N N p N O R r V 1` W M Ot Q Q V' � co ti 00 6t O r r N r� m O O M cr Lf) CD 1` oO O O N M �Y Lft O O O O O O O O Cl O O O O O O U O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O QO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N E R Z O O O O V M I-- LCt r r O Idt LO c0 1� dt 'C M LO m N N lfj m N OMt N OO O N N M m V' M W O V I- O N CD O O U CD CD C4 co CO CO CLO LO CO�0 CD Co Co CO COO I- ti ti � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C) C) C) C) C) v (D o o CU m m m m m m m m m m m m m a 0 -�t -r d- �r v d- � <t -4- <t d- � v WL S1, c m IL e < \ § \ \ 0 ƒ 3 » \ \ \ Cl) 6 fn \ / \ \ — § w / < o ® 9 ) \ \ § / \ \ \ /\ >\ \ \ 0 } / G k c \ ©* K§ a)\ '/ \ \ / m m co / 7 % — a3 %2 \ \ (\ § \\ // \ \ p\»2 a) \/ @� \ \: \ ® 0 k D L ® m® - \ 2 \ ) \ 5 ±$ - Icnu _ 2 Z \ q » 2 / § \ $ \ $ ® 10. 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Date: March 9, 2017 Re: WWTP Update Mr. Brice, aNgen '*TEXAS Memo I wanted to inform you that the sludge press we are renting from Aspen Rentals LLC is now processing sludge at the WWTP. We are operating this equipment with the assistance of an Aspen employee for the next two days so that city staff can become comfortable with the machine. This training period will also allow staff to ask any questions they might have to someone who is knowledgeable about proper operation of the equipment and about adjustments that need to be made during operation. Ray Vinson met with the consulting firm assisting us on Wednesday at the plant to finalize dosing amounts for steroids that we began adding today to the plant influent on a continual basis for the foreseeable future. These steroids are being introduced into the plant by a drip system to help increase the good bacteria that are essential for proper treatment, currently are numbers are low and we are having a difficult time in getting them where we would like them to be because of a high alkalinity we are experiencing in the plant. We began adding magnesium hydroxide this morning to all of the aeration basins to help decrease this alkalinity, which in turn will also improve the environment for the bacteria to develop. Jim �. 3N jCj L11 :O dN 0 N O O O N d' N3 G1; 3 N _o 1 _ LP1 oo Lf1 O 1p O - O O O d' � N N , a) i r ry) N j W i I 1 V }Cy) i Z t , 1 i LO N L M r-I Ln M u }O E �;. N ;N _ O Lj ce N � � O sV a c CL CL D : D tcS iajIL O u u u O mIW a - o o s 42 o oc ; 0 0 ce 0 : ui T N