08/10/2021-CC-Agenda Packet-SpecialAGENDA
6:00 PM
1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.
(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issues
brought up during this section.)
3.Presentation on FM 455 / IH35
Presentation and Overview of the FM 455 / IH35 Construction Project. (Dannenbaum Engineering
and City Staff)
4.FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Water)
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Water Utility
Relocation Associated with ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, within
the IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve Any
Subsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)
5.FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Sewer)
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Sewer Utility
Relocation Associated with ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project,
within the IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve Any
Subsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)
(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they
wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice
has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may
be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a
subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council
or at the call of the Mayor).
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the
City Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place
convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the
following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
Page 1
AGENDACITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETINGTUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 20216:00 PMHISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING 403 N 7TH STREETSANGER, TEXAS1.Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance.2.CITIZEN INPUT:(Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or discuss any issuesbrought up during this section.)REGULAR AGENDA3.Presentation on FM 455 / IH35Presentation and Overview of the FM 455 / IH35 Construction Project. (Dannenbaum Engineeringand City Staff)4.FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Water)Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Water UtilityRelocation Associated with ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, withinthe IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve AnySubsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)5.FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Sewer)Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Sewer UtilityRelocation Associated with ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project,within the IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve AnySubsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)6.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS:(The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items theywish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which noticehas not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy maybe given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for asubsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Councilor at the call of the Mayor).7.ADJOURN.I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on theCity Website, and on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a placeconvenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said notice was posted on the
following date and time, and remained posted continuously for at least 72 hours prior to the
scheduled time of said meeting and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned.
August 5, 2021, at 5:00 PM
Kelly Edwards, City Secretary
City of Sanger, Texas
Date/Time Posted
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for additional
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City
Secretary's office at (940) 4587930 for further information.
Page 2
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2021
TO: John Noblitt, City Manager
FROM: Alina Ciocan, Assistant City Manager
Presentation on FM 455 / IH35
Presentation and Overview of the FM 455 / IH35 Construction Project. (Dannenbaum Engineering and City Staff)
Page 3
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2021
TO: John Noblitt, City Manager
FROM: Tracy LaPiene, City Engineer
FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Water)
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Water Utility Relocation Associated
with ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, within the IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorizing
the Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve Any Subsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)
ACTION REQUESTED: Approval, Contract/Agreement
The proposed FM 455 Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain facilities
of the City of Sanger as indicated in the following statement of work: the lowering and/or relocation of water lines from
station 2592+99 to 2635+03 which is in response to the widening of IH35; and more specifically as shown in the Utility’s
plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”.
The State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may
be eligible for State and/or Federal participation.
The State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain lands and facilities
that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the
lands as indicated in the statement of work above.
The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities up to
the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation.
Pages 590 of Standard Utility Agreement – ROWU35;
• Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”);
• Accounting Method (Attachment “B”);
• Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”);
• Statement Covering Contract Work – ROWU48 (Attachment “D”);
• Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROWUJUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment “E”);
• Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”);
Page 4
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 4.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2021TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Tracy LaPiene, City EngineerITEM/CAPTION:FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Water)Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Water Utility Relocation Associatedwith ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, within the IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorizingthe Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve Any Subsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED: Approval, Contract/Agreement BACKGROUND:The proposed FM 455 Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain facilitiesof the City of Sanger as indicated in the following statement of work: the lowering and/or relocation of water lines fromstation 2592+99 to 2635+03 which is in response to the widening of IH35; and more specifically as shown in the Utility’splans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”.The State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as maybe eligible for State and/or Federal participation.The State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain lands and facilitiesthat entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon thelands as indicated in the statement of work above.The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities up tothe amount said costs may be eligible for State participation.Pages 590 of Standard Utility Agreement – ROWU35;• Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”);• Accounting Method (Attachment “B”);• Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”);• Statement Covering Contract Work – ROWU48 (Attachment “D”);
• Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROWUJUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment “E”);
• Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”);
• Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment “G”); and
• Proof of Property Interest – ROWUAffidavit (Attachment “H”).
are available to review upon request.
Legal has reviewed Agreement as to form and sufficiency.
Anticipated Reimbursement of $1,063,729.00
Staff recommends Approval of a Standard Utility Agreement for Water Utility Relocation Associated with ROW CSJ:
019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, within the IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorize the Mayor to
Execute Agreement and Approve Any Subsequent Amendments.
