02/21/2017-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular�xs�g� Exns AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2017 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET SANGER, TEXAS 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session Meeting Minutes February 6, 2017 2. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 6, 2017 b) Disbursements 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on a Petition to Vacate a Portion of a Plat Known as Lot 2 in Plat No. 2010-180 (Rita's Ranch). 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Proposed Preliminary Plat of Parkbrook at Sanger Circle, Being 19.51 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Proposed Preliminary Plat of the Sanger Estates, Being 49.51 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. 8. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Contract from Standard Automation and Control LB and Prime Controls LP for Installation of a SCADA Communication System on New Water Wells #8 and #9 for a Total of $26,871. 9. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #02-07-17 Amending the Code of Ordinances By Adopting Enactment of Chapter 15 "Parks and Recreation" And, Repealing All Ordinances in Conflict. 10. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #02-08-17 — Amending Appendix A "Fee Schedule" of the Code of Ordinances Article 4.000 "Utility Related Fees" By Amending Sections 4.306, 4.307, 4.403; and Amending Article 7.000 "Park and Recreation Fees" by Adding Sections 7.900 and 7.1000. 11. INFORMATION ITEMS a) Financial, Investment Reports b) Capital Projects Report 12. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: - �;&91-7 at A.m. and shall remain posted until meeting is adj rned. r,r� Cheryl Ptricity Secretary City of Sanger, Texas ����'/i'fJJJ •TEXAS `►`►►►�`��` 1 Nttitmu�► ,:! This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the ON Secretarv's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORLK SESSION February 06, 2017, 7:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Gary Bilyeu Mayor and Four Members present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development, Clayton Gray Finance Director 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Overview of 2016 Audit for Fiscal Year End 2015/2016. John Watson from the independent audit firm Brooks Cardiel was recognized to present the September 30, 2016 Audit. He provided a Power Point presentation and began with a general overview of the audit process. He went through the Annual Financial Report and summarized the different components of the report. He noted that City Staff was very cooperative and provided any information they requested in a timely manner. Mr. Watson advised that as far as their audit opinion, while they are responsible for the content of the whole report and it's consisting of GAP. The City received an "Unmodified Opinion" which is the highest level of assurance it can receive. Basically, it means they are not aware of any material errors or inconsistencies from GAP. The GFOA says that Cities operating expenditures should have at least three months assigned to general fund expenditures; the City has almost 50% expenditures which is about six months. When cities are low in this area it is a red flag, as there can also be a red flag when they are over 100% and some monies should be spent for special projects, so the City, being at 47% is very sound. He provided a basic pie chart showing a summary of Revenues for governmental activities excluding water and sewer: Property Tax 46 percent; Sales Tax 22 percent; Charges for Services which are primarily Sanitation services 23 percent; and, other ancillary activities for around 3 percent. Everything is working in a surplus. Overall it is positive and there is no deuteriation in this area. As far as budget to actural we also came out surplus. He summarized the TMRS Retirement accounts and noted that they had an increase. Funded Ratio is 86% of the total pension liability and according to Standard and Poor that is considered above average and is also really solid. The City's rate is one of the lowest he has seen in this area. There was brief discussion on the Pension Fund. Mr. Watson pointed out the letters and noted that there are always two required letters you will get for any audit. They are just standard communication. For instance, if you were to identify fraud, that this is where it would be reported verbalized as well as print. They did not come across anything, there are no suspicions or allegations. No new accounting pronouncements this year and no new significant changes in accounting this year. Everything went very well, management has been very forthcoming and transparent with everything they asked for. Nothing major to report. Mayor Muir noted the closing process noted on the letter and asked how often this process is included on the letter. Mr. Watson advised that it is included about 99% of the time and is very common. Management has been very receptive to their feedback and very involved in working with them and they only expect improvement in the future. There was brief discussion. Clayton Gray was recognized and noted he did not have any comments and noted as audits go, it is kind of like a doctor's appointment and but this was a pretty nice one. He noted Brooks and Cardiel have a very professional staff. Due to computer technical difficulties for the presentation on Item 3, Update on Transmission Operator Designation was moved to discussion after Item 4 Capital Improvements. 4. Update of Capital Improvements. City Manager Brice provided a summary of the Capital Improvements referencing the projects on the chart below it includes the breakdown of costs that Councilman Chick has been asking about. He noted that some of the figures are subject to change. This report will be included in the monthly financials from now on. The project figures will change based on the activity of the project. McReynolds Road, Atmos came in and moved some of their lines and we identified some additional lines they will have to move and they are working on that. Century link has their line out to bid to move. All of the Greensprings water lines have been moved. We are basically waiting on Centurylink and Atmos to get the lines moved so we can begin construction. Church Renovation is substantially complete, they did re -pour the handicap ramp and that was the last outstanding item on the project. The West-I-35 Line is also substantially complete. The East I-35 Wastewater line has been bid out and came in at $1,549,118. They have been working on it and have completed the line from where it begins on the east side of the railroad tracks to about 1,000-1,500 feet north of FM 455 all the way up to where the bore goes under the railroad tracks. They are doing the bore right now and probably will complete it this week, tie it in and the rest will be on the west of the tracks going toward 1-35and then north. The phase II is basically taking water and sewer from Lois Road north to View Road. That project has been on hold for some time. There is no reason to take it up there until there is someone there. Water Wells (Delete -Ground Storage) are pretty much complete. We have to install SCADA on the two wells and are working on pricing on that right now and should have that done in the next 30 days or so and get those wells online. SCADA is the radio system that controls the wells and it lets us talk to them and control them remotely. It was noted we have not painted Acker yet but do have the money in the budget to do it. Waste Water Treatment Plant is out to bid we have pushed the bid opening to March 2"d at the request of some contractors. We also had a few addendums that went out and they needed some more time with those. Cowling Road Lift Station Forced Main and Gravity Line is still in engineering and they are working on the layout of the force main and we believe we can take most of it along the right-of-way on Railroad. They are doing some surveying and looking at that. Capital Improvement Plan is about 50% to update the Water and Wastewater tap fees. We have made quite a bit of progress on it. The Nitrification plan is done and submitted to TCEQ and we are waiting for TECQ approval. There are some modifications that will have to be done at the Cowling Road entry point to mitigate the nitrification. Engineering has not been done on it yet and we do not have a cost estimate on it. This is where Upper Trinity comes into our system - we have to add chlorine to kill the chloramine that is in their water. The Mayor asked if they could get a summary on what we are doing to improve the current Wastewater treatment situations. City Manager Brice noted that we have eliminated all of the filamentous bacteria and have all three plants back up and running. We have been adding sludge and adjusting. We have created a lab at the site so that we can test on a multiple time of day basis. We still have the engineers and some other people coming in on a weekly basis and reviewing what we are doing and giving us suggestions on what we can do. They are wasting a lot of sludge right now because the sludge has built up as we have been going through this process trying to get a balance with the bacteria. We are reproducing bacteria now and there are a couple of other things we are researching on doing to speed up the process. Because we have hauled in quite a bit of sludge from Denton, to re -seed the system, we have a lot of solids right now and that is where a lot of the odor is coming from right now -from the drying beds because of all of the solids. This is one of the issues that the renovations to the plant will really help because the sludge press will be inside of the building and there won't be anymore open drying beds. There was a brief discussion on the improvements being made. 3. Update on Transmission Operator Designation. City Manager Brice advised he thought this would be a good time to update the Council on this issue. We have had some movement on this issue and has been going on since 2011. This has been a very convoluted and complicated issue. It is something that we have spent way too much time and money on, but have had no choice in the matter. He gave a summary of the item for Councilmembers that were not here when this started and are not familiar with this. How this all started was, if you remember back in February of 2011 when we had the huge cold spell and we had rolling blackouts. The rolling blackouts did not work very well and some areas kept getting blacked out some areas did not. So, the Electric Reliability of Council of Texas (ERCOT) who is responsible for that began to write more rules. One rule that was in place, but they did not enforce, says basically that every distributer (which is us) had to designate a transmission operator. Brazos operates our transmission lines where the Electric comes into our system — they operate the substation it comes into. Once it comes into the sub- station it is ours. Which all seems reasonable and not a problem except ERCOT did not tell the transmission operators that as transmission operators what the list of qualifications are. There is no rule that says if you are a transmission operator that you have to be their transmission operator. Brazos told us that they were not going to do it and told that to eight different cities on their system. They flat refused to do it. They do it for the Co-ops' on the system — they do it for Co-Sery who come out of the same substation we come out of, but they wont do it for us or the cities on their system. Basically, what ERCOT said is sorry but you are going to have to figure something out. At one point, they turned it over to the PUC and the PUC was going to start fining us $25,000 a day. We got the PUC to back off and Schneider Engineering is the engineer we hired along with the other cities to help resolve the issue. Schneider Engineering does all electrical work and the gentleman that is doing the bulk of the work is not only an Engineer, but an attorney. In the meantime, we have been working with ERCOT — Schneider filed an appeal on our behalf with ERCOT and that has been going through the ERCOT system for the last three years. We have not had a whole lot of luck with them. We have been able to table it to satisfy the PUC, but we have not pushed ERCOT for a decision because we know what their decision is; and that is, that we have to solve the problem and they are not changing their rules. Early on, we did an RFP for transmission operator services and we received one response back and they wanted $250,000 a year from each of the seven cities. A lot of the cities that are in this boat with is are smaller than us and we could afford to do that and they certainly could either. In November of last year we issued a second RFP and we received three responses back from it. One we think may be viable from the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA). Basically, what they proposed is they will be our Transmission Operator for and interim basis for three years at $25,000 a year. That is because it will take that long to work through the final solution with ERCOT and the PUC. Over the next three years LCRA will either acquire the Brazos Substation from Brazos (Which they indicated they do not want to sell) or they will build us another substation and then the cost at that point will be integrated into the distribution cost. Really the cost at that point is basically what we are paying Brazos now for the substation which is about $13,000 a month. That cost would get shifted to LCRA at about the same price depending on whether they can buy the old one or build a new one. That is the best and most workable deal we have seen since 2011. There are a lot of hurdles we will have to go through to get there, but it is the best news we have had since this started. Some of the hurdles we have to get through is PUC and ERCOT approval. This will take a while and we are probably facing some objections from Brazos because they do not want to lose the business. This may work in our favor where we can say if you do not want to lose the business you need to be our Transmission Operator. The other thing is that we hope ERCOT will continue to table our appeal and they have indicated they will; however, if they don't and they act then that puts us back in to non-compliance with the PUC and we have to start working our way through the PUC which becomes much more expensive than working our way through ERCOT. If there is a wrench thrown in, we may be at the end of three years, be in the same boat we are in today. We, at that point, may be able to go to ERCOT and the PUC and let them know that we have done everything we can, there is no market solution to this (which is what ERCOT told us to do- find a solution) There is no market solution so either tell Brazos they have to do it or tell us we don't need one. The truth is, we don't need one. The seven cities in this boat make up 3/1000 of the load in Texas. If they need to do rolling blackouts, they are not calling Sanger, Seymour, or Bridgeport, Texas. They will be calling the big operators because that is the only place they can cut enough power to keep the system from crashing. We have made those arguments with ERCOT. Where this is so difficult is that there are a lot of politics going on in the market that would like to see the municipalities go away. We continue to work our way through it. We have spent $60,000 to date on this issue and don't know what we will spend from here on out but there will be more money expended on this. If we have to start dealing with the PUC we will have to pay a lot more attorney fees. That is an on the Transmission Operator issue. We see light at the end of the tunnel and can only hope it is not a train, but this has been such a difficult process that we can not make any promises of what we are going to face in the future. There was brief discussion regarding some of the issues brought up. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. There was no overview of items on the agenda. 6. Adjourn. There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the Work Session at 7:02 p.m. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 06, 2017, 7:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Gary Bilyeu Mayor and Four Members present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development CITIZENS RECOGNIZED DURING MEETING: Larry Peoples, Joe Falls, John Madison (DATCU), Ed McBirney 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Mayor Muir led the Invocation followed by Councilman Allison leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). Larry Peoples, 719 Chaparral Road was recognized. He stated that his issues were addressed with the Work Session discussions tonight and information that the City Manager provided to the Council at the meeting. He now knows the City is working on the issues of the Sewage Treatment Plant. He advised that the smell was really bad in Ranger Creek and hoped it would get resolved soon. He also noted it was interesting to hear about the electricity issues too. He thanked staff and the Council for addressing the issue. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Road was recognized. He advised his topic is cooperation. Cooperator is his middle name and he wanted to remind everyone that in the 1970's he helped solve the city's sewer problems by letting the serer plant be moved to another location a lower location to get the raw sewage out of ranger creek. Today we still have that problem, but it did work for a long time. He likened the sewer plat to a used car that nickels and dimes you to death. We have been addressing this issue for a long period of time. He said if he can get the cooperation that he has been given in the past, to work with the engineers and work with the contractors, modifications of the bid and change orders, we can improve the sewer plant and do a better job more economically and lower cost if the city would listen to some of his suggestions and get the engineers to work with him. His thrust is to see the day come when we have a first-class sewer plant and down grade the old used antiquated plant. Yes, it needs improvements and he is in favor of those, because he can smell also. He noted right now he is in an appeal to the judgement that he objected to on the city taking property from him and if we can work some things out, he could/would consider removing that appeal but it is a two-way street and he needs to gain some with the planned development; a high -end development; Ranger Creels and 300 additional acres that he is extremely proud of and he thinks most everyone else is too. He noted he would like a compliment on what he is doing he doesn't get very many of them and he likes compliments like everyone else does. He reiterated he would like to change his middle name to cooperator, and to please take that under advisement. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes: a. City Council Regular Meeting January 17, 2017 b) Disbursements c) Approve Audit for Fiscal Year End 2015/2016 by Brooks Cardiel PLLC. A motion was made by Councilman Allison to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Request to Extend the Approval of Alternative Exterior Building Materials and/or Design for the DATCU Credit Union Building Located at 618 N. loth Street. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. John Madison, Chief Operations Officer for the Denton Area Teaches Credit Union (DATCU) was recognized. He noted five -years ago, they came to the City asking for five years to see if they were in the right marketplace. He noted they are definitely in the right marketplace. They are here now requesting another five years because of the expansion of FM 455 and the possible expansion of the Freeway, they are one property off of FM 455 and they want to make sure they are in the best angle for both the credit union and the city, oriented the right way. There being no citizens recognized with questions, or to speak for or against, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:16 p.m. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on a Request to Extend the Approval of Alternative Exterior Building Materials and/or Design for the DATCU Credit Union Building Located at 618 N. loth Street. John Madison, Chief Operations Officer for the Denton Area Teaches Credit Union (DATCU) was again recognized to answer any questions. He advised that they are asking for another five- year extension due to the construction of FM 455 and the I-35 Expansion. That they did not know how they were going to lay out their building on the property. He noted that they have been in discussion with Dr. Stuckey and may be malting some alternate plans on the placement of their building and/or a trade of property locations with Dr. Stuckey. There was discussion as to how long the construction on FM 455 would take. Mayor Muir led a conversation with Mr. Madison regarding how much time they believe they actually needed and if three years was actually necessary. Mr. Madison advised that three years may be realistic on the construction, but he did note they would prefer five years. There was discussion as to how long the construction on FM 455 would tape and consensus of the Councilmembers was that they would like to see DATCU reduce the time period to three years and have them come back then if they need more time. It was noted that their five-year exemption would expire in November 2017. A motion was made by Councilman Allison to approve the extension of the Alternative Exterior Building Materials and/or Design for the DATCU Credit Union Building located at 618 N. 10"' Street for three (3) years from the November 2017 expiration date. Motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #02-06-17 Annexing Properties Located East of Marion Road and North of FM 455. Director of Community and Economic Development, Alina Ciocan was recognized and advised that we have had two public hearings required by statute regarding the proposed annexation. She noted that last week she visited with a couple that was included in the annexation and they were very grateful to be annexed into the city. This is the last step of the process. She noted there is a map included that shows the two areas with Development Agreements. There was brief discussion. A motion was made by Councilman Allison to approve Ordinance #02-06-17 Annexing Properties located east of Marion Road and North of FM 455. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 8. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Request to Rezone Approximately 49.51 Acres on the East Side of Marion Road Approximately 2,500 Feet North of FM 455 from "A" Agricultural District to "SF-1" Single Family Residential District. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. There being no citizens recognized with questions, or to speak for or against, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:31 p.m. 9. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #02-04-17 — Amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 49.51 Acres on the East Side of Marion Road Approximately 2,500 Feet North of FM 455 from "A" Agricultural District to "SF-1" Single Family Residential District. Ed McBirney was recognized and presented the proposal for the property that he was requesting the "SF-1" Single Family Residential zoning on. He noted it is the same one that they have presented several times. They are proposing 42 one acre sites. It was noted they would be on septic. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell Approving Ordinance #02-04-17 — amending the Official Zoning Map to rezone approximately 49.51 Acres on the East Side of Marion Road Approximately 2,500 feet North of FM 455 from "A" Agricultural District to "SF-l" Single Family Residential District. Motion was seconded by Councilman Allison. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 10. Conduct a Public Hearing Concerning a Request to Rezone Approximately 19.51 Acres on the East Side of Marion Road Approximately 1,500 Feet North of FM 455 from "A" Agricultural District to "R-1" Residential District 1. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m. There being no citizens recognized with questions, or to speak for or against, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:36 p.m. 11. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Ordinance #02-05-17 — Amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 19.51 Acres on the East Side of Marion Road Approximately 1,500 Feet North of FM 455 from "A" Agricultural District to "R-1" Residential District 1. Ed McBirney was recognized and presented the proposal for the property. He advised that this is one of the two pieces of property that they are doing the CCN exchange with Bolivar Water through the PUC. They have made application to the PUC on to allow the City to take over the water district. This 19 Acres and the 62 sixty-two acres above it. Bolivar Water will get the 1 acre estates and Sanger gets Parkbrook which is 45 Lots and Phase 6 in Sanger Circle which is 182 Lots. He noted Parkbrook will have a 4 Acre lake. They have sold the lots to two Custom Builders, Cameron Custom Homes and Ultra Homes. They are building 2000 square foot size minimum homes and are going to be more custom homes. It will be an upper scale community. They are still waiting PUC approval which they expect soon. There was brief discussion regarding the drainage on the property. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to Approve Ordinance #02-05-17 amending the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Approximately 19.51 Acres on the East Side of Marion Road Approximately 1,500 Feet North of FM 455 from "A" Agricultural District to "R-1" Residential District 1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 12. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #02-03-17 — Ordering and Providing Notice of a General Election for the Purpose of Electing Three Council Members (Places 1, 3 and 5); and, Approving a Joint Election Agreement and Contract with Denton County for Election Services. City Secretary Price was recognized and advised that this is the standard Joint Election Agreement we receive every year from Denton County. It notes places 1, 3 and 5 are up for election and filing for those places will be open until 5:00 p.m. on Friday February 17t". The place for voting is proposed to be the Church of Christ on Locust. It also includes the hours for Early and Regular voting. The Ordinance will be published in the paper and 30 days or less from the election the Notice of General Election will be published in the paper. It is a standard timeline. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to approve Ordinance #02-03-17 — Ordering and Providing Notice of a General Election for the Purpose of Electing Three Council Members (Places 1, 3 and 5); and, Approving a Joint Election Agreement and Contract with Denton County for Election Services. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu Absent). 13. INFORMATION ITEMS a) 2017 City Council Regular Meeting Calendar It was noted that July 3rd is a City Council Meeting and Tuesday the 4th of July is a Holiday if the Council wants to move the meeting to after the holiday day, the 5th or 011 , we could do that. 14. ADJOURN. There being no further items Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:48 p.m. 2/08/2017 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08658 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK V, .. NP14E / I.U. DESC TYPE DATE 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-12/11/16-1/11/17 UTILITIES 12/11/16-1/11/17 D 2/08/2017 11690 PITNEY BOWES - RESERVE ACCOUNT I-20170203-0609 POSTAGE 14ACHINE REFILL D 2/08/2017 30750 ACTON PUMPING, INC. I-17-011802 SLUDGE TRANSPORT R 2/OB/2017 25070 ALL A14ERICAN DOGS INC • I-2982 JAN SHELTER SERVICE R 2/08/2017 02610 ANIXTER INC. I-345796E-00 14ULE TAPE, 2-2 CRIMPIT, 6-4 CO R 2/08/2017 22620 ARAMARK UNIFOR14 SERVICE I-1156677430 FLEET UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-1156677431 STREETS UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-1156677432 DEVELOP14ENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-1156677433 WATER UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-1156677434 PARKS UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-1156688878 FLEET UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-11566B8879 STREETS UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-11566888BO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-1156688881 WATER UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 I-1156688882 PARKS UNIFORMS R 2/08/2017 31080 AT&T I-233006 OBTAINED INFO FOR CASE#S121616 R 2/08/2017 02460 AT&T 140BILITY I-12/23/16-01/22/17 CELL PHONE FEB 2017 R 2/08/2017 31120 BACKFLOW TESTING I-6816 TESTING BACKFLOW DEVICES R 2/08/2017 31100 BAGHERI & UPSHAW P.C. I-201702086512 SPECIAL COMMISSIONER R 2/08/2017 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-823B4508 E14S 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 2/08/2017 I-82386988 E14S 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 2/08/2017 I-82386989 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 2/08/2017 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT P14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 28,199.96CR 000000 28,199.96 300.000R 000000 300.00 3,500.000R 065466 3,500.00 3,400.000R 065467 3,400.00 235.000R 065468 235.00 31.22CR 065469 30.28CR 065469 8.46CR 065469 193.50CR 065469 26.73CR 065469 31.22CR 065469 30.2BCR 065469 8.46CR 065469 61.14CR 065469 26.73CR 065469 448.02 150.000R 065470 150.00 789.12CR 065471 789.12 350.000R 065472 350.00 4,800.00CR 065473 4,800.00 643.8BCR 065474 113.B6CR 065474 125.B1CR 065474 883.55 2/08/2017 2:31 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 0865E Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK V, NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC I-1352580 CONSULTATION:I7HIGHLAND/215 HI R 2/08/2017 I-1352581 PLAN REVIEW-4908 SANGER CIRCLE R 2/08/2017 I-1352582 PLAN REVIEW- 4002 KENSINGTON R 2/08/2017 I-1352583 PLAN REVIEW-4906 SANGER CIRCLE R 2/08/2017 I-1352584 PLAN REVIEW- 4011 HIGH PLAINS R 2/08/2017 I-13525B5 PLAN REVIEW- 1 BLUEBIRD IN R 2/O8/2017 I-1352586 PLAN REVIEW- 44 KRA14ER IN R 2/O8/2017 I-1352587 PLAN REVIEW-4003 HIGH PLAINS R 2/08/2017 I-1352588 PLAN REVIEW-4005 HIGH PLAINS R 2/08/2017 I-1352589 PLAN REVIEW- 4017 KENSINGTON R 2/08/2017 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-30909 INSTALL T BOX, WIRE PUMP R 2/08/2017 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER I-20161215000249 ORDINANCE RECORDING/DENTON CO R 2/08/2017 18740 CHILD S14ART ID I-405 ID FOR NEW HIRE 783 W. BAIRD R 2/O8/2017 17950 CLAYTON, ZAC I-188965215 REIMBURSEMENT FOR BOOTS R 2/08/2017 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-12/16/16-1/16/17 ELECTRIC FEB 2017 R 2/OB/2017 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-110899 BUSINESS CARDS- R. HA14MONDS R 2/O8/2017 26410 DENTON COUNTY CLERK I-R60078 14OWING LIEN SE CORNER KIRKLAND R 2/08/2017 I-R60392 MOWING LIEN SW CORNER KIRKLAND R 2/08/2017 00850 DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE I-60440707 RENEWAL R 2/08/2017 26120 EAGLE RECOGNITION I-0676917-IN JA14ES HUNTER R 2/08/2017 28070 EPP, CINDY I-JANUARY 2017 YOGA INSTRUCTION FOR JANUARY R 2/08/2017 PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 153.84CR 065475 150.00OR 065475 150.00CR 065475 150.00CR 065475 150.00OR 065475 150.00CR 065475 150.00CR 065475 150.00OR 065475 150.00OR 065475 150.00OR 065475 1,503.84 459.18CR 065476 459.18 44.50CR 065477 44.50 13.00CR 06547E 13.00 139.99CR 065479 139.99 2,440.56CR 065480 2,440.56 54.15CR 065481 54.15 30.00OR 065482 30.00CR 065482 60.00 150.60CR 065483 150.60 80.07CR 065484 80.07 280.00OR 065485 280.00 2/08/2017 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 08658 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VL I NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A140UNT NO4 AMOUNT 18790 FUEL14AN I-NP49614613 FUEL 1/30/17-2/5/17 R 2/08/2017 2,018.67CR 065486 2,018.67 14510 GARRETT, RODNEY I-185610 BOOT REI14BURSE14ENT-FOSTERS R 2/08/2017 100.000R 065487 100.00 22690 GEAR CLEANING SOLUTION I-106065 FIRE PPE CARE&MAINTENANCE SERV R 2/OB/2017 568.74CR 065488 568.74 28700 GROD I-161230E RE14 & REP CONCRETE R 2/08/2017 6,240.00OR 065489 6,240.00 31090 HAYES, BERRY, WHITE & VANZANT LLP I-201702086513 SPECIAL COMMISSIONER R 2/08/2017 4,800.00CR 065490 4,800.00 29840 JEFF NIXON I-097502 BOOT REI14BURSE14ENT R 2/08/2017 100.00CR 065491 100.00 20790 LIBRARICA LLC I-203707-104R RENEWAL OF CASSIE SOFTWARE SUP R 2/08/2017 245.27CR 065492 245.27 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-56843 10 FT POLE R 2/08/2017 48.39CR 065493 48.39 10730 MABAK DIRECTIONAL DRILLING,CORP. I-6414 WATER BORE -LAKE RIDGE R 2/08/2017 4,350.000R 065494 4,350.00 O1B30 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-21347 RELOCATE/PROGRAM PHONE R 2/08/2017 95.00CR 065495 95.00 30990 NSTS LLC I-1326 SQUARE SLEEVES R 2/08/2017 199.75CR 065496 199.75 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-340453 DOR 741-014 R 2/08/2017 2.00CR 97.78CR 065497 I-1959-340465 11 OZ PENETRT R 2/08/2017 1.92CR 94.08CR 065497 I-1959-340609 KEY SET R 2/08/2017 0.18CR 8.B1CR 065497 I-1959-341299 TOGGLE SWT R 2/08/2017 0.36CR 17.79CR 065497 218.46 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-892628712001 INK REFILL -RED R 2/OB/2017 6.49CR 065498 I-894262017001 36X4B WHITEBOARD R 2/08/2017 49.99CR 065498 I-895644800001 KLEENEX, PAPER R 2/08/2017 69.93CR 065498 126.41 2/08/2017 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 08658 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VL I NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT 09090 PERKINS ENTERPRISE I-3063 AIR ANALYSIS R 2/08/2017 150.000R 065499 150.00 05510 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF TX, INC I-1202715247 SLUDGE ROLL OFF R 2/08/2017 99.90CR 065500 99.90 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR I-OG27552B 4 SS TACLITE UNIFOR14 SHIRT R 2/08/2017 319.95CR 065501 I-OG29218C SS POLY UNIFOR14 SHIRT/JACKET R 2/08/2017 179.98CR 065501 I-OG29218D LS POLY UNIFOR14 SHIRT 776 R 2/OB/2017 49.99CR 065501 549.92 31070 ROGER 14 YALE I-201702086511 SPECIAL COMISSIONER R 2/OB/2017 4,800.00CR 065502 4,800.00 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-C9964 COUPLE COMP 1" SCH40 R 2/08/2017 8.64CR 065503 8.64 02370 SHERWIN WILLIAMS I-1867-5 PAINT R 2/08/2017 71.61CR 065504 71.61 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1472591-00 3" 2 HOLE CONDUIT STRAP R 2/08/2017 37.50CR 065505 I-3090250-02 14ISC TOOLS R 2/08/2017 399.50CR 065505 I-3090250-03 MISC TOOLS R 2/08/2017 41.000R 065505 478.00 20730 TELREPCO I-00140128 REFURBISHED TOUGH BOOK R 2/08/2017 2,289.00CR 065506 2,289.00 11430 USA BLUEBOOK, INC. I-156872 LAB SUPPLIES R 2/08/2017 771.54CR 065507 771.54 21 WELLSPRING INSURANCE I-1284 WELLSPRING CONSULT FEES R 2/08/2017 2,000.00CR 065508 2,000.00 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 43 4.46 50,110.88 50,115.34 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 2 0.00 28,499.96 28,499.96 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 45 4.46 7B,610.84 78,615.30 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 2/08/2017 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 08658 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK V' NA14E / I.U. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NON AMOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT 001 2/2017 27,798.31CR 008 2/2017 32,927.91CR 180 2/2017 3,434.63CR 41 2/2017 49.99CR 840 2/2017 14,400.00OR ALL 78,610.84CR 2/08/2017 2:35 PI4 REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08655 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VEi, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I.D. NAME TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 1 BANKS, GEORGE I-000201702086478 BANKS, GEORGE R 2/08/2017 6.14 065509 6.14 1 BAR HAIM, KEREN I-000201702086509 BAR HAIM, KEREN R 2/08/2017 290.15 065510 290.15 1 BLACKER, ANGELA I-000201702086479 BLACKER, ANGELA R 2/08/2017 34.53 065511 34.53 1 BRUSHWING LLC I-000201702086506 BRUSHWING LLC R 2/08/2017 130.99 065512 130.99 1 CABLE, JOE TOM I-000201702086510 CABLE, JOE TOM R 2/08/2017 121.93 065513 121.93 1 CAMERON CLASSIC H014ES I-000201702086487 CAMERON CLASSIC H014ES R 2/08/2017 198.28 065514 198.28 1 CLARK, ANDIE I-000201702086481 CLARK, ANDIE R 2/08/2017 21.28 065515 21.28 1 DUFRESNE, JAY I-000201702086486 DUFRESNE, JAY R 2/08/2017 151.37 065516 151.37 1 GONZALEZ, ATANACIO I-000201702086507 GONZALEZ, ATANACIO R 2/08/2017 97.97 065517 97.97 1 GOOD, CELIA I-000201702086508 GOOD, CELIA R 2/08/2017 109.76 065518 109.76 _ GRUESCHOW, HENRY L I-000201702086489 GRUESCHOW, HENRY L R 2/08/2017 11.45 065519 11.45 1 HATLEY, DAVID I-000201702086476 HATLEY, DAVID R 2/08/2017 3.34 065520 3.34 1 HE, YIMIAO I-000201702086490 HE, YII4IAO R 2/08/2017 59.31 065521 59.31 1 HOMES FOR FAMILY DREAMS LLC I-000201702086491 HOMES FOR FAMILY DREAMS LLC R 2/08/2017 607.69 065522 607.69 1 JONSSON, MATTIE I-000201702086477 JONSSON, MATTIE R 2/08/2017 9.77 065523 9.77 2/08/2017 2:35 P14 REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08655 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VE"-'K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I.D. NA14E TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 1 KING, LEAH I-000201702086482 KING, LEAH R 2/08/2017 36.57 065524 36.57 1 LASALLE, CAROL I-000201702086484 LASALLE, CAROL R 2/08/2017 1.28 065525 1.28 1 LGI H014ES TEXAS LLC 1-000201702086495 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 2/08/2017 576.51 065526 576.51 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC I-000201702086496 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 2/08/2017 20.70 065527 20.70 1 LGI HONES TEXAS LLC I-000201702086500 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 2/08/2017 23.28 065528 23.28 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC I-000201702086502 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 2/08/2017 24.01 065529 24.01 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC I-000201702086503 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 2/08/2017 20.70 065530 20.70 1 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC I-000201702086504 LGI HOMES TEXAS LLC R 2/08/2017 20.70 065531 20.70 1 14CLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201702086497 14CLINTOCK HOMES LLC R 2/08/2017 79.31 065532 79.31 1 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201702086498 MCLINTOCK HOMES LLC R 2/08/2017 52.43 065533 52.43 _ 14CLINTOCK HOMES LLC I-000201702086499 MCLINTOCK HONES LLC R 2/08/2017 28.43 065534 28.43 1 MCQUEEN, JAMI I-000201702086480 MCQUEEN, JAMI R 2/08/2017 14.26 065535 14.26 1 PRUITT, ANDREW 1-000201?02086488 PRUITT, ANDREW R 2/08/2017 1.84 065536 1.84 1 REINSCHELD, DOUGLAS 1-000201702086483 REINSCHELD, DOUGLAS R 2/08/2017 158.86 065537 158.86 1 ROSENTHAL, COLIN I-000201702086505 ROSENTHAL, COLIN R 2/08/2017 52.87 065538 52.87 2/08/2013 2:35 PM PACKET: 08655 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VE,,-,,k I.D. NA14E --------------------------------------------- 1 SMITH, GERANE I-000201702086501 SMITH, GERANE 1 SMITH, LLOYD I-000201702086485 SMITH, LLOYD 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000201702086492 ULTRA HOMES 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000201702086493 ULTRA HOMES 1 ULTRA HOMES I-000201702086494 ULTRA HOMES REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT R 2/08/2017 35.26 065539 35.26 R 2/08/2017 33.82 065540 33.82 R 2/08/2017 20.70 065541 20.70 R 2/08/2017 31.23 065542 31.23 R 2/08/2017 22.77 065543 22.77 ** B A N K T O T A L S ** NO# DISCOUNTS REGULAR CHECKS: 35 0.00 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 BANK TOTALS: 35 0.00 CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 3,109.49 3,109.