04/10/2018-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board April 10, 2018 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Turner, Kelsey Stuart, Josh Shumate and Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Collett and Cale Trail OTHERS PRESENT: Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input. • No citizen’s in attendance. 4. Minutes of the Meeting of February 13, 2018 and March 10, 2018. • Minutes for both meetings approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Josh Shumate. 5. Follow Up on Mother Son Dance for Valentine’s Day Held on February 17, 2018. • Jennifer Shumate advised that there were over 80 mother’s and son in attendance and that overall the Parks Department was very please with the turn out and the event. It was also stated that the event got great reviews from those in attendance. • The question was asked what age group was most represented and Ms. Shumate gave the answer of mostly elementary (younger) children. 6. Follow Up on Trash Off Held on March 10, 2018. • Jackie Turner gave details on the volunteer side of the trash off: o Over 55 local volunteers o A great impact was made on where trash was picked up o All volunteers voted on most unique piece of trash and a prize was awarded o And all volunteer names were placed in the drawing for the $20.00 gift card o Jackie will report on the trash off to both KAB and KTB to continue to meet with our requirements • Overall for the trash off ten roll offs were filled with an additional three being brought in for the overflow • The Parks Department feels that this was another hugely successful year and is still considering bringing it back in the fall for a twice a year event. 7. Follow Up on Teen Easter Egg Hunt Held on March 30, 2018. • Estimated attendance was over 200. This continues to be a well-received event that will continue. 2,000 eggs were distributed and this will again probably increase for 2019! 8. Follow Up on Annual Easter Egg Hunt Held on March 31, 2018. • This was another successful Easter Egg hunt with attendance too many to estimate. Over 10,000 eggs were distributed and will continue for 2019! • Carrie Bilyeu did mention the possibility of getting a better back drop for the bunny pictures. Jennifer Shumate will pass this along to the Parks Director. 9. The Coffee Run to be Held on April 28, 2018. • Registration is up and running for this event and we are hoping for a good turnout. • The run this year will be ran downtown and we are VERY excited for the course this year. It is a true 5K and come in at exactly 3.1 miles. • We will be needing and are hoping for ALL board members that are available to come in and help. We will meet at the Downtown Park at 8am to be assigned stations. Because of the run being downtown we will be needing more volunteers to help with street crossings. • Jennifer Shumate will send an email closer to the event to remind everyone! 10. Keep Sanger Beautiful / Keep Texas Beautiful / Keep America Beautiful Update. • Jackie Turner updated that she is completing all reporting required and attending a webinar to make sure our hours are met. • The Board once again thanked Jackie for her continued hard work on Keep Sanger Beautiful. 11. Open Discussion of Future Projects. • None Discussed. 12. Future Agenda Items. • Summer Events Schedule 13. Meeting Adjourned.