06/20/2016-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularS�raltgeh TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approval of Minutes: June 6, 2016 -Work Session June 6, 2016 - Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Approve Reappointing Existing Board Members: Planning & Zoning Commission - Justin Allen - Place 2 Sandra Hensley - Place 4 Sheri McCandless - Place 6 Board of Adjustment — Justin Allen — Place 2 Sandra Hensley — Place 4 Sherri McCandless — Place 6 Parks Board — Jason Collett — Place 4 Carrie Bilyeu — Place 6 Library Board — Beth Avery — Place 2 Ronitta Jensen — Place 4 4A - Elizabeth Springer Casey Barclay Don Gillum John Jacobs Fred Yeatts 4B — Jeff Springer Beverly Branch John Payne Beverly Howard Will Dutton Barbara Martin Christy Crutsinger d) Approve Appointing the Following to Open Board Positions: Board of Adjustment — James Fox — Place 1 Eddie Piercy — Place 7 James -Collett — Alternate Parks — James Fox — Place 2 4. Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #06-13-16 - Amending Article 12.500, Section 12.505, Special Speed Zones of the Code of Ordinances. 6. Conduct the Second Public Hearing Regarding Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan in Preparation for the Adoption of Roadway Impact Fees. 7. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Contracting With Perkins Engineering to Update the Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan and Authorize Expending Water and Wastewater Tap Fee Funds on the Plan Update. 8. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial and Investment Report — April 2016 b) All American Dogs Report — May 2016 9. Adjourn I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the gen al public at all times, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: /S. D at ; n U .m. and shall remain posted unt' meeting is adjour�pd,,,,,,,�� Tami Taber, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas This facility is wheelchair accessible a1idr,apvRbbTle parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION June 06, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark and Councilman Gary Bilyeu ABSENT: Councilman Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager and Cheryl Price, Deputy City Secretary 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Discuss Impact Fees. Joe Iliff was recognized to give a presentation and then turn it over to the Council for discussion. He explained what the law was on how you calculate Impact Fees. He noted that the roads must exist on a Master Thoroughfare Plan in order to be eligible to be included in the impact fee calculation. He noted some of the identified roads and that the information has been given to the engineers for re -calculation. The Council needs to decide what a fair collection amount will be for the Road Impact Fees. The Developer will be charged per residential unit. He noted he provided examples of Road Impact Fees from other cities. He noted most cities base their fees on Service Areas within their cities. It was noted that all of Sanger would be considered one service area. He noted he did some estimates of money that we could collect based on the number of past residential permits and how much we would charge per unit for the Impact Fees. He noted he has a spreadsheet for which will calculate the amount of fees collected based on the charge per unit. Discussion ensued regarding how much the fee should be; the amount of fees collected and how much it would mean for actual improvement of roads within the city. In summary it was noted this would be visited again and Mike Brice would provide Councilmembers the Excel spread sheet that calculates the amount of fees that could be collected based on the fee amount and number of permits. 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. None. 4. Adjourn. There being no further business Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:01 p.m. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 6, 2016 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark and Councilman Gary Bilyeu ABSENT: Councilman Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price Deputy City Secretary, Cindy Wilkinson Sportsman 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Councilman Bilyeu led the Invocation followed by Councilman Clark leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Issue Certificate of Election, Statement of Elected Officer and Oath of Office. Councilman Bilyeu took the oath of office. 3. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). None. CONSENT AGENDA: 4. a) Approval of Minutes: May 16, 2016 —Work Session May 16, 2016 - Council Meeting b) Disbursements c) Appoint the Following to Open Planning and Zoning Commission Positions: - James Fox to Place 1 - Eddie Piercy from Alternate to Place 7 - Jason Collett to Alternate Councilman Allison made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (4-0) Councilman Chick Absent. 4. Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. None. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing on Amending Sanger's Drought Contingency Plan. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:12 p.m. to solicit any comments for or against the request. There being no citizens present who wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:13 p.m. 6. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve Ordinance 906-10-16 - Amending Sanger's Drought Contingency Plan. Mike Brice summarized noting that this is basically to align our plans with the other plans in the metro area. A couple of years ago the Regional Water District, the Upper Trinity Water District and Tarrant County, Dallas, and North Texas Water got together and aligned the plan so the stages were similar. So if it is Stage 1 in Rowlett it is the same Stage in Sanger and Lake Worth, etc. It makes a lot of sense from a marketing standpoint because we usually go into stages as a region. So when a billboard is put up in Lake Dallas noting the stage — it will mean the same thing to a Sanger resident. They have worked on this for about 18 months. The big change in the plan is that it goes from four stages to three stages Councilman Boutwell made a motion to approve Ordinance #06-10-16 Amending Sanger's Drought Contingency Plan. Discussion was called and Councilman Bilyeu requested clarification and was concerned with the termination fees and the whether the city had the authority to shut off someone's irrigation at any stage of the plan. It was noted they get a warning, then a ticket, and if continue to water, they get shut off. Mike Brice noted that this was included in the plan for someone that will not comply. To date, we have not shut anyone off, but have given warnings to one entity because they would not quit watering every day when we were in Stage 2. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bilyeu. Motion carried unanimously (4-0) Councilman Chick Absent. 8. Conduct a Public Hearing on A Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at 499 West Chapman Drive, From I-1 Industrial District to B-2 Business District. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:22 p.m. to solicit any comments for or against the request. Cindy Wilkerson Manager representing "The Sportsman" at 499 W. Chapman was recognized. She advised they wanted to open a liquor store in Suite 101 and need everybody's vote to do so. She noted she would rather see Sanger get the Tax money than other cities. There will be no access from the liquor store into the Sportsman. The liquor store will have it's own entrance and exit. There being no further citizens present who wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:24 p.m. 9. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve Ordinance 906-11-16 — A Proposed Rezoning of the Property Located at 499 West Chapman Drive, From I-1 Industrial District to B- 2 Business District. Cindy Wilkerson representing The Sportsman was recognized to address any questions from the Councilmembers. There were questions regarding parking and she noted that they were filling in the hole where there used to be a tree and doing some improvements to help facilitate some additional parking. Concern was noted regarding the signage in the store window and Joe Iliff advised that there is an Ordinance that limits how much signage can cover a window. It was also noted that the TABC also has restrictions on the neon signage. The only neon sign that can be put directly in a window is an "Open" and "Closed" neon sign. There will not be a drive thru window. The store will be very small quick service package liquor store, about 875 square feet. The hours will be Monday thru Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. which are TABC Regulations. There was brief discussion regarding the zoning. It was noted that the area was basically built out to capacity right now and the zoning would encompass the complete area. Out of 21 letters there was only one letter sent back which was in support of the liquor store. No letters of opposition. Councilman Bilyeu made a motion to approve Ordinance #06-11-16 to Rezone the property located at 499 West Chapman Drive from I-1 Industrial District to B-2 Business District. Motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. Motion carried unanimously (4-0) Councilman Chick Absent. 10. Conduct a Public Hearing on Amending the Zoning Ordinance Creating New Residential Districts. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:34 p.m. to solicit any comments for or against the request. There being no citizens present who wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:35 p.m. 11. Consider, Discuss, and Possibly Approve Ordinance #06-12-16 — Amending the Zoning Ordinance Creating New Residential Districts. Joe Iliff was recognized to present the request. He noted that out of the ten Single Family Zoning Districts we only use about four of them. We looked at not only what we have that we are not using, but what are we missing. He explained that staff is proposing to add four new single-family residential districts that would permit larger homes to be constructed on smaller lots. This is a development pattern that is in demand, where people want a nice large home but not much yard maintenance. The proposal is to add these four new zoning districts to the zoning ordinance as another type of residential district to have. Discussion ensued and consensus was for staff to take a look at when a developer is increasing the size of a house that there should be creative flexibility in setbacks, etc. Mike Brice noted this item could be put on a future Work Session and Council could possibly look at all of the zoning districts and discuss if we want to take out the ones that we don't want and look at reducing setbacks and increasing size. Specifically, look at setbacks, coverage and lot size. Larger homes create a larger tax base. It was noted that the new Residential districts proposed tonight do not require garages. Consensus was that the new proposed Residential Districts should require garages. No Action was taken on this item. 12. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) None 13. Adjourn There being no further business Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:19 p.m. 6/01/2016 3:46 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08151 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 HANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT ':. CHECK CHECK FOR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-6/1/16 4/15/16-5/14/16 D 6/01/2016 09600 AFLAC C-297084 6/1/16 R 6/01/2016 I-AFLPY5.13.16 INSURANCE R 6/01/2016 I-AFLPY5.27.16 INSURANCE R 6/01/2016 02460 AT&T 140BILITY I-4/23/16-5/22/16 4/23/16-5/22/166 R 6/01/2016 25610 AUSTIN LANE TECHNOLOGIES, INC I-160179B INSTALL DELL LATITUDE TOUCHSCR R 6/01/2016 12680 BAILEY ENVIRONMENTAL, CORP I-5-10-16 SPRING INSPECTION R 6/01/2016 28340 BEWLEY, JANSON I-4135404103291773 CADAVER LAB R 6/01/2016 1 BILLIE SPLAWN I-201605316160 CC REFUND R 6/01/2016 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82141183 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 I-82142523 EMS MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 I-82148159 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 I-82149539 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 23880 BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA, INC I-1319710 CLASSIC FIBERGLASS CONSUL R 6/01/2016 CARD SERVICE CENTER I-3012378 BACKPACK SPRAYER R 6/01/2016 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-971762 DRUG TESTS R 6/01/2016 1 CLAUDIA RODRIGUEZ I-201606016161 CC DEPOSIT R 6/01/2016 07850 CLEAT I-CLTPY5.13.16 ASSOCIATION DUES E14PLOYEE R 6/01/2016 I-CLTPY5.27.16 ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE R 6/01/2016 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO# AMOUNT 32,050.64CR 000000 32,050.64 0.01 063327 485.49CR 063327 485.49CR 063327 970.97 752.38CR 063328 752.38 630.000R 063329 630.00 4,575.000R 063330 4,575.00 50.000R 063331 50.00 200.000R 063332 200.00 6.50CR 063333 187.01CR 063333 52.90CR 063333 175.20CR 063333 421.61 2,232.59CR 063334 2,232.59 149.99CR 063335 149.99 145.000R 063336 145.00 100.000R 063337 100.00 60.000R 063338 60.000R 063338 120.00 6/01/2016 3:46 PI4 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08151 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK OR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT N04 AMOUNT 08460 DELL COMPUTERS, LLP I-XJ69TK6UJ1 2 TOUCH SCREEN RUGGED LAP R 6/01/2016 5,324.40CR 063339 5,324.40 09690 DESIGNS ETC. I-501313 SHIRTS, T-SHIRTS R 6/01/2016 2,346.05CR 063340 2,346.05 26920 DISCOUNT TROPHIES I -DERBY TROPHIES FOR FISHING DERBY R 6/01/2016 28.50CR 063341 28.50 28150 ENDERBY GAS I-64119 PROPANE R 6/01/2016 70.000R 063342 70.00 20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-17279186-5 TE14P EMPLOYEES R 6/01/2016 1,186.40CR 063343 I-17309155-4 TE14P EMPLOYEES R 6/01/2016 1,646.13CR 063343 I-17343083-6 TEMP EMPLOYEES R 6/01/2016 1,779.60CR 063343 4,612.13 23010 FIVE STAR SUPPLY CO INC. I-7430 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 54.52CR 063344 54.52 18790 FUELI.Wq I-NP47511141 5/23/16-5/29/16 R 6/01/2016 1,659.67CR 063345 1,659.67 1 GUIDING HANDS I-201605316159 CC REFUND R 6/01/2016 100.000R 0633466 100.00 07750 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES I-11797 5PK 8 IN SZL BLD 18TPI-11 R 6/01/2016 213.97CR 063347 213.97 19830 ILIFF, JOSEPH I-200004078 TEXAS FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AS R 6/01/2016 20.000R 063348 20.00 iF JUSTIN'S FARM G RANCH SERVICES j I-R58121 MOPIING R58121 R 6/01/2016 200.000R 063349 I I-R60133 MOWING R60133 LARKING CONLEY R 6/01/2016 200.000R 063349 400.00 05400 LEGALSHIELD I-PPLPY5.13.16 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 6/01/2016 39.85CR 063350 I-PPLPY5.27.16 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 