Description Upload Date Type
Pages 18 from U00010447 RCSJ 019502080 IH 35 Water U35 8/4/2021 Exhibit
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Form ROW-U-35
Page 1
______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
U Number: Utility ID: U00010447
District: Dallas County: Denton
Federal Project No.: STP 1802(370) Highway: IH35
ROW CSJ: 0195-02-080 From: North of W Bolivar St
Highway Project Letting Date: 01/2022
To: South of Lois Rd W
This Agreement by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Transportation Commission,
(“State”), and City of Sanger, (“Utility”), acting by and through its duly authorized representative, shall be effective
on the date of approval and execution by and on behalf of the State.
WHEREAS, the State has deemed it necessary to make certain highway improvements as designated by the State
and approved by the Federal Highway Administration within the limits of the highway as indicated above (the
“Highway Project”);
WHEREAS, the proposed Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain
facilities of the Utility as indicated in the following statement of work: the lowering and/or relocation of water lines
from station 2592+99 to 2635+03 which is in response to the widening of IH35 ; and more specifically as shown in
the Utility’s plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”.
WHEREAS, the State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to
the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation.
WHEREAS, the State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain
lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its
facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above.
The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities
up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation.
All conduct under this agreement, including but not limited to the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility,
the development and reimbursement of costs, any environmental requirements, and retention of records will be in
accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the Federal
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4601, et seq., the National
Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321, et seq., the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313 and 23 CFR
635.410, as amended, Texas Transportation Code § 223.045, the Utility Relocations, Adjustments, and
Reimbursements provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart A, and the Utility Accommodation provisions of 23 CFR 645,
Subpart B.
The Utility shall supply, upon request by the State, proof of compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules,
regulations, and guidelines prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility.
The Utility shall not commence any physical work, including without limitation site preparation, on the State’s right
of way or future right of way, until TxDOT provides the Utility with written authorization to proceed with the physical
work upon TxDOT’s completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project. Any such work
by the Utility prior to TxDOT’s written authorization to proceed will not be eligible for reimbursement and the Utility
is responsible for entering any property within the proposed limits of the Highway Project that has not yet been
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
acquired by TxDOT. This written authorization to proceed with the physical work is in addition to the authorization
to commence work outlined below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this paragraph are required
only when TxDOT has not obtained completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project
prior to the execution of this Agreement by the State and the Utility.
The Utility shall comply with the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313, 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, and
the Steel and Iron Preference provisions of Texas Transportation Code § 223.045 and, when products that are
composed predominately of steel and/or iron are incorporated into the permanent installation of the utility facility,
use domestically manufactured products. TxDOT Form 1818 (Material Statement), along with all required
attachments, must be submitted, prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the
facility, as evidence of compliance with the aforementioned provisions. Failure to submit the required documentation
or to comply with the Buy America, and Steel and Iron Preference requirements shall result in: (1) the Utility
becoming ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds authorized under the Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; (2) the State withholding reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Utility
in the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities; and (3) removal and replacement of the non-
compliant products.
The Utility agrees to develop relocation or adjustment costs by accumulating actual direct and related indirect costs
in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the State, or may, with the State’s approval,
accumulate actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with an established accounting procedure
developed by the Utility. Bills for work hereunder are to be submitted to the State not later than one (1) year after
completion of the work. Failure to submit the request for final payment, in addition to all supporting documentation,
within one (1) year after completion of the work may result in forfeiture of payment for said work.
When requested, the State will make intermediate payments at not less than monthly intervals to the Utility when
properly billed. Such payments will not exceed 90 percent (90%) of the eligible cost as shown in each such billing.
Intermediate payments shall not be construed as final payment for any items included in the intermediate payment.
The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation and upon receipt of final
billing prepared in an approved form and manner and accounting for any intermediate payments, make payment in
the amount of 90 percent (90%) of the eligible costs as shown in the final billing prior to audit and after such audit
shall make an additional final payment totaling the reimbursement amount found eligible for State reimbursement.
Alternatively, the State agrees to pay the Utility an agreed lump sum of $N/A as supported by the attached
estimated costs. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustments, removals, and relocations and
upon receipt of a final billing, make payment to the Utility in the agreed amount.
Upon execution of this agreement by both parties hereto, the State will, by written notice, authorize the Utility to
perform such work diligently and to conclude said adjustment, removal, and relocation by the stated completion
date which is attached hereto in Attachment “C”. The completion date shall be extended for delays caused by
events outside the Utility’s control, including an event of Force Majeure, which shall include a strike, war or act of
war (whether an actual declaration of war is made or not), insurrection, riot, act of public enemy, accident, fire, flood
or other act of God, sabotage, or other events, interference by the State or any other party with the Utility’s ability
to proceed with the work, or any other event in which the Utility has exercised all due care in the prevention thereof
so that the causes of other events are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Utility.