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,109.49 3,109.49 2/08/2017 2:35 P14 REFUNDS CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08655 US - Refund VENDOR SET: 99 AP VENDOR SET BANK: ALL ** REGISTER GRAND TOTALS * * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 35 0.00 3,109.49 3,109.49 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 35 0.00 3,109.49 3,109.49 ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD P14OUNT ---------------------------------------- 008 2/2017 3,109.49CR ALL 3,109.49CR TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 4 2/1S/2017 3:33 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08674 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK Vh.. jR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P14OUNT NO# AMOUNT 19970 ACE HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, INC I-26778 A/C IN SLEEPING ROOM R 2/15/2017 90.00OR 065566 90.00 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-S100012214.001 SOLID CAP, WEDGE RETAINER, BOL R 2/15/2017 171.67CR 065567 171.67 25940 ALAN PLUMMER ASSOCIATES, INC I-000000040113 PRO41416-002-01 INV435975 R 2/15/2017 21,534.82CR 065568 21,534.82 ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-50074612 REPAIRS ON 32-58 R 2/1S/2017 385.54CR 065569 I-50075920 REPAIRS ON 17-58 R 2/15/2017 385.42CR 065569 770.96 28090 ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC I-94540399 EZ-10 25MM NEEDLES R 2/15/2017 560.05CR 065570 I-94543680 EZ-10 POWER DRIVER R 2/15/2017 856.18CR 065570 I-94546805 EZ-10 25 MM NEEDLE R 2/15/2017 555.86CR 065570 I-94546806 EZ-10 45 MM NEEDLE R 2/15/2017 556.25CR 065570 2,528.34 01550 ATMOS I-1/4/17-2/l/17 GAS 1/14/17-2/1/17 R 2/15/2017 996.78CR 065571 996.78 13270 BOLZ, JA14ES I-405DLA039136291 OUT OF POCKET-MILLER'S DRIVING R 2/15/2017 25.00OR 065572 25.00 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82388513 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 501.86CR 065573 I-82394976 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 2.78CR 065573 I-82394977 E14S MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 28.66CR 065573 533.30 31.01n C & C DIRECTIONAL BORING LLC I-13417CS BORE @ 204 ACKER R 2/15/2017 3,052.50CR 065574 3,052.50 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER C-3021785435256 S14ART LEVEL TAX REFUNDED R 2/15/2017 8.31 065575 I-002598430 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE R 2/15/2017 385.00OR 065575 I-00649 TCCA PEMBERSHIP-C. PUNCHES R 2/15/2017 40.00OR 065575 I-00657 TCCA MEMBERSHIP-S. DODSON R 2/15/2017 40.00OR 065575 I-02414G BREAK ROOM SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 38.76CR 065575 I-038521384 CDL WRITTEN TEST -MILLER R 2/15/2017 25.00OR 065575 I-03791 LOWES- PAINT SAMPLES R 2/15/2017 12.41CR 065575 I-100146895147 TRUCK REGISTRATION R 2/15/2017 8.50CR 065575 I-100415044 TEXAS LABOR AND LAW POSTER R 2/15/2017 239.60CR 065575 I-10264126 FLOOR CUSHIONS FOR MEETING ROO R 2/15/2017 99.00OR 065575 I-114996 ACTIVE911, INC. R 2/15/2017 76.50CR 065575 I-11862 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS CERT PR R 2/15/2017 125.00CR 065575 I-170123-JS-920 TAAFT/TRAPS S14S UNIVERSITY R 2/15/2017 45.00OR 065575 I-20170109000154 PLAT RECORDING/DENTON CO R 2/15/2017 52.50CR 065575 I-20170119000029 PARKING PYMT LEMIT CLASS HUNST R .2/15/2017 12.00OR 065575 I-201702066467 ILLEGAL DUMPING ENFORCEMENT CO R 2/15/2017 39.00OR 065575 I-201702066468 CODE ENFOR LEGISLATIVE/LEGAL U R 2/15/2017 25.00OR 065575 I-20382281131 STEP BY STEP CONDUCTING ELECTI R 2/15/2017 55.55CR 065535 2/15/2017 3:33 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08674 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VL, JR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P14OUNT NO# AMOUNT I-2302483 FACEBOOK-XMAS PARADE ADVERTIS R 2/15/2017 33.15CR 065575 I-27192708 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 28.66CR 065575 I-3394207 HOTELSTAY 1/22-27 LEMIT R 2/15/2017 502.60CR 065575 I-411362 TYLER CONNECT 2017 REGISTRATIO R 2/15/2017 850.00OR 065575 I-4770 HOME DEPOT -PAINT SAI4PLES R 2/15/2017 15.36CR 065575 I-50002060245 KLEENEX, DEODORIZERS, V-DAY DE R 2/15/2017 43.50CR 065575 I-516 BUSINESS LUNCH/GIS R 2/15/2017 35.08CR 065575 I-5371 SIGN R 2/15/2017 329.50CR 065575 I-53889 TRUCK WEIGH IN R 2/15/2017 11.00CR 065575 I-61391 TRUCK INSPECTION R 2/15/2017 7.00OR 065575 I-61VR1258792CY TX DEPT OF MOTOR VEHICLES R 2/15/2017 16.25CR 065575 I-641 USPS-REPLACE MAILBOX KEYS R 2/15/2017 18.000R 065575 I-7195145 2016 FLATBED REGISTRATION R 2/15/2017 8.50CR 065575 I-733950459 SGR LEADERSHIP R 2/15/2017 349.00OR 065575 I-7433014 LABELS, STICKERS R 2/15/2017 49.14CR 065575 I-7778302 ELGL 1EMBERSHIP R 2/15/2017 25.00OR 065575 I-860 BUSINESS LUNCH/CO ECO DEV. R 2/15/2017 27.60CR 065575 I-8808031025 TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS LAW SE14 R 2/15/2017 285.000R 065575 I-8808933510 T14CA MEMBERSHIP J. STATON R 2/15/2017 100.000R 065575 I-9508 BOOKS FOR JUVENILE COLLECTION R 2/15/2017 16.80CR 065575 I-B10831192 PSI ONLINE R 2/15/2017 64.000R 065575 I-S149359667.001 PVC PIPE & BUSHING R 2/15/2017 27.61CR 065575 I-ST712727054 SOFTWARE RENEWAL (FARONICS) R 2/15/2017 81.81CR 065575 4,235.07 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 2/15/2017 065576 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 2/15/2017 065577 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 2/15/2017 065578 **VOID** 03-7gO COLLIN COLLEGE, COURTYARD CENTER '. I -PARKER FTO COURSE 5/1-5/4 R 2/15/2017 80.000R 065579 80.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-11188 PEA GRAVEL R 2/15/2017 375.000R 065580 I-11189 10 YRDS 1" ROCK R 2/15/2017 492.50CR 065580 867.50 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-CI4201753 ICE MACHINE RENTAL-FEB 17 R 2/15/2017 354.000R 065581 354.00 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-111098 HEALTH PERMIT CARDS R 2/15/2017 149.15CR 065582 149.15 2/15/2017 3:33 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08674 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANES POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK V, _JR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DP1700219 DEC LATE BILLS R 2/15/2017 00850 DENTON RECORD -CHRONICLE I-0000549057 AD BILLING R 2/15/2017 31140 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION CO I-17102 N I35 OUTFALL SEWER PH-2 R 2/15/2017 23900 DODSON, STEF.ANI I-201612016366 REGIONAL CLERKS SEMINAR-S.DODS R 2/15/2017 17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGED SALES I-1000596879 PLASTIC WARE R 2/15/2013 I-1000596885 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0841405 BELL JT LEAK CLMP R 2/15/2017 I-0842448 GLAND ACCY PK, SOLID CAP R 2/15/2017 04060 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS I-21179563 NEW TO HR TRAINING-J. STATON R 2/15/2017 18790 FUELMAN I-NP49651245 FUEL 2/6/17-2/12/17 R 2/15/2017 01070 GALLS INC. I-006905244 2 BRASS NAME PLATES 776/783 R 2/15/2017 I-006908124 LAPEL MIC/PAPER GLOVE/AUTOLOCK R 2/15/2017 17-0 THE GLOVE GUY I-40169 GLOVES R 2/15/2017 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1017700 TIRES FOR TAHOE UNIT 07-20 R 2/15/2017 1 JOSH HUNTER I-201702136514 CC DEPOSIT REFUND R 2/15/2017 01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-25720 CHANGE COMBO R 2/15/2017 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 474.66CR 065583 474.66 358.80CR 065584 358.80 127,092.90CR 065585 127,092.90 144.60CR 065586 144.60 18.000R 065587 27.85CR 065587 45.85 325.000R 065588 112.06CR 065588 437.06 149.000R 065589 149.00 2,165.50CR 065590 2,165.50 19.96CR 065591 281.25CR 065591 301.21 45.000R 065592 45.00 526.34CR 065593 526.34 100.000R 065594 100.00 105.000R 065595 105.00 2/15/2017 3 : 3 3 2I4 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08674 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK V. .R NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 28050 LIONS CLUB I-JAN/FEB 2017 MEMBERSHIP R 2/15/2017 17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY I-LAB-0014846 TESTING R 2/15/2017 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALLEN, PC I-140831 JANUARY WARRANT COLLECTION R 2/15/2017 26670 NORTH TEXAS LIBRARY CONSORTIUM I-2015-011A NTLC MEMBERSHIP R 2/15/2017 31170 NU ART PRINTING CO. INC I-013956 3 PART IMPOUND SHEET BOOBS-20 R 2/15/2017 18470 O'CONNOR, DON I-201702156518 TRAVEL PER DIEM 1/23 &1/24 R 2/15/2017 02970 OFFICE DEPOT C-898577843001 CREDIT FOR INV 894261898001 R 2/15/2017 I-894261898001 12X16 PLASTIC BAGS R 2/15/2017 I-896287276001 TABLE R 2/15/2017 1-896287951001 CHAIRS R 2/15/2017 I-896287952001 CALENDARS R 2/15/2017 I-89720712001 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 I-897562407001 BATTERY BACKUP R 2/15/2017 I-897939778001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES R 2/15/2013 I-899184291001 PENCIL SHARPENER R 2/15/2017 I-899184459001 BLEACH R 2/15/2017 30860 PAVECON PUBLIC WORKS, LP I-16-03-511.04 MCREYNOLDS RD CONST R 2/15/2017 29830 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. I-3682 PROJECT R 2/15/2017 I-3684 CAP IMPROV PLAN R 2/15/2017 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR I-OOG31601 5 STRYKE UNIFOP14 PANTS 783 R 2/15/2017 I-OOG32399 3 STRYKE UNIFORM PANTS 779 R 2/15/2017 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. I-355384 CLEANING SUPPLIES R 2/15/2017 PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AI4OUNT N04 AMOUNT 150.000R 065596 150.00 2,396 91CR 065597 2,396.91 375.90CR 065598 375.90 911.11CR 065599 911.11 334.000R 065600 334.00 50.000R 065601 50.00 151.99 065602 151.99CR 065602 163.98CR 065602 139.99CR 065602 8.79CR 065602 72.49CR 065602 90.99CR 065602 30.38CR 065602 17.19CR 065602 43.17CR 065602 566.98 14,080.71CR 065603 14,080.71 1,550.000R 065604 9,346.20CR 065604 10,896.20 374.95CR 065605 499.92CR 065605 874.87 36.14CR 065606 36.14 2/15/2017 3:33 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 08674 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK V....,jR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A140UNT N04 AMOUNT 30050 SAMANTHA SPRINGS I-407638 FLEET WATER DELIVERY R 2/15/2017 9.40CR 065607 9.40 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-201298 COMPRESSED OXYGEN R 2/15/2017 19.00OR 065608 I-201428 COMPRESSED OXYGEN R 2/15/2017 26.00OR 065608 45.00 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING I-00000037235 ERCOT TRANSMISSION OPERATOR R 2/15/2017 5,031.25CR 065609 5,031.25 10470 SIDDONS MARTIN EMERGENCY GROUP 1-15402519 INSTALL PRIMER CABLE R 2/15/2017 278.63CR 065610 278.63 09550 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL, I NC. I-106659 CYLINDER RENTAL R 2/15/2017 36.000R 065611 36.00 26340 STOLZ TELECOM I-1154 IN CAR HAND HELD RADIO R 2/15/2017 6,152.24CR 065612 I-1161 REPROGRAMMING AND RECITER TUNI R 2/15/2017 585.000R 065612 6,737.24 19060 TECHLINE CONSTRUCTION, LLC I-3090686-00 DRIVE END 7' WRENCH R 2/15/2017 767.12CR 065613 767.12 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1472542-00 WIRE, GRND LUG, CONDUIT R 2/15/2017 33.50CR 065614 33.50 30250 TEXAS AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION I-28495 2017 MEMBER CITY DUES R 2/15/2017 200.000R 065615 200.00 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-17-01229 JANU.ARY MESSAGE FEES R 2/15/2017 86.45CR 065616 86.45 3� TONY TULLOS I-201701316462 PER DIEM 2/20/2/22 R 2/15/2017 75.00CR 065617 75.00 30980 TWO CLOVER SERVICES INC I-17-1 CONSULTANT R 2/15/2017 3,330.50CR 065618 3,330.50 02920 US POSTAL SERVICE i I-201702156516 PO BOX 1729 2/28/17 R 2/15/2017 376.00CR 065619 376.00 j 27070 NEAI, WELCH I-201702156517 TRAVEL PER DIEM 1/23 & 1/24 R 2/15/2017 50.000R 065620 50.00 2/15/2017 3:33 P24 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 08674 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK V--iR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT 24970 WELLSPRING INSURANCE I-1290 WELLSPRING CONSULT FEES R 2/15/2017 2,000.00CR 065621 2,000.00 03680 WHITMIRE LINE CLEARANCE, INC I-SN17-10001 TREE TRIMING R 2/15/2017 3,040.000R 065622 3,040.00 30600 TASC I-FSCPY1.20.17 FLEX D 2/17/2017 208.33CR 000000 I-FS14PY1.20.17 FLEX D 2/17/2017 1,962.61CR 000000 2,170.94 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 54 0.00 220,103.92 220,103.92 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 1 0.00 2,170.94 2,170.94 VOID CHECKS: 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 58 0.00 222,274.86 222,274.86 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 2/15/2017 3:33 P14 PACKET: 08674 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT 4,_..JR NAME / I.D. DESC A / P CHECK REGISTER CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT N04 ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD A14OUNT 001 2/2017 19,762.67CR 004 2/2017 14,080.71CR 008 2/2017 17,213.01CR 180 2/2017 11,581.87CR 41 2/2017 112.68CR 840 2/2017 159,523.92CR ALL 222,274.86CR PAGE: 7 CHECK AMOUNT CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal N Yes El Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: February 21, 2017 Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic & Community Development City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date -,e--I,(- / 7 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Act on a Petition to Vacate a Portion of a Plat Known as Lot 2 in Plat No. 2010-180 (Rita's Ranch). FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The subject property is located west of Union Hill in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The applicant owns both Lot 1 and Lot 2 as described in the attached Final Plat for Rita's Ranch. Furthermore, the applicant owns the adjacent property immediately to the west and to the north of Lot 2. The request is to vacate a portion of the plat (Lot 2). The applicant's intent is to re-suvey the site and combine Lot 2 (vacated) along with the property to the west and to the north of it into one tract in order to accommodate an accessory building on part of Lot 2. Staff discussed with representatives from the Denton County Planning Office and Lake Ray Roberts Zoning and they indicated there were no issues with the applicant's petition to vacate a portion of this plat. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the petition to vacate a portion of the Rita's Ranch plat. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Map of Subject Property Agencies: • Petition for Vacation of Plat • Final Plat The Planning & Zoning Commission considered this item at the • Letter of Intent February 13, 2017 meeting and unanimously approved it. 0 N TI p w 0 \J Q < n rn w n 0 0) �r-�' O C Q `G 0 O m (OD c O p N C C7 N �G N Q �. IOD I-D (D .� 0 N CD ID 0 N ID 'o CO. m SCDm vID (D o o m m �� ti N -0 ry C nl 0 O N = Q . p mmo0 Q'q G C m0�Z-, 25. m m o 0 (D (n 3 . - CD O > Er(D 5 C N C �o_N N D r � W N Y / i -� � CD ,r 5 O X a � + m w O C ., N Jco SD I eo K? cc co o c � � % N i� o -+ UNION HILL RU yl XI I � 41 N IV I i rn v N a eD 7 i ru M• o i —I o; 't3i .77 M W 22 i O O "J co (M% csl w City of Sanger THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § DECLARATION PETITION FOR VACATION OF PLAT DECLARATION OF PETITION FOR VACATION OF PLAT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT: I (we), the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I am (we are) the owner(s)/proprietor(s) of all the land and/or lots or portions of lots included in the certain plat numbered 2010-180, and entitled Rita's Ranch, which was filed in the Plat Records of Denton County, Texas. A true and correct copy of said plat is attached hereto and was approved by the City of Sanger City Council on October 8, 2010. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 212.013, the undersigned hereby declare(s) a portion of such plat known as Lot 2 in Plat No. 2010-180 to be vacated. It is the intent of the undersigned to nullify the force and effect of the recordation of the portion described of the above referenced plat by filing this declaration in the Denton County Real Property Records, to cause the County Clerk to write the word "vacated" in plain, legible letters across the portion of the plat, and to so vacate. It is further declared that the City of Sanger Planning and Zoning Commission and the City of Sanger City Council have approved said instrument by their signature executed, attested, and attached hereto. I (we) understand and acknowledge that I (we) will have no right to a refund of any monies, fees, or charges paid to the City of Sanger nor to the return of any property or consideration dedicated or delivered to the City o Sanger except as may have previously been agreed to by the City of Sanger. ts [ Signed this l day of c, " , 20 7 B —L�,��,jelipe� Y� Owner's Name Printed Owner's Signature h e -n L�--en Owner's Name Printed ner's S y Is] lq Owner's Duly Authorized Agent Agent's Signature Agent's Title Page 1 of 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Before me, the undersi ned authority, a notary public for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared I �t-' I , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 2 day of V2hv-ce, , 20 1 Notary P is in and for the State of Texas JENNIFER SHUMATE Notary Public Le�mycomm.Explres*09-2020 State of Texas 191 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § My commission expires: �O � 1-eNo Before me, the undersi ed authority, a notary public for the State of Texas, on this day personally appearedknown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 31 day of d?nu-Lj,i , 20 1-� . ---------------------- Notar ublic ' f r the State of Texas JENNIFER SHUMATE Notary Public +s .` ID#12915791.8 State of Texas My commission expires: �41�O,� ZorZ My Comm. Ex Tres 10.09-2020 Page 2 of 3 This Partial Vacation of Subdivision Plat has been submitted to and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the jday of h 2017' Chairmar)6/ Attest: Cl I retary This Partial Vacation of Subdivision Plat has been submitted to and approved by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the _day of 20_. Mayor RETURN COPY TO: Attest: NAME ADDRESS City Secretary Page 3 of 3 g s BRA ❑ 4 .� � 2� ❑W e Z L9'9E9 lr�E l4 l0❑❑ 5 a Al -- ---I i i r-T4�--------� —I- - — - - —M A ^ o Ma--��---- II II �� I a� 1 � m I I =51 � 11 ❑ 1 gt�,�+ 1 � N13 g1^ 9103 ti 'Ora. 1 R Fps arm ;4 'gym„'`• € •b u�b �3�, �Y €n € � R IRS goo I ti a mop m oil �aIng 6 m o fflo .3= / s�°r I ° d• 6��Io� €�s� €� �° a a��s�€� 1 non! 7 e� 3eME ❑eE❑ N jad i Ig lam! G 8 # p� €€3 0 hoed" E 5 §�Ne = a oQ ° €� dim in a� WIN l�u§l�R � l un at lull 1 31€'° a sa a 8 ads 3 �g � § o o & °RHIN eg as =€� €� s � � � ��o3��s o 9 � � s� � �= sY aa' IN is R � � � � �� us � d��v��� d o s " " m �� R al 5 a ds ; $� Swill � W � � � �a � �. '�° n �g � g �r s ���°., w �t�s� a� a RN In � � a � s€ �€s: ^� `� Hui g gR Him, !go "fg No " ` a `aWe" Rua sn � �?=a a �$ e� �� g a €> s s 0§1 g ° p N, �30�`, ` jul ❑ - O eg gg�� €a EoSY�m `� � '� � � 3��i#°> s°! $` < m w gq W #n H �° *Ms d�s� 1 _ o m 0 ,m , , E % i m b °� i Hill lF " � s3- g s sa w � � a § a >o e 1 3 10 �o � is H _ b no $ K R o3 �> 3° G¢ €'off#o.- : g 8" �$Y Fla Humv 1/30/17 To: The City of Sanger, Texas Re: Vacation of Rita's Ranch Lot 2 in Plat No. 2010-180 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that Shannon Stenzel (spouse) and I would like to vacate Rita's Ranch Lot 2. We are the owners of the following forty (40) plus or minus acres: R254115 R465491(Rita's Ranch Lot 2) (this is to be vacated) R229289 R229290 R465490 (Rita's Ranch Lot 1) (this will NOT be vacated) It is our intent to build a building on our property. The building site is on the northwest corner of Rita's Ranch Lot 2 so therefore we would like to vacate Rita's Ranch Lot 2. Shannon and I look forward to your assistance, Best r ds, Al and Shannon Stenzel 940.393.5265 CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes Z Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: February 21, 2017 Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic & Community Development City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Proposed Preliminary Plat of Parkbrook at Sanger Circle, Being 19.51 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE❑CIP [:]BUDGETED -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The subject property is approximately 19.51 acres located on the east side of Marion Road approximately 1,500 feet north of FM 455. The property is zoned Residential District 1 (R-1). The applicant has submitted a preliminary plat for 45 lots. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the proposed plat meets the Subdivision Ordinance and recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Aerial Photo of Subject Property • Preliminary Plat The Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat at their January 9, 2017 meeting and unanimously approved it. I= SM 1 Ag m Sg c T C m r m� cm� o� v � p`oRZ nOm i KNZ=-i1=C ooxmm mm�!� 4 mr !1n _ESTREET _ i a �enJ I I r=�agzqa?22eSe 6i H 1 Ma' mg. Y 6 5' a � €a a EH B H s S S wif^ Hsi-T $ ?'H § °$pp�Sg i a � o momM. aaz =3'm iaova o m �p�o dam$"q�° g�z '�:� �Z= goo 811, �p�se,m pj' ° mPo 'l' w oaaf a� 8e s S H u zs�I j F P gas y�, 393 3'ema 22�ma ms ae� ��gs`.' � An me b o i oga� a; KFe �s�a oS ,oRQ N,Z e �8= �R 8$526 Q�gp� "e erae s g� zD 3 g� E gn3'ea- w 36 os pos s g vc gc�a a a v _ CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes Z Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: February 21, 2017 Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic & Community Development City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date — /- .— / 7 ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS MOTHER Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve a Proposed Preliminary Plat of the Sanger Estates, Being 49.51 Acres in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract No. 29. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE ❑CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The subject property is approximately 49.51 acres located on the east side of Marion Road approximately 2,500 feet north of FM 455. The property is zoned Single Family Residential District 1 (SF-1). The applicant has submitted a preliminary plat for 42 one -acre lots. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the proposed plat meets the Subdivision Ordinance and recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Aerial Photo of Subject Property • Preliminary Plat The Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat at their January 9, 2017 meeting and unanimously approved it. � �t�''•e._.. _ - �_ --- -'�_ _ '.d � .�' � _ �: �;. a ,` ��. �� ---- ,� �� --- '. �!!f-: SANGER ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT AV i 1 L II ♦YYn R1��' � �� � z Q S�ANGER ESTA+TES DR MELTON I D I qq z 1 LOIS RD E cG x UIL�AS DR ��1 o� 1 FM 455 W ,y Legend y Sanger Circle Estates "r �1segall — IIJj1"t n. unq In Pp1A Wall. u �g f-NgIW *W=WV4iNM. W�p ;1 in"q0v 1 85 ,446v.' [56 6A)d ill 'M 3 i o I OUR n H11 1HI; XMI 1H, H 1 H9 ling ......... 