6/01/2016 39.85CR 063350 79.70 C 25060 LEMONS PUBLICATIONS INC j I-5153 SANGER NENS R 6/01/2016 450.50CR 063351 450.50 6/01/2016 3:46 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 08151 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK ;'OR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NOH AMOUNT 29780 MARKY'S DRY CLEANERS I-DC2324 RABBIT & SANTA DRY CLEANING R 6/01/2016 50.50CR 063352 50.50 19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS C-455924 SYN SW30 55 GAL R 6/01/2016 849.00 063353 I-455925 SYN SW30 55GAL R 6/01/2016 750.000R 063353 I-457777 NYN SW30 55GAL R 6/01/2016 629.000R 063353 530.00 08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-34787050 NORTHERN TOOL R 6/01/2016 29.90CR 063354 29.90 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-284467 CREDIT R 6/01/2016 65.32 063355 I-1959-283648 BATTERY R 6/01/2016 6.32CR 309.85CR 063355 I-1959-284454 MISC. SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 0.66CR 32.25CR 063355 I-1959-284528 MISC. SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 1.60CR 78.35CR 063355 I-1959-284681 OIL FILTER & COOLANT R 6/01/2016 0.90CR 43.97CR 063355 I-1959-284682 OIL FILTER 53-58 R 6/01/2016 0.08CR 3.91CR 063355 I-1959-284693 BLUE DEF FOR NEW BUCKET R 6/01/2016 0.60CR 29.38CR 063355 I-1959-284694 OIL FILTER 56-58 R 6/01/2016 0.12CR 5.63CR 063355 I-1959-284696 LICENSE LAMP R 6/01/2016 1.31CR 64.01CR 063355 I-1959-284923 TIP CLEANER, LIGHTER, FLINTS R 6/01/2016 0.28CR 13.89CR 063355 I-1959-284978 FULE FILTER FOR NEW GENERATOR R 6/01/2016 0.15CR 7.50CR 063355 I-1959-285079 OIL FILTER R 6/01/2016 0.20CR 9.82CR 063355 l I-1959-285158 14INI BULB R 6/01/2016 0.20CR 9.97CR 063355 543.21 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-839226093001 TRASH BAGS R 6/01/2016 65.99CR 063356 E I-839230501001 CLEANER, PAPER, TISSUES, NOTE R 6/01/2016 85.43CR 063356 151.42 12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-07849 CARBURETOR R 6/01/2016 47.48CR 063357 47.48 17270 PROFESSIONAL TURF PRODUCTS I-1336695-00 BELT R 6/01/2016 121.98CR 063358 121.98 29410 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING I-338773 CITY HALL WATER DELIVERY R 6/01/2016 12.90CR 063359 12.90 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-A89945 MISC. SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 38.80CR 063360 I-A90038 MISC. SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 84.54CR 063360 I-B39417 FASTENERS & WIRE R 6/01/2016 14.49CR 063360 . I-B39617 RED LINE & LOCK CAM R 6/01/2016 43.96CR 063360 I-B39895 BULB R 6/01/2016 4.99CR 063360 I-B40141 MISC. SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 79.29CR 063360 I-B40760 MISC SUPPLIES R 6/01/2016 19.99CR 063360 2866.06 6/01/2016 3:46 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 08151 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK :OR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 26340 STOLZ TELECOM I-1088 REMOVAL OF 2 EFJ RADIOS, R 6/01/2016 195.000R 063361 195.00 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1469204-00 AL VISE CONNECTOR R 6/01/2016 670.50CR 063362 670.50 30250 TEXAS A14ATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION I-27953 2016 MEMBER CITY DUES R 6/01/2016 200.000R 063363 200.00 28650 TXTAG I-3/24/16-3/25/16 TOLLS R 6/01/2016 22.34CR 063364 22.34 26300 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA C-05/4/16-6/4/16 UNU14 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF R 6/01/2016 0.02 063365 I-UATPY4.1.16 UNUM INSURANCE R 6/01/2016 286.55CR 063365 I-UATPY4.15.16 UNUM INSURANCE R 6/01/2016 286.55CR 063365 573.08 23760 VAULTLOGIX I-2650864 INTERNET VAULT -APR R 6/01/2016 1,117.80CR 063366 1,117.80 24670 WILLIAMS, MICHELLE I-143014 PARKING AT CADAVAR LAB R 6/01/2016 3.000R 0663367 I-8831V CADAV.AR LAB R 6/01/2016 50.000R 063367 53.00 21610 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, INC I-E1468612 BULLARD AND ACCESSORIES R 6/01/2016 602.92CR 063368 I-E1468612.001 BULLARD AND ACCESSORIES R 6/01/2016 323.39CR 063368 I-E1471350 BULLARD AND ACCESORIES R 6/01/2016 949.94CR 063368 I-E1471350.001 BULLARD AND ACCESORIES R 6/01/2016 30.39CR 063368 1,906.64 i * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 42 12.42 32,218.79 32,231.21 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 1 0.00 32,050.64 32,050.64 ! VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 43 12.42 64,269.43 64,281.85 I TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 6/08/2016 2:11 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08174 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK i�R NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 21740 ACQUIRE CCTV I-CO144UNITY CENTER CA14ERAS R 6/08/2016 I -NEW BALL FIELD CA14ERAS R 6/08/2016 28710 AFFORD -IT TIRES I-8411 GOLD CROWN R 6/08/2016 25070 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-2682 MAY SHELTER SERVICES R 6/08/2016 22620 ARP14ARK UNIFOR14 SERVICE I-1156282154 FLEET UNIFORMS R 6/08/2016 I-1156282155 STREETS UNIFORMS R 6/08/2016 I-1156282156 DEVELOP14ENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 6/OB/2016 I-1156282157 WATER UNIFORMS R 6/08/2016 I-1156282158 PARKS UNIFORMS R 6/08/2016 01550 ATMOS I-5/2/16-6/l/16 5/2/16-6/l/16 R 6/08/2016 30270 CIMA GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. I-1 RENOVATION PRESBY CRCH R 6/08/2016 17950 CLAYTON, ZAC I-50001062666 REI14BURSE FOR ON CALL GO PHONE R 6/08/2016 00050 CONLEY SAND 6 GRAVEL I-10841 TRUCK LOAD FLEX R 6/08/2016 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-05/16/16-6/14/16 5/16/16-6/14/16 R 6/OB/2016 FALLS FA14ILY PARTNERS LTD I-84530 EASE14ENT PURCHASE R 6/08/2016 23010 FIVE STAR SUPPLY CO INC. I-7569 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 6/OB/2016 I-7570 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 6/08/2016 18790 FUEL14AN I-NP47625634 5/30/16-6/5/16 R 6/08/2016 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT P24OUNT NO# AMOUNT 2,091.00OR 063394 331.00CR 063394 2,422.00 80.00OR 063395 80.00 3,400.00CR 063396 3,400.00 31.17CR 063397 30.28CR 063397 8.46CR 063397 64.12CR 063397 28.84CR 063397 162.87 387.B5CR 06339E 387.85 60,092.73CR 063399 60,092.73 16.24CR 063400 16.24 550.00OR 063401 550.00 2,576.39CR 063402 2,576.39 1,280.00CR 063403 1,280.00 61.87CR 063404 475.44CR 063404 537.31 1,842.99CR 063405 1,842.99 6/08/2016 2:11 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 08174 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK ''.JR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A14OUNT NON AMOUNT 07350 GENTLE'S OIL AND TIRE I-52016 FIX FLAT ON PATROL UNIT 05 R 6/08/2016 10.000R 063406 10.00 21220 IRBY TOOL & SAFETY I-SO09584162.001 RUBBER GLOVES AND TESTING R 6/08/2016 635.000R 063407 635.00 28640 JUSTIN'S FAR14 & RANCH SERVICES I-R60183 PROPERTY MOWING 209 RAILROAD R 6/08/2016 200.000R 063408 200.00 27020 KAZ SURVEYING I-29396 JONES STREET R 6/08/2016 1,475.000R 063409 1,475.00 29030 MCCREARY, VESELKA, BRAGG & ALLEN, PC I-125990 APRIL WARRANT COLLECTION R 6/08/2016 205.20CR 063410 205.20 1 MICHAEL OR KRISTEN GRACE I-201602016001 CC RE R 6/08/2016 95.000R 063411 95.