09/19/2016-CC-Agenda Packet-Regulara�geh TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approval of Minutes: September 6, 2016 -Work Session September 6, 2016 - Regular City Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Approve Resolution #1109-07-16 - Authorizing Signatures for Banking Services on Behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas. 4. Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #09-17-16 - Adopting the Budget Providing for the Appropriation of Funds for Operating and Capital Expenditures by Fund for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 2016 and Ending September 30, 2017 and Providing for the Intra and Inter Department Fund Transfers. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #09-18-16 — Levying a Tax Rate for the General Government for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 at a Rate of $0.6795 per $100 Assessed Valuation. 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #09-19-16 - Approving the 2016 Tax Roll. 8. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve Resolution #09-08-16 — Approving and Supporting A Housing Policy Within the City of Sanger, Texas. 9. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve the Minor Plat of the Wallace Addition, 1.0 Acres in the Wm Mason Survey, Located North of Belz Road and West of Metz Road. 10. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial and Investment Report — July 2016 11. Adjourn. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: c�2.m. and shall remain �2 /lam posted until meet' g is adjourned. Cheryl e, Deputy City Secretary r ' 4 City of Sanger, Texas This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION September 6, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Bilyeu Councilman Lee Allison and Councilman Allen Chick, OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Deputy City Secretary Cheryl Price, Alina Ciocan Economic and Community Development Director, Debbie Reeves with the Chamber of Commerce, Chris Heckler 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Mayor Muir noted that Debbie Reeves was present from the Chamber and wanted to give an update on the Sellabration. He noted that it was not an agenda item and there could be no deliberation on the item. Debbie Reeves gave a quick report on the Sellabration. She presented a map layout of all of the vendors and noted it was really full. She stated she has talked with the Police Chief and Public Works and everything is good for them to go on Saturday. 2. Discuss Possibly Relocating the Cowling Road Lift Station. Mike Brice summarized and noted Chris Heckler could answer any additional questions. The last time we visited on this it was down to a 50/50 decision on where to put it. At that time there was not a general consensus strongly one way or the other. The deciding factor then was that we were going to have to spend an extra three million dollars to do the pipeline. It looks like we are not going to have to do the pipeline so we are saving some money there. We are going to have to spend some of that money on the creek restoration. We do have some wiggle room now on the debt that has been sold so we are bringing it back to the Council. We are to the point where they really need to do the design and move the project forward and until we decide the location, the project is at a standstill. He noted it is on the work session for discussion and for vote at the regular meeting. He noted he or Chris Heckler would answer any questions. Councilman Bilyeu recapped that the original plan was to go north from Cowling Road and then directly due East. with a forced main. The other option was to slope down to the Southeast and tie in to a future site; to move the location of the original lift station and build a gravity main from the original location to the new location. He asked if one option was better than the other? Chris Heckler advised that from an Engineering standpoint we can make either one work. He noted that swaying to the regional site (land the city has already purchased) would involve a forced main or gravity on the adjacent property. The main would parallel the 100- year flood plain and not affect development and/or use of the property. There was discussion as to future use of the site and costs, it was noted that the two forced mains were about the same price and that the extra money was in the gravity line. It was noted that gravity fed would be the ideal solution and that the some of the facility would have some re- use in the future. It was noted the property owners would prefer the gravity line because it improved their property and were willing to talk with the City about the easement if we would consider the gravity line instead of the forced main. This would be great advantage for both the property owners and the City. Councilman Allison discussed his concerns regarding the cost and wanted to know if we could use CIP Money for an I & I and he did not know if the money could be used for that. Mike noted he would talk with the City Attorney. Councilman Allison advised he would like to have it looked into. It was noted the Duck Creek Lift Station could gravity to Cowling in the future. Councilman Clark asked what the capacity (flow per day) of the new lift station would be? It was noted 2.6 million. There was further discussion brought about by Councilman Allison regarding fixing and not moving the Cowling Lift Station. Mike Brice noted that there is no great chasm that we can cover up that is going to fix the I & I problem — it is more like death from a thousand cuts. We have broken pipes all over town and manholes that need to be raised, open clean outs and buried clean outs. We recently received a cost estimate on replacing the sewer line on Plum so we can get the water and sewer lines replaced to resurface it and it was about $700,000 for six to eight blocks. Discussion ensued regarding the various options, costs, etc. There were no further questions. 3. Discuss Future Housing. Items 3 and 5 are the same and this item will be included in item 5. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. None. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: CLOSED MEETING Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance With the Texas Government Code: Section 551.087 Deliberation Regarding Economic Development — Lane Ranch Development and Related Matters. Council convened into closed session at 6:25 p.m. 6. RECONVENE: OPEN MEETING Any Action Taken. Council reconvened at 7:06 p.m. No action taken. 7. Adjourn. Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:07 p.m. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Gary Bilyeu and Councilman Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price Deputy City Secretary, Engineer Chris Heckler with Alan Plummer, James Frank Jones, Joe and Patty Falls, JB and Shirley Haisler, Janice Avery 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. Councilman Allison led the Invocation followed by Councilman Boutwell leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). James Frank Jones, 8037 Belz Road was recognized and questioned if he could obtain a passport at City Hall. He was advised he could obtain one at the Denton County Government Centers in Crossroads or Denton. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approval of Minutes: August 15, 2016 -Work Session August 15, 2016 - Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Proclamation #09-06-16 — Blood Cancer Awareness Month. 3. Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. Councilman Allison made a Motion to approve the full Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct the Second Public Hearing on a Proposal to Increase Total Tax Revenues From Properties on the Tax Roll in the Preceding Year by 9.82 % (Total Tax Rate Remains Unchanged at 0.6795 per $100 of Assessed Value). Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:12. James Frank Jones, 8037 Belz Road was recognized with a question and asked if this was for property taxes. He asked when this would go into effect. He was advised that it would be in October when Denton County Appraisal District sends out the property tax notices. There were no further questions or comments. No one spoke for or against. Mayor Muir closed the Public Hearing at 7:13 p.m. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve the Location of the new Cowling Road Lift Station. City Manager Brice summarized that this item came to Council a few months ago. The Cowling Road Lift Station which is located on Cowling Road at the bottom of the road before you get to Clear Creek is several years old; outlived its life and outlived its capacity. It carries most of the wastewater from the west side of town and takes it up to the wastewater treatment plant and is needing to be replaced. The question was, do we replace it at the site it is at now or do move it to another site which we own off of Railroad and Rector Roads. When we brought it to the Council originally it was about a 50150 consensus as to whether to move it or not. It came down to the cost and some advantages of the new site that it could be reused later as part of a wet well for a new wastewater treatment plant. It would also open some land up for development because we are using a gravity main to get it there and not a force main. The additional cost was about one million dollars and since that time we have realized that there may be some savings in some of the other plant improvements that we are doing that could be put toward this. Staff thought it was prudent that we bring it back to Council to reconsider one more time before we move forward with the project. Mayor Muir noted there were some residents in the audience who may want to ask questions. Councilmember Allison noted that he did not need the I & I answer tonight that he said that there may be some cost savings and that the technologies are greater. He felt the gravity line would improve the property and it would be a great enhancement to benefit the property and with that he is leaning more toward moving the plant location with the gravity line. He noted the real value is more in the gravity line than the placement of the lift station. Mr. JB Haisler was recognized and said that as far as they were concerned was that the line be put in when there is no crop there. His renter may have a crop and if it can not be done during the summer when the wheat crop is not up they are free to go through there. He felt it would be a big advantage and they would like to be able to tap into it in the future. It was noted that as the area develops there could be tie-ins to the line with manholes and it would be accessible to serve that property. Mr. Haisler advised he wanted to thank everybody for all of the hard work they have done and he appreciates it. Mayor Muir thanked him attending the meeting A Motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to approve moving the Cowling Road Lift Station to the future larger site on Rector and Railroad Avenue and connecting it via gravity line from the general location of the current lift station to the Rector Road and Railroad Avenue Road location. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unanimously. (5-0) 7. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial and Investment Report — June 2016 b) All American Dogs Report — July 2016 No discussion. 8. Adjourn Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m. 8/31/2016 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 08349 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK NP14E / I.D. LEST TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P24OUNT N04 AMOUNT 30420 ACCELA INC I-ACC22215 CITZ RELATION MGMT R 8/31/2016 6,000.00CR 064104 6,000.00 19970 ACE HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING, INC I-26209 FIRE DEPARTMENT AC R 8/31/2016 115.000R 064105 1-26394 FIX AC UNITS R 8/31/2016 195.000R 064105 310.00 00200 ADA14S EXTERMINATING CO. I-585853 PEST TREATMENT R 8/31/2016 175.000R 064106 175.00 02610 ANIXTER INC. I-3303342-00 150W HPS BULBS R 8/31/2016 391.20CR 064107 391.20 1 ANTHONY RIDINGS I-201608296260 CC DEPOSIT REF R 8/31/2016 100.000R 064108 100.00 22620 ARAMARK UNIFOR14 SERVICE I-1156428508 FLEET UNIFORMS R 8/31/2016 31.17CR 064109 I-1156428509 STREETS UNIFORMS R 8/31/2016 34.66CR 064109 I-1156428510 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES R 8/31/2016 8.46CR 064109 I-1156428511 WATER UNIFORMS R 8/31/2016 63.63CR 064109 I-1156428512 PARK UNIFORMS R 8/31/2016 38.51CR 064109 176.43 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82240138 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 8/31/2016 485.69CR 064110 I-82241361 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 8/31/2016 989.99CR 064110 1,475.68 1 BRIANA GARCIA I-201608296261 CC DEPOSIT REFUN R 8/31/2016 100.000R 064111 100.00 25690 BWI COMPANIES, INC I-13740540 CHEMICALS & fERTILIZERS R 8/31/2016 227.000R 064112 I-13740551 CHEMICALS & fERTILIZERS R 8/31/2016 1,575.000R 064112 I-13740552 CHEMICALS & fERTILIZERS R 8/31/2016 475.12CR 064112 2,277.12 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-978126 DRUG SCREENS R 8/31/2016 85.000R 064113 85.00 1 CARLOS RAMIREZ I-201608296262 CC DEPOSIT REFU R 8/31/2016 100.000R 064114 100.00 02490 CENTURYLINK I-8/10/16-9/9/16 8/10/16-9/9/16 R 8/31/2016 1,644.69CR 064115 1,644.69 8/31/2016 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08349 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A140UNT N04 AMOUNT 30340 CLEARWATER CONTROLS, INC. I-61168 CALIBRATE&CERTIFY 14AGNETIC FLO R 8/31/2016 394.40CR 064116 I-61169 CIRCUIT BOARD REPAIR R 8/31/2016 974.67CR 064116 1,369.07 21100 COLE141111 LAG] FIRM I -AUGUST 2016 AUGUST -MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR R 8/31/2016 749.50CR 064117 749.50 08880 COOPER'S COPIES I-204387 DOOR LETTERS R 8/31/2016 