This agreement in its entirety consists of the following elements:
Standard Utility Agreement – ROW-U-35;
• Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”);
• Accounting Method (Attachment “B”);
• Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”);
• Statement Covering Contract Work – ROW-U-48 (Attachment “D”);
• Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROW-U-JUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment
• Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”);
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
• Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment “G”); and
• Proof of Property Interest – ROW-U-Affidavit (Attachment “H”).
All attachments are included herein as if fully set forth. In the event it is determined that a substantial change from
the statement of work contained in this agreement is required, reimbursement therefore shall be limited to costs
covered by a modification or amendment of this agreement or a written change or extra work order approved by the
State and the Utility.
This agreement is subject to cancellation by the State at any time up to the date that work under this agreement
has been authorized, and such cancellation will not create any liability on the part of the State. However, the State
will review and reimburse the Utility for eligible costs incurred by the Utility in preparation of this Agreement.
The State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under
this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract. Acceptance of funds directly under this contract
or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under
the direction of the Legislative Audit Committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds.
An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information
the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit.
The Utility by execution of this agreement does not waive any of the rights that the Utility may have within the
limits of the law.
It is expressly understood that the Utility conducts the adjustment, removal, and relocation at its own risk, and that
the State makes no warranties or representations regarding the existence or location of utilities currently within its
right of way.
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the
party represented.
Utility: City of Sanger
Name of Utility Director of TP&D (or designee), Dallas District
Authorized Signature
Executed and approved for the Texas
Transportation Commission for the purpose
and effect of activating and/or carrying out the
orders, established policies or work programs
heretofore approved and authorized by the
Texas Transportation Commission.
Print or Type Name
District Engineer (or designee)
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
Attachment “A”
Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs
All material items within cost estimate that must meet Buy America or Steel and Iron
Preference Provision requirements must be indicated with an asterisk (*).
Currently, we do not have Buy America required materials planned for this project. In
the event that Buy America compliant materials are used during construction on this
project, compliance documentation will be provided.
There are non-domestic iron and steel materials in this project that fall under the De
Minimus equation. Calculation showing the total cost does not exceed one-tenth of one
percent (0.1 %) of the individual utility agreement amount or $2,500.00, whichever is
greater is required.
We understand the Buy America Compliance Requirements and will supply the required
documentation to TxDOT indicating compliance with this provision. The following
documents will be supplied prior to installation of the materials:
1) Form 1818 - Material Statement
2) Material Test Reports or Certifications
Page 10
Reimbursement Summary
1 Engineering Services 105,178$
2 Geotechnical (ECS Southwest, LLP) 3,478$
3 SUE (The Rios Group) 5,675$
4 Survey and Esmt Prep. (Original Contract) 2,270$
5 Survey and GIS (Addendum 2)2,656$
6 Survey and GIS (Addendum 3)2,656$
7 Printing Costs 63$
8 Travel and Reimbursable Expenses 68$
9 Printing Costs (Addendum 1)63$
10 Travel and Reimbursable Expenses (addendum 1)68$
Total Design and Special Services Fees 122,176$
Reimbursement Summary Information
A Total In Kind Professional Services 122,176.00$
B Total In Kind Construction Cost 941,553.00$
C Total In Kind Cost (A+B)1,063,729.00$
D Betterment Amount 18,900.00$
E Total Cost with Betterment (C+D)1,082,629.00$
F Calculated Betterment Percentage (D/E)0.017457504
G Eligibility Ratio (See Page 107)1
H Eligible Cost (G*C)1,063,729.00$
I Total Cost to City of Sanger (E-H)18,900.00$