1 M, JIL A 52 Th "M / T Ing C:T j M_ gr 1 rn I Ap 2WW r 70, 2,­ it 141. 127 4%1 3 1 "in 11 1 XHI 11 1 M 11 111 y0y of in 11H 11 !HUI 1HI 1HU19 31! ion 11 1 11 If[ lul 116 ri '0 HIH 21 21 HI T ME HMO! 1!11 1 1 !�IN SHE 10111 55 GQM Q 1 IT11 Ill HH 1 WHO U12 — W 2HA 1 ; - 1;z 1173K -Up , *1 H 1 g coca it i it 1-i !Ili j 1;uj "[I ljuv;'� 1118.2-1 90 z Nll .. -- RIF 15H119 PM Nnif PH; 1 1� own Ini 1 nu, .., .. 111 -1- HOR I INS -j jgl !-1 lining so Him S § C/) gum Hh- Q,yz. Hal I V1 11H I Uln -H on— Idm I Im Hh 1 H t i WRI lig Va. iN 11 Hit 1 1 Fit CEM2 HIN if - RH I HW th HIM i nid 11H HID 8 aas g°o oaf in! 1H R Na N � 3-,. HF: CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Ll Yes Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: 21 February 2017 Neal Welch City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ ORDINANCE ❑RESOLUTION ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ® AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Contract from Standard Automation and Control LP and Prime Controls LP for Installation of a SCADA Communication System on New Water Wells #8 and #9 for a total of $26,871. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ®CIP ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The SCADA systems' program will be purchased through Standard Automation and Controls. Prime Controls LP will be the vendor installing the programs on both wells #8 and #9. By utilizing these two new vendors we will save at least $22,000. Installation of this software will bring these stations in line with what we currently have. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the contract for the installations of SCADA software. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: • Memo • Contract PRIME coNrRors 1725 LAKEPOINTE DRIVE ® LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 PHONE 972-221-4849 13 FAX 972-420-4842 X(gq3\ February 2, 2017 To: Jim Bolz Ref: City of Sanger Well #8 and #9 SCADA Integration Instrumentation and Control Work Prime Controls Quote No.: Q1757001-19 PRIME CONTROLS PROPOSAL Prime Controls is pleased to offer this quote for the "Instrumentation and Control' work associated with the referenced Well Integration project as described hereafter. The offering is complete with the exception of those items specifically excluded within the "Exclusions" section of this proposal. Equipment Major Products and control panels to be furnished by Prime Controls includes the following: ITEM QTY Well #8 REFERENCE 1. Lot HMI\PLC Programming to Interface with Well#6 2. Lot Conduit and Control Wire Installation 3. Lot Final Terminations in Existing PLC Panel 4. Lot Startup and Commissioning ITEM QTY Well #9 REFERENCE 1. 1 Fully Assembled SCADA Pack RTU Panel 2. Lot HMI\PLC Programming to Interface with Well#6 3. 1 SCADA UPS System 4. 1 MDS SD9 Radio 5. Lot RF Materials i.e. Coax, Coax Connectors, Antenna, Pol phaser. Antenna Mast, Grounding 6. Lot Startup and Commissioning Services to be provided by Prime Controls include the following major items: ITEM SERVICES 1. HMI\PLC Programming to Incorporate newly added well site 8 & 9 functionality. 2. 1 nsta I lation\Config uration of Customer Supplied Wonderware Software\Licensin 3. Final Electrical Terminations to PC Furnished Control Panels. 4. Furnishing and installation of all electrical conduit, wire, etc. required to connect instruments and associated panels. 5. Configurations and Setup of MDS SD9 licensed 900MHz Radios 6. Final Coax and Associated RF Terminations 7. RF Path Study and Documentation 8. Provide ACAD \ As -Built Drawings for provided control panels. 9. Start Up and Commissioning of all Prime Controls Provided Equipment Prime Controls Proposal Page 1 of 4 PROPOSAL EXCLUSIONS The following items are not included in our pricing and shall be the responsibility of others: ITEM EXCLUSIONS 1. Furnishing and installation of all electrical conduit, raceway, duct banks, wire, etc. required to connect instruments and associated panels. 2. Furnishing and installation of all electrical power and specialty panels/products including switchgear, MCCs, distribution panels, AFD'sNFD's, disconnects, heat tracing, power monitor devices, chemical feed panels, etc. 3. All "Civil" work including building and vessel modifications, asphalt demolition/ atchin , concrete foundations/piers, etc. PROPOSAL CLARIFICATIONS ITEM CLARIFICATION 1. Pricing does not include sales tax or bonding cost. 2. Invoicing shall be progressive and include payment for properly stored material. Pa ment terms to be net thirty days 3. Pricing shall be valid for sixty (30) days only from proposal date. 4. Acceptance of an order shall be subject to the attached General Terms & Conditions. These General Terms and Conditions are superseded by current Master Service Agreements (MSAs), Contracts, Subcontracts and/or Blanket Purchase Orders that authorize this work. 5. Customer to provide all necessary Wonderware softwarellicensin . 6. City to provide trenching for installation of Prime Controls provided conduit. PROPOSAL PRICING Prime Controls' pricing shall be provided per the following Bid Item Breakdown: Bid Item BASE BID Pricing 1 Well #8 Integration $6,130.00 2 Well #9 Integration $12,750.00 ALT 3 Field Mounted Flow Meter Surge Protection Install \ Configuration $1,800.00 BASE BID TOTAL AMOUNT $20,680.00 We sincerely appreciate this opportunity and look forward to being of service for this work. Thanks again and please feel free to call if there are any questions. Sincerely, Prime Controls, LP Prime Controls Proposal Page 2 of 4 Lain Cloy Project Manager Ph: 972-221-4849 Ext 6443 Email: I.clov cbprime-controls.com Prime Controls Proposal Page 3 of 4 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Applicable Terms: These General Terms and Conditions shall govern the purchase and sale of equipment and related services referred to in Prime Controls' quotation, proposal or similar document defining equipment, material and/or services to be provided by Prime Controls. 2. Validity. Terms and conditions previously agreed to by Prime Controls via executed and currently valid Master Service Agreements (MSAs), Contracts, Subcontracts and/or Blanket Purchase Orders utilized to authorize subject work shall supersede these General Terms and Conditions. 3. Firm Offer: Unless otherwise stated in quotation/proposal, all pricing shall be firm for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days from proposal date. Prime Controls reserves the right to revise pricing after the 120 day period to allow for any anticipated or actual increased material/supplier costs. 4. Sales Tax, Tariffs, Duties: Unless otherwise stated in quotation/proposal, costs for sales taxes, tariffs, and /or duties are not included in proposal pricing. If applicable, Prime Controls shall invoice for same as an additional, separate line item unless Prime Controls is provided with the applicable sales tax exemption certificate which properly relieves Prime Controls' obligation to collect and/or pay subject taxes. S. Bonding. Unless otherwise stated in quotation/proposal, costs for performance and payment (P&P) and/or maintenance bonds are not included in our proposal pricing. Requested bonds can be provided at industry standard rates and will be invoiced as an additional, separate line item. 6. Payment: Unless otherwise stated in quotation/proposal, invoicing shall be progressive and include payment for properly stored material. A proposed schedule of values (SOV) shall be submitted for approval prior to first invoice to establish progressive values. Payment terms to be net thirty (30) days. Pricing is in US Dollars. 7. Warranty: Warranty shall include repair or replacement of products furnished by Prime Controls found to be defective due to a manufacturing defect and/or improper workmanship. Unless otherwise stated in proposal/quotation, warranty shall be for a period of twelve (12) months from "Substantial Completion" (date when products are utilized for intended purposes) or eighteen (18) months from delivery, whichever occurs first. Damages as a result of acts of God (lightning, etc.), theft, vandalism or improper care and/or maintenance by Buyer/Customer are not covered by this warranty. 8. Ownership of Materials and Intellectual Property: All devices, designs (including drawings, plans, specifications, etc.) estimates, prices, notes, electronic data and other documents or information prepared or disclosed by Prime Controls, and all related intellectual property (software, etc.) shall remain Prime Controls' property. Prime Controls shall grant Buyer/Customer a perpetual non-exclusive, non-transferrable license to use application software for its intended purposes. Buyer/Customer shall not disclose such material to third parties without Prime Controls' written consent. 9. Non -Solicitation of Employees: It is mutually agreed that neither Seller or Buyer shall directly or indirectly employ, solicit for employment, advise or recommend to any other persons that such other person employ or solicit for employment any person employed by either party during the term of this contract and for a period of one (1) year thereafter. 10. Cancellation: If work/order is cancelled or suspended following Prime Controls' receipt of an order, Buyer/Customer shall promptly pay Prime Controls for work performed prior to cancellation or suspension and any other incurred direct costs as a result of such cancellation or suspension. 11. Force Majeure: Prime Controls shall not be liable for any loss, damages or delays due to causes beyond our reasonable control, including without limitations, acts of God, extreme weather events, fire, delays by others, etc.. Prime Controls Proposal Page 4 of 4 Corporate Address: Standard Automation and Control /DBA: Wonderware West 600 Travis Street, Suite 5300 Houston, TX 77002 Phone:713-209-8884 Customer: City of Sanger Location: Sanger, TX Phone#: (940) 458-7702 Terms: New Customer - Pending Credit Check Contact: Bolz, Jim Phone#: 940.368.2962 Email: jbolz@sangertexas.org DETAILS: Debbie Hineman North Texas Region OFFICE: 214-387-4131 MOBILE: 972-814-4589 FAX: 972-580-0015 Debbie. Hineman@wonderwarewest.com Q-ID: QUO-30070-T9S3F8 Rev:O Date: 2/1/2017 Quote Valid for 30 Days Reference: FUG 2 licenses Quote Ref: City of Sanger - FUG 2 licenses - 2-1-2017 DB Line Quantity Part Number Product Description Price Per Unit Extended No. Amount 1 1 97-1354 Development Studio 2014R2 Medium $6,411.00 $6,411.00 1 K/1 K/100 2 1 FUGCredit Functional Upgrade Credit for Serial ($1,602.00) ($1,602.00) Numbers: 1318524. Description: Development Studio 2012 Small 250/500/100. 3 1 01-3451 InTouch 2014R2 Runtime 1 K Tag with 1/0 $2,729.00 $2,729.00 4 1 FUGCredit Functional Upgrade Credit for Serial ($1,347.00) ($1,347.00) Number: 1318526. Description:InTouch 2012 Runtime 500 Tag with 110. 5 0 NOTE Shipping will be billed at actual costs. You may send your ups account number to us to use for shipping, if you prefer to do so. SubTotal: $6,191.00 TOTAL: $6j 91.00 To ensure rapid processing of your Purchase Order, please note the following: - Shipping Terms: FOB Shipping Point. - Standard Payment Term is NET30. - If purchaser is TAX EXEMPT for any line item on this quote, a Certificate of Exemption must be submitted with Purchase Order. - Wonderware West cannot accept Purchase Orders with incorrect Vendor Information. Please issue your order to either the Corporate Address in Houston above or to the Remittance Address in Dallas as shown below. - End -User company name and street address is required for licensing purposes. All Purchase Orders that include line items for software should include this information. As your Certified Wonderware Training Provider, we find that customers who attend training get the most out of their software investment. To learn more about the classes we offer and see our class schedule, please visit https://wonderwarewest.com/training/ Remittance Address: Standard Automation /DBA: Wonderware West PO Box 849717 Dallas, TX 75284-9717 Phone:713-209-8884 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (Products, Software and/or Services) 1. Governing Effect of these Terms: An agreement for the sale and purchase of Products, Software and/or Services arises only upon Seller's acceptance of the Buyer's order. Seller's acceptance is expressly made conditional on Buyer's assent to these Terms and Conditions. Any additional or different terms and conditions set forth in the Buyer's order or any similar "ommunication are objected to and will not be binding upon Seller unless agreed to by it. 2. Definitions: (a) "Seller" means whichever of the following companies the Buyer is dealing with: Standard Automation & Control, LP d/b/a Wonderware West, MTL Instruments, Inc. or MTL Open Systems Technologies LP or any subsidiaries thereof. (b) "Products" means equipment, software, components of either and combinations of both, sold by Seller. (c) "Software" means all software and firmware programming routines and documentation thereof included in or supplied for use with, a Product, whether or not such Software was separately priced. (d) "Services" mean services in the nature of installation, repair or maintenance performed by Seller's employees with respect to Products or Software and not the subject of terms and conditions included in a separate services contract. 3. Prices and Quotations: Prices of Products or Services shall either be based upon Seller's published price lists current at the time, specified in an applicable Quotation or other written confirmation from Seller or contained in separate contract between Buyer and Seller. Quotations of prices and specifications for Products and Services must be in writing and will expire on the expiration date indicated on said Quotation, or, if no date is specified, then sixty (60) days after the date of the Quotation. Seller reserves the right to change the prices on its price list on thirty (30) days notice. Quotations are subject to these Terms and Conditions of Sale. 4. Services: In the case of Services, normal working hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. A "man day" is eight (8) hours time, per man, per day during normal working hours. "Time" is on- the-job time, plus travel time to and from the job. "Time" starts and ends at the office location, unless otherwise agreed upon prior to the start of work. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays will be charged at overtime rates. Overtime rates will apply when hours worked in one given day exceeds eight (8) hours. Overtime rate is 1-1/2 times applicable service rate. A minimum charge of 1/2 day's time, plus expenses will be charged when work done is under four (4) hours. Travel and living expenses are billed at cost. Automobile travel is billed at the allowable IRS rate then in effect per mile from office location, which is the point of origin and return, plus any required local travel. For larger jobs extending more than one month, travel and living expenses will be billed on a monthly basis. 5. Orders and Acceptance of Orders: All orders must be bona fide commitments specifying the Product(s) or Services, requested shipping dates, stipulated quantities and prices. No order or other commitment shall be binding upon Seller unless and until accepted in writing by an authorized officer of Seller. 6. Taxes: Prices do not include federal, state or local sales, use or other taxes now or hereafter enacted (unless otherwise specifically stated in Sellers acceptance) applicable to the Product(s) or Services. Such taxes will, in any event, be paid by Buyer unless Buyer provides a proper tax exemption certificate. Should Buyer fail to pay any such taxes and any taxing authority seeks to collect such taxes from Seller, Buyer agrees to indemnify Seller and hold it harmless from any such tax and any and all interest and penalties related thereto. Seller may, in its discretion, add such taxes to the sales price or bill for such taxes separately. 7. Shipments: All Products will be shipped F.O.B. Seller's shipping location. In the absence of specific instructions, Seller will select the carrier and, at its discretion, ship "collect" or prepaid, but shall not be deemed thereby to assume any liability in connection with the shipment nor shall the carrier be construed to be the agent of Seller. Buyer must provide its own insurance. Title and risk of loss or damage to the Products shall pass from Seller to Buyer upon delivery by Seller to the possession of the carrier. Any claims for loss or damage or misdelivery shall be filed with the carrier. Products may be delivered in installments. The Buyer will clear the Products for export from the United States and import into the country of delivery. 8. Delivery Dates: The estimated shipping schedule stated in the Quotation or order acceptance does not constitute a commitment to deliver Products in accordance therewith. However, Seller will use reasonable efforts to ship on or before the estimated shipping dates indicated. Delay in delivery of any installments will not entitle the Buyer to refuse acceptance or terminate the agreement. If Buyer refuses to accept delivery, Seller may (without prejudice to other rights) store or dispose of the Products, in which case the Buyer will pay upon request the amount of any reasonable storage or disposal charges. Missing or damaged items must be reported within 5 days of delivery. 9. Payments and Credit: (a) Payment terms are net thirty (30) days upon approval for credit. All payments are to be made in U.S. Dollars, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Seller. (b) Method of payment will be as specified in the Quotation or order acceptance, whichever applies. Extensions of credit and time for payment may be subject to limitations and vary, in Sellers discretion, as determined by (a) type of Product or Service, (b) magnitude of order, and (c) ultimate shipment destination. The amount of credit or terms of payment may be hanged or credit withdrawn at any time. If Buyer fails to pay the price when due, Seller may recover, in addition to the price, interest thereon at the rate of 1 1/2 % per month where :awful, otherwise the maximum lawful monthly interest rate, and reasonable attorney's fees. 10. Security Interest: Where requested by Seller as a condition of the extension of credit, Buyer agrees to grant Seller a Uniform Commercial Code purchase money security interest in the Products purchased as security for the performance of Buyers obligations and to execute such documents to evidence, perfect and enforce said security interest as Seller may require. 11. Excusable Delays: Seller shall not be liable for any delay in performance of Services or delivery or non delivery Products, in whole or in part, caused by the occurrence of any contingency beyond the control either of Seller or its suppliers, including by way of illustration but not limitation, war (whether an actual declaration thereof is made or not), sabotage, insurrection, riot or other act of civil disobedience, act of a public worry, failure or delay in transportation, act of any government or any agency or subdivision thereof, judicial action, labor dispute, accident, fire, explosion, flood, storm or other act of God, shortage of labor, fuel, raw material or machinery or technical failure where Seller has exercised ordinary care in the prevention thereof. If any contingency occurs, Seller may allocate production and deliveries among Seller's customers and shall be entitled to a price adjustment, where equitable, in addition to extension of the time for performance. 12, Substitutions and Modifications: Seller may modify the specifications of components designed by Seller and incorporated into the Product, provided the modifications do not adversely affect the performance of the equipment. Seller may furnish suitable substitutes for materials unobtainable because of priorities, or regulations established by government authority, or non -availability of materials from suppliers. 