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959-286118 RETURN OF AC CONDENSER/HYDROBO R 6/08/2016 201.20 063412 I-1959-284444 FUEL FILTER R 6/08/2016 0.31CR 15.15CR 063412 I-1959-286019 AC CONDENSER R 6/08/2016 3.56CR 174.63CR 063412 I-1959-286231 LIC PLT LENS R 6/08/2016 0.65CR 31.90CR 063412 I-1959-286631 TUCK WASH R 6/08/2016 2.30CR 112.65CR 063412 I-1959-28781E BATTERY/FEE FOR GENERATOR R 6/08/2016 2.65CR 129.67CR 063412 262.80 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-840580243001 TAPE, PAPER CLIPS, BATHROOM TI R 6/OB/2016 151.42CR 063413 151.42 25830 PACHECO KOCH, LLC I-35555 WW E PH II BNSF TO 135X R 6/08/2016 255.60CR 063414 I-35556 WW E PH II BNSF TO 135X R 6/08/2016 247.40CR 063414 503.00 u:, iO PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF TX, INC I-1202438526 SLUDGE R 6/OB/2016 406.19CR 063415 406.19 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. j I-345866 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 6/08/2016 56.93CR 063416 56.93 i 25570 REMCOR I-16-0777 100 GALLON CUST014 SKID SP R 6/08/2016 3,574.61CR 063417 3,574.61 e 6/08/2016 2:11 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08174 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK uR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 25020 SANGER HARDWARE I-A90304 QUICKRETE R 6/08/2016 I-A90305 14ASKING TAPE R 6/08/2016 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING I-000000032562 ERCOT TRANSMISSION R 6/08/2016 29390 SYMBOL ARTS, LLC I-0258805-IN RETIRE14ENT BADGE SRGT MIKE RIL R 6/08/2016 30290 THE JOE R. FALLS AND PATTY J FALLS REV LIVING TRST i I-201606066163 EASEMENT- PURCHASE R 6/08/2016 i 0267D TML - INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK POOL I-06/01/16 DAI4AGE REIIIBURSE14ENT R 6/08/2016 25150 WELLSPRING HU14AN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC I-1236 CONSULTING SERVICES R 6/08/2016 I 03680 WHIT14IRE LINE CLEARANCE, INC I-SN16-10009 TREE TRIMMING R 6/08/2016 i I-SN16-10010 TREE TRIMMING R 6/08/2016 I TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T 0 T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT A14OUNT NO#k AMOUNT 14.97CR 063418 5.99CR 063418 20.96 1,213.75CR 063419 1,213.75 95.000R 063420 95.00 9,353.000R 063421 9,353.00 1,801.29CR 063422 1,801.29 2,000.00CR 063423 2,000.00 3,040.000R 063424 3,040.000R 063424 6,080.00 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 31 9.47 101,487.53 101,497.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 31 9.47 101,487.53 101,497.00 6/15/2016 3:16 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08186 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT PAGE: 1 CHECI< CHECK CHECK F OR NA14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT P14OUNT NO# 11690 PITNEY BOWES - RESERVE ACCOUNT I-202160609-1914 POSTAGE 14ACHINE REFILL D 6/15/2016 300.000R 000000 22620 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE I-1156293502 FLEET UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 31.17CR 063436 I-1156293503 STREETS UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 39.84CR 063436 I-1156293504 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 8.46CR 063436 I-1156293505 WATER UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 64.12CR 063436 I-1156293506 PARKS UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 28.84CR 063436 I-1156304516 FLEET UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 31.17CR 063436 I-1156304517 STREETS UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 34.66CR 063436 I-1156304518 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 8.46CR 063436 I-1156304519 WATER UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 64.12CR 063436 1-1156304520 PARKS UNIFORMS R 6/15/2016 28.84CR 063436 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-82158736 EMS 14EDICAL SUPPLIES R 6/15/2016 188.75CR 063437 22300 CARD SERVICE CENTER I-00000020 14AC TOOLS R 6/15/2016 224.99CR 063438 I-000101254742 FULTON'S/TRAILER MATERIALS R 6/15/2016 69.55CR 063438 I-002453440 TARRANT COUNT COLLEGE R 6/15/2016 670.000R 063438 I-00493G QUICKTRIP: TYLER CONNECT R 6/15/2016 7.27CR 063438 I-0105OG AT&T/PHONE CHARGER #14-58 R 6/15/2016 24.000R 063438 I-01108G SAM'S-EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON R 6/15/2016 204.01CR 063438 I-01225G SUPER SAVE -EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON R 6/15/2016 39.74CR 063438 I-01772G 2 CANISTERS OF COFFEE/2 BAGS S R 6/15/2016 23.63CR 063438 I-02466G TRAIL DUST R 6/15/2016 19.41CR 063438 I-06132342406084517 VEHICLE REGISTRATION R 6/15/2016 15.25CR 063438 I-084709 PARKING SPOT: TYLER CONNECT R 6/15/2016 63.32CR 063438 I-100137970690 TEXAS DMV R 6/15/2016 8.50CR 063438 I-100138324340 TEXAS DMV R 6/15/2016 8.50CR 063438 I-103-919293-9813046 A14AZON ORDER R 6/15/2016 105.95CR 063438 j I-10379362088257848 DELL TONER CARTRIDGE R 6/15/2016 35.95CR 063438 I-10805589 TEDC-REGISTRATION FOR BRICE R 6/15/2016 175.000R 063438 j I-125105 TITLE APPLICATION TRUCK #53-58 R 6/15/2016 7.50CR 063438 I-1372-1672 TRAININGDIVISION.COM R 6/15/2016 250.000R 063438 j I-151974TX7IQI KNOX C014PANY R 6/15/2016 342.000R 063438 I-1989840 CUSTOMIZED BAGS SUMMER READING R 6/15/2016 135.000R 063438 I-214385 WATER SAFETY CLASS R 6/15/2016 265.000R 063438 j I-2312743 H014E DEPOT R 6/15/2016 161.89CR 063438 j I-25858 DENTON TRAVEL CENTER R 6/15/2016 10.50CR 063438 I-26283 DENTON TRAVEL CENTER/WEIGHT SC R 6/15/2016 10.50CR 063438 I-3 TEAR DROP FENDER R 6/15/2016 170.000R 063438 I-305/NK1S DOUBLETREE HOTEL: TYLER CONNEC R 6/15/2016 470.79CR 063438 I-324240 ZI1R4ERER KUBOTA/CHAIN SAWS R 6/15/2016 699.98CR 063438 ( I-324244 ZIh44ERER KUBOTA/ CHAIN SAW CHA R 6/15/2016 43.98CR 063438 I-50001025477 DOLLAR GENERAL -EMPLOYEE LUNCHE R 6/15/2016 30.31CR 063438 I-5026 JYRO SIGNS R 6/15/2016 345.000R 063438 I-73 OVERNIGHT POSTAGE R 6/15/2016 27.95CR 063438 I-7552699 DYN (INTERNET SOFTWARE) R 6/15/2016 72.000R 063438 I-92914037 LOWE'S R 6/15/2016 101.54CR 063438 CHECK AMOUNT 300.00 339.68 188.75 6/15/2016 3:16 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08186 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK .uOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE I-B28452/6 D&L FAR14 & HOME/TEMPO R 6/15/2016 I-GC166769 ALAt4O: TYLER CONNECT R 6/15/2016 I-U486984575 HOME DEPOT R 6/15/2016 +VOID* VOID CHECK V 6/15/2016 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 6/15/2016 *VOID* VOID CHECK V 6/15/2016 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-CM2016571 ICE 14ACHINE RENTAL NNE R 6/15/2016 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-DPI601532 MAY LATE BILLS & JUNE BILLS R 6/15/2016 22740 DENTON COUNTY AUDITOR I-6/1/16-6/30/16 FY 15 DISPATCH R 6/15/2016 08190 DISPLAY SALES I-006760 40" ADUJSTABLE BAND R 6/15/2016 17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGED SALES I-1000522645 SUPPLIES R 6/15/2016 19020 EAGLE & WHEELER I-73778 C0124ERCIAL POSTAGE R 6/15/2016 28070 EPP, CINDY I I -MAY 2016 YOGA INSTRUCTION R 6/15/2016 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0790527 MISC PARTS R 6/15/2016 18790 FUEL14AN I-NP47671022 6/6/16-6/12/16 R 6/15/2016 I 01070 GALLS INC. t I-005439162 5.1 STRYKE UNIFOR14 PANTS TR909 R 6/15/2016 € 08900 GOLDEN TRI.ANGLE FIRE I-1605184 FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTION R 6/15/2016 PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 127.98CR 063438 100.27CR 063438 85.71CR 063438 5,152.97 063439 **VOID** 063440 **VOID** 063441 **VOID** 354.00OR 063442 354.00 3,968.84CR 063443 3,968.84 3,893.00OR 063444 3,893.00 102.50CR 063445 102.50 149.65CR 063446 149.65 695.66CR 063447 695.66 360.00OR 063448 360.00 451.74CR 063449 451.74 2,043.85CR 063450 2,043.85 140.48CR 063451 140.48 370.00OR 063452 370.00 6/15/2016 3:16 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08186 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK OR NP14E / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 29620 GOODYEAR COMMERCIAL TIRE I-233-1016915 2 TIRES GY 235/50R18 R 6/15/2016 I-233-1016936 2 TIRES GY 235/50R18 R 6/15/2016 I-233-1017016 4 TIRES GY 265/60R17 R 6/15/2016 08760 GT DISTRIBUTORS INC I-INVO575496 2 ELB-UVS102 SS NAVY UNIFORM S R 6/15/2016 28580 HRM LAND ACQUISTION SOLUTIONS, LLC I-1079 MISC R 6/15/2016 19480 HUTHER & ASSOCIATES, INC I-4005 TESTING R 6/15/2016 08210 KWIK KAR 1-50099 STATE INSPECTION FOR ACO UNIT R 6/15/2016 j 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-835904809001 CHAIRS R 6/15/2016 [ I-841674122001 PENS R 6/15/2016 I-84170984001 CORD R 6/15/2016 I-841930536001 PAPER, COFFEMATE, PENS, ETC R 6/15/2016 I-841939646001 FILE FOLDERS/STAPLES/PRINTER I R 6/15/2016 1 29830 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. i I-3451 CONSTRUCTION PHASE R 6/15/2016 I-3456 NITRICATION ACTION PLAN R 6/15/2016 24810 RLC CONTROLS, INC 1-5933 WELL 46 SCADA PACK R 6/15/2016 SAMANTHA SPRINGS BOTTLING f i I-338759 WATER R 6/15/2016 6 02450 SOLOMON, CORP. C I-278527 RECONDITIONAL TRANSFORtdER R 6/15/2016 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST E I-16-07707 MAY I4ESSAGE FEES R 6/15/2016 02680 TEXAS POLICE CHIEFS ASSOC I -RENEWAL ASSOCIATION RENEWAL (770) R 6/15/2016 PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT P14OUNT N04 AMOUNT 280.77CR 063453 281.02CR 063453 525.06CR 063453 1,086.85 85.60CR 063454 85.60 2,260.24CR 063455 2,2660.24 880.000R 063456 880.00 25.50CR 063457 25.50 329.97CR 063458 11.49CR 063458 6.01CR 063458 52.74CR 063458 67.69CR 063458 467.90 4,565.000R 063459 2,817.60CR 063459 7,382.60 2,550.000R 063460 2,550.00 20.90CR 063461 20.90 1,345.000R 063462 1,345.00 97.85CR 063463 97.85 200.000R 063464 200.00 6/15/2016 3:16 P14 A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 08186 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT .ilOR NAME / I.D. DESC 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-156238 NNE COURT WEB SUPPORT I-025-157464 NNE MAINTENANCE TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T 0 T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT A140UNT N04 R 6/15/2016 125.000R 063465 R 6/15/2016 110.000R 063465 N04 DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 27 0.00 34,848.56 34,848.566 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 300.00 300.00 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 31 0.00 35,148.56 35,148.56 PAGE: 4 CHECK AMOUNT 235.00 6-15-2016 2:34 I'M PACKET: 08185 EFT Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM N04 DESCRIPTION ----------------------------- 99-24050 AEP ENERGY PARTNERS, INC I 175-20997211 h1AY 2016 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY I W271606 MAY 2016 A/P PAY14ENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POOL 6/15/2016 E 6/20/2016 394,943.79 394,943.79CR 999999 394,943.79 EFT 1 394,943.79 394,943.79CR 0.00 394,943.79 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POOL 6/15/2016 E 6/28/2016 19,624.43 19,624.43CR 999999 19,624.43 EFT 1 19,624.43 19,624.43CR 0.00 19,624.43 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal El Yes El Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: June 20, 2016 Joseph Iliff City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials A4A Date 1 _ 15 - 1'el ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ® OTHER Appointment to Board or Commission AGENDA CAPTION Consider appointments and reappointments to the Planning & Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Parks Board FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The following appointments and reappointments will fill the available places on the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Both boards will have the same membership, and be able to convene as either body as necessary. • Justin Allen, Planning & Zoning Commission Place 2 (reappointment for third term) • Sandra Hensley, Planning & Zoning Commission Place 4 (reappointment for third term) • Sheri McCandless, Planning & Zoning Commission Place 6 (reappointment for third term) • Justin Allen, Zoning Board of Adjustment Place 2 (reappointment for third term) • Sandra Hensley, Zoning Board of Adjustment Place 4 (reappointment for second term) • Sheri McCandless, Zoning Board of Adjustment Place 6 (reappointment for third term) • James Fox, Zoning Board of Adjustment Place 1 (appointment for first term) • Eddie Piercy, Zoning Board of Adjustment Place 7 (appointment for first term, now alternate) • Jason Collett, Zoning Board of Adjustment Alternate (first appointment as alternate) Also an appointment to the Parks Board. • James Fox, Parks Board Place 2 (appointment for first term) STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the proposed appointments. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: None SQ�7�'TEXAS BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: James L. Fox DATE: May 31, 2016 ADDRESS: 5009 Lakepark Street, Sanger, Texas 76266 HOME PHONE: EMAIL: OCCUPATION: (If retired, describe former occupation or profession) Environmental Specialist at KJ Environmental Management, Inc. PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE, 2 FOR SECOND PREFERENCE, ETC.. LEAVE BLANK ANY BOARD/COMMISSION YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD X PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 4A BOARD 4B BOARD OTHER LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): I have experience in: Spill Remediation / Clearance Sampling Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans I have a degree in Forestry Spill Prevention Plans Writing Corrective Action Reports for TCEQ Asbestos Project Management I grew up in Sanger and am very familiar with the area Experience in analyzing laboratory reports Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? Yes ❑ No Signature: Date: May 31, 2016 R 6AN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger PO Box 1729 - 502 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 This information will become a public record. ORDINANCE #06-13-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, CHAPTER 12, TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, ARTICLE 12.500, SECTION 12.505 SPECIAL SPEED ZONES, IN THE CITY OF SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 12, Article 12.500 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended by amending Section 12.505 to read as follows: ARTICLE 12.500 SPEED LIMITS Section 12.505 Special Speed Zones (24) Heritage West Subdivision. (A) North Tejas Drive, 25 miles per hour. (B) Santa Fe Trail, 25 miles per hour. (C) Goodnight Trail, 25 miles per hour. (D) Wichita Trail, 25 miles per hour. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionally shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, form or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the day of June 2016. APPROVED: Thomas Muir, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Taber, City Secretary 0 PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Project No SAN 16-002 This AGREEMENT is entered on the date of execution by and between PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., (ENGINEER), and The City of Sanger, Texas (CLIENT). CLIENT INFORMATION Client: City of Sanger, Texas P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 (940) 458-7930 Attention: Mike Brice SCOPE: Provide Professional Services to update the Water and Wastewater System Capital Improvement Plan prepared in 2010. 