City of Sanger
U00010447 & RCSJ: 0195-02-080
Water Pipeline Relocation
TxDOT IH 35 Highway Improvement
Professional Service Cost
Page 11
1 1 EA Mobilization & Demobilization 35,600.00$ 35,600$ -$
2 2991 LF Site Protection and Site Preparation 2.50$ 7,478$ -$
3 7 MO Erosion, Sedimentation Control and SW3P 2,800.00$ 19,600$ -$
4 1 EA Traffic Control Plan 3,560.00$ 3,560$ -$
5 7 MO Barricades, Signs and Traffic Control 3,000.00$ 21,000$ -$
6 7 MO Exploratory Excavation of Existing Utilities 1,750.00$ 12,250$ -$
7 3050 LF Trench Safety Program 3.50$ 10,675$ -$
8 18 EA Temporary Bypass Piping (Various Locations) 1,250.00$ 22,500$ -$
9 3169 LF 12" PVC Pipe (DR-18) by OC 68.00$ 215,492$ 878 10$ 8,780$
10 596 LF 12" PVC Pipe (DR-18) Carrier Pipe 95.00$ 56,620$ 90 8$ 720$
11 187 LF 18" Steel Encasement Pipe By OC 175.00$ 32,725$ 60 70$ 4,200$
12 414 LF 18" Steel Encasement Pipe By OTOC 365.00$ 151,110$ 30 100$ 3,000$
13 300 LF 8" PVC Pipe (DR-18) by OC 58.00$ 17,400$ -$
14 110 LF 8" PVC Pipe (DR-18) Carrier Pipe 87.00$ 9,570$ -$
15 54 LF 2" PVC Pipe (DR-18) By OC 40.00$ 2,160$ -$
16 11 EA 12" Resilient Seat Gate Valve*2,800.00$ 30,800$ 4 550.00$ 2,200$
17 3 EA 8" Resilient Seat Gate Valve*2,250.00$ 6,750$ -$
18 6 EA 6" Resilient Seat Gate Valve*1,700.00$ 10,200$ -$
19 6.7 TON Ductile Iron Fittings and Relate Appurtences *12,000.00$ 80,400$ -$
20 5 EA Fire Hydrants with Valves and Appurtences *7,500.00$ 37,500$ -$
21 6 EA Water Meter Box Relocation 650.00$ 3,900$ -$
22 3 EA Cut and Plug12" Water Line 2,400.00$ 7,200$ -$
23 12 EA Water Meter Box Housing 550.00$ 6,600$ -$
24 4410 LF Remove Various Size Water Pipeline 24.00$ 105,840$ -$
25 11 SY Asphalt Pavement Repair 125.00$ 1,375$ -$
26 30 SY Concrete Pavement Repair *125.00$ 3,750$ -$
27 7 LF Curb and Gutter Replacement or Repair *35.00$ 245$ -$
28 49 LF Remove and Replace Fence *42.00$ 2,058$ -$
29 53 SY Remove and Replace Existing Sidewalk (As Directed)65.00$ 3,445$ -$
30 2000 SY Seeding, Hydromulch 1.50$ 3,000$ -$
31 113 SY Top Soil and Placement 20.00$ 2,260$ -$
32 91 EA Thrust Blocking or Retrained Joint *125.00$ 11,375$ -$
33 1 EA Material Testing and Miscellaneous Testing as per City 7,115.00$ 7,115$ -$
941,553$ 18,900$
Note (*) - "Buy American" compliance documentation will be required for these items in accordance with TxDOT/ FHWA guidance letter dated May 26, 2021.
City of Sanger Pipeline Relocation
Opinion of Probable Cost
U00010447 & RCSJ: 0195-02-076
Page 12
In Charge
In Training
Asst.GIS Total for
Task Betterment In Kind Total
Billable Rate $305.00 $305.00 $159.15 $180.00 $160.00 $245.51 $117.64 $139.66 $115.00 $75.00 $110.00
Original Contract Hours 2.1 1.4 0.0 45.2 68.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 120.7 12.0 2.5
$629 $441 $0 $8,134 $10,928 $0 $0 $0 $13,882 $898 $272 35,184$ -$ 35,184$
Addendum 1 additional scope of work 0.2 0.4 0.0 28.1 31.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.3 6.2 0.0
$63 $126 $0 $5,051 $4,985 $0 $0 $0 $7,285 $464 $0 17,975$ -$ 17,975$
Addendum 2 additional scope of work 0.2 0.2 0.0 41.5 48.7 0.0 0.2 46.2 0.0 4.3 0.0
$63 $63 $0 $7,466 $7,792 $0 $24 $6,455 $0 $325 $0 22,188$ -$ 22,188$
Addendum 3 additional scope of work 0.0 0.0 0.0 43.4 16.5 0.6 9.1 31.5 0.0 8.8 0.0
$0 $0 $0 $7,806 $2,637 $141 $1,070 $4,405 $0 $660 $0 16,719$ -$ 16,719$
Addendum 4 additional Services Lump Sum 0.0 0.6 0.0 27.0 1.4 0.0 3.3 0.0 64.8 0.0 0.0
$0 $183 $0 $4,860 $224 $0 $388 $0 $7,457 $0 $0 13,112$ -$ 13,112$
105,178$ 105,178$
Subs/ODC Subs/ODC
+10% Betterment In Kind Total
Number Unit Cost
Geotechnical (ECS Southwest, LLP) 3692 $0.86 $3,162 3,478$ -$ 3,478$
SUE (The Rios Group) 3692 $1.40 $5,159 5,675$ -$ 5,675$
Survey and Esmt Prep. (Original Contract) 3692 $0.56 $2,064 2,270$ -$ 2,270$
Survey and GIS (Addendum 2)3692 $0.65 $2,415 2,656$ -$ 2,656$
Survey and GIS (Addendum 3)3692 $0.65 $2,415 2,656$ -$ 2,656$
Printing Costs 20 2.87 $57 63$ -$ 63$
Travel and Reimbursable Expenses 107 0.58 $62 68$ -$ 68$
Printing Costs (Addendum 1)20 2.87 $57 63$ -$ 63$
Travel and Reimbursable Expenses (addendum 1)107 0.58 $62 68$ -$ 68$
16,998$ 16,998$
122,176$ Total Professional Services Fees
Total for Subs and ODC
Design Fees
Total Engineering Design Fees
Subconsultant Fees
Page 13
AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2021
TO: John Noblitt, City Manager
FROM: Tracy LaPiene, City Engineer
FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Sewer)
Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Sewer Utility Relocation
Associated with ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, within the IH 35 RightOfWay,
and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve Any Subsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)