13. Software: Seller shall at all times retain title to and full ownership of all Software created and supplied by it. Seller grants to Buyer a fully paid license to use the Software with the Product. Buyer shall have the right to make copies of the Software in any human or machine-readable form only to the extent necessary for the efficient use of the Product. Buyer shall not remove any statutory copyright notice included in the Software furnished to Buyer and shall reproduce all such notices on all copies of any form including revised, modified, or translated version made by Buyer, unless otherwise directed by Seller in writing. Buyer shall limit use and access of all Software provided by Seller, and copies thereof, to such of Buyer's employees as are directly involved in the operation and maintenance of the Product. Buyer shall require its employees not to make any disclosure of such Sofbvare or copies, except as required for the operation and maintenance of the Product. The rights and licenses granted to Buyer with respect to any Software Furnished by Seller may not be assigned or transferred to another party without the prior written consent of Seller, except that such rights and licenses may be assigned or transferred upon the transfer of the Product to which such rights and licenses apply and the transferee's acceptance of such Product shall be deemed its agreement to assume and comply with any and all obligations of Buyerwith respect to such Software. When Buyer no longer desires to use the Software, it shall notify Seller in writing and destroy all copies thereof. Where Seller sells or licenses Software accompanied by a separate Software License, the terms and conditions of the latter will control in the case of any variances with these Terms and Conditions. 14. Warranties: (a) Equipment: Seller warrants that its equipment will conform to Seller's specifications and shall be free from defects under normal use in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from receipt at destination. No equipment will be accepted for warranty consideration without a specific Return Material Authorization ("RMA") number furnished by Seller in advance of the return shipment. If equipment or components covered by warranty and assigned a RMA number are returned to the original shipping point, transportation charges and all other charges including but not limited to custom duties and insurance prepaid, within eighteen (18) months of invoice or twelve (12) months of installation whichever occurs first, and Seller determines to its satisfaction that the returned items are defective in material or workmanship and such defect was not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, improper installation, repair, improper testing or operation, or by improper packing for return, then Seller shall at its option (1) repair or replace the defective parts and ship prepaid to Buyer, excluding any custom duties and/or import fees etc., which shall be Buyers responsibility, or (2) credit the account of Buyer for the original cost of the equipment plus original transportation charges. If Seller elects to repair or replace the defective parts, it shall have a reasonable time to do so. Seller shall not be responsible for failure of its equipment to perform specified functions or any other non conformance caused by or attributable to (a) any associated or complimentary equipment, parts or software not furnished by Seller, (b) misuse, neglect or abuse of, or accident to the Product, use of sub -standard consumables, reasonable wear and tear or operator error, (c) exposure of the Product to conditions beyond the environmental, power and operating constraints specified by Seller, or (d) installation or wiring practices not in accordance with those recommended by Seller. b) Software: Seller warrants that any Software accompanying its Products will perform in accordance its software documentation. If, during the period ending ninety (90) days after delivery, the occurrence of any material error in the Software or any failure of the Software substantially to conform to Seller's software documentation that limits or prevents use of the "Software by Buyer is promptly reported by the Buyer to Seller, Seller agrees to use its reasonable efforts to correct any such error or failure, but Seller does not warrant that the Software is free from defects or that all defects can be corrected; further, this warranty shall apply only to those portions of the Software, or its replacement that incorporate all program corrections and modifications, if any, delivered to Buyer, and provided further that this warranty shall not apply to any error or failure due to the misuse or negligence, incorrect installation or operation, improper repair or maintenance, the use of sub -standard consumables, of or by any person other than Seller and shall not apply to any Software which has been modified by any person other than Seller. (c) Services: Seller warrants that Services are performed in a good and workmanlike manner and conforms to any specification set forth in the Quotation, if any, relating to such Services. If the Services with regard to any Product are found defective under normal intended usage or operation within 90 days from the time of completion of the Services, Seller will correct such defects provided written notice of a claimed defect is given promptly upon discovery and within the services warranty period. (d) Non -Seller products or software: Seller warrants products or software supplied by third parties (non -Seller Parties) only to the extent that such non -Seller Parties allow Seller to transfer to the Buyer the warranties of such non -Seller Parties. Seller will, to the extent permitted, assign to Buyers any such warranties. Buyer's sole remedy for breach of such warranty shall be the remedy offered by and available from the non -Seller Party, if any. Products or software from non -Seller which are not accompanied by non -Seller Party warranties are sold on an "AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS" basis. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ''.PRODUCTS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES AND ANY DEFECTS THEREIN OF ANY NATURE WHATEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF '4ERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SELLER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY, AND BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, FOR ANY AONCONFORMITY OR DEFECT IN THE PRODUCTS, IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION AND SECTION 14. 15. Limitations on Liability: (a) SELLER'S LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS OF ANY KIND, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, INDEMNITY, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, FOR ALL LOSSES OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF, CONNECTED WITH, OR RESULTING FROM THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, OR FROM THE PERFORMANCE OR BREACH THEREOF, OR FROM ANY PRODUCTS COVERED BY OR FURNISHED UNDER A CONTRACT HEREUNDER OR ANY EXTENSION OR EXPANSION THEREOF (INCLUDING REMEDIAL WARRANTY EFFORTS), SHALL IN NO CASE EXCEED THE CONTRACT PRICE EXCEPT AS TO TITLE TO ANY PRODUCTS FURNISHED. ALL SUCH LIABILITY SHALL TERMINATE UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD SPECIFIED IN SECTION 13 ABOVE. (b) IN NO EVENT, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, INDEMNITY, WARRANTY TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL SELLER AND OR ITS EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS OR REVENUE, LOSS OF USE OF ANY PROPERTY, COST OF CAPITAL, COST OF PURCHASED POWER, COST OF SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT, FACILITIES OR SERVICES, DOWNTIME COSTS, OR CLAIMS OF CUSTOMERS FOR SUCH DAMAGES. BUYER WILL INDEMNIFY SELLER AND ITS EMPLOYEES AGAINST ANY SUCH CLAIMS FROM THE BUYER'S CUSTOMERS. IF THE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES BEING PROVIDED BY SELLER WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE BUYER TO A THIRD PARTY BY CONTRACT OR RELATE TO A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BUYER AND A THIRD PARTY, THE BUYER SHALL OBTAIN FROM SUCH THIRD PARTY A PROVISION AFFORDING SELLER THE PROTECTION OF THIS AND THE PRECEDING PARAGRAPH. 16. Warranty Termination Upon Buyer Default: Upon the occurrence of any default by Buyer in payment of any portion of the purchase price when due, all warranties and all obligations of Seller to service the Product or components delivered by Seller to Buyer whether under this transaction or otherwise shall terminate. 17. Patent Infringement: Seller warrants that any Products or Software it manufactures will be free of any rightful claim of another for infringement of any United States patent. Provided Buyer gives Seller prompt notice in writing of such claim and permits Seller to contest or settle the same through its own counsel, Seller will defend Buyer, or may settle, at its expense, any suit or proceeding against Buyer based upon a claimed infringement which would result in a breach of this warranty and pay any settlement amounts or damages awarded against Buyer provided, however, that Seller shall not be liable to the Buyer for any indirect, consequential or incidental damages including but not limited to lost profits. Seller will, at its own cost, obtain for the Buyer the right to use the Product or Software, or modify it to avoid infringement or reclaim and replace it with a non infringing Product or Software, or to grant Buyer a credit for the then value (after reasonable depreciation) of the Product, and accept its return. The above warranty shall apply neither to any software the warranties of which are solely expressed in a software license accompanying such software nor to any products which are (a) not of Seller's manufacture, (b) manufactured to Buyer's own design, (c) furnished in conjunction with any other products in a combination not offered by Seller as part of the transaction. THE FOREGOING STATES THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY OF SELLER FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENTS AND IS IN LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN REGARD THERETO. 16. Confidential Information: Documentation, data, software, computer applications, and the like, whether in written or machine readable form, which Seller supplies to the Buyer shall constitute Confidential Information. Buyer agrees not to dissemble or copy any software or computer applications and to take reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of such Confidential Information, including the obtaining of binding agreements to this effect from its employees, and not to disclose the Confidential Information to any third party, except as may be authorized in writing by Seller. This provision shall not apply to information in the Buyer's legitimate possession prior to receipt from Seller or information which is or becomes available to the public or becomes general knowledge in the industry, otherwise than through the fault of Buyer. 19. Termination: Orders accepted by Seller may be canceled by Buyer only with the written consent of Seller (which consent Seller may withhold) and upon payment of reasonable cancellation or restocking charges. Seller shall have the right to cancel any order placed or to refuse, or to delay, the shipment thereof for failure of Buyer to meet promptly payments due Seller, or any other reasonable requirements established by Seller, or for any acts or omissions of Buyer that delay or impair Seller's performance. In the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of Buyer, or in the event any proceeding is brought by or against Buyer, voluntarily or involuntarily, under any provision of the Bankruptcy Act or any insolvency law, SELLER pall be entitled to cancel any order then outstanding, at any time during the period allowed for filing claims against the estate, and shall receive reimbursements for its reasonable and Toper cancellation charges. If Seller elects to continue to make shipments under any of the circumstances referenced above, its action shall not constitute a waiver of any default by Buyer or in any way affect Seller's legal remedies. 20. Applicable Law: The validity, performance and construction of this contract shall be governed by the law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding its laws regarding conflicts of laws) and the parties expressly disclaim any applicability of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. 21. Government Contract Provisions: If the Product to be furnished under this contract is to be used in the performance of a Government contract or subcontract, the Government contract number and a statement to this effect shall appear on Buyer's purchase order, and in such event those clauses of the applicable Government procurement regulation which are, mandatorfly required by Federal Statute to be included in Government subcontracts shall be incorporated herein by reference, including, without limitation, the Equal Opportunity clause specified in 41 CFR Section 60 250.4, and the Affirmative Action For Handicapped Workers clause specified in 41 CFR 60-741.4. 22. Interference with Seller Employees (a) Buyer shall not interfere with any employment relationship between Seller and any employee of Seller, including offering to employ the employee or engaging the employee as a consultant of Buyer or any of its affiliates or its other suppliers. The term "employee" includes any person who performs any work for or supplies any services to Seller or for or to its customers (on behalf of Seller) for wages, including but not limited to under a contract of hire by Seller. (b) In the event that Buyer does interfere with an employment agreement or arrangement between the employee and Seller, including offering to employ the employee or engaging the employee as a consultant of Buyer or any of its affiliates or its other suppliers, then Buyer shall pay Seller the equivalent amount of that employee's gross wages earned during the six month period immediately prior to the last date of employment of employee by Seller ("damages") to compensate Seller for its investment in training such employee. Buyer agrees that in no event will it request or otherwise induce or permit employee to disclose to anyone any of the Confidential Information of Seller. (c) Section 21 shall apply regardless of whether the employee in question had or has a'covenant not to compete" with Seiler 23. Exports: Any instructions by Buyer for delivery of Products outside the United States shall be deemed a representation and warranty that such instructions correctly specifies the consignee and correctly describes the ultimate destination of the Products. Buyer agrees to provide such additional information as SELLER may request regarding the identity of the consignee. 24. Assignment: This contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and the successor and assigns of the entire business and goodwill of either Seller or Buyer or of that part of the business of either used in the performance, of this contract, but shall not be otherwise assignable. 25. Complete Agreement Modifications: This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the sale of the Product or the performance of Services and no addition to or modification of any provision shall be binding Seller unless made in writing and signed by an authorized officer of Seller. 26. Notice: All notices given hereunder shall be in writing, mailed first class, certified or registered, or delivered by hand to the address of other party set forth in the Quotation or to such other address as such party may designate from time to time by such notice, and shall take effect (a) when mailed, or (b) when received if delivered by hand. 27. Remedies: All Seller rights and remedies whether evidenced hereby or by any other agreement, instrument, or paper shall be cumulative and may be exercised singularly or concurrently. # 2705794_v6 MTL/STCs 2006 To: Scott Biggerstaff From: Jim Bolz Date: February 2, 2017 Re: SCADA System Upgrade Scott, This is a quotation to upgrade our SCADA system so that we can add Water Wells #8 and #9 to our system at this time and for future upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Wonderware is the manufacturer of our SCADA software and the sole provider. IM SCADA, Security & Control Systems 8115 Hicks Hollow McKinney, TX 75071 January 16, 2017 City of Sanger IGfE-0l1 i, :. Q REF: Well 8 & 9 Dear Mr. Bolz: As requested below is a quote for your use. HMI Software expansion Office: 972-542-7375 Fax:: 214-733-8254 Wonderware license development and runtime from 500 tags to1000 Note: 485 tags are presently in use. In order to accommodate the new signals from Well 8 & 9 additional tags are needed. Wonderware & Additions of Well 8 & 9 Screens Price.......................$12,500.00 Well 8 A new well pump and starter and flowmeter has been installed at the Cherry Street Site. The existing SCADA RTU has enough spares to add status and flow. Conduit needs to be ran from the starter panel and flowmeter to the existing RTU. Quote to include: Conduit and wire installation Terminations in RTU and programming Well 8 Price...........................................................................$12,750.00 A new well pump and starter and flowmeter has been installed at new location. Page 1 of 2 A new SCADA RTU will be provided. RTU equipment to match existing RTUs. Conduit needs to be ran from the starter panel and flowmeter to the existing RTU. An antenna and pole will be installed. Quote to include: RTU panel with UPS Conduit and wire installation Antenna and pole Programming Well 9 Price.........................................................................$24,500.00 Please call me if you have any questions. Regards, RLC Controls, Inc. Gayle Yarbro Project Manager Page 2 of 2 Chervl Price From: Mike Brice Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 7:45 AM To: Cheryl Price Subject: FW: Ord Changes Attachments: Changes Made JLB02142017.docx; Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation Amended JLB02142017.docx; Chapter 15.2 Park Board Amended JLB02142017.docx; Chapter 15.3 Keep Sanger Beautiful Board Amended JLB02142017.docx; Chapter 15.4 Trees in Public Spaces Amended JLB02142017.docx; Chapter 15.5 Sanger Park Dedication Amended JLB02142017.docx I get with you in a minute on this Mike Brice, Sanger City Manager From: Jim Berman Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 1:18 PM To: Mike Brice <MBrice @sangertexas.org> Subject: Ord Changes Mike, There are some recommended changes to the City code of ordinances as it relates to parks and recreation that we might want to address. It is recommended that at this time we establish a chapter dedicated to Parks and Recreation and move all associated ordinances to that chapter and remove or update any ordinances that need to be. I have found the following ordinances that fall within the purview of parks and recreation department; 1.) Chapter 1 Article 1.400 Parks and Recreation (Change: Make Chapter 15 Article 15.100 Parks and Recreation) 2.) Chapter 1 Article 1.100 Activities of Stephen Baker Field Regulations (Changes: Repeal, I can't determine the need for this regulation) 3.) Chapter 1 Article 1.1100 Trees in Public Spaces and Right -of -Ways (Changes: Move to Chapter 15 Article 15.400 Trees in Public Spaces and Right -of -Ways, and change 15.403(a)&(b) public works director to parks and recreation director) 4.) Chapter 9 Article 9.300 Park Board (Changes: Move to Chapter 15 Article 15.200 Park Board; change the number of board members from (7) to (5) which will change the number of members needed for a quorum to (3) members; Delete Ex Officio Members, add a removal process for members) S.) Chapter 9 Article 9.500 Keep Sanger Beautiful Board (Changes: Move to Chapter 15 Article 15.300 Keep Sanger Beautiful Board; Delete Ex Officio Members, Amended the appointment to the board to reflect that the Parks Board serves in that capacity; updated the powers and duties of the board) 6.) Chapter 9 Article 9.600 Sullivan Senior Center Board (Changes: Repeal, I can't determine the need for this board. This board is not filled at this time, and the parks board would by ordinance serve the needs of the senior center) 7.) Chapter 10 Section 6.18 Park; Open Space; Recreation Areas & Public use Dedication (Changes: Move to Chapter 15 Article 15.500 Park Land Dedication; the current ordinance is currently buried in the Sub - Division ordinance, It also contains language that is confusing with regard to how to assess the fees and when to collect them. The current fee is disproportionate a new fee schedule is proposed. We also propose to change the minimum acreage we will except in lieu of fees. Removed the playground section because that involves development fees which we are not requiring) Think this covers the changes that we have discussed. James (Jim) Berman, CPM,CPRP,CSFM,C.P.S.M. Parl<s and Recreation Director City of Sanger, Parl<s and Recreation "Committed to Exceeding your Expectations" P.O. Box 1729 (940) 458-2059 Office (940) 458-4072 Fax LA� 0/11 "T-a'TEX—Az ORDINANCE #02-07-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADOPTING ENACTMENT OF CHAPTER 15 "PARKS AND RECREATION", CREATING ARTICLES 15.100-15500, AND RELATED SECTIONS; REPEALING IN ENTIRETY THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES: ARTICLE 1.400 PARKS AND RECREATION; ARTICLE 1.100 ACTIVITIES OF STEPHEN BAKER ' FIELD REGULATIONS; ARTICLE 1.1100 TREES IN PUBLIC SPACES AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS; ARTICLE 9.500 KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD;, ARTICLE 