11/06/2017-CC-Minutes-Work SessionCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION November 6, 2017 — 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman Gary Bilyeu All Councilmembers were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Secretary Cheryl Price 1. Call Meeting to Order. The City Council Work Session was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Muir. 2. Legislative Update from State Representative Pat Fallon. Representative Fallon will also present a Gavel to Blake Pyron; and, a Flag flown over the Capitol to Paula Brice to honor the life of Mike Brice. State Representative Pat Fallon was recognized and began his presentation with a Legislative update. He noted this was the most difficult session he has been to and he has been down there for three sessions. It was the least enjoyable and least productive. They seemed to declare war on municipal governments and county governments. He noted he was very upset with this and has been discussing this with local government officials, councilmembers, mayors, and school districts and noted that we need to act and create synergy between local and state governments. He felt that it is wrong what some are doing to draft legislation in Austin because of something they are unhappy with in Harris or Travis Count, and it is affecting cities like Sanger and counties like Denton and Cooke. Having the House and the Senate clashing constantly is not good. He gave a summary on the budget passed, noting that about 217 billion was passed. They passed SB 4 which is the Ban on Sanctuary Cities. He noted that he and his office are sorry from the bottom of their hearts about the loss of Mike Brice. So many people dedicate themselves and believe in things that are greater then they are. That is when you are going to have an effective public servant, and servant leader, when people truly believe that their God is greater than they are, their County is greater than they are, and their community is greater than they are and that is clearly what Mike Brice did. Mayor Muir asked, on the "war on cities", where he thought the pendulum would swing. State Representative Fallon felt the pendulum is swinging the right way, because it could have gotten much worse and just dissolved the cities and counties. Presentation for Blake Pyron State Representative Fallon noted they have a young man that they would like to recognize, who came down to Austin a while back during the Special Session and met the Governor. Governor Abbott asked State Representative Fallon if he would come to Sanger Texas and talk to one of his buddies, Blake Pyron. Blake came up to the Podium. State Representative Fallon noted to Blake that the Governor asked that he give him a few things. He read the header of a resolution: "Blake's Snow Shack is marking its first anniversary in May of 2017 and this gives the opportunity to recognize its founder Blake Pyron." He noted that the resolution states many facts and read the end..."Be it resolved that the House of Representatives of the 85th Legislature hereby honor Blake Pyron on the Anniversary of the opening of his business, Blake's Snow Shack, and extend to all of those involved with the enterprise, sincere best wishes for the future. And, be it further resolved, that an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Pyron as an expression of high regard by the Texas State House of Representatives." He presented Blake Pyron and his parents each with a copy of the Resolution. He noted he had a few more things they wanted to make sure he received. He handed a photo to Mr. Pyron, which was taken with him and the Governor that was signed "Blake, Keep Up the Good Work!" Governor Greg Abbott. He asked if he remembered the big gavel? Blake Pyron acknowledged he did. He told Blake Pyron that when a rule is made that it is not official until the gavel is slammed. He opened a box and it was a large gavel that was engraved "Presented by Speaker Joe Straus and State Representative Pat Fallon to Blake Pyron used on the passage of HR 1532 in honor of the Anniversary of Blake's Snow Shack May 10, 2017 from the Texas House of Representatives 85th Legislature. Mayor Muir asked for Blake Pyron to come up and compared gavels with him. The Mayor noted that he only had a little bitty gavel compared to the one Blake just received. There was laughter and photos taken. The Mayor noted that Blake and his family are great representatives for the City of Sanger, and that he is making Sanger famous. He thanked Blake Pyron, his family, and State Representative Fallon for coming out to do this. Presentation to Paula Brice in Honor of Mike Brice State Representative Pat Fallon noted he had one more item and read the following Resolution (copied below) from the House of Representatives, in honor of Mike Brice. He presented a copy of the Resolution to Paula Brice and a Flag that was Flown over the State Capitol. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The citizens of Sanger lost a beloved community leader with the untimely passing of city manager Michael C. Brice on October 23, 2017, at, the age of 55; and WHEREAS, Born on March 28, 1962, in Oklahoma City, Mike Brice was the son of Charlie and Ann Brice; he graduated from Choctaw High School in 1980, and he later earned a bachelor's degree in industrial safety from the University of Central Oklahoma and a master's degree in liberal studies with a focus on leadership and administration from the University of Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, Before beginning his career in municipal government, Mr. Brice served as a firefighter for more than two decades, during that time, he worked primarily for the fire department in Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, where he rose to the rank of assistant fire chief; he went on to serve, for five years as fire chief in Chickasha, Oklahoma, and subsequently transitioned to the role of assistant city manager of that community; making his new home in Texas, he was appointed by the Sanger City Council to serve as city manager in 2007; while fulfilling the duties of that office, he volunteered his time as a member of the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce board and the local Lions Club and represented Sanger on the Upper Trinity Regional Water District Board; and WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Brice enjoyed the love and support of his wife and high school sweetheart, Paula, with whom he shared,35 years; he took great pride in their children, Kristen and Kyle, and their grandsons, Cathan, Kale, and Jonam, and he especially delighted in traveling abroad with his wife and in spending vacations at the beach with the entire family; and WHEREAS, Mike Brice led a life that was remarkably rich in personal and professional achievements, and he will long be remembered with admiration and affection by the many people whose lives he touched; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tribute be paid to the memory of Michael C. Brice and that sincere condolences be extended to his family, friends, and colleagues. Mayor Muir thanked State Representative Fallon and noted that life is full of times when we can laugh and times when we can cry and we have done both of them this evening. Mike Brice was a good friend and a good servant of this City and we appreciate the extra effort that State Representative Fallon has made tonight to honor Mike Brice. Photos were taken of the above events. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CLOSED MEETING Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters (Personnel Matters — Meeting with Acting City Manager Alina Ciocan) The City Council convened into closed Executive Session at 6:24 P.M. 4. RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING Any Action Taken. The Council reconvened at 7:10 P.M. No action was taken. 5. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. There was no overview of items on the Regular Agenda. 6. ADJOURN. There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:11 P.M.