ACTION REQUESTED: Approval, Contract/Agreement
The proposed FM 455 IH 35 Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain
facilities of the City of Sanger as indicated in the following statement of work: the lowering and/or relocation of sewer
lines from station 2592+99 to 2635+03 which is in response to the widening of IH35; and more specifically as shown in the
Utility’s plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”.
The State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may
be eligible for State and/or Federal participation.
The State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain lands and facilities
that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the
lands as indicated in the statement of work above.
The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities up to
the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation.
Pages 589 of Standard Utility Agreement – ROWU35;
• Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”);
• Accounting Method (Attachment “B”);
• Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”);
• Statement Covering Contract Work – ROWU48 (Attachment “D”);
• Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROWUJUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment “E”);
• Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”);
Page 14
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOAGENDA ITEM NO. 5.AGENDA MEETING DATE: August 10, 2021TO: John Noblitt, City ManagerFROM: Tracy LaPiene, City EngineerITEM/CAPTION:FM 455 IH 35 Utility Relocation TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement (Sewer)Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Approving a Standard Utility Agreement for Sewer Utility RelocationAssociated with ROW CSJ: 019502080, the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, within the IH 35 RightOfWay,and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Agreement and Approve Any Subsequent Amendments. (LaPiene)AGENDA TYPE: RegularACTION REQUESTED: Approval, Contract/Agreement BACKGROUND:The proposed FM 455 IH 35 Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certainfacilities of the City of Sanger as indicated in the following statement of work: the lowering and/or relocation of sewerlines from station 2592+99 to 2635+03 which is in response to the widening of IH35; and more specifically as shown in theUtility’s plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”.The State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as maybe eligible for State and/or Federal participation.The State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain lands and facilitiesthat entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon thelands as indicated in the statement of work above.The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities up tothe amount said costs may be eligible for State participation.Pages 589 of Standard Utility Agreement – ROWU35;• Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”);• Accounting Method (Attachment “B”);• Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”);• Statement Covering Contract Work – ROWU48 (Attachment “D”);
• Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROWUJUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment “E”);
• Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”);
• Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment “G”); and
• Proof of Property Interest – ROWUAffidavit (Attachment “H”).
are available to review upon request.
Legal has reviewed Agreement as to form and sufficiency.
Anticipated Reimbursement of $465,284.00
Staff recommends Approval of a Standard Utility Agreement for Sewer Utility Relocation Associated with ROW CSJ:
019502080,the FM 455 Utility Relocation Project, within the IH 35 RightOfWay, and Authorize the Mayor to
Execute Agreement and Approve Any Subsequent Amendments.
Description Upload Date Type
Pages 18 from U00010446 RCSJ 019502080 IH 35 Sewer U35 8/4/2021 Exhibit
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Form ROW-U-35
Page 1
______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
U Number: Utility ID: U00010446
District: Dallas County: Denton
Federal Project No.: STP 1802(370) Highway: IH35
ROW CSJ: 0195-02-080 From: North of W Bolivar St
Highway Project Letting Date: 01/2022
To: South of Lois Rd W
This Agreement by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Transportation Commission,
(“State”), and City of Sanger, (“Utility”), acting by and through its duly authorized representative, shall be effective
on the date of approval and execution by and on behalf of the State.