0.39CR 38.66CR 064118 38.66 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-109089 NAME PLATE FOR JAMES FOX R 8/31/2016 25.60CR 064119 25.60 28970 DENTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I-54529 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP R 8/31/2016 332.000R 064120 332.00 21970 DIEBOLD I-500004418 REPAIR PAYMENT TUBE R 8/31/2016 471.05CR 064121 471.05 30200 DON HU14E LEATHERGOODS I-161323 B106P BLK 44 BELT 780 R 8/31/2016 81.000R 064122 81.00 30550 EAGLE SURVEYING I-1606.023 BILL WRIGHT-EASEMENT R 8/31/2016 350.000R 064123 350.00 20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-17704833-7 TEMP E14PLOYEES R 8/31/2016 1,423.68CR 064124 1,423.68 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0808012 HYMAX LONG BODY COUP R 8/31/2016 440.54CR 064125 440.54 1 9 FUEL14MT I-NP48255187 8/22/16-8/28/16 R 8/31/2016 1,699.14CR 064126 1,699.14 20300 GREEN EAGLE OVERHEAD DOORS I-1021 GARAGE DOOR REPAIR R 8/31/2016 895.000R 064127 895.00 07750 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES I-6840-00001-49526 MISC. SUPPLIES R 8/31/2016 21.81CR 064128 I-6840-00059-85478 MISC. SUPPLIES R 8/31/2016 895.57CR 064128 917.38 03530 JAMES WOOD AUTOPARK, INC. I-VCCS352048 REPAIR AC IN 2011 CHEVY TAHOE R 8/31/2016 325.11CR 064129 325.11 8/31/2016 2:31 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 08349 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT 30570 JOSH GREEN I-201608236257 MEALS MESE CONFERENCE R 8/31/2016 70.00OR 064130 70.00 08210 KWIK KAR I-53999 TRUCK INSPECTION R 8/31/2016 25.50CR 064131 I-54006 TRUCK INSPECTION R 8/31/2016 25.50CR 064131 I-BDKAUJW00JEll STATE INSPECTION 2011 CAPRICE R 8/31/2016 25.50CR 064131 76.50 08680 LOCKE SUPPLY I-29315938-00 SOCKETS AND LEDS R 8/31/2016 8.31CR 157.87CR 064132 157.87 16060 NEIGHBORS, ANDREW I-201608236258 14EALS MESE CONFERENCE R 8/31/2016 70.00OR 064133 70.00 25580 NORTH TEXAS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT I-102 BILL R 8/31/2016 7,202.00OR 064134 7,202.00 24940 NTTA I-7953513593 TOLLS R 8/31/2016 8.61CR 064135 8.61 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-304533 CUTTING TIP- 304441 R 8/31/2016 15.64 064136 I-1959-302293 OIL FILTERS R 8/31/2016 0.05CR 2.66CR 064136 I-1959-302523 TOWING KIT FOR MIKE'S TRUCK R 8/31/2016 0.60CR 29.39CR 064136 I-1959-302594 BEARINGS FOR TRAILER R 8/31/2016 0.96CR 47.22CR 064136 I-1959-302613 BEARINGS AND CALIPER R 8/31/2016 0.36CR 17.43CR 064136 I-1959-302719 OIL FILTER UNIT 12 R 8/31/2016 0.11CR 5.56CR 064136 I-1959-302771 OIL FILTER UNIT 11 R 8/31/2016 0.11CR 5.56CR 064136 I-1959-302787 [VIPER BLADE UNIT 11 R 8/31/2016 0.61CR 29.97CR 064136 I-1959-302937 TP14S SENSOR UNIT 12-20 R 8/31/2016 1.01CR 49.38CR 064136 I-1959-302986 OIL CAP UNIT 12 R 8/31/2016 0.09CR 4.28CR 064136 I-1959-303023 16 OZ STOP LEAK R 8/31/2016 0.26CR 12.73CR 064136 I-1959-303340 MINI BULB R 8/31/2016 0.19CR 9.35CR 064136 I-1959-304018 OIL FILTER UNIT 02-20 R 8/31/2016 0.11CR 5.56CR 064136 I-1959-304117 11OZ PENETRNT R 8/31/2016 0.96CR 46.92CR 064136 I-1959-304264 BLDRNR BELT R 8/31/2016 0.70CR 34.43CR 064136 I-1959-304441 CUTTING TIP R 8/31/2016 0.31CR 15.33CR 064136 I-1959-304514 FILTER WRENCH R 8/31/2016 0.24CR 11.75CR 064136 I-1959-304526 OIL FILTER (2) R 8/31/2016 0.47CR 22.83CR 064136 I-1959-304532 CUTTING TIP R 8/31/2016 0.52CR 25.46CR 064136 I-1959-304636 BLUE DEF R 8/31/2016 0.60CR 29.38CR 064136 I-1959-305569 OIL FILTER UNIT 04-20 R 8/31/2016 0.12CR 5.63CR 064136 I-1959-305591 DISC PAD SET UNIT 04-20 R 8/31/2016 1.47CR 71.99CR 064136 I-1959-306128 GAS SHOCK R 8/31/2016 3.81CR 186.45CR 064136 1-1959-307016 ENA14EL PAINT R 8/31/2016 0.31CR 15.35CR 064136 I-1959-307119 FUEL FILTER & SUPPLIES R 8/31/2016 0.62CR 30.35CR 064136 I-1959-307394 BLDRNR BELT R 8/31/2016 1.37CR 67.27CR 064136 766.59 8/31/2016 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08349 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK NP24E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/31/2016 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/31/2016 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-857492104001 KEYBOARDMOUSE R 8/31/2016 I-857672092001 LEGAL FILE CABINET R 8/31/2016 19200 PATHMARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF TEXAS,INC. I-019347 TRAFFIC PAINT R 8/31/2016 17270 PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS I-13498535-00 STARTER/SOLENOID R 8/31/2016 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-A94396 DRILL BIT R 8/31/2016 I-B46772 SCREW DRIVER R 8/31/2016 I-B46902 14ISC SUPPLIES R 8/31/2016 I-B46943 NEW KEYS, 1/4 ROUND R 8/31/2016 I-B47012 RAZOR, CAULK R 8/31/2016 I-B47071 14ISC SUPPLIES R 8/31/2016 I-B47182 PICTURE HANGER, HOOKS R 8/31/2016 I-B47308 BULBS R 8/31/2016 I-B47588 CORNER BRACE R 8/31/2016 I-B47635 NUTS R 8/31/2016 I-B47636 ALL THREAD R 8/31/2016 I-B47873 3/4 COUPLING GALV R 8/31/2016 I-B48222 KEY CUT R 8/31/2016 I-B48231 SHIELD FACE CLEAR LIGHTWEIGHT R 8/31/2016 I-348315 DUCT TAPE R 8/31/2016 I-B48474 TAPE MEASURE R 8/31/2016 I-B48745 GARDEN SPRAYER R 8/31/2016 I-B48987 PAINT THINNER, CLEANER TIP R 8/31/2016 I-C1099 ACE STAIN R 8/31/2016 I-C1281 QUICK COUPLER R 8/31/2016 I-C1386 FASTENERS, BRACES, COOLERS R 8/31/2016 I-C1536 BULB 3 WAY R 8/31/2016 I-C1640 SURE FIT FLAPPER R 8/31/2016 I-C1995 MISC. MDSE R 8/31/2016 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/31/2016 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT N04 MOUNT 064137 **VOID** 064138 **VOID** 171.15CR 064139 574.99CR 064139 746.14 461.03CR 064140 461.03 265.52CR 064141 265.52 9.48CR 064142 7.99CR 064142 38.44CR 064142 79.58CR 064142 31.44CR 064142 26.98CR 064142 15.26CR 064142 46.95CR 064142 7.01CR 064142 3.20CR 064142 27.98CR 064142 11.17CR 064142 11.96CR 064142 39.88CR 064142 61.90CR 064142 7.99CR 064142 14.99CR 064142 39.66CR 064142 26.94CR 064142 44.94CR 064142 164.79CR 064142 18.05CR 064142 4.99CR 064142 45.98CR 064142 787.55 064143 **VOID** 8/31/2016 2:31 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 08349 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# MOUNT *VOID* VOID CHECK V 8/31/2016 064144 **VOID** 26200 SOIL EXPRESS, LTD I-10320 ECOKID EXPRESS R 8/31/2016 2,605.80CR 064145 2,605.80 08030 SOUTHWEST INTERNATIONAL I-102782-1 SPEED PEGS, BELTS R 8/31/2016 140.000R 064146 140.