10/17/2016-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularQRVA *TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, October 17, 2016 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: o speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes t brought up during this section). 3. CONSENT AGENDA ssion a) Approval of Minutes: October 3, 2016 - Work October 3, 2016 - RegularCityCouncil Meeting b) Disbursements c) Appoint the Following Board Applicants to The Sanger Cultural Education Facilities Finance Corporation - Billy F. Ezell - Bob Stover 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve a Contract with McCeary, Veselka, Bragg and Allen, LLC (MVBA) to Provide Services Related to the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable. 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Following Items Concerning the East I-35 Wastewater Trunk Line Project: A. Award the Construction Bid to Dickerson Construction in the Amount of $1,594,118. B. Approve Supplemental Agreement 45 With Pacheco Koch Engineering in the Amount of $20,500 for Construction Staking and Re -staking. C. Approve Using 4A Funds in the Amount of $750,000 for the Project. D. Approve Using Wastewater Tap Fees tlnetRemaining Balan che Amount of $75, ofhe Projec00 for the Project. E. Approve Using 2013 Bond Funds for F. Authorize the City Manager to Approve Change Orders That Do Not Exceed $50,000 in Additional Cost to the Project. 8. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve an Option for Discharge of Effluent from the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Capital Projects Update, October 6, 2016. b) All American Dogs Report - August 2016 10. ADJOURN. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: — at , 3 �� �•m• and shall remain posted unti eeting�isdjourne ��01„"!"rl��",,',``�� - •. ���,,,e Chery . Pr' , City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas I X rc facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for modations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact itv Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION October 3, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison and Councilman Allen Chick ABSENT: Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman David Clark OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Deputy City Secretary Cheryl Price, Alina Ciocan Economic and Community Development Director, Joe Iliff, Debbie Reeves with the Chamber of Commerce, Matt Fuller, Eddie Piercy, Steve Fullmeyer, Mike Todd 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. City Manager Brice announced that Cheryl Price has been promoted to City Secretary. 2. Update on the Chamber of Commerce. Debbie Reeves, Administrator for the Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce was recognized to give an update. She gave an after action report on the Sellabration Event. She noted that this year was very successful and they received a lot of feedback from vendors and numerous participants. With the rainy weather and an unexpected number of volunteers from the honor society, they have some planning to do for next year. They plan to buy radios for the directors so they can speak to each other. They are going to put signs up saying no bicycles and no skateboards. They are going to ask Sanger Electric for a new banner. The stage event was very successful and they gave over $500 in donated giveaways. Kid zone was not real successful, but the bounce house was a hit, so they will do more of those types of entertainment next year. Probably will not use hay next year around the stage because it left a mess. In revenues they had over $15,000 this year and for total expenses it was about $6,500 which is pretty close to a $9,000 profit this year. With the extra money they have decided to do some remodeling to the building and make a conference room area that can be utilized by Sanger businesses. Another thing they will be doing is reaching out to the Marina to help come up with some tourist attractions. Their next event is Safe Spook. In addition to the existing businesses on the square they will invite outlying businesses to come in and set up around the park to give out candy. Also going to have costume judging. They are going to start having mixers because not everyone can make the luncheons. They will have the awards banquet in January where they award the business and citizen of the year. She thanked David Clark for coming to the ribbon cutting at the Pink House and invited all of the Council to come to the events. Councilman Allison asked if there were any groups interested in having music events on the square. He also asked if there was a group for redevelopment. Debbie noted that there are no groups that are doing either at this time. The Downtown Association will have their upcoming square event, "trade days", but the downtown association will be going away. She noted that she would love ideas to attract events downtown. There was discussion on what there is to do in the City. She noted the brochure they have on Sanger needs to be updated. They also need to work on getting new Sanger maps. She noted that she was helping with Scout day at the park for both girl and boy scouts to promote membership. She would also like to figure out a way to help curb the drug situation in the city. Mayor Muir thanked Debbie Reeves and noted that she is doing a good job at the Chamber representing Sanger. 3. Overview of Items on the Regular Agenda. City Manager Brice advised that Mr. McBirney would like to speak about Item #9 rezoning. Edwin McBirney, Developer of Sanger Holding, Sanger Circle. He advised he would like to table the Lane Ranch Item on the agenda. He would like to adjust the development to accommodate the Council's new policies and do more studies as far as architectural standards and erosion standards. He would like to postpone this request and get some input from the City Council at some work sessions and staff meetings to rnalce sure the Lane Ranch development meets the new housing policy. Mayor Muir advised Mr. McBirney that the staff is familiar with what direction the Council wants and he could work with staff to meet the direction of the homes visionary policy. Mr. McBirney oadvised of the homhis es are abovplan e 2000approximately feet60Ave agethe is 2200 are below 2000 square feet and 0 square feet with ranges from 1600 to 3200 square feet. Joe Iliff, Planner/Chief Building Official was recognized to give a preview of Agenda Items 5-7 for Sanger Circle. He summarized the plat for Phase 6 of Sanger Circle. In Phase 6 of Sanger Circle there is an area for the development of townhomes (the zoning was brought in April of 2014) and it also includes Single Family-10 zoning. He noted that Item 5 on the Council Agenda is a Public Hearing to amend the boundary between the SF-10 Single Family Residential District and the TH Townhouse District in Sanger Circle Phase 6. He advised that the developer is amending the boundary between the two districts to create a better alignment of the streets to be er constructed and permit a on different pagesof the plats and it was noted it would moreeefficient e land. bAllison discrepancy on the amount of acreage be corrected. Joe Iliff also summarized Item 8, the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates Phase 2. He noted the plat is 5.52 Acres located east of the existing lots along Lake Ridge Drive. The property is zoned under PD 9-29-03 and 5-7-5 for Single Family Residential land uses with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. This Final Plat has 27 new Single -Family Residential lots along extensions of the existing Park Lane and Waterfront Drive and a new street Cliffview Drive. They have made the corrections to remove statements Nos. 4 and 7 on the Plat. There was question as to lots in the flood plain. It was noted there are no lots in the flood plain on this plat, the next phase does have some lots that could potentially be in flood plain area and they were going to start design and working on Flood Plain Studies and either move the flood plain or raise the elevation of the lots out of the flood plain. There was discussion of concern regarding noted flood plain on the plat. Joe Iliff noted that there are not any buildable lots in the flood plain on this plat but there is flood plain that skirts the south east corner of this plat and which effects a small portion of the street in that area, but none of the buildable lots. It was noted they were going to do a LOMAR on the next plat for Flood Plain area. Councilman Chick asked how they would move the lots out of the Flood Plain? Joe Miff advised that it is not an easy task but you can either do a Letter of Map Amendment which is where you don't actually make physical changes to the land but recalculate where the flood plain actually is or where it should be by doing a detailed study or you can do a letter of map revision where you physically go out and move the flood plain into certain locations to reclaim some of the land. Councilman Allison noted that the street would have to be out of the Flood Plain or improvements would have to be made in the channel to move the flood plain away from the street per FEMA requirements. Councilman Allison also noted that lots within 200 feet of the flood plain area would need to have finished floor elevations at a certain height above the base floor elevations. Joe lliff noted this would need to be addressed in the next phase. There was concern regarding the flood plain noted on the street. Councilman Allision said he would feel more comfortable if he knew everything was done according to FEMA regulation. He noted that in the future, he would rather see the study before the plat. Mr. McBirney noted they are going to do a LOMAR on the next plat. Mr. McBirney advised he will be bringing forward a plat to Planning and Zoning on November 1 Och that will have 85 lots all planned to have home sizes over 2000 square feet. 7. Adjourn. There being no further discussion Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 3, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Bill Boutwell, and Councilman Allen Chick ABSENT: Councilman Gary Bilyeu OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price City Secretary, Alina Ciocan Director of Economic and Community Development, Joe Iliff Planner/Chief Building Official, Eddie Piercy, Meghann Piercy, Matt Fuller, Ed McBirney, Engineer Steve Fullmeyer, Mike Todd 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Councilman Allison led the Invocation followed by Councilman Boutwell leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). There were no citizens who wished to speak during Citizen Input 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of Minutes: September 19, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting b) Disbursements 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. City Secretary Price noted that Joe Iliff was added in as Others Present on minutes for September 19t" Agenda and the changes were made on the agendas and online on Friday. A motion was made by Councilman Chick to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu absent). REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding a Request to Amend the Boundary Between the SF-10 Single -Family Residential District and the TH Townhouse District in Sanger Circle Phase 6. The Public Hearing was opened 7:05 p.m. There being no citizens recognized with any questions or to speak for or against the request, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:06 p.m. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve Ordinance 910-20-16 to Amend the Boundary Between the SF-10 Single -Family Residential District and the TH Townhouse District in Sanger Circle Phase 6. There was no discussion on the item because of summary given during the work session. A motion was made by Councilman Allison, to Approve Ordinance #10-20-16 to Amend the boundary between the SF-10 Single -Family Residential District and the TH Townhouse District in Sanger Circle Phase 6. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu absent). 7. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Final Plat of Sanger Circle Phase 6, A 57.08 Acre Tract in the R. Bebee Survey, Located on the West Side of Marion Road, North of Lakepark Drive. There was no discussion. A motion was made by Councilman Allison with all staff requested revisions to revise the final plat to show minimum rear yard of twenty-five (25) feet; and, revise the final plat to show minimum side yard adjacent to a street of twenty (20) feet. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu absent). 8. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates Phase 2, A 5.52 Acre Tract in the R. Bebee Survey, Located North of Waterfront Drive and East of Lake Ridge Drive. Joe Miff was recognized and summarized that the plat has a note on it that shows none of the lots created on this plat are in the flood zone. There is a little of the public right-of-way (street) that clips into the flood zone. It does not invalidate the plat. Staff expects that as they studythe tributary, that the flood zone will probably narrow. So it may be, that when the actual road is constructed it may not be in the flood plain. There was additional discussion between Mr. McBirney and Councilman Allison and Joe Iliff as to how they would go forward regarding the studies for the flood plain. A motion was made by Councilman Allison to approve the Final Plat of Lake Ridge Estates Phase 2, a 5.52 Acre Tract in the R. Bebee Survey, Located North of Waterfront Drive and East of Lake Ridge Drive. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (4-0, Councilman Bilyeu absent). ITEMS 9 and 10 were requested to be pulled by the developer Mr. McBirney. During the overview of the Regular Agenda Items during the Work Session he noted he would like to adjust the development to make sure the Lane Ranch Development meets the new housing policy. 9. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding A Request to Rezone Approximately 150 Acres Located South of FM 455 (Chapman Drive) and Est of Marion Road, and Extending to McReynolds Road on the East Side of Indian Lane, from A Agricultural District to the Following Districts: A. 34.75 Acres to B-2 Business District B. 25.00 Acres to MF-2 Multi Family District C. 35.48 Acres to TH Townhouse District, and D. 52.45 Acres to R-1 Single Family Residential District. 10. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve Ordinance #10-21-16 to Rezone Approximately 150 Acres Located South of FM 455 (Chapman Drive) and Est of Marion Road, and Extending to McReynolds Road on the East Side of Indian Lane, from A Agricultural District to the Following Districts: A. 34.75 Acres to B-2 Business District B. 25.00 Acres to MF-2 Multi Family District C. 35.48 Acres to TH Townhouse District, and D. 52.45 Acres to R-1 Single Family Residential District. IL INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial and Investment Report — August 2016 City Manger Brice noted that this is the August Financial Report, finish the year really well with a healthy fund balance in the revenues were lower than projected because of the weather and controlled enough that we finished the year well. b) All American Dogs Report — August 2016 12. ADJOURN. but wanted to note that we did General Fund. He noted the the rain but expenditures were There being no further business Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m. 10/05/2016 2:07 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08406 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES I-9034 NEW TIRE FOR TRUCK #50-58 R 10/05/2016 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC 1-2829 SEPT SHELTER SERVICE R 10/05/2016 19050 GE CAPITAL RETAIL BANK / AMAZON I-3524268 DVDS FOR COLLECTION R 10/05/2016 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-8/23/16-9/22/16 8/23/16-9/22/16 R 10/OS/2016 I 00390 BILL UTTER FORD, INC. I-167990 TUBE, PLUNGE, BUSHIN, DAMPER R 10/05/2016 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82272637 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 10/05/2016 25760 BROOKS DIVERSIFIED SYSTEMS COMPANY €'. I-20068 QUATERLY FIRE ALAR14 14ONITORING R 10/05/2016 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-11042 FLEX BASE R 10/05/2016 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-8/17/16-9/16/16 8/17/16-9/16/16 R 10/05/2016 29040 DAVIS, CRAIG I-55054 BOOTS -REIMBURSE R 10/05/2016 18190 DEPART14ENT OF INFOR14ATION RESOURCE I-16081021N AUGUST 2016 R 10/05/2016 2 , FERGUSON WATERWORKS _ I-0816331 PVC S40 TEE, COUP, SXS BV R 10/05/2016 I-0816431 14IP X 14ALE CAM COUP R 10/05/2016 14980 FORT BEND SERVICES, INC I-0205017-IN WATER TREATMENT EQUIP14ENT R 10/05/2016 18790 FUELMAN I-NP48592009 9/26/16-10/2/16 R 10/05/2016 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT 190.00OR 064373 190.00 3,400.00OR 064374 3,400.00 497.58CR 064375 497.58 765.26CR 064376 765.26 77.02CR 064377 77.02 30.98CR 064378 30.98 99.00OR 064379 99.00 3,360.00OR 064380 3,360.00 2,580.24CR 064381 2,580.24 100.00OR 064382 100.00 37.93CR 064383 37.93 645.47CR 064384 68.88CR 064384 714.35 976.97CR 064385 976.97 1,789.25CR 064386 1,789.25 10/05/2016 2:07 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08406 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK . NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 03530 JAMES WOOD AUTOPARK, INC. I-VCC5362850 A/C REPAIR 2011 TAHOE 20-03 R 10/05/2016 18140 KEEP P24ERICA BEAUTIFUL I-NSF15-0426-IN1 ANNUAL FEE -PAST DUE R 10/05/2016 25110 KEYSTONE FLEX ADMINISTRATORS, LLC I-9/30/16-10/31/16 RUN OUT FEES 9/30-10/31/16 R 10/05/2016 05400 LEGALSHIELD I-9/15/16 LEGALSHIELD R 10/05/2016 I y 26260 LIBRARY IDEAS, LLC j I-52466 QUATERLY EREADING NNE -AUGUST R 10/05/2016 (€ I-52885 QUATERLY EREADING JUNE-AUGUST R 10/05/2016 i I-53431 QUARTERLY EREADING JUNE-AUGUST R 10/05/2016 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-310830 REFLECT TAPE R 10/05/2016 I-1959-313934 BATTERY 2014 CHEVY SILVERADO R 10/05/2016 I-1959-319834 BATTERY FOR SALOI4E CAR R 10/05/2016 I-1959-315331 BRAKE CONTROLLER 32-58 R 10/05/2016 I-1959-315410 BATTERY AND FEE R 10/05/2016 I-1959-315515 FUSE HOLDER, PRIMARY WIRE R 10/05/2016 02970 OFFICE DEPOT C-865466543001 CREDIT FOR RETURNED CAMERA R 10/05/2016 I-862953348001 BELL HOWELL CAMERM RETURNED) R 10/05/2016 I-864703989001 CARD HOLDER R 10/05/2016 I-864704729001 NA14E PLATES TONY TULLOS R 10/05/2016 I-864704730001 HP LJ PRO PRINTER R 10/05/2016 PACHECO KOCH, LLC I-36942 EAST PH 1 LOIS TO VIED) R 10/05/2016 I-36943 WN E PH II BNSF TO 135X R 10/05/2016 I-36944 WW E PH III I35X TO LOIS R 10/05/2016 05510 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF TX, INC I-SEPTEMBER 16 SOLID WASTE SEPT 16 R 10/05/2016 02090 PUNCHES, CHRISTY I-201610056282 TCCA CONFERENCE 10/09-10/16 R 10/05/2016 PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 202.50CR 064387 202.50 50.000R 064388 50.00 278.50CR 064389 278.50 1.000R 064390 1.00 8.50CR 064391 10.50CR 064391 19.50CR 064391 38.50 1.98CR 97.01CR 064392 3.69CR 180.80CR 064392 2.24CR 109.60CR 064392 1.80CR 88.19CR 064392 0.87CR 42.54CR 064392 0.36CR 17.51CR 064392 535.65 65.69 064393 65.69CR 064393 7.71CR 064393 30.58CR 064393 129.99CR 064393 168.28 152.40CR 064394 1,692.50CR 064394 1,692.50CR 064394 3,537.40 54,821.86CR 064395 54,821.86 214.18CR 064396 214.18 10/05/2016 2:07 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08406 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A140UNT N04 AMOUNT 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-B50468 ELBOW HX, RAIN R SHINE R 10/05/2016 23.70CR 064397 I-B50567 QUIKCRETE R 10/05/2016 9.98CR 064397 I-B51122 BOOT STL TOE R 10/05/2016 29.99CR 064397 '03.67 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-200281 E14S SUPPLIES R 10/05/2016 57.000R 064398 I-200338 EMS SUPPLIES R 10/05/2016 71.000R 064398 128.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1471213-00 10" HELIX TOUGH ONE ANCHOR R 10/05/2016 172.12CR 064399 172.12 21260 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES 4 I-2016002751 SANGER PRESBY CHURCH R 10/05/2016 57.000R 064400 57.00 4 E 00100 TNRS 18,019.68CR 064401 6 I-RETPY 9.16.16 T14RS R 10/05/2016 I-RETPY9.2.16 TMRS R 10/05/2016 16,996.20CR 064401 I-RETPY9.30.16 T14RS R 10/05/2016 16,110.31CR 064401 51,126.19 25790 TOLLE, AUDREY I-201610056284 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT R 10/05/2016 197.42CR 069402 197.42 27680 TOMLINSON BALL FIELD MATERIAL R 10/05/2016 2,070.00CR 064403 2,070.00 I-1185 BALL FIELD DIRT 24530 VESSELS CONSTRUCTION i 1-2 WELL SITE IMPROVEMENTS R 10/05/2016 116,722.45CR 064404 116,722.45 25150 WELLSPRING HUMAN CAPITAL PLANAGEMENT LLC I-1221 CONSULTING SERVICES R 10/05/2016 2,000.00CR 064405 2,000.00 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, INC I-E1502518.001 BBALL VALVE & ADAPTER R 10/05/2016158.59CR 064906 158.59 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 34 10.94 247,161.89 247,172.83 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 34 10.94 247,161.89 247,172.83 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 10/05/2016 2:07 LIM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08406 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT NAME / I.D. CHECK CHECK DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT POSTING PERIOD RECAP FUND ------------------------------------------- PERIOD A14OUNT 001 10/2016 91,724.66CR 004 10/2016 57.000R 008 10/2016 19,570.36CR 180 10/2016 14,196.18CR 41 10/2016 1,353.84CR 840 10/2016 120,259.85CR ALL 247,161.89CR CHECK N04 PAGE: 4 CHECK AMOUNT GRgeh WXASTE Q, 2010 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: ADDRESS: R R eA, -rX 142 HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: CELL PHONE: EMAIL: OCCUPATION: (If retired, describe former occupation or profession) S'p, V, p /1 4f m r- --S p i c., k a s . - 94 Lc-s IAI A ke-� J'Alq PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE, 2 FOR SECOND PREFERENCE, ETC.. LEAVE BLANK ANY BOARD/COMMISSION YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 4A BOARD 4B BOARD., OTHER (CtaPu LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITYACTIVITIES, THAT MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? Yes 0 No Signature: Date: RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger PO Box 1729 - 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 This information will become a public record. I I aRqD *TEXAS Q, 2011 BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: NAME:/X f" DATE: lo — lo J/ F HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PH NE: CELL PHONE: EMAIL: // - OCCUPATION: (if retired, describe former occupation or profession) PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITYBOARD/COMMISSION' ? LYES) NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: 0 fil"y PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE, 2 FOR SECOND PREFERENCE, ETC.. LEAVE BLANK ANY BOARD/COMMISSION YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 4A BOARD 14BBOARD OTHER — t LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): 9 14 �X Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? Yes 0 No Signature: zt �/�' �' � Date: 4 RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger PO Box 1729 - 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 This information will become a public record. MEMO To: Mike Brice, City Manager From: Clayton Gray, Finance Director Date: October 6, 2016 Re: Collection of past due Utility Accounts *TEXAS At some point in the past, the City sent past due utility accounts to a collections agency; however, this practice was stopped at some point prior to my employment. We currently have 538 inactive accounts in our utility system with a total unpaid balance of $195,174. 1 propose that the City contract with McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, LLC (MVBA) for collection of unpaid utility accounts. MVBA currently collections past due amounts for Municipal Court. Christy Punches has told me she has been very pleased with the service received from MVBA. I reached out to MVBA and have received information regarding utility account collection as well as a Contract for the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable. MVBA provided references of cities that employ their firm for such collections. I spoke with Caryn Riggs, Controller with the City of Corinth. She stated that Corinth: has used MVBA approximately 7 or 8 years; has had no issues with MVBA; and has been very pleased with the service provided. I also contacted Karen Dixon, Controller with the City of Gainesville. She stated that Gainesville: began using MVBA in 2006; remains extremely pleased with MVBA; and has encountered no issues with the company. MVBA will allow us to upload a file from INCODE with information on our past due accounts for collection. MVBAwill then employ both mail and telephone services in attempting to collect accounts. For any account MVBA collects, the fee to the city is 20% of the amount collected. There are no additional fees. If we desire, MVBA will also report accounts to credit agencies so the accounts will show on individual's credit reports. There is no additional fee for this service, and it may increase the number of accounts collected. I believe the City would benefit from sending these past due accounts to collections, and I believe that MVBA is an excellent choice to pursue collection activities on our behalf. Attached is information regarding MVBA as well as the contract which requires the Mayor's signature, PRESENTATION For: ;-A-1-Y OF SANGER COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 13111: J'): I i7L' d 13 %-: .'. I ­iCCREARY VEszu�_N B RAC r" - A _�_ LEN, vA IV! MCCREARY VESELKA BRAGG & ALLEN, LLC 700 Jeffrey Way, Suite 100 P.O. Box 1310 Round Rock, Texas 78680 September 23, 2016 City of Sanger Clayton Gray Finance Director 502 Elm Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Presentation for Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable Dear Mr. Gray: Maximizing your collections while following appropriate guidelines and policies is MVBA's top priority for City of Sanger. In MVBA's attached presentation, you will discover a collection program personalized for the City of Sanger and a vendor in whom you have confidence. As a leading provider of collection services to governmental entities, we know that MVBA will be an excellent partner for implementing a collection program tailored to meet your needs and expectations. Our staff of attorneys and professionals is ready to implement our program. We ap iate this opportunity to present the MVBA Collection Program to City of Sanger. Sinc e , Ste en W. Whigham Director of Collections 1-800-287-0013 Ext. 275 swhi ham@mvbalaw.