WHEREAS, the State has deemed it necessary to make certain highway improvements as designated by the State
and approved by the Federal Highway Administration within the limits of the highway as indicated above (the
“Highway Project”);
WHEREAS, the proposed Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain
facilities of the Utility as indicated in the following statement of work: the lowering and/or relocation of sewer lines
from station 2592+99 to 2635+03 which is in response to the widening of IH35 ; and more specifically as shown in
the Utility’s plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment “A”.
WHEREAS, the State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to
the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation.
WHEREAS, the State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility’s interest in certain
lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its
facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above.
The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities
up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation.
All conduct under this agreement, including but not limited to the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility,
the development and reimbursement of costs, any environmental requirements, and retention of records will be in
accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the Federal
Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4601, et seq., the National
Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321, et seq., the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313 and 23 CFR
635.410, as amended, Texas Transportation Code § 223.045, the Utility Relocations, Adjustments, and
Reimbursements provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart A, and the Utility Accommodation provisions of 23 CFR 645,
Subpart B.
The Utility shall supply, upon request by the State, proof of compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules,
regulations, and guidelines prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility.
The Utility shall not commence any physical work, including without limitation site preparation, on the State’s right
of way or future right of way, until TxDOT provides the Utility with written authorization to proceed with the physical
work upon TxDOT’s completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project. Any such work
by the Utility prior to TxDOT’s written authorization to proceed will not be eligible for reimbursement and the Utility
is responsible for entering any property within the proposed limits of the Highway Project that has not yet been
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
acquired by TxDOT. This written authorization to proceed with the physical work is in addition to the authorization
to commence work outlined below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this paragraph are required
only when TxDOT has not obtained completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project
prior to the execution of this Agreement by the State and the Utility.
The Utility shall comply with the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313, 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, and
the Steel and Iron Preference provisions of Texas Transportation Code § 223.045 and, when products that are
composed predominately of steel and/or iron are incorporated into the permanent installation of the utility facility,
use domestically manufactured products. TxDOT Form 1818 (Material Statement), along with all required
attachments, must be submitted, prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the
facility, as evidence of compliance with the aforementioned provisions. Failure to submit the required documentation
or to comply with the Buy America, and Steel and Iron Preference requirements shall result in: (1) the Utility
becoming ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds authorized under the Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; (2) the State withholding reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Utility
in the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility’s facilities; and (3) removal and replacement of the non-
compliant products.
The Utility agrees to develop relocation or adjustment costs by accumulating actual direct and related indirect costs
in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the State, or may, with the State’s approval,
accumulate actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with an established accounting procedure
developed by the Utility. Bills for work hereunder are to be submitted to the State not later than one (1) year after
completion of the work. Failure to submit the request for final payment, in addition to all supporting documentation,
within one (1) year after completion of the work may result in forfeiture of payment for said work.
When requested, the State will make intermediate payments at not less than monthly intervals to the Utility when
properly billed. Such payments will not exceed 90 percent (90%) of the eligible cost as shown in each such billing.
Intermediate payments shall not be construed as final payment for any items included in the intermediate payment.
The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation and upon receipt of final
billing prepared in an approved form and manner and accounting for any intermediate payments, make payment in
the amount of 90 percent (90%) of the eligible costs as shown in the final billing prior to audit and after such audit
shall make an additional final payment totaling the reimbursement amount found eligible for State reimbursement.
Alternatively, the State agrees to pay the Utility an agreed lump sum of $N/A as supported by the attached
estimated costs. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustments, removals, and relocations and
upon receipt of a final billing, make payment to the Utility in the agreed amount.
Upon execution of this agreement by both parties hereto, the State will, by written notice, authorize the Utility to
perform such work diligently and to conclude said adjustment, removal, and relocation by the stated completion
date which is attached hereto in Attachment “C”. The completion date shall be extended for delays caused by
events outside the Utility’s control, including an event of Force Majeure, which shall include a strike, war or act of
war (whether an actual declaration of war is made or not), insurrection, riot, act of public enemy, accident, fire, flood
or other act of God, sabotage, or other events, interference by the State or any other party with the Utility’s ability
to proceed with the work, or any other event in which the Utility has exercised all due care in the prevention thereof
so that the causes of other events are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Utility.