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-3087756-00 30" BOLT CUTTERS R 8/31/2016 537.18CR 064147 537.18 16910 TRI-COUNTY MATERIALS & SERVICES,LP I-21342 NATIVE BASE R 8/31/2016 95.25CR 064148 95.25 30580 VICTORY AWNING I-E13890 NEW AWNINGS R 8/31/2016 627.50CR 064149 I-E13890-B NEW AWNING R 8/31/2016 922.50CR 064149 1,550.00 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK ANT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 42 24.66 37,492.89 37,517.55 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 46 24.66 37,492.89 37,517.55 TOT-- 7RRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 9/07/2016 2:38 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08356 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 21930 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON I-201609066265 CO 2006 PRINICIPAL & INTEREST D 9/01/2016 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES I-8893 TWO NEW TIRES R 9/07/2016 22620 ARANARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1156439884 FLEET UNIFORMS R 9/07/2016 I-1156439885 STREETS UNIFORMS R 9/07/2016 I-1156439886 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 9/07/2016 I-1156439887 WATER UNIFORMS R 9/07/2016 I-1156439888 PARKS UNIFORMS R 9/07/2016 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-7/23/16-8/22/16 7/23/16-8/22/16 R 9/07/2016 27670 BROOKSCARDIEL & COMPANY, PLLC I-SANG.09.02.16 AUDIT SERVICES R 9/07/2016 00550 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES I-2429844 TEKUSOLV II 14 GAL R 9/07/2016 30270 CIMA GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. I-110726 RENOVATION PRESBY CRCH R 9/07/2016 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-7/17/16-8/16/16 7/17/16-8/16/16 R 9/07/2016 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCE I-1607102ON JULY LONG DISTANCE R 9/07/2016 2 EIKON CONSULTANT GROUP ` I-13217.1-5 CONSTRUCTION ADMIN R 9/07/2016 20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-17742556-8 TEMP EMPLOYEES R 9/07/2016 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0809126 HYMAX LONG BODY COUP R 9/07/2016 I-0809235 NA RNG, RR FF, ACCY PK W/GLND R 9/07/2016 23010 FIVE STAR SUPPLY CO INC. I-8323 CENTERPULL PAPERTOWELS R 9/07/2016 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT N04 AMOUNT 471,500.000R 000000 471,500.00 160.000R 064151 160.00 31.17CR 064152 30.28CR 064152 8.46CR 064152 68.41CR 064152 30.51CR 064152 168.83 768.76CR 064153 768.76 5,500.000R 064154 5,500.00 513.71CR 064155 513.71 32,404.45CR 064156 32,404.45 2,361.90CR 064157 2,361.90 27.10CR 064158 27.10 1,807.62CR 064159 1,807.62 1,557.15CR 064160 1,557.15 856.04CR 064161 125.30CR 064161 981.34 187.62CR 064162 187.62 9/07/2016 2:38 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08356 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 18790 FUELMAN I-NP48374699 8/29/16-9/4/16 R 9/07/2016 01070 GALLS INC. I-005899450 REFLECTIVE RAIN PANTS 785 R 9/07/2016 16860 GRAINGER I-9203964839 SUBMERSIBLE LEVEL TRANSMITTER R 9/07/2016 28580 HRM LAND ACQUISTION SOLUTIONS, LLC I-1093 PROJ ADMIN SVC NEGOATION R 9/07/2016 I-1094 COWLING RD LFT STATION R 9/07/2016 28050 LIONS CLUB I-201609066266 CITY FLAGS FOR HOLIDAYS R 9/07/2016 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-1959-307353 BP CAPSULE R 9/07/2016 I-1959-308683 DEF R 9/07/2016 I-1959-308984 BATTERY, COPPER PLUG R 9/07/2016 I-1959-309006 BLDRNR BELT R 9/07/2016 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-857799276001 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 9/07/2016 I-857799391001 MURPHY CLEANER R 9/07/2016 I-857926485001 INK R 9/07/2016 I-858071415001 COFFEE FILTERS R 9/07/2016 I-859380934001 KEYBOARD MOUSE R 9/07/2016 19200 PATHMARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF TEXAS,INC. I-019347A TRAFFIC PAINT R 9/07/2016 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. I-3533 ASSISTANCE R 9/07/2016 22760 PRICE, CHERYL I-03020 RETIRE14ENT CARD R 9/07/2016 18380 R & T MECHANICAL I-32030 REPLACE CAPACITOR/LABOR R 9/07/2016 16900 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR I-OOG23379 POLICE UNIFORM R 9/07/2016 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 2,036.39CR 064163 2,036.39 18.48CR 064164 18.48 489.15CR 064165 489.15 6,257.38CR 064166 4,589.09CR 064166 10,846.47 300.000R 064167 300.00 0.14CR 6.79CR 064168 1.44CR 70.50CR 064168 1.22CR 59.81CR 064168 0.69CR 33.63CR 064168 170.73 77.32CR 064169 25.59CR 064169 28.78CR 064169 16.49CR 064169 57.05CR 064169 205.23 227.97CR 064170 227.97 1,375.000R 064171 1,375.00 184.94CR 064172 184.94 185.000R 064173 185.00 104.15CR 064174 104.15 9/07/2016 2:38 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08356 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK r"A NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 29420 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-355998 COURT DELIVERY R 9/07/2016 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-199508 COMPRESSED OXYGEN R 9/07/2016 08240 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LAB I-0267305-IN FINGER PRINT LIFT TAPES/DISPEN R 9/07/2016 00100 TMRS I-RETPY8.19.16 TMRS R 9/07/2016 I-RETPY8.5.16 TMRS R 9/07/2016 16910 TRI-COUNTY MATERIALS & SERVICES,LP I-21443 NATIVE BASE R 9/07/2016 25150 WELLSPRING HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC I-1260 CONSULTING SERVICES R 9/07/2016 30620 WRIGHT, WILLIAM D TRUST I-P15 PARCEL NO: P15 - NI35 WW R 9/07/2016 I -PP UTILITY EASEMENT POWER POLE RE R 9/07/2016 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T 0 T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 40.78CR 064175 40.78 19.000R 064176 19.00 121.34CR 064177 121.34 16,503.09CR 064178 16,590.31CR 064178 33,093.40 98.12CR 064179 98.12 2,000.00CR 064180 2,000.00 1,466.17CR 064181 697.24CR 064181 2,163.41 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 31 3.49 100,118.04 100,121.53 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 471,500.00 471,500.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 32 3.49 571,618.04 571,621.53 9/07/2016 2:38 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 08356 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT NAME / I.D. DESC CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND ------------------------------------------- PERIOD AMOUNT 001 9/2016 23,441.43CR 003 9/2016 216,890.00OR 004 9/2016 34,212.07CR 008 9/2016 265,447.20CR 180 9/2016 16,337.69CR 41 9/2016 904.77CR 840 9/2016 14,384.88CR ALL 571,618.04CR CHECK NO$ CHECK AMOUNT RESOLUTION NO.09-07-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES, FOR BANKING SERVICES ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Sanger to appoint persons to be authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Sanger at depositories ("Banks") of the City of Sanger Texas; WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City Council to adopt by Resolution and present the approval by the City Council to depositories for all designated signatories authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Sanger. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. The following persons are authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas, orders for payment or withdrawal of money; Michael C. Brice, City Manager; Cheryl Price, Deputy City Secretary/HR Coordinator on all accounts; Alina Ciocan, Director of Economic and Community Development as signatory on Cash and Personnel Accounts Such authority shall remain in force until revoked by written notice to the affected bank of the action taken by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. All prior authorizations are superseded. Section 2. The following individual is authorized for Business Resolution on behalf of the City of Sanger, Texas, Clayton Gray, Finance Director. Such authority shall remain in force until revoked by written notice to the affected bank of the action taken by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. All prior authorizations are superseded. Section 3. Any designated depository ("Bank") of the City of Sanger, Texas is authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money withdrawing funds from any account of the city when bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signatures of the persons listed in Section 1 of this resolution whether such facsimile signatures be made by stamp, machine, or other mechanical device. The Bank is authorized and directed to honor and to charge the city for such checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, regardless of how or by whom such actual or purported facsimile signatures were made, provided they resemble the signatures duly certified to and filed with the Bank by the persons listed in Section 1 of this resolution. Section 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 19th day of September 2016. • • Mayor Thomas Muir ATTEST: Deputy City Secretary Cheryl Price ORDINANCE #09-17-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR OPERATING AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017, PROVIDING FOR THE INTRA AND INTER DEPARTMENT AND FUND TRANSFERS, PROVIDING FOR UNEXPECTED REVENUES SUCH AS GRANTS, DONATIONS, AND INSURANCE PROCEEDS, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, AND PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL OF THE INVESTMENT POLICY. WHEREAS, pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter, the budget covering proposed expenditures for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017 was filed with the City Secretary; and WHEREAS, budget workshops were conducted by the City Council on the proposed budget at which time the proposed budget was fully considered; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and the Local Government Code, the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas published notice of public hearing on the budget on August 4, 2016 and conducted public hearings on August 15, 2016 and September 6, 2016; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code, commonly known as the "Public Funds Investment Act," requires the City to review its investment policy and investment strategies not less than annually; and WHEREAS, the Public Funds Investment Act requires the governing body to adopt a written instrument by rule, order, ordinance, or resolution stating that it has reviewed the investment policy and investment strategies and that the written instrument shall record any changes made to either the investment policy or investment strategies; and WHEREAS, the attached City of Sanger Investment Policy is in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act and requires no changes to either the investment policy or investment strategies; and WHEREAS, The City has implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions (GASB 54) and Fund balance categories under GASB 54 are Nonspendable and Spendable and classifications under the Spendable category are Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned and these classifications reflect not only the nature of funds, but also provide clarity to the level of restriction placed upon fund balance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council adopts the budget for the City of Sanger, Texas, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Secretary and which hereinafter referred to as the "Budget" for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017. Section 2. That the budget presented by the City Council and reviewed during the public hearing is hereby approved and adopted for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017. General Fund $6,694,546 Enterprise Fund $11,601,587 Debt Fund $898,582 4A Fund $223,106 413 Fund $537,500 Special Revenue Funds $39,322 Section 3. That the City Manager be authorized to make intra and inter department fund transfers during the fiscal year as becomes necessary in order to avoid over expenditure of any departments total budget. Section 4. That the City Manager be authorized to increase the budget for items received during the year that have a corresponding revenue and expenditure such as Grants, Donations, and Insurance Proceeds received for property damage. Section 5. That the City of Sanger has complied with the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act and the City Council has reviewed the investment policy and investment strategies and there are no changes to either the investment policy or investment strategies. Section 6. In circumstances where an expenditure is to be made for a purpose for which amounts are available in multiple fund balance classifications, the order in which resources will be expended is as follows: restricted fund balance, followed by committed fund balance, assigned fund balance, and lastly unassigned fund balance. When it is appropriate for fiend balance to be assigned, the City Council hereby delegates the authority to the City Manager. The following fund balances are committed: Equipment Replacement Funds, Library Building Expansion Funds, Beautification Board Funds, all Donated Funds, and Capital Projects Funds. Section 7. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas on this 19th day of September 2016. ATTEST: Cheryl Price, Deputy City Secretary Thomas Muir, Mayor ORDINANCE #09-18-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, LEVYING A TAX RATE FOR THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger finds that a tax rate of $0.6795 per $100 valuation for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017, hereinafter levied for current expenses of the City and general improvements of the City and its property, must be levied to provide the revenue requirements of the budget for the ensuing year; and WHEREAS, all statutory and constitutional requirements for the levy and assessment of ad valorem taxes have been completed in due and correct time and all requirements of the Sanger Charter have been met; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the City Council does hereby levy and adopt the tax rate on $100 assessed valuation for the City for maintenance and operation of the City government for the tax year 2016- 2017 as follows: 0.513353/$100 SECTION 2: That the City Council does hereby levy and adopt the tax rate on $100 assessed valuation for the City for debt service for City government for the tax year 2016-2017 as follows: 0.166147/$100 SECTION 3: This ordinance is effective upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas on this 19th_ day of September 2016. ATTEST: Cheryl Price, Deputy City Secretary Thomas Muir, Mayor ORDINANCE 