01/03/2023-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY COUNCIL /771 8d MEETING MINUTES SANGER JANUARY 03, 2023, 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu called the work session to order at 6:03 p.m. C��1�1►[���ul�uf3���7:7���►�� Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Mayor Thomas Muir Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Director of Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Parks &Recreation Superintendent Ryan Nolting, Director of Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, and Director of Public Works Jim Bolz. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Discussion of the Water and Wastewater Master Study from KSA Engineering. KSA provided a presentation and overview of the Water and Wastewater Master Study Update. Discussion ensued regarding the number of water towers, surcharges, population numbers, and capacity. City Council Minutes 01-03-2023 Page 1 of 5 OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA Director Bolz provided an overview of Item 10 on the regular agenda. There being no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu adjourned the work session at 6:53 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Gary Bilyeu Councilmember, Place 1 Marissa Barrett Councilmember, Place 4 Allen Chick Councilmember, Place 5 Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT Mayor Thomas Muir Councilmember, Place 3 Dennis Dillon STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, Assistant City Manager Alina Ciocan, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Director %J Development Services Ramie Hammonds, Parks &Recreation Superintendent Ryan Nolting, Director of Human Resources and Special Projects Jeriana Staton, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Chief of Police Waylan Rhodes, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, and Director of Public Works Jim Bolz. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Councilmember Chick gave the invocation, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the Council. City Council Minutes 01-03-2023 Page2of5 CONSENT AGENDA 2. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the December 19, 2022, meeting. 3. Consideration and possible action accepting the Water and Wastewater Master Study Update from KSA Engineering. Councilmember Chick requested that Item 3 be removed from the consent agenda. Motion to approve Item 2 of the consent agenda made by Councilmember Chick, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Barrett and Councilmember Bilyeu. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Councilmember Chick to move Item 3 of the Consent Agenda to the regular agenda, Seconded by Councilmember Barrett. Voting Yea: Councilmember Bilyeu and Councilmember Gann. Motion passed unanimously. Motion to approve Item 3 of the consent agenda with minor revisions as discussed made by Councilmember Bilyeu, Seconded by Councilmember Barrett. Voting Yea: Councilmember Chick and Councilmember Gann. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 4. Conduct a public hearing on the Replat of Lot 1, Block A of the Kwik Car Addition, and Lot 2, Block A of the Porter Addition, being 0.6748 acres located within the City of Sanger, generally located along Chapman Drive approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Director Hammonds provided an overview of the item. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu closed the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. ACTION ITEMS 5. Consideration and possible action on the Replat of Lot 1, Block A of the Kwik Car Addition, and Lot 2, Block A of the Porter Addition, being 0.6748 acres located within the City of Sanger, generally located along Chapman Drive approximately 234 feet west of the intersection of I-35 and Chapman Drive. Discussion ensued regarding the private road, and clarification of the property lines based on the plat. City Council Minutes 01-03-2023 Page 3 of 5 Motion to approve made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Bilyeu and Councilmember Chick. Motion passed unanimously. 6. Consideration and possible action on awarding a bid to North Rock, LLC for the Porter Park softball field renovations. Director Notting provided an overview of the item and bids received. Motion to award the bid made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Bilyeu and Councilmember Chick. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Consideration and possible action on a contract with North Rock, LLC for the Porter Park softball field renovations in an amount not to exceed $348,579.21, and authorize the City Manager to execute said contract. Director Notting provided an overview item. Motion to approve made by Councilmember Gann, Seconded by Councilmember Chick. Voting Yea: Councilmember Barrett and Councilmember Bilyeu. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Consideration and possible action on a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional services to update the Roadway Impact Fee Study, Director Hammonds provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the previous study that was completed in 2016 and that a new study should be completed every five (5) years. Motion to approve made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Bilyeu and Councilmember Chick. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration and possible action on an agreement with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) fora 5 Year Engineering System Study for an annual amount of $19,163.40, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement. Director Prater provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding an overview of the previous study, completing the study every five (5) years, and LCRA updating the maps. City Council Minutes 01-03-2023 Page 4 of 5 Motion to approve made by Councilmember Chick, Seconded by Councilmember Barrett. Voting Yea: Councilmember Bilyeu and Councilmember Gann. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Consideration and possible action on the relocation of a 6" water line by Rangeline Utility Services, LLC located at 701 N. Stemmons and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. Director Bolz provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding moving the line, receiving quotes and QuikTrip moving forward with installing a portion of the line due to the concern of delaying construction. Motion to reject made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Bilyeu and Councilmember Chick. Motion passed unanimously. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Councilmember Barrett requested to discuss the process of abandoning easements at the Council work session in February. There being no further business, Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Staton, Deputy City Secretary Gary Bilyeu, Mayor Pro j'�m City Council Minutes 01-03-2023 Page 5 of 5