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Overview....................................................... Recommendations for City of Sanger.......................................................................... Client View: Your Accounts at a Glance...................................................................... 3 Result Oriented Communications................................................................... Fast Start: Gain Great Results through Great Support ................................... Multiple Payment Options: Convenience Increases Collections .................................... 4 Skip Tracing Service: Reliably Locate Debtors.............................................................. 4 5 Business Strengths '•"•"••""".................. .............................................. 5 ATotal Solution.............................................................................................................. 5 Client -Focused Service................................................................................................... Quick and Customized Implementation.......................................................................... 5 Track Record of Stability and Legal Expertise............................................................... 5 Professionalism with Measured Results......................................................................... 5 6 Collection Management Team............................................................................................ 7 References........................................................................................................................... 8 CompanyOverview............................................................................................................ City of Sanger, Texas EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW pow THIS PRESENTATION CAN BENEFIT CITY OF SANGER Effective professional collection services are becoming increasingly or important ports t t spending governmental cover entities. No longer can entities just increase taxes, cut servicesbudget shortfalls. Instead you must look to alternative revenue sources to meet citizens' service expectations, provide employee benefits, compensation and much more. Further complicating this matter, in the eyes of many entities, professional collection services are viewed as a commodity —sophisticated and complex, yet often indistinguishable from one firm to another. As a leader in providing collection service solutions, MVBA empathizes with the challenges City of Sanger faces and the goals you hope to achieve.specificThis solution we recommend forts our a out Finally, t your specific objectives. It also summarizes the describes some of the key differentiators that show why MVBA is the right solution provider for City of Sanger. IviVBA knows that all clients are not alike. �;�e are committed to helping you collect and resolve your delinquent accounts in a consistent, effective way throughout our working relationship. CONCERNS With experience gained from providing collection services for over 750 governmental entities, MVBA understands the City of Sanger's challenges. You want to increase revenues while working with existing staffing constraints. Some of the most pressing issues you face are summarized in this section. WORRY THAT OUTSOURCING WILL RESULT IN ADDITIONAL DISGRUNTLED DEFENDANTS The court system routinely deals with defendants who are unhappy about their situation. A third party vendor who fails to recognize this and act accordingly can increase the number of disgruntled defendants. Those individuals then turn to an already busy court staff for a resolution. Without knowing how the vendor is carrying out the collection process, resolving and preventing such issues can be difficult. STRUGGLE WITH EVER-INCREASING BACKLOGS OF OLD ACCOUNTS Without adequate resources (time, people, or budget), City of Sanger quickly develops a large number of old accounts. As new accounts are added, the backlog continues to grow. This causes a significant amount of unrealized revenue to the city. Presentation P City of Sanger, Texas NEED TO HAVE FULL UNDERSTANDING OF OUTSOURCED COLLECTION PROCESSES Even if you use a third party vendor for collections, the City of Sanger needs to fully understand how that vendor is operating. You want to be able to regularly assess the effectiveness and results of the collection program. A vendor who fails to be accountable can introduce new problems, causing frustration and additional work for the staff. SUSPECT THAT OUTSOURCING MAY CAUSE MORE PROBLEMS THAN IT SOLVES Third party vendors can help collect delinquent accounts, leaving staff free to attend to other matters. However, such vendors need to fit within City ave to spend valuabl of Sanger's existing framework.he needs of the vendorathelbenefits of outsourcing tune accommodating may be lost. GOALS By joining the many cities and counties who benefit from outsourcing, City of Sanger gains greater efficiencies and increased revenues. You hope to achieve objectives such as the following: ENJOY A PARTNER RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR VENDOR Your third party vendor needs to be more than just a contractor. it needs to act as a partner in City of Sanger's collection operations. A truly cooperative vendor conforms to the policies and procedures of the city, improving on existing efficiencies. HAVE COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR THIRD PARTY VENDOR When you know precisely what your vendor is doing for the department at all tunes, your confidence, and that of the city, grows. City of Sanger wants regular reporting on the results of collection efforts. Even more, you want the department to be able to view the collection activity on each account at any time. INCREASE REVENUE BY REDUCING BACKLOG OF ACCOUNTS City of Sanger needs to recover outstanding revenue by significantly reducing the backlog of accounts. But you want to avoid the expense of , or the strain of adding pressure to your already over hiring additional staff- burdened staff. A third party vendor that fits seamlessly into your existing structures is the solution. WORK WITH A VENDOR WHO UNDERSTANDS THE SENSITIVE NATURE OF COLLECTIONS City of Sanger strives to reach amicable resolutions with debtors, and wants a vendor who shares that approach. A vendor that conducts itself respectfully at all times ensures that collections increase with minimal interference. Presentation 3 City of Sanger, Texas RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CITY OF SANGER nd You need a collections solution that helps youdescribes the services that MVBA our highest -priority recoo lmmendsectives afo a minimize your challenges. This section des solution that meets City of Sanger's specific needs. We look forward to implementing these solutions for City of Sanger. CLIENT VIEW: FOUR ACCOUNTS AT A GLANCE Maintaining our accountability to you is important to earning your trust. With Client View, you can see online exactly what has been accomplished in City of Sanger accounts —at your convenience. Security is guaranteed with your secure login. Online, you can review collection activity reports, view call center activity, access individual debtor information, and much more. RESULT ORIENTED COMMUNICATIONS With MVBA, City of Sanger gets professional, prompt and consistent communication with your debtors. When done properly, notifying our debtors (in English, Spanish, or another language) increases both the number of accounts you resolve and your revenues. USE WRITTEN COMMUNICATION TO GRAB ATTENTION In order to receive payment from your debtors, you must first get their attention. A letter on McCreary, Veselka, Bragg and Allen, LLC letterhead tells them you mean business. But it's not just about looks. An MVBA letter is professional, concise and understandable. GET YOUR MAIL OUT QUICKLY Timely mail notification is important for City of Sanger to receive the best results. Using two 80,000 square feet mail production facilities, our expert team delivers your notices hurry. resolveswmailing s sues before they ar 5e�ted Ing States Postal Service, the team SUCCEED OVER THE PHONE Phoning City of Sanger's defendants encourages them to pay promptly but only when it's done professionally. NIVBA uses only ACA Certified Professional Collection Specialists, who have passed a rigorous exam on collection techniques, laws and ethics. In addition, we train �� respeialists ctfully, which is ut a ke��t our ss in the uccess. place. Your debtors are treat p Y Presentation 4 City of Sanger, Texas MAXIMIZE TELEPHONE CONTACT RATES —AND COMPLIANCE The most recognized, competitive way to maximize debtor contact rate is to use an automated dialing system. MVBA uses Dial Connection Software, recognized by Collection Advisor magazine as being "a top collections technology provider". This complete contact solution is efficient and it gets results. The Dial Connection system also ensures compliance with FDCPA, `I'CPA, FCC, and FTC regulations. FAST START: GAIN GREAT RESULTS THROUGH GREAT SUPPORT To implement City of Sanger's collection program, NIVBA's experienced team uses our Fast Start Program. Our Internal Customer Service Representatives and Client Services Coordinators ensure your needs are considered every step of the way. The MVBA team has gained wisdom from implementing solutions for hundreds of clients similar to you. We have in-depth knowledge of the software used in offices like yours. This ensures that you receive advice, training and consultation relevant to your situation. OUR FAST START PROGRAM INCLUDES: ® A planning and implementation meeting • Facilitating communication with the vendor of the software export program ® End -user training and tips on how to manage and transfer files • Providing and reviewing with you a comprehensive procedures manual ® Ensuring your staff is comfortable and ready to begin the program MULTIPLE PAYMENT OPTIONS: CONVENIENCE INCREASES COLLECTIONS Experience shows that offering debtors various payment options increases your chances of collecting. Online, your debtors can view their case, determine what they owe, and make a payment. Other convenient options for debtors include paying by phone, MoneyGram, check, credit card or money order. SKIP TRACING SERVICE: RELIABLY LOCATE DEBTORS With MVBA's Skip Tracing Service, City of Sanger can increase account resolution by locating more of your delinquent debtors. Trace debtors whose addresses are considered undeliverable by the United States Postal Service, or who have no valid phone number. Take advantage of both our automated and our interactive capabilities. Presentation City of Sanger, Texas BUSINESS STRENGTHS WHY CHOOSE A? City of Sanger needs a collection firm with responsive customer service, professional collection techniques, and superior results. This section describes why MVBA is your best choice for innovative collection and reporting services. A TOTAL SOLUTION Only MVBA provides City of Sanger with a complete collection solution, from initial contact through receiving payment. Whether you are collecting delinquent fines, fees, accounts receivable, or tolls we keep you informed using daily activity reports. "Together, we create procedures that fit your needs every step of the way. CLIENT -FOCUSED SERVICE You want someone you know and trust to help you resolve issues. 