909-19-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING THE 2016 TAX ROLLS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. The City Council hereby approves the 2016 tax rolls of the City of Sanger, Texas, as certified by the Appraisal Review Board of the Denton Central Appraisal District, which, with amounts of tax as approved by the governing body, will result in a tax levy in the amount of $3,597,11.00 based on the Certified Appraisal Roll. Section 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, this 19th day of September 2016. ATTEST: Cheryl Price, Deputy City Secretary Thomas Muir, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 09-08-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, APPROVING AND SUPPORTING A HOUSING POLICY WITHIN THE CITY OF SANGER; PROVIDING FOR AN EFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council desires a balanced housing mix that provides housing for all income levels without discrimination; WHEREAS, the City Council is focused on the growth and sustainability of the community by supporting efforts to enhance the property tax base and stimulate quality development; WHEREAS, the City Council has researched the current housing stock and discussed and deliberated a wide range of housing alternatives for the City of Sanger, Texas; WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges the need for a well-balanced and diverse housing mix in order to continue to provide for adequate services and promote local economic development; and WHEREAS, The City Council desires to make a policy statement to guide City Staff and potential developers as new housing developments are proposed and brought forward for City Council consideration. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. Sanger Housing Policy. When new housing is proposed in Sanger, the Sanger City Council encourages it to be developed according to the following principles: 1. For new housing developments that shall require zoning action, the R residential districts are preferred. 2. Decisions on future residential zoning are evaluated based on the following Targeted Housing Mix: • Single-family under 1,499 SF 30% • Single-family 1,500 —1,999 SF 30% • Single-family 2,000 + SF 25% • Multi -family 12% • Mobile Homes 3% 3. The City Council will give special consideration to mixed -use developments. Projects will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis. 4. Proposals for independent and/or assisted living may be considered by the City of Sanger on a case -by -case basis. Section 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 19"' day of September 2016. APPROVED: Mayor Thomas Muir ATTEST: Deputy City Secretary Cheryl Price CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: September 19, 2016 Joseph D. Iliff, AICP City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials zel� Date -7 ACTION REQUESTED: [—]ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve on the Minor Plat of the Wallace Addition, 1.0 Acres in the Wm. Mason Survey, Located North of Belz Road and West of Metz Road. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE❑CIP []BUDGETED —]NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The subject property is 1 acre located on the north of Belz Road, west of Metz Road. The property is located out of the city limits in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The applicant has submitted a minor plat for a one (1) acre lot out of a larger tract. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Denton County has requested the following revisions be made to the plat: • Move the subdivision name to the lower right hand corner of the plat, above the lot & block. • Add x, y coordinates and NAD 83 to POB • Add a statement that the platted area has a net size of one acre outside of any Special Flood Hazard Area (Zone A floodplain) and right-of-way dedication. • Add "Certification by Registered Professional Land Surveyor" • Add any missing applicable improvement statements from the attached list With these revisions, Staff has found the plats to be in compliance with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Final Plat of the Wallace Addition Agencies: The Planning & Zoning Commission considered the item at their September 12, 2016 meeting. The action of the P&Z will be shared with the Council at the September 19, 2016 meeting. IMPROVEMENT STATEMENTS: Each plat shall have the following statements placed on the face of the plat. "Water to be provided by XXXX" All utility providers' names, addresses and phone numbers. "Sanitary sewer to be handled by facilities approved by the Denton County Health Department." "The maintenance of paving, grading and drainage improvements and/or easements shown on this plat are the responsibility of the individual property owners and does not constitute acceptance of same for maintenance purposes by Denton County." "All surface drainage easements shall be kept clear of fences, buildings, foundations, plantings and other obstructions to the operation and maintenance of the drainage facility." "Blocking the flow of water or constructing improvements in surface drainage easements, and filling or obstructing the floodway is prohibited." "Denton County will not be responsible for any damage, personal injury or loss of life or property occasioned by flooding or flooding conditions. "The existing creeks or drainage channels traversing along or across the addition will remain as open channels and will be maintained by the individual property owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage courses along or across the lots." "Construction not completed within two years of the Commissioners' Court approval shall be subject to current County Subdivision Rules and Regulations." "A driveway culvert permit must be obtained from the Road and Bridge Departments by the owner of each lot prior to the construction, installation or placement of any driveway access improvements within the dedicated right-of-way." "No construction, without written approval from Denton County shall be allowed within an identified "FIRM" floodplain area, and then only after a detailed floodplain development permit including engineering plans and studies show that no rise in the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will result, that no flooding will result, that no obstruction to the natural flow of water will result; and subject to all owners of the property affected by such construction becoming a party to the request. Where construction is permitted, all finish floor elevations shall be a minimum of two foot above the 100- year flood elevation." The following statement shall appear on any Plat containing private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces: "Denton County shall not be responsible for maintenance of private roads, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces; and the owners shall be responsible for the maintenance of private streets, drives, emergency