02/12/2019-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular MINUTES: Parks and Recreation Board February 12, 2019 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jackie Turner, Kelsey Stuart and Carrie Bilyeu MEMBERS ABSENT: Josh Shumate, Cale Trail and Brett Bumpus OTHERS PRESENT: Recreation and Events Coordinator Jennifer Shumate 1. Meeting called to order. 2. Pledge. 3. Citizen’s Input. • No citizens in attendance. 4. Minutes of the Meeting of January 15, 2019. • Minutes were approved unanimously after a motion to approve by Carrie Bilyeu and a second by Kelsey Stuart. 5. Discuss Mother Son Dance to be Held in February. • Jennifer Shumate advised that the dance was being held on February 16, 2019 from 6pm to 8pm and that if board members were available to help, they would be welcome but it isn’t necessary. • All three board members in attendance stated that they would be available to help and would arrive at 5:45pm the day of the dance. 6. Discuss the Annual Trash Off to be Held on March 9, 2019. • Ms. Shumate advised the board that flyers regarding the trash off would go on social media starting Monday (after the dance), in the paper, and all utility bills. She also advised the board that the 10 roll-offs and Fulton’s will once again be at the event. • Jackie Turner has been working hard on the volunteer portion of the trash off. Ms. Turner has obtained donations from both Raising Canes and Taco Bell to be used as prizes, she met with the school district to get the volunteer letter to the schools, and has worked closely with KTB and KAB to obtain trash off supplies. • Jennifer Shumate advised the board that the letters to go out in town as well as the scavenger hunt have been printed and are ready for the event. Ms. Shumate will also get supplies for the event to include waters, trash bags, gloves, tables and other items needed. • Lastly, the board was advised that a second trash off date has been approved and is in the new sanitation contract. That second date will be the second Saturday in October. 7. Discuss the Easter Egg Hunts to be Held on April 19, 2019 and April 20, 2019. • The Easter Egg hunts will be the same as previous years. This was to get the dates before the board. 8. Keep Sanger Beautiful / Keep Texas Beautiful / Keep America Beautiful Update. • Jackie Turner stated that not much happened in the past month because she was preparing for our annual Trash Off. 9. Open Discussion of Future Projects. • Jennifer Shumate stated that the large Porter Pavilion was completed and now available to rent. It is renting for $50.00 for four hours and already has two reservations. 10. Future Agenda Items. • Potential 2019 events: Movies, Fall Carnival, Concert, Haunted Walking Tour, Historical Tour of the Wilfong the month of October (get with Tona Batis) similar to the Selby House in Denton. 11. Meeting Adjourned.