1\/"A'S internal Customer Service Representatives and a Client Services Coordinator work closely with City of Sanger right from the start. Routine follow-up visits ensure the program continues to meet your expectations. With a single, expert point of contact for all your needs, you can expect excellent responsiveness. QUICK AND CUSTOMIZED IMPLEMENTATION At MVBA, we don't take a "one size fits all" approach, so you don't have to waste time changuig your processes to meet the solution. Your Client Services Coordinator expertly tailors our program to meet your needs. The coordinator implements all aspects of City of Sanger's program, configuring software and coaching staff on the collection process. We have a strong track record of rapidly launching collection solutions, even in complicated environments. Your Client Services Coordinator makes sure your program is in place as quickly as possible. TRACK RECORD OF STABILITY AND LEGAL EXPERTISE Our customers benefit from the efficiencies, experience, and expertise that MVBA has gained in over 51 years of business. Our foundation is stability —you know we're here for the long term. PROFESSIONALISM WITH MEASURED RESULTS When you combine MVBA's professional reputation and trained collection specialists, you get maximum dollars collected in a manner you can be proud of. Presentation City of Sanger, Texas COLLECTION MANAGEMENT TEAM Our management team has an ultimate working knowledge of offices like yours. Experienced professionals in their fields, they are ready to work with your staff to create a successful collections program. Key team staff areas for City of Sanger's project include: CLIENT SERVICES Our Internal Customer Service Representatives and a Client Services Coordinator (CSC) pro -rides day-to-day support for you and your staff. They work closely with you to keep you informed of all progress within the program. DATA PROCESSING TEAM The Data Processing Contact is responsible for importing City of Sanger data into die MVBA collections database used to notify the defendants of their obligations. This individual also manages the data used to report the progress of the collection program. This department also initiates any case recalls and cancellations that you request. CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM The Customer Service Team is responsible for responding to client inquires and day to day issues. The Customer Service Supervisor manages the technical function of NI BA's telephony technology, client web access, statistical reporting and data management flow. ACCOUNTING STAFF The Accounting staff receives and posts all payments (mail, phone, or web) received for City of Sanger. They are also responsible for: • Notifying you daily of payments received for you ® Remitting funds to you at least twice a month CALL CENTER SUPERVISOR This team member is a Certified Professional Collection Specialist that coordinates City of Sanger telephone campaigns and ensures that your cases are regularly processed. The Supervisor meets regularly with our team of collection specialists, ensuring that they are courteous, ethical, and firm. ''' Presentation City of Sanger, Texas REFERENCES SELECTED REFERENCES FOR MVBA The following clients will attest to the effectiveness and exceptional service of McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, LLC's delinquent receivables program. We will provide you additional references upon request. See client lists in appendices. City of Leander Utilities Jo Ann Perez, UT Billing Manager 201 West Willis Leander, Texas 78741 Phone: (512)528-2770 Fax: (512)259-2665 i.perez(@Ieandertx.gov City of Taylor Utilities Rosemarie Dennis, Finance Director 400 Porter Street Taylor, Texas 76574 Phone: (512)352-5997 x 21 Fax: (512)352-6002 rosemarie.dennisc@ci.taylor.tx.us City of Gainesville Utilities Daniel Parker, Director of Finance 200 S. Rusk St Gainesville, Texas 76240 Phone: (940)668-4519 Fax: (940)668-4518 dparker(@cogtx.org Town of Little Elm Utilities Dianne Lawson, Assist. Finance Director 100 W Eldorado Pkwy Little Elm, TX 75068 Phone: (972)377-1882 Fax: (972)377-55449 dlawson littleelm.org City of Corinth Utilities Caryn Riggs, Controller 3300 Corinth Pkwy Corinth, TX 76208 Phone: (940)498-3229 Fax: (940)498-3205 crip,izs(@citN(ofcorinth.com City of College Station Utilities Michael Green PO Box 10230 College Station, TX 77842 Phone:(979)764-3535 Fax: (979)764-3791 mgreen@cstx.gov Presentation City of Sanger, Texas COMPANY OVERVIEW THE SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR COLLECTION NEEDS@ Established in 1961, McCreary Veselka Bragg & Allen provides collection services to over 750 governmental entities. MVBA helps clients collect cases quickly. We automate and integrate your processes and increase your employee productivity. Whether collecting delinquent fines, fees, accounts receivable or tolls, City of Sanger can rely on MVBA to provide unsurpassed service and quickly collect your unpaid court fines, fees and accounts receivable. Our employees are dedicated to serving customers at each of our 21 office locations. Our highly qualified team includes an executive management team, client services coordinators, collection specialists, administrative support staff, programmers, and accountants. MVBA produces exceptional results for governmental entities like yours throughout the State of Texas. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MVBA's principal office is located in Round Rock, Texas at 700 Jeffrey Way, Suite 100. LICENSING MVBA is licensed in the states requiring a collection license to conduct business. STATE APPROVED VENDOR McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, P.C. is an approved vendor of the State of Texas on the Comptroller's CMBL. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS MVBA's participation and membership in the following professional organizations brings additional resources and support to our services. ® ACA International —The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals ® American Collectors Association of Texas • National Association of Court Management • 'Texas Municipal League (TML) ® Texas Municipal Courts Association • Texas Court Clerks Association e Various other county and municipal government associations + Presentation Fee for Collection Services ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE For the collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable, City of Sanger agrees to pay to MVBA as compensation for services provided pursuant to this contract, a fee of twenty percent (20%) of the amount of the Delinquent Accounts Receivable collected on those accounts in which the data files are transmitted to NIVBA by electronic media. We shall remit to you all payments in full, at least twice monthly, along with appropriate documentation to facilitate processing of the payments by the court for paid cases and will include the amount of the fees due the Firm. All fees shall become the property of NIVBA at the time of payment. You shall pay to NIVBA said fees on a monthly basis by check. CONTRACT FOR THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, acting herein by and through its governing body, hereinafter styled, "City", and MVBA, LLC dba McCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG AND ALLEN, LLC, hereinafter styled "MVBA". I. The City agrees to retain and does hereby retain MVBA to provide services related to the collection of delinquent accounts receivable, including but not limited to delinquent utility bills ("Delinquent Accounts Receivable") pursuant to the terms and conditions described herein. Legal services shall include but not be limited to recommendations and legal advice to the City to take legal enforcement action; representing the City in any dispute or legal challenge to authority to collect such delinquent accounts receivable; defending the City in litigation or challenges of its collection authority; and representing the City in collection interests in bankruptcy matters as determined by MVBA or the City. The City further authorizes MVBA to execute all legal documents that are reasonably necessary to pursue collection of the City's claims in connection with the collection of delinquent accounts receivable that are subject to this contract. This contract supersedes all prior oral and written contracts between the parties regarding delinquent accounts receivable, and can only be amended if done so in writing and signed by all parties. Furthermore, this contract cannot be transferred or assigned by either party without the written consent of all parties. II. For purposes of this contract Delinquent Accounts Receivable shall be considered delinquent and referred to MVBA when not timely paid in accordance with any applicable contract, ordinance or statute providing for the payment of the underlying debt. At least once each month on a date or dates agreed upon by the parties, the City will provide MVBA with copies of, or access to, the information and documentation necessary to collect the Delinquent Accounts Receivable that are subject to this contract. The City shall furnish the information to MVBA by electronic transmission, magnetic medium or copies of physical records. MVBA shall forward to the City copies of any correspondence regarding a disputed debt received from a debtor and the request for verification of the debt. The City will provide to MVBA within ten (10) days of the receipt for the request for verification of the debt, copies of all records which will verify the debt which in turn will be forwarded to the debtor by MVBA. All collection activity will be suspended on any disputed debt until the appropriate verification of the debt is delivered to the debtor. IV. Upon consultation and agreement by both parties hereto, MVBA may institute civil legal proceedings, including seeking writs of execution to collect Delinquent Accounts Receivable. The City shall pay in advance of the initiation of any writ of execution or collection lawsuit any filing fees charged by the Court or Clerk of the Court in which the writ of execution is to be issued or the collection lawsuit is to be filed including the costs for service of citation. MVBA may also, after consultation and agreement by both parties, file proofs of claims in the United States Bankruptcy Court on behalf of the City. V. MVBA shall forward all cashier checks or money order payments made payable to the City and any correspondence from debtor directly to the City. Cashier checks or money order payments made payable to MVBA will be deposited daily into the MVBA Trust Account. MVBA may also collect the amount due from the debtor by credit card or electronic draft which is deposited directly into the MVBA Trust Account. MVBA may set up payment arrangements and accept partial payments on any delinquent accounts receivable. MVBA shall remit to the City all payments in full received into the MVBA Trust Account weekly, along with an invoice detailing the account number, name of debtor, amount paid to MVBA or City, MVBA fee percentage and fees earned for each account. VI. MVBA shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against all liabilities, losses and/or costs arising from claims for damages, or suits for losses or damages, including reasonable costs and attorney's fees, which may arise as a result of MVBA's performance of the services described in this Contract. The indemnity provision of this Contract shall have no application to any claim or demand which results from the sole negligence or fault of the City, its officers, agents, employees or contractors. And furthermore, in the event of joint and/or shared negligence or fault of the City and MVBA, responsibility and indemnity, if any, shall be apportioned in accordance with Texas law and without waiving any defenses of either party. The provisions of this paragraph are intended for the sole benefit of the parties hereto and are not intended to create or grant any right, contractual or otherwise, to any other persons or entities. Contract for the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable - Page 2 of 5 VII. For the collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable in which the data files are transmitted to MVBA by electronic media, the City agrees to pay to MVBA as compensation for services provided, pursuant to this contract, a fee of twenty percent (20%) of the amount of the Delinquent Accounts Receivable collected. All compensation shall become the property of MVBA at the time of payment. The City shall pay to MVBA said compensation on a monthly basis by check. VIII. The City recognizes and acknowledges that MVBA owns all right, title and interest in certain proprietary software that MVBA may utilize in conjunction with performing the services provided in the contract. The City agrees and hereby grants to MVBA the right to use and incorporate any information provided by the City ("account or debtor information") to update the databases in this proprietary software, and, notwithstanding that the case or defendant information has been or shall be used to update the databases in this proprietary software, further stipulates and agrees that the City shall have no rights or ownership whatsoever in and to the software or the data contained therein, except that the City shall be entitled to obtain a copy of such data that directly relates to the City's accounts at any time. MVBA agrees that it will not share or disclose any specific confidential account or debtor information with any other company, individual, organization or agency, without the prior written consent of the City, except as may be required by law or where such information is otherwise publicly available. It is agreed that MVBA shall have the right to use account or debtor information for internal analysis, improving the proprietary software and database, and generating aggregate data and statistics that may inherently contain account or debtor information. These aggregate statistics are owned solely by MVBA and will generally be used internally, but may be shared with MVBA's affiliates, partners or other third parties for purposes of improving MVBA's software and services. MVBA reserves the right to return to the City all accounts not collected within one (1) year of referral by the City, or identified as being in bankruptcy. Upon return of these accounts, neither party will have any obligation to the other party to this contract. IX. The initial term of this contract is three years, beginning on the first day of the month following the execution