access easements, recreation areas and open spaces, and said owners agree to indemnify and hold harmless Denton County, from all claims, damages and losses arising out of or resulting from performance of the obligations of said owner set forth in this paragraph." When engineering plans are provided, the engineer shall execute on the face of the plat the following statement: "I a Texas Licensed Engineer, do hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief and based upon the information provided, the drainage improvements shown on this plat will have no adverse effect on any property adjacent to the property shown. I further declare that I will accept full responsibility and hold harmless Denton County from any claim or litigation arising out of any claim or litigation arising out of any errors, omissions or other acts of negligence in the preparation of same." For those properties located within the Lake Ray Roberts Planning and Zoning Jurisdiction the following note must be added: "These properties are located within the Lake ray Roberts Land Use Ordinance jurisdiction and are subject to the ordinance. This property is zoned " All setbacks must be shown on the plat. UTTA ST��eh T8XA5 July 31, 2016 For the ten months ending July 31, 2016 (83% of the fiscal year), the General Fund has collected 95% of revenues. Expenditures are 77% of budget. For the ten months ending July 31, 2016 (83% of the fiscal year), the Enterprise Fund collected 74% of revenues. Actual Enterprise Fund expenditures are 78% of budget. Salaries & Benefits Supplies & Materials Maintenance & Operations Contract Services Utilities Capital Expenses Debt Service Other Department Expense Transfers Total All categories are tracking within budget. Expenditures by Classification Budget Actual Percent of Budget $ 4,950,109 $ 3,786,855 77% 436,878 329,950 76% 7,366,018 5,857,424 80% 1,339,969 1,097,901 82% 632,207 398,307 63% 614,805 463,428 75% 1,275,474 1,014,809 80% 83,922 45,334 54% 926,800 336,340 36% $ 17,626,182 $ 13,330,348 76% Page 1 of 9 REVENUE -GENERAL FUND Property Taxes Sales & Beverage Taxes Franchise Fees Solid Waste Licenses & Permits Fines & Forfeitures Department Revenues Interest & Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUE ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED REVENUE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS GENERAL FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES July 31, 2016 OVER (UNDER) GENERAL FUND REVENUE YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET OF ACTUAL TO ANNUAL BUDGET 2,436,49 2,3 0,000 96,494PERCENTAGE 648,928 730,000 (81,072) Property Taxes 104% 756,804 891,195 (134,391) 626,218 735,000 (108,782) Sales & Beverage Taxes 89% , 93,163 125,750 (32,587) Franchise Fees 85% 110,687 140,000 (29,313) r-- 585,138 580.490 4,648 Solid Waste 85% 68,852 80,000 (11,148 5,326,284 5.622,435 (296,151) Other Revenues 93% 0% 25% 50% 95% EXPECTED % OF BUDGETED REVENUE 84% EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUND YTD ACTUAL BUDGET (OVER) UNDER Administration 369,254 456,869 87,615 Police & Animal Control 1,245,277 1,648,739 403,462 Fire & Ambulance 759,203 1,043,550 284,347 Municipal Court 155,565 240,718 85,153 Development Services 180.201 221,413 41,212 Streets 471,859 563,051 91,192 Parks & Recreation 448.967 575,790 126.823 Library 199,345 272,240 72,895 Solid Waste 574,644 700,000 125,356 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,404,315 5.722,370 1,318,055 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 921,969 (99,935) 1,021,904 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfer In 70,833 401,536 (330,703) Transfer Out - (350,000) 350,000 TOTAL OTHER SOURCES (USES) 70,833 51,536 19,297 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 992,802 (48,399) 1,041,201 FUND BALANCE - BOY 1,745.609 1,745,609 FUND BALANCE - EOY $ 2,738,411 $ 1,697,210 $ 1,041,201 ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 77% Administration Police & Animal Control Fire & Ambulance Municipal Court Development Services Streets Parks & Recreation Library Solid Waste Page 2 of 9 u YTD Actual u Budget r� 75% 100% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES uYTD Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO ANNUAL BUDGET uBudget 81' 81' 8< T- 78° i 73% 1 82 0% 25% 50% EXPECTED % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 84% 75% 100% CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES July 31, 2016 OVER (UNDER) REVENUE - ENTERPRISE FUND YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Water ,208,972 1,662,500 453,528 Water Wastewater 1,176,319 1,568,000 (391,681) Electric 5,976,027 8,090,250 (2,114,223) Wastewater Penalties & Fees 161,933 205,000 (43,067) Interest 12,963 12,000 963 Electric Miscellaneous 30,524 36,500 (5,976) TOTAL REVENUE 8,566,738 11,574,250 (3,007,512) Other Income 0% ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED REVENUE 74% 1 EXPENDITURES - ENTERPRISE FUND Administration 3ter astewater Electric Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfer to General Fund Transfer to 4A Transfer to WW CIP Reserve Transfers to Storm Recovery Fund Transfer to General Fund - PILOT TOTAL OTHER SOURCES (USES) CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE- BOY FUND BALANCE - EOY ACTUAL % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES (OVER) UNDER YTD ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 861,594 1,066,027 204,433 1,084,696 1,415,842 331,146 482,476 707,715 225,239 5,382,141 6,735,773 1,353,632 778,780 1,051,655 272,875 8,589,687 10,977,012 2,387,325 (22,949) 597,238 (620,187) (150,000) 150,000 (25,000) 25,000 (130,667) (156,800) 26,133 (134,838) (160,000) 25,162 (70,833) (85,000) 14,167 (336,338) (576,800) 240,462 (359,287) 20,438 (379,725) 3,982,069 3,982,069 - $ 3,622,782 $ 4,002,507 $ (379,725) 78% Page 3 of 9 Administration Water Wastewater Electric Debt Service ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES uYTO Actual PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET Y Budget 73% 75% 74% T 81% 25% 50% 75% 100% REVENUE 84% ENTERPRISE FUND EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGE OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET uYM Actual Y Budget 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% EXPECTED % OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES 64% UNRESTRICTED: Cash for Operations Contingency Reserves for Operations TOTAL UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED: Debt Service Water Deposits Equipment Replacement Electric Storm Recovery Hotel Occupancy Tax Keep Sanger Beautiful (KSB) Library Court Security Court Technology Donations TOTAL RESTRICTED CAPITAL PROJECTS: General Capital Projects Enterprise Capital Projects TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS CASH AND INVESTMENTS July 31, 2016 General Fund Enterprise Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Total $ 1,651,657 $ 436,302 $ $ S 2,087,959 1,008,319 1,006,219 2,014,538 $ 2,659.976 $ 1,442,521 $ S $ 4,102,497 $ $ - $ 806,340 S $ 806,340 390,313 - 390,313 173,272 106,029 279,301 - 613,128 613,128 49,480 - 49,480 5,526 5,526 78,954 78,954 7,311 7,311 589 589 9,796 - - 9,796 $ 324,928 $ 1,109,470 $ 806,340 $ $ 2,240,738 $ $ $ $ 600.603 $ 600,603 9,987,007 9,987,007 $ $ $ $ 10,587,610 $ 10,587,610 $ 2,984,904 $ 2,551,991 $ 806,340 $ 10,587,610 $ 16,930,845 Cash for Total Cash & Investments opeations, 51% Unrestricted Un es(ric(ed Equipment 24% - Repl—ent Electric Slam j '3"6 Restricted R -Y _ Cai6rgerKy Reserves fa Operation., 49% Watee�� Depofrr. Page 4 of 9 Capital Projects GeP—r0J'K'°Sglai GENERALFUND Cash and Investments July 31,2016 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield' Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 001-00-1000 0.050/. $ 1,758,057 $ 1,599,255 Employee Benefits Fund 110-00-1000 0.20% 20,802 20,802 Internal Service Fund 180-00-1000 26,330 31,600 OPERATING ACCOUNTS ` $ 1,805,189 $ 1,651657 GF Contingency Reserve MM 2487969 001-00-1031 0,20% $ 592,570 $ 592,671 GF Contingency Reserve CD Prosperity 001-00-1039 4/26/2015 0,35% 206,295 206,577 GF Contingency Reserve CD 642606 001-00-1043 7/13/2015 0,20% 208,994 209,071 CONTINGENCY RESERVE $ 1,007,8591 $ 1,008319 GF Equipment Replacement MM 2376237 001-00-1032 0.20% $ 110,000 $ 110,443 Y GF Equipment Replacement CD 719706 001-00-1033 7/6/2015 0.40% 62,806 62,829 Y EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RESERVES $ 172,806 $ 173,272'i Hotel Occupancy Tax 050-00-1000 $ 44,735 $ 49,480 Y Beautification Board - KSB 432-00-1000 5,526 5,526 Y Library Restricted for Building Expansion 442-00-1000 27,754 28,154 Y Library Building Expansion CD 702994 442-00-1035 1/22/2016 0,40% 50.782 50,800 Y Court Security Restricted Fund 470-00-1000 7,227 7.311 Y Court Technology Restricted Fund 471-00-1000 519 589 Y Police Donations 620-00-1000 1,385 1,385 Y Fire Donations 624-00-1000 4,500 4,500 Y Banner Account for Parks 632-00-1000 2,536 2,536 Y Library Donations 642-00-1000 1,375 1,375 Y OTHER $ 146,339 1 $ 151,656r TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 3,132,193 $ 2,984904 TOTALUNRESTRICTED : $ 2,813,048 $ 2,659,976 Page 5 of 9 ENTEPRISE FUND Cash and Investments July 31, 2016 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 008-00-1010 0,05% $ 72,874 $ 436,302 OPERATING ACCOUNTS $ 7777772,874 $ 436,302i Pooled Cash Water Deposit CD 2375850 008-00-1010 008-00-1041 1/3/2016 0.05% 0.40% $ 85,625 300,000 $ 90,313 300,000 Y Y WATER DEPOSIT REFUND ACCOUNT $ :' 385,6251 $ r 390,313 Combined EF Debt Service MM 2376113 008-00-1039 0.20% 2,121,424 - Y BOND FUNDS $ 2,121,424 $ EF Contingency Reserve MM 2809753 EF Contingency Reserve CD 737860 EF Reserve CD 642541 008-00-1012 008-00-1014 008-00-1040 2/14/2016 3/25/2015 0.20% 0.40% 0.25% $ 591,105 310,059 104,801 $ 591,206 310,174 104,839 CONTINGENCY RESERVES $ 1,005,9651 $ 1,006,219 EF Storm Recovery MM- 2% Electric Rev EF Equipment Replacement MM 2376202 008-00-1033 008-00-1034 0,20% 0.20% 599,543 $ 105,654 613,128 $ 106,029 Y Y OTHER $ 705,1971 $ 719,157 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 4,291,0851 $ 2,551,991 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED $ 1,078,839 $ ', 1,442,521 Page 6 of 9 DEBT SERVICE FUND Name Acct. # Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 003-00-1000 0,05% $ 808,816 $ 749,452 Y DSF Money Market 2376105 003-00-1010 0.20% 56,879 56,888 Y TOTAL` RESTRICTED $ 865,6951 $ 806,340 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 004-00-1000 0.05% $ 716,731 $ 600,603 Y TOTALRESTRICTED $ 716,731 $ 600,603 ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Sewer Capital; Improvements MM-10% Rev Sewer Capital Reserve MM 2380226 Tap Fees 840-00-1020 840-00-1038 0.20% 0.20% $ 344,838 1,244,604 $ 357,963 1,253,815 Y Y SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE - TAP FEES $ 1,589,4421 $ 1,611778 Y Water Capital Reserve MM 2376156 Pooled Cash General CIP Money Market 2674823 840-00-1037 840-00-1000 840-00-1013 0,20% 0,05% 0.05% $ 554,670 5,793.776 2,051.555 $ 561,514 5,762,073 2,051,642 Y Y Y TOTAL RESTRICTED $ 9,989,443 1 $ 9,987007 Page 7 of 9 4A FUND Cash and Investments July 31,2016 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Currnet alance Restricted Pooled Cash 41-00-1000 0,05% $ 648,768 $ 672,572 Y Cash NOW 900020693 Prosperity 41-00-1010 0.00% 519,221 514,137 Y 4A MM 902551273 Prosperity 41-00-1012 0.20% 467,560 467,642 Y Sanger TX Ind Corp CD 486639 41-00-1013 4/2/2015 0,25% 94,188 94,207 Y TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 1729,737 $ 1,748,558 46 FUND Cash and Investments July 31, 2016 Name Acct. # Maturity Yield Prior Period Current Balance Restricted Pooled Cash 42-00-1000 0.05% $ 587,102 $ 619,905 Y Cash MM 2379694 42-00-1010 0,05% 189,500 189,508 Y 4BCD653500 42-00-1013 4/3/2015 0,40% 21,594 21,602 Y 4BCID 659924 42-00-1014 5/12/2015 0.40% 21,351 21,359 Y 4BCID 664243 42-00-1015 6/5/2015 0A0% 21,439 21,447 Y 4B CD 673277 42-00-1016 7/9/2015 0.40% 21,388 21,396 Y 4BCD686115 42-00-1017 8/14/2015 0,40% 21,337 21,345 Y 4BCD689521 42-00-1018 9/11/2015 0,40% 21,255 21,262 Y 4B CD 694371 42-00-1019 10/14/2015 0.45% 21.332 21,340 Y 4BCD697230 42-00-1020 11/17/2015 0.45% 21,449 21,457 Y 4B CD 699934 42-00-1021 12/18/2015 0.45% 21,369 21,377 Y 4BCD702285 42-00-1022 1/31/2016 0.45% 21,180 21,188 Y 4B CD 706078 42-00-1023 2/19/2016 0.45% 21,088 21,096 Y 4B CD 720097 42-00-1024 11/9/2015 0.45% 20,854 20,862 Y 4B CD 720119 42-00-1025 11/9/2015 0.45% 20,878 20,886 Y TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS $ 1,053,116 $,I 1,088,030 Page 8 of 9 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INVESTMENT REPORT July 31, 2016 The Monthly Investment Report is in full compliance with the objectives, restrictions, and strategies as set forth in the City of Sanger's Investment Policy and Texas Government Code 2256.023, the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA). The City only invests in Money Market accounts and Certificates of Deposit. Interest is paid monthly on all accounts. Therefore, book value and market value are the same and the City does not have accrued interest on its investments. Ethics Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest In accordance with the PFIA, investment officers are required to file a disclosure statement with the Texas Ethics Commission and the governing body if: a. the officer has a business relationship with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City (as defined in 2256.005 (i) (1-3); or b, the officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment business with the entity. PFIA 2256.005 (i). Mike Brice has a relationship with First United Bank that consists solely of a personal checking and savings account and a home mortgage. Cl.a-ytuw' i'ray Clayton Gray Finance Director Page 9 of 9 Mike Brice City Manager TiY AM ftic-c