1 Review WaterMastewater System Improvements from 2010 to Present 2 Prepare New Water and Wastewater System Maps (Exist and Proposed — use same year projections as the 2010 Report) 3 Develop Recommended Impact Fee Structure for City Consideration 4 Perform QA/QC on report preparation 5 Perform a hydraulic analysis of the existing water system COMPENSATION: Compensation will be on a lump sum basis, with total compensation not to exceed the following lump sum amounts without $32,800 without prior written approval (for each task individually) from CLIENT. Billing will be on a monthly basis based on the percentage of work completed. • Review Water and Wastewater System Improvements: $ 3,000 • Prepare New Water and Wastewater System Maps: $ 4,200 • Develop Recommended Fee Structure: $10,740 • Perform QA/QC review: $ 2,100 • Perform Water System Hydraulic Analysis: $12,760 OTHER TERMS: Client will be responsible for the following: 1. Arranging for ENGINEER's access to required water/wastewater system data and information 2. Providing available data on water/wastewater system improvements constructed since 2010 The following conditions may result in work that may require additional compensation beyond the amount described above: • Performing an hydraulic analysis of the wastewater collection system and or wastewater treatment plant • Performing projections outside the scope of work • Significant changes to the project scope outside the control of the Engineer • Services in connection with Work Change Directives and Change Orders to reflect changes requested by Owner so as to make the compensation commensurate with the extent of the Additional Services rendered • Services resulting from significant delays, changes, or price increases occurring as a direct or indirect result of materials, equipment, or energy shortages • Meetings with and/or presentations to Council. Two meetings with City staff are included in the scope of services. • Other services performed or furnished by Engineer not otherwise provided for in this Agreement Services covered by this AGREEMENT will be performed in accordance with the PROVISIONS attached to this form and any other attachments or schedules. This AGREEMENT supersedes all prior AGREEMENTS and understandings and may only be changed by written amendment executed by both parties. Page 1 of 3 Approval for CLIENT Accepted for Perkins Engineering Consultants, Inc. By By Mark A. Perkins P.E. President Date Date June 7 2016 PROVISIONS 1.Authorization to Proceed Execution of this AGREEMENT by the CLIENT will be authorization for PERKINS ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. ("ENGINEER") to proceed with the work, unless otherwise provided for in this AGREEMENT. 2. Per Diem Rates ENGINEER's Per Diem Rates, when the basis of compensation, are those hourly or daily rates charged for work performed on CLIENT's Project by ENGINEER's employees of the indicated classifications. These rates are subject to annual calendar year adjustments and include all allowances for salary, overheads, and fee, but do not include allowances for Direct Expenses. (This provision is not applicable for assignments for which compensation is on a lump -sum basis) 3. Direct Expenses ENGINEER's Direct Expenses, when part of the basis of compensation, are those costs incurred on or directly for the CLIENT's Project, including, but not limited to, necessary transportation costs, including ENGINEER's current rates for ENGINEER's vehicles; meals and lodging; laboratory tests and analyses; computer services; word processing services, telephone, printing, binding, and reproduction charges; all costs associated with outside consultants, subconsultants, subcontractors, and other outside services and facilities; and other similar costs. Reimbursement for Direct Expenses will be on the basis of actual charges when furnished by commercial sources and on the basis of current rates when furnished by ENGINEER. 4. Cost Opinions Any cost opinions or Project economic evaluations provided by ENGINEER will be on a basis of experience and judgment; but, since it has no control over market conditions or bidding procedures, ENGINEER cannot warrant that bids, ultimate construction cost, or Project economics will not vary from these opinions. 5. Termination This AGREEMENT may be terminated for convenience on 30 days' written notice by either party with or without cause. On termination, ENGINEER will be paid for all work performed up to the termination date plus termination expenses, such as, but not limited to, reassignment of personnel, subcontract termination costs, and related closeout costs. If no notice of termination is given, relationships and obligations created by this AGREEMENT, except Articles 7 through 14, will be terminated upon completion of all applicable requirements of this AGREEMENT. 6. Payment to ENGINEER Monthly invoices will be issued by ENGINEER for all work performed under this AGREEMENT. Invoices are due and payable on receipt. Interest at the rate of 1-1/2 percent per month, or that permitted by law if lesser, will be charged on all past -due amounts starting 30 days after date of invoice. Payments will first be credited to interest and then to principal. In the event of a disputed or contested billing, only that portion so contested will be withheld from payment, and the undisputed portion will be paid. The CLIENT will exercise reasonableness in contesting any bill or portion thereof. No interest will accrue on any contested portion of the billing until mutually resolved. 7. Independent Consultant ENGINEER agrees to perform all services as an independent consultant and not as a subcontractor, agent or employee of the CLIENT. 8. Litigation Assistance Unless specifically set forth in the Scope of Services, the Scope of Services does not include costs of the ENGINEER for required or requested assistance to support, prepare, document, bring, defend, or assist in litigation, public hearings, enforcement action, or other administrative proceedings taken or defended by the CLIENT. All such services required or requested of the ENGINEER by the CLIENT, except for suits or claims between the parties to this AGREEMENT, will be reimbursed as may be mutually agreed, unless and until there is a finding by a court or arbitrator that ENGINEER's sole negligence caused CLIENT's damage. Page 2 of 3 9. Venue In the event that any legal proceeding is brought to enforce this AGREEMENT or any provision hereof, the same shall be brought in Denton County, Texas and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 10. Severability and Survival If any of the provisions contained in this AGREEMENT are held illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be impaired thereby. Limitations of liability and indemnities shall survive termination of this AGREEMENT for any cause. 11. Interpretation The limitations of liability and indemnities will apply whether ENGINEER's liability arises under breach of contract or warranty; tort, including negligence; strict liability; statutory liability; or any other cause of action, except for willful misconduct or gross negligence for limitations of liability and sole negligence for indemnification, and shall apply to ENGINEER's officers, affiliated corporation, employees and subcontractors. The law of the state of Texas shall govern the validity of this AGREEMENT, its interpretation and performance, and any other claims related to it. 12. No Third Party Beneficiaries This AGREEMENT gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than the CLIENT and ENGINEER and has no third party beneficiaries. The CLIENT will include a provision in each agreement which CLIENT enters into with any other entity or person that such entity or person shall have no third -party beneficiary rights under this Agreement. ENGINEER's services are defined solely by this AGREEMENT, and not by any other contract or AGREEMENT that may be associated with the Project. 