of this contract by both parties, and shall automatically renew on the anniversary date and continue in full force and effect thereafter from year to year for additional twelve month periods on the same terms and conditions unless either party delivers written "Notice of Termination of Contract" to the other party of its intent to terminate this contract at least sixty (60) days prior to each anniversary date of this contract. Contract for the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable - Page 3 of 5 In the event that the City terminates this contract, MVBA shall be entitled to continue its collection activity on all accounts previously referred to MVBA for six (6) months from the date of receipt of the "Notice of Termination of Contract" and to payment of its fee, pursuant to Paragraph VII of this contract for all amounts collected on accounts referred to MVBA. The City may, at its discretion, refer additional accounts to MVBA after notice of termination has been received by MVBA. At the end of the six (6) month period, all accounts shall be returned to the City by MVBA. 10 For purposes of sending notice under the term of this contract, all notices from the City shall be sent to MVBA by certified United States mail to the following address: McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, LLC. Attention: Harvey M. Allen P.O. Box 1310 Round Rock, Texas 78680-1310 or delivered by hand or by courier, and addressed to: 700 Jeffrey Way, Suite 100, Round Rock, Texas 78664-2425. All notices to the City shall be sent be certified United States mail or delivered by hand or courier to the following address: City of Sanger, Texas Attention: City Manager 502 Elm St. Sanger, Texas 76266 This contract is made and is to be interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas. Exclusive venue for any action, lawsuit, claim, dispute or another legal proceeding concerning or arising out of this contract shall be in Denton County, Texas. In the event that any provision(s) of this contract shall for any reason be held invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of that provision(s) shall not affect any other provision(s) of this contract, and it shall further be construed as if the invalid or unenforceable provision(s) had never been a part of this contract. Contract for the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable - Page 4 of 5 KM In consideration of the terms and compensation herein stated, MVBA hereby agrees to undertake performance of said contract as set forth above. The City has authorized by order heretofore passed and duly recorded in its minutes the chief executive officer to execute this contract. This contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, and each counterpart shall be deemed an original for all purposes. Signed facsimiles shall be binding and enforceable. WITNESS the signatures of all parties hereto this, the day of , A.D. 2016. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Mayor MVBA, LLC dba McCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALLEN, LLC Harvey M. Allen Manager Contract for the Collection of Delinquent Accounts Receivable -Page 5 of 5 Pacheco Koch DALLAS ■ FORT WORTH r HOUSTON September 21, 2016 PK No.: 3407-13.120 Mr. Mike Brice, ICMA-CM City Manager CITY OF SANGER 502 Elm Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: NORTH INTERSTATE 35 OUTFALL SEWER PHASE II PROJECT Sanger, Texas Dear Mr. Brice: Attached is a tabulation of the bids received for the referenced project on September 13, 2016. Upon checking the bids, only a minor discrepancy was found that did not affect the order of the bids. Dickerson Construction Co., Inc. was determined to be the low bidder. The bid amounts are shown on the accompanying Bid Tabulation. Our office has been in contact with two (2) of the low bidder's references. After speaking with these references (see attached Contractor Reference Inquiry Sheets) and reviewing the enclosed information provided by the Contractor, we see no reason not to recommend that the City Council award this Contract to the low bidder, Dickerson Construction Co., Inc, in the amount of $1,594,118.00. Enclosed is a copy of the low bidder's Bid Bond. For your protection, we suggest that you or your attorney transmit copies of pertinent documents to the surety's home office as a means to inform them of the documentation. They in turn can either validate or deny the bonding. Our office has made no inquiries concerning bonds. Also enclosed is a copy of the low bidder's proposal, experience and qualifications, equipment list and financial information. Should you have any questions about the information provided herein, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, �r Brian• - BDO/ckt enclosures cc: Mr. Neal Welch - City of Sanger 6100 WESTERN PLACE ■ STE 1001 v FORT WORTH, TX 76107 R T 817,412,7155 a F 817.412.7156 r WWW,PKCE.COM N No N ' + N + ob m A %N K ! ILf O ci D °m m S Z M VJ o z m gDy N1 q q+ n j! o o mmm ;°m� o o �b o g g m '� °� npAy D n T C p D � >y Z Z~ m O 2�2 c m nDm5 '..� °.3 Yf9-YmA- O m i� 113�1I y n >� Z O N1NCOb D�NCTDrr A A2myy4yVVA91 mAW iyOm( yyA rA D 0' A N F o F Z y 001 m 0mO qWqZ-yA2mm m=mmm oy D D Z Z D A Z Zm ZZ O nyZ Om oZ z N OZ ~ O Z T p A D m W V A � .9 O D o A Z o W o m H _ O 3 m m O N 3 m O d T T SI r+i T D r T T m T D '° D T D D D° 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 �BogN�o+88s$Arm$ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a m m x co 0 o M 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 N Z go C P; Y asp N 8 0 8 N g S N 8 8$ 0 S a 8 o a e m o 8 8+ 8 8 8 e o o e '� O 8 88888s888888888888$88888888g8s8g8888 y '�S 8$ 0 o W O o+ o& W y m G 8 N 8$ 8 W d 0 a N i „ a a o 0 0 pN e+>e N m uNi W ,Ag�o�eoNeBoegNm+ ii v o m rN.i Si io a m+ O -. ,IAo J :• ua8� A a N N oo88A��� 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 C We og .e10O8 1°%O Ox'eW� + W N ess8m��� 8 - S S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i 3 ° N Z O N ° � O 0+ limit g m O N o 0 O g 0 0 b 0 0 o e o g g 8 8 C N N 8 8 8 8 S 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 c C e mA+SBE'iEYnB+&N� &088� �NP 888 oo+o+ 888$8$$8888aa W � z o o o 88 x = o 'a3 a�o8o6$�88$8mb"a �e ai 'oo$e� .. i �r H �'m��8o iR $ ZS o ZS 4V g ZS ZS N +W 8 0 8 ZS 2S ' 25 'w 'W 25 S 8 25 0 £ 888 S 8 888 �® N OC N & �NB8 Nw �.°� = \/ 7 N8+ 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 S 8 N 8888s8s8ss8s8ss8s88ss8888'8'ss88s8s8 N C E. N +�i3 P m 8o 0 oos$3�'s 08s ei88� 8g 8sssss8sass8ss2s+88 ss8 m N p O e D e N u g o m 0 0 a bf A o o cr c o in C V O in N o n o N o m e o $ p p 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O O y a - ;Nm N 8 8 8 !S 8 8 8 8 8 8 $ 8 W+ 8 8 8 8 m si P m H n 3 b. 8 0 0 O N 8 8$ 8 � y� gb b 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 82to8ii8S88 e$ �i"ai� OYdgz$iiii808z$i$'� N C 2 a o O o0 O O O g g u n N O x a wS�8888 o u,8888888888w88888N8o888tS8�� 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8$ 8 8 8 8 8$ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O 8 8 8 CONTRACTOR REFERENCE INQUIRY Job No.: 3407-13.120 By: CxT Date: 9-16-16 Contact: Chris Cha P.E. Phone: 817-412-7155 Time: 10:30 P.M. Representing: Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers Contact was named as a reference by: Dickerson Construction Company Inc Who placed a bid on: North Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer Phase I1 Proiect Bid Date: September 13, 2016 1. Prior project by Contractor that Contract is familiar with: 2015 Water System Improvements — City of Justin Scope: Water Installation 2. Project successfully completed? Under construction. 3. Projects completed on time? On task 4. Problems? None 5. How many change orders? No change orders. 6. Other comments by Contact: Good, Clean, works good with multiple changes. CONTRACTOR REFERENCE INQUIRY Job No.: 3407-13.120 By: CKT Date: 9-20-16 Contact: Jim Wilder P.E. Phone: 940-349-8200 Time: 8:30 P.M. Representing: City of Denton Contact was named as a reference by: Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Who placed a bid on: North Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer Phase II Project Bid Date: September 13, 2016 1. Prior project by Contractor that Contract is familiar with: Wastewater Collection System Improvements around Eagle Dr. and Congress St. Scope: 2. Project successfully completed? Yes. Did 2 jobs with them, just finished one of the final walk through. 3. Projects completed on time? Yes 4. Problems? No major problems. 5. How many change orders? A couple of change orders. Mothing major. About $10,000 on a $900,000 project. Added a manhole and change to service locations. 6. Other comments by Contact: Have worked with them in the past. Generally good work, might be good to set the tone in the beginning on what is expected. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. , Principal and Continental Casualty Company Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Sanger , Obligee, in the sum of Five Percent of the Greatest Amount Bid---- Dollars ($ 5% of G.A.B.) for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our legal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has submitted or is about to submit a proposal to Obligee on a contract for North Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer Phase 2 NOW, THEREFORE, if the said contract be awarded to Principal and Principal shall, within such time as may be specified, enter into the contract in writing and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents with surety acceptable to Obligee; or if Principal shall fail to do so, pay to Obligee the damages which Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed, sealed and dated September 6, 2016. CNA For All tM Commrimentrrou Wake' Dickerson onstruction Company, Inc. (Principal) By: (Seal) am alty Compan%j rney-in-Fact POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY -IN -FACT Know All Men By These Presents, That Continental Casualty Company, an Illinois insurance company, National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, an Illinois insurance company, and American Casualty Company of. Reading, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania insurance company (herein called "the CNA Companies"), are duly organized and existing insurance companies having their principal offices in the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois, and that they do by virtue of the signatures and seals herein affixed hereby make, constitute and appoint Sue Kohler, David R Groppell, Beverly A Ireland, Sharen Groppell, Roxanne G Brune, Sharon Cavanaugh, Kurt A Risk, Francine Hay, Gloria Villa, Individually of Houston, TX, their true and lawful Attorneys) -in -Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute for and on their behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature - In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind them thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by a duly authorized officer of their insurance companies and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given is hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Law and Resolutions, printed on the reverse hereof, duly adopted, as indicated, by the Boards of Directors of the insurance companies. In Witness Whereof, the CNA Companies have caused these presents to be signed by their Vice President and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed on this 1 st day of August, 20 t 6. Continental Casualty Company �ycAsu�tr� tN5uRgt {�d,�,u+roe National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford 0000AAto �Q ; ��uygpvaa4rr American Cas Ity Company of Reading, Pennsylvania SEAL ru1401 t' 1007 NAp?t4 Paul T, Brufiat Vice President State of South Dakota, County of Minnehaha, ss: On this 1st day of August, 2016, before me personally came Paul T. Bruflat to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the City of Sioux Falls, State of South Dakota; that he is a Vice President of Continental Casualty Company, an Illinois insurance company, National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, an Illinois insurance company, and American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania insurance company described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seals of said insurance companies; that the seals affixed to the said instrument are such corporate seals; that they were so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Boards of Directors of said insurance companies and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of sold insurance companies, J. MOH11 1N,rpiYPUCUC 1 (130tinit(a My Commission Expires June 23, 2021 J. Mohr Notary Public CERTIFICATE I, D. Butt, Assistant Secretary of Continental Casualty Company, an Illinois insurance company, National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, an Illinois insurance company, and American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania insurance company do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney herein above set forth is still in force, and further certify that the By -Law and Resolution of the Board of Directors of the insurance companies printed on the reverse hereof is still in force. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said insurance companies this 601 day of SeDtomber , _ 1016 cnsuq�r k4suAgyotot Continental Casualty Company w ro National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford American Casualty Cottipany of Reading, Pennsylvania 9SEAL1807 HANIN D. Bult Assistant Secretary Form F6853-4/2012 This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to b aimous written consent dated May 10, 1995: Authorizing By -Laws and Resolutions ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY: This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting held on May L2, 1995: an officer to ts ments on lf of "RESOLVED: provided that the name Group Vice cuch utorizdent officermay authorize a description of ihetdoarmetrtgn ts, agreements or instruments rthat sir h officer may sign the Company will be provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice President to the Secretary of the Company prior to such execution becoming effective." This Power of Attorney is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has been authorized pursuant to the above resolution to execute power of attorneys on behalf of Continental Casualty Company. authority of tile following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the Company by unanimous written consent duted the 251^ day of April, 2012: "Whereas, s, the poi bylaws bonds, undertakingsecidtothe resolution of a Board instruments Directors like has and various officers (the "Authorized Officers") to execut obl Whereas, from time to time, the signature of the Authorized Officers, in addition to being provided in original, hard copy format, may be provided via facsimile or otherwise in an electronic format (collectively, "Electronic Signatures"), Now therefore be it resolved: that the Electronic Signature of any Authorized Officer shall be valid and binding on the Company." BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ECTORS OF NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD: f li and by authority of the following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors ore Company y un "RESOLVED: That any Senior or Group Vie President may authorize an officer to sign specific documents, agreements and tat such ntsoff er behalf of the Company provided that the name of such authorized officer and a description of the documents, agreements or instruments that such officer may sign will be provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice President to the Secretary of the Company prior to such execution becoming effective." This Power of Attorney is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has been authorized pursuant to the above resolution to execute power of attorneys on behalf ofNatio nal fire Insurance Company of Hartford, This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous written consent dated the 25'h day of April, 2012: "Whereas, the bylaws of the Company or specific resolution of the Board of Directors has authorized various officers (the "Authorized Officers") to execute various policies, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature; and be ovided via o being provided in facsimile or otherwise in an electronic formature of the (collectively "Electronic S gnaturesrized Officers, in addition t ); Nowt therefore be it resolved: �th that Electronic ySignarture of any Authorized Officer shall be valid and binding on the Company." ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA: This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous written consent dated May 10,1995: gn specific documents, ents and ments on of hO "RESOLVED; ee Company provided that the names of such Vice authorizedPresident officer antd a description of therize an officer to ldocuments, agr ements or insirunuents that sir h officer may sign w P i P will be provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice President to the Secretary of the Company prior to such execution becoming effective. This Power of Attorney is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has been authorized pursuant to the above resolution to execute power of attorneys on behalf of American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania. This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by unanimous written consent dated the 251h day of April, 2012: execute s, the bylaws of the policies, bonds, undertakings panyrpc dlothe resolution of the D Irectke ors has and various officers (the "Authorized Officers") to Whereas, from time to time, the signature of the Authorized Officers, in addition to being provided in original, hard copy format, may be provided via facsimile or otherwise in an electronic format (collectively, "Electronic Signatures'); Now therefore be it resolved: that he Electronic Signature of any Authorized Officer shall be valid and binding on the Company." Figure: 28 TAC §1.601(a)(3) 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: 2 You may contact Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental Insurance Company at 312-822-5000. 3 You may call Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental Insurance Company's toll -free telephone number for Information or to make a complaint at: 1-877-6724116 4 You may also write to Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental Insurance Company at: CNA Surety 333 South Wabash Chicago, IL 60604 5 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 6 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 475-1771 Web: http://www.tdi,state.tx.Us E-Mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.state.tx.us 7 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim you should contact Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental Insurance Company dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. 8 ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. Form F8277 AVISO IMPORTANTE Para obtener informacion o pare someter Una queja: Puede comunicarse con Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental Insurance Company al 312-822-5000. Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratis de Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental insurance Company's pare informacion o pare someter una queja al: 1.877-672-6116 Usted tambien puede escribir a Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental Insurance Company: CNA Surety 333 South Wabash Chicago, IL 60604 Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Texas pare obtener informacion acerca de companies, coberturas, derechos o quejas al: 1-800-252-3439 Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros de Texas: P.O, Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 475.1771 Web: http://Www.tdi.state,tx.us E-Mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.state,tx. us DISPUTAS SOBRE PRIMAS 0 RECLAMOS: Si tiene una dispute concernlente a su prima o a un reciama, debe comunicarse con el Continental Casualty Company, National Fire Insurance Company, American Casualty Company or Continental Insurance Company primaro. Si no se resuelve la dispute, puede entonces comunicarse con el departamento (TDI), UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: Este aviso es solo pare proposito de informacion y no se convierte en parte o condicion del documento adjunto. Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Financial Statements Supplementary Schedules Year ended November 30, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REVIEW PORT .................................................... 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: 3-4 BalanceSheet................................................................................................................ Statement of Income and Retained Earnings ...................................................... 6 Statement of Cash Flows................................................................................................. 7-10 Notes to Financial Statements...................................................................................... SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES: 12 Schedule of Contract Costs................................................................................................ Schedule of General and Administrative Expenses ........................................ 14 Schedule of Contracts Completed ................................................................................. 15 Schedule of Contracts in Progress.................................................................................... Andre + Associates P.C. Certified Public Accountants 4695 W University Dr Me Kinney, TX 75071 INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS' REVIEW REPORT Mr. Lewis Dickerson, President Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. PO Box 181 Celina, TX 75009-0181 We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. (an C corporation), which comprise the balance sheet as of December 31, 2015, and the related statements of income and retained earnings and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. A review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management's financial data and making inquiries of company management. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error. Accountant's Responsibility Our responsibility is to conduct the review engagement in accordance with Statements on Standards for gated by the Accounting and Review Services Committee of the Accounting and Review Services promul AICPA. Those standards require us to perform procedures to obtain limited assurance as a basis for reporting whether we are aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial statements for them to be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We believe that the results of our prodcedures provide a reasonable basis for our conclusion. Accountant's Conclusion Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Supplementary Information The supplementary information included in the accompanying supplementary schedules is presented only for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. The information is the representation of management.We have not audited or reviewed such information and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion, a conclusion, or provide any assurance on it. Andre + A oc►ates P.C. McKinne , Texas February 16, 2016 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Balance Sheet November 30, 2015 Assets Current assets Cash (including money market accounts) (Note1) $ 139,947.49 Investments (certificates of deposit) (Note 1) 139,922.66 Contracts receivable (Note 2) 576,864.60 Accounts receivable - other 112.10 Due from JLD Trucking, Inc. (Note 8) 20,500.00 Accounts receivable - employees 2,316.00 Accounts receivable - officer (Note 8) 4,683.64 Note receivable - officer (Note 8) 72,438.72 Prepaid insurance 6,410.11 Inventory (Note 3) 18,650.00 Note receivable - current portion (Note 4) 27,839.79 Costs & earnings in excess of billings (Note 5) 22,260.00 Inc. tax receivable -(Note 7) 54,713.00 Deferred tax asset - (Note 7) 4,489.24 Total current assets 1,091,147.25_ Property and equipment (at cost) 80,572.98 Residential rental - building & land Equipment - construction 3,072,591.22 Equipment - office Building Improvements 1,49. 