9.600 SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD; SECTION 6.18 OF CHAPTER 10 SUBDIVISION REGULATION, OPEN SPACE, RECREATION AREAS & PUBLIC USE DEDICATION; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Denton County Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by repealing in entirety the following Chapters and Articles: Article 1.400 Parks and Recreation; Article 1.100 Activities of Stephen Baker Field Regulations; Article 1.1100 Trees in Public Spaces and Right -of -Ways; Article 9.500 Keep Sanger Beautiful Board; Article 9.600 Sullivan Senior Center Board; Section 6.18 of Chapter 10 Subdivision Regulation, Open Space, Recreation Areas & Public Use Dedication; And, Adopting Enactment of CHAPTER 15 "PARKS AND RECREATION", creating Articles 15.100-15.500 and related Sections; in full, as follows: CHAPTER 15 PARKS AND RECREATION* ARTICLE 15.100 RULES AND REGULATIONS See.15.101 Definitions The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this article, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Athletic Field/Facility. A field or combination of fields designated by the parks and recreation department to facilitate games and/or practice activities. City Park and Recreation Area(s). All of the territory within the boundaries of such areas, and includes the portions of such areas used for the parking of vehicles. Enter or Entry. The intrusion of the entire body. Facilities. Properties and/or improvements owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the parks and recreation department which includes, but is not limited to, recreation centers, swimming pools, tennis center clubhouse, golf course clubhouse, outdoor learning center, senior citizens center, museums, community centers, tennis courts, basketball courts, golf courses, recreation fields, picnic areas, open air pavilions, and amphitheaters. Leae. A group of athletic teams organized to promote mutual interests and to compete chiefly among themselves. Notice. An oral or written communication by the city manager; the director of parks and recreation department or any authorized parks and recreation department personnel, or the chief of police or any police officer. Special Event. Any event, activity or program that operates wholly or partially within the city which may require the use of or assistance from the parks and recreation department, police department, fire department, or any other public service department. Tournament. A sporting event made up of a series of games, rounds, or contests between multiple teams. Sec. 15.102 General Authority (a) The city shall have and shall exercise power to control all activities and hours of access by the public to all city parks and recreation areas in order to protect and maintain the public health, safety, and welfare. Opening and closing hours of each city park and recreation area shall be posted. The city parks and recreation areas shall be under the direct supervision of the director of the parks and recreation or his designee ("director"). (b) The city's police department is charged with the responsibility of supervising and maintaining law and order in all of the city park and recreation areas in order to protect and maintain the peace, health, safety, and welfare of the public. In order to carry out this provision, the police department, and any of its officers shall have the authority to make any lawful arrests for violation of any state or local law. Sec. 15.103 Hours of Operation (a) All city parks and recreation areas shall be open daily to the public between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Each city park and recreation area shall be closed to the public from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and also as otherwise closed by orders of the director for the purpose of rehabilitation, cleaning, general supervision, or to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to enter, loiter, or remain within any city park and recreation area between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and dawn, except as provided for in this section, which exceptions shall constitute an affirmative defense to violations of this section. The provisions of this section shall not apply to: (1) Persons whose presence is authorized pursuant to a written city permit or agreement. (2) Persons participating in or attending events, activities, or programs previously approved or scheduled by the parks and recreation department and remaining in the locale until the event, activity, or program has concluded; or (3) Persons possessing a permit to camp in those areas duly designated for such activities by the director. (e) Motor vehicles found in a city park and recreation area between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall be subject to removal and impoundment in accordance with Section 8.106, provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to motor vehicles in possession of persons whose presence is allowed under one of the exceptions in subsection (b) above. Sec. 15.104 Responsibility for Minor Children (a) It is unlawful to permit a child or ward to violate any of the rules and regulations specified by this article when such child or ward is under the age of 17. (b) To fail, as a parent or other adult who has assumed parental or supervisory control over a child, to adequately supervise a child to prevent the child from engaging in any unlawful act within a city park. As used in this subsection, a "child" is any person under the age of seventeen (17) years. It shall be a defense to prosecution under this subsection that the parent was not physically present in the park at the time of the offense. In the prosecution of an offense under this subsection, no allegation or proof of intent is necessary, and it is the intent of the governing body of the city that this shall be a strict liability offense. Sec. 15.105 Minors, Camping It shall be unlawful for a person under the age of 17 to remain within any city park and recreation area during closing hours, except as follows: (a) The person is accompanied by a parent or legal guardian; (b) The person furnishes to the director a written consent of their parent or legal guardian, which shall include the parent or legal guardian's full name, residence, telephone number and date; (c) The person is part of a group which is supervised during those hours by at least one responsible adult for each 15 persons under the age of 17; or (d) Married couples. Sec. 15.106 Miscellaneous Provisions (a) All refuse, trash or other material created through the use of the parks shall not be placed in any waters in or contiguous to any park or left anywhere on the grounds thereof, but shall be placed in the proper receptacles where provided, and if not provided all such rubbish, trash or waste shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly deposed of elsewhere. (b) It shall be unlawful within any city park and recreation area for a person to: (1) Pick, pull, pull up, tear up, dig up or out, mutilate, break, bruise, injure, burn, remove, carry away, or destroy any tree, shrub, plant, vine, flower, moss or vegetation, or portion thereof including, leaf, mold, foliage, berries, fruit, grass, turf, humus, cones, dead or downed wood, except by prior written approval issued by the director for scientific, educational or maintenance purposes; (2) Mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with or displace or remove any buildings; bridges; tables; benches; fireplaces; railings; paving or paving material; water lines or other public utilities or parts or appurtenances thereof; signs, notices or placards, whether temporary or permanent; monuments, stakes, posts or other boundary markers; or other structures or equipment, facilities or park, property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal; (3) Throw, discharge or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream, bay or other body of water in or adjacent to any park or any tributary, stream, storm sewer or drain flowing into such waters any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution of the waters; (4) Bring in the park to dump, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rock, rubbish, waste, wood, garbage, refuse or other household or commercial trash, containers, equipment or appliances. Bring in or dump, deposit or leave any noxious, hazardous or flammable materials or substances, either solid or liquid, on park property; (5) Light, build or maintain a fire except in clearly designated fire rings, pits or grills. However, fires are strictly prohibited where extreme fire hazard conditions exist, and such conditions have been posted. Notwithstanding the previous regulations, portable camp stoves may be used in designated campsites or picnic areas; (6) Hit a golf ball in a park except in areas designated by the parks and recreation department; (7) Take any fish or other aquatic life from park water areas. Fishing is catch and release only. All nets and seines are prohibited; (8) Use water balloons, pinatas, and cascarones (all prohibited); (9) Climb trees; (10) Gamble; (11) Swim, bathe or wade in any waters or waterways in or adjacent to any park, except in such waters and at such places as are provided therefor and in compliance with such regulations as are set forth in this chapter or may be hereafter adopted; (12) Cause and maintain noise and sound levels of groups, individuals, radios, or any sound equipment at a level considered to be a nuisance as deemed by the director or any other city employee; (13) Use or speak any threatening, abusive, insulting or indecent language in any of the public parks; and no person shall commit in any such parks any obscene, lewd or indecent act or create any nuisance; (14) Disturb in any manner any picnic, meeting, service, concert, exercise or exhibition; (15) Distribute, post, place or erect any advertising handbill, circular, billing notice, paper or another advertising device without prior permission of the city; (16) Hitch, fasten, lead, drive or let loose any animal, reptile or fowl of any kind, except in designated areas; (17) Ride or drive any horse or another animal, except in designated areas; (18) Possess any fireworks, explosives or similar devices or substance capable of explosions, or to discharge, ignite, set off any such device or substance, except with written permission of the director; shooting exceptions, starting pistol Section 8.402(3) starting pistol; (19) Engage in any commercial venture including offering to sell any goods, wares, merchandise or food, or render any service for hire or to solicit funds or donations of any item; or to distribute written material without the written permission of the director; (20) Appear in a state of nudity; (21) Operate or use a metal detector without the written permission of the director; (22) Smoke or use tobacco products (Section 8.809 of this code); (23) Possess or consume any alcoholic beverage on any park or athletic field in the city, including all areas or structures within the boundaries of any park or athletic field within the city (Article 8.200 of this code); (24) Possess any glass container within any city park or athletic field in the city, including all areas or structures within the boundaries of any park or athletic field within the city; (25) Sell or offer for sale any food, drinks, confections, merchandise or services unless and for a duration of time approved by the city; (26) Practice, carry on, conduct or solicit for any trade, occupation, business or profession or to circulate any petition of whatsoever kind or character without approval of the city; (27) Use the restrooms and washrooms designated for the opposite sex if over the age of six years; (28) Use any remote -controlled or radio -controlled airplane or another aeronautical device, unless with the approval of the director of parks and recreation. Sec. 15.107 Special Events, Uses, Programs (a) The director is authorized to require and issue permits for the reservation and temporary use of the city park and recreation areas. Permits shall be granted unless the intended use would result in a scheduling conflict; traffic congestion; damage to property or landscaping; could threaten the public's or city park and recreation area user's health, safety or welfare; or be inconsistent with the protection and preservation of wildlife. The director shall be authorized to establish written guidelines not inconsistent with the terms of this code for the reservation and use of all city park and recreation areas and for the issuance of camping permits. Permits issued shall be conditioned on compliance with state laws, this chapter, other applicable requirements set forth in this code and such guidelines as may be established and promulgated under this chapter. The granting of such permits shall not constitute a waiver, exception, or defense to the violation of any other applicable law or ordinance. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct or to participate in any organized assembly or public participation event except pursuant to a permit issued by the director. (c) Any club, organization or business holding a special event, tournament, or program shall provide the city with a copy of liability insurance for 1 million dollars listing the city as additionally insured. (d) No fees may be waived without the consent and approval of the city council. (e) It shall be unlawful for any person to enter into or remain in an area or facility for which a public use limit has been established when such action will have the effect of exceeding the established limitations. (f) Park reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Special events must be made 60 days prior to the event. Sec.15.108 Animals It shall be unlawful within any city park and recreation area for a person to: (a) Bring into or possess a pet or other domesticated animal, unless the animal is properly secured by a leash not exceeding ten feet in length, or confined to a vehicle or camping structure, or to permit said animal to enter into or remain in a city park and recreation area unless so secured; (b) Permit any pet or domesticated animal to remain unattended or to create a disturbance or hazard; (c) Permit any pet or domesticated animal, except those trained to assist a person with a disability, to enter into or remain in any building or enclosure designated for public use including a cabin, lodge room, restroom, shelter, dining hall, amphitheater or administration building; (d) Permit any pet or domesticated animal to enter the water of a designated swimming area or to permit said animal, except those trained to assist a person with a disability, within the land or beach area adjacent to the water of a designated swimming area; (e) Bring into, permit to range or release into a park and recreation area a wild animal, pet, fowl or livestock; (e) Possess a noisy, vicious or dangerous animal or one which is disturbing to other persons; (g) Ride, drive, lead or keep a saddle horse, except in designated areas; (h) Ride a saddle horse in a manner that is dangerous to a person or another animal; (i) Allow a saddle horse to stand unattended or insecurely tied; or 0) Hitch a saddle horse to a tree, shrub or structure in any manner that may cause damage. See.15.109 Wildlife It shall be unlawful within any city park and recreation area for a person to: (a) Harm, harass, disturb, trap, hunt, confine, catch, possess or remove any wildlife, or portions of wildlife except by permit issued by the director; (b) Release any fish into the waters except as authorized by the director (not including fish caught within a city park). ARTICLE 15.200 PARK BOARD Sec.15.201 Creation There is hereby created a municipal park, board for the purpose of making recommendations to the city council concerning improvements and management in its respective areas of interest. See.15.202 Members The park board will consist of five (5) members who shall be appointed by city council. Sec. 15.203 Qualifications of Board Members Members of the park board shall have the same qualifications as are required for membership on the city council. Sec. 15.204 Terms of Office (a) Members shall serve from July 1 of the year of appointment for staggered terms of two (2) years, and may be appointed to three (3) successive terms of office. The members of the park board shall be identified by place numbers one (1) through five (5). The even -numbered places shall expire in even -numbered years and the old -numbered places shall expire in the odd - numbered years. Newly appointed members shall be installed at the first regular park board meeting after their appointment. (b) The park board shall hold an annual organization meeting each year and shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman and a secretary from among its own membership. Any three (3) of the regularly appointed members shall constitute a quorum. The board shall determine its own rules and order of business and meet as needed. All meetings shall be open to the public and shall be conducted under the Texas Open Meetings Act, Article 6252-17 and a permanent record of proceedings maintained. See.15.205 Removal The members of the park board shall be subject to removal from office by the city council, upon a majority vote, for any cause deemed sufficient for their removal, in the interest of public service. Regular attendance at the board meetings is required of all board members. The following number of absences shall constitute the basis for replacement of a member. Three (3) consecutive absences from meetings of the board shall cause the position to be considered vacant. In addition, the position of any board member who has four (4) absences in a twelve (12) month period shall also be considered vacant. Sec. 15.205 Powers and Duties of Park Board (a) The board shall serve as a consulting, advisory and supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to the operation, promotion, enlargement, future planning and such other matters involving city parks as may be referred to it by the city council. (b) The board will also sever as the keep sanger beautiful board as well as the sanger public tree advisory board. (c) All actions recommending expansion of the park system and the malting of additions and betterments thereto or extensions thereof and the fixing of rates and charges for services shall be submitted to the board for review and recommendation to the city council. (d) The board shall submit annually to the city administrator, not less than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the beginning of the budget year, a list of recommended capital improvements, which in the opinion of the board ought to be constructed during the forthcoming five (5) year period. Such list shall be arranged in order of preference with recommendations as to which projects should be constructed in which year. ARTICLE 15.300 KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD Sec, 15.301 Purpose and Intent (a) To serve as an educational, advisory, and a coordinating board through which business and industry, government, and public and private organizations may work together to prevent pollution, to ensure clean, attractive neighborhoods, beautiful highways, parks, beaches, and well -kept historical shrines and monuments. (b) To encourage the preservation of Sanger's natural beauty and environment through programs of public education with emphasis on the prevention of litter and proper solid waste management, including proper disposal and recycling. (c) To develop among residents of Sanger a pride in their community and their state, and to emphasize the benefits of a clean, healthful and beautiful community. (d) To encourage and assist in developing voluntary community improvement through enlightened leadership, thereby creating an appreciation for the city through good citizenship. See. 15.302 Establishment of the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board The Keep Sanger Beautiful board shall be composed of the then -seated members of the Sanger Parks Board. Additional duties of parks board members, pertaining specifically to the Keep Sanger Beautiful board include the following. See. 15.303 Power and Duties of the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board (a) The board shall serve as a consulting, advisory and supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to the operation and promotion of beautification efforts as outlined in the Keep Texas Beautiful Program. (b) Submit an annual application to renew the City of Sanger's standing within the Keep Texas and Keep America Beautiful organizations. (c) The board shall submit annually to the city manager, not less than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the beginning of the budget year, a list of recommended capital improvements, which in the opinion of the board ought to be constructed during the