15. Liability a. ENGINEER's services shall be governed by the negligence standard for professional services, measured as of the time those services are performed. b. The CLIENT's review, approval, or acceptance of, or payment for, any of these services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this AGREEMENT or of any cause of action arising out of the performances of this AGREEMENT, and the ENGINEER shall be and remain liable in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the CLIENT caused by ENGINEER's omissions or negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this AGREEMENT. c. To the maximum extent permitted by law, ENGINEER's liability for CLIENT damages for any cause or combination of causes will, in the aggregate, not exceed the limits of the ENGINEER's total compensation under this contract. d. As used herein, ENGINEER includes the corporation, subcontractors, and any of its or their officers, or employees. 16. Assignment Neither Party will assign all or any part of this Agreement without prior written consent to the other party. Page 3 of 3 ITEMS <D CA aA 0 O 00 -a _0 C) C) 0 0 C) C: LL- LL- C: M C) U) (3.) 0 00 OD Lo 0 (.0 CO cr) C:) (14 C5 Cl) Z3 < a) 0) a) Z3 ch O 0 =3 Lo C LL 0 Z5 ID E E 0 a) a) U) >N a) > a) U) w (D 0 (D 0 x LL- W 0 u LL- < 4- 0 Qi rL is O 0 0 -.1 -0 —0 0 0 0 0 0 LO LO C14 04 T 03 63 0-) LO C) LO LO LO Co ",I- LO — Cl) CN LO Sn) �i; "Lo �0- Cc,-)) I-- �2 �2 1111031 01'0- r--:� co Co -7, --� G! Co :zt :::i m U-) CD co co C�) CIII LO M LrD (1) �o CD I-- CO CO CO LO I,- C14 co c"I co "I - (n m co m r— " "t C14 CO — CO CD CD r— cl! C3, Cy3 C'� — , zt cr� �M M C\l C'-A LO M CO ; 0 00 " CD M Co— CO " -cn CD J- cn co co cli m O a - Ld 61), Co 60. U) 9-- (1) U) 0CI CIL X WU) (n 0 (D (D a) -C6 cn a) a) r-- .6 .0 (D 2' U) E (D G) a) CO od U) C)- x IL2 U) U) U) W (D 0 a) CL CL =3 M 0 �r- U) U) :�H 0 :::) Lu uj 0 0 0 L-- o F- F- Eq W tY 0 N z LLI Xd X UJ -at 2 ix w = N m O U Q � Y � } CO p O r` w m p J w CN ( > QUJ z N _ N w gg w O fpfp4(( LU Qt F— z w U � o = o a w' a X a°i X a N N a` )) O F— F— W U a) U O c Co a > m LL C O o6 03 j W Q j m 0 Q W k W 0 75 O O U Qo } m % � O �Er• F• w no W J g y CL O i W LO �r Lo JLL O j Lo °o w j W V. i Z w w a O O U O N O N In � O U U c <6 E _L UJ CU ._ E c Q c H3 O (n -�p Q Q ot5 E w a� m U a � 0 M Q > w p, Q d' Cfl M r• C`7 O M O Co 00 Lo 0-)O Co r- CD m 0) V Co m N O r• CD CO N N O co �' N r• w 00 LO N O LO CD N LO Co CD Co O O O <t' CM O r tf) r- "t 00 w �' N Lo 00 �' 00 Cl) cv) w r OC0) C" M (fl O Co 00 Co O r- C) CO N r- 00 00 N O O O O. CDr 0) m 00 6) 00 z ~ LP W M (T v O M O w z O r- r• 00 M M M N CT M M L!) LO CV N z N M N _ r CO <t r N N r N t1') = M C+J cv r r w W m W z 0 O W ca CD O O Lo 0 0 0 0 0 «7 0 0 O CD Lo CDO CD M O 6) O M 0 0 0 C) CO M Lo LO O V' O r- Lo Cl) Co O M O Co co ()) O CT O O H O O r 0 r• O rp O V F- co r• LO r- Nt O r_ N O co 0) LL) O LC) (n co N w (:::C5 L(5 LO C5 C5 C5 N p w Cfl OO Ch O C''M Ln N O N cr O CIO Lr r• p C.7 F co 0-)C-)CV <}' 00 00 N O U' Lo V' -tA V' N Co r- r O N N N Lo Lo N r• O) O LO d' M LO r O p 0') r- 00 r• r LO CO "r Cfl O r- cV LO 00 ER r r LO m r r ua J N m 0) r O r• Co J O O co N Y' O 00 V' 0) Co M V i' r- O) Co Q Co rY O Lo 00 M N N Q Co r- N Q) LC) <I' N O Co r• CD r-� N 0) 00 Lf) 00 L CD LO O Co r O LC) 00 C)) Ln r• L0 Co F- d' r. Li) CO CO CO O r• 00 d_ O �Y r f•-- r- C) N O Lo CD OO Cl) O O (T CT d' CD 00 LO Co U (T d' Lo co 00 V' N ¢ M LO ',I-rL' LO (, Lo r- r- O N r M ¢ CV 0) LO r r N 0'7 r d" r M cq �T (+') r• r Cl) F, W z = w w a W v w z O X �, o I-LLJ w o cn w O U ¢ > 4L ¢ F� c j U � m m w w —° w z n La n C) = m N c cn a N N z w w G1 w a, a) a� a) •� w O c z W w w U 0 U U U' m > Li a F- m a) w �, > 0- c U ac'i m = Q a O ¢ O= W w z z z Lu Chi N in J ~ (n Q a a pZS � Lx � z w a) ~O W ¢ Q v E w °) a¢ j a) w .� _ m o Q w w w Q z j o m °' cn L% in ii m �- ~ ¢ a U- m <n d in � a = c F � t ¢ 0 z O z � w O F-- U Q x O 0 uj F w x 0' W E- O O F- U Li U- Q O N d) 0) co IL N W H 0 z w X W LL.I F- `6 co UJ W Z N Q LLJ M M f` 0) 00 00O O M co ti w O -�fi N d' - Lu N t- O cfl 00 "IL (O Q Z Q z LLt - 00 000 LL C� U tn W m N > CL O LLJ 0 0 0 O O O O ~ O O L() O O O LC) W W LO O N 0 0 Lo CV N M O U. N c0 d' f� cc Lc O ON cot M m -� � m ;- 04 t 0) NN Co M 0 C00, ~ N 000 CO 0 N O Q00 t-- m s- ti Q M Ln � fA AQ itc a Q o m 0 U- N LLJ W V` F- m 0 O w~ X = — - - o L LU t— z Q W LL O w w N (D r o LO o = Z Cl)N W W U Z � W W n. M O C p U 0) U is m Z n U) W Cn E m 15 a> _ Q 0 o\° h .UL Z W O CLLA7 j W W L W co c0 L(j d' N M o0 O O M d' n rt' cO CO LLJL(i M a) 00 m d t ti t� t- O co v CD O co co O O ch (O rY CM ti 6) I-- <7' 00 N �- 0) r- O LC) LO LO Cl) M z W CC M V LC) N co (O M M N N C� N (A � v c M LC) W m O � ti N L() Cl) U") cV 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 O r- N rt' r- LO O co r--toO co N 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CD 00 O O 00 co � M O O LO L11 LLJ o (O Lfj LO ti r-- O U') (D O LO co CD CV N M r- c3i 0) LO N Ln CO M r-N 00 O c- CO m Cq -L O O M CO O O t� cfl M O �' O M V' CV N 00 M M r- O 00 00 co M co O d; "l N O M O (C M V d' N O M cc N O t- 0)V' CA Lf) l- N (ac0O Ur- O O M M M 6) V N d' 0 ti ai Q M LO Cl) V' } Efi N LV LLJ t� Lij "� LJ W O Q Z W N X W W N = L�L1 w � W �+ a. U > L, U w � = = c T 00 w Q z LLI z ONw wL`- Q p O wULJ z m U O p °� w j m F=- N m H ((i Z LL. U) � = Z Ll N c W 0 a) z w U aa)i Q cn p Z U` d' _S O CD L�J = LL U Z U Z oo is ca Z Z J J cn W c '.�-. in C c W Q' J j t- 3 X LLJ LLJ w 1- L.L .�-. 'a? 4? O w Q W z ¢ CO Q �.! cc j w iv m a��i NIS ¢ Lzil c"�a c"a a�i ¢ m m m m 0 U X¢��wo ~o w = L=La��uj QY F Q W H 0Y 0 1— U W LL Q J f— F- Z W J W z Lt! 0 N M Cl) co m O CO N LO CO 00 co M N N Cl) m m m ti eo co r- m� 00m N m N rn ti ti cm r` L O rn ch o CDp 0 o M ea o mc\i o cq .0 CD O O- t` M ti� O Lo a� C OY —OmCV N N O CO a) O O _ C O a)2i N E c E E p EA tR O � N O G E O E m co co ti a) O N �' C '0 E ' O CO N N s 'O Ucli -pn O C N ti ti m w � m E �� m 'C) 00 I U m Cn O N � N O 'O O O C o N 0.a Q. O cO N G C o 'C3 N p C G Z3 F- c.i N a� E c U n m o c» f 4 c 0 o o "u a' Ca Z5 c E c a p a� � s a> > c ca cli cli O a� a� o > a� � = p c rn -U :c ' N N E U C@J CU _U .a (6 C F- (6 M M O 47 N C (6 T @ O C C ll d. O O CT "O _O N .� U C C W C CU p U m o zT cu c •- m O (Z eg,r O LO U S U W <» s c0 ti t` O l0 N f` Cl) m Cl � d ti� CD CD O O LO O M m O� 61 c+J CO rF' t17 691 co o Lo co ao com �t m CDti cc L W M N m N ti � tf� O l C+J O V' I: co rl- rn O <r t0 00 co O t t` — N O Cf) N < M H E- N Q m U U o aD 00 = o 0 Q Lo c W a c) U o M 1 O � r� U O N N O O o .- a)N U Lo U OfO C O N oc 0 o ID E E o 0 p o .0 (d co d U 'r M U a _ C3 N •- coC6 O N W Ir W., W, \1 a m to N O N O CD w tom': M t" LO O 00 Mc) <D CD M M LO r Lam': LO co GO N d' LO V 'cY 00 N M LO co O O CO O M LO (V 00 CO 4R M N 0O :L' oc . t` Lf) M O M M LO Lf� C0 d- LO O N N CO: C) N 0) cO O 00 O ('+; O`. O O 04 co r Lam': V" V' LO n (V O LO CO f 04 �— .