9 ,349.07 Less: accumulated depreciation (Note 1) (2,576 558.38) Net property and equipment 618,851.45 Other assets Notes receivable - long term (Note 4) 14,121.37 Noncurrent deferred tax asset 718,75 51,160.39 Annuity - Forethought Life Ins. Co. 71,771.38 Annuity - Forethought Life Ins. Co. Total other assets 137,771.89 Total assets $ 1 847 770.59 See accompanying notes and independent accountants' review report. Andre + Associates P.C. -3- Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Balance Sheet November 30, 2015 Liabilities & Stockholder's Equity Current liabilities Current maturities of long-term debt (Note 6) $ 115,059.14 Accounts payable - trade 9,253.83 Sales tax payable 15.40 Texas franchise tax payable 4,622.24 Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings (Note 5) 4,263.00 Current deferred tax liability (Note 7) 163,652.24 Total current liabilities 296,865,85 Long-term liabilities Long-term debt (net of current maturities of $115,059.14) (Note 6) 127,777.88 Noncurrent deferred income tax liability 112,258.42 Total long-term liabilities 240.036.30 Total liabilities 536,902.15 Stockholder's equity Common stock - $.10 par value, authorized 1,000,000 shares, 105,681 shares issued, 10568 shares outstanding 1,056.81 Non -voting common stock - $.10 par value, authorized 95,113 shares, 95,113 shares issued, 42,272.50 shares outstanding (Note 9) 9,511.29 Additional paid -in capital 55,502.90 Retained earnings 1,921,536.04 Treasury Stock (Note 9) (676,740.60) Total stockholder's equity 1,310,868.44 Total liabilities and stockholder's equity $ 1 847 770 59 See accompanying notes and independent accountants' review report. Andre + Associates P.C. -4- Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Statement of Income and Retained Earnings Year ended November 30, 2015 Contract revenue $ 2,670,761.38 Contract costs: Contract costs (see schedule) 2,134,119.06 Depreciation - productive 162.QUj7 Total contract costs 2,297,001.23 Gross profit on contracts 373,760.15 General and administrative expenses: General & administrative expenses (see schedule) 90,216.82 Depreciation - nonproductive 2,399.62 Total general and administrative expenses 92,616.44 Income (loss) from operations 281,143.71 Other income (expense): Gains on sales of assets 30,000.00 Interest income 9,101.98 Refunds - State Fuel Tax 59.16 Miscellaneous income 27,324.17 Lease income -rent house 9,780.00 Officers life insurance - (Note 10) (51.749.28) Net other income (expense) 24,516.03 Net income (loss) before income taxes 305,659.74 Provision for income taxes (Note 7) 96 830.21 Net income (loss) 208,829.53 Retained earnings, beginning of year 1,730,457.44 Dividends Paid to Shareholder (17,748.93) Retained earnings, end of year `& 1 921 538.04 See accompanying notes and independent accountants' review report. Andre + Associates P.C. -5- Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended November 30, 2015 Cash flows from operating activities: Net Income (Loss) $ 208,829.53 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash flows from operating activities: Depreciation and Amortization 165,281.79 Loss (gain) on sales of assets (30,000.00) (Increase) decrease in: (225,448.47) Contracts receivable - trade Accounts receivable - nontrade (567.18) Accounts receivable - officers 54,528.23 Prepaid expenses 9,187.40 Costs & est. earnings in excess of billings 47,563.00 Current income tax receivable (50,000,00) Current deferred tax asset 12,861.19 Noncurrent deferred tax asset 865.79 Increase (decrease) in: Trade accounts payable ) (2,879.47) Sales tax payable (1,142.98) Texas franchise tax payable (,58.00 Billings in excess of cost & est. earnings (46,011.44 Current deferred tax liability ,. Noncurrent deferred tax liability 37 ,147.79 Net cash provided by operating activities 223,244.03 Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of property and equipment (449,764.75) Proceeds from disposals of property and equipment 30,000.00 Investments in financial assets (4,399,54) Principal received on notes receivable 16,766.27 Net cash provided by investing activities (407,398M) Cash flows from financing activities: Dividends paid (17,748.93} Proceeds from additional borrowing 00 Repayment of debt (72,0. 72,390.67) Net cash used by financing activities 109,860.40 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (74,293.59) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 214 241.08- Cash and cash equivalents at November 30, 2015 $ 139,947.49 Supplemental cash flow information: Interest paid $ 3,073.73 See accompanying notes and independent accountants' review report Andre + Associates P.C. -6- Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2015 (1) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A. Nature of Operations The Company provides construction services with an emphasis on utility construction. B. Cash and Investments Cash includes amounts in demand deposits as well as short-term investments with a maturity date within twelve months of the date acquired by the Company. C. Basis of Accounting Assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses are recognized on the accrual basis of accounting. Profits on long-term contracts are recorded on the basis of the Company's estimates of the percentage of completion of individual contracts, commencing when progress reaches a point where experience is sufficient to estimate final results with reasonable accuracy. That portion of the total contract price is accrued which is allocable, on the basis of the Company's engineering estimates of the percentage of completion, to contract expenditures incurred and work performed. As these long-term contracts extend over one or more years, revisions in cost and profit estimates during the course of the work are reflected in the accounting period in which the facts which require the revision become known. D. Depreciation Property and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method for financial reporting purposes and amounted to $165,281.79 for the year ended November 30, 2015. For federal income tax purposes, depreciation is computed using various accelerated cost recovery methods and lives permitted by the Internal Revenue Code. Texas depreciation varies from federal depreciation because of limits Texas has imposed on federal expensing elections allowed under IRC Sec. 168 & 179. E. Deferred Income Taxes For income tax reporting, the Company uses accounting methods that recognize depreciation sooner than for financial statement reporting. As a result, the basis of property and equipment for financial reporting exceeds its tax basis by the cumulative amount that accelerated depreciation exceeds straight-line depreciation. Deferred income taxes have been recorded for the excess, which will be taxable in future periods through reduced depreciation deductions for tax purposes. Revenues and expenses are recognized when received and paid, respectively, for income tax reporting. Deferred income taxes have been recorded for the excess of contracts receivable over accounts payable - trade, which will be taxable in future periods when collected. -7- Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2015 -continued- (2) CONTRACT RECEIVABLES Contracts receivable include the following: Billed: Completed contracts $ 12,664.70 Contracts in progress 564,199.90 $ S76,864.60 (3) Ill WNTORY The inventory of supplies consists of pipe, fittings, gasoline and diesel. It is based on the cost method (first -in, first -out). Inventory is as follows: Supplies $ 18,650.00 (4) LONG-TERM NOTES RECEIVABLE Long-term notes receivable consists of the following: 6% note receivable from Darryl and Kimberly Wynn, $541.71 monthly, including interest, through June 15, 2019, secured by residential real estate in Celina, Texas $ 19,595.67 Less receivable within one year 5,47430 $ 14,121.37 1.95% note receivable from JLD Trucking, Inc., $1,000.00 monthly, including interest, through February 17, 2016, for the purchase of equipment (See Note 8) 22,365.49 Less receivable within one year 22,365.49 0.00 $14,121.37 (5) COSTS AND ESTIMATED EARNINGS ON UNCOMPLETED CONTRACTS Costs incurred on uncompleted contracts $2,414,015.00 Estimated earnings 488,692.00 2,902,707.00 Less billings to date 2,884,710.00 $ 17,997.00 -s- Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2015 continued - Included in accompanying balance sheet under the following captions: Costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts in excess of billings $ 22,260.00 Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts 4.263.00 $ 17,997.00 (6) LONG TERM DEBT Long-term debt consists of the following: 4.95% note payable $3,770.18 monthly to John Deere Credit, maturing October 6, 2016, secured by equipment $ 40,392.50 0.00% note payable $5,555.55 monthly to John Deere Credit, maturing August 7, 2018, secured by equipment 177,777.80 0.00% note payable $666.67 monthly to Ford Credit, maturing December 31, 2018, secured by Ford F250 vehicle $ 24,666.72 242,837,02 Less amounts due within one year 115,059.14 $127,777.88 Principal payments due on this debt outstanding at November 30, 2015, during the years succeeding the fiscal year ending November 30, 2015 are as follows: FYE 11-30-2016 $ 115,059.14 FYE 11-30-2017 74,666.64 FYE 11-30-2018 52,444.64 FYE 11-30-2019 666.60 $ 242,837.02 (7) INCOME TAXES Income tax expense (benefit) consists of the following: Current tax expense (benefit) $ 96,830.21 Current deferred tax expense (benefit) change (58,872.63) Long-term deferred tax expense (benefit) change (38,013.58) Federal income tax expense (benefit) $ (56.00) -9- Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2015 continued- (8) RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The Company paid $101,671.36 to JLD Trucking, Inc., (sister corporation) for goods and services in the normal course of business. Such amounts were paid at normal market prices. The Company has advanced JLD Trucking, Inc. $20,500.00 and it is reflected on the balance sheet. On March 8, 2012, the Company sold a 2007 Mack Truck to JLD Trucking, Inc. for $45,030.00. The purchase was financed by the Company with a 47 month note, payable monthly at $1,000 with interest at 1.95%. At November 30, 2015, the unpaid balance of the note was $22,365.49. JLD Trucking, Inc. made only 10 payments in FYE 11/30/15 due to cash flow constraints. It will resume making payments when cash flow allows. The company holds a note receivable from Lewis Dickerson (controlling shareholder) for $72,438.72, payable monthly, interest only at 1.95%, due February 1, 2020. It is carried on the balance sheet. Mr. Dickerson borrowed an additional $15,000.00 on this note in FYE 11/30/15. In October and November of 2014, the Company paid $89,211.87 to purchase and repair a single-family home in Celina, Texas on the behalf of Lewis Dickerson. At the end of FYE 11/30/15, $4,683.64 remained outstanding on this amount. Mr. Dickerson intends to repay the balance in the near future. (9) RECAPITALIZATION In 2009, Lewis and Jerry Dickerson, sole shareholders, contributed 52,840.5 non -voting shares of stock to the Lewis and Jerry Dickerson Charitable Remainder Unitrust. The Company has since purchased all of the shares from the trust. These shares are currently being held as Treasury Stock of the Company at their purchase price of $676,740.60. (10) OFFICERS' LIFE INSURANCE The Company owns and pays the premiums on life insurance policies on the lives of Lewis and Blakely Dickerson. Lewis is the President and majority shareholder. Blakely is a Director and part of the management team. The policies were written by Lincoln Benefit Life and have a face value of $1,000,000 each. The Company paid premiums of $51,749.28 in the fiscal year ending November 30, 2015. (11) FEDERAL INCOME TAX RETURNS The Company's federal income tax returns for fiscal years ending 11/30/12, 11/30/13, 11/30/14 and 11/30/15 are subject to IRS examination. -lo- SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES Dickerson Construction Company, Inc. Schedule of General and Administrative Expenses Year Ended November 30, 2015 General & administrative expenses; Advertising $ 2,355.52 Contributions 250.00 Legal & accounting 12,195.00 Employee benefits 8,801.28 Interest expense 3,073.73 Miscellaneous expense 2,125.90 Employee bonus 11,747.34 B O D Dividend 8,000.00 Office expense 8,377.99 Taxes - other 21,197.01 Dues & subscriptions 2,518.80 Registration of equipment 5,072.64 Texas Franchise Tax 4,622.24 Discounts earned (120.63) Total general & administrative expenses $ 90,216.82 See independent accountants' review report. Andre + Associates P.C. -13- a �LO a� U o M z� F., U U f6 a�i � c > 0 2 o UN U .a Z L `ro U } W Y U O O a 3 m > Ci d a N N m � C �U O En 8Q `° + c a) m Q m 1 v 0 0_ 0 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. P. O. BOX 181 1130 N LOUISIANA DRIVE CELINA, TEXAS 75009 (972) 382-2123 email: dcc.jld@sbcglobal.net fax (972) 382-2043 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS TYPE OF BUSINESS: IN BUSINESS SINCE: INCORPORATED: FEDERAL IQ#: OTHER/FORMER COMPANIES: OWNERSHIP: PRESIDENT: SECRETARY/TREASURER UTILITY PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION 1968 11 /13/1978 75-1622797 JLD TRUCKING, INC CELINA READY MIX LEWIS DICKERSON P. 0. BOX 181 CELINA, TX 75009 JERRY DICKERSON P. 0. BOX 181 CELINA, TX 75009 HOME PHONE # (972) 382-2755 HOME PHONE # (972) 382-2755 VICE-PRESIDENT BLAKE DICKERSON P. 0. BOX 432 HOME PHONE # (972) 382-2106 CELINA, TX 75009 TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION PERFORMED: PIPELINE - WATER, SEWER, STORM SEWER SEWER LIFT STATIONS AND PLANTS WATER PUMP STATIONS CONCRETE -STRUCTURAL, PAVING EXCAVATION EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE: LEWIS DICKERSON - ALL PHASES AND TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION PERFORMED OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE BLAKE DICKERSON - ALL PHASES AND TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION PERFORMED OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE CECIL JOSLIN - PIPELINE, LIFT STATION, EXCAVATION, CONCRETE OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE - SUPERINTENDENT HILARIO MERCADO - PIPELINE, LIFT STATION, EXCAVATION, CONCRETE OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE - SUPERINTENDENT DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., IT'S OFFICERS AND PRINCIPALS, HAVE NEVER FAILED TO COMPLETE ANY AWARDED WORK. THERE ARE NO JUDGEMENTS, CLAIMS, ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS OR SUITS AGAINST OUR COMPANY AND WE HAVE NOT FILED ANY LAW SUITS IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS. ANNUAL SALES: 2015 $2,670,761.38 2014 $3,431,022.21 2013 $2,616,293.10 2012 $3,198,146.36 2011 $2,421,595.38 BONDING AGENT: MARSH & McLENNAN AGENCY, LLC 2500 CITY WEST BOULEVARD, SUITE 2400 HOUSTON, TX 77042 PHONE # (713) 780-6100 INSURANCE: AGENT - KEYSTONE SOUTHWEST INS. AGENCY - ROCKWALL, TX FCCI - AUTO, G/L, UMBRELLA HANOVER - INLAND MARINE TEXAS MUTUAL - WORK. COMP. REFERENCES: LEGACY TEXAS BANK ACC # 20027219 H D SUPPLY WATERWORKS ACC # 155674 FERGUSON WATERWORKS ACC # 26208 REDI-MIX CONCRETE ACC # 1700056 P. 0. BOX 869111 PLANO, TX 75086 7197 LATHAM DR. RICHLAND HILLS, TX 76118 2650 S. PIPELINE RD, EULESS, TX 76040 331 NORTH MAIN EULESS, TX 76039 PHONE # (972) 461-1300 FAX # (972) 461-4814 PHONE # (817) 595-0580 FAX # (214) 905-0768 PHONE # (817) 858-0714 FAX # (817) 540-8022 PHONE # (817) 835-4100 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION .0 COX 181 CELINA, TEXAS 75009 Ph. (972) 382-2123 or (972) 382-2782 fax (972) 382-2043 email: dcc.jld@sbcglobal.net CURRENT CONTRACTS LAKE CITIES MUNICIPAL UTILITY AUTHORITY 135E Water & Sewer Relocation Contract Amount $1,359,358.00 Engineer - Belcheff & Associates, Inc. CITY OF JUSTIN 2015 Water System Improvements Contract Amount $1,079,884.00 Engineer - Pacheco Koch CITY OF MELISSA Davis Road Sewer Interceptor Contract Amount $1,108,157.00 Engineer - City of Melissa COMPLETED CONTRACTS CITY OF DENTON Wastewater Collection System Improvements around Eagle Dr. and Congress St. Date of Completion 11115 Contract Amount $2,071,626.50 Jim Wilder, P.E. CITY OF DENTON Woodhaven Street Sanitary Sewer Replacements Contract Amount $1,005,573.00 Jim Wilder, P.E. Date of Completion 09/16 CITY OF LUCAS Stinson Road Waterline Contract Amount $1,101,142.10 BW2 Engineers, Inc. Date of Completion 03/15 CITY OF ANNA North & West Wells Surface Water Supply Line Contract Amount $720,607.72 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, LLP Date of Completion 11/14 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. 