This agreement in its entirety consists of the following elements:
Standard Utility Agreement – ROW-U-35;
• Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment “A”);
• Accounting Method (Attachment “B”);
• Schedule of Work (Attachment “C”);
• Statement Covering Contract Work – ROW-U-48 (Attachment “D”);
• Utility Joint Use Agreement – ROW-U-JUA and/or Utility Installation Request – Form 1082 (Attachment
• Eligibility Ratio (Attachment “F”);
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
• Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment “G”); and
• Proof of Property Interest – ROW-U-Affidavit (Attachment “H”).
All attachments are included herein as if fully set forth. In the event it is determined that a substantial change from
the statement of work contained in this agreement is required, reimbursement therefore shall be limited to costs
covered by a modification or amendment of this agreement or a written change or extra work order approved by the
State and the Utility.
This agreement is subject to cancellation by the State at any time up to the date that work under this agreement
has been authorized, and such cancellation will not create any liability on the part of the State. However, the State
will review and reimburse the Utility for eligible costs incurred by the Utility in preparation of this Agreement.
The State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under
this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract. Acceptance of funds directly under this contract
or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under
the direction of the Legislative Audit Committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds.
An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information
the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit.
The Utility by execution of this agreement does not waive any of the rights that the Utility may have within the
limits of the law.
It is expressly understood that the Utility conducts the adjustment, removal, and relocation at its own risk, and that
the State makes no warranties or representations regarding the existence or location of utilities currently within its
right of way.
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the
party represented.
Utility: City of Sanger
Name of Utility Director of TP&D (or designee), Dallas District
Authorized Signature
Executed and approved for the Texas
Transportation Commission for the purpose
and effect of activating and/or carrying out the
orders, established policies or work programs
heretofore approved and authorized by the
Texas Transportation Commission.
Print or Type Name
District Engineer (or designee)
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Form ROW-U-35
(Rev. 10/20)
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______ __________ ______ __________
Initial Date Initial Date
TxDOT Utility
Attachment “A”
Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs
All material items within cost estimate that must meet Buy America or Steel and Iron
Preference Provision requirements must be indicated with an asterisk (*).
Currently, we do not have Buy America required materials planned for this project. In
the event that Buy America compliant materials are used during construction on this
project, compliance documentation will be provided.
There are non-domestic iron and steel materials in this project that fall under the De
Minimus equation. Calculation showing the total cost does not exceed one-tenth of one
percent (0.1 %) of the individual utility agreement amount or $2,500.00, whichever is
greater is required.
We understand the Buy America Compliance Requirements and will supply the required
documentation to TxDOT indicating compliance with this provision. The following
documents will be supplied prior to installation of the materials:
1) Form 1818 - Material Statement
2) Material Test Reports or Certifications
Page 20
Reimbursement Summary
Design Services
1 Engineering Services 77,318$
2 Geotechnical (ECS Southwest, LLP) 1,409$
3 SUE (The Rios Group) 2,300$
4 Survey and Esmt Prep. (Original Contract) 920$
5 Survey and GIS (Addendum 2)1,076$
6 Survey and GIS (Addendum 3)1,076$
7 Printing Costs 32$
8 Travel and Reimbursable Expenses 27$