— r. LO N C m C N L V N W LO LO GO LO 00 O.: O LO Ln'. O M V' V LO M LO O co O LO M M tom: t-- LO cr; � (0 M ti C) I:t co O N LO LO 0! CV ti <t � O ao O r- M LO M f") L LO C0 M 00 M mtr fV CO CD n M CV r: O LO O (O V' fV s- V" �' 00,. O M � d' NC0 tq N M. LO fV O t a L L a H} I_q 6F1 4f}.. UDI i ., Ef} N G Cl) E r O O CD :. lq: 'ZI' N N N o o Cl!M" O o 0 N 0 0 0 = M � L oN U � a N N co N N O 0 0 M N M O 0 0 LO O O 0 0 0 0 O O O M CD Co O d' O M O M CD 0 0 M CD CD CD CD CD CD O V O 0 0 � O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 Q O p OO M :. O O O O O O.. : LO M 'ct' N <r CD tl CD N N M <r CD .— CD O CD CD CDi O 'IT It'�f 't t CO c0 c0 CO r-- LuM N M r N Q V' o � � to O V N d M � U � � EVI z -o zs >> Z w E E Zi m m LL a Q 0 coo "U-'-• Ll W �' �' �'' iaa N m Z : 0)O V7 a N O a) C a) C a) C Q a a� c C C C a O C E - U LL CD LL U LL W W LL LL t - LU U C7 C7 C� CD C O U � it O N O a X llJ � a) 0 a LL" 'n o L< fn o a c x cGa � ai tZ >, a W N �, U m N a) 0,- O C C O "m C) Q O (6 O 00 U C U U m U 4) a U m O U N CO (O C Q Q 7FDO O (B � 1E U C C6 O N -Q O O O m m co '-t _t U U O_ LL m _t 0 LO a) N d U N CO CD O O O Il_ n ` 00 ti (V 1- . N LO M N M N' O O h O O n LO t` LO r 0 N N m M ti Ln d" M O M � t� n: O O O O 0:: O d' LA' N' d• O O' al CD a)(D CO: m O O O'. i-- O y LO LO: M M O C? LCD M �- O LO <v GO C i a) L 4 L V :fj M 61-1 691 CO O Cis O 64 M "t EfT G%y N m" CD 00 tfi 613 1- O M M rl CD ) w Ct1 M' Ot M M M O cl' " "I M 1` CO Csi M LO m d'. m (O O M O co O O 00 C ' O: O m It O) O O LO O w ct LO O LO LO co en M '.Cc LO CM O LO O d a. L (7 a` N EA is EH if} 0% Ef} is b} o � E L 0 0 0 0 N _ � CD LO OCV ON CD C O �' N : 'IT CV '. N C M �" O O O a 'o z w m U T O CO lO • N N N 1 LO :5 ^ N Cl) co M 't + M co O O O O O O O O O O O CVj O O O O : O O O Q 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0j O O O O O is CD: O CD,: is O CD O CD O O O O r: CDO W: a7 O N Ln N CD ti N V N W z z ~ •G Z ' a) a) � E LM m Cr±. Sc NO d w N N Coz W 0 W -0 �' � � � 0 a� of t c. N W W a�i a�i U V aa) c _0 � a� 0 C0 � co W 0 M '' 0 is d _S U W W W W W rn 0 CO a) rn m IL V Y ai N O M O M c0 co M M Lo O V C m m m C N U NCI in o0 cV c0 CD 6D LO 0 O 0 a `o a` o Ga z w a o w U o oN O O W m uj O O_ O 4tz O O U O O V O O Q cM c"M CDD(z)O O N o E cu Z � r M N Y cu C U O a 2 CD E m z E- m U d U m m : m co m co co r, 00 LO Cl) M7 LO 1-- W V' ti y M( N Lti' O O T-'i �--- �—: �- LO ca is m C U c» 6r� 401, M CD;rn o co o cr m ILO M LAO mil'. `. N Lq V' Lq "Cl �= c-' �= Lo N C6 O d a. `o o a z w -64 w 0 L O O O LO Q> N' N o 0 Cf N O O 0 0 0 H d Q U w NCL C H z W O co :. ice- O M N Cl) M O O= 012 O O V O O O O O V O: O O O O Q O O O O O � W OD 00 00 a) N l.t_ 0. cu W 0 M , W 00 0 75; M m N W N N E � ' Y u1 lot IO W E m W Q H en _j ; }o a P .CE3 um) a. ,co cL cu 7 t6 C �' N n- C7 N co � Cn .0 O Vim' M 't r OD:. d O r V LO CD LO v r; C cc N C U M '' � N N <t M �- to M c Ct M coLo mLo Lo ct a O .i N a 0 L CL 6a N C o 0 0 0 o E N LCl O O L() N O C) N N z GYN.1 O O O O � � t Q U = o [O N O O N M � O O O O O U V O O O O O O O O d' Z V d H Z W: > W O N CO - CD Z � L U co a- ED d N O cD 'S "D X Q Au c> O m �- -o o N m v 4 w IL U N N LO rr 00 LO M N O (fl M M It N O N O 00 r-- M N r- N M M LO CD (• M CD O d' L(J M ct M M N M M r O a0 oc O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O O Lt o06� _ N N N N N N N N N N N N N y Lo — v C m 00 C U d-} O CD O r- LCJ 'T M o0 Lo Lo co CV t` � N CD M O N d' Lf CO M LCJ M d- Ln M 'cr cl M N M <t M O O O CO O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O O O � N N N N N N N N N N N CV N LO r 6-1 N C L L 0 C 0 0 C C L L o 0 L L L � N LCJ LCi O O O O O O t17 lf] L(J L(� L() In to Zy N } O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O = W O m 'a CO Q N T L(J � LC) LC) � Ln L(� Ln In GO CD lf) t1j m CD CD CD O CDr0 CDr0 CDU = O N CD O N N N GV N cV N N N @ M C,Ln m -_ d' h 00 O O O M V' LC) CD t` M O O N M d' LCJ O N N. N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O V O O O O O O O OO O O O O C5 O O f.1 OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q N N N N N N N. N.. N N N. N E co rn O O 'd' co 1` LIj r [- O� co co m O O N V' rli N r- co M � 1\ O -C M m O N N r m co N O N O O r N N M O co co CO O m m O CD co O O Cj cc co co( co co co co ti r- ti r- 1 U 0 U O O a 0 0 0 U U O 0 = C) U U U U U C) 0 C) C) C) U U o m m m m m m m m m m m m m m rr <r -,r v <r �t � � � v- t * wZ R -o 0 �i ti o c LO W o o a) a :1 N E E o U c U O U m > a) -o C O U C a Q W a _ U) N X O C a) V) ca U G E ~ C C= O Q >, D a U a) 0 O E O C U,_ c 0) — m E al c _ ul ip > "a C � O- O C O ``� C O O Q1 > U a) C— U) y E O C O CZ U) O a) Ca U U) U) C � a) co� in (a N O C � O � 0 W O `O -� Q) a)) E O to O O a W n CD N [L p U O O L ) NN a S N TU (D a M c6 � O U)i O z Z M U 04 a) O -C N -2 -0 O a)V) W O 0 0 U . U) N O O L LO O1 a WQ N �.U--. N N '6 _p O -0 F_ Z U a) �T U CT cn O c CC N is C) Q) a (� c a) � O — � U 0 � � Y c aa)) a) m m a a) cn � -o c ca E •Q a) .� -O =o m N (a = 0 U ca E a)T a) 0 0 U o a) U E ca o U) m c c �j U m a E a) _ cu O) O Q) U cG to 0 O Q) O F— cc U) L O (� E Ca-0 E U M > E m T p n3 1] N C N > C to E Z3 -O a3 O C a)c T U 0 O ca � OU 0 a) O C •� a3 E -2 Q) U U O 2i a) 0) >' N U > O Cl)o0 >o U m 0) Y U U CD O O Y F— Cn F— .fl W a) U) J. 75 U <D CA aA 0 O 00 -a _0 C) C) 0 0 C) C: LL- LL- C: M C) U) (3.) 0 00 OD Lo 0 (.0 CO cr) C:) (14 C5 Cl) Z3 < a) 0) a) Z3 ch O 0 =3 Lo C LL 0 Z5 ID E E 0 a) a) U) >N a) > a) U) w (D 0 (D 0 x LL- W 0 u LL- < 4- 0 Qi rL is O 0 0 -.1 -0 —0 0 0 0 0 0 LO LO C14 04 T 03 63 0-) LO C) LO LO LO Co ",I- LO — Cl) CN LO Sn) �i; "Lo �0- Cc,-)) I-- �2 �2 1111031 01'0- r--:� co Co -7, --� G! Co :zt :::i m U-) CD co co C�) CIII LO M LrD (1) �o CD I-- CO CO CO LO I,- C14 co c"I co "I - (n m co m r— " "t C14 CO — CO CD CD r— cl! C3, Cy3 C'� — , zt cr� �M M C\l C'-A LO M CO ; 0 00 " CD M Co— CO " -cn CD J- cn co co cli m O a - Ld 61), Co 60. U) 9-- (1) U) 0CI CIL X WU) (n 0 (D (D a) -C6 cn a) a) r-- .6 .0 (D 2' U) E (D G) a) CO od U) C)- x IL2 U) U) U) W (D 0 a) CL CL =3 M 0 �r- U) U) :�H 0 :::) Lu uj 0 0 0 L-- o F- F- Eq W tY 0 N z LLI Xd X UJ -at 2 ix w = N m O U Q � Y � } CO p O r` w m p J w CN ( > QUJ z N _ N w gg w O fpfp4(( LU Qt F— z w U � o = o a w' a X a°i X a N N a` )) O F— F— W U a) U O c Co a > m LL C O o6 03 j W Q j m 0 Q W k W 0 75 O O U Qo } m % � O �Er• F• w no W J g y CL O i W LO �r Lo JLL O j Lo °o w j W V. i Z w w a O O U O N O N In � O U U c <6 E _L UJ CU ._ E c Q c H3 O (n -�p Q Q ot5 E w a� m U a � 0 M Q > w p, Q d' Cfl M r• C`7 O M O Co 00 Lo 0-)O Co r- CD m 0) V Co m N O r• CD CO N N O co �' N r• w 00 LO N O LO CD N LO Co CD Co O O O <t' CM O r tf) r- "t 00 w �' N Lo 00 �' 00 Cl) cv) w r OC0) C" M (fl O Co 00 Co O r- C) CO N r- 00 00 N O O O O. CDr 0) m 00 6) 00 z ~ LP W M (T v O M O w z O r- r• 00 M M M N CT M M L!) LO CV N z N M N _ r CO <t r N N r N t1') = M C+J cv r r w W m W z 0 O W ca CD O O Lo 0 0 0 0 0 «7 0 0 O CD Lo CDO CD M O 6) O M 0 0 0 C) CO M Lo LO O V' O r- Lo Cl) Co O M O Co co ()) O CT O O H O O r 0 r• O rp O V F- co r• LO r- Nt O r_ N O co 0) LL) O LC) (n co N w (:::C5 L(5 LO C5 C5 C5 N p w Cfl OO Ch O C''M Ln N O N cr O CIO Lr r• p C.7 F co 0-)C-)CV <}' 00 00 N O U' Lo V' -tA V' N Co r- r O N N N Lo Lo N r• O) O LO d' M LO r O p 0') r- 00 r• r LO CO "r Cfl O r- cV LO 00 ER r r LO m r r ua J N m 0) r O r• Co J O O co N Y' O 00 V' 0) Co M V i' r- O) Co Q Co rY O Lo 00 M N N Q Co r- N Q) LC) <I' N O Co r• CD r-� N 0) 00 Lf) 00 L CD LO O Co r O LC) 00 C)) Ln r• L0 Co F- d' r. 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