forthcoming five-year period. Such list shall be arranged in order of preference with recommendations as to which projects should be constructed in which year (d) Other duties that may be assigned by the city council. ARTICLE 15.400 TREES IN PUBLIC PLACES AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY See. 15.401 Purpose and Intent There is hereby created and established a public tree care ordinance to provide the city with legal authority over the care of all trees, plants and shrubs located within city owned and controlled property, public rights -of -way, parks and other public places, which will aid in the establishment of a municipal landscape program and will enhance the public health, safety and beauty of the city. See.15.402 Oversight The city manager shall have oversight authority and responsibility for the implementation of the public tree care ordinance. Sec. 15.403 Care of Public Trees and Private Trees Creating Hazard to Public Safety, Health and Welfare (a) The parks and recreation director shall administer the operational aspects of the public tree care ordinance, including for example, responsibility for tasks such as planting, pruning, maintaining and removing trees, plants and shrubs within the public right-of-way of all city streets, alleys, avenues, lanes, squares, parks, and public grounds owned or controlled by the city, as may be necessary to insure public safety or to preserve or enhance the symmetry and beauty of such city owned or controlled public grounds. (b) The parks and recreation director, in compliance with the city council's approved policy, process and procedures for such work, including obtaining permission and a release to access and perform work from the owner of property upon which hazardous trees are located, may remove or prune a tree on private property which threatens the safety, health and welfare of members of the public who may use a city street, sidewalk, park or public right-of-way. Additionally, in accord with the city council's approved policy, process and procedures for such work, the public works director shall have the right to prune or remove a tree or shrub that obstructs the view of any traffic sign, street light, or security light, when it is determined that the tree or shrub in its existing condition creates a safety hazard for those that may use the city's streets or rights -of -way. (c) No person shall remove, prune, destroy, or cause the removal, pruning or destruction of a tree, shrub or plant located on city property, including those located in any city park, without first having obtained written permission for such removal, pruning or destruction from the public works director or his/her designee. (d) It shall be unlawful for any individual, organization or entity to attach any cable, wire, rope, sign or any other object to any tree, plant or shrub located on city property, including those in city parks, without written permission from the public works director, or his/her designee. Sec. 15.404 Establishment of a Public Tree Advisory Board (a) Membership. The public tree advisory board shall be composed of the then -seated members of the Sanger Parks Board. Additional duties of parks board members, pertaining specifically to the public tree care ordinance, include the following. (b) Duties. (1) Promote the protection of healthy trees on public property; (2) Coordinate and promote "Arbor Day" activities; (3) Develop public awareness and education programs relating to trees in the Sanger community; (4) Review city department and public concerns relating to tree care on the city's public property; (5) Consult with the state forest service for advice on protection of existing native or established trees and/or the planting of new "native" trees; (6) Submit an annual application to renew the "Tree City USA" designation, with the permission of the city council; and (7) Other duties that may be assigned by the city council. ARTICLE 15.500 — PARK LAND DEDICATION See 15.501 Purpose and Intent This Section is adopted to provide recreational areas in the form of neighborhood and community park facilities as well as community open spaces as a function of subdivision and site development in the City of Sanger and its Extra -Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). This Section is enacted in accordance with the home rule powers of the City of Sanger granted under the Texas Constitution, and the statutes of the State of Texas, including, but not by way of limitation, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212 as may be amended from time to time. It is hereby declared by the City Council that recreational areas in the form of neighborhood and community parks as well as open spaces are necessary and in the public welfare, and that the only adequate procedure to provide for neighborhood and community parks as well as open spaces is by integrating such requirements into the procedure for planning and developing property or subdivisions in the City and its ETJ. Neighborhood, Community Parks and Open Spaces are those providing for a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities and located within convenient distances from a majority of the residences to be served. Neighborhood, Community Parks and Open Spaces areas established by the Sanger Parks and Recreation Department and shown on the official Parks and Recreation map for the City of Sanger shall be prima facie proof that any park located therein is within such a convenient distance from any residence located therein. The primary cost of neighborhood parks should be borne by the landowners of residential property who, by reason of the proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such facilities. Typically, the landowner of a proposed residential development is the developer. Therefore, the following requirements are adopted to affect the purposes stated above Sec 15.502 Applicability This Section applies to a landowner who develops land for residential use located within the City or within its extraterritorial jurisdiction. Sec 15.503 General Requirements The City Manager or his designee shall administer this Section with certain review, recommendation and approval authorities being assigned to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and various City departments as specified herein. Generally, the developer of residential property must address the following requirements pursuant to this Section: dedication of land for neighborhood, community or open space use or payment of a fee in lieu thereof, dedication of land. Requirements herein are based on actual dwelling units for an entire development. Increases or decreases in final unit count may require an adjustment in fees paid or land dedicated. If the actual number of dwelling units exceeds the original estimate, additional park land or fees may be required in accordance with the requirements in this Section. The schedule of fees and required land dedications is attached hereto as the fee schedule and incorporated and made a part of this Section for all purposes. The identification of park areas for neighborhood parks is as shown on the City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan referenced herein and incorporated by reference. See 15.504 Land Dedication a) The amount of land to be dedicated for neighborhood, community parks and open spaces shall be as set forth in the fee schedule. The total amount of land dedicated for the development shall be dedicated to the City in fee simple: (1) Prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi -family development; (2) Concurrently with the final plat for a single phase development; (3) For a phased development the entire park shall be either platted concurrently with the plat of the first phase of the development; or (4) The developer may provide the City with financial security against the future dedication by providing a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other alternative financial guarantee such as a cash deposit in the amount equal to the number of acres park land required and in a form acceptable to the City. The amount of the financial guarantee shall be the amount of fee in lieu of land dedication as set forth in the fee schedule. The financial guarantee will be released to the developer, without interest, upon the filing of the final plat for the subsequent phase that dedicates the required parkland. b) For development located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, the dedication requirements of this Section may be met through the creation of private parkland in the same amount required as set forth in the fee schedule provided the developer enters into a written agreement that all such private parkland be dedicated to the City at the time of full purpose annexation into the City and provided that any plat related to such development, is inscribed with a notation regarding same. Sec 15.505 Fee in Lieu of Land In lieu of dedicating park land for neighborhood, community parks and open spaces, a developer may request to meet park land dedication requirements, through payment of a fee in lieu thereof in the amounts set forth in the fee schedule. Such fees shall be due at the same time as fees are due for final platting or for issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs first. Sec 15.506 City Final Approval The City shall have the final authority in determining how much, if any, land or fee may be accepted in lieu of required land dedication. The City may, from time to time, require that a fee be submitted in lieu of land dedication in amounts as set forth in the fee schedule for either, both, some or all of neighborhood park land or community park land dedication or open space dedications. Likewise, the City may, from time to time, require that land be dedicated in amounts as set forth in fee schedule and that no fee in lieu of land will be accepted. Sec 15.507 Approval Process for Park Land Dedication a) Dedications of less than five (5) acres for public parks purposes is impractical. Therefore, if fewer than 50 dwelling units are proposed the developer/landowner shall pay a fee in lieu of dedication of land. The only time a land dedication of less than five (5) acre will be considered is when the land can be added to an existing park. b) For any proposed required neighborhood, community park, and open space land dedication equaling or exceeding five (5) acres of land or equaling or exceeding payment of a fee in lieu thereof containing floodplain or greenway, the landowner must: (1) Obtain a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and (2) In making its decision, the City Council may choose to submit such application to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for its recommendation. In such event, the City Council shall consider such recommendation but may make a decision contrary in accordance with the criteria set forth herein. Sec 15.508 Submitting Fee Any fees required to be paid pursuant to this Section shall be remitted: a) Prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi -family development; or b) Upon the submission of each final plat for single-family, duplex or townhouse development Sec 15.509 Use of Fees Fees may be used only for the acquisition or development of park facilities to which they relate. For fees in lieu of neighborhood, community parks and open space land dedication may only be used for purchase and/or development of neighborhood parks located within such a convenient distance from any residence located within the same area as the development. Sec 15.510 Reimbursement for City Acquired Park Land The City may from time to time acquire land for parks in or near an area of actual or potential development. If the City does acquire park land for a neighborhood park or acquires park land for a community park, the City may require subsequent dedications to be in fee in lieu of land only. This will be to reimburse the City for the cost(s) of acquisition. Sec 15.511 Prior Dedication or Absence of Prior Dedication If a dedication requirement arose prior to enactment or amendment of this Section, subsequent development for the subject tract to which the dedication requirements applies may be subject to vesting as set forth in Chapter 245 Texas Local Government Code. Depending on the circumstances, additional dedication may be required for the increase in dwelling units from what was originally proposed. Sec 15.512 Comprehensive Plan Considerations The City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan is intended to provide the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with a guide upon which to base its recommendations. Because of the need to consider specific characteristics in the site selection process, the park locations indicated on the Plan are general. The actual locations, sizes, and number of parks will be determined when development occurs or when sites are acquired by the City, including by donation. Park areas for neighborhood parks are established by the City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan as a component of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and indicate service areas for neighborhood parks. Area boundaries typically follow key topographic features such as major thoroughfares, streams, City limit and ETJ boundary lines. New park areas may be created or existing zones amended pursuant to procedures for amending the City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan as land acquisitions or other circumstances dictate. Sec 15.113 Special Fund; Right to Refund a) The City shall establish a special fund for the deposit of all sums paid in lieu of land dedication which shall be known as the Park Land Dedication Fund. Any interest earned by these funds shall remain in this account and be used for the fund's intent. b) The City shall account for money paid in lieu of land dedication with reference to individual plats. Any funds not expended by the City within ten (10) years of the date received by the City for acquisition or development of a park shall be returned to the payee if requested by the payee in writing. The payee on the last date of the ten (10) year period shall be entitled to a proportional refund computed on a per -dwelling unit basis. The payee must request a refund in writing within one (1) year of entitlement or such right shall be barred. See 15.514 Park Land Guidelines and Requirements Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the City, protect public safety and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines and requirements shall be used in designing parks and adjacent development. 1. Any land dedicated to the City under this Section must be suitable for park and recreation uses as determined by the City. The dedication shall be free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances that interfere with its use for park purposes. The City Manager or his designee shall determine whether any encumbrances interfere with park use. Minerals may be reserved from the conveyance provided that there is a complete waiver of the surface use by all mineral owners and lessees. A current title report must be provided with the land dedication. The property owner shall pay all taxes or assessments owed on the property up to the date of acceptance of the dedication by the City. A tax certificate from the Denton County Tax Assessor shall be submitted with the dedication or plat. 2. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. Sites should not be severely sloping or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for recreational activities. 3. Land in floodplains or designated greenways will be considered on a three (3) for one (1) basis. Three (3) acres of floodplain or greenway will be equal to one (1) acre of park land. 4. Where feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage shared facilities and joint development of new sites. 5. Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a mariner that serves the greatest number of users and should be located to minimize users having to cross arterial roadways to access them. 6. Where appropriate, sites with existing trees or other scenic elements are preferred. 7. Detention/retention areas may not be used to meet dedication requirements, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must meet specific parks specifications in the City's Manual of Park Improvements Standards. 8. Where park sites are adjacent to greenways, schools, or existing or proposed subdivisions, access ways may be required to facilitate public access to provide public access to parks. 9. It is required that thirty (30) percent of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. If site prohibits this requirement Council may approve a reduced percentage. SECTION 2. All ordinances of the City of Sanger in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance or of the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision in Section 1.109 of this Code. SECTION S. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of the caption as required by law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 21st DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2017. APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: Cheryl Price, CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES — REDLINED WITH CHANGES Division 4.300 Water and Sewer Q Sec. 4.301 Residential Water Services Connections (a) The city shall install or cause to be installed and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the city water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm or corporation found interrupting water service without city supervision shall be in violation of this section and subject to fines and penalties in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in Section 1.109 of this code. (b) The city shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the cost thereof. Such sum is to be determined by the utility department and shall be at the following rates: Additional meter for sprinkler system Charge for meter, box and connections Charge for water connect fees (user fee) Charge for service interruption supervision $350.00 Actual cost +$500.00 refundable deposit against damage during construction. $30.00 $35.00 (c) All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. Qj Sec. 4.302 Residential Sanitary Sewer Service Connections (a) Installation. The city shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys and easements both inside and outside the city limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right-of-way; if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. (b) Boring or Street Cutting. Service lines that require the cutting or boring of paved streets or alleys will be subject to an additional charge based on the actual cost for such bores or cuts, including street repairs, necessary for installation. (c) Service Line. The property owner shall install a service line, with clean -out fitting at his or her expense to the city's lateral, in accordance with city regulations and subject to the inspection of the city ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES— REDLINED WITH CHANGES and shall hereafter be responsible for normal maintenance of said service line from the structure to the property line. k Sec. 4.303 Commercial Water Service Connections (a) The city shall install, or cause to be installed and maintain all water service connections in the streets, alleys and easements. All interruptions of water service to any and all customers shall be made under the direct supervision of the city water department before such interruption is made. Any person, firm or corporation found interrupting water service without city supervision shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to fines and penalties in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in Section 1.109 of this code. (b) The city shall charge for the installation and maintenance of all such connections a sum sufficient to cover the cost thereof. Charge for meter, box and connections Charge for water connect fees (user fee) Charge for service interruption supervision Actual cost + $500.00 refundable deposit against damage during construction $30.00 $35.00 (c) All water services for construction purposes shall be metered and subject to the same regulations and billings as permanent water accounts. (d) All meters and meter boxes shall be supplied by the city. In the event that a meter and meter box is installed by the developer, the meter and box charge will be reduced ten dollars ($10.00). Q Sec. 4.304 Commercial Sanitary Sewer Service Connections (a) The city shall install all sanitary sewer service connections in the streets, alleys and easements both inside and outside the city limits. Said service connections shall be installed from the main to the property line when the sewer main is located in an alley or a street right-of-way; if the sewer main is in an easement, the service connection shall be installed from the sewer main to the easement boundary line. (b) Charge for Connection: Actual cost including parts and labor. (c) Service lines that require the cutting or boring of paved streets or alleys will be subject to an additional charge based on the actual cost for such bores or cuts, including street repairs, necessary for installation. (d) The property owner shall install a service line, with clean -out fitting at his or her expense to the city's lateral, in accordance with city regulations and subject to the inspection of the city and shall ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES — REDLINED WITH CHANGES hereafter be responsible for normal maintenance of said service line from the structure to the property line. tip, Sec. 4.305 Crediting of Collections (a) All water funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in a separate account for new storage facilities, new pump stations, purchase of easements or main trunk lines and disbursed only after specific approval by the city council. (b) All sewer funds collected in excess of established costs shall be deposited in a separate account for the new sewer plant, additions to sewer plant, purchase of easements or main trunk lines to plant and disbursed only after specific approval by the city council. Q� Sec. 4.306 Water Service Rates (a) The rates to be charged by the city for water services for residential customers are hereby established as set forth below: $21.7429.70 minimum per unit served for $3.8668 per thousand gallons $4.2505 per thousand gallons $5.3096 per thousand gallons $7.686�3 per thousand gallons 0-1,000 gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons 30,000+ gallons (b) The rates to be charged by the city for water services for commercial customers are hereby established as set forth below: $28.3226.97 minimum per unit served $18.2117.34 multiunit base/unit $4.49-28 per thousand gallons $4.86&3 per thousand gallons $5.50-24 per thousand gallons $6.7947- per thousand gallons 0-1,000 gallons 0-1,000 gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons 30,000+ gallons (c) Multifamily Dwellings. Where multifamily dwellings are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be divided by the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or manager to notify the city by the 20th of each month ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES - REDLINED WITH CHANGES on what the occupied count is for the month, if the city is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. (d) Multiunit Commercial Structures. Where existing commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be $18.211�.