9-88-Resolution-Requesting Safety Lighting for I-35 within the City Limits-08/15/1988RESOLUTION 9-88 REQUESTING THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORATION SAFETY LIGHTING OF I-35 FROM THE SOUTH CITY LIMITS TO THE NORTH CITY LIMITS ct rl rj f'r'` bJH .E E;AS, •the t. ar(gc r•` Csi•cy U•t i 1 i'h:,y kc .Glr•`c:l r - c: rnrr(car'(r_ir d •t:.'C t7f f.ity Cc t(_(rnci 1 of the City cif Sar(ger that 1 i rlht ing cof 'f'dr`lnrr( the South City limits of Sar'(ger^ to the N r`th City 1 irn:its Lre rPauec-sted cif the State Departrner(t Of loci rjhwayia And PlUbl is i r-•ElY*jt `:,c,r•`•ta•t i ctrl Uf T exaS, arot cl WHEREAS, the Sar(ger City Cow Ivil is in agr`eerne'r'rt tl-rat such 1. irlht ir(g would be a safety factclr^ fcoY, thc'SG3 :,ll_(r city and thot:*>e that exit into cc(.(r city, and GJ E-I FIASSE=:D AMID APPROVED the 15 day cor Augu_s_t..__.-.__. :1"M.3,13 t•i'1- tt_(c; PASSED AND APPROVED THE 15 DAY OF AUGUST, 1988 Ne l Arnmt r oro(rj, May I r ` 5 i e Garc i a, City Secret ar^y