9 Printing Costs (Addendum 1)32$
10 Travel and Reimbursable Expenses (addendum 1)27$
Total Design and Special Services Fees 84,217$
Reimbursement Summary Information
A Total Professional Services 84,217$
B Total Construction Cost 381,068$
C Total In Kind Cost (A+B)465,284$
D Elective Betterment Cost -$
E Elective Betterment Percentage (D/C)0.0%
F Composite Eligibility Ratio (CER)100.0%
G Total In Kind Cost minus Elective Betterment (C-D)465,284$
-$ Total Cost to Sanger
Total TxDot Reimbursement (F*G)
City of Sanger
U00010446 & RCSJ: 0195-02-080
Sewer Pipeline Relocation
TxDOT IH 35 Highway Improvement
Page 21
1 1 EA Mobilization & Demobilization 14,400.00$ 14,400$ -$
2 1213 LF Site Protection and Site Preparation 2.50$ 3,033$ -$
3 3 MO Erosion, Sedimentation Control and SW3P 2,800.00$ 8,400$ -$
4 1 EA Traffic Control Plan 1,440.00$ 1,440$ -$
5 3 MO Barricades, Signs and Traffic Control 3,000.00$ 9,000$ -$
6 3 MO Exploratory Excavation of Existing Utilities 1,750.00$ 5,250$ -$
7 1236 LF Trench Safety Program 3.50$ 4,326$ -$
8 7 EA Temporary Bypass Piping (Various Locations) 1,250.00$ 8,750$ -$
9 430 LF 8" PVC SDR 18 SS Pipe by OC 58.00$ 24,940$ -$
10 240 LF 12" PVC SDR 26 SS Pipe by OC 77.00$ 18,480$ -$
11 465 LF 12" PVC SDR 26 SS Carrier Pipe 97.00$ 45,105$ -$
12 35 LF 18" Steel Casing by OC *195.00$ 6,825$ -$
13 430 LF 18" Steel Casing by OTOC *310.00$ 133,300$ -$
14 170 LF 12" HDPE SS Pipe by Pipe Burst Method 120.00$ 20,400$ -$
15 10 LF Wastewater Service Line Reconnection 950.00$ 9,500$ -$
16 5 EA New Standard 4' Dia. SSMH 7,500.00$ 37,500$ -$
17 1 EA New Standard 4' Dia. Eccentric SSMH 8,200.00$ 8,200$ -$
18 2 EA Remove Existing SSMH 1,450.00$ 2,900$ -$
19 519 LF Remove Existing SS Pipe 19.00$ 9,861$
20 5 SY Asphalt Pavement Repair 125.00$ 625$ -$
21 12 SY Concrete Pavement Repair *125.00$ 1,500$ -$
22 3 LF Curb and Gutter Replacement or Repair *35.00$ 105$ -$
23 20 LF Remove and Replace Fence *42.00$ 840$ -$
24 21 SY Remove and Replace Existing Sidewalk (As Directed)65.00$ 1,365$ -$
25 812 SY Seeding, Hydromulch 1.50$ 1,218$ -$
26 46 SY Top Soil and Placement 20.00$ 920$ -$
27 1 EA Material Testing and Miscellaneous Testing as per City 2,885.00$ 2,885$ -$
381,068$ -$
Note (*) - "Buy American" compliance documentation will be required for these items in accordance with TxDOT/ FHWA guidance letter dated May 26, 2021.
City of Sanger Pipeline Relocation
Opinion of Probable Cost
U00010446 & RCSJ: 0195-02-076
Page 22
In Charge
In Training
Asst.GIS Total for
Task Betterment In Kind
Billable Rate $305.00 $305.00 $159.15 $180.00 $160.00 $245.51 $117.64 $139.66 $115.00 $75.00 $110.00
Original Contract Hours 0.8 0.6 0.0 18.3 27.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 48.9 4.9 1.0
$255 $179 $0 $3,298 $4,430 $0 $0 $0 $5,628 $364 $110 14,264$ -$ 14,264$
Addendum 1 additional scope of work 0.1 0.2 0.0 11.4 12.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.7 2.5 0.0
$26 $51 $0 $2,048 $2,021 $0 $0 $0 $2,953 $188 $0 7,287$ -$ 7,287$
Addendum 2 additional scope of work 0.1 0.1 0.0 16.8 19.7 0.0 0.1 18.7 0.0 1.8 0.0
$26 $26 $0 $3,027 $3,159 $0 $10 $2,617 $0 $132 $0 8,995$ -$ 8,995$
Addendum 3 additional scope of work 0.0 0.0 0.0 107.0 40.7 1.4 22.4 77.8 0.0 21.7 0.0
$0 $0 $0 $19,255 $6,505 $347 $2,640 $10,865 $0 $1,629 $0 41,242$ -$ 41,242$
Addendum 4 additional Services Lump Sum 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.4 0.6 0.0 1.9 0.0 25.9 0.0 0.0
$0 $0 $0 $2,232 $96 $0 $224 $0 $2,979 $0 $0 5,530$ -$ 5,530$
77,318$ 77,318$
Betterment In Kind
Number Unit Cost
Geotechnical (ECS Southwest, LLP) 1496 $0.86 $1,281 1,409$ -$ 1,409$
SUE (The Rios Group) 1496 $1.40 $2,091 2,300$ -$ 2,300$
Survey and Esmt Prep. (Original Contract) 1496 $0.56 $836 920$ -$ 920$
Survey and GIS (Addendum 2)1496 $0.65 $978 1,076$ -$ 1,076$
Survey and GIS (Addendum 3)1496 $0.65 $978 1,076$ -$ 1,076$
Printing Costs 10 2.87 $29 32$ -$ 32$
Travel and Reimbursable Expenses 43 0.58 $25 27$ -$ 27$
Printing Costs (Addendum 1)10 2.87 $29 32$ -$ 32$
Travel and Reimbursable Expenses (addendum 1)43 0.58 $25 27$ -$ 27$
$6,272 6,899$ 6,899$
Total for Subs and ODC
Design Fees
Total Engineering Design Fees
Subconsultant Fees
Total Professional Services Fees
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