-34 for 0-1,000 gallons. No new multiunit connections will be allowed. In all new or newly divided commercial buildings each tenant space shall be required to have its own water meter. (e) Manufactured Home Parks. Where manufactured home parks are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be billed to the owner of the park based on the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner or manager to notify the city by the 20th of each month on what the occupied count is for the month. If the city is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. Q, Sec. 4.307 Sewer Service Rates The rates to be charged by the city for sanitary sewer service are hereby established as follows: (1) Residential -Class A. (A) Class A customers shall include all residential type users including, but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use.-The-dty4nay4nAa jade- Fnilar-lew vaturne useFs such as ehz:rGh­^^r' S ,'1 4+siness effices err es l Glass A. (B) All class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of twenty- sixseven dollars and fiftyaineteeR cents ($27.5026.19) per monthly cycle and three dollars and ninet si "i:ee cents ($3.906-3) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and four dollars and thirty-four cents ($4.3404) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons, but in no case to exceed sixty-five dollars ($65.00) [sic] per month. (2) Commercial -Class B. (A) Class B customers shall include commercial users such as, but not limited to, restaurants, cafes, carwashes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, hotels, motels, laundries, grocery stores, department stores, and other commercial business operations as may be identified as not a class A type user. (B) All class B customers of municipal wastewater facilities shall be charged the following rates for the monthly facilities charge and three dollars and_ninet . sixty -thee cents ($190Ci3) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and four dollars and thirty-four cents ($4.3404) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons. ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES — REDLINED WITH CHANGES 3/4" meter $40.4838.55 1" meter $44.30249 1-1/2" meter $50.404"9 2" meter $61.3158.39 3" meter $75.601-00 4" meter $140.323-3-64 6" meter $186.50:77.62 8" meter $246.1434.42 (3) Multifamily Dwellings. The amount due for multifamily dwellings shall be the class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (4) Manufactured Home Parks. The amount due for manufactured home parks shall be the class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (5) Multiunit Commercial Structures. Where commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be twenty-sevensi,� dollars and fiftyniRete--n cents ($27.5064-9). (6) Customers without city water service will be charged $51.75 per month. Q� Sec. 4.308 Water and Sewer Deposit (a) Each individual, person, business, firm or corporation making application for a connection to provide service by the city waterworks and sanitary sewer system shall provide a deposit prior to receiving service in the applicable amount as follows: Residential deposit Multi -property residential deposit* $100.00 $100.00 Large volume user deposit (including but not limited to restaurants, hair $200.00 salons, pet groomers, etc.) Commercial deposit Mobile water meter deposit $100.00 $1,000.00 * To qualify, the individual or company must not have been late on any payments for any properties within the last twelve (12) months. ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES — REDLINED WITH CHANGES (b) Upon termination of service, the amount of deposit will be credited to the customer's final bill except for multi -property residential deposits which will only be credited when the final account is closed. Article 4.400 Electric Sec. 4.401 Electric Deposits (a) Each individual, person, business, firm or corporation making application for a connection to provide electric service shall provide a deposit prior to receiving service in the applicable amount as follows: *Residential deposit $200.00 "Multi -property residential deposit $200.00 Small commercial deposit $200.00 Large commercial deposit $500.00 * Residential Deposits. An acceptable letter of credit from a recognized utility company for the current previous twelve (12) months shall be accepted in lieu of a deposit. Such letter must state that the customer has an acceptable payment record. Temporary service for cleanup or a remodel will be subject to a thirty -day maximum and will not require a deposit. ** To qualify for the multi -property residential deposit, the individual or company must not have been late on any payments for any properties within the last twelve (12) months. Multi -property residential deposits will only be credited when the final account is closed. (b) Upon termination of service, the amount of deposit will be credited to the customer's final bill. (c) Electric Deposit Refunds. When a residential or commercial customer has paid twelve (12) consecutive billings without having service disconnected for nonpayment and without having any delinquent bills and is not currently delinquent on their bill, Sanger Electric will refund the electric deposit by applying the amount of deposit on electric service to the customer's first billing following the twelve-month period. Sec. 4.402 Electric Service Connections Electrical service connection fees shall be as follows: (1) Service Fee. For all new customers and any customer moving within the system: $30.00. (2) Temporary Service Fee. Paid upon request for service by a contractor for a remodel or landlord: $30.00 each service. Temporary service is only good for thirty (30) days. (3) Service Fee. To customer who is disconnected for nonpayment or who has not paid by the end of business on the 27th and reconnected, or customer requesting disconnect and reconnect for remodeling or upgrading electrical wiring: $30.00 each service. ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES — REDLINED WITH CHANGES (4) Three Phase Service Fee. For new installation, upgrading of existing service, or reconnect: $90.00. k, Sec. 4.403 Residential Electric Rate (a) Availability. To any customer for electric service used for residential purposes in individual, private dwellings and in individually metered apartments supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. (b) Type of Service. Service shall be single phase at 60 cycles and standard secondary voltages. (c) Rate. (1) Facilities charge: $10.00 per month. (2) Energy charge: $0.1175 per kwh. (3) Minimum bill: $10.00 per month. (3---lVl4-ni uFn bill: 00 per—metes-[5iGI 4, Sec. 4.404 Commercial Electric Rate (a) Availability. To commercial customers for all uses when service is taken through one meter at a single point of delivery. Not applicable to resale or breakdown service. (b) Type of Service. Service shall be single or three phase at 60 cycles and any standard voltages available from the distribution system and through one standard transformation. When entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard type meter, it will be measured at primary voltage. (c) Rate. (1) Facilities charge: $16.00 per month. (2) Energy charge: $0.12 per I<wh. (3) Minimum bill: $16.00 per month. Q, Sec. 4.405 Large Commercial Electric Rate (a) Availability. To any customer for electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. This applies to all customers with usage of 10,000,000 kwh or more per year. (b) Rate. (1) Facilities charge: $35.00. (2) Energy charge: $0.105. q, Sec. 4.406 Security/Guard Light Rates (a) 150W H.P.S.: $15.00 per month. ORIGINAL ORDINANCE FROM CODE OF ORDINANCES — REDLINED WITH CHANGES (b) 40OW H.P.S. directional floodlight: $35.00 per month. (c) 1,000W metal halide floodlight: $70.00 per month. t Sec. 4.407 ERCOT Mandated Charges Various charges imposed by the Energy Reliance Council of Texas (ERCOT) and adjusted periodically shall be added or deducted from the above rates at the actual cost to the city. 9, Sec. 4.408 Electric Service Switchover (a) Disconnection Fee for Transfer of Service. Disconnection fee for transfer of service is made when customer who is receiving permanent electric service from either electric utility company requests in writing transfer of such service to the other electric utility. Prior to disconnecting electric service to transfer such service to another electric utility, the customer must pay the company for all amounts owed to that company. That company must issue a receipt to customer upon payment of all amounts owed to the company which includes: (1) A disconnect charge of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to residential customers to remove meter and service based upon the average direct labor and vehicle costs of disconnecting customer. The charge to nonresidential customers for normal installations is also one hundred dollars ($100.00), but if special metering facilities are to be removed, the charge is increased to cover this additional cost. (2) The total cost of any distribution facilities rendered idle and not usable elsewhere on company's system, based upon the original cost of such facilities less depreciation and net salvage. (3) Charges for electric service through the date of disconnection. (4) Any other charges applicable under company's tariff or ordinance for electric service or agreement for electric service. (5) Any other applicable charges. (b) Total Disconnection Fee. One hundred dollars ($100.00), plus applicable charges under subsections (a)(2)—(5) above. (Ordinance 04-08-16 adopted 4/18/16) ORDINANCE #02-08-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY TEXAS, AMENDING APPENDIX A "FEE SCHEDULE" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. ARTICLE 4.000 "UTILITY RELATED FEES" BY AMENDING SECTIONS 4.306, 4.307 4.403; AND, AMENDING ARTICLE 7.000 "PARK AND RECREATION FEES" BY ADDING SECTIONS 7.900 AND 7.1000; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That Appendix A "Fee Schedule" of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by Amending Sections 4.306, 4.307, 4.403 and Adding Sections 7.900 and 7.1000, to read as follows: ARTICLE 4.000 UTILITY RELATED FEES Sec. 4.306 Water Service Rates (a) The rates to be charged by the city for water services for residential customers are hereby established as set forth below: $21.74. minimum per unit served for $3.86 per thousand gallons $4.25 per thousand gallons $5.30 per thousand gallons $7.68 per thousand gallons 0-1,000 gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons 30,000-F gallons (b) The rates to be charged by the city for water services for commercial customers are hereby established as set forth below: $28.32 minimum per unit served $18.21 multiunit base/unit $4.49 per thousand gallons 0-1,000 gallons 0-1,000 gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons $4.86 per thousand gallons 5,000-14,999 gallons $5.50 per thousand gallons 15,000-29,999 gallons $6.79 per thousand gallons 30,000+ gallons (c) MultifamiIy Dwellings. Where multifamily dwellings are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be divided by the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or manager to notify the city by the 20th of each month on what the occupied count is for the month, if the city is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. (d) Multiunit Commercial Structures. Where existing commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be $18.21 for 0-1,000 gallons. No new multiunit connections will be allowed. In all new or newly divided commercial buildings each tenant space shall be required to have its own water meter. (e) Manufactured Home Parks. Where manufactured home parks are served by a single water service line, the total water usage will be billed to the owner of the park based on the number of occupied units. The bill calculated from the per unit usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of occupied units to determine the amount due. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner or manager to notify the city by the 20th of each month on what the occupied count is for the month. If the city is not notified by the 20th of the month, then the highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. Sec. 4.307 Sewer Service Rates The rates to be charged by the city for sanitary sewer service are hereby established as follows: (1) Residential -Class A. (A) Class A customers shall include all residential type users including, but not limited to, single-family residences, apartment units, trailer court units, duplexes, or any other service primarily intended for domestic or residential use.. (B) All class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of twenty- seven dollars and fifty cents ($27.5026.19) per monthly cycle and three dollars and ninety cents ($3.90) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and four dollars and thirty-four cents ($4.34) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons, but in no case to exceed sixty-five dollars ($65.00) [sic] per month. (2) Commercial -Class B. (A) Class B customers shall include commercial users such as, but not limited to, restaurants, cafes, carwashes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, offices, hotels, motels, laundries, grocery stores, department stores, and other commercial business operations as may be identified as not a class A type user. (B) All class B customers of municipal wastewater facilities shall be charged the following rates for the monthly facilities charge and three dollars and ninety cents ($3.90) per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons and four dollars and thirty-four cents ($4.34) for water in excess of 10,000 gallons. 3/4" meter $40.4838.55 I" meter $44.30 1-1/2" meter $50.40 2" meter $61.3158.39 3" meter $75.60 4" meter $140.32 6" meter $186.50 8" meter $246.14 (3) Multifamily Dwellings. The amount due for multifamily dwellings shall be the class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (4) Manufactured Home Parks. The amount due for manufactured home parks shall be the class A rate multiplied by the number of occupied dwelling units as computed for water that month. (5) Multiunit Commercial Structures. Where commercial tenants are served by a single water meter, the total water usage will be divided by the number of tenants, the bill calculated from the per tenant usage derived therefor shall be multiplied by the number of tenants to determine the amount due. The minimum per unit charge will be twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($27.50). (6) Customers without city water service will be charged $51.75 per month. Sec. 4.403 Residential Electric Rate (a) Availability. To any customer for electric service used for residential purposes in individual, private dwellings and in individually metered apartments supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. (b) Type of Service. Service shall be single phase at 60 cycles and standard secondary voltages. (c) Rate. (1) Facilities charge: $10.00 per month. (2) Energy charge: $0.1175 per kwh. (3) Minimum bill: $10.00 per month. ARTICLE 7.000 PARK AND RECREATION FEES Sec. 7.900 Presbyterian Church Rental Fees (a) Friday, Saturday, Sunday or after 5:00 PM Monday -Thursday: $300 for 3 hours (b) Monday -Thursday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM: $200 for 3 hours (c) Anytime on a City Recognized Holiday: $550 for 3 hours (d) Extra Hour Except Rehearsals: $50 per hour (e) Rehearsal (1 Hour) $35 (f) Required Deposit $250 Sec. 7.1000 Park Land Dedication Fees (a) Land Dedication (1) Single Family: One (1) acre per 50 dwelling units (2) Multi -Family: One (1) acre per 21 bedrooms (b) Fee in Lieu of Land Dedication (1) Single Family: $274.00 per dwelling unit (2) Multi Family: $115.00 per bedroom SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 3 Should any word, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance or of the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, be adjudged or held to be void or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of said ordinance or the Code of Ordinances, as amended hereby, which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force and effect from after its passage and publication of the caption as required by law and Charter in such cases provide. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 21ST DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2017. APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTEST: Cheryl Price, City Secretary ITEMS ce) EE § c \ \ / « 00 \ / 2 / 0 / � � g / / k � / / 76 \ y 0 0 « LO L c e / / . CD y G 7 / y E \ 5 w S a / g a) a y» yk / d / 2 0 G 0 $ ®y ®= 2 LU 2 } f § ) — / \ / / R � � L) 2 2 k k w � �a7+6wa77y7 2% m Co a« m° a 2 a a a CY)C14 �a 8 omama�owa m m o c m m» w o c emmccomc —o 2R&?797y�3g co I- �c _ 1m mcoe#aoaom ccwmea�mo% moocao cM���MCO0) 3�g&7G&J%& m w— — ]y _ � § \ 2 $f %\0 $ / = od .g = E ��S( /S\ ® ©G ® CL / 2 $ ) = m J e cn U) c m e m \R9t6'5/7f m A 7ƒ f? f A 3 w 2 \ \ ƒ W (D J Z LLI > Q W O � J Z Q F- Q W L e W W CO o 0 C7 Q N N N C) F- N LLI LLI a N X N X N O N N O W F F p sp a > O a m > m U) Z W o mLLO �s X to F W c In �odcj W W a- cu C.D =) M Q W m W E LL v C 0 y W F-M� Z W ULL. J � � W > m z O w 0 F- W C7 m O LO F� O ' G3- 1 L_ M N CO CZ)O) (O N � O t` c- (O c0 CV rn 00 co CO co M O Lo N CO v v 00 00 LO to ~ Go LO O LO000-IzrCDIr- O CO O O O O O o0 O LO LO O N LO CO O O'Mdt OMB � M N 00 O r- r- CO M M O O M LO CO 6) co I O I- V co 00 m (--> M M CV co r- m co M N �' CO ti O) (MO N c2 N N f� 0 Z O U) LL U) p J X (6 O Q) U) U)C a) a) Z<o p co (06 V) W a) W a) Q) U O_ Ln a) a- C7 LXa > L.L. a t z :�E W ~ CO U) LL L 06 � p o6 W 'n Z Q `) U ,Q C U) a) c a) W O J p Q F f0 c) p •C w L1 U) Li VJ .J LL_ p O c � 0 F- CD 0 a Ln r 0 Lo 0 N 0 O 0 a 0 O -o >- m :1 o LLO I ti W C7 m I Q o F- Z o p Z LO Q W Q WJ I I Q U- -J U- O � N W Q M iff (7 z N I N o o N N co N N N W co I M N W o � O C O Cpj N C Q U) p .� C C = 0 U p 0) •� cu (O V) U m -p () E Q .� � p U)c Q Q � 2 m 0- 0d Y > a U O LL p (3) "" m O co (O M M 6) C:) n I r- O) M Cl) Cl) N 00 CO m M " O) '' CDLC) 't W Cl) 6) M (O a0 N LO Lf) Lr r".. 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