5 WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (CITY) and Pacheco Koch, LLC (CONSULTANT) made and entered into an agreement dated April 1, 2013 (AGREEMENT); and WHEREAS, the AGREEMENT involves Consulting services for the study and design of water and sanitary sewer improvements in connection with the North Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer, Phases I, II, III & IV (PROJECT); and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to said AGREEMENT to include an increased scope of work and revised maximum fee; NOW THEREFORE, CITY and CONSULTANT, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement which amends the AGREEMENT; Article II of the AGREEMENT is amended to include the additional Consulting services as specified in Exhibit A, copies of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost for the additional design services to be performed by CONSULTANT hourly not to exceed a total amount of $20,500.00. 2. Article IV of the AGREEMENT is amended to provide for an increase amount not to exceed $20,500.00 for a total maximum fee to be paid to CONSULTANT for all work and services performed in the AGREEMENT, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the CITY for all work and services shall not exceed the sum of $394,985.00. 0 All other provisions of the AGREEMENT which are not expressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect. City of Sanger, Texas Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement Page 1 of 2 This Supplemental Agreement No. 5 is made on the .20 day of The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Supplemental Agreement No. 5 on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolution extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in effect. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Mike Brice Sanger City Manager City of Sanger, Texas Amendment to Consultant Services Agreement Page 2 of 2 PACHECO KOCH, LLC Mark A. Pacheco, PE, RPLS President EXHIBIT A to Supplemental Agreement No. 5 between the City of Sanger, Texas (CITY) and Pacheco Koch LLC, (CONSULTANT) for Consulting Services SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. 5 EXHIBIT `A' — SCOPE OF SERVICES NORTH INTERSTATE 35 OUTFALL SEWER, PHASES 1, 11, III & IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project consists of a revision to the alignment determination and preparation of construction plans and bid documents for the North Interstate 35 Outfall Sewer, Phase I. The project generally consists of a sanitary sewer outfall main on the East side of Interstate 35. The additional sewer survey is within areas not covered by the original survey. SPECIAL SERVICES: A. Construction Staking — Hourly not to exceed $16,000.00 without authorization. Pacheco Koch will provide surveying and staking services as described below. The work will include the layout and location of water and sanitary sewer lines that are a part of this project, including elevations on stakes as is appropriate. Staking will conform to industry standards and will be properly marked to identify the item being located. Client shall contact the offices of Pacheco Koch a minimum of four (4) days prior to the day work is to be performed to allow for proper scheduling. Pacheco Koch will charge a minimum daily field crew rate of four (4) hours for each requested visit. Unless otherwise noted, each item listed above is to be done once under this contract. Stake sanitary sewer lines; all structures, cleanouts, and laterals. Maximum of 50' between stakes. 2. Stake water lines; including major fittings/change of direction, laterals and inverts. B. Construction Re -staking - Hourly not to exceed $4,500.00 without authorization. Pacheco Koch will provide re -staking services if required. The work will include the layout and location of water and sanitary sewer lines that are a part of this project, including elevations on stakes as is appropriate. Staking will conform to industry standards and will be properly marked to identify the item being located. Client shall contact the offices of Pacheco Koch a minimum of four (4) days prior to the day work is to be performed to allow for proper scheduling. Pacheco Koch will charge a minimum daily field crew rate of four (4) hours for each requested visit. 9/12/2016 Page 1 EXHIBIT A to Supplemental Agreement No. 5 between the City of Sanger, Texas (CITY) and Pacheco Koch LLC, (CONSULTANT) for Consulting Services Services not included in Basic Services for this contract: • Reset property corner monumentation disturbed or removed during or after construction ►v e 9/12/2016 Page 2 EXHIBIT B to Supplemental Agreement No. 5 between the City of Sanger, Texas (CITY) and Pacheco Koch, LLC (CONSULTANT) for Consulting Services SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. 5 EXHIBIT `B' — COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT NORTH INTERSTATE 35 OUTFALL SEWER, PHASES I, II, III & IV COMPENSATION: For all professional engineering services included in EXHIBIT 'A', Scope of Services, the CONSULTANT shall be compensated a fee not to exceed $20,500.00 as summarized below. The total not to exceed fee shall be considered full compensation for the services described in EXHIBIT A, including all labor materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to deliver the services. Phase I: Construction Staking (East Side) Special Services A. Construction Staking — Not to exceed 16,000 B. Construction Re -staking — Not to exceed 4,500 SA #5 Total Not to Exceed $ 20,500 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT (AFTER SA #5) GRAND TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED $ 394,986 METHOD OF PAYMENT: The CONSULTANT shall be paid monthly payments as described in Article IV of the AGREEMENT. The cumulative sum of such monthly partial fee payments shall not exceed the total current project budget including all approved Amendments. Each invoice shall be verified as to its accuracy and compliance with the terms of this Agreement by an officer of the CONSULTANT. END OF EXHIBIT'B' 9/12/2016 Page 1 To: Mayor and City Council From: Mike Brice, City Manager Date: 10/04/2016 Re: Funding of the East 135 Wastewater Trunk Line. This project would replace the main wastewater trunk line running north along the east side of 135 from just north of FM455 to Lois Road. Many portions of this line are undersized and limit our ability to develop property in the prime industrial area along 135. This project will open up several hundred acres to potential industrial development. Bids were opened on the project on September 13, 2016. We received eight bids. The low bidder was Dickerson Construction at $1,594,118. The engineers are familiar with the company and they have a good reputation. To pay for this project I am requesting funds from three different revenues streams as outlined below. Wastewater Tap Fees: $750,000.00 4A Revenues: $750,000.00 2013 Bond Funds: $94,118.00 Additional surveying and staking estimated at $20,500.00 and any change orders will also come from 2013 Bond Funds. The 4A Board has authorized $750,000.00 to fund a portion of this project. I appreciate your consideration of this matter. LOIS.RD•W 0 z 0 — — LOIS RD E--1— — 1I ff I A f z G-.- -.r_ O z { ft R I LAWLI.S LN _ t _ - J TILIT tD A� LAKLP K uR '1 BELZ RD; ' anger w `!C]S}fUq nP ;VILLAS -DR, i t w t Fa_` -_ � r� •�yQ T =, rCn ; • , � tic _ I'I 455I--� SERENDIPITY-CIR y~i n. PLUW,Co :z ` z PORTER.PL w x �, Pc fH.ST T;Z KRA6IER LN IDY 1 w u.i rn 1 q: I I I PARK LN a �z � :nl T;$OtS�'ARST x Landmark (abenton Co un � �►ri�ERRY SJ srp This product is for informational purposes and may not havebeen prepared for or be suitablefor legal, engineering, or surveying pENTON C0t1Nry purposes. It does not represent an on -the -ground survey and represents only the approximate relativelocation ofproperty boundaries. Technology 0 950 1,900 3,800 Denton County does not guarantee the correctness ►` e r v i c e s Feet or aces acy of any features on this product and assumes no responsibility in connection therewlh. This product may be revised at any timewithout http://www.dentoncounty.com notification to any user. ITEMS Sanger, Texas Capital Projects Update October 6, 2016 McReynolds Road: All easements have been secured. Bid awarded on 8/15/2016. Construction cost $6,275,331.67. Total Project Cost; $6,900,000. Preconstruction conference held with Pavecon on 10/3/2016. Pavecon will begin mobilizing on 10/20/2016. Time Frame; 18-24 months. This project is very weather dependent. Work will begin on the east end. Work on the west end will be coordinated to coincide when school is out for the summer. Water wells 8 and 9, Phase II: This phase is for bringing the wells online and connecting them to the system. It also includes running a new line to Jennifer Circle. Bid was approved on May 2, 2016 to Vessels Construction in the amount of $564,113.55. Scheduled to be finished by December 2016. Work is approximately 90% complete. Final electrical work is in progress. Water and Sewer Lines West Side of 135: Punch list complete, retainage paid and project closed. Sewer Trunk Line East of 135: Received the last easement on 8/5/2016. Permission to solicit bids requested on the 8/15/16 agenda. Bid to be awarded 10-17-2016. Low bid received from Dickerson Construction for $1,594,118. Supplemental surveying and staking $20,500. Proposed funding is $750,000 from 4A, $750,000 from wastewater tap fees, and the balance from 2013 bond funds. Cowling Road Lift Station and Force Main: In Engineering and Design. Decision made to move lift station to Railroad site. Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion: Time to make a decision between stream restoration or building the outfall line to Clear Creek. Allen Plummer will be her on 10/17/2016 to discuss. Still need to acquire additional property for expansion of the plant. Hearing board has been appointed and currently working on setting a hearing date. Plant design and engineering at 95%.Total Engineering costs to date slightly over $1,000,000.00. Nitrification plan and system modifications: First draft of plan under review. Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Study Update: Contract awarded to Perkins Engineering on June 20, 2016 for $32,800.00. Work Underway. Presbyterian Church: Work complete by the contractor. Working on landscaping and furnishings with Historical Society. Total Construction Cost: $384,682.83. Gas Service along 135: Staff met with COSERV about the feasibility of providing natural gas service in the area from Utility Road, North to Chisam Road. Walmart is interested in converting from propane to natural gas. Natural gas availability will make the area more attractive to manufacturers. TXDOT: Traffic Light installed at FM455 and Indian Lane. The next public hearing on expansion of FM455 is to be determined. Staff met with TXDOT on the latest plans to expand 135 from Highway 380 to the Cook County line. Plan is to expand highway to three main lanes in each direction. Service roads will cross Clear Creek. TXDOT is seeking congestion funding for the Project. O O Y_ v fD CL O rD rD E t� Q. n 7 n � n � n vco ofD � n� U2pu .° o Di LO o• cn � m o La CD CL cn cn O n O Q' 00, ri Z: rD cW0 ': O W U.): O 00 N v 'n (D O. N V1 fD ry y 01 4 O 0) O. 4 O 00 In W lrt 00 0� O N I—' V7 ; I—' `'tG . . . O) . 0 } � . C> 2; ($ . }/;:�}0��0;�)0:��p�:) . . ; vi: F--A} F- ( N) : �)) ��O}O:� \ } �: O..<..���:.��:.:.�, �} � } �} ( } %} . 4-h; O 110 - N v ui O O w ) p a)}co( G: )o) } �; F-} O N N) :e : w �: O) O; uq) O Ul � :...::,..., . E